History of the Great Lakes
Vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield
Published Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co. 1899
[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ]
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Andrew Haas, Jr., was born July 27, 1869, in Saginaw, Mich., and is a son of Andrew and Pauline (Haller) Haas. The father was born in Bavaria, Germany, November 30, 1826, emigrated to America in 1852 and was married in 1857. He is a boiler maker by trade and has had considerable employment in the manufacture of marine works of that kind. Since 1862 he has been a resident of Saginaw, Mich., and is one of the highly respected citizens of that place. He is an honored member of the Arbeiter Society, which he joined in 1869.
Andrew Haas, Jr., has always made his home in the city of his birth, and there in the public schools he acquired his education. When in his nineteenth year he began his marine life by going on the J.V. Moran as watchman, and the following spring he became fireman on the tug Wilcox. For the next two years he was oiler on the John M. Nichol; was second engineer one year on the Raleigh, one year on the T.L. Vance and two years on the W.H. Gilbert. In the spring of 1896 he shipped as chief engineer on the George Farwell and the following August received the appointment of chief engineer on the Queen City, one of the largest freight boats on the Great Lakes. Mr. Haas is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 92, of Saginaw, and the United Friends of Michigan. In 1897 he was sent as delegate to represent the first-named fraternity in a convention held at Washington D.C., on January 18, 1897. He is a man whose good habits, great precision and care have won for him the highest respect of a circle of friends and the confidence of his employers. Mr. Haas is unmarried.
Captain H.J. Hagan is the son of a farmer living near St. Catharines, Ontario, and was born in 1855. He attended the schools of his native place during his early years, later going to Toronto, where he began a collegiate course. During one of his vacations Captain Hagan accompanied his brother Michael for a trip on the lakes, the latter being mate on the schooner Lucinda Van Valkenberg and after a short experience in sailing, his inclinations turned from school and he decided to cast his lot with the mariners of the Great Lakes. He shipped first on the brig Helfenstein, and subsequently served in different capacities on several boats, until 1876, when he was given command of the James R. Benson. After leaving the Benson, he acted as mate on the Hall, and then commanded several schooners, among which was the Wilcox. In 1890 he began tugging, and since that time he has commanded the tugs Carlton, Balize, and Majestic, of which he is master and a part owner at the present time.
Captain Hagan is unmarried and resides with his sister in Detroit, where he has lived since he began to sail regularly. His marine career has been a fortunate one, as he has never suffered shipwreck, collision nor any accident of a serious nature. He is one of the well-known tugmen of the Detroit river.
Aaron P. Hagedon, for the past nineteen years the efficient chief engineer of the steambarge Benton, with residence at Algonac, Mich., is a native of that city, having been born there October 29, 1848. He is a son of Captain Perry and Maria Hagedon, the former of whom is yet living, at the patriarchal age of eighty years, the latter being deceased. The father was at one time captain of the scow Antelope, owned by Williams & Mills, of Vicksburg, Mich., and he afterward owned and sailed the schooner Miller, of Algonac, and other small schooners.
Engineer Hagedon entered his life on the Great Lakes as cook on his father's vessels, in which capacity he remained several years. In 1867 he accepted a position as engineer on the tug Ontario, Capt. James Harrow, and for ten years acted in the same capacity on the William Goodnow, after which he became chief engineer on the steambarge Benton.
In 1869 Mr. Hagedon was married to Sarah Taft, of Algonac, Mich., daughter of William and Ann Taft. Ten children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hagedon, eight of whom are living, their names and dates of birth being as follows: William, 1871; Dana, 1875; Lillie, 1877; Lizzie, 1879; Maynard A., 1884; Sadie, 1885; Walter, 1886; and Edith 1890. The deceased are Angus, born 1873, died 1884; and Annie Maria, born 1893 and who died the same year.
In religion Mr. Hagedon is a member of the Christian or Disciples Church, and socially is a member of the A.O.U.W., and Marine Engineers Beneficial Association. Politically, he votes the Democratic ticket.
A.G. Haig, chief engineer on the Corsica, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, April 7, 1865, but when only two years old was taken by his parents, Thomas and Jane (Graham) Haig, to Monroe Center, the same State, where he still makes his home. The father is a native of Scotland, and on coming to America at the age of eighteen first located in Cleveland. He has spent the greater part of his life as a marine engineer, but is now living retired at Monroe Center. One of his sons, George Haig, is the present chief engineer on the Portage.
At the age of twenty, A.G. Haig began his sea-faring life by going on the Vienna as fireman, remaining thereon one season, and then served in the same capacity on the S.E. Sheldon the following season. The next year he was oiler on the Corona and later on the A.P. Wright, after which he was second engineer on the Nahant, Cambria and Matoa for some years. In 1895 he was chief engineer on the Cambria, and the following year became con-nected with the Corsica, where he has since served in the same capacity. Socially he is a member of the Masonic fraternity and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
This veteran marine engineer has been in active service on the lakes for more than half a century. He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1832, and came to the United States at the age of fourteen years, settling in Oswego, N.Y. He began work at once as fireman on the propeller J. M. Wood, running between Chicago and Oswego, and remained on that boat for two years. In 1850 Mr. Haig shipped on the propeller Vandalia, afterward sailed as oiler on the side-wheel steamer Lady of the Lake, on Lake Ontario, and then shipped as fireman on the Cleveland, remaining on her until she was burned at Port Maitland on Lake Ontario. In 1851 he again sailed on the Lady of the Lake as second engineer, also serving in this capacity for three years on the new line of boats, the Oswego, Kentucky, Cincinatti, Dayton and St. Nicholas. In 1855 he came to Buffalo, and engaged in the service of the American Transportation line, sailing as second engineer of the propeller Queen of the Lakes. In 1857 he shipped on the Esquimaux, of the Central line, as second engineer, sailing between Buffalo and Sandusky, and in 1858 sailed on the propeller Hunter, plying betweeen Chicago and Collingwood, Ont. In 1859 he accepted the position of second engineer on the propeller Susquehanna, of the Peoples line, and in 1862 became engineer on the propeller S. D. Caldwell, remaining in that berth until 1865. He then sailed as engineer on the new propeller Nebraska and the next season shipped in the same capacity on the Colorado. The following two years he remained ashore, but on the completion of the new propellers Scotia and Cuba he became engineer on those boats continuing thus until 1880, when he took out the John B. Lyon, on which he sailed for four years. After the close of this service he remained ashore for five years and then for five years served as engineer of the A. P. Wright, which he took out in 1886. In 1891 he went on the propeller Tacoma, of the Lehigh Valley line, the same year transferring to the C. H. Bradley, of the same line, on which he has since been engaged.
Mr. Haig was married in 1856 to Miss Jeanette Atchison, of Ogdensburg, and has four children living, two of whom are marine engineers on the lakes. The family reside at No. 229 Plymouth avenue, Buffalo.
George Haig, the subject of this sketch, was born September 23, 1860, in Cleveland, Ohio, where he was educated and lived until ten years of age. From this city the family moved to Monroe township, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, and there the parents reside.
In 1881 Mr. Haigh began his marine life, having spent all time previous at home. Five years later, in 1886, he came to Buffalo. His first occupation on board ship was as oiler on the New York, and he remained in that capacity for three years, then serving for the same length of time as her second engineer. He next went into the Tioga as second engineer, there remaining four years, transferring thence to the Portage, upon which he remained eight years, including the season of 1898. Mr. Haig has never been shipwrecked, but was on the Tioga at the time of the fatal explosion of naptha at Chicago. He was in his room at the time, was thrown into the river, and was picked up by the bridge tender; for several days he was unconscious from the shock. He sustained serious injuries from which he has never fully recovered, being injured from the shock, also suffering from paralysis of the left limb and side, not regaining its use for three months.
Mr. Haig was married December 31, 1886, to Miss Georgia Wills, and they have one child, Ethel M., now (1898) eight years of age, who is attending school.
Thomas Haig, father of our subject, was born in Scotland, whence he came to America in his youth. He spent thirty-eight years in active service on the lakes, and now lives in Monroe, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Andrew G. Haig, a brother, is chief engineer of the Corsica. Adam Haig, an uncle, has been chief engineer on the lakes for forty years.
Grosvenor Haig is the son of Adam Haig, one of the oldest and best-known engineers in the lake science, and was born in Buffalo, N.Y., December 21, 1864. During his boyhood he attended the public schools of his native city, and he began his life on the lakes in 1886, as oiler in the propeller A.P. Wright, in which vessel he sailed as such for four years. He then shipped on the propeller John B. Lyon, and served on her for one season, when he obtained his papers as second engineer, continuing in that capacity on the same boat for the season of 1891. In 1893 he shipped as second engineer of the propeller Robert A. Packer, from which time up to the present he has served as engineer of the propeller Charles W. Bradley. Mr. Haig is unmarried, and resides with his father at No. 229 Plymouth avenue, Buffalo.
Captain Frederick E. Hale, who was in charge of an excursion boat in the Cleveland Euclid Beach Park line during 1896, was born in Fairport, Ohio, in 1855, his father being Isaac Hale, a ship-carpenter. He attended school until he was seventeen years of age, and then commenced sailing in the schooner Saginaw. Then he was wheelsman of the tug Anna Dobbins for two years, and of the tug Constitution for one year, second mate of the steamer E.B. Hale several years, mate of the Egyptian three years, mate of the Superior two years, mate of the Whitmore one year, of the Tacoma one year, and of the Packer one year. Then he was mate of the Kershaw several years, becoming master of the Italia and sailing her for two years afterward. Next he sailed the Schuylkill and Japan, of the Anchor line, one year each, the excursion steamer Idle Hour, at Buffalo, one year, and the excursion boat Riverside one year. He spent many seasons sailing tugs, among them being the Selah Chamberlin, Mary Virginia, Charles Henry, J.R. Sprankle, Marguerite, Chauncey A. Morgan and Lorenzo Dimmick. During 1896 he sailed the excursion steamer Duluth out of Cleveland.
In 1892 Captain Hale was married to Miss Mary Paisley, of Cleveland.
George F. Hale, assistant at the Buffalo railway power house, was born at Perry, on Silver Lake, N. Y., January 1, 1861. Coming to Buffalo in early boyhood, he received his education at Public School No. 1, and learned his trade with Pratt & Letchworth. After two years in their employ he began sailing as fireman on the steamer Blanchard, and remained as such for two consecutive seasons. The seasons of 1881-82-83 he was oiler on the Montana, and during 1884 was oiler on the Milwaukee. In 1885 he was appointed second engineer of the latter, and continued in that capacity for five consecutive seasons. In 1890-91 he was second on the Harlem. In 1892 he was chief engineer on the steamer Empire State, being appointed when about thirty years of age, on which he remained steadily for three seasons, finishing his lake career, for the time at least, as chief engineer of the Tacoma for the season of 1895. Aside from the above Mr. Hale was chief of the Queen of the West. Mr. Hale was made assistant engineer of the Buffalo railway power house on February 16, 1896, and is still retained there. He has been a member of the Marine Engineers Association twelve years.
On December 25, 1888, Mr. Hale married Laura Hortense Everett, at Buffalo. Mrs. Hale is a daughter of Patrick Everett, who was formerly a pilot on the Niagara river.
George F. Hale, assistant at the Buffalo railway power house, was born at Perry, on Silver Lake, N. Y., January 1, 1861. Coming to Buffalo in early boyhood, he received his education at Public School No. 1, and learned his trade with Pratt & Letchworth. After two years in their employ he began sailing as fireman on the steamer Blanchard, and remained as such for two consecutive seasons. The seasons of 1881-82-83 he was oiler on the Montana, and during 1884 was oiler on the Milwaukee. In 1885 he was appointed second engineer of the latter, and continued in that capacity for five consecutive seasons. In 1890-91 he was second on the Harlem. In 1892 he was chief engineer on the steamer Empire State, being appointed when about thirty years of age, on which he remained steadily for three seasons, finishing his lake career, for the time at least, as chief engineer of the Tacoma for the season of 1895. Aside from the above Mr. Hale was chief of the Queen of the West. Mr. Hale was made assistant engineer of the Buffalo railway power house on February 16, 1896, and is still retained there. He has been a member of the Marine Engineers Association twelve years.
On December 25, 1888, Mr. Hale married Laura Hortense Everett, at Buffalo. Mrs. Hale is a daughter of Patrick Everett, who was formerly a pilot on the Niagara river.
In the work of this nature no space is more appropriately filled than that devoted to the capable and consistent marine and commercial editor. Such a one is the subject of this sketch, S.C. Hale, who for a long time held those responsible positions on the Cleveland Leader, a newspaper of national reputation.
Mr. Hale was born in Bath, Ohio, March 9, 1838, a son of Jonathan and Sarah (Cozad) Hale, the former of Glastonbury Conn., and a descendent of Col. Nathan Hale, a patriot of the Revolutionary war, who lost his life in the service of his country. The mother was a daughter of the Cozad family, who also came out of New England, and were pioneers of Cleveland, when but three or four houses constituted the embryo "Forest City." Mr. Hale's father was born in 1777, and his mother in 1800; they were united in marriage at Cleveland in 1832.
The district school in Bath, presided over by teachers of more than ordinary ability, was the scene of Mr. Hale's early education, after which he attended the Richfield academy. He acquired his college education at Michigan University, leaving that institution in the year 1862. He then returned to Cleveland and found employment in the dry-goods house of E.I. Baldwin & Co., remaining in their employ two years.
In 1864 he was appointed and assigned by the American Missionary Association to labor among the freed people of South Carolina, his particular field being Beaufort and Hilton Head. He continued two and a half years in this field when he was transferred by this Missionary Society to Lexington, Ky., and labored there until Gen. O. O. Howard, who at the close of the War of the Rebellion was at the head of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, appointed by Mr. Hale, as assistant superintendent of colored schools in Kentucky, his territory being the fifty eastern counties in that State. This difficult position he successfully filled until discharged early in the year 1869.
On his return to Cleveland in 1869 he became partner with a young man in a country store at Shiloh, Ohio, passing a year and a half in that business. In 1871 he returned to Cleveland, and entered the employ of Raymond, Lowe & Co., wholesale dry-goods merchants at the corner of Water and Frankfort streets, the firm moving later to the corner of Bank and St. Clair streets. He was with this firm seven years. >From the fall of 1878 to the spring of 1882 he was also salesman in the employ first of Keeler & Smith, and later of E. A. Palmer & Brother in the grocers' sundries trade.
In 1882 Mr. Hale commenced his marine and commercial editorial work on the Cleveland Leader, filling both departments with credit to himself and the paper until 1889, when he resigned his marine work, and continues as editor of financial and commercial to this date. In connection with his newspaper work he opened a book store in a small way in 1865, which has developed into a lucrative business, and with ample stock he is now located at No. 202-203 Cuyahoga Building. In 1886 he purchased the Cleveland Price Current to which he devotes some of his time. The field of this paper is among the produce commission merchants and others interested in commercial affairs.
Mr. Hale has been an active and conscientious member of the Congregational Church since 1857, at at the time of this writing is superintendent of the Sunday School of the Park Congregational Church, he having filled that office during the past four years.
In September 1867, Mr. Hale wedded Miss Vira Gould, of Biddeford, Maine. Her brother, Jesse Gould, was a member of the State Legislature of Maine, and interested in the advancement of the colored people of the South, and Miss Gould by Act of the Legislature of the State entered the field as a teacher; she was stationed at Beaufort, Hilton Head, and Charleston, S. C., where she first met Mr. Hale. Their children are Hattie Lillian, a graduate of the Cleveland high and Normal training schools, and a teacher in the Cleveland schools for six years; and Jesse Gould, also a graduate of the Cleveland high schools. He is associated with his father in the book store, the firm name being S. C. Hale & Son. By good business methods Mr. Hale has acquired considerable property. The family homestead is at No. 760 Doan street, Cleveland, Ohio.

Karl A. Hallberg, a popular and well-qualified marine engineer, owes his present responsible position as chief of the passenger steamer Nyack to his own merit and close attention to his machinery. He was born in Forshaga, Sweden, On June 30, 1865, and is the son of Anders and Katrina (Fourslund) Hallberg, both natives of Sweden. His father was superintendent for a lumber concern in Karlstead for many years, but in 1873 removed to Bjorneborg, Finland, where he had been called to take charge of the lumber concern of a firm in that city, and it was in Bjorneborg that Karl acquired his fundamental education, attending school until he reached the age of sixteen years.
Soon after leaving school Mr. Hallberg determined to try his fortune in the New World and came to the United States, going direct to northern Illinois, where he found employment on a farm and where he learned the English language, which he soon learned to speak with the purity of a native American. He then went to Muskegon, and entered the employ of the railroad company to learn the boilermaker's trade, remaining three years. It was in the spring of 1887 that Mr. Hallberg first shipped on a steamboat, going as fireman on the steamer Third Michigan, joining the steamer Mark B. Covell the next season, and remaining until September, 1889, on the same, when he shipped on the tug William L. Ewing, of the Dunham Towing and Wrecking Company. In 1890 he received his license, and on July 18 was appointed second engineer of the steamer Sachem. The next spring he became second engineer of the steamer Parks Foster, and, after retaining that berth two seasons, transferred to the steamer Cadillac as second.
In the spring of 1894 Mr. Hallberg was appointed second engineer of the passenger steamer Nyack, of the Crosby Transportation Company, plying summer and winter between Muskegon, Grand Haven and Milwaukee. He filled this office to the satisfaction of the company until January 3, 1898, when he was made chief engineer of the Nyack, his merit thus finding appreciation. He has eight issues of marine engineer's license. Socially he is a Master Mason, Knight of Maccabees, and a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association.
On December 17, 1892, Karl A. Hallberg was wedded in Chicago to Miss Ida Person, of Muskegon, a native of Sweden. One son, Karl Ernest, has been born to this union. The family homestead is in Muskegon, Michigan.
James Hally, who has spent his entire life in the city of Detroit, was born July 6, 1870, a member of a family of six children, four of whom are living. His parents, John and Bridget (Shaughnessy) Hally, were both natives of Ireland, but spent the greater part of their lives in America; the mother died March 25, 1885. The father has been a resident of Michigan from the age of eight years, living upon a farm until he was sixteen, after which he learned the machine molding trade and worked at same for several years. For three years he was a member of the police force of Detroit and he is at present employed in the Detroit Copper & Brass Rolling Mills.
After leaving school, at the age of fourteen, James I. Hally entered the Michigan car shops for the purpose of learning the sheet iron trade, but having a desire to become a sailor he left this place and entered the employ of the Dry Dock Engine Works. A year later he went on the Volunteer, where he served as greaser for three seasons, and the accepted a like position on the City of Alpena, remaining on that vessel for one season. The following two years he was second engineer on the tug Sumner, and for a short time in the fall was on the Rhoda Stewart in the same capacity. During the seasons of 1896 and 1897 he held the berth of second engineer on the Andaste. Through diligence and precision Mr. Hally has worked his way upward to a position of responsibility and justly deserved the greatest confidence of his employers and friendship of a large circle of acquaintances. Fraternally he is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 3, of Detroit.
A.B. Hamilton was born July 14, 1829 in Uxbridge, Canada, and where he received a common-school education. In 1847 he removed to Buffalo and resided there until about 1879. Soon after settling in that city he was employed on the tow-boat Commerce, running on the Niagra river, where he remained three years, beginning as a fireman and finally becoming chief engineer. He then went to the shops of Barton & Truman, afterward known as the Vulcan Machine Company, and there remained five years when he accepted a position as second engineer on the propeller Bay State, remaining on her for a short time, after which he was employed as second engineer on the propeller H. A. Kent, being on her when she burned off Grand River Bluff on Lake Erie, the crew all escaping in small boats. Then went as oiler on the side-wheel propeller Baltic, after which he was second engineer on the following boats: Forest Queen; Fountain City, for three seasons on the Evergreen City, running from Chicago to Collingwood; and for a short time on the propeller Buffalo, running from Chicago to Buffalo. He was then made chief engineer of the Baltic, where he remained two years, then of the Evergreen City for one year; of the propeller Chicago one year; the propeller Mandota one year; the propeller Wenona one year; and then back as chief on the propeller Chicago for part of a year. In 1866 Mr. Hamilton left the lakes and took the position of foreman in the Clark & Allen boiler shop, in Dunkirk, N.Y., where he remained eighteen months, and then went to Buffalo, where he accepted a similar position in the Sheppard Iron Works, afterward called the King Iron Works. He went from there to the oil regions, and was engaged in the oil business for some time, and then came to Cleveland to enter the new department of the Globe Iron Works, taking a fourth-interest in the boiler shop, of which he was made superintendent, a position he still fills.
On October 1, 1851, Mr. Hamilton was married to Miss Jane Pendill. They have had three children, one of whom is still living, a daughter, Florence, who married George Kridler, and resided in Cleveland. Mr. Hamilton is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is well known to the lake-faring and marine class generally.
Captain Walter D. Hamilton, a descendant of old New England and New York families, is a noted master of lake steamers. He is endowed with fine qualities, both mental and physical, and, as he becomes a friend and comrade, one learns to appreciate his coolness in time of danger, and his resource to overcome; his power of endurance and quick comprehension being proverbial. He is a grandson of Joshua Hamilton, of New York State, an early settler of the Mohawk Valley. His maternal grandfather was Solomon Jones, of Blackstone, Massachusetts.
He was born in Ogdensburg, N. Y., February 8, 1862, a son of David and Minerva (Jones) Hamilton. All the members of his father's family adopted commercial pursuits. He is a public-school graduate, and acquired a nautical education in the Wilson school of Chicago.
It was in the spring of 1878 that Captain Hamilton commenced to follow the lakes as wheelsman in the steamer Champlain, of the old Northern Transportation line, which position he retained three seasons, going thence onto the steamer Lawrence as wheelsman, being promoted at the end of the first year to the office of second mate. In 1883 he joined the passenger steamer City of Duluth, of the Lake Michigan & Lake Superior Transportation Co. as wheelsman and lookout alternately. The next spring he transferred to the steamer Jay Gould, of the same line, with a billet as second mate. In the spring of 1885 he joined the steamer Clyde as second mate, plying between Chicago and Buffalo. This was followed by a season as mate on the steamer Ida M. Torrent, and he held a like berth on the steamer Oneida during the season of 1887. In the spring of 1888 he was appointed mate of the steamer H. L. Worthington, and, with the exception of a season on the steamer Rhoda Emily, he passed seven years as mate of the H. L. Worthington. It was in the spring of 1896 that Captain Hamilton entered the employ of the Hines Lumber Company (the largest concern in the world engaged in that business), as master of the steamer S. K. Martin, which he sailed two seasons. The winter of 1898 he went to Marine City, Mich., and purchased the steamer Santa Maria, in the interest of the company, and sailed her as master in the lumber trade between Chicago, Duluth and intermediate ports. During the season of 1897 the Hines Lumber Company made sales of over 158,000,000 feet of lumber.
Socially, Captain Hamilton is a Royal Arch Mason, of Corinthian Chapter, and a Master Mason of Kilwanning Blue Lodge. He is also a member of the Knights of the Maccabees, and of the American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels.
On December 25, 1889, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Thompson, of Ogdensburg, N. Y., and three daughters have been born to them: Ida May, Florence Dakin and Marion Estelle. The family residence is a No. 1295 Millard avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
W.J. Hancock, of Saugatuck, Mich., purser of the City of Milwaukee, hailed from Jefferson county, N. Y., from which locality came more sailors than from almost any other section of the country, and those men coming from there were called "Ciscoe Chasers."
Young Hancock is a great-great-grandson of John Hancock, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and a third cousin of the late Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock. The Hancocks were of English origin and early settlers of Connecticut. Our subject's parents were W. J. and Harriet (Paget) Hancock. The father was born in 1812, and the mother born in 1832, at Rural Hill, N. Y. His father in early manhood was a school teacher and later a commercial traveler. His death occurred in 1885, at Mansville, N. Y. Mr. Hancock remained with his mother until he was twenty-one years of age, when he came to Saugatuck, Mich., to live with an uncle, W.B. Griffin, who was engaged in carrying on a sawmill there in connection with other lines of business. His uncle employed him as fireman at the mill, giving him one dollar per day for his services, and in this position he remained several months, when he was promoted to fireman of the new Saugatuck, a boat owned by Mr. Griffin, serving several months, when he was again promoted, this time being made clerk of the Saugatuck. The boat was then in the trade between Saugatuck and Chicago, its cargo being principally fruit. He remained on her that season and was engaged for the next, but in the meantime the boat was sold to Sans & Maxwell, of Pentwater, Mich., who retained the services of both the clerk and the engineer. Mr. Hancock occupied the position of clerk until the boat was laid up in the fall, when he was offered a position with the late W. B. O'Sands, of Pentwater, in his store, which he accepted. The following spring he was offered a clerkship on the steamer Kalamazoo, owned by Sans & Maxwell, his former employers, which position he filled, thus beginning his third year on the water. The Kalamazoo ran from the Michigan coast to the Graham & Morton docks in Chicago, Mr. Hancock acting as clerk, steward and general man. During the season, Mr. Morton, of the Graham & Morton Transportation Co., who happened in Chicago, came on board the boat and after a conversation with him, an application was filed for a clerkship on one of that company's line of steamers. Nothing more was heard of this until the following spring, although engaged for another season on the Kalamazoo, he was released by his employers, as a better position was tendered him. On May 1, 1889, he accepted the position for which he had applied, with Graham & Morton Transportation Co., and went on board their steamer Puritan, which plied between Benton Harbor, St. Joseph and Chicago. He remained on this boat until she was sold, two years later, at which time he was given the position of purser on the lost steamer Chicora. He was on the steamer City of Chicago until December 1, when the winter trips to Milwaukee were begun. He missed several trips on the Chicora, at that time visiting the World's Fair, and until her fatal trip being at home with his wife. He received a telegram from the president of the Graham & Morton Transportation Co., just too late to enable him to catch the train which would reach Milwaukee in time for him to board the Chicora on her fatal trip which sealed the doom of all his shipmates. After the loss of the Chicora, the Graham & Morton Co. gave him his old position on one of their steamers, and he has since been the purser of their newly fitted up and elegant steamer City of Milwaukee.
On December 30, 1891, Mr. Hancock was married to Miss Caddie Barber, of Saugatuck, a daughter of D. L. Barber, an old resident and prominent merchant of that place, which is the site of the scene laid down in E. P. Roe's "Opening of a Chestnut Burr." Mr. Hancock is one of the brightest young men on the lakes to-day, and we predict for him a bright future.
Austin S. Hand, the present manager of the Conneaut Tug line, was born in Sandusky, Ohio, November 6, 1855, the son of James M. and P. M. Hand. Mr. Hand began his seafaring life as fireman on Buffalo harbor tugs in 1874, and was also for six years consecutively employed as engineer on same. In 1877 he served as second engineer on the Alleghany; 1881-88 he was captain of the tug George R. Hand; 1888-93 to date captain of the tug E. Day and manager of the Conneaut Tug line. He has always followed the lakes for a livelihood, never engaging in business on shore. On March 22, 1882, Mr. Hand married Ella Campbell, who died in 1892, leaving one child, Nellie. On February 6, 1896, at Collinwood, Ohio, he married Rose Wilcox, of Geneva, Ohio. They reside at Conneaut, Ohio.
Elmer E. Hand, for the season of 1896 engineer of the Erastus Day, was born at Sandusky, Ohio, January 25, 1861, a son of James M. and P. M. Hand, the former of whom was born in New York State in 1822, and the latter in Ohio in 1831. James M. Hand was a seafaring man all his life, and while he was master of the schooner C. C. Griswold she was lost on Lake Superior, November 27, 1872, with all hands.
The subject of this sketch began his seafaring life about the year 1880 as a tug engineer, and has continued in that capacity until the present time. For the season of 1896 he was engineer of the tug Erastus Day, and his experience in marine service has been that of the usual tug engineer. Mr. Hand married Marie A. Connor, of Buffalo, and they reside at Conneaut, Ohio.
Howard Melville Hanna, president of the Globe Iron Works Company, was born in New Lisbon, Ohio, January 23, 1840. His ancestry is traced back to Patrick Hannay, as the name was then spelled, who in the twelfth century owned and lived in Castle Sorbie, in the southern part of Scotland. A daughter of Patrick Hannay married the son of Lord Gallaway, and the castle here named is still owned by her descendants. At the time of the practical depopulation of the North of Ireland by the King of England in the sixteenth century, the places made vacant were filled by the Scotchmen, who intermarried with the Irish and thus came the famous race known as the Scotch-Irish. Among those who thus went from Scotland to Ireland were members of the Hannay family, who about this time dropped the final "y" of the name, and since then it has been spelled Hanna. The first member of the family to emigrate to Ireland was William Hannay, who was made lord lieutenant of that country.
Thomas Hanna, great-grandfather of Dr. Leonard Hanna, came to America from the North of Ireland, in 1764. This grand-father died about one year after reaching this country, and his children, among them Robert Hanna, the grandfather of Dr. Leonard Hanna, were bound out as apprentices during the rest of their minority. Thomas Hanna, the founder of the American branch of this family, was in religion a Presbyterian, but as his son Robert became an apprentice in the family of a Quaker, being at that time about twelve years of age, he naturally adopted the religious views of his protector. From that time down to the present, the members of the Hanna family, descendants of Robert, have been Quakers in religious belief, and for the most part members of the Church or Society of Friends.
Robert Hanna married Miss Catherine Jones, of Welsh ancestry, both of whom were then living in the southern part of Pennsylvania. Almost immediately after their marriage they removed to Lynchburg, Va., where they were living during the Revolutionary war. Being excused from participation in the great struggle on account of religious and conscientious scruples, Robert Hanna remained at home throughout, undisturbed, and aided the cause only by nursing four wounded soldiers who were injured in the battles taking place near his home. Robert Hanna and his wife Catherine had six children, three sons and three daughters, as follows: Thomas; Benjamin; Robert; Esther, who married Charles Hole; Ann, who married Benjamin Hambleton; and Catherine, who married John Hole, a brother of Charles.
Benjamin, second son of Robert, was born June 14, 1779, at Lynchburg, Virginia, and remained there until 1802, when he removed to Columbiana county, Ohio, where he opened up two farms in the wilderness about ten miles from New Lisbon. Afterward he went into merchandising at New Lisbon, and was for 20 years president of the Sandy and Beaver Canal Company, this canal running from the Ohio canal at Bolivar to the Ohio river in the edge of Pennsylvania. Benjamin Hannah married Rachel Dixon, and they had thirteen children, as follows: Joshua, born November 7, 1804; Leonard, born March 4, 1806; Levi, born February 7, 1808; Zalinda, born February 22, 1810; Robert, born August 25, 1812; Triphenia and Triphosa, born June 12, 1814; Rebecca, born August 25, 1816; Thomas, born May 24, 1818; Hannah born March 3, 1821; Benjamin, born March 14, 1823; Kersey, born October 6, 1824; and Elizabeth, born June 12, 1827. Of these children only two are now living, viz.; Levi and Kersey. Levi is living at Greeley, Colo.; he married Nancy Watson, and had ten children, but only two of them are now living; George and Franklin. Kersey Hanna is assistant treasurer of the Cleveland City Railway Company; he married Mary A. McCook, daughter of Dr. George McCook, of Pittsburg, Penn., and their children have been as follows: Flora A., born March 23, 1850; Alice, deceased; James B., born August 26, 1854, married to Miss M.A. Beggs; Edwin, born November 18, 1857, married Miss Emma Slater, and has one son, E. Dison; Mary L., born June 12, 1860, and Margaret, born May 21, 1865.
Dr. Leonard Hanna was the only one of the family that became a physician, and he practiced medicine only when a young man, owing to the long rides he was compelled to take and the unsatisfactory state of his health. About the time of his removal to Cleveland the Sandy and Beaver canal failed because of the introduction of railroads, and this was really the cause of his removal to Cleveland. He came here in the spring of 1851 and brought his family the following fall. He had been a merchant some years before his removal, and he continued in this line the remainder of his life, dying in 1862. Dr. Hanna married Miss Samantha M. Converse, daughter of Porter Converse, of Unionville, Ashtabula county, Ohio. By this marriage he had the following children: H. Gertrude, born in 1836, and married to Henry Hubbell; Marcus Alonzo, now United Sentato from Ohio; H. Melville; Salome, whose first husband was George Chapin, and second was J. Wyman Jones; Seville, born in 1846, and married to Col. James Pickands, who died July 23, 1896; Leonard C., born in 1850, and Lilian C., born in 1852. Leonard C. Hanna married (first) Miss Fanny W. Mann, of Buffalo, and for his second wife, married Miss Coralie W. Walker.
