History of the Great Lakes
Vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield
Published Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co. 1899
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Captain Adelbert J. Moffett, one of the best known and most capable tug men on the lakes, was born in Birmingham, Erie county, Ohio, in 1851, a son of Capt. Joseph and Adeline (Ennis) Moffett. He attended the public schools but a short time, being eager to go sailing on his father's schooner, the A. H. Morse, and after learning the ropes under his father's eyes, and becoming a practical sailor, he shipped on the schooner F. T. Barney. His next boat was the schooner Algerine, of which he was appointed second mate, and the following season he held a like berth on the schooner Brightie. In 1866 he was appointed mate of the schooner Fayette Brown, closing the season in the same capacity on the schooner S. H. Kimball. In the spring of 1867 Captain Moffett was appointed mate of the steamer Raleigh, and in 1868 mate of the George W. Holt, with Capt. John Moore. In 1869 he went to Chicago, took out master's papers, and assumed charge of the tug E. P. Dorr, owned by his father. In 1870 he transferred as master to the tug Bob Anderson. In 1871 he took the tug E. P. Dorr down to Cleveland and operated with her out of that port three years. In the spring of 1874 he entered the employ of Capt. P. Smith as master of the tug Shoo Fly, and during the time he remained with him, about ten years, he sailed in turn the tugs L. P. Smith, James Amadeus, S. S. Stone, Patrick Henry (which he brought out new and commanded two seasons), and the Alva B. (which he brought out new). After this Captain Moffett brought out new the tug Forest City, owned by Capt. A. Bradley, which he sailed one year.
In the spring of 1886 the Captain again went to Chicago and took the tug John Gordon, and after sailing her a short time went to Muskegon, Mich. and sailed the tug James McGordon, finishing the season, however, on the tug Gordon, which he took down to Cleveland. The next season he went to work for Captain Smith, as master of the tug S. S. Stone. On May 12, while putting his tug on the boxes for repair, a very painful and dangerous accident happened to him. As the tug Patrick Henry backed up to assist in pushinig his tug onto the boxes Captain Moffett stepped over the fantail of his own boat to adjust the fenders and his right leg was caught between the two tugs and crushed in a terrible manner. He was confined to his bed and house for five months. The doctors insisted on amputating the member, but the Captain would not have it, and he was right, as the result proves. On his recovery he resumed charge of the Stone. In the spring of 1888 he was made master of the John Gregory, which he sailed three seasons. In the spring of 1891 he returned to Chicago, entering the employ of Capt. J. S. Dunham, as master of the tug Robert Tarrant, which he sailed three years. In 1894 he was appointed to the George W. Gardner, and at the close of navigation he took charge of the winter tug Mollie Spencer, in the spring resuming his berth on the Gardner. In 1896 he sailed the Chicago tugs D. P. Hall, C. M. Charnley and Wolf, for Berry Brothers, but before the close of the season he went to Cleveland and took charge of the large steam tug Chauncey A. Morgan (named for the courteous manager of the Cleveland Tug Company), to which command he was reappointed in the spring of 1897. In every position he has occupied Capt. Dell Moffett has given satisfaction and he has been unusually successful in handling his boats. He also has the reputation of being a man of courage when vessels and crews are in distress outside the harbor during the prevalence of storms. At the time of the explosion of the Naptha yacht, which resulted in the death of all on board, he was the first at the scene and recovered four of the bodies.
In 1869 Captain Moffett was united in marriage to Miss Matilda F. Wolff, daughter of William Wolff, of Cleveland, and to this union were born children as follows: Della May and Charles Adelbert, both of whom died young; Lotta, now Mrs. H. H. Miner; and Joseph William, who is in the employ of the Dunham Towing Company at Chicago. The family residence is at No. 1027 Wolfram street, Lake View, Chicago.
Perhaps there is no man on the Detroit river who is better acquainted with tugging than the subject of this sketch, who has spent many years of his live in that employment, and who is part owner and master of the tug Marion Teller at the present time. He was born at Montreal, Canada, March 20, 1850, and there lived seventeen years. There, too, he learned the shoemaker's trade and then went to North Dakota, after which he settled in St. Paul, Minn., and worked at his trade four years. He then went to Fort Union, Mont., where he remained one year, after which he came to Detroit, and has since made his residence in that place. His first employment was in the marine work, going on the Sarah Van Epps as wheels-man and remaining part of a season. The following two years were spent on the tugs Parker and Goodnow in the capacity of wheelsman, after which he was given command of the barge Rouge, which he held one season. The next year he went on the Resolute and several other tugs owned by Alexander Ruelle, of Detroit, and spent some time on the tug Oneida. He then came to the employ of Richard Beaubien about 1890 and has since remained, now being a member of the firm of Beaubien & Moisan and half owner in the tug Marion Teller.
On November 1, 1877, he was married to Adelle Bargeron, of Detroit, formerly of St. Croix, Quebec. They have had six children: Omar, deceased; George, attending school; Alice, deceased; Clara, in a convent in Montreal; Anna, at home; and Laura, deceased. They reside at No. 90 Campau street, Detroit, Michigan.
Captain Moisan is the son of Pierre and Sophie (LeMire) Moisan, both natives of the province of Quebec, who are living in Montreal at the present time. He is well-known among marine men in Detroit and vicinity for his jovial nature, and his thorough knowledge of his work.
Willard A. Mondy is a young marine engineer who has spent much time in qualifying himself for his vocation and has acquired an unusual degree of proficiency in same. He was born in West Unity, Williams Co., Ohio, in August, 1869, and in his youth took advantage of all the opportunities for education that were allowed him. He attended public schools until he was fourteen years of age, and then attended the Ridgeville College seven months, finishing his literary education at the Valparaiso school, where he was a student for nine months. Immediately thereafter he went to work to learn the theory of mechanism, and met with good success. Considering himself qualified to take his place in an engine room, he shipped on the steamer Merrimac as oiler; but not liking the confinement in that position, he went as a boy on the schooner Charlevoix, following this by a season on the bark John T. Mott, the Wright and the Little Jake. In the spring of 1890 he shipped on the Washburn, and in 1891 on the Glad Tidings, finishing on the St. Louis; in 1892 he shipped on the James P. Donaldson; 1893 on the St. Louis; 1894 on the Atlantic, closing on the Dean Richmond, on which he spent the whole season of 1895; and in 1896 he went on the steamer North West, finishing the season on the E. P. Wilbur. Mr. Mondy is a young man of a mechanical turn of mind, and what in the old days would be called a "tinker." There is no piece of mechanism, however complicated, that he can not set to rights. He is one of those young men who believes that a good education will qualify a man for any position in life, and he has taken measures to thus qualify himself. Socially he is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association.
George Monro is one of the best known gentlemen of which Canada can boast. There are few people, especially if they have traveled by boat at all, who do not know him, for he is always on hand when the big steamers arrive from Lewiston, Queenston and Niagara, to see that the passengers get their baggage through all right. Especially do bicylists of either sex owe a considerable debt to Mr. Monro for the facility with which he manages to let them have their wheels, while at the same time he is righteously strict of the fulfillment of the law. Mr. Monro's father was the fourth mayor of Toronto, and at one time member for East York in the Dominion Parliament. George Monro was born in 1843, in Toronto, in a residence at the corner of George and Palace streets, on the location where is now situated the "Black Horse Hotel."
George Monro's father resolved that his son's education should be thoroughly attended to, so he sent him to that most noted of institutions in Toronto, Upper Canada College, at that time situated on the north side of King street, between Simcoe and John Streets. Then young George went to Montreal and attended the high schools there for two years, after which he was under the tuition of the famous educationist, Rev. Dr. Atkinson, of St. Catherines. After leaving school Mr. Monro was articled to Frank Shanley, one of Canada's most prominent civil engineers at that time. During his engagement with Mr. Shanley he was out on the building of the Toronto and Guelph railroad, and the Guelph branch of the Grand Trunk Railroad of Canada. Continuing in the civil engineering business, Mr. Monro traveled over a great deal of territory in the United States. He put in a good deal of time in New Orleans, and was one of the engineers on the construction of the Illinois Central railroad. At that date, the well-known American contractor, Benedict, was in Canada constructing several railroads, and when he returned to the United States, and undertook the building of the Illinois Central, he had accompanying him several of the young Canadian engineers with whom he had become acquainted, among whom were our subject. On returning to Canada, Mr. Monro was again with the Grand Trunk railway, and at the time of the celebrated Fenian raid from the United States into Canada, he left for the frontier as one of the G. T. R. volunteers. They had, however, only reached Stratford on their journey when they received word that the raid had been successfully repelled, and that their services would not be required. This was rather a disappointment to the young men, for they were all eager for a brush with the invaders. Mr. Monro, as has been said, is descended from a good old Loyalist stock. His father and brothers fought side by side in the Revolutionary war on the side of the British, and at that time, when Fort Monroe was taken, the senior Mr. Monro was the second man over the wall.
In 1871 George Monro became connected with Her Majesty's customs, and has remained in the service ever since, his branch of the business being mostly attending to the traffic on the Great Lakes as landing waiter during the summer months, and as examiner of bonded warehouses and cars in the winter. At one time Mr. Monro went into farming, his homestead being known as Monro Park, to the east of Toronto and along-side Victoria Park. Both of these places are two of Toronto's most delightful summer resorts.
In spite of all the business activities and other engagements, Mr. Monro found that he could not escape Cupid's dart, and in the year 1866 was married to an estimable lady of Toronto, the result of this union being four sons and one daughter. Two of the sons died, as did also Mrs. Monro, in the year 1887. Mr. Monro remaining a widower. One of his surviving sons, Frank, is in the bank of Toronto at Cobourg, and the other, Neville, is attending the Jarvis Street Collegiate Institute in Toronto, and promises to become a man of mark. Miss Monro is the guardian angel of her father, and still remains at home on Sherbourne street, Toronto.