Howard Melville Hanna, as stated above, was born January 23, 1840. After removing with his father's family to Cleveland in the fall of 1851, he attended the public schools of that city, and in 1858 went to Cornwall Collegiate Institute at Cornwall, N.Y. In 1859 he entered the junior class at Union College, Schenectady, N.Y. After remaining there a year he left on account of dangerous illness of his father, and went into his father's office and carried on the business. In the spring of 1862 he received an appointment in the United States navy as paymaster and joined Farragut's squadron, and served with Farragut until July, 1863. At this time he was ordered to New York to settle his accounts, and the succeeding fall was ordered to the United States Steamer Agawam, then at Portsmouth, N.H., a new vessel built at Portland, Maine. As soon as this vessel was placed in com-mission she went to the James river in Virginia as part of the North Atlantic squadron, being made the flag ship of Admiral Lee, and went up the James river with the fleet to within ten miles of Richmond. Mr. Hanna served in the North Atlantic squadron until the close of the war.
Returning home, the firm of Hanna Garretson & Co. having been dissolved, on account of the death of Dr. Leonard Hanna, Mr. Hanna went into partnership with his uncle, Robert Hanna, in the wholesale grocery business. He also became a member of the firm of Hanna, Doherty & Co., which firm was established by his brother, Marcus Hanna, for the purpose of refining petroleum, the firm of Robert Hanna & Co. being dissolved, and H.M. Hanna, buying his brother Marcus A.'s interest in the firm of Hanna, Doherty & Co. Mr. Doherty dying some time afterward, Geo. W. Chapin was admitted to partnership, and the name of the firm became Hanna, Chapin & Co., which firm lasted until 1876, when the plant and business were sold to the Standard Oil Company.
During the period from 1856 to the present time (1898), Mr. Hanna has been interested in the building of vessels, steam and sailing, which have been engaged in lake transportation. In 1873 he built the three-masted schooner Leonard Hanna, and soon afterward he joined his brother, Marcus A., in the building of vessels, for the Mutual Transportation Company. In 1886 he organized the Globe Iron Works Company, for the purpose of building modern steel vessels and modern machinery, and became the president of the company, which position he still holds.
In December, 1863, Mr. Hanna married Miss Kate Smith, of Hartford, Conn., daughter of Erastus Smith, a lawyer and noted scholar and bibliomaniac. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna have the following children: Mary Gertrude, now Mrs. Colburn Haskell; Kate B., now Mrs. Robert Livingston, Ireland; and Howard Melville, Jr., who is attending school.
Captain Andrew Hansen is one of the hardy Norsemen who have made a success upon the Great Lakes. He comes from a family of seafaring men, and has, after an experience upon the waters of the Old World, sailed for more than twenty years the chain of lakes, and during that time he has steadily risen from a subordinate position to the command of a vessel and the ownership of vessel property.
Captain Hansen was born in Sweden in 1858, the son of Hans Jacob and Sophia (Berinson) Hansen, also born in Sweden. The father was a sailor and eventually became a shipmaster, sailing from Gottenburg, Sweden, to various European ports, including those on the Baltic sea, and the ports of England and of France. He and his wife lived throughout life and died in their native land. He was educated in his native country and went before the mast in 1872, at the age of fourteen years, sailing from Gottenburg, on the Baltic Sea. In the spring of 1878 he came to America, and going to Buffalo at once sought employment on the Great Lakes. He shipped from Buffalo on the schooner John M. Hutchinson and came to Chicago that year, and from this port has been sailing ever since. during this same year he went before the mast on the schooner Naiad, a vessel still in commission, and remained on that schooner in various capacities until 1887, when he became her master.
In 1888 he became master of the canal schooner Live Oak, and was then master of the schooner Barbarian, sailing her until 1890. During the season of 1891 he sailed the John Miner, still in commission, and in the spring of 1892 he purchased a fourth-interest in the schooner Barbarian, she being chiefly engaged in the lumber and tie trade, and again became her master, and has remained with her ever since. In 1895 he bought another quarter-interest, giving him a half-interest in the vessel, Frank Davidson, of 242 Water street, Chicago, owning the other half. Captain Hansen during the winter months is employed at the Bates shipyard.
In 1887, at Chicago, the Captain was married to Bessie Halseth, a native of Norway. To them three children have been born, two of whom, Astrid, a daughter, and Hobart, are living.
He is one of the well-known vesselmen of the lakes and among the many characteristics which have contributed to his success, are the sterling traits of the Scandinavian people, who are noted for their honesty, industry and frugality.
Neal Hanson, the present engineer of the Model Laundry, at No. 68 and 70 Elm street, Buffalo, N.Y., was born in Denmark, June 2, 1853, a son of Hans Jensen, a farmer living at Varde. Mr. Hanson received his education in his native country, and also learned the machinist's trade there. He came to America in 1871, and divided the first three years of his life here in the employ of the Atlas line, from New York to Galveston, and the ocean lines from New York to Hamburg, working as fireman.
In 1874 Mr. Hanson began his experience on the lakes, acting as fireman and oiler alternately on the steamer Colorado for five successive seasons. In 1879 he shipped in the same capacity on the Roanoke, where he remained for a season and a half, spending the balance of the season of 1880 in the hospital. For about ten months of the year 1881 he was chief engineer at the Chicago Starch Works, in that city, and the following year was engineer of the Chicago Steel Works, located on Jefferson street, also in that city. The three succeeding years he was in the government employ as engineer on steam lighters in New York harbor, and in 1886 he returned to the lakes, shipping as assistant engineer on the Conemaugh, of the Anchor line. On her he remained three seasons, after which, in 1889, he became assistant engineer of the steamer Siberia, owned by the Davidsons, of Bay City, and during the same year was also assistant on the Waldo Avery and chief on the steamer Arizona. He shipped for the season of 1890 as chief engineer of the steamer Progress, of Milwaukee, and remained with her until she was sunk in Detroit river, opposite Wyandotte, in collision with the Britton, an iron ore carrier hailing from Cleveland. The accident took place on the second day of June, about one o'clock A.M., and when the steamer went down Mr. Hanson took refuge in the rigging, whence he was rescued by a passing vessel. He finished that season as chief of the steamer William Edwards, owned by Valentine Fries, of Milan, Ohio, and as assistant engineer of the E.B. Wilbur, of the Lehigh Valley line. The following season he was assistant on the Tacoma, of the same line, until she was laid up in July, and in May of the next year he became assistant engineer for the Buffalo Courier Company, in whose employ he continued for two years. On August 2, 1894, Mr. Hanson became engineer for the White Star Laundry, and continued until November 20, 1897, when he engaged with the Model Laundry as engineer. He has been a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association for over ten years.
Mr. Hanson was married at Buffalo March 9, 1889, to Annie Haffy, of Paisley, Scotland, and they have two children: Lillie and Pearl, aged nine and five years, respectively.
Captain Harry G. Harbottle, a young and ambitious officer who has seen service on both lake and ocean, comes of a line of navigators, his father, Capt. Thomas Harbottle, having spent a number of years as a seaman, first sailing out of the port of Bristol, England.
Thomas Harbottle was a native of England, born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and came to the United States when still a youth, first locating at Buffalo, N. Y. He soon obtained command of a lake vessel, and during the season of 1841 sailed the John Jacob Astor. Ten years later he went to Toronto and as master of the schooner American engaged in carrying supplies from Montreal to Hamilton, Ont., during the construction of the Great Western railroad. In the spring of 1853 he was appointed master of the Rochester, and while invested with this command he and his crew gallantly rescued the passengers and crew of the burning steamer Queen of the West on July 9, 1853. For this act of heroism Captain Harbottle was presented with a handsome gold watch, which his son Harry has inherited. From 1854 to 1869 he sailed the steamer Passport, plying between Montreal and Hamilton. He then went into the coal business, purchasing the schooner Rapid, and a tug, which he used to transport coal to steamers for fuel. In 1876 he resumed his lakefaring life as master of the Canadian steamer Chicora, in which he sailed until 1882, and in which he owned an interest. Upon the passage of the Masters and Mates Act he was invested by the Canadian Government with the inspectorship of hulls for the Toronto district, holding that position to the time of his death, which occurred in 1897, when he was seventy-three years old. Capt. Thomas Harbottle was the father of sixteen children, and six of his sons acted as pallbearers at his funeral. His widow, Euphenia (Clark) Harbottle, still survives, occupying the old homestead in Toronto, Ont. The sons in the family besides Harry G. were Capt. Thomas E., whose last boat was the Havana, on board which he died suddenly of heart failure at Houghton, Mich.; James, who was master of the Canadian steamer Chicora, and died April 4, 1897; Neville, who is master of a passenger steamer on Rainy Lake, Ont., near Rat Portage; George, who sailed some years, becoming mate of the steamer Chicora, but later studied medicine and is now engaged in conducting a drugstore at Toronto, Ont.; Colin, who is a railroad passenger agent at Niagara Falls, Canada, and a well-known champion bicycle rider; and Frank, who is studying law in Toronto.
Capt. Harry G. Harbottle was born October 8, 1872, in Hamilton, Ont., and received his primary training in the public schools of that city, later removing with his parents to Toronto, where he attended the Upper Canada College, receiving a liberal education. In the spring of 1885 he shipped as boy in the schooner Marquis, closing the season in the schooner Storm. The next season he was lookout on the Canadian-Pacific passenger steamer Alberta until she was laid up, after which he went before the mast in the schooner Fellowcraft. In 1887 he again joined the Alberta, as wheelsman, following with a season in the steamer Sovereign. During the passenger season of the Alberta in 1889 he sailed in her as wheelsman, transferring to the steamer Africa in the same capacity. The next season he was at the wheel in the steamer Cambria until August, when he changed to the steamer Siberia. His next berth was wheelsman in the steamer Gogebic, on which he remained until August, 1892, when he joined the J. C. Gilchrist, receiving pilot's papers in the meantime. That winter he went to Boston and shipped in the steamer Ethelwood, bound for Port Antonio, Jamaica, and later joined the Columbian, of the Leland line, for Liverpool. In the spring of 1893 he came out as mate in the steamer Gogebic, closing that season on the lakes in the Grace Dormer and the Canadian boat Hiawatha as master. In the winter he went to Boston and shipped in the steamer Ethelwood, making two voyages to Port Antonio, Jamaica. In the spring of 1894 he again sailed as mate in the steamer Gogebic, under command of Capt. William Weil, and opened the following season in the steamer Arthur Orr, with Capt. C. Z. Montague, as second mate, serving as such until June, when he was appointed first officer of the steam monitor Christopher Columbus, the position he retains at the present writing.
In the fall of 1896 Captain Harbottle went to New Orleans and shipped in the steamer Algiers, of the Morgan line, to Havana, later becoming quartermaster of the steamer Stillwater, in which he made two voyages, visiting Porto Rico, Buenos Ayres and Central American ports. He subsequently joined the steamer Foxhall as seaman, plying to Central American ports, and his next berth was in the British steamer European, as boatswain's mate. On arriving at Liverpool he left her and shipped as boatswain in the steamer Tampecian, bound for New Orleans, where he joined the Algiers on a voyage to Cuba with a consignment of mules for the Spanish Government. In the summer of 1898 the Algiers was used for transporting United States soldiers to Cuba. It will be observed that Captain Harbottle is an industrious young officer, and with the attention he has devoted to the study of the science of navigation will soon take rank among the most successful of lake masters. He makes his home with his mother in Toronto, Ont., when not on active duty.
Charles Harling was born on the farm of his father, William Harling, in Anderdon, Canada, in December, 1872, and later went to Detroit with his parents. His mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Gray.
Mr. Harling was employed in the Baugh Rolling Mills before he went on the lakes, and has since worked there most of the time during the winters. His first sailing experience was in 1887 on the S.C. Baldwin as wheelsman, for three months. In 1888, though but sixteen years old, he fired on the Saginaw Valley under his father, who was chief engineer. She ran from Green Bay to Buffalo and from Kingston to Chicago. He stayed there two years, and in 1890 went as oiler on the steamer F.W. Wheeler, from Duluth to Buffalo. He remained on her two years, and in 1892, being twenty-one years of age, received his papers and went as second engineer of the Forest City. He held that position two years, and then in 1894 he shipped as second engineer of the steamer Tampa, running from Duluth to Buffalo, and remained on her until the close of navigation in 1896.
In March, 1892, he was married in Detroit to Minnie Gebhardt, and they have two children: Ethel and Gladys. Mr. Harling is member of the M.E.B.A.and A.O.U.W.
William Harling is a son of Seth Harling, a retired officer of the British army, and was born in 1841 at La Prairie, opposite Montreal. On New Year's Day, 1867, he was living in Windsor, and crossed to Detroit with Elizabeth Gray, to whom he was married by Bishop McClosky.
His first steamboating was in 1861 as fireman on the old Dart, and in 1862 he started as fireman on the Dispatch, but was soon made her second engineer. He then went as her chief in the spring of 1863, and retained that position through the years 1864-65. His next venture was the purchase of a farm in Anderdon, on which he remained until the spring if 1877, when he returned to the lakes as second engineer of the propeller Michigan. He was on her two years, and in 1879 he went to the steamer Sanilac as chief engineer, and held that position seven seasons, giving entire satisfaction. In 1886 he went out as chief of the Saginaw Valley in the passenger business, and liked it so well that he remained with her seven years. He then spent one season as chief of the Raleigh and the next two seasons as chief of the propeller Forest City, thence returning to the Raleigh for a year, and in 1896 he was chief of the Egyptian for Captain Whipple. He is a member of the M.E.B.A. and the A.O.U.W.
Out of seven children, he has but one son, Charles, living.
Captain Frank J. Harlow, of Toledo, Ohio, one of the young marine masters on the Great Lakes, was born at Toledo and attended school there until his sixteenth year. At this time, having a strong desire to become a sailor, the occupation to which his father, William J. Harlow, has devoted his life, he shipped on the City of Paris as watchman, having previously spent some time with his father during school vacations. Later he acted as wheelsman upon the Preston, of which his father was master and his brother, William R., mate, and then shipped in the same capacity on the Japan, of the Anchor line, transferring from her in the fall of the same year to the Sunshine. The next season he went on the Koal Kabin, of Cleveland, running between Detour and Delray in the timber trade, his first position on her being that of wheelsman, and he is now engaged as master, having served in that capacity during the latter part of 1895 and throughout the seasons of 1896 and 1897. Captain Harlow is thoroughly competent in marine work and has every prospect for a successful future. He is unmarried.
Captain William R. Harlow was born at Toledo, Ohio, June 30, 1871, and he has always made his residence in that city. He attended school until his sixteenth year, and at that time, led by a strong desire for the occupation to which his father, Capt. William J. Harlow, had devoted his life, he shipped on the V. Swain, as cook. He did not remain throughout the season on that boat, however, finishing on the schooner F.C. Leighton, owned by his father. He next spent one season on the Michael Groh, as watchman and wheelsman, after which he went on the Ida M. Torrent, shipping as wheelsman, and he remained on her two seasons, the latter part of this time as mate. He then took command of the tug Charlie Boy, owned by his father, continuing on her until the fall, when he took the schooner Sunshine. Later he was master of the tug Ben Campbell, of Cleveland, for L.P. Smith, the tug Allie May, of the V.O.T. line, and the tug Iceberg, for J.R. Jones, after which he was night manager of tugs for the two companies on the piers in Cleveland. He then went to Chicago and shipped as mate on the John Oades, subsequently holding the same berth on the Preston, under the command of his father, who was also managing owner. During the season of 1896 he sailed the Black Diamond for the Cleveland Cedar Company, until November 1, when he came to the Aragon, as mate. Captain Harlow was the youngest pilot on the lakes at the time when he received his papers. He is a competent ship master and has been very fortunate as regards accidents and shipwrecks.
Captain Harlow was married July 19, 1891, to Miss A. Annie Rooney, of Cleveland, and they reside at No. 138 Michigan street, Toledo, Ohio.
Charles E. Harmon was born in Chatham, Ont., December 6, 1854, a son of George W. and Nancy (Sharrow) Harmon, the former a native of Erie, Penn., the latter of Canada. They were married in Chatham, Ont., after which they took up their residence in Chatham, where they owned the first brick building, the father conducting a shoe store in the same. He was also interested in schooners and sailed some, but suffered financial losses during the Bothwell oil excitement.
Charles E. Harmon acquired his education in the schools of Chatham. Late in the '60s the family removed to Wenona, now West Bay City, Mich., and in 1870 he shipped as fireman in the Ben Truesdell. The next spring he joined the Colin Campbell, as fireman, and in the fall went to New York City by way of the Erie Canal, as fireman in the side-wheel steamer Hudson, towing canal boats from Albany. On arriving in New York he shipped in the tug E. B. Jones, engaged in harbor towing. The next year he went to work on a farm in Catarraugus County, N. Y., but the following spring went to West Bay City, Mich., and joined the tug Nellie Cotton as fireman. Early in 1876 Mr. Harmon entered the employ of the Pinconing Railroad Company, as engineer, remaining three years, and in the spring of 1879 he took out engineer's license and was appointed to the tug C. M. Farrar, owned by R. Armstrong, transferring to the tug Ontario the next season, as chief engineer. In the spring of 1887 he returned to the Saginaw River, and from that time until 1892 he sailed as engineer in the tugs Charles Lee and Mildred (owned by Capt. Harry Shaw), after which he went to Tawas, Mich., and engineered the tug John B. Griffin. He also served as fireman in the tugs Hercules, Mendota and Moyles, on the Saginaw River. In 1892 he returned to Bay City and was appointed engineer of the tug C. W. Wells, which he ran until June 22, 1896, when he went to Duluth as engineer of the tug Medina, owned by C. S. Barker, a dredging contractor.
In the spring of 1897, Mr. Harmon entered the employ of the A. Booth Packing Company. He fitted out the passenger steamer C. S. Barker, which was under charter to convey a circus company to the different ports on the south shore of Lake Superior and the west shore of Lake Michigan until July 5. On August 29, of the same year, Mr. Harmon chartered the ferryboat Edna, and established a new route between Twenty-first avenue west, Duluth, and West Superior, doing fairly well until October 31, when he took out a party of Foresters, ran into the wreck of the old steamer City of Winnipeg and knocked a hole in the Edna, causing her to sink, without loss of life, however. He raised and repaired her, and putting her on the route again until November 18. In the spring of 1898 he chartered the stern-wheel steamer Henrietta, going as chief engineer. He engaged in the excursion business between Duluth, Superior and Fond du Lac, giving moonlight excursions. Mr. Harmon also holds first-class stationary engineer's papers.
Mr. Harmon is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, No. 27, of Bay City, and filled the office of chaplain three terms. He was united in marriage with Miss Ida S. Hunter, of Grovesend, Ontario, and the children born to this union are: William D., Bertha Pearl, Robert D. and Walter Earl, two of whom are now deceased. The family homestead is at No. 205 East Fisher street, West Bay City, Michigan.
Fred M. Harmon is one of the many reliable engineers who have succeeded by exact knowledge of the mechanism of the modern type of engines, and skill in handling them, in winning the confidence of the owners of large steel steamers. He is the first son of Capt. Frank and Mary Harmon, and was born in 1860 at Erie, Penn., where he attended school until he was fifteen years old. He was brought in touch with the life of the sailor on his father's tugs, and after filling the position of clerk in a grocery store he shipped on one of them, the Mary A. Green, in the capacity of fireman. He retained this position one season, and in 1876 was promoted to engineer, serving as such on that boat for six years, and then transferring to the tug Cal Davis, towing at Toledo harbor, on which he remained one season. He next shipped as second engineer on the steamer Horace B. Tuttle, and afterward brought out new the tug Birckhead, engineering her one season. This service was followed by his appointment as engineer on the iron tug A.W. Colton, and he was on her four seasons, operating at Toledo harbor. In 1887 he became second engineer on the Lackawanna, the first steel steamer launched by the Cleveland Ship-building Company, remaining on her one season. In 1889 he brought out new the wooden steamer Elphick, as chief, remaining throughout the season, and the next shipped as chief in the steamer E.B. Hale, for one year. In 1891 he was appointed chief of the steel steamer Joliet, of the Lake Superior Iron Company's line, holding this berth two years. From this time it is evident that Mr. Harmon's success in handling the most modern machinery was being closely watched by prominent owners and builders, and he has since been selected to bring out new the best class of steel steamers. The two seasons of 1893-94 he passed in the employ of Capt. Thomas Wilson, as chief of the Olympia, and in 1895 he was chosen by the Globe Iron Works Company to engineer their new steel steamer Globe, which he terms the clipper freight boat of the lakes. She was sold during the year to John Gordon, of Buffalo, and in the spring of 1896 Mr. Harmon was made engineer of the steamer W.D. Reese, of the Wilson Transit Company, which he laid up at Duluth at the close of navigation. He was chosen to bring out the new Wilson line steamer built by the Cleveland Ship Building Company.
Mr. Harmon was united in marriage to Miss Tillie Williams, of Cleveland, Ohio, and four children have been born to this union: Emory J., Fred J., Marie B. and Bernette L. The family residence is at No. 41 Ward street, Cleveland. Socially, Mr. Harmon is a member of the Knights of the Maccabees and the C.M.B.A., and he is a charter member of the Toledo lodge of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, his home lodge, however, being in Cleveland.
Francis Harringer, who for five years has been chief engineer on the propeller Northern Light, and has served on the Great Lakes for almost a quarter of a century, is one of the most successful marine engineers in service. Throughout his life he has been a resident of the city of Buffalo.
Mr. Harringer was born on Tenth street, near Carolina street, in that city, May 27, 1857, a son of Franklin R. and Mary A. (Dunn) Harringer, the former of whom was born in Alsace-Lorraine, of German parents, and when an infant was brought by his father, George Harringer (who was a flax farmer by occupation), to Buffalo, and there he remained a lifelong resident. He became a marine and stationary engineer, and spent several years on the lakes, but during the remainder of his working life he found employment on land. He died May 24, 1874, his widow, Mrs. Mary A. Harringer is still living. The family of Franklin R. and Mary A. Harringer consisted of six sons and four daughters, of whom the following are now living: Francis; Mary A.; who married Edward Haley, of Buffalo; Catherine, wife of Frederick Burr, of Buffalo; Joseph, a boilermaker and tug engineer; Thomas, assistant engineer on the Northern King; Ellen, who married Paul Menda: and Margaret. All of these survivors, except Joseph, reside in Buffalo.
Frances Harringer, our subject, received a good common-school education at Buffalo, and besides the benefits of the public schools he received a three-years' training at St. Mary's College, on Broadway. He was by nature and inclination a student, and took good advantage of the opportunities that thus presented themselves to him. After leaving school he worked in the Shepard Iron Works, on Illinois street, where he remained for three and one-half years, thoroughly acquiring the machinist and engineering trades. When work was slack he found employment as a dock hand on the tugboats, and thus acquired a familiarity with the line of work that was to become his future occupation.
In 1875, Mr. Harringer became fireman on the propeller Prairie State, under John Durr, chief engineer, and in the following winter worked in Sherman S. Jewett's stove works. In the season of 1876 he went on the steambarge Fletcher, under Chief Jacobs, and while there during the following season of 1877 he received his license as second engineer. Excepting one trip on the propeller Olean, the season of 1878 he spent on tugs. During the season of 1879, he was second engineer on the Colorado, and in 1880 he was on the Olean. In 1881 he was again on the Colorado, in July of which year she blew up, killing six men. The balance of the season he served on the John D. Griffin.
In 1882 Mr. Harringer was chief engineer of the propeller Huron City, until August when he quit her, to bring out the propeller Scotia, on which vessel he remained as chief engineer until she was lost on Keweenaw Point in November of the same year. In 1883 Mr. Harringer went to Erie to fit out the Philadelphia, as second engineer. He made one trip, and then ran a steamyacht up and down the river for a time, finishing as chief engineer on the Annie Young, and was with her the next season also. In 1885 he made two trips on her, then resigned to become chief engineer of the steambarge Nahant, was with her until September, and finished on the Fred McBrier. In the following season he went into the D.J. Foley, as chief engineer, and from September finished on the Waverly. During the seasons of 1888 and 1889 he was on the Newsboy, and on the Fountain City during 1890, while in 1891 he was chief engineer of the Gypsum. In 1892 he began work on the Lehigh line, then a part of the Northern Steamship line. For five seasons he has been on the Northern Light as chief engineer, the boat in which he commences service with this company, although at various times he has been in other vessels of the same line.
Socially, Mr. Harringer is a member of Lodge No. 1, M.E.B.A., and has been connected with the organization since 1882. He was married to Miss Mary E. Farrell, daughter of Patrick Farrell, who lost his life in the propeller Globe in Chicago. Mr. Harringer resides at No. 272 Front avenue, Buffalo. He is in every sense of the term a self-made man, and is one of the most successful engineers on the Great Lakes.
Captain Henry Harris was born at Henderson, N. Y., and there received a common-school education. His father, Hiram Harris, was a pioneer of that place, where he had lived from the age of three years, coming from Vermont, in which State the family had lived for over a hundred years. The journey was made in a wagon drawn by oxen, and through sixty miles of the wilderness they had nothing to guide them but blazed trees. The grandfather, Caleb Harris, was born in Vermont served in the war of 1812, from which he came uninjured; he lived to be ninety-six years old.
Captain Harris went on the lakes in the spring of 1854 aboard the Trade Wind, as boy. He only remained on her one season, going next to the Chieftain as seaman, and for some years following he was man-before-the-mast on boats leaving Oswego, N. Y. In 1858 he was mate on the Daniel Webster, and in 1859 on the Troy, at the close of his service on this boat leaving the lakes and living on a farm till 1864. When he resumed sailing he went on the S. C. Lumgeford (sic) as mate, and the following season serving in the same capacity on the C. G. Mixer, later shipping in the Dashing Wave, Czar, Itasca, Hallaran and Newburgh. In 1870 he engaged as mate on the steamer D. M. Wilson, of which he was master for two seasons following. For the next five years he remained ashore, engaged in farming, and then returning to the lakes took command of the Minnehaha, on which he remained one season, during which he was shipwrecked on Lake Huron. In 1883 he again left the water, returning in 1891 as mate of the steamer Pioneer. In 1892 he took the Fontana, which he has since commanded.
On August 28, 1854, Captain Harris was married to Miss Louise Nutting, who died August 28, 1889. She had three brothers, Harrison, Alonzo and Simeon Nutting, who were all sailors on the Great Lakes. On April 13, 1893, our subject was married to Margaret Kelsey. He is the father of six children; Ellen, the wife of Henry Fuller; Henry, Jr., married to Ellen Lane; Jay, married to Carrie Place; Nora, Mrs. L. Filhart; Hally; Mrs. George Jenkins; and Linda, unmarried, who resides at home with her father. Henry has been on the lakes for six years, and is at present master of Barge No. 101. In 1872 Captain Harris removed to Woodville, N. Y., where he has lived ever since.
Captain Washington B. Harrow, a prominent citizen and shipmaster of Fort Huron, Mich., and assistant manager of the Thompson line of tugs at Sault Ste. Marie, is a son of George and Lucretia (Peer) Harrow, and was born at Algonac, Mich., January 13, 1848. He is the grandson of Capt. Alexander Harrow, who was an officer in the British navy during the war of the Revolution, and in command of one of the vessels of that government. His grandmother was taken prisoner by the Indians, at Monroe, Mich., when but five years of age, and held by them ten years. She was released by Capt. Alexander Harrow, who sent her to school at Detroit, and some years later made her his wife. She lived to the advanced age of one hundred years, and died in Algonac, Mich., in 1865. Captain Harrow's father, George Harrow, was born on the banks of the St. Clair river in 1806, and owned and sailed the little schooner Pilot, in his own business. The members of the father's family were: Mary, who was drowned in the St. Clair river while young; George, who died at the age of eighteen; Mary Jane; Captain James P., master and part owner of the schooner Nelson Bloom; Lucy and Lucretia; John K., who has sailed on the lakes; Henry C., at times captain and engineer of the steamer M. F. Merrick; Charlotte; Catherine, now the widow of Capt. William Roberts; Capt. Washington B., the subject of this article; and Capt. William G., last master of the steamer W. W. Richardson.
Capt. Washington B. Harrow acquired a public-school education at Algonac, afterward attending a commercial college at Detroit. His lakefaring career began in 1858, when he shipped on the side-wheel steamer United, then engaged in towing on the St. Clair river, remaining with her until the fall of 1861. During the winter of 1861-62 his father built the side-wheel steamer Young American, and Washington sailed on her in different capacities until the fall of 1872, being made chief engineer in 1864, after taking out an engineer's license, and held that berth until 1868. The next season he took out master's papers and sailed her four seasons. In the spring of 1873 he was appointed master of the tug Ontario, and sailed her until July, 1877, transferring to the tug Peabody, and closing the season on the tug Miller. He then purchased the hull of the tug W. H. Pringle, converted her into a schooner, and sailed her until the fall of 1883, when he sold her and was appointed master of the barge Potter. In the spring of 1886 he entered the employ of Capt. B. B. Inman, as master of the tug Cora B., and took her up to Duluth. He was transferred to the tug J. L. Williams the next season, and sailed her until July, 1888, when he took the steamer Ossifrage, plying between Duluth and Port Arthur, until July 1889, closing that season in the tug J. L. Williams. In the spring of 1890 Captain Inman sent two tugs to operate at the Sault, Captain Harrow going with them as master of the O. W. Cheney until August when the tugs were sold. He then went to Port Huron and chartered the tug George Hand, and sailed her the balance of the season.
In the spring of 1891, Captain Harrow came out as master of the lake tug, A. J. Wright, and sailed her until July 4, when he purchased an interest in the lake tug M. F. Merrick, stationed at the Sault, and sailed her until the close of 1895, doing many notable wrecking jobs with her, among which may be mentioned the release of the steamers C. J. Kershaw, Ironton and Ketcham, all out high and dry on the beach, and the steamer America, which was sunk. In 1876 Captain Harrow acquired an interest by the purchase of stock in the Thompson Wrecking and Towing Association, and was chosen as super-intendent of the tugs of the association stationed at the Sault, and holds that position at this writing, sailing only as occasion requires.
Fraternally he is a Master Mason, and he is a member of the Ship Masters Association, holding Pennant No. 388.
Captain F.C. Hart who has been connected with marine interests from the age of fourteen years, has in his long and varied experience passed through all the successive stages of a sailor's life, now holding the position of superintendent for the J. Emery Owen Transportation Company at Detroit, he has always resided in that city, having been born there August 17, 1848, and he received his education at the public schools. His father, W. W. Hart, who is still living at Grand Rapids, was a shipowner, and had various marine interests several years ago, and to this occupation the son naturally drifted. He first shipped out of Detroit on the Gladiator, where he acted as boy one season, from this boat going to the brig Waurecan as ordinary seaman, and during the season following he acted in the same capacity on the Forest and the Rio Grande. His next berth was that of second mate on the schooner Supply, and in 1866 he was mate of the bark Winslow; in 1867 he was given command of the John P. Ward, after which he sailed the Mountaineer, L. L. Lamb, Wells Burt, Michigan, Emma L. Cayne, and E. A. Nicholson, returning from this boat to the schooner Michigan, on which he remained until 1888. He has since held the position of marine superintendent for the J. Emery Owen Transport-ation Company. Captain Hart's experiences on the water were uniformly fortunate, for he never suffered shipwreck or serious accident, a record which has given much satisfaction to those for whom he has sailed, and added to his own reputation as sailor and master.
Captain Hart was married in August, 1874, to Miss Adeline Gorden, of Port Colborne, Ont., and they have three children: John, who is employed at the Commercial Bank at Detroit; Alice; and Fred, who is attending high school at the present time.
Adam Hartman, managing owner of Hartman's Tug Line, at Tonawanda, N. Y., is a native of Prussia, born in that country April 6, 1834. He is a son of Valentine and Katherine (Kuntz) Hartman, the latter of whom died when the subject of this sketch was but seven years old. There were seven children in the family, and two came to America besides Adam; Michael, now deceased, who was a tailor at London, Canada, and Katherine, wife of Nicholas Osman, a farmer residing at Tonawanda, New York.
Adam Hartman was reared on his father's farm, and attended school from the time he was seven until he became thirteen years of age. At the age of eighteen he came to America, in 1852 locating at LaSalle, on the Niagara river, near which place he worked on a farm three months. After that he lived a while in Tonawanda and then went to reside permanently at Grand Island, where he worked in the woods in the winter and sailed on the river in the summer. His first sailing was during the season of 1853, when he shipped as deckhand on the old side-wheel steamer Minas, commanded by Capt. Harvey Booth. The succeeding season he was with the same captain on the lake tug William Peck in the capacity of fireman, and for the next four seasons he was fireman on the old propeller Pittsburgh, of the Peoples line, owned by Ensign & Holt. During 1859 he acted in the same capacity on the propellers Acme, Mohawk and Free State, the latter owned by the Western Transportation Company, and during his service on her Peter P. Miller was chief engineer. In 1860 Mr. Hartman made one trip as fireman on the propeller Empire State, and then abandoned the lake service to engage in hauling wood from Grand Island to Buffalo, in which business he continued about twelve years. He then bought a one-third interest in the tug Allen M. O'Brian, ran her awhile and later sold her to parties on Lake Michigan. Next he purchased a half-interest in the tug Addie with Patrick Everett, and at the end of a year bought his partner's interest, and then owned and ran her about nine seasons in conjunction with the Idaho, ferrying the Niagara river between Tonawanda and Grand Island. In 1873 he abandoned the hull of the Addie and built the tug John Nice, fitting her out with the Addie's old machinery.
In 1879 Mr. Hartman moved to Tonawanda, and he has since confined himself exclusively to the tug business at that harbor. He has had several competitors, but has outlived them all, and is now considered the only tug man about the aforesaid harbor, excepting perhaps the owners of a couple of canal tugs. He is the sole owner of the tugs A. A. Balanger, William A. Gratwick and Tonawanda, and possesses a two-thirds interest in each of the tugs Charles S. Parnell, Michael Davitt and J. H. DeGraff. Mr. Hartman is a member of Local Harbor No. 41, of the American Association of Masters and Pilots, and also of the Buffalo Harbor Tug Pilots Association.
In 1860 Mr. Hartman was married at Buffalo to Miss Caroline Levi, by whom he has had five children, four now living, namely: Frank, master of the tug Tonawanda; Louis, master of the tug Gratwick; Caroline, wife of George Heneberger, a resident of Tonawanda; and Mary, one of the Sisters of St. Francis at the convent at Hamburg. The family residence is at No. 158 Morgan street, Tonawanda, New York.
Fred J. Hartman, of the fireboat Detroiter, is one of the younger engineers on the lake, whose devotion to their work has been the foundation for their present success. He was born May 9, 1873, at Baltimore, Mich., a son of John A. and Phillipine (Forber) Hartman, the former of whom has been connected with the lakes for about thirty-five years, twenty-seven of which he has held an engineer's license. Grandfather Hartman was a soldier in the Civil war and gave up his life for his country. His maternal grandfather was a soldier in the Mexican war, and also in the war of the Rebellion, and when, in 1898, war was declared against Spain, expressed his regret that his advanced years would prevent him again entering his country's service.
Fred Hartman was but one year old when his parents moved to Detroit and in the public school he obtained his literary training, but at the age of twelve years he left the school room and began to earn his own way. Previous to this he had carried daily papers. His first employment was in the hotels, and at the age of thirteen he went on board the City of Mackinaw as porter, and there remained one season. The next year he entered the employ of Alger, Smith & Co., going as stoker on the J.W. Wescott. He held similar positions on the T.W. Snook, Nellie, tug Parks, Orleans, Winslow and steamer Gettysburg. The summer he was eighteen he sailed on the Forest City, and the following year served as oiler on the steamer Fayette Brown. He held the same position on the Alex, Nimick, and at the age of twenty-one he took the government examination for engineer's license, on which he received 1,250 tons. He then went on the barge Toledo as assistant engineer, where he remained for one season, then going on the Henry Houghton for a like period. The C.H. Storkie was his next field of operations, and from there he passed to the fireboat Detroiter, where he still remains.
Frederick T. Hatch was born at Henderson Harbor, N. Y., in 1859, a son of Thomas and Catherine Hatch. His father was a sailor, and for a long time served as mate on the Northern line of steamers. Mr. Hatch removed with his parents while very young to Gallop Island and later to Glen Haven, Mich. He attended school at Gallop Island and Sacket's Harbor. He passed his youth on the water principally as a fisherman until the spring of 1878, when he shipped on the steamer Arabia, of the Western Transit line, remaining in that employe three years. In the spring of 1881 he entered the life-saving service at the Cleveland station, where he remained until November, 1884. On the 22nd of the same month he was appointed assistant lighthouse-keeper in the old lighthouse on Water street, Cleveland. On October 20, 1885, he was transferred to the breakwater light, and on September 15, 1895, the lights were consolidated and Mr. Hatch was placed in charge, also having control of the foghorn machinery, which was established in 1890. He now has two assistants.
Mr. Hatch is an experienced and daring life-saver, and has to his credit thirty-two rescues, independent of those he participated in while a member of the life saving crew. The greater number of these rescues were made while he had charge of the pier light. Boats would capsize, and in other ways helpless people would fall in the lake. In October, 1890, the barge Wanapota struck the breakwater and sunk in three hours. Mr. Hatch ran out to her with a rowboat, but came very near losing his own life on account of the flying timbers. His boat was capsized, but he succeeded in reaching Mrs. Hazen, wife of the captain, and swam with her to the pier. The captain, mate and three men ran across the pilework to the pier, where they remained all night, the lifeboat taking them off the next morning. The following spring Mr. Hatch received from the government an additional bar to his United States lifesaving medal. Many instances are related of his hardihood in his efforts to save life, and he never seems to grow excited or lose his presence of mind.
During the time Mr. Hatch was surfman in the Cleveland life-saving station, he participated in all the rescues of that gallant crew. In the fall of 1883 four vessels went ashore off Cleveland harbor, among them the schooner Sophia Minch. The life-saving crew went out to her on a tug, and with great difficulty and danger boarded her. The schooner was drifting so fast toward the rocks that it was found necessary to scuttle her, and she sank with her own and the life-saving crew aboard, all of the men taking to the main rigging, except two who were in the after rigging. Lawrence Distel, the only one of the crew remaining ashore, threw a line into the main rigging and took off all the men there but Mr. Hatch, who volunteered to reach the men aft. To quote from the report of Captain Goodwin: "It was literally taking his life in his hands to make the attempt. The gallant Hatch set out along the swaying gaff and reached the two men, but it was utterly impossible for him to get back, which fact he signaled to Mr. Distel, who then went ashore in the breeches boy and informed Captain Goodwin. It was then found necessary to fire another line into the rigging aft, which Mr. Hatch made fast, and as soon as everything was ready they were drawn ashore, Mr. Hatch being the sixteenth and last man off the vessel." For this dangerous rescue Mr. Hatch, as well as all the other members of the crew, received the United States gold life-saving medal of the first class.
In 1883 Mr. Hatch was united in marriage with Miss Maggie Case, of Cleveland, and their children are Frederick T., Jr., May Adella, Nellie A., and Elsie A. The family residence is at No. 43 Water street, Cleveland. Socially he is a member of Lake Shore Lodge, Knights of Pythias.
Frank Hausbeck did not turn his attention to steamboating early in life, remaining on the farm until he reached the age of twenty-six years. He was born in Dansville, Livingston Co. N.Y., August 5, 1858, and is the son of Joseph and Rosalia (Coopler) Hausbeck. He removed with his parents from New York State about the year 1873, locating on a farm in Buena Vista township, Saginaw county, equi-distant between Bay City and Saginaw City, Mich. The farm which his father purchased is still the family homestead.
It was not until the spring of 1884 that Mr. Hausbeck began sailing, but he has come forward rapidly. He first shipped on the tug C.C. McDonald, as fireman, followed by a season in the tug Maud S., in the same capacity. In 1886 he secured his license as engineer, and was appointed to the tug Handy Boy. The next spring he went to Duluth in charge of machinery of a sand boat. In 1888 he engineered the fireboat Geyser at Bay City, and the three following seasons he was engineer of the tug Mundy. After one season as chief of the steamer Mary Groh, out of Port Huron, he again took charge of the machinery of the steamer Mundy. In the spring of 1894 Mr. Hausbeck was appointed chief engineer of the tug Witch of the West, and ran her three successive seasons, or until the fall of 1896, when he transferred to the steamer A.A. Turner, closing the season in her as second engineer. In the spring of 1897 he was appointed chief engineer of the steamer A.A. Turner, and held that berth again for the season of 1898. Mr. Hausbeck is an engineer with more than the ordinary ability and is highly esteemed by his employer, Mr. Bridges, of Bay City. Fraternally he is a Master Mason and a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association.
Mr. Hausbeck is not a married man. He has a farm, managed by his sister, in Buena Vista township, Saginaw county, to which he retires during the winter months.
Jeremiah Havelick, one of the most prominent marine engineers of Milwaukee, Wis., received his first license in 1863, granted by inspector Guthrie of the Cleveland district, and but for a lapse of two years while he was working ashore, at a time when the United States Government charged the marine engineers a fee of $10 for permission to follow their profession, he would now have been able to number thirty-five issues. He also has Canadian license covering four years. Mr. Havelick, who was born October 1, 1835, near Sandusky, Erie Co., Ohio, is a man of great strength and endurance, and is in remarkable evidence of the blessings of a temperate and wholesome mode of life. He may be numbered among the patriarchs of the marine engineers fraternity, and is honored and esteemed as such. The blood of the brotherhood is brave in his veins, and his fine fellowship ever mingles with the free spirit of his generosity. He is the son of Americans for many generations, his forefathers being natives of Pennsylvania, as were also his parents, Malachi and Elizabeth Havelick, who became pioneers of Erie county, Ohio, away back in the early "forties," locating and improving a large tract of land. In 1857 the father moved still farther west, this time locating on the Little Wapposa river, in Chickasaw county, Iowa.
Very early in life, that is, when he was but nine years old, Jerry, as he is familiarly known, commenced to paddle his own canoe, and his opportunities to attend the public schools were therefore limited, as were also the number of schoolhouses. His first experience on the lakes was in 1845, in the little schooner Presto, and the captain, taking a liking to Jerry, kept him two seasons. Following this he was employed a season each in the schooner Echo and barkentine Naiad, and for four months the next season he filled the position of decksweep on the passenger steamer Western World. In 1849 he shipped before the mast in a schooner engaged in trading with the Indians as a coaster on Lakes Huron and Michigan, remaining in her two years, and as there were but three of a crew he was first mate the second season, being stronger than the other boy. He also sailed in the schooners Challenge and La Petite as second mate and mate, respectively, and as mate of the schooner Eveline Bates. He passed one summer in pound-net fishing near the Beavers for Ryan & Johnson. In the winter of 1852 Mr. Havelick walked from Sandusky to Columbus, Ohio, where he went to work in a blacksmith shop, afterward passing two years on a farm in Oxford township, Erie Co., Ohio. On his return to Sandusky he entered the employ of G.W. Olds as an apprentice to the machinist's trade, continuing thus for two and a half years, during which time he helped to build and set up the engine for the steamer Island Queen, a boat built of white cedar, which plied between Sandusky, Kelley's Island and Put-in-Bay; he ran this engine one summer. In the fall of 1861 he took up railroading on the Michigan Southern, from Cleveland to Toledo, and was locomotive engineer.
It was in the spring of 1863 that Mr. Havelick received his first license as marine engineer and was appointed chief of the side-wheel steamer Fort Sherman, plying between Sandusky, Fremont and contiguous ports. The next season he joined the propeller Mt. Vernon, as chief, following with a season each in the Morley and Saginaw, as chief. In 1867 he entered the employ of the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., as second engineer of the old steamer Morning Star, holding that office when she was sunk by collision with the barkentine Kirtland; some of the passengers and crew were rescued by the barkentine and others by the steamer R.N. Rice, the next morning. Mr. Havelick was then transferred to the North West as second engineer. The next year he became second engineer of the steamer Huron, and in 1869 chief of the B.F. Wade, after which he went tugging on the Detroit river as chief on the Vulcan and for two seasons each on the tugs George B. McClellan and O. Wilcox. In the spring of 1874 he was appointed chief of the passenger steamer Evening Star, plying between Detroit and White Rock, the next season going as chief of the steamer John A. Dix. He then went to Chicago and entered the employ of the Goodrich Transportation Company as chief engineer of the Oconto, closing the season in the Menominee. In 1879 he joined the steamer Forest City as chief engineer and retained that office five seasons. During the winter of 1880-81 he went to Green Bay and took the engines and machinery out of a Fox river steamer, putting them into the George Burnham, which he brought out new and ran for the season. That winter he went to Natchez, Miss., as master mechanic in the interest of E.P. Allis, to superintend the erection of engines and test boilers, which occupied him until June, when he returned to Milwaukee and was appointed chief engineer of the steamer Columbia, commanded by Capt. J.D. Peterson. In the spring of 1883 he joined the steamer Burnham as chief and after laying her up at the close of navigation took charge of the engine and machinery in the "Plankinton Hotel" in Milwaukee. On January 17, 1884, Mr. Havelick was appointed to the responsible position which he has since held, chief engineer of the engines and machinery of the Manigold Milling Company, in Milwaukee. During the many years that Mr. Havelick has been in charge of marine and stationary engines he has gained the utmost confidence and given universal satisfaction, and he is rated as standing at the head of his profession.
Mr. Havelick and Miss Mary Pierce, daughter of Eliza Pierce, of Huron, Ohio, formerly of West Virginia, were united in marriage on January 28, 1857, and one son, Frank, has been born to them. The family homestead is at No. 443 Third avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Socially Mr. Havelick is a Master Mason, and he is also a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, of Milwaukee Lodge No. 9, of which body he has been chosen treasurer for the last two terms.
Herbert J. Hawthorne is one of the most promising young engineers now sailing the lakes, and possesses a great fund of sound common sense and philosophical logic. He was born in Big Beaver, Mich., and acquired his education in the public schools of that town. He is a son of Robert and Catherine (Dunn) Hawthorne. His father was one of the patriots of the Civil war, having enlisted in 1861 in the 22nd Mich. Vol. Inf., and serving throughout the conflict. His regiment was in the Army of the Cumberland, and participated in all the hotly contested battles in which General Sherman's army was engaged, up to the fall of Atlanta. The regiment was then incorporated with General Thomas' army and returned to Nashville, Tenn., where they met and defeated General Hood. The father received a flesh wound in the left leg, at the battle of Chicamauga, but was soon ready for duty again. His father's two brothers, William and John, also enlisted and served the country faithfully. John being in the Army of the Cumberland and William in the 7th Mich. Vol. Cav., assigned to the Army of the Potomac. All are well-to-do farmers, and enjoy the privilege they have on winter's nights in coming together and recounting the different phases of their soldier life.
But to return to Herbert J., the subject of this sketch: After leaving school he went to Bay City, and entered the employ of the Folsome Arnold Milling Company, but he remained only one year on account of illness. After his recovery he went to Chicago and engaged in the milk business for two and one-half years. On the occasion of his visit to the World's Fair, his desire of becoming an engineer again came to the front, and on April 1, 1894, he shipped as fireman on the steamer Masaba. The next season he joined the steamer Cumberland in the same capacity until July 1, when he transferred to the steamer Alfred P. Wright. In the spring of 1896 he shipped on the steamer Pathfinder as oiler. In 1897 he was granted first assistant's papers, which covered steamers of 2,225 tons, which is considered exceedingly good for a first issue, and he was appointed second engineer of the steamer City of Genoa, the flagship of the J. C. Gilchrist fleet. Mr. Hawthorne is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 53., of Marine City, Mich. When ashore he makes his home with his father in Big Beaver, Michigan.
James C. Hay was born in Scotland, December 23, 1841, and came to this country with his father in 1844, settling in Cleveland, Ohio, where he attended the public schools until 1857, when his health gave out. He then went to Michigan and lived on a farm, being located there when the Civil War broke out.
In July, 1861, Mr. Hay enlisted in Company I, 5th Mich. Vol. Inf., and served for three years. At the battle of Chancellorsville he was wounded, and at Gettysburg he received a wound in the chest that laid him up in the hospital at Philadelphia some months. While there, during his convalescence, he became acquainted with a marine engineer named Clark, and they conceived the idea of leaving the hospital and joining the steamer Keystone State, which was about to start on a cruise in search of the famous Alabama, which was creating great havoc among our merchant marine. The commander of the Keystone State, however, after the surgeon's examination, concluded that the wounds of Mr. Hay were too recent and of too serious a nature to permit his enlistment, and he was sent back to the hospital at Philadelphia, where he remained another thirty days, his wounds having re-opened.
In 1864 he returned to Cleveland and for some time was employed in the Eagle machine shop. In 1866 he went as second engineer on the steam Buckeye, in 1867 as chief of the Wisconsin, and then on the steamers Akron, City of Boston and Saint Albans, all of the Northern Transportation line. He remained in this employ seven years. In 1873 he went in the tug W.H. Pringle; in 1874, in the barge H.D. Coffinberry; in 1875, in the G.W. Rust; in 1876, in the wrecking tug J.W. Bennett; in 1879, in the steamer William Edward; in 1881, in the Progress; and in 1883 bought an interest in and engineered the tug Samson. In 1888 he was appointed engineer on the steamer North Wind, of the Northern Steamship company, and in 1890 he brought out the Castalia, upon which he remained until 1896, when he entered the employ of the Cleveland Dry Dock Company, where he is now giving good satisfaction. He is well know by all engineers on the lakes, and is held in great respect.
On December 14, 1869, Mr. Hay was married to Miss Sarah Landon, daughter of Solomon Landon, a Canadian, of English descent. Mr. Hay is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic.
In this age of steam power upon the Great Lakes the equipment of the big freighters and passenger palaces with engines and machinery is a most important part of their construction. Perhaps no engineer could be found who has had a more extended experience in that delicate and skillful work than Mr. Hay, who for many years was an engineer upon the lakes, but since 1886 has had charge of large machine shops and as superintendent has fitted out a number of modern fleets.
Mr. Hay is a native of Scotland, born January 15, 1840, the son of Alexander Scott and Margaret (Cockburn) Hay, natives of the same country. The father was by occupation a farmer. After coming to America, Mr. Hay was engaged at his trade of machinist until 1861, when he began his nautical career as assistant engineer of the steamer Cataract. Subsequently he served as assistant engineer on the steamers Nile and Mary Stewart, and as chief engineer on the following vessels: Akron, Buckeye, Brooklyn, Champlain, Selah Chamberlin, E. B. Hale, Henry Chisholm and Republic. Mr. Hay's experience upon the lakes terminated in 1886, when he was called to a more important and lucrative position, having been appointed superintendent of the Globe Iron Works Company, of Cleveland. While thus engaged Mr. Hay placed the engines in several steamers for the Minnesota Iron Company - the Marina, Masoba, Maruba, Matoa, Manola, Maritana and Mariposa; in the following eight for the Northern Steamship Company: North Wind, Northern Wave, North Star, Northern King, Northern Queen and Northern Light, and the two passenger steamers North West and North Land. He fitted out in a like manner the passenger steamers Virginia and Atlanta, of the Goodrich line; the steamers Roman, Saxon, German, Briton, Norman and Grecian, of the Menominee line; the Castalia and the Charles Sheffield, for H. H. Brown; the Republic, for the Republic Iron Company; the Parks Foster and the Ira Owen, for the Owen line; the Olympia of the Wilson line; the two lighthouse tenders Lilac and Columbia; the revenue cutters W. Q. Gresham, Algonquin and Onondaga; the yacht Comanche; the Carolia, Corsica, Corona, Cambria and Globe, of the Mutual line; the Wilbur, Seneca, Saranac, Cuyahoga and Tuscarora, of the Lehigh Valley line, and the steamers R. Rhodes, James Pickands, Missoula and Yakima. Mr. Hay severed his connection with Globe Iron Works Company July 1, 1898, to take charge of the machine shop of the Cleveland City Forge Company, where he is at present serving as superintendent.
In 1863 Mr. Hay was married at Cleveland to Miss Mary J. McKnight, and they have had eight children, five daughters and three sons, all living but one son. Mr. Hay has excellent health, supplementing his mental vigor and activity with a robust constitution which has enabled him to accomplish a vast amount of work. He is interested deeply in marine affairs, and as an engineer and machinist is well known among lake men.
William Hay is one of the oldest and most prominent engineers sailing out of the port of Bay City. He was born in Banffshire, Scotland, July 29, 1835, a son of Peter and Mary (McConnachie) Hay. Mr. Hay's parents died in Scotland, when he was quite a young lad, and he was thus compelled to depend upon his own resources. He obtained but an elementary education in the public schools, and came to America in 1856, first locating in Guelph, Wellington Co., Ontario, where he secured employment as a teamster, engaging in kindred work until 1865, when he went to Wyandotte, Mich., and worked in a rolling mill. He then went to Tipton, Mo., on the Union Pacific railroad, returning to Grafton, Ill., where he stopped but a short time.
In the spring of 1867 Mr. Hay went to Bay City, Mich., and as the opportunity offered he shipped as fireman on the tug H. P. Smith. In 1869 as fireman of the tug Annie Moiles, finally becoming engineer, remaining in the employ of Mitchell & Boutell until the firm was dissolved. It was in the spring of 1874 that Mr. Hay was appointed engineer of the fine tug Laketon. He remained in her seven years, followed by four as engineer of the tug Music. In the spring of 1885 he was appointed chief engineer of the steamer A. Folsom. After assisting in putting in the machinery he brought her out new and ran her twelve consecutive seasons. Owing to the illness of his sister, a lady of advanced years, for whom he had provided a home, he did not join his steamer in the spring of 1898, the office, however, remaining subject to his convenience.
While he has been in the A. Folsom, he was concerned in the rescue of three people from a capsized yawlboat off Grand Marais, Lake Superior, and at the time of the foundering of the steamer California, between the island of St. Helena and the main land in a storm, he was instrumental in the rescue of four out of a crew of twelve. Mr. Hay is a member of the Order of St. Andrews. Notwithstanding the fact that he is a bachelor apparently beyond redemption, he has provided himself with a homestead, over which his sister presided until her death.
Hubert G. Haybarger, a young pilot of the first class, and who possess more than the usual ability, received a liberal education in the public schools of Girard, Penn., where he was born January 8, 1872, a son of Joseph B., and Margaret A. (Brubaker) Haybarger, a grandson of John Haybarger, a wealthy farmer, of Mill Creek township, near Girard.
Mr. Haybarger's father died in 1874, at the age of forty-four years, leaving eight children (six of whom are still living) to the care of the mother, the oldest being twenty years of age. She proved equal to the responsible charge, and the result shows that all are prepared to take the different walks in life. Joseph B., the eldest son, is now an engineer on the Nickel Plate railroad; Levi E. is a prominent lawyer at Omaha, Neb.; Walter L. is a conductor on the Philadelphia & Erie railroad, stationed at Erie, Penn.; William and Winfield died young; Anna J. is now the wife of Mr. H.H. Seeley, an engineer on the Nickel Plate railroad, and resides at Conneaut; Mable L. is the wife of T.M. Titus, foreman in the Nickel Plate railroad shops at Conneaut; and Hubert G., the subject of this sketch. He commenced sailing as watchman in April, 1888, on the steamer Lehigh, of the Anchor Steamship line. The next season he was advanced to the berth of wheelsman, which he held four seasons, under the eyes of Capt. H.A. Sisson, a prominent lake master at the time. Captain Sisson, who died in 1893, after continuous service of a quarter of a century in the Anchor line, was always ready and desirous to help deserving young sailors to the front. And thus it was that, in 1893, Mr. Haybarger, after the death of Captain Sisson, found himself competent to do the duties of second mate on the steamer Codorus. In the spring of 1894 Mr. Haybarger shipped as second mate on the steamer E.B. Hale, and the latter part of 1895 was advanced to the position of mate.
He passed the winter months as fireman on the New York, Chicago and St. Louis railroad. In the spring of 1896 he came out as mate of the steamer Kaliyuga, transferring to the Samuel Mather, and on October 15 returned to Conneaut, where he was engaged as locomotive fireman until August 7, 1897, when he shipped as mate on the steamer Gladstone with Capt. H. Peterson, which position he now holds.
Mr. Haybarger is a thirty-second-degree Free Mason of Cleveland Consistory, his Knight Templar Commandery being Cache No. 27, located in Conneaut, Ohio, where he resides.
Captain James B. Hayes, of Detroit, Mich. was born in that city in the year 1863, and was raised in Amherstburg, Ontario. His father was a vesselman, and died in the marine hospital at Detroit several years ago. Captain Hayes first went on the lakes in the season of 1878 as deckhand on the Crusader; after three weeks he was watching and wheeling, and he remained on the Crusader four seasons in these capacities, next shipping as wheelsman on the steambarge Annie Smith for one season. He then entered the employ of Parker, Miller & Co., for whom he was wheeling one season on the steambarge Minneapolis, and his next berth was on the Osceola, of Ward's Lake Superior line. After wheeling for one trip, he became second mate, remaining in that position four years, and subsequently served as second mate of the Samuel F. Hodge, and sailed for one season on the William H. Stevens as first mate. He was also first mate for one season on the steambarge Annie Smith, which was lost that fall on Lake Huron off Forty Mile Point. The following season he was first mate on the steambarge Business, of Cleveland, and he then obtained employment with the Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Co., for whom he served two years as mate of the ferry Sappho, and for the same length of time as captain of the ferry Ariel, plying between Detroit and Walkerville. In the spring of 1895 Captain Hayes left the Ariel and went on the steamer Nipigon as second mate, after a short time becoming first mate, which position he still holds.
Captain Hayes was married, in 1886, to Miss Carrie Pascadden, of Kingsville, Ontario, and they have four children: Joseph W., James F., Ariel W. and Mary C. He has lived in Detroit for more than twenty years.
William Arthur Hayes, who is one of the younger engineers sailing out of Buffalo harbor, was born in the city of Buffalo in 1870. He attended the public schools of his native city until reaching the age of sixteen years, after which he entered the employ of Messrs. Farrar and Treft, to learn the machinist's trade. After remaining with that firm four years, he went to work for W. Case & Co.
In the spring of 1892 Mr. Hayes shipped as oiler on the steamer Northern Wave, of the Northern Steamship Company, and continued as such one season, spending the following winter doing repair work for the same line, and going on board the Northern King in the spring, remaining on that boat two seasons. In the spring of 1895 he went as oiler on the North Queen, and in the spring of 1896 was advanced to the position of first assistant engineer of the same boat, laying up with his steamboat at the close of navigation. In 1897, he entered the employ of the Erie line, sailing on the steamer Owego as second assistant engineer, until November, when the crew was cut down, as well as a number of others, was laid off.
Mr. Hayes is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association of Buffalo. He resides at No. 350 Main street, Buffalo, New York.
John B. Hayward is the son of Thomas Hayward, who lives in Pittsburg, Penn. He was born in Allegheny City, Penn., September 10, 1865, and at that place received an education in the public schools. At the age of fifteen years he went into the locomotive works and learned the machinist's trade, and, then coming to Cleveland, found employment in several shops, among which were those of the Globe Iron Works, City Forge Company, Standard Oil, Brush Electric Company, and the Cleveland Ship Building Company. In 1889 he shipped on the Northern King as oiler, and remained throughout the season. The following year he went on the Continental, of the Republic line, as second engineer, and spent the next season, upon the Frontenac, in the same capacity. Closely following this he was on the Republic, Fred Pabst and John Harper. He was then made chief engineer on the steamer Sitka, of the Wilson line, and remained one and a half years, when he became chief of the Sir William Fairbairn on which he has since remained, she being at this time the largest boat on fresh water.
On September 10, 1887, Mr. Hayward was married to Miss Flora M. Hodgeman, and they have two children: Blanche and Viola both in school. Mr. Hayward is a member of the Masonic order, the I. O. O. F. and the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association.
Captain William H. Hazen, at present superintendent of the Rochester & Pittsburg Coal & Iron Co.'s dock, at the corner of Ganson and Michigan streets, Buffalo, N. Y., is a son of Capt. David D. Hazen, the present owner and master of the tug Puritan, and the oldest tug captain in Buffalo harbor. The Captain was born at Buffalo, October 26, 1854, and received his education in the public schools of that city. His being a marine man all his life was undoubtedly due to the fact that his father followed that calling, but he also seems to have had a special adaptation for marine work, for when handling tugs he was usually called upon to take hold of the difficult jobs. He began as deckhand on the Buffalo harbor tug Daniel Boone in 1867, and in 1868 became engineer of the tug Itaska, in which he remained three successive seasons. The following season, 1871, he became engineer of the tug R.R. Hefford, owned by O. W. Cheney, was with her a season and a half, becoming master during that time, and in 1873 went on the Jos. Ash, as engineer, with Capt. O. W. Cheny as captain and owner, and was in her four years. During the season of 1873 the boiler of the tug R. R. Hefford blew up just as she came out of Commercial slip into Buffalo river, with three canal-boats in tow. She belonged to what is now known as Hand and Johnson's line, but at that time was owned by Capt. O. W. Cheney and J. H. Jones. Her engineer, Edward Day, and master, James Hand, were both killed, the latter of whom was the only son of George Hand, an owner. A stranger named Wenheimer, who was enjoying a ride, was also killed, being blown over Brown's elevator.
In 1882 our subject was made master of the tug A. P. Dorr (O. W. Cheney, owner) for the six successive seasons following. At the close of the season of 1884 the Dorr was burned at the dock as she was being laid up. She was subsequently rebuilt, however, and a new boiler put in, but on November 26, 1888, was lost off Dunkirk in rough weather, having sprung a leak. In 1889 Captain Hazen, O. W. Cheney and Thomas Maytham built the tug H. B. Abbott. Our subject was master of same for about half of that season, and during the remainder thereof was in that capacity on the steamer Periwinkle, formerly the United States revenue cutter Commodore Perry. In 1890 the Abbott was sold, and the Captain and Mr. Cheney build the tug O. W. Cheney, Captain Hazen running her until the close of that year, when she was sold to Thomas Maytham. In 1891 Captain Hazen took charge of the dock belonging to Messrs. Bell, Lewis & Yates, coal dealers, and remained their superintendent four years consecutively. In 1894 he and Mr. Cheney built the tug Cascade, which was subsequently sold into Hand & Johnson's line. In all Captain Hazen has been engineer, master and owner of Buffalo harbor tugs for eighteen consecutive years. In 1895 he became superintendent of the Rochester & Pittsburg Coal & Iron Co.'s docks, and he still retains that position. He has been a member of the Ship Masters Association since 1890, and was one of the charter members; has been a member of the Buffalo Harbor Masters and Pilots Association since 1892.
Captain Hazen was married at Ransomville, Niagara Co., N.Y., February 14, 1877, to Miss Venelia D. Thompson, daughter of John Thompson, of Ransomville, and they have three children: Lina D., aged fifteen years; David D., aged thirteen, and Howard O., aged three years. Our subject has also several brothers, one of them, James S. Hazen, being master of the tug Byers; Charles is now assistant engineer in the Buffalo City Hall building; John, engineer on a fuel scow at the Rochester & Pittsburg Coal & Iron Co.'s docks; Frank, watchman at the freight depot of the Lehigh Valley railway, and Frederick, engineer of a scow. Capt. William H. Hazen has been more than ordinarily successful in marine work. He was known as a plucky captain, and never turned back. He is one of the self-made men of Buffalo harbor.