In politics Mr. Monro is a Conservative, but he is one of those civil employees who prudently consider that they have no call to meddle in partyism. Outside of that, what he doesn't know about the lake passenger business is not worth considering.
W.F. Monroe, the secretary of the Detroit Graphite Manufacturing Company, is thoroughly familiar with the details of the business in which he is engaged, having made a careful study of the properties of graphite and its adaptability to the use which his company makes of it. Mr. Monroe was born in Jefferson county, N. Y., in 1860, and having good educational advantages he fitted himself for the profession of a school teacher, which he followed for several years. In 1884 he came to Detroit and entered the employ of the Globe Tobacco Company, where he remained for eight years. Since 1892 he has been secretary of the company first referred to. From the very start Mr. Monroe took an energetic hold of the business, convinced that there were great possibilities in it, a belief which the success of the company has amply verified. At first he spent much of his time in traveling, presenting the claims of the company's goods to vessel owners, bridge builders and manufacturers generally to such excellent purpose that the Superior Graphite paint soon became known in all the lake cities, and was being largely used in the painting of boats. As the business increased and the plant enlarged, his office duties became more engrossing until now he has practically abandoned traveling and devotes all of his time to the general office work of the company. Just in prime of life, full of push and vigor, agreeable in disposition and manner, and thoroughly in love with his business, Mr. Monroe performs his duties with ability and complete satisfaction to all concerned.
John Monson was born December 20, 1853, at Cleveland, Ohio, which city had for some time been the home of his father. At that place he received his education in the public schools, and his business training was acquired at the Spencerian College. At an early age he entered the employ of a grocery firm, and later that of a hardware firm, where he remained about four years. He then went to Virginia City, Nev., and was employed for several years. While in that city he was married, May 21, 1878, to Miss Barbara C. Gerlach, who died April 6, 1885, leaving three daughters: Lulu J. (now deceased), and Mabel A. and Emma A., both living in Cleveland. Mr. Monson was afterward married to Lola G. Manning, and they have two children: W.W.E. and J.T.
Mr. Monson is a member of the Masonic fraternity, is well known by those of his own calling, and has a large circle of friends in Cleveland. Under his management the business has greatly progressed since 1885, when he joined the firm of Monson & Sons, wholesale and retail fish dealers.
Thomas Monson, one of the veteran fish dealers on the lakes, and especially in Cleveland, was born in 1822, in the western part of Ireland, where his father was a sergeant of police.
In 1846 he came to America and settled in Ohio City (now a part of Cleveland), and here for seven years he was employed by Branch & Burgess, a grocery firm. He then engaged in business for himself until 1859, when he sold out and went to Pikes Peak. Returning, however, in 1860, he, on June 1, 1861, enlisted in Company B, Eighth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served twenty-four months in the Civil war; was in several noted battles, but fortunately escaped unwounded. Upon his return to Cleveland he went into the fish business, buying out the established trade of Riley Edson. In 1871 he formed a partnership with is son, Thomas, Jr., the firm being known as Monson & Son. The latter was interested in the business until his death, which occurred in Cleveland, March 10, 1895. He was born in that city, June 24, 1850, and in the public schools received his education. For a time he worked in the Cleveland Herald office, but was compelled to give up this line of work on account of his health. He was a Master Mason in Bigelow Lodge No. 243, and enjoyed an enviable reputation for honesty, which is also attached to the name of the firm. In 1885, John, a younger brother, was admitted to the firm, the style thereof becoming Monson & Sons. At first they carried on only a retail market; but the business gradually increased in proportions until they purchased the plant they now operate. At present they also conduct a warehouse and fishery at Rocky River, known as Horn & Co.
Thomas Monson is an esteemed citizen of Cleveland and a respected merchant, and has a large circle of friends. He was married in Montreal, Canada, in 1845, to Miss Jane McElroy. His children all reside in Cleveland: William is foreman of the business of Monson & Sons; George is a furniture dealer, a member of Monson & Myer; Ella E. is married to John Hoffman; emma J. is unmarried and resides at the home of her father; and John, the third son, is a member of the firm.

Captain Charles Z. Montague, although comparatively a young man, has attained good position as master of steamboats. He was born in Huron, Ohio, on July 7, 1857, and is the son of Capt. Robert Bruce and Sarah Jane (Johnson) Montague. His father will be remembered by many of the older class of lake mariners as a master of good repute, who attained his first command when but twenty-two years of age. This was the schooner Kanter, and on one voyage she was caught in a squall on Lake Michigan not far from the west shore, and rolled over. The Captain's wife, who was in the schooner at the time, and the entire crew, narrowly escaped death. Captain Montague then sailed the schooner Jura successfully nine consecutive seasons; the schooner J.B. Wilber eight seasons; the J.F. Card, two seasons, and closed his active life on shipboard as master of the steamer St. Paul. Upon his retirement, he returned to Duluth and opened a shipbroker's office, associating in partnership under the firm name of Miller & Montague, which he conducted up to that time of his death, which occurred in September, 1884, in Duluth, his wife following him to the world of rest November 18, 1897.
Capt. C.Z. Montague, whom this sketch more especially concerns, after acquiring a good public-school education in his native village, took up the lines of life followed by his father, shipping with him on the schooner J.B. Miller, when a boy, remaining nine years, during vacation of schools, finally attaining a position as mate, and in that capacity served until appointed master. In the spring of 1882 he was appointed master of the schooner Owasco, which he sailed two seasons, going thence onto the schooner Southwest. During the year 1885 the Captain engaged in business ashore. The next spring he entered the employ of the Republic Iron Company, of Cleveland, as master of the schooner Grace Holland, and sailed her three seasons. Captain Montague then superintended the construction of the steamer C.W. Elphicke, and having taken out master's papers, brought her out new in 1889, and sailed her four seasons. He then entered the employ of C.W. Elphicke & Co., of Chicago, as master of the new steamer Arthur Orr, which was built under his supervision, as was also the steamer George N. Orr. He sailed the former three and the latter two seasons, resigning in the spring of 1898 to accept the command of the fine steel steamer Pontiac, owned by the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company.
Captain Montague, since attaining to the command of vessels, has proved himself to be one of those masters usually designated as lucky, having always had a good boat under him, and meeting with no casualties. He owns a moneyed interest in the steamer C.W. Elphicke. He holds a composite interest in life, combining the duties of a sailor in summer with those of a farmer in winter, being assisted very materially by his accomplished wife in conducting the farm, which consists of two hundred acres in Huron township.
Socially, he is a member of the Ship Masters Association, and carries Pennant No. 278; is a Knight Templar of Erie Commandery No. 23, and a Knight of Pythias. Both the Captain and Mrs. Montague are active members of the Episcopal Church.
On April 15, 1884, Captain Montague was wedded to Miss Sarah, daughter of Isaac and Martha Newton, of Huron, Ohio. Two children, Newton Bruce and Edith, have blessed this union. The family homestead is in Huron, Ohio.
Captain Ed Montgomery is a skillful tug master, and although he has not devoted many year to affairs maritime he has come forward rapidly and is now in command of one of the good boats of the White line, operating in Duluth harbor. He was born on a farm near Goderich, Ontario, September 25, 1865, son of Joseph and Lucy (Dockstader) Montgomery, the former of whom came to the United States when a child; the mother was born in Canada. The Captain spent his boyhood attending the public school and working in a high-class livery stable, where a fine breed of horses was kept and his admiration for a good horse developed, and although he made commendable progress in his studies the horses engrossed much of his time. It was in 1888 that he first decided to follow the lakes and shipped as fireman in the steamer Iron King, and when his boat was laid up he went to work in a livery stable, where he remained among his favorites all winter. The next spring he shipped on the steamer Ossifrage as fireman, closing the season in the tug J.L. Williams, and during the winter months he was in the employ of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Omaha railroad. During the season of 1890 he fired on the iron tug Record, was later wheelsman on the same boat, and was afterward transferred to the tug John Upham, changing from her to the John Martin and finishing the season in a pumping scow. The following year he helped to fit out the tug Walton B., after which he joined the tug Buffalo as fireman, transferred to the George Emerson, and closed the season in the Maud S. That winter he worked for the American Steel Barge Company until the Pathfinder came out, when he shipped in her as wheelsman, after one trip transferring to barge No. 118. At the close of the season he returned to work in the shipyard, and was next employed in Alfred Scarlet's livery in West Superior.
In 1893 Captain Montgomery took out pilot's papers and was appointed master of the steamer Rambler, owned by the Lake Superior Marine Supply Company, the next season sailing the same steamer for Joseph Hansel, of Canfield, Ohio, who had a boathouse in St. Louis harbor. In 1895 he chartered the steamyacht Cecelia B. and sailed her in the ferry and excursion business, doing fairly well. In the spring of 1896 he entered the employ of Captain Singer as mate of the tug Zenith, and at the end of two months was promoted to the command of the D.T. Helm, closing the season as master of the H.B. Abbott. The next spring he came out as master of the D.T. Helm, sailed the ferry tug Estelle, and completed the season as master on the H.B. Abbott, which he commands at the present writing. Fraternally he is a member of the American Association of Masters & Pilots of Steam Vessels.
In December, 1893, Captain Montgomery married Miss Minnie McMillan, daughter of William and Margaret McMillan, of Superior, formerly of Saginaw, Mich., and the children born to this union are Lucy Mabel and Edwin Joseph. The family reside at No. 504 Morris street, Duluth, Minn. Mrs. Montgomery's father served as a soldier during the Civil war.
Captain Harry Montgomery, of the harbor tug Dreadnaught, of Cleveland, was born in Bangor, Ireland, in 1861. His father, Capt. James Montgomery, sailed vessels to the East Indies for twenty years, one of them being the sugar ship Robina, which he commanded for fifteen years. He was often accompanied by his family on these trips and it was while the ship was lying in the harbor of Bombay that one of his daughters was born on board; she was accordingly named Robina, after the name of the vessel. Upon retiring from sailing Captain Montgomery embarked in the lime, coal and brick business on shore. He also owned four coasting vessels. His death occurred in 1896, when he was eighty-seven years of age.