Captain Timothy Heagerty, despite the years of experience he has had, is a young tug master who has given undiminished satisfaction to his present employers, with whom he has been steadily engaged since 1890 as master of their tugs. He was born in Oswego, N. Y., on December 4, 1867, son of Cornelius and Johanna (Heagerty) Heagerty, his mother not changing her name when she married. The parents were born in County Clare, Ireland, and came to the United States about the year 1848, locating in Oswego, where they were married. Jerry Heagerty, an uncle of the Captain, was a master of schooners and lost his life while mate on a schooner which foundered on Lake Michigan.
Timothy Heagerty attended the public schools until he reached the age of eighteen years, when he shipped in the schooner Hattie L. Johnson, plying between Montreal and Oswego in the coal trade. In the spring of 1888 he shipped as lineman in the tug Charlie Ferris, holding that berth two seasons and during the following two years served in the Phineas Marsh and other vessels. On February 14, 1890, having received his license during the winter, he entered the employ of Carkin, Stickney & Cram, and was appointed master of the tug Ada Barrett, operating at the Sault and Hay Lake Channel, waiting on dredges and doing general towing. The next spring he was appointed master of the tug Pandora, engaged in towing at Ogdensburg, N.Y., and in the spring of 1892 he was given command of the tug Dragon, which he has retained six years. She is at this writing stationed at Ashtabula, Ohio, where Messrs. Carkin, Stickney & Cram have a contract for dredging.
Captain Heagerty is a man of pleasant address and gentlemanly bearing. On February 6, 1895, he married Miss Kittie Meagher, daughter of Patrick and Nora Meagher, of Oswego, N. Y., and one son, Francis, has been born to their union. They reside at No. 236 West Fourth street, Oswego, New York.
Captain C. M. Hearnes will be recognized as perhaps one of the oldest masters now in active service on the lakes. He was born on the Isle of Tonto, Lake Ontario, in 1821, while his parents were traveling on the way to Oswego, N. Y., and for a number of years it was an undecided question with the Captain whether he was an American citizen or not. In order to remove any doubts he took out naturalization papers, which he still holds as curios. His school days were limited, as he commenced sailing when but eleven years old as cabin boy on the passenger packet Lord Byron, plying between Oswego and Kingston, Ont., and touching at intermediate ports, with his uncle, who was part owner of the boat. In the spring of 1833 he went as cook on the same packet, and the next season he was cook on the Charlotte, transferring from her to the schooner Adams.
His next berth was before the mast on the schooner Tom Willett and Cleopatra, and following this he was engaged in like service on the schooners Richmond and Albany, out of Oswego. He then removed to Cleveland, out of which port he shipped before the mast on the schooners Elizabeth A. Ward, Jenny Lind, Walter Joy and Havana, in turn, the next spring making one trip on the John Grant. The last named vessel capsized in Lake Erie, off Erie, and the crew were picked up by the captain of the schooner (on which Captain Hearnes' fellow townsman, Capt. George Warner, was sailing before the mast), and taken on to Buffalo. In the spring of 1847 Captain Hearnes sailed the Henry Ainsworth, and the next season was appointed mate of and fitted out the schooner Leland. The Trenton was his next boat, and from her he went to the Oneida, which was considered the smartest craft on the lakes. He was then appointed second mate of the brig Courtland, which went ashore in the Cut on the way up from Buffalo, but she was soon floated and continued her voyage. The Captain subsequently went as mate on the schooner General Harrison; before the mast on the Henry Crevolin and the brig Maryland, and the following season shipped as mate with Captain Cramer on the schooner Huron.
In 1848 Captain Hearnes remained ashore and engaged in the shipyard of Tisdale & Johnson, for whom he worked eight years. Having acquired some capital during this time he purchased the schooner Industry and sailed her four years in the grain trade between Cleveland, Buffalo and Oswego; she struck and went to pieces on the piers at Cleveland harbor, while Captain Fish was sailing her. He then bought the schooner Sergeant, which he sailed ten years. His next boat was the schooner J. R. Pelton, which he owned and sailed nine years, and after disposing of her he stopped ashore for about a year. In the spring of 1886 he purchased the schooner Rival, which he has sailed off and on for the past ten years, laying her up at the close of the season of 1896 in the Cuyahoga River, Cleveland, thus rounding out a period of sixty-four years as boy, man, and master of sailing vessels on the lakes. Captain Hearnes is still active, comparatively strong and enjoys good health. The schooner Lady I. Robbins, which went ashore at Little Sodus, was at one time owned by him. In 1832, while sailing with his uncle in the Lord Byron during the first year of the cholera plague, they were quarantined off Oswego for one day and one night, and this boat was the first ever quarantined on the lakes.
Captain Hearnes was united in marriage on December 25, 1847, to Miss Adelia Fish, of Jefferson county, N. Y., and they had three children; Capt. Charles N.; Ida E., now Mrs. Lisle Caldwell, and Eddie, who died young. The family residence is in Scoville Street on the west side, Cleveland, Ohio.
Captain Charles N. Hearnes was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1848, and is a son of Capt. Charles M. and Adelia Hearnes. He attended the public schools of his native city during the winter months only for a brief period, taking up his life on the lakes in 1857, when he became cook on the schooner Industry, with his father. In 1861 he shipped before the mast again with his father, on the schooner J. W. Sargeant, serving in minor positions until 1872, when he was appointed mate, in which capacity he remained nine years longer. On August 28, 1881, he shipped as mate on the schooner J. R. Pelton, upon which he continued ten years, part of that time as master. In 1890 he sailed the yacht Iolanthe for Robert Rhodes remaining ashore part of the season. When his father purchased the schooner Rival he sailed on her as master and mate alternately until the close of navigation of 1896, when she was laid up in Cleveland harbor. During his career as a mariner Captain Hearnes has been instrumental in saving more than one life; he assisted in the rescue of the crew of a capsized scow in the Detroit river, and on another occasion, with his wife's aid, he saved from drowning a man who had fallen from the deck of the Rival. The Captain was married to Miss Emma E. Armstrong, of Cleveland, Ohio, on October 13, 1869. Their children are Capt. Frank A. (master of the Cleveland fireboat J. H. Farley); George W., Charles E., Emma E., Ida P. and Sarah A. The family residence is in Cleveland, Ohio.
Charles H. Heaton has been in efficient service on the lakes for many years, and in that time has gained the utmost confidence of his employers and a valuable experience in marine affairs. He was born January 15, 1864, at Put-in-Bay, Ohio, and is the son of Charles H. and Hannah (Arlen) Heaton, the former of whom, a native of New York State, is still living at Pelee Island, Ont., surviving his wife, who died February 3, 1892.
Charles H. Heaton lived in his native place until he was nine years of age, thence removing with his parents to Columbia City, Ind., where he remained for six years. >From this time until he was twenty-one years of age Mr. Heaton was engaged in the fishing business at Put-in-Bay, and, having thus acquired some knowledge of marine work and a great desire for marine life, he shipped on the steamer Nebraska, the following season as wheelsman. Upon reaching Detroit the boat was put in dry dock, and at this place Mr. Heaton fell, receiving such severe injury that is was impossible for him to proceed with the boat. Later in the season he spent a short time on the Smith Moore and Calumet as wheelsman, and in the same capacity served the following season on the H.E. Packer and Otego, transferring thence to the Ohio for one season. The next year he went on the Iron Age as wheelsman, and toward the close of the season became second mate, from this boat going to the I.M. Weston and H.A. Tuttle as mate, and shipping the following year on the George W. Roby and Vulcan as second mate. During the seasons closely following he was on the steamers St. Lawrence, Republic and George F. Williams, and in 1895 he came to the Wawatam to fill the position of mate, which he still holds.
Mr. Heaton was married April 23, 1894, to Miss Lena A. Meddough, of Kingsville, Ont. Their only child is named Marie. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic Lodge, the A.O.U.W. and the Masters and Pilots Associations, of Cleveland.
Captain Frank Hebner is the genial and popular master of the City of Concord, plying between Port Huron and all lake ports in the salt, coal and grain trade. He was born in Jeddo, Mich., a son of Josiah and Hannah (Armitage) Hebner, who were born in Pennsylvania and of Quaker ancestry, and were reared in that State, but at an early day removed to Michigan, where the father opened up and developed a good farm, on which he lived till his death, the mother is still living and now makes her home in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Upon the home farm Captain Hebner remained until fifteen years of age, when he began his lakefaring career. He was one of the early pioneers in lake navigation, having sailed for over forty years on the Great Lakes. In 1858 he went before the mast on the Schooner Cornwall, from Oswego, N. Y., and was on her a part of two seasons. In 1860 he was made watchman on the steamer Forester, a passenger boat from Detroit, and during the four seasons he remained on her he was promoted to wheelsman and later to lookout. He was then second mate on the John P. Ward, was on the Reindeer, a passenger boat, for one season, and then returned to the Forester, all of which boats belonged to J. P. Ward, in whose employ he remained for some years, during which time he made his home in Detroit. From 1860 until 1882 he was in the passenger service, running between Detroit, Mackinaw and Sault Ste. Marie. For a time he was on the schooner Dunford, out from Port Huron, engaged in the lumber trade, and in 1878 became master, first of the steamer Saginaw, from Detroit in the passenger service, remaining on her during the seasons of 1879 and 1880. She belonged to the River and Lake Shore line, which has since been merged into the Star line. Since 1892 he has lived in Chicago, and is now engaged in the general freighting business to all lake ports. In marine circles he stands deservedly high, and has the confidence and esteem of all who know him.
Captain Hebner was married, in Saginaw, Mich., in 1870, to Miss Jennie McCracken, who is of Scotch descent, and they have become parents of five children: Maud, Frank A., Blanche, Rea and Genevieve.
Captain Jacob F. Hector, from the land of the ancient Vikings, who, as tradition and history teaches us, were the most hardy and victorious rovers of the sea during the early ages, is now a dignified and courteous master and navigator of an American passenger steamer on Lake Superior, and is eminently qualified to fill this position to the pleasure of his passengers and the satisfaction of the owners. However high roll the waves of the greatest of lakes the Captain never hesitates to run into them, and thus during the eight years he has had command of the steamer Hiram P. Dixon, he has never missed a trip. He was born June 19, 1848, in Hammerfest, near North Cape, the most northerly part of Norway, and is a son of Christian F. and Caroline (Holmgren) Hector, both Norwegians. The father was a master mariner and fisherman of the North Sea, and owned several small fishing sloops. The family left Norway in 1865, and came to the United States, locating in Chicago, where the mother died in the fall of the same year. The father survived his wife until August 1877, when he passed away at the age of sixty-four years.
Previous to leaving Norway Captain Hector acquired a public-school education, and also finished his first experience as a mariner on the North Sea in his father's fishing sloops. He was an expert boatman, and such was his skill that he rode out a winter storm in 1864 off the isle of Wardo one night, when several vessels and eighteen men had perished in the harbor. After locating in Chicago with his parents he found employment in a chair factory, and later in a planing-mill on South Water street. It was on February 14, 1870, that he went to Duluth, where he engaged in the fishing business with the tug Fred and Will, and several boats which he and Mr. McLean had purchased, the firm name being Hector & McLean. In 1878 they met with a misfortune in the loss of their tug, which was destroyed by a fire on the Apostle island, after which they purchased the tug Siskiwitt. The Captain was manager of the business and conducted it until 1879, when, during the summer of that year, the firm name changed to Cooley, Hector, & McLean, and continued in operation until 1882 when business was discontinued and the outfit sold. Captain Hector then purchased the tug Amethyst, and engaged in fishing and general towing, until 1887. He then opened a grocery store, and during the summer made a visit to Fargo, N. Dak., but not finding his hopes verified he returned to Duluth, and entered the employ of A. Booth as mate on the passenger steamer Hiram R. Dixon, having to go to Baltimore, Md., after her, and with Captain Wheeler in command took her to Portland, Maine, where Captain Hector assumed Command, and brought her up to Duluth. The next year he joined her as mate. In the spring of 1890 he was promoted to be master, and has sailed her on the route between Duluth and Port Arthur ever since. He has fifteen issues of license.
In October, 1871, Captain Jacob F. Hector was wedded to Miss Charlotte Caroline, daughter of Peter J. Sampson. The children born to this union are Jacob Siverine, and John Frederick, both of whom died young; and Fred Christian, Clara Marian, Stella Charlotte Josephine, Johny Arthunder, and Pearl Leonara Hector. The family homestead is at No. 1017 East Third street, Duluth, Minn. Socially, the Captain is a member of the American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels, and of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
Eric Leonard Hedstrom was a pioneer in the coal-shipping trade on the lakes, both in Buffalo and Chicago. He was descended from good old Norse stock, and was born in Stockholm, Sweden, August 21, 1835, at the age of eight coming with his parents to America and settling in Lake County, Ill., near Chicago. Mr. Hedstrom was given a good education, finishing with a collegiate course at Rochester University, and on returning to Chicago entered the coal office of A.B. Meeker & Co., then a leading firm in the Western trade. In 1864 the Company sent him to Buffalo to establish a branch office there, and some time later he was made a partner in the firm, still later commencing operations in his own name. Ere long he had one of the largest concerns operating in coal, coke, and iron in the country, with branches in Chicago and Racine. He was at one time connected with the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, handled its Western coal and had an interest in the railroad, and he afterward formed an alliance with the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, the present firm still shipping that company's Scranton coal. The business in Buffalo was begun at the foot of Erie street, but was later moved to the Island, where Mr. Hedstrom built what was afterward the Lehigh docks, the first coal trestle in Buffalo. He was the chief promoter of the Buffalo Creek railroad, built to utilize the Blackwell Ship canal, and remained a stockholder of the road. The change from the Lehigh to the Lackawanna interest was made in 1879, when the latter company built its line from Great Bend to Buffalo, and needed a resident shipper at the western terminus of the line. The firm of E.L. Hedstrom are the only individual shippers of anthracite coal from Buffalo by lake. In 1880 the shipment of soft coal was added, they handling the first Pittsburg coal of any amount in the Buffalo market, and since that time the firm has become largely interested in the mining and handling of all grades of soft coal. The business grew steadily, until it was found that facilities not before employed were needed, and they built and operated the first steam coal fueling lighter used in Buffalo harbor. As it was found to be very convenient for fueling steamers when loading or unloading cargoes, other fueling concerns soon adopted the same device.
Mr. Hedstrom was no less prominent in general affairs of public and especially bene-volent nature than in business. Indeed it would seem that he was placed at the head of all the enterprises in which he took an interest, and at one time he was president of nineteen benevolent associations. He was for a long time president of the Buffalo Baptist Union, in which position he was able to extend the work of that denomination very materially. He combined in a rare degree that courtesy added to energy and business capacity which made his cooperation in benevolent affairs of inestimable value. In 1894 he was president of the Buffalo Merchants Exchange when the new building was first occupied, and was reelected the next year, but he did not seek political preferment, finding a more useful and congenial field in which to labor. He died in 1894, since which time the business has been continued by the estate without change of firm name, under the direct management of his son, Mr. Arthur E. Hedstrom, and Mr. Eugene C. Roberts. The trade continues in this way without apparent change, and is uniformly prosperous.
Charles F. Heimke, chief engineer of the power plant of the Buffalo & Niagara Falls Electric railway, is a native of Mt. Clemens, Mich., and a son of William and Justine (Brendenburg) Heimke, who still reside at Mt. Clemens; the father is a farmer. There were four children in the family, the only one now living besides the subject of this sketch being William A., a farmer, who also makes his home at Mr. Clemens.
Charles F. Heimke resided at Mt. Clemens until nineteen years of age. At the age of eighteen he began life on the lakes as seaman on the towbarge Seminole, and succeeding that employment was deckhand on the steambarge Canisteo, on which he remained three seasons, the last two as fireman. He next served as fireman of the steamer F. R. Buell one season, then as oiler one season on the steamer J. H. Wade. During 1892 he was first assistant of the steamers P. J. Ralph and Mark Hopkins, and in 1893-94 of the steamer J. H. Wade. The season of 1895 he was ashore, engaged in business in Cleveland, and during the season of 1896 he was first assistant engineer of the side-wheel passenger steamer City of Toledo, on the route between Toledo and Port Huron. That steamer was built for the route between Toledo and Put-in-Bay, and ran there several seasons as the successor of the old Chief Justice Waite, but during the World's Fair in Chicago was under charter and ran out of that city. She was later purchased by Parker & Millan, of Detroit, for the route above mentioned. On November 15, 1896, Mr. Heimke was appointed assistant engineer of the power plant of the Buffalo & Niagara Falls Electric railway, and on March 20, 1897, was promoted to the position of chief engineer, which he still retains. He is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 2, of Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. Heimke was married, at Lockport, N. Y., August 29, 1895, to Miss Matilda Swenson, and they reside at Tonawanda, that state.
John Heinkelmann, second engineer of the steamer Horace P. Tuttle, is a native of Marine City, Mich., where he was born in 1865, the son of Andrew and Barbara (Lebens) Heinkelmann. His father was a farmer.
Our subject commenced sailing in 1890, as a deck hand on the steamer H. S. Pickands, after seven years' experience as stationary engineer. After this he was fireman on the Colonial in 1891; oiler on the V. H. Ketcham in 1892; on the Andaste and Onoko in 1893, and on the I. W. Nicholas in 1894, and second engineer of the Tuttle, reaching that position in the spring of 1895; during the seasons of 1896-97 he filled a like position on the Yuma, which position he still retains.
On January 18, 1898, in Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. Heinkelmann was married to Miss Louie(sic) Hatch, of Boston, Massachuetts.
Michael Heinkelmann is known as the young man whose career as a marine engineer was brought to an untimely end in the loss of the steamer Wocoken, being chief engineer of that ill-fated vessel. He was born in Marine City, Mich., in 1861, and was the son of Andrew and Barbara (Lebens) Heinkelmann. His first sailing was in 1885 as deckhand on the propeller Edward Smith and the following year he served as fireman on the George King, and a year later as second engineer on the Harry Cottrell. He was second on the Oswegatchie, and the Turner in 1888; of the H. S. Pickands in 1889; of the Viking in 1890, and chief of the Colonial in 1891. The next year he was chief of the V. H. Ketcham, and in 1893 chief of the Andaste, serving for five months, and of the Wocoken from that time until she went down off Long Point, Lake Erie, October 14, 1893. The vessel entered a gale which damaged the boiler house to such an extent that the water poured in through the opening and caused the ship to founder. A number of the crew were saved, but the chief engineer was among those who were lost. He had been married but a few months at the time of the accident, his wife being Miss Josie Snell, of Marine City.
C.A. Heisner is one of those marine engineers who are marked for the confidence in which they are held by employers, and he is equally renowned for his pleasing manners by means of which he enjoys a large circle of friends and acquaintances. His father, Adam Heisner, was a native of Germany, but when young came to America, in which country he spent the greater part of his life, and his entire active career. He was employed at his trade, that of a blacksmith and shipsmith, for many years at Marine City, Mich. He was killed in the Civil war, leaving a wife, Mary (Diem) Heisner, and two sons, Charles A., and John W., who was on the lakes for several years as marine engineer, finally becoming master and now owning interests in the Mary McLaughlin and steamer Katie M. Forbes. Mrs. Heisner was subsequently married to John Minnie, by whom she has three daughters.
C. A. Heisner was born February 29, 1856, at Marine City. Michigan, then known as Newport. The family removed to Bay City, same State, and lived there for several years, at length returning to Marine City, where our subject has ever since made his home. There he attended school until his sixteenth year, when he went on the Trader for a short time as deck-hand, soon becoming wheelsman. The two seasons following he spent on the D.F. Rose and Robert Holland as wheelsman, after which he served two seasons on the George King as watchman and second mate. He then came on the side-wheeler Dove for part of a season, transferring to the H.D. Coffinberry, as wheelsman for the remainder. The following two seasons he spent on the Christina A. Forbes as fireman, coming the next year on the Westover as second engineer, and toward the latter part of the year he was given the position of chief. The next season he served on the Hattie T. Brown, afterward returning to the C.A. Forbes, on which he remained for three years. In the position of second engineer he then came to the C.F. Curtiss, remaining on that boat two years and serving as chief the greater part of the time. He was employed the following season in fitting out the Simon Langell, upon which he served for a short time as second engineer, and then came on the steamer Birckhead as chief for two seasons. He also acted as chief upon the steambarge Tempest two seasons, upon the Aztec part of a season, and then part of a season as second in the Maruba, coming to the Samuel Mather the following year. He was then on the Maruba for a short time, and served the balance of the year on the V.H. Ketcham as chief. In 1892 he shipped on the Pathfinder, where he has continued with Captain MacGregor up to the present time.
Mr. Heisner was married, in February, 1883, to Miss Carrie B. Lester, of Marine City. Her father, Thomas Lester, is an old vessel master and owner, at present having an interest in several boats, among which are the Tempest and schooner Coin. Henry and Curtis Lester, brothers of Mrs. Heisner, are both sailors in active life at the present time, and have been on the lakes for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Heisner have had five children: Emma M., John (deceased), Alta, Edith and Charles, all of whom but Charles are attending school at Marine City. Mr. Heisner is a member of the M. E. B. A. He spends his winters in the employ of different shops at Marine City, and also has a financial interest in the lake marine with John Balfour, owning the schooner Uranus.
Ed. C. Helbing, second engineer of the Russell Sage, is one of the seven children of Edward and Augusta (Clapp) Helbing. He was born November 24, 1864, at Toledo, Ohio, at which place he attended school until he was sixteen years of age, and then started his marine life.
He did ordinary work on a tow barge for about five months, after which, during the season of 1881, he was firing on the Morning Star, and served on the Mackinaw in the same capacity for the two succeeding seasons. During the seasons of 1884, 85-86-87, he was on the Milton D. Ward, Wellington R. Burt, Greyhound, and city of Milwaukee, all passenger boats, as fireman, and also on the river tug Wilcox, of Detroit, as oiler. In 1888 he was firing on the Corsica part of the season, and served the balance as oiler. The following season he received his first issue of license as second engineer, filling that berth on the Corsica until she was burned to the water's edge, after which he transferred to the Torrent, where he remained the balance of that and all of the next season, 1890. In 1891 he was second engineer of the Swain (of which his brother was chief) for about three months, spending the balance on the Business, and in 1892 was second mate of the Marquette. Since that time he has been second to George Kohlbrenner on the Russell Sage, the season of 1897 being his fifth consecutive year at that post. Mr. Helbing has nine issues of license, and is a member of the Cleveland No. 2, M.E.B.A.
He was married, in June 1892, to Miss Jennie Hicks, of Toledo, and they make their home in that city, at No. 2041 Ontario street.
Joseph Hempton, an ardent member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association and well known to the fraternity in Duluth, Minn., was born in Manitowoc, Wis., December 4, 1854. His parents, William and Margaret (Dunham) Hempton, were natives of Toronto, Ontario, and Vermont, respectively, and as early as 1832 both came west and located in Manitowoc, where they met and were married.
Joseph Hempton received his primary education in the schools of his native place, and in the spring of 1882 began his marine career as fireman on the tug Bob Nobles, on Sturgeon bay. Toward the close of the season she was destroyed by fire, the crew reaching shore in a small boat, and they walked to Menominee, where they were treated as kindly as shipwrecked sailors usually are. The next season Mr. Hempton shipped as fireman in the tug Ben Drake, and during that winter he applied for an engineer's license, after obtaining which he ran the Drake two seasons. In 1884 he engineered the tug Nelson, and then ran a stationary engine for some time. In 1889 Mr. Hempton again took up his marine life, entering the employ of Capt. J.H. Dunham, of Chicago, as engineer of the tug A. Miller. The following spring he shipped as second engineer in the steamer Mary Mills, plying between Chicago and Menominee in the lumber trade, and his next boat was the Eugene Hart, plying on Saginaw bay, of which he was also second engineer. In the spring of 1892 he was appointed chief engineer of the Nelson, running her until October, when he laid his boat up and entered the employ of Whiteside, Torgelson & Shaw, as engineer of their flouring-mill, operating a Corliss engine. In 1894 he went to Menominee, where he was appointed chief engineer of the side-wheel steamer M. M. Chester, plying in the fruit trade. It was in 1896 that he came to Duluth, Minn., where he entered the employ of Capt. B. B. Inman as engineer of the tug Joseph Dudley, transferring the next season to the tug A. C. Adams. In the spring of 1898 Mr. Hempton was given the position of chief engineer on the tug Hattie Lloyd, operated by the Independent Ferry Company, between Duluth and West Superior. He makes his home in Duluth.
Captain Dan Henderson was born in Oswego, N. Y., in 1862, son of Capt. William Henderson, who is at present residing in Kansas City. He attended the Oswego schools while a boy, and also during the winters after he began sailing.
The Captain's first experience on the lakes was gained when he was fifteen years of age, as seaman on the schooner Oades, following which he served successively in the schooners Maggie, Trenton and Orient, being mate on the last-named craft until she was lost on Point Peninsula, Lake Ontario. Then for a time he was mate of the Garrett Smith, after which he remained on`shore one season, employed as clerk in a grocery store in Cleveland. He was later mate of the schooner Colonel Cook, and then fireman of the tug R.K. Hawley, of which he shortly afterward became engineer, and he was subsequently connected with the tug line of Capt. Robert Greenhalgh in Cleveland, bringing out new the Doan, Warwick, Bolton and Mary Virginia. While he was serving as captain of the Doan she struck a snag while backing, and her rudder being turned violently sidewise, he was thrown over the wheel and severely injured in the side, being laid up for some time. The next year he took the Doan outside the harbor to bring in a vessel; the tug tripped on the line and turned completely over, the hands being rescued by the life-saving crew. After this accident Captain Henderson went to Ashtabula, and finished the year in the tug Dragon. He was janitor of the Waverly school one year, and in 1887 entered the employ of the Cleveland Sand & Gravel Co., as captain of the sandboat, with whom he has remained ever since, with the exception of one year, when he was pilot of the fireboat J.L. Weatherly. In 1896 he was made superintendent of the company.
Captain Henderson in 1880 married Miss Lena Anthony, of Cleveland. Their children are: Will, Ruby and Grace.
Captain Daniel Hendricks, who died October 5, 1886, was master and owner of the Heather Bell for several years, and was well acquainted in marine circles. He was born in 1820, at Detroit, Mich., living there until he reached his twenty-third year, when he sailed out of that port. He afterward returned, however, and purchased a sawmill which he operated three years, at the end of that time removing to Chatham, Ontario, where he engaged in agricultural pursuits.
Captain Hendricks was married, in 1854, to Miss Monique Raymond, a young woman of French parentage and Canadian birth, and they became the parents of thirteen children, as follows: Jacob H., a marine engineer; Helen, who died in childhood; Charles, a carpenter now living at Duluth, Minn.; Olive, who married Charles Kellogg and resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba; Walter, who is a marine engineer, residing in Erie; Harriet, living in Winnipeg; Louisa, who married William McCubben and resides in Flint, Mich,; Alexander, and engineer, residing in Flint, Mich.; Mack, a resident of Duluth; George, who was a farmer all his life and died in October 1896; Daniel, who lives in Chatham, Ontario, engaged in farming; Monique, who was burned to death in 1892; and Hugh, who lives in Chatham and is still attending school.
Jacob Hendricks, of Cleveland, is an engineer who has been connected with the marine industry for many years, and one whose name is well known among those of the same calling. He was born December 3, 1855, at Detroit, Mich., son of Daniel F. and Monique (Raymond) Hendricks, natives of Detroit and Canada, respectively. Mr. Hendricks lived at his native place for six years and then went to Chatham, Ontario, where he remained a short time. At the age of fourteen he sailed out of Detroit on the tug Sweepstakes, as fireman, and soon after went on the Kate Moffat, in the same capacity. He subsequently served as fireman upon the steamer Dove, running between Saginaw and Alpena, and the tugs C.L. Hunter, James Hay and Edwin Eddy, and then securing his papers, shipped on the Robert Boyd, being afterward employed on the Handy Boy, Daisy Lee, Charles Lee, George R. Dixon, Tom Maytham, James Amadeus, S.S. Stone, Mystic, L.P. Smith, T.M. Moore and Chris Grover. Mr. Hendricks now went to Port Huron and brought out the Mollie Spencer, from that boat transferring to the Alpena, and later to the Effie L., after which he went to Buffalo and brought out the Frank W. Following this he was engaged on the James Beard, George Brady, Grace Dormer, H.D. Conger, Hiawatha, Saginaw Valley, Thomas Palmer, L.R. Doty and George W. Morley, finally returning to the employ of L.P. & J.A. Smith and taking the C.E. Benham, in which he remained until transferred to the Boynton.
Mr. Hendricks was married, October 1, 1887, to Miss Minnie Gilboe, a native of Pontiac, Mich., and sister of Alfred C. Gilboe, who has been fireman on the Tom Maytham.
George F. Hendry is one of the oldest and probably one of the best known engineers on the Great Lakes. His experiences have been many and varied; but good fortune has generally attended him and he is still in active life. He was born April 26, 1829, in Woolwich, Kent, England, and soon after coming to America in 1842 began life as a sailor, shipping as second assistant engineer on the North America, a vessel running between Halifax and St. John. He was also engaged one season in the same capacity on the Unicorn; at the close of his service on that boat starting for Cuba. On his way to Sandusky, Ohio, whence he intended to proceed to Cincinnati, he fell a victim to the cholera plague and was obliged to remain in Cleveland. On his recovery he accepted second engineer's berth on the propeller Spaulding, and after running on that vessel for two years embarked in the same capacity on the Sultana and the Ohio. In 1854 he was made chief engineer on the Louisville, where he remained two seasons, and he was subsequently chief on the J. W. Brooks, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Edith, Milwaukee, Annie Laurie, Thompson, Delaware, and Dunbar. In 1896 he became connected with the Desmond. The only accident of a serious nature with which Mr. Hendry was met occurred during his service as engineer on the J. W. Brooks. While the boat was in Cleveland, in 1855, the side of the furnace came out, killing three men, and he sustained serious injuries, from which, however, he has fully recovered.
Mr. Hendry was married August 1, 1852 to Miss Ann Wallace, of Canada, who died in 1892, leaving two children - William, who has been a marine engineer for twenty-five years, and Francis, who is married and lives in Chicago. On October 20, 1893, Mr. Hendry was again married, his second union being with Miss Annie Lobdell, of Defiance, Ohio. They now live in Chicago.
Frederick Henning was born in the city of St. Catharines in the year 1861, and attended the public schools of Lockport, N.Y., for several years, and then went to Montreal, where he served his time with Mitchell & Co., master machinists, who did a large trade in steam fitting, marine work, etc. About the earliest responsible engineering work in which Mr. Henning engaged was the running of one of the first consolidated locomotives on the Canadian Pacific railroad through the Roger's Pass in the Rocky Mountains, in the days of construction of snow shed work fifteen years ago.
The first steamboat on which he served was the tug William Ross, plying in the Georgian Bay service. He then went on the steamer Cherokee, running between Collingwood and French river. Seventeen years ago he went out to Canada's prairie province of Manitoba, and went on the steamer Millie Howe, plying on Lake Winnipeg. He went from her to the Hudson Bay Company's boat, the Colville, which was engaged in taking supplies to the various Hudson Bay posts on Lake Winnipeg. At that time a Hudson Jack had been hoisted at a spot at the head of the Nelson river, which was said to be the most northerly point, navigable for steamboats, in Canada. However, Mr. Henning hauled down the flag and replanted it at a more northerly point, and there, in that far Northland, it waves proudly in the breeze to this day. Mr. Henning put the engines in the steambarge Red River, and ran her for one season, her route being a round of Lake Winnipeg ports. She was afterwards burned and rendered useless. Nine years ago he went on the side-wheel passenger steamer Aurora, which also ran on Lake Winnipeg and is still in service. Then he took charge of the engines on the government tug, Sir Hector, which was engaged in dredging at the mouth of the Red River.