Harry Montgomery commenced sailing at the age of eleven years in the ship Arbitrator. On the third voyage to Quebec she was caught in a storm and waterlogged, but they succeeded in navigating her to St. Pierre island, where she remained six weeks, undergoing repairs. Young Montgomery was sent by his uncle, who commanded the vessel, to Halifax on the steamer George Shadduck, and from that port he sailed on the steamer Hibernian for Liverpool, where he was met by his mother, who, warned by a dream, had come up from Bangor to meet him, although he had informed no one that he was on his way home. For two years he sailed to Troon, Ayr and Ardrossan, Scotland, on his father's vessel, and he then went to sea again. He made a trip from Belfast to Pensacola, Fla., and returned in the ship Fannie Atkinson, being absent nine months, and he subsequently joined the Rosedale, loaded with steel rails for the New York Central railroad. After a voyage of fifty-six days the vessel reached Baltimore in a leaking condition and was placed on the ways for repairs. Montgomery leaving her there and joining the schooner Ruth A. Price, in the fruit trade out of Baltimore. After about five months he went to the lakes and shipped on the steamer Missouri, serving as deckhand for about half of one trip, when he was made wheelsman, holding that post for the remainder of the season. Then he was wheelsman in the steamers Oakland and Ontonagon, being wrecked off Conneaut, while employed on the latter vessel; the Ontonagon had four vessels in tow but was caught in a storm and had to drop them. She was leaking badly and finally broke in two. Eight of the men got off in a fourteen-foot boat, while the remaining five floated about on half a vessel for nearly three days before the tugs Annie Moiles, Cora B., Ella M. Smith and S. S. Rumage went to their relief. In 1883 Captain Montgomery took out his master's papers, and he has since commanded the harbor tugs Cora B., Music, Curtis, R. K. Hawley, Florence, Cushing, T. M. Moore and Dreadnaught.
The Captain was married in 1890 to Miss Eleanor Hobson, of Cleveland, and they have two children, Robina and Harry.
Captain Charles Edward Moody, it may truthfully be said, is a born steamboat master, of quick perception and prompt in execution, of great energy and full of resource in time of peril. He is a son of Capt. James and Emily E. (Armstrong) Moody, and was born on July 27, 1850, in Buffalo, N.Y. His parents were also natives of the great State of New York. His father was a master of vessels for many years, and owner of tugs. Among the notable steamers on which he sailed were the Queen of the Lakes and Princeton, of which he was mate, and he also sailed the Tifft, which was the first tug engaged in harbor towing at Milwaukee; the tug Cleveland, which was sold to the United States Government during the Civil war to be used as a despatch(sic) boat on the Mississippi; he took the tug Jonah Richards to Ludington, and the American Eagle which he purchased in Buffalo to Manistee. After selling her he entered the employ of Wolf & Davidson, of Milwaukee, as superintendent of the dry dock engine works. At one time was sent with a 14-inch Worthington steam pump and wrecking outfit to release the brig Lucy J. Clark, which was ashore near Cross Village. They succeeded in getting her off, and while towing her to harbor a gale came up, and the steam pump was disable causing the vessel to become water-logged and sink. The crew jumped overboard, and Capt. James Moody, the mate and cook were drowned. The Captain's body was found by an Indian a week later at Sturgeon Point. The large concourse of people that attended his remains to the grave was a token of the high esteem in which he had ever been held. His widow is still living in Milwaukee, and is seventy-two years of age. The other members of the family are Cornelia, Clara and Elizabeth.
Capt. Charles E. Moody, the subject of this article, attended public schools in Milwaukee till 1864, or until he was fourteen years old, when he took advantage of an opportunity to ship as boy on the bark Newsboy, joining the brig Starlight the next spring in the same capacity, and going as royal boy on the bark Cream City, with Captain Johnson, in 1866. In the spring of 1867 he shipped on the steamer Governor Cushman as wheelsman, with Captain Thompson, and after further experience as wheelsman outside he went tugging in Milwaukee harbor as linesman on the Robert Emmett and Jonah Richards; then was master of the B.F. Davidson for two seasons; was on the W.K. Muir, American Eagle and Margaret. While on the American Eagle the Captain jumped overboard and saved the life of John Warner, who fell from the boat. The drowning man gave him the dead man's grip. In the fall of 1872 he was wheelsman of the steamer Messinger, with Capt. David Cochrane, one of the best known steamboat masters on the lakes, and was fifty-two days in the ice on Lake Michigan.
In 1873 Captain Moody entered the employ of Stackey Brothers & Co., as master of the tug J.J. Hageman, and sailed her three seasons. He then took command of the tug Welcome, and sailed her eight successive seasons. During this time the Captain was instrumental in saving the lives of three fishermen, whom he took from a capsized boat during the prevailing of a northeast gale. Another episode while on the tug Welcome serves to show the chivalrous type of his courage. At the risk of his life the gallant Captain jumped overboard and saved the lives of two boys, who would have been drowned but for his timely assistance. Although these well-authenticated rescues would seem to entitle the Captain to a live-saving medal, his modesty has prevented his taking any action in the matter. In the spring of 1885 he was appointed master of the crack tug T.T. Morford, owned by J.S. Dunham, of Chicago, and the next spring he again assumed command of the tug Welcome. During the time that he was master of tugs Captain Moody earned an enviable reputation as a wrecking master, and in one instance pulled the Blackhawk, Quickstep, Burnham and consorts off the beach near Milwaukee during one night, and he has a record of having done more wrecking with harbor tugs then any other man. The night the steamer Vernon was lost he towed a wreck into Beaver Harbor. During the time he was master of the tug Welcome, he was the recipient of a handsome gold watch, bearing the inscription: "Presented to Captain C.E. Moody for active and meritorious services during the season of 1880."
In the spring of 1887 Captain Moody was appointed master of the steamer F. & P. M. No. 2, which he sailed two seasons, after which he was transferred to F. & P. M. No. 5, sailing her one season between Duluth and Ogdensburg, and for three seasons between Manistee and Chicago; and it was while in command of this latter vessel that the Captain was instrumental in rescuing the two remaining men from the rigging of the schooner M.J. Cummings, which went ashore at Milwaukee. This he did by taking a tug and towing a scow out to the stranded vessel, and bringing her alongside the boat saved the men's lives. In 1893 he was appointed master of the steamer Nebraska of the Soo Railroad line, F.D. Underwood being manager. His next command was the car ferry steamer Ann Arbor No. 1. In the spring of 1896 he entered the employ of Bessemer Steamship Company, as master of the steamer Washburn, formerly the James B. Neilson, the first one of the fleet out on the lakes. He sailed her until September 17, 1897, when he was transferred to the John Ericsson, the largest whaleback on the lakes previous to the appearance of the Alexander McDougall, and in 1898 he was again promoted to the command of the large steel steamer Sir Henry Bessemer, a ship of 3,293 tons register. The following incident, which took place during the Captain's command of the Bessemer is worthy of mention as one of the many and varied experiences of his life while a sailor: On October 24, 1898, while out on Lake Superior a northeast gale sprang up, and the barge Alexander Holley, a whaleback, in tow with the Bessemer, broke adrift. Captain Moody made nine attempts to pick her up-each time a failure - but the tenth time succeeded in securing the 12 inch manilla line, and as soon as the strain on it parted he rounded to and tried to put the line on her, but a heavy sea and a very dark night preventing, concluded to wait for daylight, and at 6:30 on the morning of the 25th succeeded in picking the Holley up and she was towed to the north shore into smooth water, thence arriving at the Sault Ste. Marie canal the night of the 26th.
During one fall of his sailing career the Captain took the propeller H.J. Jewett (a valuable steamer, having on board a rich cargo) from the Manitous to Old Mackinaw without a rudder. Another incident of note is that he left Milwaukee one night for the Rutter in a southwest gale, and should have reached Ludington in the morning, but the water being shoal ran for the Manitou islands, and was reported lost with all hands, mention of which was made in the daily Inter Ocean of Chicago at the time.
The Captain is an up-to-date steamboat man, and has not cost the company one dollar while in service with them for damages, and his previous record has been amongst the best. He has received licenses covering twenty-nine years. The Captain in every instance has proved himself a first-class navigator on his trips from Chicago to Ogdensburg, and Duluth to Ogdensburg, and there is not a port or harbor on the lakes that he is not familiar with. He is also an expert in the tug business, and is very fond of a nice looking tug. Socially, he is genial and generous, and is well liked by all the lake men, with whom he has dealings, and will always relieve the needs of an unfortunate sailor. He is a Master Mason of Independent Lodge No. 80, of Milwaukee, and a member of the Ship Masters Association carrying Pennant No. 1032.
In the fall of 1881 Captain Moody was wedded to Miss Rose S. Rouch, of Fond du Lac, Wis. Four children have been born to this union; Florence Sybil and Henry James, both pupils of the Milwaukee High Schools; and Hazel and Olive, who died young, the former being but eight years and five months at the time of her death, and the latter but twenty-two month old. The family homestead is at No. 574 Third Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Captain Edward Mooney was born in Manchester, England, May 1, 1843, and came with his parents, John and Margaret Mooney, to the United States in the spring of 1851, and settled in Cleveland, where he attended the parochial schools until thirteen years of age.
John Mooney was a sailor on the Great Lakes for over thirty years, and his son Edward early manifested an inclination for a marine life, and in the spring of 1857 began sailing on the propeller Iron City as forecastle boy, with Capt. Ed. Turner as master. He remained on this boat until the fall of 1862, when, in January, 1863, he enlisted in the navy and was sent to the gunboat Lafayette, under command of Captain Walker, and stationed at Cairo. He was in service on her till May 6, 1863, when he shipped on Mississippi river boats and remained on them for sixteen months. He then returned to his home and accepted a position of wheeling under Capt. George P. McCoy on the propeller Pewabic, remaining on her till she was lost on Lake Huron August 9, 1865. The balance of the season he went wheeling on the propeller Ironsides, Capt. Ed. Turner, master, and in 1866 accepted the position of second mate on the propeller Mineral Rock and with his old commander, Capt. John McCoy.
During the seasons of 1867-68-69-70, he was mate on the steamers Michael Groh, Manitowoc, Union, and Adriatic, and the following season, 1871, found him master of the Adriatic, running between Chicago, Goderich and Saginaw. During the winter of this year this vessel was sold at sheriff's sale and dismantled. In 1872 he became first mate of the Union line's propeller Pacific, under Captain Murch, and in 1873 started the season as first mate on the steamer Arctic, Capt. Ed. Turner. During the summer the Captain sickened and died, so he took command of the boat for the balance of the season. For three full seasons, 1874-75-76, and part of 1877 he was master of the passenger steamers Atlantic, Pacific, and St. Louis, and during 1878 served the steamer Japan as her mate and pilot, thence going to the propeller Arizona as master for the seasons of 1879-80-81, and in 1882-84 continued in this position on the propeller Winslow. In 1885-86 was master of the steamer India. Leaving the passenger service in 1887, he took command of the steambarge Vienna, then assumed charge of the steel steamer Cambria for the seasons of 1888 and 1889, after which, in 1890, he entered the employ of Lake Superior Iron Company, which was building two steel steamers, and took out the first one, the LaSalle; in 1891 two more steel steamers were constructed by this company, and he was placed in charge of the Wawatam (one of the newly built boats), a charge he held since that time.
He is a member of the Ship Masters Association, of Cleveland, and was the first recording secretary of that branch.
On January 9, 1868, he was married to Miss Sharon, of Rockport, Ohio, and by this marriage had seven children, four of whom are living: James, Frank, William and Charles. Edward, May and Leo are deceased. Two years after the death of his first wife he was again married, this union being with Miss Margaret, a sister of his first wife. They have one child, Zita.
Captain J.E. Moony, for the past four years master of the steamer Arcadia, owned by the Starke Land & Lumber Co., of Arcadia, Mich., has been sailing on the Great Lakes since he was a lad of twelve yars, and has an enviable reputation as a reliable and courageous man among the Lake Michigan navigators. Captain Moony was born in 1854 in Cape Benson, Jefferson Co., N.Y., and his father, John Moony, was one of the early settlers of Sacket's Harbor, that county, having come to this country from his birthplace, County Wexford, Ireland, when very young. He, too, was a sailor, and was engaged as pilot on the mail boats from Kingston to Montreal, a fact which in itself is evidence of his competency, for only the best pilots are employed on that class of boats. He was drowned in 1860, in the Maclure Rapids, while following his calling.
J.E. Moony lived at Cape Benson until he was sixteen years of age, receiving the limited advantages for education afforded by the public schools of the place, which he has supplemented by reading and home study. When twelve years old he commenced sailing, shipping out of Clayton, N.Y., on the class of boats known as timber drovers, plying to Cleveland, Toledo, Bay City and other points. At this time horses were carried to load the vessels, and commencing as "horse boy" he followed this line for twelve years, after the first five years coming west and spending his winters in Milwaukee, Wis., where he was on the Gen. Burnsides for three years as second mate, this boat being one of the faster crafts plying between Clayton and points on Lakes Erie and Huron, and after leaving her he shipped before the mast on the David Vance, a barkentine, out of Milwaukee, on which he also remained three years, the second season becoming second mate. Captain Moony now commenced on his own account, buying the schooner C.L. Davis, built in Cheboygan, which he commanded in person, and ran her for two years between White Lakes and Milwaukee.
His next boat was the schooner Len Higby, which he ran two years as master, principally on Lake Michigan, and from her he went on to the steambarge Rumbell, which was built in Portage, Mich., and which was used in the lumber trade. After this he was on the Patty, plying between White Lake and Chicago and occasionally running to Muskegon, but she was sold and the following spring he accepted the berth of captain on the steamer J.C. Markham, on which he served in that capacity for four years, the two succeeding years going as master of the Allmedinger, owned by E.B. Simpson, of Milwaukee. Since that time he has commanded the steamer Arcadia, which is owned by the Starke Land and Lumber Co., of Arcadia, Mich., and used only in their interests in the lumber trade, going to all points on Lake Michigan. Captain Moony is a member of the Ship Masters Association, No. 6, of Milwaukee, and carries Pennant No. 946. He has been unusually fortunate and successful in the management of his boats, but it is certain that his ability and thorough knowledge of his business have had as much to do with this as "good luck," and he is considered trustworthy and competent by all who have employed him.
Captain Moony was united in marriage with Miss Louisa Alt, of Milwaukee, Wis., and their union has been blessed with two children: John L. and Mary E. Fraternally he unites with the Knights of the Maccabees.
Captain C.F. Moore is one of the men who have made a success of their connection with the lakes. He was born in Harrison, Macomb Co., Mich., January 26, 1826. His father was J.B. Moore, a native of Detroit, and his mother was formerly Miss Nellie Tebo. Captain Moore has three brothers living - Richard, of Port Huron; Clement and Joseph; John is dead. There are four living sisters - Jane, Philomene, Eliza and Phoebe; Caroline and Erolide are dead. The Captain does not incline much to societies, and the only one of which he is a member is the Shipmasters.
Captain Moore began sailing when about sixteen years old, going before the mast on the scow Williams, sailing out of Mt. Clemens. He remained on her through the seasons 1845-46, and made such good use of his time that the next year he was appointed master of the scow Pike, plying between Mt. Clemens, Toledo and Sandusky. He paid close attention to his business, and after running the Pike two seasons, was made master of the steamer Albion, in 1850. She ran between Detroit and Mt. Clemens, and Captain Moore piloted her steadily down to the close of the season of 1853. In 1854, having saved some money, he bought the tug Clifton, and did towing through the old North Channel in Lake St. Clair, where nine and a half feet was considered high water. Captain Moore ran the Clifton until the close of the season of 1856 when he took the R.R. Elliott and did towing from lake to lake during the seasons of 1857 and 1858. In 1859 he became captain of Eber Ward's steamer Ruby, carrying passengers and freight between Detroit and Port Huron, and gave such good satisfaction to owners and patrons that he continued in that position five years. During the season of 1846 he was master of the Dart, and did river towing. In 1865 he had charge of the T.F. Parks, also doing river towing, and in 1866 took control of the big tug John Prindiville. This line of business pleased Captain Moore better than the passenger one, and in 1867 and 1868 he was master of the U.S. Grant, owned by John Demass. In 1860 he became part owner of the tug Frank Moffatt, and was her master during that and the next three seasons. In 1873 he bought a considerable interest in the big tug Mocking Bird, and was her master for four seasons, doing a towing and wrecking business. In 1877 he became sole owner of the large tug Brockway, and did towing and wrecking with her for four years. During the winter of 1880-81 Captain Moore sold out his marine interests, and passed the year 1881 in putting his money into four large brick dwellings about the corners of Second and Abbott streets, Detroit. In 1882 he sailed the tug Champion, and 1883 the Torrent, which were in the same business. In November of that year occurred one of the many incidents in Captain Moore's career, of which he has reason to feel proud.
A heavy snowstorm was raging, the mercury was down to zero, and the wind was rolling up great waves when word was received in the harbor at Port Huron that the large schooner Merrimac, with her masts gone, was at the mercy of the storm near Georgian Bay. There were larger tugs in the harbor, but their masters declined to go to the rescue, saying that it was a hopeless undertaking. Captain Moore, however, volunteered to make an effort to save the crew of the Merrimac, had timbers placed in the Torrent as braces, had everything liable to be carried away chained down and with engineer John Cronenweth at the throttle, steamed out to rescue the Merrimac and her crew. Despite the fury of the gale, the great task was successfully accomplished, and the schooner towed into Port Huron. But the Captain and the crew had to be at their posts thirty-six hours continuously, engineer Cronenweth having his hand on the throttle all the time, shutting off steam as the tug rose on a wave and the wheel came out of the water; and then turning it on as she lowered and the wheel was again submerged.
In 1884 Captain Moore sailed the tug Castle, and during 1885 he was master of the tug John Martin part of the season, then with nine others he went to Chicago and bought the side-wheeler Saginaw, he sailing her on Lake Erie the balance of the season. From this time to 1889 he spent his time on shore looking after his real estate and other investments. That spring he returned to sailing as master of the steamer Greyhound, on the Detroit-Toledo route. He ran her for two seasons, and then sailed the Idlewild during 1891 and 1892. He then retired from the lakes, and has done no sailing since except to run the steamer E.K. Kirby, for three months in 1896, during the illness of her captain.
Captain Moore was married, in 1852, at Mt. Clemens to Miss Caroline E. Chappell, and has one daughter, Minnie L., now Mrs. Charles Shaw, of Detroit.
Captain Christopher A. Moore, although a young man, has acquired a high reputation as a master of tugs. He is a son of Captain Richard and Philopene (Roberts) Moore, and was born in Port Huron, Mich., January 10, 1866. His father was born in Mount Clemens, Mich., and followed the lakes many years, the Ruby and car ferry Saginaw being among his boats. He was also a long time in the employ of the Port Huron and Sarnia Ferry Company. His mother was a native of Ottawa, Ont. His grandfathers were John Moore and Nelson Roberts, the latter a prominent lumberman of Port Huron, Mich.