Then Mr. Henning went east to Toronto, and had charge of the ferry steamer, Mascotte, which was afterward destroyed by floating ice in Sixteen Mile creek, Oakville, Ontario. From this boat he went on the ferry steamer Sadie, now called Shamrock, and he then went to the upper lakes again, taking charge of the steam-barge, Lothair, which was engaged in the lumber business between Cleveland, Ohio, and Blind River. She afterward foundered off Tobermoray, her machinery, however, being recovered. From this boat he went on the steambarge W.B. Hall, which ran between Port Arthur and Kingston. It is interesting to note that the engines on this boat were those that had been taken out of the famous tug Robb, which has become historic as one of the improvised gunboats on the Niagara river during the Fenian raid of 1866. Then Mr. Henning went on the ferry boat Canadian (now the Thistle), and remained on her until he was sent for to put the machinery in the new hydraulic dredge on the Hudson river. Last summer he rendered the same service on the hydraulic city dredge, the Daniel Lamb, in the Toronto harbor.
This gentleman had during the seasons of 1894-95 been on the pleasure steamer J.W. Steinhoff, the same boat on which he has charge of the engines at present, her name having been altered to that of the Queen City.
Mr. Henning is married, and with his wife and baby girl reside at No. 17 Soho street, Toronto. He is a member of the Independent Order of Foresters, the Odd Fellows, and the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
Capt. Frank Henrich, navigator, scholar and gentleman, is one of those men who have compassed the lakes and understand their business. Having attained the position of hydrographic officer, it is unnecessary to say that he must be considered by all readers and makers of charts as a man of prestige in the way of navigation. To attain such a position it is necessary to pass a most rigid examination by the United States authorities. Captain Henrich is the son of William Frank and Henrietta (Schrader) Henrich, and was born in Koenigsburg, Prussia, October 2, 1852. His parents were both natives of Prussia, his father being a game keeper under the laws of forestry, but was actually a lieutenant in the Prussian army; he had served during many of the Prussian wars, and had finally been promoted to the office of recruiting agent, and was in charge of the home garrison, and office he had held for many years preceding his death, which occurred in November 1892, at which time he was a pensioner of the Prussian Government. The wife and mother had passed away October 4, 1852.
In his school days Captain Henrich was ambitious to excel, and passed all examinations in the high schools when seventeen years old. Being, as the Prussians have it, a cadet of the family, it was a mooted question whether he would go into the army, the navy, or the clergy, but young Henrich promptly decided for himself, and in 1869 went down to the sea. He shipped in the full-rigged ship Elizabeth, as cabin boy, remaining until 1873, during which period he had the pleasure of sailing six oceans and connecting seas, in the meantime passing examination and filling all berths from cabin boy to mate. On October 1, 1873, Captain Henrich joined the German navy, reserving a year, granted as a privilege for his superior education and having attained to the position of mate and navigator, and it was his pleasure to serve in that office on the Barbarosa. He then joined the artillery ship Renown, and after serving on the torpedo boat Turbine was honorably discharged September 30, 1874, having passed through all the minor offices of the German navy. He then shipped, for one voyage, as mate in the Regulator, at that time in the Brazilian trade, remaining six months, and this was followed by a trip in the ship Gazelle, trading to Wilmington, Del. Not being satisfied with this experience, Captain Henrich took mate's berth on the full-rigged ship Ovarense, which had been sold to the British Government; she was afterward sold to Fisher & Randall, of Manchester, and diverted into coast trade. After the sale of this vessel Captain Henrich went aboard the British man-of-war Boxer, passed the necessary examination and took charge of the bark Amelia as master, transferring to the Sierre Leone, and sailed her six months in the African trade. In the spring of 1876 Captain Henrich was appointed master of the steamer Zu-Zu, and the next season he returned to Prussia, where he remained joining home comforts.
In 1878 he shipped as mate out of Hamburg on the Scotch bark Rowena, bound for Quebec. It was at this time that Captain Henrich heard of the American Lakes. He then quit his boat, went to Buffalo and shipped before the mast on the schooner Ida Keith, and the next season he became mate of the schooner Samana; in 1880, second mate of the schooner A.J. Rogers, with Captain Reimers, remaining on her off and on until he was appointed mate of the schooner Houghton in 1886. His seamanship had, by this time, attracted the attention of the owners of all classes of vessels, and in 1887 he was appointed master of the schooner John S. Richards, which was sold under him. The next year he became mate of the schooner Moonlight, and in the spring of 1889 was appointed master of the schooner A.J. Rogers. It is well to observe here that the Captain had passed the previous winters as mate of the American bark Josie D. Bueno, trading to the West Indies. In 1890 he joined the American ship Challenger as mate on a voyage from New York to Madagascar island -the 'tween decks containing a cargo of loose powder, which, in a storm which overtook the ship, got loose and shifted so that they were obliged to stay it by throwing down large pieces of wood and coal. Returning to the lakes in 1891, he became master of the schooner John Schuette, followed by a season as commander of the C.C. Barnes, which he sailed two seasons. In 1894 he was appointed by secretary J.G. Carlisle as master of the lightship station at Poe's reef, holding that office two seasons.
In 1896 Captain Henrich went up for examination as nautical expert for the position of hydrographic officer, and stood with a credit of 69-1/2 per cent, and that summer he sailed the steamer Waverly. Having acquired some funds during his busy life, he purchased Williams island, situated in Lake Superior, west of Grand island and in Alger county, Michigan, and consists of thirty-seven acres, upon which he has built a homestead. The next year he acted as pilot out of Munising, Mich., and that fall received notice from the Secretary of the Navy to come up again for examination as nautical expert, and on November 27 he passed standing at the rating of 98 per cent, the requisite being 70, and was appointed to the office at Duluth on April 13, a position he now holds, giving eminent satisfaction to the government by his intelligent suggestions and chart work. He is a close observer, and takes cognizance of every matter of interest. While in the Prussian navy he was the first to invent an instrument to measure the velocity of the wind, which is now in universal use.
He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellow, and of the Ship Masters Association, carrying Pennant No. 1033.
On July 3, 1889, Capt. Frank Henrich was wedded to Miss Eunice, daughter of Orvil and Martha Simonson. Mr. Simonson was a patriot of the Civil war, serving as a sergeant in a Michigan regiment, and was killed in one of the last battles by a minie ball.
George Henson, for many years one of the most prominent engineers on the lakes, and who for some time has remained ashore, and since December 1, 1893, has most capably and satisfactorily filled the position of chief engineer at Central Music Hall, Chicago, Ill., was born in Boston, Mass., in 1846, a son of George and Helen Sophia (Freeman) Foster, also natives of that State. The father died in Boston when our subject was quite young, and he afterward took the name of his stepfather, Alexander Henson, who was for years a sailor on the lakes, and for some time was mate on the schooners Anna C. Raynor, Dardanelles, Stanton, and others. He removed the family to Buffalo, but spent his last days in Jeffersonville, Ind. The mother's death occurred in the same place.
Our subject was five years old, when he went with the family to Buffalo, where he was educated in Public School No. 11, situated on Elm street, and in that of No. 32, on Hickory street. After leaving school he commenced studying engineering, and was granted his first license in 1865. He commenced sailing from Buffalo in 1863 on the tug Relief, and the same year was also on the tugs A.B. Nelson and S.A. Clark for a time. The following year was chief engineer on the tugs Whalon, on the Niagara river, and the Hathaway and Parker; in 1865 was engaged on the tug Hilderhouse, and also brought the tug Skatchard on Erie canal from Schenectady, N.Y., to Buffalo. He was next on the tug Old Jack, of the George Hand Tug line, and on taking that boat to Cleveland he remained there for a time. Returning to Buffalo, he became engineer on the American Eagle, in 1866 was second engineer on the old propeller Owego, of the New York & Erie Railroad line, afterward the Union Steamboat Company; in 1867 came out on the O.L. Nims, which he had fitted up in Buffalo that winter, for Jack Green, and took her to Port Colborne, Canada. He then went on the Jones and brought the Nims back, after which he was on the tugs O.M. Ball and Dragon.
In the fall of 1867 Mr. Henson removed to Chicago, and the following year came out on the tug Success, which he engineered for ten years. During this time, in 1871, he took the tug L.B. Coates to Texas, going down the Illinois and Michigan canal through the Illinois and Mississippi rivers to the mouth of the Red river, then to the Gulf of Mexico and to Galveston, and on to Houston, returning in June to Chicago, where he again took charge of the Success. On leaving her in 1878 he was made engineer of the tug Gardner; was for a part of the season of 1879 on the tug A.B. Ward, and for two seasons was on the propeller Buckeye. In the fall of 1881 he was appointed engineer of the Central Park school, Chicago, where he remained until March, 1882, when, on leave of absence for one year, he went to Manitowoc, Wis., and fitted out the propeller Buckeye, which ran during the season 1882. In 1883 he returned to the Central Park school, where he filled the position of engineer until 1890, after which he went as engineer on the steamer White and Friant, remaining on her until the close of the season of 1893. On the 1st of December, of that year, he accepted his present postions, that of chief engineer at Central Music Hall.
Mr. Henson was married in Chicago, in 1873, to Miss Cordelia E. Molau, a native of Maine, and a daughter of William C. and Cordelia E. (Card) Molau, natives of Denmark and Maine, respectively. Her father, who is of French-Danish extraction, also followed a seafaring life, sailing out of Denmark early in life, and after coming to this country sailed on the lakes. He located in Chicago, where, during the Civil War he enlisted in the Board of Trade Battery, remaining in the service until hostilities ceased. He was a good soldier, and is now an honored member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and he and his wife find a pleasant home with our subject. Mr. Henson has prospered financially, and now owns residence property on the West Side, and also flat buildings on Indiana Avenue, on the South Side, Chicago. Socially, he is a prominent member of the old Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 4, of Chicago, and of which he was recording secretary for three years; Union Park Lodge No. 610, F. & A.M.; Corinthian Chapter No. 69, R.A.M.; St. Bernard Commandery No. 35, K.T.; Queen Esther Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star; and was also a charter member of Sacramento Council of the Royal Arcanum. In all places and under all circumstances, he is a courteous and genial gentleman, who commands the respect and esteem of all who know him.
Captain Calvin Herrick, one of the old-time ship masters out of Toledo, is a son of James and Martha (Sharpstein) Herrick, and was born in Richmond, Ontario Co., N.Y., January 19, 1819. In 1823 his parents removed to Ohio and located at Maumee. Here the father carried on the business of blacksmithing for a short time, when he removed to Waterville, and while the subject of this sketch was still a lad, his parents returned again to New York and settled in Livingston county. Here young Herrick remained until sixteen years of age, when he went to Perrysburg and assisted his brother Elijah in transporting merchandise by team from that place to Providence.
In 1837 Captain Herrick commenced his career in lake navigation by entering the employ of Capt. Curtis Perry, going on the schooner Caroline, on which he sailed until 1845, the last two years as mate. In 1845, he was appointed master of the schooner Kentucky, owned by D.B. Smith of Maumee, holding that position eighteen months. For two years following he was mate of the propeller Globe, commanded by Capt. Henry Wetmore, after which he served two years as master of the schooner Alvin Bronson. In the spring of 1852 he became master of the steamer Henry A. Kent, which he sailed successfully until she was destroyed by fire May 18, 1854. He then sailed the steamer Sciota for two years, and later the propeller Potomac, which he brought out new; also the Queen of the Lakes and the Chicago. He then retired from active service to the lakes. In 1856 the marine insurance companies along the lakes formed a board of lake underwriters for mutual protection, and employed men in the different divisions of their territory to inspect vessels and report their condition, and upon recommendation Captain Herrick was employed by the board as marine inspector, his district extending from Toledo to Cleveland. This position he held for several years, and subsequently engaged in a similar capacity for the fire and marine and mutual insurance companies. For many successive years he was appointed harbor master at Toledo by the city council, a position he filled most acceptably.
On December 3, 1846, Captain Herrick was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Van Fleet, daughter of Jared Van Fleet, one of the early settlers of Lucas county. Seven children were born to this union, four of whom are now living, the others having died young. Those who survive are Thomas C., now master of the steamer Russell Sage; Mattie E., now Mrs. Elmer Shields; Clara, now Mrs. Charles Beard, and Anna, who became the wife of John Swigart.
Captain Herrick, who died August 14, 1897, retired from active business life about twenty years ago. He was of a kind and genial disposition, and enjoyed the respect and esteem of all with whom he had had any business or social relations. It will be seen by this sketch that he had for many years led a busy and useful life during the early days of lake and river navigation. The Captain's family reside at No. 3368 Cherry Street, Toledo, Ohio.
Captain Thomas C. Herrick is one of the most prominent steamboat masters on the lakes, and has attained to his present good command by close attention to the business details of the position, and good seamanship. He was born in Toledo, Ohio, February 24, 1848, and is a son of Capt. Calvin and Margaret (Van Fleet) Herrick. He acquired his education as the youths of that day usually did, at the public schools of his native city.
In the spring of 1861 the desire, probably inherited from his father, who will be remembered by the older class of lake masters, to become a sailor and go down to the lakes in a ship developed itself, and he shipped as boy on the new schooner King Sisters, with Captain Dunegan. He transferred his services the following season to the A. Boody, also a new schooner. At the close of the season he entered the employ of M.I. Wilcox, the well-known Toledo shipchandler, and remained some months, but before the close of the season he shipped on the schooner Daniel S. Tilden.
In February, 1864, Captain Herrick, although but sixteen years of age, enlisted in the cause of the patriot against the dissolution of the Union, and served through the hottest period of the war in Battery H, First Ohio Light Artillery. His battery was doing good service in the Army of the Potomac, and he was with it in all the engagements in which it participated, including that of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, North Anna and the siege of Petersburg, which led up to the surrender of Gen. Lee at Appomattox Court House. After his surrender the battery returned to Alexandria, Va., where it remained until the Grand Review of the victorious armies at Washington. Battery H participated in this triumphal parade, after which it was transported to Cleveland, Ohio, where the men were mustered out of the service June 14, 1865.
Soon after finding himself once more a citizen, Captain Herrick shipped on the schooner Belle Waldridge, and during the three years that followed he transferred to schooners S.G. Hungerford, Miami Belle and M.L. Collins, in various capacities. In the spring of 1868 he turned his attention to steamboats and shipped as wheelsman of the propeller Pacific, which berth he held one season. The following year he shipped as wheelsman on the propeller Comet, plying between Buffalo and Green Bay, retaining that place until the fall of 1871, at which time he accepted a municipal position ashore, which he filled to the satisfaction of all concerned for eight years. In the spring of 1879 his old desire for the sailor's life returned to him in full force, and after two years in different steamers he entered the employ of the Wabash line as wheelsman on the steamer A.L. Hopkins, and in the spring of 1882 he was appointed second mate; after holding that berth two seasons he was made mate, which office he held two seasons. He then transferred to the steamer John C. Gault as mate, and remained on her five years. In the spring of 1891 he was advanced to the position of master of the steamer A.L. Hopkins, and sailed her three seasons. He was then made master of the fine steamer Russell Sage, which he sails at the present writing, and at the close of 1898 made up a period of seventeen years with the Wabash line.
Captain Herrick is an ardent member of the Ship Masters Association, and is a charter member of Toledo Lodge No. 9. In 1893 he was honored with the office of vice-president, and on the death of Captain Stoddard, who was president, he succeeded to that office. In 1894 he was elected president of the lodge, and filled the position with good judgment. He carries Pennant No. 826. He is also a member of long standing of the Odd Fellows fraternity, and the Imperial Order of Muscovites. He takes great interest in the Grand Army of the Republic, and is attached to Forsyth Post No. 15, in Toledo.
In September, 1894, Captain Herrick was wedded to Miss Etchberger, of Chicago, and the family homestead, at No. 3368 Cherry street, Toledo, is presided over by his charming wife in a most enviable manner.
Henry Hess, chief engineer of the steamer Harlem, of the Western Transportation Company, is of good substantial German extraction, having been born May 2, 1836, in the suburbs of Nachenheim, Hesse-Darmstadt, on the river Rhine, son of Adam and Catherine (Kurts) Hess.
Mr. Hess was educated in the town of his birth, coming to America in 1854. Previously he worked for awhile in the vineyards on the Rhine in the neighborhood of his home. His first work in this country was on the Erie canal, after leaving which he labored in a sawmill at Black Rock until 1855, when he went as fireman on the steamer Sebastopol, a new boat at that time; she plied between Buffalo and Chicago. He was next employed in the same capacity on the steamer Southern Michigan, in 1856-57 was fireman on the propeller Dunkirk, and in 1858 on the Free State. In 1859 he obtained engineer's papers, but remained as fireman on the Free State until July of that year when he became second engineer of the Kentucky, continuing on her until September 2, when he returned to the Free State, also as second engineer. During the season of 1860 he was second on the Pittsburgh, and served as such on the Acme for the seasons of 1861-62; was second engineer of the Potomac during the seasons of 1863-64-65, and of the Empire State for that of 1866. His first experience as chief engineer was upon the old Mohawk, a wooden boat, during the seasons of 1867-68-69, and for the season of 1870-71-72-73-74-75 he was chief of the Fountain City, at that time the most prominent passenger boat on the lakes. For the seasons of 1876 to 1884, both inclusive, he was chief of the steamer Hudson, and for the next three years of the Mohawk, the new boat of that name. In the spring of 1896 he took the steamer Harlem, and was chief engineer of her until August 9, 1898, when he took the position of chief engineer of the steamer Troy, a new boat of the Western Transportation Company. He brought out the Albany, Mohawk, Hudson and Troy. Mr. Hess is a sturdy man, of good physical proportions, and has had the remarkable experience of having been in the employ of the Western Transportation Company for the unusual period of nearly thirty-eight years, thirty-four of which were consecutive.
In 1860 Mr. Hess was married in Buffalo to Martina Schill, and they have the following named children: Mary, John, Josephine, Henry, Christina and Charles. The son John is now (1898) thirty-two years of age, and was second engineer of the steamer Olympia during the season of 1896; Henry is twenty-eight years old, and is in the employ of Case & Son, copper and tin smiths of Buffalo; Charles was oiler on the steamer Mohawk during the season of 1896.
Captain Edward Hewitt, of Cleveland, Ohio, although barely past the half-century point in age, has spend nearly forty years as a sailor on the ocean and the Great Lakes. He was born in the little village of Warren's Point, in the North of Ireland on January 14, 1844, son of Thomas Hewitt, who was a farmer. Edward Hewitt commenced sailing in 1858, his first experience being as boy on the iron dispatch steamer Mystery, which was used to carry ammunition for the English during the Crimean war. His uncle, Capt. James Hays, was in command of the vessel, and he spent three years in her, the little steamer making regular trips between the northern coast of Ireland and Ardrossan, Scotland. At the expiration of his period of service in the Mystery, young Hewitt went to Liverpool, where he shipped on the steamer Arcadia, engaged in the Mediterranean trade. Within a period of twelve months he had made four round trips, touching each time at the ports of Gibraltar, Malta, Syria, Constantinople, Smyrna, and Alexandria, Egypt. At the close of the fourth trip he went on the full-rigged ship Helen Douglass, Captain McDougall, and made a voyage to Calcutta with a cargo of merchandise. The vessel brought a cargo of sugar, jute, cotton, etc., back to Liverpool, at which point Mr. Hewitt joined the ship Inkerman, of Boston, and made another voyage to Calcutta. The Inkerman received some slight injuries on the way out, and was compelled to go into dry dock in Calcutta. While her repairs were being made a terrific cyclone descended upon the city and made wrecks of a large number of fine vessels, but the Inkerman escaped damage by the storm and loaded a cargo of rice for Bombay, there being a severe famine in India at this time, 1863. There were other American merchantmen in that quarter of the world at the time, but their commanders knew that the Rebel privateer Alabama was cruising near the Cape of Good Hope, and they dared not start for home. The Inkerman therefore loaded with cotton, sugar, etc., for Liverpool, making the trip in safety.
Leaving the vessel at Liverpool as before, Hewitt shipped in the bark David Taylor, of New Brunswick, for a voyage to Buenos Ayres, from which point the vessel sailed around the Horn to Valparaiso, where he left her, joining a Chilean bark at Coquimbo. After remaining in this vessel, which was engaged in the copper ore trade, but a short time, he went to a Peruvian port and joined a French ship, the Nantes, for a trip to Havre, France. At this point he joined the ship Martha Cobb, of Maine, for a voyage to Cardiff, Wales, where he shipped on a square-rigged brig, and made several trips to Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Making his way thence to Liverpool he shipped on the bark Recife, which took a general cargo to Japan, and loaded at Yokohama with tea for New York; she did not reach her destination, however, until six months and twenty-two days, being given up for lost. On the way she stopped at the island of St. Helena, and Hewitt went on shore long enough to see the house in which Napoleon Bonaparte spent his last days. The Recife reached New York in April, 1867, and Mr. Hewitt proceeded at once to Buffalo, sailing on the lakes until October of the same year, during which he saw service in the schooners F.M. Knapp, J.I. Case and Reed Case. In October he went down the Mississippi river to New Orleans, where he shipped on the Pontiac for Havre with cotton, returning to the United States on a French bark. He spent two years on the Atlantic coast in the steamers Hercules and Allentown. Then he went to St. John, N.B., and shipped as second mate on the bark Harry Bailey, bound for Liverpool with lumber, and returning with a cargo of coal, which she left at Havana, Cuba, going from Havana to Pensacola, Fla., to get a cargo of hard pine for London. Leaving the Bailey at Liverpool, Mr. Hewitt joined the Inman line steamer City of Montreal, and made four trips between New York and Liverpool, his next berth being on the brig Stockton, trading on the Atlantic coast, on which he remained for some time. In 1875 he went to St. John, N.B., to be married, and he spent the three years following on shore, engaged in rigging new ships at St. John. Then he engaged as boatswain of the ship British Queen, making a voyage to Liverpool and back, and upon his return he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, where he was given the berth of second mate in the schooner Frank C. Layton. Later he served in the schooners Leonard Hanna and Camden, and was second mate, mate and master, successively, of the schooner Delaware, in which he remained five years. Then he sailed the schooners Richard Winslow and Minnehaha, was mate of the steamers E.P. Wilbur and George Spencer, master of the schooner San Diego, mate and master of the steamer Colgate Hoyt, and master of the steamer A.D. Thompson and the schooner Saveland, remaining in the last named vessel two and a half years. He took the yacht Nautilus, belonging to Benjamin F. Howard, of Duluth, to the World's Fair for its owner, commanding her that year, and he has since sailed in various boats, during the summer of 1896 being connected with one of the Euclid Beach Park boats of Cleveland.
The Captain married Miss Mary Elizabeth Wall, of St. John, N.B., and they have had children as follows: Joseph, John, Thomas, Mary, Francis, and Florence Delaware, who was born on the ship Delaware, which the Captain subsequently commanded. The family has a pleasant home at No. 213 Taylor street, on the West side, Cleveland.
John Hewson, second in charge of the machinery of the steamer Modjeska, on the run between Hamilton and Toronto, was born in 1865 at Port Hope, Ontario. He received a careful education in the schools of Penetanguishene, Ontario, to which port his parents had moved, and when fifteen years of age he started sailing, his first experience being as fireman on the small tug Kate Pilgrim, running between Penetanguishene to the different ports on the north shore of the Georgian Bay. After about three years' service on her Mr. Hewson fired on the tug Tender for three months, in 1884 transferring to the freight steamer Wiarton Banner, as engineer, and remaining on her for eight months. For the next five months he was engaged as fireman on the passenger steamer Cherokee, following which he went as second engineer for eight months into the big tug Superior. The succeeding year he was chief fireman eight months on the steamer Northern Belle, plying between Collingwood and Sault Ste. Marie, and commanded by Capt. James Bassett, and he subsequently became chief engineer of the fishing tug Welcome, sailing out of Collingwood, on which he remained eight months. His next season he put in as engineer of the tug W. J. Aikens, and then he went for a season and a half into the tug Heather Belle, fishing out of Owen Sound. Receiving a more lucrative offer, he left her and for three months held the berth of chief engineer on the steambarge Dominion, running between Kingston and Toledo and up Lake Superior in the grain trade. The next season he sailed out of Buffalo for four months, assisting the engineer as greaser on the steamer Tampa. Then he was for four months greaser on the big steamer Boston, sailing out of Buffalo in the service of the New York Central railway.
Having by this time gained considerable experience, Mr. Hewson returned to Canadian vessels, shipping as second engineer on the steamer Arabian, on which he remained a season and a half. For two seasons following he was chief engineer of the propeller Orion, going from her into the propeller Acadia, sailing from Montreal and Toronto to the head of Lake Superior. While on that vessel Mr. Hewson had one of the worst experiences of his life. During a fierce gale on November 5, 1896, the Acadia was wrecked on Lake Superior, near the mouth of the Michipicoten river, the terrible seas and high wind piling her right upon the rocks, a quarter of a mile from shore. All on board took to the boats and finally landed in a bleak locality, over one hundred and twenty-five miles from any habitation, and with nothing saved from the wreck but the clothes they wore. They almost perished with hunger and cold before they reached any help, and were in a pitifully exhausted condition. Mr. Hewson experienced another narrow escape, in 1891, while on the propeller Dominion, which came near foundering in a fierce gale on Lake Superior, the boiler room being continually flooded so that the steam was difficult to raise. For fifty hours they battled, finally reaching the "Soo" in a terrible state, almost the entire upper works of the vessel having been carried away and a great amount of the cargo spoiled. In the spring of 1897 Mr. Hewson was appointed second engineer of the steamer Modjeska, which position he has ably filled to the present time. Mr. Hewson was married in 1893 to Miss Day, of Owen Sound. His politics are independent; he is a Methodist in religion.
Frank V. Hickey, marine engineer, has had an extensive experience on ocean, lake and river steamers, and has always given satisfaction in the line of his profession. He was born in 1860 in New York City, son of John and Ann E. (Houghton) Hickey; his father was a produce merchant and acquired some wealth in that line.
Mr. Hickey attended the public schools of his native city for some years, and after leaving school entered the shop known as Quinties, later going to Delamater's works, in New York City. He also acquired considerable experience in marine repair work in the shops of the Red Star Steamship line. His first actual service on an oceangoing boat was in the spring of 1881, when he shipped as oiler on the Morgan line steamship Algiers, plying between New York and New Orleans in the sugar and cotton trade. He remained in that employ three years, in the spring of 1884 transferring his field of operation to the Mississippi river as stoker on the passenger steamers Queen City and City of Pittsburg. During the winter months he worked in the machine shops in New York City or sailed out of that port. The first season Mr. Hickey passed on the lakes was in the employ of Capt. John Corrigan, of Cleveland, on the steamer Aurora. The next year he shipped as oiler on the steamer Progress, but closed the season as second engineer on the steamer Northerner. He spent the winter of 1889-90 in the steamship Progress on a voyage around the Horn to San Francisco and Vancouver, thence to China in the Empress of Japan and back to Vancouver, where he left his boat and returned to Cleveland. Here he was appointed second engineer of the new steamer German, owned by the Menominee Transit Company; in the spring of 1891 he was named second engineer of the steamer Wawatam; his next berth was on the steamer John Craig as second engineer and was followed by service in the same capacity on the steamers Inter Ocean and William H. Gratwick No. 2; in 1892 he fitted out the steamer Henry Chisholm as second, but when she was laid up in ordinary he was appointed chief engineer of the Charles J. Kershaw, closing the season on the J. H. Outhwaite as second. This following season he fitted out the George Presley, as second, transferred to the Henry J. Johnson and closed the season on the German. He then sailed as chief of the salt-water yacht Amadeus, and when she was laid up he went as second on the steamer John B. Lyon, in the fall engineering tugs out of Cleveland harbor. In the spring of 1896 he shipped as second engineer of the Edward Pease, transferring to the Inter Ocean, and thence as chief engineer to the Henry J. Johnson, which he laid up at the close of navigation. At the opening of the season of 1897 he went down to Ogdensburg to fit out the steamer Queen of the West, of which he had been appointed chief, but he left her to accept a like position on the Joseph S. Fay, on which he is engaged at the present time. He has eight issues of engineer's licenses. Mr. Hickey lives at No. 928 Pearl street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Captain Francis Balfour Higgie, a popular vessel agent and broker, of Chicago, has followed an eventful life as a lake and ocean navigator, and is highly esteemed among marine men. He is a son of Francis B. and Mary (McQueen) Higgie, and was born in Fifeshire, Scotland, March 15, 1840. His father, who was a lake captain and vessel owner, was born in Fifeshire, and his mother in Inverness, Scotland. They removed to the United States in May, 1848, first locating in Kenosha, Wis., the year Wisconsin was admitted into the Union as a State. This was the time when the Dred Scott decision came so prominently before the country, the fugitive slave being the bone of contention. Captain Higgie, who has always been noted for his humanity to man, was on one occasion badly handicapped in his sympathy for the unfortunate slave by having virtually to assist the sheriff in turning over to the owner a runaway slave who had appeared in the town (boy though he was), the Freesoilers being determined to rescue the slave. Captain Higgie's parents later removed to Racine, in which place they resided up to the time of their death, the mother passing to the better world in 1852, and the father following in 1859, his death being caused by a malignant type of typhoid fever.
The subject of this sketch, Frank, as he is still familiarly known, attended the public schools until he reached the age of twelve years, when he entered the employ of the Racine County Democrat, serving an apprenticeship to the printer's trade three years, and it may be said that he carried the Racine County Democrat from its cradle to its grave, the paper discontinuing publication at the end of his three-years' apprenticeship. Frank was not a very rugged youth, and his father, thinking the lake breezes would make a sturdy lad of him, took him in his schooner, William Jones, plying in the lumber trade between Manistee and Chicago. This was in the early days of Chicago's history as a port of entry. He next shipped before the mast in the schooner Alvin Clark, with his uncle, Capt. William M. Higgie, remaining in her three seasons. In the spring of 1859 he was appointed master of the schooner Lewis B. Irwin, plying in the lumber trade between Manistee and Chicago. In 1860 he assumed command of the schooner Freedom, followed by a season as master of the North Star. In the spring of 1862 he purchased an interest in the schooner William H. Dewitt with his uncle, and sailed her successfully four seasons. After disposing of his interest he joined the schooner E. P. Door, as master. In 1867 he bought the schooner Golden Harvest, and sailed her until the fall of 1870, when she collided with the schooner Maitland in the Straits of Mackinac, the latter being sunk. Captain Higgie then sold the wreck of the Golden Harvest and went to Buffalo. In 1871, when the Vessel Owners Towing Company of Chicago was incorporated, the Captain was directed by his uncle, J. L. Higgie, the manager of the new company, to receive and pilot to Chicago the tugs built there by Mr. Notter, for the new company.
In the spring of 1872 Captain Higgie purchased the schooner City of Manitowoc, and sailed her five years. In 1876 he took a cargo of deals from Manistee, Mich., to Leith, Scotland, in her, returning to Montreal, thence proceeded to Quebec, where he loaded timber and deals for Thurso, Scotland, which he delivered in due time, and took a cargo of paving stone for Greenock, Scotland, thence with coal for Quebec, and, continuing up the lakes, he reached Chicago, November 1, 1877, without a casualty of any nature. Captain Higgie then retired from active life of shipboard, and engaged in business as vessel agent and shipbroker in Chicago, also writing marine fire insurance. In 1881 he was chosen secretary of the Vessel Owners Association of Chicago, and in 1882 was presented by the association with a handsome gold watch bearing the inscription - "Presented to their secretary, Captain Frank B. Higgie, by the Vessel Owners Association of Chicago." On the reverse side is a neat monogram, and an engraving of the schooner City of Manitowoc, which he had navigated across the Atlantic ocean. In 1886 the vessel owners added to his duties by electing him secretary of their Mutual Benefit Association, which office he held four years. In 1889, when the Ship Masters Association was organized in Chicago, he was chosen secretary of that body, and still holds that office. He is a charter member of that association, and holds Pennant No. 235. In 1898 the Lumber Carriers Association was formed and Captain Higgie chosen secretary. He has also been a notary public for many years, and is still engaged in the vessel brokerage business.
Fraternally, he is a Master Mason of Covenant Lodge No. 526, a member of the Corinthian Chapter No. 69, and of St. Bernard Commandery No. 35; he is also a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, of Medina Temple.
In 1861 Captain Higgie was wedded to Miss Melissa S., daughter of Homer and Laura Glass, of Racine, Wis. The children born to this union are: Homer Francis, Byron Atlanta, Laura Lucretia, Carson Gordon and Mary Melissa. The family homestead is at No. 1070 West Van Buren street, Chicago, Illinois.
Henry Higgins, pilot of the fire-boat J.M. Hutchinson, was born at Buffalo, December 18, 1859. His father, John Higgins, was a native of Ireland, whence he came to Buffalo, N.Y. The mother's maiden name was Margaret Chambers.
Mr. Higgins, our subject, was educated in the public schools of his native city, and his first employment on the water was as a ferry boy on Buffalo creek, at which he commenced to work at the early age of nine years. He was next linesman on the tug J.D. Dudley, and in 1881 became engineer of the tug Idaho, for the seven succeeding years serving as engineer of various harbor tugs in Buffalo harbor. His next service was as master of the tug C.T. Dennis, in about 1883, and he continued as master of different tugs until July 8, 1893, when he was appointed to the position of pilot of the fire-boat J.M. Hutchinson. Mr. Higgins was master of the tugs in Buffalo harbor some thirteen years. In addition to those above mentioned he was on the tug Lone Star two years, tug Queen City five years, also in the White Star line one year on different tugs, and he has never been off the creek since he came on it as a ferry boy.
In 1889 Mr. Higgins was married at Buffalo to Miss Ellen Moore, daughter of Michael Moore, of Rochester. They have no children. He has been a member of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association six years, the Fireman's Beneficial Association three and a half years, the Buffalo Masters & Pilots Association since April, 1896.
Thomas Higgins was born March 24, 1861 in Buffalo, N. Y. where he acquired his education in the public schools. In the summer of 1870 he took the ferry boat in Buffalo creek, and carried passengers for three seasons, besides running an engine on the docks. This work was followed by service in various capacities on the tugs D. P. Dye, J. C. Parker, Annie P. Dorr, Bruce, Rambler and Crowle, and as engineer of the James Adams. In the spring of 1883, he was appointed engineer of the tug Alpha; 1884, of the James Ash, and in 1885, of the George R. Hand. He was instrumental in saving the Captain of the Lillie May, which was waterlogged, and at anchor in a sinking condition off Dunkirk; and that same fall, with the assistance of the tug Williams, he brought into Buffalo Harbor the barge Hoag, which was in distress. In the spring of 1886, he was transferred to the tug T. M. Moore. The following season he brought out new the tug George R. Donaldson, and in 1888 he took the engines of the E. C. Maytham and ran her two seasons, with the exception of a short time at the close of 1889, when he took the Genevieve, owned by Hingston & Woods. In 1891 he went to Cleveland and ran the tug Chamberlain one season, returning to Buffalo the next spring to go on the Alpha as engineer. He continued in the employ of the Maytham Tug line until the close of 1896, engineering in 1893 the tug O. W. Cheney, 1894, the Alpha, 1895, the Acme, and in 1896 the John Kelderhouse. He is a member of the Buffalo Harbor Tug Association and of the American Association of Masters and Pilots.
Mr. Higgins was wedded to Miss Elizabeth Conway, of Buffalo, in 1888. Three children have been born to this union: Thomas E., Gertrude E., and Nellie. The family residence is as at 149 Vandalia street, Buffalo, New York.
Captain Nelson Hilger is a young man who has chosen the marine life for an occupation, and his work thus far promises a successful future in that line of work. At the present time he resides in Detroit, where he was born November 11, 1857.
Since his sixteenth year Captain Hilger has spent the greater part of his time on the water, and gradually worked along the successive stages of advancement until he received master's papers in 1883, and took command of the United States mail boat Florence B. in 1894, which is in operation in connection with the marine post office at Detroit. His first experience was on the M. F. Merrick, a tug in the Detroit river. After leaving this tug he went on the Champion, Sweepstakes, Satellite, Thomas Quayle and Vulcan, remaining in this line of work fifteen years. Upon the Hiawatha he acted as wheelsman one season, and then went to Buffalo and shipped on the Arctic as second mate, where he remained part of a season, going later to the China, in the same capacity; next season second mate of the Empire State, next season on the steamer Nyack. He spent one and a half seasons on the lighthouse-tender Warrington, and was afterwards mate of the Tacoma, City of London, William T. Barnum, Wocoken and Horace B. Tuttle, having also spent some time on the Kasota and John Owen as second mate. In 1895 he came to the present employ, going as master of the government steamer engaged in carrying mail from Detroit to passing boats.
Captain Hilger is a single man. He is a son of John and Christana (Faust) Hilger, both natives of Germany, who are living in Detroit. Joseph Hilger, brother of Captain Hilger, was in the lighthouse steamer Warrington five years, and died November 13, 1888; another brother, John, who has been assistant engineer at the public water works seven-teen years, was on the lakes a short time previous to that employment.
Captain James G. Hill, known to some of his most intimate friends as James Garrity, as he was brought up by a relative of that name, was born in 1855 at Port Hope, Canada. He is a son of Frank and Susan Hill, the former of whom, who was a carpenter by trade, died in 1857, when the subject of this sketch was only two years old. There was only one daughter in the family, Mary Jane, now the wife of Charles White, a railroad man.
Our subject received a rather meager school education after he became a resident of Buffalo. He began active work as fireman on the tug Daniel Boone, in the spring of 1870, and has been associated for twenty-seven years, all told, either as fireman, engineer or master, with M. R. Swan in the tug business of Buffalo harbor. His first experience as engineer was at the Harbor of Erie, Penn., on the tug Mary A. Green, on which he remained one season. He was master, first of the tug Post Boy in 1876, and has been in the harbors of Dunkirk, Erie, Ashtabula, Fairport, Cleveland, Vermilion and New York, not excepting Buffalo. During the season of 1895 he was master of the tug Hudson, of which he was part owner also. Captain Hill has always been very industrious in his chosen line. He has several times been employed on shore during the winter, but the fascination of the water always draws him back into a tug in the spring, where he can enjoy the freedom of the air and bright sunshine. He has had the good fortune of never having been mixed up in any wreck. He was a charter member of the Local Harbor No. 41, of the American Association of Masters and Pilots, and he is also a member of the Buffalo Harbor Tug Pilots Association, and of the Royal Arcanum.
In 1877 Captain Hill was married at Buffalo to Miss Elizabeth Scott, by whom he has had eight children, the names and ages of those living (at this writing) are Elizabeth, eighteen; Mary, twelve; Susan, six; James G., twelve, and Frank, eleven. The family resides at No. 135 Goodell street, Buffalo, New York.
John J. Hill, a noted shipbuilder and expert draughtsman, is an American of old New England stock, his father, John Hill, having been born in Danby, Vermont, and his mother, whose maiden name was Jerusha Culver Freeman, in New London, Conn. His paternal grandmother was named King, and was a descendant of an old Puritan family. Capt. Samuel Freeman, the grandfather on the maternal side, was a noted ocean navigator and was in command of a full rigged ship; he was in harbor at Port au Prince at the time of the massacre of the whites by the Negroes. Grandfather Hill removed from Vermont in 1817, locating in Mansville, Jefferson county, N. Y.; in his family were Elisha; Joseph; Job; John; Enos; Charles; and Julia Ann, who became the wife of a Mr. Leland, a volunteer in the Civil war (he was killed in battle in 1863). Grandfather Freeman removed from New London, Conn., to Oswego, N. Y.; in his family were the following: Jerusha, mother of our subject; Mary, who married William Kniffin, of Oswego; and William, who went to South America when he was seventeen years old, and was never heard of until after his death.
To John and Jerusha Culver (Freeman) Hill were born: Edward, who died in the year 1877; Charles, who died February 11, 1897; Mary, who died in 1848; John J., mentioned below; and Helen, who became the wife of William H. Watters, a banker in Miller, Hand Co., S. Dak., and died at Aurora, Neb., in 1878.
John J. Hill acquired his education in the public schools of Sodus Point, N. Y., and in the year 1858 went to work in the shipyards of Henry Doville and David Rogers at that place, remaining three years. He then went to Olcott, N. Y., thence to Pultneyville, where he lengthened the schooner Petrel for Capt. Brit Brewer. He then went to Chicago and entered the employ of Doolittle & Alcott, shipbuilders, remaining about one year. In 1864 he returned to Pultneyville, thence to Cooper's Town, N. Y., where he built two yachts, a club boat and several small pleasure boats, and after a visit to Albany he returned and built the schooner John J. Hill, eighty-nine tons register. That fall he again went to Chicago, and was employed in the shipyard of Doolittle & Alcott. In the spring of 1865 he shipped before the mast in the schooner Mediterranean, and after leaving her helped to build the schooner William Hunter. In 1866 he associated with W. B. Morley in the ship building business at Sodus Point, and after rebuilding the schooner S. P. Johnson, he engaged as foreman in George F. Hardinson's shipyard at Charlotte, N. Y. In 1868 he went to Vermilion, Ohio, and worked on the schooner Annie P. Grover. After the completion of that contract, he entered the employ of E. M. Peck in Cleveland, who was building a steamer for the Northern Transportation Company. This was followed by shipyard work in Toledo for D. & J. E. Bailey, and in Springwalls Dry Dock in Detroit; thence to Port Huron, where he worked for Fitzgerald, and finally to Chicago. In 1869 he went to Marine City and again formed a partnership with W. R. Morley under the firm name of Morley & Hill, which has continued in force up to this time. Mr. C. T. Morley, in the meantime, has also been admitted as a partner. Mr. Hill has built several vessels in addition to those constructed by the firm, namely: The steamer Robert Holland, schooner Planet, steamers Minneapolis, Abercorn, City of New Baltimore, Northerner and Santa Maria. At times, in 1870-71, when his shipyard was slack, he worked in Fitzgerald & Layton's yard at Port Huron.
Mr. Hill is a thirty-second degree Mason, a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, a member of the Knights of Pythias, and of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
On April 23, 1872, Mr. Hill was wedded to Frances Cornelia, the talented daughter of Robert P. and Eliza (Tressler) Durling. One daughter, Mabel Maud, is the only child born of this union. The family homestead is a fine structure on Main street, Marine City, Mich., and though it contains many works of art, Mr. Hill and his good wife look upon their daughter as the chief ornament. Miss Mabel is a graduate of St. Mary's Academy of Monroe, Mich., which she attended seven years; her diploma gives her high honors in her class, especially as an artist of rare talent. She has had instruction from excellent teachers, and by virtue of her intuitive taste for art has become a skillful worker. The walls of her home have been adorned with delightful landscape paintings in oil, water color and pastel; her embroidery on satin, some of which has been upholstered, is so natural in design, so rich in execution as to recall the famous contest between the Greek painters, Zeuxis and Parrhasius. There are also many handsome pieces of fruit and flowers in wax and a delicate hand painted set of china. Among the other gems of which this young lady is the designer are portfolios filled with pretty sketches and several marine subjects, which are treated as well on canvas as are builded the ships on the stocks by her father. Of a truth Miss Mabel has, by inception and industry made the interior of her home an abiding place of art.
Reynolds Hill, chief engineer of the elegant steel steamer Ramapo, the property of the Union Steamboat Company, is the son of Seth and Maria (Rich) Hill, both natives of New York State. The former is a farmer, and they are now residing at Havana, Schuyler Co., N. Y. There were but four children in the family, the two now living, besides Reynolds, being Janette, wife of Chester Giles, a hotel keeper at Havana, and Maud, residing with her parents.
Reynolds Hill was born in Reading, Steuben Co., N. Y., in 1843, and there he attended school. For a short period during his early life he worked on his father's farm, and began his practical work as fireman and engineer of a sawmill in the vicinity of his birthplace. For three years he was engineer on the Northern Central railroad, and succeeding that employment he enlisted in the Union army in 1862, remaining in the United States service until June 9, 1865.
Since the war Mr. Hill has been continuously in his chosen employment until the present writing, and during his career has been engineer of the most prominent steam vessels of the Great Lakes. He has also acted in that capacity on inland lake and Hudson river steamers. He was two seasons chief engineer of the side-wheel passenger steamer Elmira, on Seneca lake, and for a short period each of the steamers Halsey and F. Holmes on Lake Cayuga, N. Y., a famous summer resort. On the Hudson river he was chief engineer of the passenger steamer Austin, running between Albany and New York. For one season on Otsego lake, N. Y., he was chief engineer of the steamer Nattie Bumpo, named from one of Fenimore Cooper's novels and owned in part and managed by Byatha Watkins. In the lake service Mr. Hill has at different times and for different seasons been chief engineer of the following named steamers: the tug Union, owned by Mitchell & Boutelle, of Bay City, towing rafts; the tug Dexter, owned by Capt. George Fields, of Bay City; the side-wheel passenger steamer George L. Dunlap; the Keweenaw, of Detroit, Capt. Eber Ward; the Nyack, a Detroit river tug; the propeller Antelope, owned by Ballentine & Co.; the propeller Northerner, of which John M. Nichol was a managing owner (The latter steamer was burned, a total loss, at Marbleshead, Lake Erie); the propeller Oscar T. Flint, of St. Clair, named from a Buffalo man and built by Simon Langel; the steamers John F. Eddy, Charles Eddy, E. C. Pope, Selwyn Eddy, W. B. Castle, Penobscot, and five years on the mail steamer Ivanhoe, owned by Hoar & Edwards. He also brought out new the steamers John M. Nichol and Eber Ward, from Wheeler's dock, Bay City, and the Roswell P. Flower, from Milwaukee, the latter owned by David Vance.
During the season of 1896 until August Mr. Hill was chief engineer of the steamer New York, at which time he brought out the steamer Ramapo, and he filled that berth during the seasons of 1897 and 1898. The Ramapo is an elegant steel steamer, and her carrying capacity is equal to that of the Chemung and Owego, of the same line, combined. She was named from a small town near Port Jarvis, N. Y., on the Erie railroad. Mr. Hill is recognized as one of the prominent and competent engineers in the lake service, and that estimate of his qualities is fully sustained by the foregoing record of his career as an engineer.
In 1869 Mr. Hill was married at Geneva, Ontario Co., N. Y., to Miss Olivia Andrus. She is the daughter (of) Elliott Andrus, who several years ago, at Seneca Falls, N. Y., built the first boiler for steam fire engines. The family residence of Mr. Hill is at Geneva, New York.
William H. Hill was born at Manchester, England, September 15, 1848. His parents, William and Eliza (Davis) Hill emigrated to this country from Manchester, their native place, in 1852, going direct to Buffalo and settling there. The father obtained employment with the Buffalo Gas Light Co., and remained with them steadily until his death, which occurred in 1896, during the last thirty years of his forty years' service holding the position of foreman.
William H. Hill attended Public Schools Nos. 2 and 10, at Buffalo, in his early years. At the age of fifteen he began the best practical work of his life, running a hoisting machine for Deforrest & Co., on the coal docks at the foot of Genesee street, Buffalo, driving a horse the motive power of those days. After a year in this employment he obtained a position at the Lackawanna Coal docks, where he also remained a year. He now entered David Bell's machine shop to learn the machinist's trade, and the first work he did there was heating rivets on the Merchant, which was the first iron boat built. He served his apprenticeship and then, in 1865 or '66, commenced steamboating, his first berth being on the tug Swift, of which he was engineer the latter part of the season. Subsequently he was engineer of the tugs Nellie Cotton and Sarah E Bryant for a period of two seasons, and then went back to Bell's machine shop during the winter. The following year he was engineer on the barge Yosemite for the early part of the season, and in the tug Dayton the balance.
Tiring of boating, Mr. Hill, in 1870, engaged with Pratt & Co., where he remained three years in charge of their bolt department and in 1874 left them to enter the service of the Buffalo Fire Department as engineer at headquarters. He held that position until 1876, when the department was organized as a paid one, and commissioners appointed, and they immediately made him master mechanic with rank of assistant chief. Finally, after eight years in the service, he resigned to go on the road for the LaFrance Fire Engine Co., of Elmira, N.Y. at the expiration of year removing to Erie, Penn., to accept the position of superintendent of the Erie Gas Co., which position he holds to the present time. Mr. Hill has been a stockholder in the Gas company for the past ten years. In 1889, in a partnership with Captain Johnson and James Ash, of Buffalo, Captain James Boyd of Erie, Penn., he organized the Erie tug line, for which they are now building another large tug which will be steel throughout. Mr. Hill has served as fire commissioner two terms for three years each. He is prominent in social circles, being a member of the Buffalo Chapter and Parish Lodge, F. & A. M., of Buffalo Harmony Lodge, A. O. U. W., Buffalo; Erie No. 67 Protective Order of Elks, and vice president of the Merchants Club of Erie.
On December 12, 1869, Mr. Hill was married to Miss Matilda Beyers, sister of Capt. James Beyers, and by her has four children, viz: Robert D, married, who is engineer on the tug Erie; William J., assistant superintendent of the Erie Gas Co.; Ella M., who is married to Albert Boutell of Erie; and Fred G., who is employed in the office of the Erie Gas Co. The family residence is at No. 313 West Fifth Street, Erie, Pennsylvania.
W.G. Hill, son of Robert and Grace (Sanford) Hill, was born at Buffalo April 1, 1864, and after attending Public School No. 4 for some time commenced work at blacksmithing, at which he was employed for about six months. He then engaged in the machine shop of Alex. H. Brown, where he remained nine years, and in 1887 he shipped on the Susquehanna as oiler, remaining on her for part of that season. For the remainder of that year and the four succeeding years he was employed as railroad fireman, and for the three subsequent years as engineer; but the fascination of the lakes became so strong that he again chose a marine life, going in the Conestoga, of the Anchor line, for the season of 1896 as her second engineer. In 1897 he started in the same capacity on the Wissahickon, of the same line.
Mr. Hill was married in 1888 to Miss Anna Squire, of Buffalo, and by her has had three children: Robert A., Walter G., Jr., and Grace E. They reside at No. 120 Orlando street, Buffalo. Mr. Hill has two brothers and one sister; his younger brother is a fire underwriter.
Captain S.R. Hindle, of Detroit, Mich., who during the season of 1896 commanded the yacht Grace, owned by the Detroit Boat Works, has been on the lakes nearly a quarter of a century, during which time he has served on many different vessels, and has risen from the lowest to the very highest position. He was born in 1859, in Grand Rapids, Mich., where he was reared, and he attended the public-schools. He was later employed there in the Michigan barrel factory, leaving which he came to Detroit where he has since resided. In the spring of 1876 he began to sail, starting in as forecastle boy, and he worked his way up rapidly, having now for a long time been master of his own vessel. Captain Hindle has been on steamboats during all his experience on the lakes. He commanded the tug Dexter for three seasons, was with the Ward line nine seasons, and with John R. Gillett's tug line eight seasons. He has had wide experience with lake craft, and is well known among vesselmen. Captain Hindle was married, in Port Huron, Mich., in June, 1881, and has two sons - William H., and Harry E., both of whom are attending school.
Hingston & Woods have carried on the dredging business from one end of the lakes to the other. They have deepened Niagara river at so many points that the line would be continuous for its whole length if the sections were put together; they have sent their dredges into about twenty ports on Lake Erie, while in Detroit river; at the Sault; on Lake Ontario; and at Morrisburg, on the St. Lawrence, they have also done extensive work.
This firm is practically the successor of the two dredging firms of Clark & Douglas and Spalding & Bennett, which did business in Buffalo and vicinity till 1878, when Hingston & Woods succeeded them in business. Mr. Woods had been the superintendent and Mr. Hingston the bookkeeper for the former firm. Beginning in a moderate way they soon extended operations and increased their plant till it became the largest concern in business on the lakes. The largest contract they accomplished was the development of the harbor system of the Lehigh Valley Company, at the Tifft Farm in Buffalo, which added about five miles to the docks of the inner harbor. This work was begun in 1881, and the greater part of it was finished in two years, although it extended altogether over five years. In the meantime the firm built a 450-foot extension to the Government breakwater, and did large amounts of other dredge work. There is not a port of any size on the south shore of Lake Erie that the firm has not deepened, and in the case of Conneaut and Port Dover, on the Canadian shore opposite, the firm has made it possible to run a line of car ferries from one port to the other. They are now engaged in building very extensive docks and corresponding slips at Conneaut for the Carnegie-Rockefeller ore interest, the contract for this work having been taken in the fall of 1896. They are now building a similar dock for the same purpose at Port Stanley, Ontario. The bare enumeration of the contract work done by the firm on the lakes would make a long list.
Besides all this there have been numerous contracts for railroad, pile, and trestle work, and great city-sewers built. The Bailey avenue sewer, built by the firm in Buffalo, cost $250,000, and this was merely the largest of many. In addition to this the firm has assisted in developing the water-works system not only of Buffalo, but of Syracuse at Skaneateles lake, of Rochester at Hemlock lake, of Canandaigua and Tonawanda, and also assisted the Lehigh Valley Company in diverting the channel of the Tonawanda, at Batavia. Dredging operations have also been carried on at Oneida, Seneca and Cayuga lakes, and also at New Brunswick, N. J. The firm has eleven dredges and the following fleet of tugs; Genevieve, Myrtie, Arthur Woods, William Stevenson, Alice Campbell, Tam O'Shanter, Robert Downey and May French. Others have been owned in late years, but have been sold. This equipment alone will show how extensive the operations are and have been for a long time. They have lately added to their fleet an elevator dredge capable of working in either harbor or in canals, such as the Erie canal, and are now engaged in building what will be the largest dipper dredge on the lakes, and which will be one of the best equipped.
Edward J. Hingston was born January 22, 1844, at Thomaston, Maine, came to Buffalo in 1862, and went to the contracting business as early as 1870. He has long been recognized as a leading mind in the business on the lakes, was the secretary of the dredging association for a long time, when it was not closely organized enough to have a president, and on its being fully organized, early in February 1897, was elected its chief executive.
Arthur Woods was born in Bath, N. Y., in December 1834, and came to Buffalo twenty years later, there engaging with Oswald & Van Valkenburg, who were known as Erie canal dredgers and contractors. He was a man of great energy and executive ability, and these qualifications, combined with the business capability and insight of Mr. Hingston, have insured the steady and rapid advancement of the firm.
Captain Martin A. Hinrichsen was born in Hamburg, Germany, in 1862, and came with his parents to America at the age of twelve years, the family settling in Baltimore, Md., where Martin attended the public schools until he was fifteen years of age. His first experience in sailing was on salt water out of Baltimore, as fireman on coasting vessels, and he continued thus for some time. He then went to Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1880 shipped on the Minnehaha before the mast, remaining on her for three seasons. In 1884 he shipped as wheelsman on the tug Relief for the full season. In 1885 he made three trips on the David Dows as wheelsman; was on the Rutter before the mast, and finished the season as mate of the schooner Monitor. His next season was put in as mate of the Wagstaff and before the mast on the barge Republic. In 1887 he entered the employ of J.W. Averill, in the fishing business out of Cleveland for the season, and in the fall of that year he took out pilot's papers and shipped as master of the tug Jesse Enos for one season. He was then transferred to the tug Enterprise, which he sailed three years, in the employ of Crangle & Co., out of Cleveland harbor, and following that he held mate's berth on the schooner Helvetia, closing the season on the Monohansett. In the fall of 1893 he was appointed master of the tug Markwell, for Munson & Sons, in the fishing trade, and held that command three years, until the close of the season of 1896.
On January 3, 1886, Mr. Hinrichsen was united in marriage to Miss Martha M. Ruiter, of Cleveland, formerly of Canada.
Captain Charles Hinslea, the popular master of the steamer Joliet, was born in Rochester, N. Y., in 1849, the son of James Hinslea, of Rochester, an expert carpenter and joiner. He attended school until he was fourteen years of age, when he turned his attention to navigation and spent part of a season on the sand scow on the St. Lawrence river. He next went to the steamer Michigan, of the Northern Transportation Company, plying between Ogdensburg and Chicago, spending the entire season of 1864 upon her. During the next five years he was on nearly all the vessels of that line; among them were the Maine, Lowell, Granite State, Buckeye, Nashua, Young America, Garden City, and St. Albans. In 1870 he was with the schooner Chandler J. Wells and the D. P. Dobbins in turn, and made one trip on a lumber barge. He was wheelsman on the steamer Cormorant one season, and then became her second mate, filling this position for three seasons, and at the expiration of this time became second mate of the steamer Egyptian, and was on her three years; then mate of the steamer Colonial six years, and mate of the Specular one year. During the season of 1887 he was master of the schooner Magnetic, and the next three years held the same position on the steamer Marquette. For two yers he commanded the Continental, and assumed charge of the Specular in 1893, retaining that position up to 1898, when he became master of the steamer Joliet.
In 1870 Captain Hinslea was married to Miss Anna Klein, of Cleveland. Their children are Henry, who is mate of the Specular; James, a machinist of Cleveland; and Benjamin, a bookkeeper and stenographer.
Henry Hinslea, the popular and tested mate of the steamer Joliet, was born in Cleveland in 1872, and is the son of Capt. Charles Hinslea, a well-known lake navigator.
Mr. Hinslea attended the public schools of Cleveland, and commended sailing in 1887 as watchman of the steamer Specular. He then went before the mast on the schooner Magnetic, becoming second mate of the same vessel the following season, after which he put in two seasons as wheelsman on the propeller Marquette, and then, having secured pilot's papers, became second mate of the same boat. His next position was that of second mate, on board the Continental, and during the same season served as mate on the George Spencer, later being given the same berth on the Specular, which he held till his transfer to the steamer Joliet.
In 1890 Mr. Hinslea was married to Miss Laura Cummings, of Cleveland, and they have two children, Leo and Alpharetta.
Captain William S. Hoag, master of the steam whaleback Thompson, was born in 1858, in Buffalo, son of William F. Hoag, a prosperous merchant. After leaving school he began sailing in 1872 as second cook on the steamer Forest City. During the early part of the following season he was with the steamer Manistee and the schooner Dreadnaught, after which he went to New York and joined the steamer Rehola, for a voyage to Cardiff, Wales. He spent the following two years on the ship G.E. Wood, largely on the Mediterranean and Black seas, and next shipped on the bark Gemini, for Yokohama. While near the Cape of Good Hope, this vessel sprang a leak and they were obliged to throw the cargo overboard and run in at Angie Point, Straits of Sunda, for repairs. Thence the vessel proceeded to Singapore, where Mr. Hoag left her to join the bark Beaufort, in which he went to London. From London he made a voyage around the coast of England in a coasting vessel, and then joined the bark Eastern Star, bound for Quebec. At Quebec he had the misfortune to break his shoulder while hoisting ballast, and he was in [a] hospital eight weeks, after his recovery joining the full-rigged ship Bosphorus, bound for Plymouth, England. Proceeding overland to Bristol he shipped in the Brooklyn City, returning to the United States. In the spring of 1884 he became wheelsman on the steamer D.W. Powers, on the lakes, finishing the season on the steamer Alcona. That winter he went to New York and shipped in the steamer Somerset, making a voyage to Bristol and return. Coming back to the lakes he went as wheelsman on the steamer Oregon, with which he served two years, was mate on the steamer Nevada one season, mate of the Queen of the West two seasons, of the Henry J. Johnson one season, of the Kaliyuga one season, and again of the Johnson, after which he became master of barge No. 107. He has since commanded barge No. 130 two seasons, the steamer Colgate Hoyt one season, and the Thompson one season, closing the year 1896 in the last-named craft.
Captain Hoag was married, March 9, 1887, to Miss Minnie Cookler, of Buffalo. Their children are William Charles and Chester C. Hoag.
Frederick A. Hobbs, of Benton Harbor, Mich., is the efficient president of the Benton Fuel Company, doing a large wholesale and retail coal and wood business. For several years he has been agent for the Michigan Salt Association, and for the Washburn-Crosby Flour, in which he has a large wholesale trade in connection with the fuel company. In 1890 he entered the employ of the Graham & Morton Transportation Co., in the humble office of clerk, and by his jealous efforts to further the interests of that line, that it might not only be equal to all other similar companies, but that it be superior, he won the confidences of his employers, and in 1893 became its secretary, continuing in that capacity for five years. Mr. Hobbs is a native of the Hoosier State, born November 26, 1859 at Terre Haute, Indiana.
Robinson Hobbs, the paternal grandfather, was of English descent, and Anthony Creal, the maternal grandfather, was a native of the state of New York, the later settling in Indiana in 1820. The parents of Frederick A. Hobbs were Thomas F. and Hulda (Creal) Hobbs, natives of Indiana and Maine respectively. Thomas F. Hobbs was a farmer and also a contractor and builder in his active life; he is now a resident of Benton Harbor.
The boyhood and early school days of Frederick A. Hobbs were passed at DeWitt, Iowa, and later he attended school in Davenport, in the same State. He clerked for several years in the post office at DeWitt. In 1885 he came to Benton Harbor, became interested in the Palladium, and was connected with the paper and office for upward of three years, when he retired from the editorial chair, selling his interest to his partner, Mr. Gibson. Subsequently he engaged in the coal business, to which from year to year he has not made additions until, by careful oversight and close attention to details, he has built up a great business, both wholesaling and retailing coal, coke and wood. Mr. Hobbs is one of the enterprising and active young business men of the city, and has given his talents and energy to its promotion. During his connection with the Palladium, a daily paper was started, and it is yet being published. On its incorporation as a young city Hobbs became the first mayor of Benton Harbor. He is alive to the marine interests of the twin cities and the commerce of the lakes.
On May 4, 1884, Mr. Hobbs was married to Miss Nettie Stephenson, of DeWitt, Iowa, daughter of George Stephenson and their children are Laura and Edith. Our subject is one of the charter members of Benton Harbor B. & L. Association, and in politics he is a Republican. He is past chancellor of the Knights of Pythias.
Captain J. F. Hodell is perhaps one of the most widely acquainted men about the lakes, having come into contact with many marine men during the fifteen years he was superintendent of the fueling docks of O.S. Richardson. Although occupying a different position, he is still in the employ of that gentlemen. Captain Hodell is a genial companion, bears an enviable reputation, and would embarrass himself to do a favor for the unfortunate. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio, May 1, 1857, a son of John and Barbara (Stocker) Hodell, natives of Strausburg, Alsace, France, now Germany, who came to the United States in 1851 and located in Cleveland, Ohio, where they still live, their home being No. 365 Case avenue. The father was a cabinetmaker and followed that trade. During the Civil war he became a Union soldier, enlisting in Company B, 107th O. V. I., Captain Young, late judge of the police court in Cleveland, being in command of the company. He served with honor, participating in the battles of Vicksburg and Chattanooga, was at the siege of Knoxville, and was later transferred to the Eastern army with his regiment, taking part in the battle of Gettysburg and other engagements until the close of the war in 1865, when he received an honorable discharge.
J. F. Hodell received excellent instructions in the Case school, and after serving as printer's "devil" in the Cleveland Plain Dealer Office a short time, went to Chicago. In 1878 he entered the employ of O. S. Richardson, of that city, as foreman of his Market street coal dock, after four years becoming superintendent of all of the fueling docks owned by Mr. Richardson, and continuing in that position for fifteen years. In the spring of 1897 he took out pilot's papers and was appointed master of the tug A. B. Ward, engaged in the fueling business on the Chicago river by means of lighters.
On December 25, 1883, Captain Hodell married Miss Carrie L. Cady, daughter of John and Amanda Cady, of Vermilion, Ohio, and three children have been born to this union - Norma, Frances, Henry and Percy: both sons died in Chicago while young, of scarlet fever. The family resides at No. 1525 Wrightwood avenue, Chicago. Fraternally, the Captain is a Knight Templar Mason of St. Bernard Commandery, and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He is also a member of the American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels.
Samuel F. Hodge, founder of the extensive marine engine works in Detroit which still bears his name, was born in Cornwall, England, March 6, 1822. His father was chief blacksmith at the Great Consols Mine, and at a very early age the lad himself was employed in the shop, being made foreman of a department when but seventeen years old. He remained in Cornwall working at this trade until 1849, when, becoming dissatisfied with his surroundings and prospects, he decided to try his fortunes in America. Leaving behind his young wife and two children, for lack of means to bring them with him, he sailed for New Orleans, upon reaching which port he made his way northward to Toledo. After a short stay at the latter point he pushed on to Detroit where he afterward made his home.