After acquiring a liberal education in the public schools of Port Huron, Captain Moore shipped in the steamer Belle P. Cross, as watchman, and the next spring in the steamer Ira Chaffee, closing the season as wheelsman on the tug I. U. Masters. In 1885 he shipped as wheelsman in the steamer Fred McBrier, followed by a season in the steamer Nipigon in the same capacity. In the spring of 1887 he joined the steamer Frank W. Wheeler as wheelsman, holding that berth two seasons. In 1889 he entered the employ of the American Transportation Company at Fairport, as lineman in the new tug Annie. The next season he took out a pilot's license, and was appointed master of the tug Dickson, closing the season in the tug Charles Henry, operating out of Cleveland harbor, holding that position until the fall of 1891. The following spring he shipped as wheelsman in the steamer Alexander Nimick, and in 1893 joined the steamer John Harper as wheelsman, retaining that berth two seasons. In the spring of 1895 the Captain again entered the employ of the American Transportation Company as master of the tug George R. Paige, and has sailed her four successive seasons up to this writing.
On December 26, 1894, Captain Moore was united in marriage to Miss Emma Bird, daughter of Benjamin and Mary Bird, of Port Huron, Mich. The only child that has blessed this union is Christopher Albert Moore. The family residence is in Fairport, Ohio.
Captain Hiram D. Moore is a prosperous and enterprising citizen of Algonac, Mich., where he has at different times been engaged in the grocery and dry-goods business and he also erected a building and conducted a drug store successfully. He is a man of good business methods, and has acquired a handsome competency in real and personal property. Captain Moore is the son of Hiram C. and Orilla (Harkett) Moore, and was born in Rochester, N.Y., February 14, 1853, the family removing to Algonac, Mich., about the year 1856. The father sailed out of Algonac for a time in the earlier days of his residence there, and before retiring from the lakes to enter business became mate of the Planet, Comet and Orient, the Telegraph being his last vessel. He was a man of sterling integrity and won the friendship and esteem of all who knew him. He died March 7, 1895, preceded to the grave by his wife, who passed away May 10, 1894.
Captain Moore received a public-school education, attending until he reached the age of fourteen years. He also went to school winters for some years after he commenced to sail, which was in 1867, his first berth being in the tug Mayflower as deckhand, with Captain William Ames. The next spring he shipped before the mast in the schooner Lucy Orchard, and he was also with Captain Day, in the old schooner Burchard one season. In 1870-71 he sailed the little barge Jennie. Then followed a period of several years during which he was wheelsman on lake tugs, notably the Sweepstakes, Satellite and Champion, with Capt. Hi. Ames. In the spring of 1878 he shipped as wheelsman on the steamer Ella Smith, serving two seasons in that capacity, after which, having taken out his license in 1879, he was promoted to the office of mate, holding that berth three seasons more. He came out as mate of the Star of Hope in the spring of 1883 and closed that season in the Lowell, in a like capacity, sailing in her again the following season. It was in the spring of 1885 that Captain Moore became mate of the steamer Rhoda Stewart, and four years later he was appointed master, sailing her for two seasons. In 1891 he stopped ashore and superintended the construction of the steamer F. W. Fletcher, in which he owned an interest, bringing her out new that season and sailing her until August, 1896, when he sold his interest and purchased a stock of groceries and dry goods in Algonac. He conducted that business successfully and also carried on a drug store in Algonac, for which he erected a substantial building, but in the spring of 1898 he disposed of his business interests ashore and purchased a steamboat which he purposes to put into a special trade; it will doubtless prove remunerative, as he has the necessary business qualifications.
On January 21, 1880, Captain Moore wedded Miss Maggie H. Lyons, daughter of Harker and Hannah E. (Cummings) Lyons. Her father died September 22, 1887, her mother April 10, 1887, at the age of sixty-nine years. The family homestead is a modern built house on Water Street, Algonac, Mich. Fraternally the Captain is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
L. Ed. Moore is an ambitious young marine engineer, and promises to reach a high standing among the chiefs of his responsible calling. He was born in Port Huron, Mich., August 10, 1868, and is a son of Richard and Philomena (Roberts) Moore, the former of whom was born in Mt. Clemens, Mich., the latter in Port Dalhousie, Canada. The parents removed to Port Huron soon after their marriage. L. Ed. Moore attended the public schools of Port Huron and took a course in the International Business College of that city. After having acquired a liberal education he entered the employ of C. B. Dole & Son, of Port Huron, as an apprentice to the steamfitting trade, serving three years. He also worked one year at the Phoenix Iron Works, and one year as fireman in the pulp mills, the next year going to Fairport, Ohio, where he ran an engine for use on derricks. In the spring of 1888 he shipped as fireman on the tug George R. Paige, and following this served one season in the tug Annie and part of a season on the George B. Dickson. In the spring of 1891 he joined the tug Carkin, engaged on government work at the Sault, and after firing her three months transferred to the tug George E. Brockway. In the spring of 1892 he secured engineer's license and was appointed second on the lake tug Mocking Bird, on which boat he lost a finger which was caught in the machinery, laying him off work about six weeks. He closed the season on the steamer George L. Colwell.
The next spring Mr. Moore was appointed chief engineer of the tug J. P. Clarke, and after running her five months closed the season on the tug Jim Pullar, to which he returned the season following, running her until the fall of 1896, when he chartered the tug Walter W. Richardson and engaged in fishing for two months, in the meantime sailing the yacht Alert for R. J. Cram. In the spring of 1897 Mr. Moore was appointed engineer of the tug Fred Crosby, engaged on Government work in the Portage river at Duluth. That winter he chartered the tug F. H. Stanhope, and did towing about the harbor and the St. Clair river. Mr. Moore is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, the Independent Order of Foresters and the Knights of the Maccabees. He lives with his parents at No. 828 Erie street, Port Huron, Michigan.
Captain Samuel Moore has during his thirty-five years' experience on the Great Lakes made an enviable record, for in all the time he has been in command of vessels he has never lost one, and has never even had an accident on board his boats. There are few who have spent such a length of time on the lakes that can look back without regretting some accident which might have been avoided by a little foresight. Captain Moore was born in Oswego, N.Y., in the year 1840, and after receiving his education decided to follow the water. He sailed before the mast several seasons, and then served about three years on the police force of his native town, after which he resumed his chosen calling, obtaining a berth as mate. After a couple of seasons he was given a command of his own, and he has sailed the S. J. Hawley, Bermuda, Orient, George Goble, Eurick, Delaware, Dashing Wave, Actston, Grace Whitney, Mount Hawk, Glad Tidings, India, Monteagle and Rising Star. He was in the employ of one firm - Whitney's - for thirteen years. Captain Moore has resided in Detroit for about thirty years, during eight of which he has been on the police and detective force of that city. He went back to his old employment, however, and is still serving as master. The Captain was married soon after coming to Detroit; he has no children.
Captain Truman Moore is a prominent and public-spirited citizen of Lorain, Ohio, and a descendant of a long line of shipbuilders and master mariners. He is a son of Theron and Delia Ann (Case) Moore, the other members of his father's family being Menzies (for a long time lake captain, but not deceased), Leonard (who was also a sailor, but now retired from the lakes), Elmina (now the wife of Thomas Gawn, a wealthy ship and land owner of Lorain), Amelia (the widow of Capt. John Farragher), Melvina (who died young), Maria (the wife of Mr. Pointon), Lotta (now Mrs. Burt Briggs), Rowena (now the wife of Theron Merrey, of Cleveland), Burt (who died young), and Mary (wife of Arthur Jewett, a prominent druggist of Cleveland). The vessels built by the father were the Flat Foot, Rowena and Almina, all of which he sailed as master. He also laid down the schooner Rambler, but sold her on the stocks before she was completed. He was a pioneer of Sheffield township, Lorain County, and was possessed of a large farm where Truman, the subject of this article was born, December 1, 1844. Truman acquired a district-school education, attending during the winter months, and working with his father on the farm during the summer seasons.
In the spring of 1860 he adopted the life of a sailor, going with his brother, Menzies, on the scow Rowena, and from that period until the fall of 1875 he sailed as seaman and mate on various vessels, among which may be mentioned the schooner H.D. Root, George W. Holt, Cousin Mary (of which he was mate); he was also mate on the vessels Oza, Lime Rock and W.S. Lyons, the schooners H.D. Root and C.F. Allen, all of which vessels his father and elder brother owned. In the meantime his brother purchased a hop farm, and in 1876 Truman stopped ashore and worked in the hop vineyard, being employed in this occupation two years with good results.
In 1878 Captain Moore bought the scow Mona, and sailed her one season. He then sold her, and purchased the scow Growler, which he sailed two seasons. In the spring of 1881 he joined the schooner Q.A. Gilmour, as mate, with his brother. The next year he brought out the interests of the several heirs in the homestead in Sheffield Township, and conducted the farm successfully for three years. Thoughts of wind and wave and the limpid waters of the lakes proved too alluring for the continuance of the life on shore, and in 1885 he purchased the schooner Monticello, and sailed her three seasons. After selling her he purchased the schooner Alice B. Norris, built by Wolf & Davidson, at Milwaukee, in 1872, and sailed her as master. The Norris was about 600 tons burden, and considered a smart schooner in those days; she was valued at $23,000. In the spring of 1889 he brought out the schooner Henry W. Sage, which he had purchased the previous winter, and sailed her until November 25, when he lost her in the great storm known as the Thanksgiving gale, in which more vessels were lost or stranded than in any other single storm in the history of the lakes. The Sage was built in Wenona by Boston, in 1875, and was valued at $30,000.
In the spring of 1890 Captain Moore purchased the schooner Kate Winslow, and after sailing her successfully three seasons he sold her and turned his attention to steamboats, the first propeller of which he was master being the R. R. Rhodes, a 1,285 ton boat, built by Quayle's Sons in Cleveland, sailing her two seasons. In the spring of 1895 he was appointed to the command of the steamer N. K. Fairbank, owned by Capt. John Moore, of Cleveland. This boat was destroyed by fire on Lake Erie early in the summer. The crew reached shore at Gravelly Bay in the yawl boats without further casualty. In August of the same year he became master of the steamer Louisiana, owned by the same party, and sailed her with good business success until the close of 1897, again assuming command of her in the spring of 1898.
Captain Moore was united in marriage to Miss Esther, daughter of William Carran, of Sheffield Township, Lorain County, by whom he has three children. His son, William E., was mate on the steamer Nahant when she was destroyed by fire in 1897; his daughter Rowena is the wife of Mark Jones; and Etta lives at home with her father. Some years after the death of his first wife Captain Moore, in 1881, chose for his second wife Mrs. Rosa E. Rice, daughter of William Green, of Spencer Township, Lorain Co., Ohio. Fraternally our subject is a member of the beneficial orders of the Royal Arcanum and the Knights of the Maccabees. The family occupy a spacious homestead recently built by the Captain on Erie street, Lorain, Ohio.
Captain Bernard W. Morgan has been a lake mariner for thirty-eight years in the various capacities from boy to mate and master. At this writing he is with Boutell & Smith as master of the fine steamtug Charlton, a Canadian bottom which that firm operates in their raft-towing business. Captain Morgan was born in Belfast, Ireland, January 14, 1848, and is a son of John and Catherine (McManus) Morgan. The father was a British soldier for twelve years, and was assigned to the East India Company's troops, doing garrison duty at Matamoras, Bombay and other East India stations. He was honorably discharged from service on account of rheumatism, and removed to America in 1851, locating at Penetanguishene, Ontario, where Bernard acquired his primary education.
It was in 1860 that Captain Morgan began sailing as boy in the schooner Wilson, of Goderich, Ontario, with Captain Spence, and the next two years he shipped before the mast in the American vessel Mary Ann Hurlburt, which was chartered by the government and engaged in carrying to the Indians their annuities in money and supplies; General Webb, of Bayfield, Wis., was the Indian agent at that time over the Lake Superior reservations. At the end of two seasons our subject was made mate, and in the spring of 1865 he was advanced to the position of master, sailing the Mary Ann Hurlburt until the expiration of the treaty with the Indians, in July, 1866, when he was appointed second mate of the propeller Favorite, trading between Marquette and Portage Lake. That winter his steamer laid up in Chicago, and he paid a visit to his parents in Canada. In 1867 he came out as mate in the H. P. Murray, which was new, retaining that berth two seasons. The next spring he joined the Delaware as mate with Captain Cotton, and remained in her until the fall of 1871, followed by a season as mate of the tug Minnie Hall, towing out of Bing Inlet for the Georgian Bay Lumber Company. In 1873 he was second mate in the tug Wales, closing as mate in the schooner Maple Leaf; in 1874, was master on the schooner Elizabeth; 1875, mate on the schooner Prince Edward, of Picton, Ontario; 1876, master of the schooner Phoebe-Catherine; 1877, mate of the passenger steamer Magnatawan, plying between Bing Inlet, Collingwood, Midland, Waubaushene and other ports; 1878, mate of the barge Hotchkiss; 1879, master of the Mary Back. In the spring of 1880 Captain Morgan entered the employ of the Collingwood Towing & Wrecking Co., as master of the lake tug Mary Ann, which he sailed three seasons, when she was sold, and he shipped as mate of the schooner Sligo. In the spring of 1884 he was again appointed master of the Mary Ann, and sailed her four seasons for Marks & Coe, of Port Arthur. In 1888 he was appointed mate of the steamer Chamberlin, but closed the season as mate in the schooner Moravia, passing the next season in the Minnehaha, and in 1890 he joined the steamer Charlemagne Tower as mate. In the spring of 1891 he entered the employ of the Saginaw Bay Towing Company as master on the lake tug Charlton, and has continued in command of her, giving the utmost satisfaction, never having lost a raft or put his fine boat into trouble of any nature during the twenty-five years he has been engaged in that difficult branch of lake marine. He is a member of the beneficial order of the Maccabees.
Captain Morgan married Miss Agnes, daughter of Dennis and Margaret Hurley, of Penetanguishine, Ont. The family homestead is at No. 1111 Litchfield street, West Bay City, Michigan.
C.A. Morgan is the manager of the Cleveland Tug Company, and under his watchful care the extensive business carried on by that concern is directed and kept moving forward. He is a native of Oswego, N.Y., born in 1860, the son of Julius Morgan, who was a vessel master for many years. In 1867 the family removed to Cleveland, where Mr. Morgan attended the public schools until 1877, in that year entering the ship chandlery business carried on by the firm of J.W. Grover & Son, J.W. Grover being his grandfather. Mr. Grover dying in 1880, the business was continued under the old name by his son, C.E. Grover, and Mr. Morgan was taken into the firm in 1882, retaining his interest in the business until the fall of 1893, when he sold out. In the summer of 1895 he entered upon the duties of his present position. Nearly a dozen tug are operated by the company and the duties pertaining to the position are varied and ofttimes perplexing, the business being one largely made up of emergencies. One of the largest tugs in the fleet is named after Mr. Morgan and has been employed considerably in towing the steel canalboat fleet.
Mr. Morgan was married in January, 1886, to Miss Lillian I. Evans, daughter of I.W. Evans, one of the best known commission merchants in Cleveland. They have one child, Mary Winifred Morgan.
Captain James W. Morgan, of Cleveland, has been a mariner on the Great Lakes for over thirty years, serving upon many vessels, large and small, and is now in the service of the Minnesota Steamship Company. He was born in Sheboygan, Wis., in 1848, the son of Capt. S. W. Morgan, a long-time lake navigator. He attended school in his native city until he was fifteen years of age, when he shipped as deckhand on the propeller Lady Franklin, remaining on her six weeks; then he joined the side-wheel steamer Sea Bird, on which he remained until the close of the season, becoming second mate. The next year he was second mate on the steamer Comet, for about two-thirds of the season, completing the season on the propeller Union. He was mate of the towbarge Michigan during 1865, and master of the barge David Smoke the following season. After laying up the Smoke in Cleveland that fall, he started for Detroit as a passenger on the steamer Forest Queen. Although the Captain had orders to turn back if there was any ice, he disregarded the order and pushed onward until the vessel had cut her way through sixteen miles of ice. Being an old craft the ice wore a hole through each bow, and it became necessary to lighten the vessel forward so that the openings were above the water line. They were hastily repaired, and the vessel started forward again, this time following a crack in the ice which eventually led them far from their destination. The ship was finally frozen in the ice and the crew and passengeres walked ashore.
Captain Morgan took out a new crew in the hope of saving the vessel, but without success, the craft being lost by the ice cutting through her side. After that Captain Morgan sailed for a time on the propeller Ottawa, and in 1867 became clerk of the propeller Pittsburg, which was owned by his father and John Gordon. The Pittsburg carried 250,000 feet of lumber, and the three boats making up her tow carried 2,000,000 feet, so that the clerical duties devolving upon the position held by Captain Morgan were by no means slight. In 1868 Captain Morgan was second mate of the propeller St. Paul, and the side-wheel steamer Metropolis in turn, being mate of the steamer City of Toledo part of 1869 and master of her two months, while the Captain was ill. In 1870 he was mate of the side-wheel steamer Saginaw and of the John A. Dix, and the following year, 1871, mate of the John A. Dix the entire season, and in 1872 he became mate of the large new tug New Era and of the steamer Alpena. For a part of the season of 1873 he was mate, clerk and steward of the steamer E. B. Ward, Jr., but the combined duties being too onerous for one person, another was hired to act as steward the rest of the season. The year 1874 saw him second mate of the steamer Mayflower on which he served until August, when he engaged in the fishing business at Pigeon river, near Sheboygan, Wis. The following year he spent fishing with pound nets on Little Point au Sable with his father and brother. Then his father became keeper of the life-saving station at Big Point au Sable, and he joined the station as one of the crew. He remained four years with the station, at one time aiding in the rescue of the schooner J. H. Rutter, which had broken her tow line, and was drifting rapidly down the lake in a fierce storm. When first sighted, she was about ten miles out in the lake, with her lee rail under water, due to the shifting of her cargo. His father being away, under leave of absence at the time, Captain Morgan, as No. 1, took charge of the crew and started in the surf boat for the wreck. After being swamped in the surf three times, the boat was finally carried out over the bar, and the wreck was reached after several hours of very severe work. When Captain Morgan reached the Rutter he found that her master was Capt. Jerry Simpson, who was at one time a member of Congress. Captain Simpson wished to abandon the wreck at once, but Captain Morgan believed that the vessel could be saved, and when the tug he had sent for, before leaving shore, arrived, the boat was towed to Ludington, and was saved after thirty-six hours of hardest effort. The crew of the surf boat worked in drenched clothing and covered with ice for the greater part of the time, and when they finally became thawed out, their garments literally fell off their forms, having been torn and broken by the ice.
In 1880 Captain Morgan was keeper of the life-saving station at Manistee, and the following season he formed a partnership with a man named Wing, and purchased the propeller Milwaukee, which he sailed that season. They also owned a stone quarry on Washington island, and the following year they purchased another quarry and docks, and opened a general store on Washington island, besides starting four lime kilns. On Mr. Harford joining the company as partner, the firm name became Wing, Morgan & Harford, and Captain Morgan was placed in charge of all the property on the island. Later on he gave up the management of the property, and in 1883 became solicitor for an accident insurance company; leaving this company he became foreman of a large sawmill in Muskegan for a time, and in 1884 sailed the Milwaukee a part of the season. He was master of the fishing tug, Charles West, out of the "Soo" part of the season of 1885, and the remainder of the season he fished on the north shore of Lake Huron. He was mate of the steambarge Emma Thompson, and H. Luella Worthington in 1886, and the following year was mate of the steamer Mary Groh, until she was sold when he chartered the steamer O. C. Williams, with William Edgecomb, and operated her the remainder of the season in the fruit trade between Saugatuck and Milwaukee. The following year he helped build the steamer Charles McVea, afterward serving as mate on her, and a year later was mate on the James H. Shrigley; 1890 mate of the Ira H. Owen and Wm. Chisholm, and in 1891 filled the same position on the Horace A. Tuttle, until August 24, when he became mate of the Australasia, resigning that position in November, to fill the same berth on the Vulcan, and the next year was mate of the J. H. Outhwaite. He commanded the Australasia during the season of 1893 and 1894; sailed the City of London in 1895, and the Marina until October 20, 1896, when he assumed charge of the Mariposa, and in 1897 again took command of the steamer Marina, of which boat he is still master.