Mr. Hodges' first work was at Fort Wayne, which fortification was then under construction, his employment continuing until the completion of the fort in 1851. Here his earnings were sufficient to enable him to send for his family and establish himself in a modest but comfortable home. At the end of his work at Fort Wayne he became foreman of a blacksmith shop at De Graff & Kendrick's Iron Works, where he remained until 1854, and for the next four years was in the employ of the locomotive works. In 1858 he opened an office in Detroit for the sale of mining machinery, for which there was a constantly increasing demand from the Lake Superior mines. The knowledge gained in Cornwall in his boyhood made his advice to purchasers of mining machinery particularly valuable, and he soon became, practically, a consulting and constructing engineer, as well as a contractor.
In 1863 he gave up his business, and together with William Cowie, Thomas S. Christie and William Barclay organized a firm of Cowie, Hodge & Co., established a shop at the corner of Atwater and Rivard streets. This firm continued to do a successful and increasing business in the manufacture of engines and machinery until 1865, when the Messrs, Cowie and Barclay retired, leaving the firm Hodge & Christie. In 1870 Mr. Hodge purchased Mr. Christie's interest, and continued the business alone. In 1876, notwithstanding the business depression from which the country was suffering, he erected the main shops occupied by Samuel F. Hodge & Co., and equipped the plant with what was at the time the most complete machinery obtainable. Concluding to withdraw from the cares of active business life, Mr. Hodge, in 1883, organized the corporation now known as the Samuel F. Hodge & Co., retaining the presidency of the company until his death, April 14, 1884.
Mr. Hodge was a member of the Detroit Water Commission from 1871 to 1879, but declined any other office, having repeatedly refused to allow the use of his name for the office of mayor. His handsome fortune was left to his wife and to his five children, his son, Harry S. Hodge, succeeding as president of the Corporation owning the manufactory plant. SAMUEL F. HODGE & CO
One of the most extensive establishments on the lakes for the building of marine engines is that of Samuel F. Hodge & Co., located at the corner of Atwater and Rivard Streets, Detroit. The business was originally established in 1863 under the firm name of Cowie, Hodge & Co., in a building directly opposite the present location. In 1870 Mr. Hodge purchased the interest of the only remaining partner in the original firm, and continued to conduct the business alone until 1883, when a stock company was formed, under the name of Samuel F. Hodge & Co., he becoming president of the corporation, which position he retained until his death, a year later. The present officers are: President, Harry S. Hodge; superintendent, James Scholes.
When the present corporation took charge of the business the main building, including the foundry and blacksmith shop, occupied a piece of ground 90 x 425 feet in size. In 1894 a foundry 84 x 160 feet, and a machine shop 84 x 150 feet were added, so that the present buildings have a frontage on Atwater street of 240 feet with a depth of 425 feet running back toward the river. These buildings are of steel and brick, of the usual fireproof construction, and together form one of the most complete plants in the West. The machine shop has two galleries, one on either side which afford room for the small lathes, drill presses and other light tools, including ample provisions for bench work, while the large laths for turning heavy shafting and pulleys, and the great planers are placed on the main floor. This shop, as well as the foundry adjoining, is provided with a 25-ton electric crane, the two buildings being connected by a surface railroad, so that it is possible to handle the largest castings, moving them easily from the foundry floor to the lathes and planers in the machine shop. Adjoining the machine shop, and separated from it by a covered driveway, is the engine room and blacksmith shop, the second story containing the general offices, draughting room, superintendent's office, and the handsome private office of the president. In the latter is an extensive library containing text books of use in the successful conduct of such a business, statistics and reports of various kinds pertaining to the trade, drawings and blue prints of completed works, and cards showing the size, character, horse power, and destination of every engine built since the company was formed. During the time the corporation has been in business it has turned out over one hundred and twenty-five marine engines, nearly every one of which is in service on the lakes today, besides a large quantity of stationary work, together with the usual amount of repairing that ordinarily comes to such a plant. The first triple expansion engine that turned over on the lakes was built here, and placed in the Roumania October 2, 1886. Here also was built the engine for the Colgate Hoyt, the first of Capt. Alexander McDougall's whaleback steamers built at West Superior. The engine in the whaleback steamer Westmore, that attracted so much attention in Liverpool when she crossed the Atlantic, was a product of these shops. The great whaleback excursion steamer Christopher Columbus, employed at the World's Fair, received her engine from Samuel F. Hodge & Co. This is said to be the largest single engine of its class on the lakes, the diameters of the three cylinders being as follows: high pressure, 28 inches; intermediate, 42 inches; low pressure, 70 inches; stroke, 42 inches; steam pressure, 175 pounds.
Click for larger view From the American Blue Book of Shipping, 1897
Captain James Hogan, who was appointed United States assistant inspector of hulls, for the Chicago district, on April 29, 1895, during the administration of President Cleveland, and who is eminently qualified to fill the responsible duties of that office, may be referred to as one of the old-time lake navigators. He is possessed of a fund of episode as most interesting, as he is entertaining in conversation and happy in description. He is a son of James and Margaret (Hogarty) Hogan, and was born in Albany, N.Y., April 10, 1843. His parents, who were natives of Ireland, came to the United States in 1821, first locating in New York City, where his father learned the shipcarpenter's trade in the United States navy yard, afterward moving to Albany, N.Y. While there he and George Notter and Andrew Mason built a canalboat and took her to Buffalo. Mr. Hogan, Sr., then entered the employ of Bidwell & Banta, ship-builders as foreman, and during the time he was with that firm he did some wrecking jobs, notably the brig David Smart, which was hard aground at Kalamazoo (now Saugatuck) in 1843. After releasing her he took her to Chicago. He then returned to Albany and removed his family to Buffalo, locating there in 1844. James, the son, attending school until he was ten years of age.
The first connection that Captain Hogan, the subject of this sketch, had with marine affairs was as ferry boy on the Buffalo river in 1853, also serving as "forecastle porter" in the side-wheel steamer Globe the same season, becoming a great favorite among the old tars who had reached the dignity of able seamen. The next season he was advanced to the berth of cabin boy in the side-wheel passenger steamer Ohio, and stayed by her two years. The steamer Golden Gate was his first boat in 1856, plying between Buffalo and Toledo, afterward going into the raft-towing business. He quit her after two trips, and shipped in the new steamer Queen of the West with Capt. D. McBride. It will be observed that Captain Hogan, as a boy, kept climbing, as he was ever alert for a good boat, and we find him in 1857 as cabin boy in the elegant and notable passenger steamer Great Western, which made sail by steam and was otherwise fitted out with the most modern machinery. He remained in her a full season, and was advanced to the berth of deck-sweep on the passenger steamer Northern Indiana with Captain Fayette the next spring. He was in her when she was burned. He took a bucket as a float and jumped overboard, and some hours later all those struggling in the lake were picked up by the steamer Mississippi. His next billet was in the schooner Miranda, which went ashore in the fall on Point Abino, Gravelly bay. In the spring of 1860 he shipped in the steamer Ohio, and enjoyed the sensation of a boiler explosion to add to those experienced by fire and water. In 1861 he helped fit out the fine new passenger steamer City of Buffalo, to ply between Chicago and Milwaukee, but later shipped in the steamer City of Chicago before the mast with Capt. Dave Linn.
In the spring of 1862 Captain Hogan was appointed second mate of the brig William Treat, and held that office two years, and the next year he was made mate of the schooner Sophia Smith. During the winters, from 1859 to 1864, he worked in the ship-yards of George Nolter, and in those of Bidwell & Banter, Buffalo, thoroughly learning the trade of ship carpenter. In 1865 he sailed as mate of the schooner Contest; in 1866 as mate of the Flying Mist; in 1867 as mate of the schooner American Union, a flash boat in her day. In the spring of 1868 Captain Hogan was appointed master of the notable schooner Golden Harvest. The next year he took the steamer George Dunbar, owned by Simeon Cobb, and sailed her until the fall of 1880, doing a good business, and making more money in 1872 than the vessel was worth. In the spring of 1881 he entered the employ of A. C. Soper, built the Albert Soper in Grand Haven, took an interest in her, and sailed her until April 29, 1895, when he was appointed assistant inspector of hulls for the Chicago district. The Albert Soper proved to be a good business venture, and paid for herself the first two years she was in commission. In 1887 she made ninety-five trips between Chicago and Muskegon, and carried forty million feet of lumber, which was a record breaker. When the Captain was appointed to the government office he now holds, he was obliged to sell his interest in vessel property.
Socially, he was an ardent member of the Ship Master Association in Chicago, and of the American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels, both of which organizations he had to withdraw from. He was instrumental in organizing the Ship Masters Association, and filled the office of president the first, second and fourth years. He is still an honorary member, holding Pennant No. 144. He is also a Knight of Honor.
At Chicago September 9, 1873, Capt. James Hogan was wedded to Miss Catherine McCarty, of Chemung, N. Y., a daughter of Dennis and Margaret McCarty. Two daughters, Helen Alice and Catherine Margaret, were born to this union. They are both graduates from St. Mary's school in Indiana. The family homestead is at No. 1675 West Monroe street, Chicago, Illinois.
Nelson Holland, one of the prominent vessel owners and business men of Buffalo, N. Y. was born at Belchertown, Mass., June 24, 1829, of ancestry that traces their lineage back to England through an emigrant that came from that country to New England in 1630, ten years after the landing of the Pilgrims on Plymouth Rock.
Mr. Holland is the son of George and Mary Ann (Graves) Holland, who moved when he was six years old (in 1835 or the spring of 1836) to Niagara Falls, and one year later to Springville, Erie Co., N. Y. When nine or ten years of age Mr. Holland began work on a farm, laboring in the summer time and attending the district school in the winter season; he afterward attended the famous Springville Academy until he was eighteen years of age, in this way receiving a good English education. The winter of 1850-51 he passed with his uncle, Selim Sears, in Buffalo, and in the spring of 1851 he entered the employ of Oliver Bugbee, then a prominent lumberman in Buffalo. This position he retained for three and one-half years, spending most of his time in Detroit as an agent for Mr. Bugbee. While thus engaged he became thoroughly familiar with all the details of the lumber business, and the knowledge thus acquired has been of great value to him ever since. In 1855 Mr. Holland became a partner with William Oakes, under the firm name of Oakes & Holland, the firm carrying on the lumber business at St. Clair, Mich. It remained in existence until 1862 when it was dissolved, and in 1863 Mr. Holland removed to Buffalo, establishing a lumber yard in that city, at the same time carrying on the business in St. Clair. In 1865 he became a member of the firm of Eaton, Brown & Co., planing-mill proprietors, which firm in 1868 became Clarke, Holland & Co. It continued as Clarke, Holland & Co until 1880; was reorganized as Lee, Holland & Co., and continued under this name until 1898, when the firm was wound up. It carried on a very extensive business, employing as many as two hundred and fifty men. Mr. Holland has also been a member of the firms Holland & Stewart, lumber dealers, and Holland, Graves & Montgomery, also lumber dealers, both of which ranked high among the business concerns of Buffalo. In 1869 Mr. Holland became part owner of a large tract of land, extensive salt mills and salt works at East Saginaw, Mich., and in the spring of 1886 he increased his interests by purchasing a portion of another tract of timber land in the northern part of the State. He also owns timber land in Texas and other States, besides a large amount of real estate in Buffalo. As stated elsewhere in this history, Mr. Holland, in 1863, began to be interested in property on the lakes, which property has increased gradually in amount. Hence it will be readily inferred that his energies have been mainly directed to the care and development of his business affairs, and that he has been kept busy in the care and management for more than half a century. In 1886 he began the manufacture of direct and indirect radiation for heating purposes, his factory being located at Hacock, Mill and Roseville streets. Here during the busy season the Standard Radiator Company, as the establishment is named, the most of which is owned by Mr. Holland, melts down about sixty-five tons of iron per day and employs about three hundred men. For many years Mr. Holland has been a member of the Merchants Exchange of Buffalo, of the Buffalo Business Men's Association, of the Academy of Fine Arts, of the Historical Society, of the Society of Natural Sciences; a trustee of the Buffalo Female Academy and of the North Presbyterian Church, and at one time a director of the Manufacturers and Traders Bank.
Mr. Holland was married, in 1857, at Silver Creek, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., to Miss Susan A. Clark, daughter of Dudley Clark, of that place. By this marriage Mr. Holland had four children, as follows: Jessie, who married Dr. C. R. Jewett of Buffalo; Helen L.; Grace; and Nelson C., who is a member of the class of '99 in Yale College.
Captain Charles J. Holmes, who was, at the time he became master of the steamer Wallula, but twenty-four years of age, and perhaps at that time the youngest steamboat captain on the lakes, is a son of Capt. Walter and Elizabeth (Richardson) Holmes, both of Liverpool, England. The father is an old salt-water sailor, and while in the employ of the Moss line of merchant ships was mate of many vessels and master of the steamer Isis, in the Mediterranean trade. In 1860 he came to the United States, locating in Brooklyn, N.Y., and entered the service of the Tapscott line of packet ships as mate of the famed sailing packet Dreadnaught, later serving as master of the full-rigged packet ships Red Jacket and Blue Jacket, owned in Liverpool. He remained with this firm until he was appointed master of the new ship Nonpareil, of Boston, which was his first American boat. After sailing her for some time he transferred to the new ship Governor Wilmot, which he sailed for several years, being retained in his position when she was sold to an English firm, with other ships of the same line. After some time this company sold their ships and purchased steamboats, and Captain Holmes was appointed master of the new steamer Cella, 2,666 tons, on which he remained several years, resigning to take command of the new steamer County of Salop, 1,547 tons. His next steamer was the County of York, 1,550 tons, which he sailed until 1894, when the company discontinued business. Captain Holmes had money interests in the two last named vessels. He then removed with his family to Port Huron and later to Cleveland, where he now resides.
Capt. Charles J. Holmes, the subject proper of this sketch, was born in 1868, in Brooklyn, N. Y., where he attended the public schools about eighteen months, his mother, who is an intellectual and notable teacher, completing his education on shipboard. In 1879, at the age of eleven years, he went to sea on the Stratton Dudley, on which he remained three and one-half years, his ship being engaged in the East India trade between Calcutta and San Francisco. On his recovery from illness, which confined him to the hospital in Calcutta two months, he joined the ship Eulomane, before the mast. On arriving at Liverpool, he shipped as third mate on the Sardinia, leaving her at Portland, Oregon, to become second mate of the bark Cambria, of the same line, bound for Havre, France. In 1885 he shipped as second mate of the bark Antilles, a Nova Scotia vessel bound for Chili and Peru and thence to Panama. During the voyage the whole ship's crew died of yellow fever except the captain, young Holmes and the steward. He left the Antilles at Panama, and, with a friend named Samuel Crocker, purchased the small sloop Penelope and engaged in picking ballast off the beach. This work not proving profitable, they ran the sloop to Galapago, where they took turtles to sell to the Pacific mail steamers out of San Francisco. They then traded along the coast until they aroused the suspicions of the Colombian government revenue cutter, and were driven away, making good the run after a three-days' chase. The sloop was then sold and Captain Holmes shipped on the William H. Starbuck, Captain Reed, out of San Francisco for Havre, France, and thence to New Town Creek, N.Y. His next berth was that of second mate on the Narwahl, out of Nova Scotia, bound for Liverpool with crude oil. In 1887 Captain Holmes joined the ship Nettie Murphy, on which he served as second mate and mate, making four voyages in her, three to Liverpool and one to Savannah. In 1888 he went as mate of the bark Howard A. Turner, between New York, Liverpool and Sidney Australia, and later became mate of the brig Argyle. The next season he engaged as mate of the Narwahl to Liverpool and returned to St. John, N. B., thence on the Ranney A. Booth to New York, taking passage by rail to Buffalo, and in the spring of 1890 shipping as second mate with Capt. B. Nelson on the schooner John Martin; three months later he was made mate of her.
In the spring of 1891 Captain Holmes came out as second mate of the steamer George T. Hope, closing the season as second mate on the steamer Elfinmere. During that winter he took the steamyacht Nydia, owned by Dr. A. B. Pierce (of Golden Medical Discovery fame), via the Welland canal to Florida and up the St. John river, returning with her in the summer of 1892. He then went to Toledo and served as lookout on the steamer Frank A. Wheeler and as second mate on the steamer Roumania, one trip each, finishing the season as mate on the steamer Spokane. In the spring of 1893 he was appointed master of the steamer Wallula, sailing her until the close of the season of 1896, when she was burned off Conneaut; she was raised and towed into Cleveland harbor and repaired. During the winter of 1894 he was master of the brig Margaret E. Deems, engaged in carrying contraband articles between New York and Hayti(sic) for the Cuban army. On one trip he was in Havana and stopped at the hotel where General Weyler was. In getting outside of the lines in a small boat he was fired on and wounded on the shoulder, but he made good his escape, and after landing at Vera Cruz had the bullet extracted. In the winter of 1895 he again went to Cuba as master of the torpedo boat Libre, out of Hoboken, N. J., his destination being twenty-two miles east-northeast of Matanzas. During the winter of 1896-97 he purchased, rebuilt and refitted the sloop yacht N-E-W-S, the name signifying either the points of the compass (as his purpose is to go around the world with her) or News (as he will go in the interest of journalism). The Captain is now in Cleveland making business arrangements in furtherance of that project. He is a member of the American Association of Masters & Pilots, and marshal of the Port Huron Lodge of the Ship Masters Association; he carries Pennant No. 968.
Captain Holmes was united in marriage in 1893, to Miss Marguerite A. Brandymore, daughter of James Brandymore, head draftsman for the Howard Lumber Company, of Port Huron, Mich. Two children, Frances Maynard, who died at the Sault, and Nelson Farragut, were born to this union. The family homestead is at Port Huron, Michigan.
Captain Thomas Honner, a United States inspector of hulls, is one of the ablest officers on the Great Lakes, and his present responsible position,which comes under the civil service rules, was secured by merit only. His high standing upon examination is the more credit to him because of the fact that he is almost entirely self-educated, his early opportunities for attending school having been extremely limited. The following account of his life will be read with general interest, as he has a host of friends and acquaintances.
His family is of French origin, the line of descent being traced back to old Norman times, but his ancestors settled in Ireland many years ago. Edward Honner, the father of our subject, was born in Queen's County, Ireland, and about 1822 came to America, locating first at Utica, N.Y., where he purchased a large tract of land and engaged in farming. Owing to a defect in the title the property was lost and he then removed to Cobourg, Canada, settling upon a farm, and about 1848 he made his permanent home at Amherstburg, Ont., eighteen miles below Detroit.
Our subject was born March 2, 1845, at Cobourg, Canada, and his father removed to Amherstburg, Ont., about three years later, he was reared in the vicinity of that town. The schools of the locality were not suited to a clever and ambitious lad, but he made the best of his advantages, and sought by reading to supplement them. After he had begun his work as a sailor the deficiencies in his early training became even more apparent to him, and for two terms he attended school at Oberlin, Ohio, pursuing the higher branches. This desire for excellence has characterized his efforts throughout life, and to it we may attribute his success in whatever he has undertaken. In 1862 he secured employment on the schooner Narragansett going before the mast, and a portion of two seasons was spent on that boat; but during the latter part of the second season he shipped on board the three-masted schooner the Oneonta. At the opening of the third season he was employed on the schooner Saranac, under Capt. Charles Gale, bound for Birkenhead, England, with a load of copper ore. They reached Liverpool on July 4 of that year, and our subject shipped on the Peruvian, of the Allan line, for Quebec. On arriving there, he ran away and went to Buffalo, N. Y., and the remainder of the season was spent on the lakes on the bark Sunrise. During the following summer he made another trip with Captain Gale, this time in the bark Thermutis, and remained with the boat on the entire voyage to and from Birkenhead. The fall months were passed on the Sunrise; and during the next season he served before the mast on the Oak Leaf, and for two seasons following, he was employed as wheelsman on tugs in the Detroit river, first on the Prindeville, and later on the Castle, and then for two seasons was mate on the tug Torrent, owned by Gen. R.A. Alger. In 1876 he became master of the tug Hector, of Detroit, on which he spent two seasons, and then took charge of the Castle for the same company.
His reputation as a safe and reliable captain was by this time well established, and he was continuously employed in that capacity for some time, serving one year on the tug John Owen, towing rafts for General Alger; one season on the tug Gladiator; two years on the tug William A. Moore; two years on the steam barge Iron Age, in the iron ore trade for McMillan & Co.; two years on the Iron Duke for the same company, and two years on the barge Morley, which had been rebuilt at Port Huron and christened the Grand Traverse. On leaving this boat be became captain of the Wisconsin, belonging to the D.& M. R.R., and remained until 1896, when the vessel was sold to the Crosby Transportation Company. Since April, 1898, his time has been devoted to the duties of his office of inspector, in which his sound judgment has been many times demonstrated. He has always been interested in general marine affairs, and was one of the first members of the Buffalo branch of the Ship Masters Association, known as Branch No. 6. Socially, he is also identified with the B. P. O. E. and the F. & A. M., but is not at present affiliating with any local branch of the latter order.
Captain Honner makes his home at Grand Haven. Mich., when on shore, and he and his wife, who was formerly Miss Elizabeth Duffy, of Milwaukee, have three children: Belle, Thomas and Elizabeth.
Byron J. Hopkins, who has sailed as marine engineer out of Holland, Mich., for a number of years, is endowed with many of the good qualities so necessary in one of his calling. He was born November 25, 1864, son of James and Delia (Curley) Hopkins; the father was a well known lake master and pilot; he sailed the scow Three Bells, the schooners Evaline, A. P. Dutton, and many others. The men of the mother's family were also sailors of repute. Byron J. Hopkins acquired his education in the public schools of Racine, Wis., to which city his parents removed, later returning to Holland, out of which port he began his lakefaring life. In the spring of 1880, he shipped as fireman in the steamer A. H. Morrison, owned by Mr. Preston, of St. Joseph, Mich., and followed with a season in the tug Charlesworth in the same capacity. In 1882 he fired the steamer A. R. Colburn, continuing on her the following season, and in 1884 he shipped on the steamer C.W. Moore, also as fireman. In the spring of 1885, Mr. Hopkins took out his license and was appointed first assistant on the steamer J. C. Suit, of Saugatuck, the following season filling a like berth on the new steamer H. A. Root. In the spring of 1887 he joined the steamer T. D. Stimson, as second engineer, and the next year served as second in the new steamers Pilgrim and Charles McVea, respectively. In the spring of 1889 Mr. Hopkins was appointed chief engineer of the passenger steamer A. B. Taylor, which plied between Hancock and Isle Royal and was later under charter to an exploring party of English capitalists, who were prospecting for copper ore. In 1890 he was made assistant engineer on the steamer E. E. Thompson, and the next season on the Isabella J. Boyce; in the spring of 1892 becoming first assistant on the steamer A. R. Colburn. In 1893 he was appointed first assistant on the passenger steamer Soo City, the next year receiving promotion to the berth of chief engineer, which he has held for five successive seasons, giving good satisfaction to all concerned.
Mr. Hopkins and Miss Edith Hollister were united in marriage on June 25, 1891, and two sons, Arthur James and Claude Russell, have been born to this union. The family home is in Holland. Mrs. Hopkins is a daughter of Fayette and Caroline (Kennedy) Hollister, of South Haven, Mich. Fraternally, Mr. Hopkins belongs to the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 67; the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. He is very fond of a good horse and always keeps one for the use of his family and for his own enjoyment during the winter months.
Captain Paul Howell was born at London, England, August 20, 1854, a son of Valentine Frederick and Hannah Howell. His father at that time was in the wholesale confectionery, which is now conducted by a younger brother, Owen A.; his brother, Walter J., is private secretary for one of the members of the British cabinet.
Captain Howell was educated in the private schools in England until twelve years of age, when he was sent to College Cibot-Melin, in Paris, France. This was during the reign of Napoleon III, in whose palace of the Tuileries his brother was employed. At the age of fifteen years he went to sea in the bark Naparima, 347 tons burden, of London; and from one vessel to another finally drifted into the United States navy, serving on board the frigate Minnesota, and gunboat Michigan; also serving in the revenue cutter Perry as boatswain, also as master-at-arms, and on the lighthouse steamer Haze as quartermaster. In the spring of 1876 he went on a whaling and sealing voyage to the Antartic ocean in the schooner Flying Fish, of New London, Conn., whose registered burden was 87 tons, a trip which seems extremely hazardous in a vessel of that size. She was owned by Lawrence Brothers of New London, and on this expedition made a very good catch. Returning from this voyage Captain Howell again came to the lakes, and after serving as mate on several vessels and steamers took charge of the coal docks at Port Arthur and Port William. At that time these ports were in their infancy, and the great Candian Pacific railway was in course of construction. In 1884 he took command of the passenger steamer City of Montreal, plying between Port Arthur and Michipicoten river, for Marks & Co., of Port Arthur. From 1884 until 1888 he was mate on the steamer Vienna, Havana and Superior, respectively, and in 1888 and 1889 sailed the schooner S.H. Kimball. In 1890 he sailed the schooner John Martin; in 1891 the steamer Superior; in 1892 the steamer R.P. Ranney; in 1893 the steamer Henry Chisholm; in 1894, '95, '96 and '97 the steamer Hesper; and in 1898 the steamer Gladstone.
Captain Howell's home is at Erie, Penn., where he married, February 2, 1876, Miss Annie Hart. He has five children living: Hannah; John, Frederick, Paul and Annie. Captain Howell is a member of the Shipmasters Association, and carries Pennant No. 1022.
The lake experience of this veteran sailor extends over a period of fifty-six years, throughout which time he has been actively connected with navigation on the Great Lakes, and has witnessed the wonderful changes that have been wrought during that long period. For ten years he was master of the steamer Scotia, which came out in 1873, and was one of the largest iron boats on the lakes.
Captain Howland comes from a New England ancestry. He was born in Erie county, N.Y., in 1828, the son of Thomas and Fannie (Ovington) Howland, the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of Rhode Island. Thomas Howland, Sr., was a farmer by occupation, and lived in western New York, where he had become an early settler. Our subject was educated in Erie county, N.Y., and at the early age of thirteen years went to Buffalo and entered lake service as cook on the William Woodbridge. He was cook for five or six years, then sailed the schooner President. He took out master's papers the same year, and in 1849 became mate of the President. In 1851 he sailed the Harvey R. Seymour, remaining two years. Then for three years he sailed the Sarah C. Warbridge, carrying iron for the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad, landing at Monroe, Mich. Captain Howland then sailed the Owego out of Dunkirk, also the Olean. He also sailed the propeller New Brunswick, which was lost in Lake Michigan in 1855. In 1856 he sailed the propeller Saginaw from Buffalo. The next year found Captain Howland in command of the brig Young America, and in 1858 he was mate of the steamer Ironside from Cleveland to Bayfield, Lake Superior. In 1859 he was mate of the Meteor, and in 1860 was mate of the Northwest in the Lake Superior trade. In 1861 Captain Howland engaged in the lumber trade as master of the schooner Jessie Phillips from Manitowoc, Wis. Next he engaged with the Usor Robinson lumber firm, and was stationed at Chicago to look after their barges.
The career of Captain Howland on the lakes, however, was not yet ended. In 1871 he went on the steamer Nebraska, sailing from Buffalo, and sailed one year. Then in 1873 he took command of the steamer Scotia, which had just come out, and for ten years he remained in charge of that handsome and well-built modern boat. Since 1883 Captain Howland has been in the employ of the Lake Anchor line, superintending the loading of the boats.
He settled in Chicago in 1869, and has resided there continuously ever since. He was married in Auburn, N.Y., to Miss Kate Nolan, who is a native of that city. Captain Howland is among the oldest and most highly honored masters of the lakes.
Captain C.H. Hubbard, president of Chicago Branch No. 3, Shipmasters Association, is yet a young man, but has already attained to considerable prominence in lake circles. Since 1892 he has been captain of the United States lighthouse tender Dahlia.
Captain Hubbard was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1866, a son of Henry S. and Kittie Hubbard. His father is a native of Jackson, Mich., and is by occupation a railroad man, now in the employ of the Lake Shore road at Toledo. The mother of our subject is a native of Ireland. Our subject was reared and educated in Cleveland and Toledo, and when he had arrived at the age of sixteen years entered upon his lake career. He first sailed out of Toledo in 1882 on the steambarge A.L. Hopkins, owned by the Wabash Railroad Company. For four years he continued on this and other boats owned by this company, and while in their employ (1884) he was wrecked on the steambarge Morley, at Grand Marais, Lake Superior, and then for one season sailed on the Wallula. For several seasons after leaving the Wallula he sailed on the passenger boats between Toledo, Sandusky and Put-in-Bay Island, leaving there for the position he now holds, as master of the lighthouse tender Dahlia, having received his appointment in 1892.
Captain Hubbard became a member of the Shipmasters Association at Cleveland. He was admitted to the Toledo branch, of which he was secretary, and from that branch he was admitted to the Chicago branch. He was elected to the presidency of this branch in 1898, and is recognized as one of the earnest and foremost members of the order. He is a member of Covenant Lodge No. 526, F. & A. M., also of Corinthian Chapter, R.A.M., and of St. Bernard Commandery No. 35, the Eastern Star, and he is also connected with the K. of P. at Toledo.
At Chicago, in 1893, the Captain was married to Miss Clara Martin.
Captain Charles Hubbard was born in Philadelphia, Penn., in 1849. His father was a salt-water sailor and was master of the clipper-ship American Congress when she was in the prime of her beauty.
Charles Hubbard went to sea out of Philadelphia when but fourteen years old, his first voyage lasting four years and taking him into every quarter of the globe, touching at nearly all the notable ports. He became second mate and mate while quite young, and was master of the steamer Delaware when but twenty-one years of age. In 1865 he enlisted in the United States navy and was assigned to the transport Delaware, afterward being promoted to the office of quartermaster, which position he held six months. He was honorably discharged at the close of the war, and was in Washington the evening of President Lincoln's assassination. Captain Hubbard then shipped on a vessel bound for Liverpool. In 1866 he shipped out of Liverpool on the full-rigged ship Borrowdale, which carried on a ride forty-five sails, to catch the trade winds, and he remained on her one year, plying between Liverpool and Australia in the merchant trade. The following season he went as mate of the ship Young America, the voyage taking him to the White Sea, touching at Archangel in Russia; the Baltic Sea ports; Dantzic and Hanover in Germany; Havre, France; London and Liverpool, and thence home. His next ship was the Pocahontas, which took him into Mediterranean ports in Egypt and around the Cape of Good Hope. In 1868-69 he tried his fortune as a gold digger in Australia, and after realizing fairly well he took passage on his old ship, the Borrowdale, thence east by way of Cape Horn in the Pocahontas. In 1870 he sailed out of Bath, Maine, on the full-rigged ship Virginia, and the following year on the Caledonia, leaving his ship at New Orleans. In the spring of 1872 he took passage for the north, stopping at Chicago, out of which port he shipped on the schooner Lizzie Throop; the next trip he was appointed mate of her and he made several trips in the fall as master of the same schooner. She was afterward lost on Lake Michigan. During the winter he went down to New Orleans and sailed the schooner Florida on the Mississippi river and the Gulf of Mexico. In the spring he returned to Chicago and shipped as second mate of the schooner Bigelow, on which he served all season. In 1874 he shipped as mate of the E.R. Williams, and remained on her three seasons, making his home at Toledo, Ohio, during the winter. Freights were good in those days, shippers paying fourteen cents per bushel on corn, Toledo to Oswego. In the spring of 1877 he went as mate of the schooner Marion W. Page, of Milan, a new boat, which at that time was one of the largest on the lakes, carrying 50,000 bushels of wheat.
In 1878-79 the Captain was master of the schooner William Shupe, which was lost on Lake Huron in the fall of 1894. In the fall of 1879 he was transferred, also as master, to the schooner Charles Foster, then the largest sailing vessel on the lakes; she carried 73,000 bushels of wheat. The following season he went as master of the Marion W. Page and sailed her until the fall of 1882. In the spring of 1883 he brought out the big schooner Golden Age new. She was built six miles up the Huron river, by V. Fries, of Milan, Ohio, in the hope that she could be floated down in February with the spring freshet; but owing to a dry spring they could not float her until June. On the 20th of that month it commenced to rain, and continued for three days, and on the 23rd the river rose nine feet. Captain Hubbard, with the assistance of four or five farmers, started her, chopping away the trees which impeded her course wherever her helm would catch on in the winding of the river. She stuck in the railroad bridge and detained the mail train over an hour, but finally reached the lake. This novel mode of sailing a big vessel was witnessed by thousands of people. The first trip of the Golden Age was made in August and she brought down 100,000 bushels of corn, then the largest cargo on record, as was her cargo of ore, 2,504 gross tons, from Marquette the following season. This was followed by a cargo of 2,666 gross tons of ore from Escanaba to Cleveland on 15 feet 11 inches draught. Captain Hubbard sailed this big schooner four years, during which time she made money enough to pay for herself.