In 1881 Captain Morgan was married to Miss Augusta E. Rohn, of Ludington, Mich., whose father was for ten years lighthouse keeper at Pilot island, Green Bay.
Captain Julius Morgan, who was one of the earlier sailing masters of the lakes, was born in Oswego, N.Y., in 1832, and was a son of 'Squire Ambrose Morgan. He was master of a lake vessel by 1850, and he continued sailing, always in vessels in which he owned an interest, until 1874, the year before his death. For a number of years he was master of the schooner John L. Gross, which was lost on Lake Superior after he left her. Other vessels sailed by him were the schooner Algerine, Challenge and U.S. Grant. He was part owner of the schooner Orphan Boy for a time, but did not sail her. During the Civil war he traded between Oswego and Canadian ports, his principal cargo being general merchandise.
Mr. Morgan was married, in 1856, to Miss Mary J. Grover, daughter of J.W. Grover, of Cleveland, and the children born to them were Joseph Alfred, who is now inspecting engineer for a New York insurance company in Louisville, Ky.; C.A., manager of the Cleveland Tug Company; and Julius Howard, who is with the firm of Fenton & Stair, of Cleveland.
The Scotch-Irish race, combining as it does the brain and brawn of the "canny Scot", with the warm heart of the Irishman, has furnished to America a high type of citizen-ship, many of the leaders in various lines of effort tracing their descent from that noted race. The subject of this sketch, who is one of the ablest captains on the Great Lakes, possesses the best characteristics of the race, as his successful career demonstrates, and the following account of the manner in which he has made his way to the front in his chosen work will be of interest.
He was born April 22, 1866, in Eagle, Wis., the son of Mr. And Mrs. Frank Morgan. His father was born in the North of Ireland, and on coming to this country located for a time in Lowell, Mass., and later removed to Eagle, Wis., thence to Milwaukee, being engaged for about thirty years in these places as a grain trimmer. As the Captain went to Milwaukee with his parents during his childhood, his early school days were spent there under the instruction of the teachers in the Catholic parochial school, where he laid the foundation of a good practical education. The life of a seaman on the lakes impressed him, even in childhood, as desirable, and when he was but ten years old he ran away from home to take a position as cabin boy on the Corona, plying between Chicago and Milwaukee; but after two months his parents found him and compelled him to return home. In the following spring he secured a position as cabin boy on the Sheboygan, on which he remained during the season. After spending seven or eight years as cabin boy he was transferred to the deck department, starting as watchman on the Menominee, and continuing throughout the season.
The following summer was spent on the Depew, under Captain Raleigh, and the next change was to the Ludington, where he spent his first season as a wheelsman, and his second in the position of second mate, Captain Raleigh being in command during both seasons. For the next two seasons our subject was second mate on the steamer Chicago, and so well did he fill this responsible post that he was engaged as first mate on the steamer Muskegon, under Captain Carus, with whom he passed one season. In the following year he took a similar position on the City of Fremont, under Captains Coughlin and Kirtlan, remaining until January 15, 1895, and in the spring of 1895 was made captain of the A. B. Taylor, of Grand Haven, running between Michigan City and Chicago. This post he held until November 23, 1895, when he returned to the employ of the Hurson Transportation Company as captain of the City of Fremont, of which he had charge until February 1, 1896, and three days later he was appointed captain of the F. P. & M. No. 1, which he ran until the following April. Soon afterward he again took charge of the City of Fremont, with which he remained until January 1, 1898, and on February 14th he returned to the F. P. & M. No. 1, remaining on her till the first of April, when he resigned to bring out new the steel steamer America, built at Detroit for the Chicago and Michigan line. He was granted master's license in 1895, and his record is in itself an evidence of ability and skill in navigation, as he has never had any disaster of importance.
The Captain was married to Miss Elizabeth Dempsey, of Muskegon, and their home has been brightened by two sons, Clarence and Francis.
Alexander Morison, marine engineer of Detroit, Mich., left his native place, the parish of Abercorn, in Scotland, in 1856, and came to the United States, settling in Detroit. There he learned the machinist's trade, and shortly after serving out his time went to New York, working in machine shops there until 1866, when he returned to Detroit and entered the employ of J. L. Hurd & Co., as a marine engineer. He was with that firm four years, acting as chief on the steamers Phil Sheridan and Annie Young, after which he accepted an engineer's position with the Pridgeon line, with which he was connected two years, being employed on the City of Fremont. On leaving her he went into Hodge's shop, where he was engaged a couple of years more, and in 1873 he accepted the position of engineer on the St. Paul for Eber Ward, remaining in her engine room two seasons. During the year 1875 he went back to Hodge's shop; in 1876 he was in the John Owen and Livingston; in 1877 he was in the engine room of the Alcona, and transferred thence to the tug Champion, on which he held chief engineer's berth continuously to the close of 1882. The next season he ran the engines of the Hackett, and then for two seasons was in the Minneapolis for Captain Peck, later putting in one season on the J. H. Prentiss. During the seasons of 1887 and 1888 he had charge of the engine room of the Lansing, and in 1889 he accepted the position of chief engineer of the Livingston, which he has retained up to the present time.
Mr. Morison is a member of the M. E. B. A., F & A. M., and A. O. U. W. He was married in New York in 1862, and has a family of five children - Ellen, James, Jane, Anna and Mary.
Captain Charles Tyler Morley, one of the early shipmasters, has been instrumental in making history on the Great American Lakes, although he has not contributed a single vessel to the beach or a man to the depths of the water. He is a highly esteemed and honored citizen of Marine City, and has been elected mayor two successive terms. He is closely identified with the business prosperity of the city, and believes in paternal government. He is not a narrow minded partisan, but regards his party as the representative of certain constitutional principles, which he ardently supports. Loyal and amiable in all relations of life, there is a piquant dash of caviare in his character which makes him a charming companion. He is a son of Horace and Mary (Kellogg) Morley, and was born at Sodus Point, N.Y., January 10, 1840. His father was a vessel owner and master on the lakes for many years, and his brother, W.B. Morley, was a noted shipbuilder at Marine City. Tyler, as he is familiarly known, received but a limited school education by direct attendance in school, but, after he began his life as sailor, he went to school during the winter months and profited well by the opportunities he had.
His first experiences on the lakes was in 1850 in the schooner Enterprise (owned by his father), as cook, and he seemed to excel in the culinary department, as he was kept in that humble capacity four years, the last two in the schooners Isabella and Australia. He then shipped on various schooners before the mast, and in 1856 he was in the schooner B.R. Lummis with Capt. Andrew Holling, when he rescued the crew of the steamer Northern Indiana, destroyed by fire near Point Pelee, Lake Erie. In 1857 and 1859 he shipped as seaman in the schooner Colonel A.B. Williams; 1859, as mate of the schooner B.R. Lummis; 1860, as mate of the Mediterranean, and remained on her until the fall of 1861, when he was appointed master of the schooner Mail. He then sailed the schooner Colonel A.B. Williams until the summer of 1863, and then joined the schooner Mediterranean, owned by Rogers & Bates, and sailed her until the close of the season of 1866, when he turned her over to his brother, and stopped ashore the next year.
In the spring of 1868 Captain Morley and his brother, W.B. Morley, purchased the lake tug Balize, which he sailed two seasons. In 1870 he was appointed master of the George W. Holt, and the next season he sailed the bark Lotus. He then turned his attention entirely to steam, and brought out the new vessel built by Morley & Hill at their shipyard at Marine City. In 1872 he brought out the new steamer D.W. Powers, plying between Marquette and Cleveland in the ore trade; the last trip down that fall he had a cargo of 600 tons of ore, the freight rate on which was $6.50 per ton. He was in command of the Powers when she delivered the first cargo of coal ever taken to Duluth by steamboat. In the spring of 1873 he brought out the steamer Jarvis Lord, new, for the Ward Lake Superior line, and sailed her two seasons; she was the first steamer to pass Conners Point, at Duluth. The next spring he was appointed master of the steamer N.K. Fairbanks, which was new that season, and commanded her until the close of the season of 1883. The next year he went to Cleveland and opened a ship brokerage office. Returning to the lakes, he sailed the steamer Cumberland during the season of 1885, and the next spring brought out the steamer Samuel F. Hodge, closing the season as master of the new steamer William H. Stevens. In 1887 he assumed the command of the new steamer Louisiana, in which he owned an interest, and sailed her two years. In 1889 he associated himself in the shipbuilding business of Morley & Hill, at Marine City, and after constructing the steamer St. Lawrence he brought her out new in the spring of 1890, and sailed her that season. He then retired from active life on shipboard and assumed his place in the shipyard as financial manager, since which time they have built the steamers J.J. Hill and W.B. Morley, the firm owning controlling interests in the last three steamers built, and which are managed by Capt. Tyler Morley. He also has a pleasure yacht, on which he enjoys an escape from business cares.
He is a 32d-degree Mason, a Noble of the Mystic Shrine, a Knight of Pythias, and a member of the Ship Masters Association, holding Pennant No. 465.
In January, 1881, Captain Morley was wedded to Miss Alice, daughter of William R. Pettit, of Cleveland. The children born to this union are Horace W. and Helen. The family homestead is on Main Street, Marine City, Michigan.