In 1886 the Captain abandoned sailing for a time and went into the ship brokerage business in Toledo, Ohio. He owned the schooner Renokee, bought the tug interests owned by Mr. T. Huntley, of Toledo, and also had an interest in the schooner Pulaski, which was lost in the fall of 1887 on Lake Michigan, near Good Harbor. In 1888-89 he purchased an interest in the steamer Monohansett and consort Massasoit and the steamer G.G. Hadley; in 1891 he bought an interest in the steamer Pathfinder, and he was manager of a fleet of seven vessels until the fall of 1893. On account of the stringency of the following year the greater part of his vessel property was lost. In the spring of 1896 Captain Hubbard commenced sailing again as master of the schooner Marion W. Page, in the employ of V. Fries, of Milan, with whom he had been twenty years, less the time he was in the brokerage business.
Captain Hubbard was united in marriage, in the fall of 1878, to Miss Rose E. Poland, of Toledo, Ohio. Their children are George C. Hubbard, born in August, 1883, the date the Golden Age made her first trip; and Otis K., born in 1891. The family residence is at No. 1490 Erie street, Toledo. Captain Hubbard is a prominent Mason of the thirty-second degree; a charter member and treasurer of the American Association of Masters and Pilots, at Toledo, Ohio, and a member of the Ship Masters Association. He carries Pennant No. 572.
Trevanion William Hugo, a well-known prominent citizen of Duluth, Minn., was born July 29, 1848, in Bodinnock, by Fowey, Cornwall, England, where his father was working at his trade, that of shipwright, with the firm of Marks & Rendle, shipbuilders. The father, who served a nine-years' apprenticeship with this firm, married the eldest daughter of the senior partner, our subject, the eldest born of that union, having first seen the light in his grandfather's house in the shipyard over the moulding loft.
In July, 1843, the father of our subject, sailed as ship carpenter on the bark Royal Adelaide, of Fowery, to Quebec, which voyage was followed by several others, one of them being to New Orleans, in 1844, and the return cargo was cotton to Liverpool, for which was received a freight of $52.00 per ton (2,000 lbs.). In March, 1846, he was entered as an officer of Her Majesty's steamer Myrmidon during her trip to Ireland with relief supplies at the time of the famine. He afterward worked at his trade in Plymouth dock yards, and in other shipyards on that coast.
In August, 1850, a portion of the family left for Quebec on the bark Rose, and joined the rest of the family who had arrived there the year previously. In November of the same year the father went to Kingston, on Lake Ontario, and helped to build the steamboat Maple Leaf for the Royal Mail line, in John Counter's yard; then worked on the steamer Bay of Quinte, for Mr. Gildersleeve, and in May, 1852, he left Kingston on the steamer Cherokee, built as a gunboat at the British Government dock yards, Kingston, during the war of the Rebellion, and calculated for service on the lakes; but the advent of peace rendered her services unnecessary, and she was sold to Capt. Robert Gaskin and three others, share and share alike, for 4,000 pounds sterling. It was determned to put her into ocean service, but drawing too much water to run all rapids, one of her paddle boxes, with the sponsons and wheel, was taken away, and she ran the rapids as far as Cornwall canal with one wheel, finally arriving safely at Montreal, where she was re-fitted. Thence she made a quick trip to Halifax, where she was chartered to carry the mail and passengers to St. John's, Newfoundland. At St. John's she was bought by a Mr. Greaves for 9,500 pounds sterling, to be delivered to him in Boston, which was done; and this, the first ocean steamer built on the Upper Lakes, was afterward sold for 19,500 pounds sterling to the Brazilian Government for a man-of-war to guard their Guano islands.
After returning from this trip, Mr. Hugo, Sr., continued his work as a shipwright in John Counter's yards, Kingston, and engaged in the building of a large three-masted schooner, also called Cherokee, which was taken to Liverpool and sold to such good advantage that orders were given for two more vessels of larger tonnage (one of them a full-rigged bark, called Cataraqui, and the other a full-rigged ship, called the Eliza Mary) under his superintendence. On the arrival of these vessels in Liverpool, however, it was found that the market was glutted, and while the Cherokee was sold, Captain Gaskin sailed the Eliza Mary for several years before he sold her.
The Hugo family had now acquired permanent residence in Kingston, Canada, and here the subject of this sketch received a common-school education, at the end of which time he won a scholarship in the Queen's University and Grammar School, which continued two years. He then entered Davidson & Doran's steam engine works, serving a five-years' apprenticeship, after the completion of which he went as second engineer on the propeller East, running between Montreal and Chicago; during the next season he was on the propeller City of London, and a part of the next on the propeller Scotia. About the middle of the season the owners of the Scotia brought out the steambarge Lincoln, and Mr. Hugo was given charge of her; celebrating his chiefship by getting married to an old school mate in Kingston. The next year (1873) he was chief engineer of the steamer Lake Michigan, of Hamilton, Ont., holding that position two seasons, working in the shops during the winter months. Shortly after the beginning of 1875 he was engaged by Smith & Keighley, of Toronto, as chief engineer of the propeller being built at Owen Sound, which would have had put in her an old engine and boiler of the City of London (a steamer that had been recently burned, and the machinery removed), but as the cold season had come on the wreckers rather suddenly, they very unceremoniously dumped the different parts of the machinery on the banks or in the river anywhere, in fact, so long as they could get their scow out before it became frozen in.
The situation was a very trying one. The snow that winter was five feet deep on the level, the stage ride from Meaford to Owen Sound being over fences and on a level with the trees in the orchards; portions of the engine were lying either in the ice or under the snow; not a trace of a sketch or drawing to be found; the machine shops fitted for only agricultural machine work; not another engine in the vicinity; the men on the spot totally unaccustomed to such work - and all this away up in the wilds, on the dismal shores of the Georgian Bay! Truly the prospect was anything but a pleasant one; but "do or die," was the motto, and the work was pushed to a perfectly safisfactory completion, so much so that Mr. Hugo remained on the City of Owen Sound (as the boat was called) for six years, leaving her in the middle of the season to go to Montreal, there to take charge of the steamer Campana, which had been purchased by the same owners to take the place of the City of Winnipeg, which had burned in Duluth harbor, and whose remains were disposed of only this summer (1898) by being towed into the lake and sunk. The Campana was a twin-screw iron steamer, with two compound engines, built for the Argentine Republic, originally, and to be run on some of the rivers where the bottom of the boat would rest in the mud. The bottom of the boat was so designed that at each side of the keep the shape was that of an exaggerated "S," rising from the keep about four and one-half feet, then dropping down to form the bilge; this formed a tunnel, when the boat was on or near the bottom, through which water found its way to the wheels; she was fitted with surface condensers, and being in the livestock trade had a very large supply of water tanks and a fresh-water condensing apparatus. She brought out to Montreal a general cargo, and immediately after its discharge went into Tait's dry dock to be cut in two, a problem difficult of solution as the bulkheads did not come in right, and pontoons were built to go under the stern and under the bow to keep the proper draught of water for the canals. Each end was towed separately, and all went well until the head of the canal, at the Rapid du Plat, was reached, when the current caught the bow part and stove one of the pontoons against the bank; some time was consumed in repairing this damage, but eventually both parts were safely landed on the timbers in the Port Dalhousie dry dock, and riveted together again very successfully. This was probably the first screw steamer taken from the ocean and brought to the Upper Lakes this way.
The steamer then worked her own way through the new Welland canal, a special arrange-ment having been made so that this could be accomplished, as the canal had not been accepted at that time. The trip through Lake Erie and up to the Lime Kilns was unevent-ful; but in the morning, when daylight appeared, it was found that the news of this fast Canadian craft had preceded her, and that the tug, which "carried the broom" on the river, was on hand to try conclusions. The race up to Sarnia was an exciting one, but was a victory for neither, and although the Campana did her best she was at the disadvantage of being really on her trial trip, as far as the crew then on her was concerned. After arriving at Collinwood she was loaded for Port Arthur, calling at Owen Sound on her way; but the weather having turned cold, and it being necessary that the boat should be near at home for necessary cabins, &c., it was decided to go no farther, and she was laid up there during that winter, when a full cabin was put on her.
Mr. Hugo was engaged for the next season, but shortly after the holidays, while engaged in the overhauling, having received a telegram from the Lake Superior Elevator Company that a job was awaiting him at Duluth, he was relieved of his engagement with the owners of the Campana; at the same time they offered to keep the place open for him for two weeks, so that in case he did not like his new venture his old position would be still open for him. Mr. Hugo then engaged in the service of the elevator company in the winter of 1881-82, as engineer of elevator B, the first of their elevators, and since 1884 he has taken charge of the elevators, now belonging to the Consolidated Elevator Company, until the present time. In addition to this he does a general consulting engineer business, and is the special agent and inspector for the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, which does a large business in Duluth and vicinity.
Mr. Hugo has always been a very studious man, and during his watcches on he lost not a minute from the reading up and solving of some engineering problem or other as each would present itself. While residing in Owen Sound, during two winters, he taught a class in the several branches of engineering without fee or reward, unless we mention a case of drawing instruments presented to him by his scholars - and their gratitude; which case of instruments is today on of his most treasured mementoes. Indeed, throughout his life any person has freely and promptly had the full benefit of his knowledge and experience for the simple asking.
Mr. Hugo has been foremost in every move tending to the advancement of his brother engineers, being a charter member of the Duluth Association N.A. Stat. Engineers, and occupying the position of State national deputy. He is also an honorary member of the Duluth Marine Engineers Association, and has been a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers since April, 1882; has contributed a couple of papers to the Transactions, and is considered one of the best posted men on the fire protection of grain elevators, having made several improvements in that line, so that the elevators under his charge are considered "models."
Although an indefatigable and industrious worker, Mr. Hugo has found time to cultivate the social virtues, and it is not, therefore, surprising to read that his recreation has been in the line of the work of secret societies. His first entrance was into the I.O.O.F., at Kingston; then he organized the Owen Sound lodge, and was its first noble grand; next as the first senior warden of Collingwood Encampment, I.O.O.F., refusing the first place; then as the first chief patriarch of Owen Sound Encampment, which completed his Canadian career. When leaving for Duluth the members presented him and his wife with a silver service. Finding Duluth Oddfellowship with only the Subordinate lodge, he took up the matter shortly after his arrival there, and succeeded in organizing Duluth Encampment, of which he was the first chief patriarch, and afterward the North Star Canton, I.O.O.F., of which he was the first commandant. He served as grand patriarch of the State, and represented it for two years as grand representative in the Sovereign Grand Lodge.
In Masonic circles Mr. Hugo has been active in all branches, particularly in the Knight Templar and Scottish Rite; he is the ranking past commander of Duluth Commandery; past grand commander of the State of Minnesota, and has been appointed grand marshal of one of the divisions for the Triennial Conclave to be held in Pittsburg this fall (1898). He is called the "Father of Scottish Rite Masonry" in Duluth, and ever since the organization of the bodies in that city he has been the presiding officer of the four bodies, now in his fourth three-year term. He received the thirty-third degree at Washingon, in 1890, and in 1895 was the recipient of the honor and jewel of the Grand Cross of the Court of Honor, "for special services rendered the Rite." He is a member of the Royal Order of Scotland, and for two years was the potentate of Osman Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, located at St. Paul, Minnesota.
As a citizen Mr. Hugo has shown his fidelity to his adopted country, by being always active in political work; he served as alderman of his ward for four years, during three of which he was president of the council, and is yet referred to as the model president. For four years he was a member of the executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the city of Duluth, was one of the charter members, and for two years was its president. In matters educational he has always taken an active part, now (1898) retiring from the board of education, of which he has been a director for three years, during two of which he was its president.
In his family affairs Mr. Hugo has been most fortunate and happy; and although there was considerable moving around in the early days, a necessary adjunct of steamboat life he is now comfortably situated where the lake, bay and boats can be watched at all times, and where his family, consisting of his wife and two sons, can recall the pleasant times of their steamboat career, and entertain their many old friends who from time to time drop in to see them from off the familiar steamers. The eldest son graduated at the University of Minnesota as a Bachelor of Engineering; the other son is attending the high school in Duluth.
Edgar Hull was born at Kalamazoo, Mich., July 26, 1856. His father, Ephraim Hull, was a farmer in that vicinity, but subsequently removed to Oswego, N.Y., where he conducted a hotel for a time, also dealt in fish and kept an oyster house. He died there many years ago. His wife's name was Elmira Roat.
Our subject received his education at Buffalo, leaving school when about thirteen years of age, at which time he began learning the trade, he followed it as journeyman during the winter seasons for the five years he was on the China, of the Anchor line, so commencing on her in 1873. He was greaser on that steamer for the season of that year, and for two trips of the season of 1874, serving as second engineer the balance of the time. On September 10, 1877, he was appointed chief engineer of the Buffalo Sugar Company's works, and was in this employ three years, transferring to the American Glucose Company's works in the same capacity and as assistant machine superintendent. Here he remained until November 10, 1892, when he accepted the position of chief engineer of the steamer Newburgh, of the D. & L. line. In this boat he remained a short time, finishing that season as chief of the William H. Barnum, and in the spring of 1893 he went as chief of the E.P. Wilbur, of the Lehigh Valley line, continuing on her until September 1. On that date he was transferred to the Seneca, on which he served until October 30, 1895, at that time becoming chief engineer of the M.H. Birge & Son's plant of the National Wall Paper Company, where he has remained up to the present time.
Mr. Hull was married to Anna Bryan, of Erie, Penn., July 13, 1876, and they have the following named children: Charles, now (1898) aged twenty years; Luella E., seventeen; Earl Bryan, fifteen, and Joseph Howard Edgar, thirteen. Charles Hull, the eldest son, has been on the lakes for several seasons. In the spring of 1893 he was greaser on the E.P. Wilbur all of the season of 1894 and part of 1895, and during the balance of that season and the entire seasons of 1896-97 was on the China as oiler (he being the third generation of his family upon that boat), and for the season of 1898 he was greaser on the Schuylkill.
Captain W.H. Humphrey, son of William H. and Genettie (Ball) Humphrey, was born February 18, 1844, at Vermilion, Ohio, the birthplace of many men who have gained prominence as masters of lake vessels. He received the education usually allowed to the youth of that day in the district schools of his native place, but he transferred the scenes of his future efforts to the bosom of Lake Erie, running away from home. On April 1, 1861, he found a berth as boy on the old propeller Cleveland, plying in the Northern Transportation Company, between Ogdensburg and Chicago and touching at intermediate points. Captain Reed was then in command of the Cleveland and he took good care of young Humphrey during the season he remained. In 1862 he again went as boy on the propeller Wisconsin, of the same line, remaining throughout that season. In 1863 he shipped as seaman on the schooner Tracy G. Bronson, this service being followed by three seasons on the schooner Exchange with Captain Rowell. In 1867 he was given mate's berth on the schooner Exchange with Capt. M. Thompson, for the season; in 1868 he shipped as mate with Capt. S. Lampoh on the schooner Escanaba; in 1869-70 he was mate of the schooner Negaunee; and in 1871 mate of the Alva Bradley. In the spring of 1872 he was pointed master of the schooner Leonard Hanna, which he sailed eight years, and the length of time he remained in that employ renders it unnecessary to say that he gave good satisfaction throughout.
Captain Humphrey then turned his attention to steamcraft, and in the spring of 1881 he was appointed master of the steamer Oscar Townsend; the confidence entertained by the owners in him was but a repetition of his previous experience, as he retained his command seven years, during that time proving himself as capable of handling a steamboat as a sailing vessel. He then transferred to the steamer R.R. Rhodes, which he sailed as master one season, the following season serving in the new steamer Neosho, and in the spring of 1891 bringing out the new sister ship Neshoto, which he continued to sail seven years, laying her up at the close of navigation of 1897. He superintended the construction of the three last-named steamers, which he brought out new - the R.R. Rhodes, Neosho and Neshoto - all of which are well built; he also owned some interest in them. Captain Humphrey has shown himself to be a prudent and careful steamboat master and a man of good business methods, securing quick dispatch in ports. He is a member of the Ship Masters Association, and carries Pennant No. 264. He is also a Master Mason, belonging to Bigelow Lodge, Cleveland.
The Captain was united in marriage to Miss Mary Harley, of Cleveland, in December, 1866, and three children have been born to this union: May L., Everett E. and Louis G. The Captain has acquired some realty during his long career of a quarter of a century as master, and his home is located in the pleasant town of Painesville, Ohio, where he retires during the winter.
Captain Walter Hunter, who has been in the employ of John Kilderhouse and Thomas Maytham for several years, is a son of James and Elizabeth (Oxford) Hunter, natives of Glasgow, Scotland. James Hunter was a blacksmith by trade, but while living in Canada, engaged in farming. He died in 1868, his wife one year previously. Besides Walter he had four children, named, respectively, David (a railroad engineer who died in 1869), Laney (wife of Alexander Grant, a resident of Simcoe, Canada), Samuel (a blacksmith and wagonmaker at Saugatuk, Mich.) and Eleanor (wife of Alexander Brown, of Norfolk, Ontario who died in 1878).
The subject of this sketch was born in the year 1843 at Port Dover, County of Norfolk, Ontario, where he attended school until he was fourteen. He began sailing the Great Lakes as boy on the schooner Georgian out of Port Dover, starting on his first trip on the 8th day of April, the fifteenth anniversary of his birth. The early part of the season the Georgian plied to Cleveland, but later between Port Dover and Kingston. In 1859 he was before the mast on the schooner Cleopatra in the grain trade between Kingston and Buffalo, and the following season he went in the same capacity out of Hamilton in the brig John Young, which was capsized on Lake Erie off Port Stanley and rolled over. The crew remained on the vessel eighteen hours, when they were picked up by the propeller Missouri and landed at Buffalo. The John Young was afterward towed to a safe harbor by the John Ray, a sister vessel. In the spring of 1861 Captain Hunter enlisted in the first company of the first regiment that went from Illinois to the Civil war; the regiment was under command of Colonel Fisk and Major Harding, who were veterans of the Mexican war. After a service of three months and five days he returned to Chicago and shipped on the brig Mary under Captain Harmon for the remainder of that season, this vessel being in the lumber trade between Oconto and Chicago. After a winter at his home at Port Dover Captain Hunter went to Buffalo and shipped on the schooner David Todd, under Captain Blue. She was in the salt and grain trade between Buffalo and Chicago. The following winter he remained in Chicago, and shipped out of that harbor as second mate of the brig Mary under the same captain, remaining with her until the close of the season at Chicago.
In 1864 our subject shipped as mate of the schooner North Star for the season, and in 1865 he was master of the schooner Bay Queen. For the seasons of 1866-67-68-69 he was master, respectively, of the schooners Rise Stearn, David Sharp, Argo, and the new Erie Queen. In 1870 he went to Buffalo and took mate's berth on the schooner Morning Star, which he held all of that season, and he was mate of the steamer Lillie Hamilton, of Port Burwell, in command of Capt. William Light, for the season of 1871. The next season he was master of the same vessel, and in 1873 of the side-wheel steamer Argyle, in the passenger and freight trade between Port Dover, Erie and Port Rowan, and continued in that position until June of the next year, when she was sold. For the rest of the season of 1874 he was master of the schooner Maple Leaf. During the season of 1875-76 Captain Hunter was master, respectively, of the schooners Ella Tracy and Erie Queen, and for that of 1877 mate of the steamer John E. Potts. The next two seasons he was master of the Persia, and in 1880 he obtained a pilot's license at Buffalo and shipped out of that port as mate of the tow barge Florence Dickerson, remaining with her the entire season. During the seasons of 1881-82-83 he was second mate of the steamer Nevada, owned by John Kilderhouse, for those of 1884-85 he was master of the schooner Satan, for the same employer, and for that of 1886 second mate of the steamer Oregon, also owned by John Kilderhouse. Since 1886 Captain Hunter has not sailed regularly, but he has been in the employ of Messrs. Kilderhouse and Edward C. Maytham in special work in connection with their vessel and tug interests in and out of Buffalo harbor, during which period he has rendered them valuable services because of his long experience on the Great Lakes. During the winter of 1896-97 he was ship-keeper on the steamer Thomas Maytham, loaded with corn at Buffalo harbor.
Captain Hunter was married at Brantford, Ontario, in 1879, to Miss Eva Johnson, and they reside at No. 247 Upper Terrace, Buffalo, New York.
Walter Hunter, chief engineer of the ferryboat Ariel, plying between Detroit and Walkerville, Ont., is a marine engineer, and one well acquainted with the several departments of the marine industry, standing high in the estimation of his employers and associates. He was born May 13, 1835 at Norfolk, England. While an infant he was brought to America by his parents, who settled in Montreal, Canada.
In that city he spent his childhood days and there attended school until the family moved to Hamilton, at which place he began the marine life, to which he has since devoted the greater part of this time and attention. His first experience was upon the propeller St. Lawrence, running from Montreal to Chicago, where he acted a second engineer for over five years. From this boat he went to the City of Hamilton, running between the same ports, and acted in the same capacity for two years, then joined the Brantford, running from Hamilton to Montreal, spending on her five years as second engineer; then went on the tug Hero, running out of Hamilton, and upon her remained six years as chief engineer. The following year was spent upon the John S. Noyes, as chief engineer, after which he returned to the tug Hero, and remained three years, when he accepted a position on the Hiawatha, a passenger boat, running on the St. Clair river, where he remained five years. He then entered the employ of the D.B.I. & W. Ferry Company, serving one season on the Victoria, three seasons on the Garland and ten seasons on the Fortune. In 1895 he went as chief engineer on the ferryboat Ariel, his present position. Mr. Hunter has had sixteen issues of American papers; also holds stationary engineer's papers, as well as a life issue of Canadian paper, and has always filled his position to the utmost satisfaction of his employers, thus winning their confidence and meriting the respect of his fellow-laborers. He is a member of the I.O.O.F. and the M.E.B.A., of Detroit.
John T. Hutchinson, one of the oldest and most successful vessel owners on the lakes, began the business when he was twenty-four years of age, in 1861, by the purchase of an interest in the scow Monitor, which was built at Black river (now Lorain), Ohio, and was about 265 tons measurement.
The scow was built for the purpose of carrying lumber from Lorain and Fremont to Buffalo, whence it was shipped to New York, where it went into the construction of the Monitor, which sunk the Merrimac, early in the war of the Rebellion. These planks were from forty to fifty feet long, and had to be loaded into the scow through port holes made on purpose for this method of loading. Mr. Hutchinson owned the scow until the fall of that year, when he sold her for $5,500, she having cost $5,000 to build. He was then one-third owner in the construction of the steamer Lac La Bell, his partners, being Le Frenier Bros. The construction of the boat was begun in September, 1861, under favorable auspices, but on account of raising prices the three men were for the time being ruined financially, when the boat was completed.
In the fall of 1860, Mr. Hutchinson married Miss Emma C. Camp, daughter of Mr. C.L. Camp, who died a year or two afterward, and Mr. Hutchinson then borrowed of the estate $5,000, with which he purchased the scow Ellen White, paying for that the sum just mentioned. The Ellen White went into the lumber and stone trade, running to and from all ports on the lower lakes, but little being done on Lake Superior.
This scow he owned for several years until she was burned off Port Dover, only partly insured. He bought the schooner Milan, in the year 1862, and sold her two or three years later, then buying the bark Orphan Boy, of William Kelly, of Milan, an old vessel owner, paying therefore $28,000. This vessel he kept a few years, and on selling her to Capt. Julius Morgan, he bought the schooner Winona, for the $18,000, and about three years later sold her to Capt. Frank Brown for $14,000. This vessel was afterward lost on Lake Michigan. Mr. Hutchinson then went in partnership with his brother-in-law, S.H. Foster, and built the schooner I.N. Foster, at the cost of $24,000, and after a time disposed of the vessel, and in the winter of 1872-73 built the schooner Emma C. Hutchinson, which he named after his wife, and which he still owns. This steamer was launched June 12, 1873, and had been very fortunate, no loss being charged up against her except $6,000. Her tonnage is 698, and when she was built she was one of the largest on the lakes. She was during the last three years been repaired at the total cost of $14,000, and is now practically a new vessel. The next vessels Mr. Hutchinson owned were the Rube Richards and the May Richards, the former a steamer and the latter a schooner, which he bought in the winter of 1877-78, at the cost for the two of $58,000. These vessels were of a tonnage of about 1,000. He then bought an interest in the steamer Queen of the West, the tonnage of which is 1,400; he later bought the steamer Germanic, which has a carrying capacity of 2,000 tons, paying therefor(sic) $95,000.
The vessels at present owned by Mr. Hutchinson are as follows: Steamers Germanic, Rube Richards and Queen of the West; schooners Emma C. Hutchinson and Mary Richards. Mr. Hutchinson is still carrying on a successful lake transportation business, and has his office with Hutchinson & Co., Room 412 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, Ohio.
Captain F.B. Huyck, of the elegant steel steamer Chemung, owned by the Union Steamboat Company, is a native of New York State, born in 1859 at Sheridan. He is a son of Ansel B. and Emily Huyck, both now deceased, the former of whom was a farmer at Sheridan. There are but three children of the family now living; Frank B.; Richard, who is chief engineer of a pipe line at Oil City; and Mary, the wife of W.J. Cook, who is employed in the oil country, but is a resident of Fredonia, New York.
Captain Huyck obtained his education at his native place, and in the year 1879 began his sailing career as deckhand on the steamer Jay Gould, on which he was engaged all of that season. His next service was as wheelsman on the James Fisk, Jr., during the season of 1880, and he acted in the same capacity on the steamer Portage for the major part of 1881, which he closed, however, in second mate's berth. In 1882 he was second mate of the New York, and in 1883 of the H.J. Jewett, all the before-mentioned steamers being the property of the Union Steamboat Company. In 1884 he entered the service of the Corrigan fleet in the capacity of wheelsman on the steamer George T. Hope, and later was second mate of the Australasia, mate of the Raleigh and second mate of the Roumania. In 1890 the Captain returned to the employ of the Union Steamboat Company. During that year he was second mate of the Chemung, and he was mate of the same steamer from the spring of 1891 until June, 1895, when he was transferred to master's berth in the steamer New York for the remainder of that season. In 1896 he was master of the H.J. Jewett until September, when he was given the same berth on the Chemung, in which he was retained during the season of 1897.
The Captain was married, at Chicago, in February, 1889, to Miss Helen I. Samse, by whom he has two children. Franklin and Ansel. The family reside at Sheridan, New York.
Harry Edgerton Hyde, general agent of the Clover Leaf Steamboat line, at Buffalo, N. Y., was born in Detroit, July 15, 1860. He is a son of Benjamin Franklin Hyde, who was born in Ferrisburg, Vt., September 24, 1819, and being a man of intellectual power was distinguished among his fellow men, both in New York State and Michigan. In the former he was justice of the peace at Moriah, and also examiner in chancery. Removing to Detroit, Mich. in 1846, he was elected to the State Legislature in 1851, and from 1863 to 1865 (in which latter year he died) he was judge of the recorder's court. He was married November 7, 1853, to Miss Frances Louisa Allen, daughter of Seneca Allen, of Monroe, Mich., who was named in honor of the Seneca tribe of Indians, his father having been very friendly to, and influential with that tribe. In connection with Indian affairs, Seneca Allen was of great service to the Government of the United States during the War of 1812. His father, Ebenezer Allen, was a son of Ethan Allen, whose name is well known to all readers of American history.
Benjamin F. Hyde was a son of Jabez Perkins Hyde, of Ferrisburg, Vt., who was born at Hyde Park, that State, June 12, 1791, and died in Oquawka, Ill., May 18, 1851. In September 1814, the latter married Martha Edgerton of Vermont, and a great-granddaughter of Captain Benjamin Edgerton and Capt. John Hough, of New London, Conn. Jabez Perkins Hyde was a son of Capt. Jedediah Hyde, of Norwich, Connecticut, who was born August 24, 1738, and died May 29, 1822. He was a soldier of the Revolutionary war, rendered valiant and valuable service to the patriot cause, for which he was awarded a large tract of land in Vermont, on a part of which the village of Hyde Park was afterward laid out, and named after him. He was married in 1761, to Mary Waterman, and she, having died, he was married the second time to Elizabeth Parker.
Captain Jedediah Hyde was a son of Rev. Jedediah Hyde, a Congregational minister, who, for his first wife, married Miss Jerusha Perkins, and for his second wife, Miss Jerusha Tracy, the latter being the grandniece of Governor Winslow, of the Mayflower. Rev. Jedediah Hyde was a son of William Hyde, of Norwich, Conn., who was born in January 1670, and died August 8, 1759. William Hyde was a magistrate and legislator of Norwich, and was married January 2, 1695, to Anne Bushnell, daughter of Richard Bushnell, one of the early magistrates of Norwich, William Hyde was a son of Samuel Hyde, of Norwich, Conn., who was born in 1637, and died in 1677. He married Jane Lee, and his daughter, Elizabeth, was the first white child born in Norwich, Conn. Sanuel Hyde was a son of William Hyde, of Norwich, who was born in England and died in Norwich, Conn., January 6, 1681. He was an original settler of Hartford, Conn., and was a man of considerable prominence among the settlers of Norwich. He was quite wealthy, and was a member of the Colonial Legislature of Connecticut.
It will be of interest to all lovers of genealogy to note that the Hyde family to which the subject of this sketch belongs is the same as that from which Anne, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, was descended. Queen Anne was the second daughter of James II, of England, and James VII, of Scotland, by the first wife, Anne Hyde, daughter of the famous Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, himself a distinguished historian and statesman, and whose uncle, Nicholas Hyde, was chief justice of the King's bench.
Harry Edgerton Hyde was educated at the public schools of Detroit up to his fourteenth year, when he was obliged to leave school and begin the battle of life for himself. His first work was as a clerk in a grocery store, at which he received $2 per week. At the age of seventeen he received four months' schooling in a select school, where boys were prepared for college, and then became office boy for the firm of Griffin & Dickenson, the junior member being the Hon. Don M. Dickenson, who was for a short time postmaster-general during President Cleveland's first administration. During the years 1878 and 1879 Mr. Hyde was night telegraph operator at different points on the Chicago & Iowa railroad, and then entered the employ of the Michigan Central railroad at Detroit as telegraph operator and switchman. After about a year thus spent he went to Port Huron, Michigan as freight and passenger auditor for the Port Huron & Northwestern railroad, and later as train dispatcher, remaining there until 1884. From January, 1885, to January, 1887, he was located at Alpena, Michigan, as agent of the Detroit & Cleveland Steamboat line. From the latter date until December, 1888, he was variously employed, when he entered the service of the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City (Clover Leaf) railroad, being stationed at Toledo, Ohio, until June, 1889, when he was appointed traveling auditor of the same road. Filling that position until April, 1890, he was then appointed general agent of the Clover Leaf Steamboat line, at Buffalo, which is controlled and operated by the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City Railroad Company. At Buffalo he perfected arrangements for the operation of the lake line, and has so well administered the affairs of the company as to give complete satisfaction, the business of the company having largely increased from year to year. Mr. Hyde also represents other lake interests aside from those of the Clover Leaf line.
On January 9, 1883, Mr. Hyde married Miss Martha E. Stockwell, of Port Huron, Mich., a daughter of Dr. C. M. Stockwell, of that place. Dr. Stockwell located in Port Huron early in the 50's, making the trip from his home in New York State by canal to Buffalo, by boat on Lake Erie to Detroit, and by stagecoach to Port Huron. He now lives at Port Huron, retired from active practice. Mr. and Mrs. Hyde have one son, Allen Stockwell Hyde, born December 5, 1884. The family residence is at 653 Auburn avenue, Buffalo, New York.