E.E. Morris, a well known engineer residing in Chicago, was born in Rhode Island, April 2, 1858, and is the son of Noel and Adaline (Normandy) Morris, the former a native of France, the latter of Canada. The father, who was an ax manufacturer of East Douglas, R. I., died in Woonsocket, that State, in 1863, and the mother, who long survived him, passed away at the same place in 1891. Edward spent his boyhood and youth in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, and was married in Chicago, in 1889, to Miss Mary Burns, a native of the old Bay State.
In early life Mr. Morris learned engineering, and for over fourteen years was identified with the lakes, becoming a prominent and well-known marine engineer. He first sailed in 1877, out of Buffalo, N. Y., on the vessel Fairbanks, as a coal passer, was next with the Union & Western lines, and was later fireman with the Western and Anchor lines. He came to Chicago in 1880, and two years later took out his first papers as engineer, holding that position for a short time on the barge Albert Soper, belonging to the Soper Lumber Company. He was then in the employ of the Harvey Lumber Company as engineer on the St. Joseph, and remained with them two years, after which he was connected with the Rietz Lumber Company as engineer on the vessel Charles Rietz. After leaving their employ, he was for two years and a half engineer at the Seaverns elevator, and then engaged in steam fitting for some time, after which he put in one season with the Old Inter State Express Company as superintendent of their boilers, and for one year was chief engineer for Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., at the end of which time returned to the lakes, and became engineer on the City of Rome, filling this position until 1890. On the 17th of March of that year, he entered the employ of the Howe Scale Company as chief engineer, and still holds that responsible position to the entire satisfaction of all concerned.
He is a leading and active member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, No. 4, of Chicago, which has a membership of 130 in good standing; was secretary of the association in 1889-90-91, and again in 1895-96-97, and in January, 1898, was elected vice-president, which office he is now filling. He has been a member of the organization since 1884. His home is at No. 537 Park avenue, Chicago.
Captain G.C. Morris, who has been an honored citizen of Cleveland for many years, comes from a family whose members have been sailors for many generations. He was born in Sheridan, Chautauqua Co., N.Y., August 3, 1839, and is a man of fine physique, carrying his age well. Captain Morris' parents, Capt. Isaac T. and Susan (Whittaker) Morris, were both natives of New York State, and his father will be remembered by the oldest of master mariners on the lakes, as he commenced sailing very early in life, and at the age of twenty-two became master of a full-rigged brig. Later, accumulating sufficient money, he purchased the scow Monarch, which he sailed in the trade between Erie and Canadian ports, losing her in 1835 on the Erie peninsula. Soon after this event he purchased a farm near Dunkirk, N.Y., where he reared his family, and thence he removed to Lockport, same State. Having bought a pair of canalboats he used them on the extension of the canal until that portion was purchased by Charles Reed, who froze out all individual owners, and he then purchased another farm in New York, which he cultivated until his removal to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1859. His oldest son, Isaac T., was also a sailor of renown and was master of the Twin Sisters, master and owner of the S.B. Pomeroy, the bark W.B. Shepherd, the Fontanelle, W.H. Stevens and Seaman. The last boat he sailed was the Mohegan. On retiring from the lakes he became a ship broker in Chicago.
G.C. Morris removed with his parents to Lockport, where he attended school until about fifteen years of age, and upon leaving school he went to Cleveland and began his lakefaring life with his brother, Capt. Isaac T. Morris, as boy on the Seaman. In 1853 he became mate on the Twin Sisters, the next spring joining the W.H. Stevens as mate, and subsequently taking a similar position on the Canisteo. In September, 1861, Captain Morris enlisted in Battery G, First Ohio Light Artillery, with Gen. James Barnett, and became a sergeant of artillery. He participated in the battles of Shiloh, Lost Horse, Corinth, Decket's Station, Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Ringgold, Big Shanty, and all the hotly contested battles between Chattanooga and Atlanta, serving with honor at Altoona Pass, Kenesaw Mountain, and Marietta; was also at Peach Tree Creek, and took part in the capture of Atlanta, and the battles of Lovejoy Station and Jonesboro. After re-enlistment he became a sergeant in the 193rd O.V.I. He marched with General Sherman to Savannah and through the Carolinas, and participated in the engagements at Barnesville, Columbia, and Newbern, receiving his discharge at Washington after the Grand Review at the close of the war with the rank of brevet-lieutenant.
Captain Morris returned to Cleveland and was appointed mate of the bark S. B. Pomeroy, in the spring of 1866, becoming master of the Lucinda Van Valkenburg, which he sailed two seasons, following with two seasons as master of the L. B. Shepherd. in 1870 he purchased the schooner H. G. Williams, but after sailing her a short time appointed a captain in his place in order to accept a position in the United States mail service. His boat was lost in 1872 on Sandusky Point, Lake Erie. He held the position of U. S. local mail agent for ten years, and had supervision of all mail arriving and departing from Cleveland until the close of 1882. He then became switchman on the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis railroad, in 1887 entering the employ of the city of Cleveland as sanitary officer, in which incumbency he was retained until 1898, when he became messenger and collector for the Produce Exchange Bank.
Captain Morris was married, March 20, 1867 to Miss Eliza Poole, of Cleveland, who was a half-sister of William Truscott, a prominent man of that city. To this union were born two children, George and Charles, whose mother died in 1879. Captain Morris chose for his second wife Miss Phoebe Mills, of Norwalk. Their daughter, Clara L., is a graduate of the high school in Cleveland, of Oberlin College and of the College of Music. John W. is a graduate of the Cleveland high school, and George E. is still a pupil. Socially the Captain is a member of the Knights of Honor, the Odd Fellows, Stedman Post, G.A.R., and the Knights of Pythias. The homestead is at No. 83, Southern avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, but the family now reside at No. 65, Eagle street.
A long and varied career has been the lot of Captain Morris, who has now sailed on the Great Lakes for nearly forty years. He was born near Erie, Penn., September 29, 1849, and is a son of Capt. Isaac T. and Sarah C. (Cook) Morris, natives of Herkimer, N.Y. and Orange, Vt., respectively. The father was a sailor until 1895, then engaged in the vessel brokerage business for a time, and later became connected with the Chicago Board of Trade.
As a boy, Warren E. Morris went with his father on the schooner Ethan Allen for one season, and in the spring of 1860 was again with him on the bark S.B. Pomeroy, in which the father owned a one-fourth interest. He remained on the Pomeroy until 1865, when in February of that year he enlisted in the 193rd O.V.I., serving with that command until the close of the war. After being mustered out at Camp Chase, Ohio, in August of that year, he went to Cleveland and began sailing. Making his way to Buffalo on the propeller Arctic, Captain Morris again joined the Pomeroy and laid her up in the fall. In the spring of 1866 he went on the bark Naomi with Capt. James Carpenter, remaining with that vessel until October 1868. On March 12 of that year, he had married Miss Elizabeth A. Shafer, and lived in Cleveland. The same fall he went as second mate with Capt. Charles Deott on the schooner William Case. The following year he was second mate on the Colonel Cook with Capt. Richard Neville until September, when he went as first mate on the schooner Consuelo, leaving the latter vessel in October to ship on the schooner Sea Bird with Capt. Loftus Gray. The Sea Bird went to Rock Falls for a load of lumber, was caught in a northeast wind while at her dock, broke her lines, and drifted on the beach. The next year Captain Morris was first mate on the bark Kate Darley, with Capt. James Grant, and later in the season was mate on the bark Margaret R. Goff. He sailed the Pomeroy the next two seasons, the schooner Eliza Gerlach one season, and in the spring of 1874 again took charge of the Pomeroy, sailing her one season. He was then captain of the schooner A. H. Moss three seasons, the bark Kate Darley two seasons, and the schooner R. B. Hayes eight seasons. He sailed the steamer Germanic during the season of 1888, and the next year purchased an interest in the Horace A. Tuttle, which he sailed for two seasons. He was captain of the George Presley in 1891, the steamer Joseph Fay in 1892, the E. B. Hale in 1893, and the Maurice B. Grover from 1894 up to the present time.
Captain and Mrs. Morris have one daughter, Claudia A., who is the wife of T.C. Collings, a dealer in bicycles and saddles, and is interested in the manufacture of horseless carriages.
Captain Angus G. Morrison, of the life-saving station at South Chicago, is a typical lake man, and by the application and experience of the best part of his life devoted to lake interests, and especially to the important department of life saving, he has justly won the recognition which he now holds as captain of the station at a port so prominent as that of South Chicago. For sixteen years Captain Morrison has been engaged in the life-saving work. He began as a surfman and has climbed steadily upward.
Captain Morrison was born on the Isle of Lewis, in Scotland, in 1856, the son of Malcolm and Christina (Graham) Morrison. In the old country Malcolm Morrison was a fisherman. He emigrated to Canada with his family in 1863, when Angus was a boy of seven years, and settled near the town of Goderich, on Lake Huron, there residing until his death. His widow, the mother of our subject, still resides at Goderich, Ontario.
Young Angus probably inherited the sea-going instincts of his father, for instead of farming he turned his attention, when but a boy, to the lakes. He engaged in fishing, and for a time was located at Marquette, Mich., where he still followed the business of fishing; his experiences in that work also extended to Lakes Huron and Michigan.
In 1882 he entered the life-saving service as a surfman at the St. Joseph, Mich., station, and has been a member of the department continuously since. After three years at St. Joseph he was transferred to the station at Holland, Mich. While serving there he was appointed captain of the station at Big Pine Sauble, Mich., and from that station he was transferred to South Chicago in 1896, this station being established in 1890. Its first captain was Edward Dionne, who remained in charge until succeeded by our subject in March, 1896. The crew consists of eight men, and the station, like the harbor, is one of the most important on the chain of lakes.
Captain Morrison was married in Canada, in 1896, to Miss Sarah Bell, a native of Scotland, who came to Canada when a child. To this union have been born two children: Jessie C. and Ruth A. Captain Morrison is well-known to vesselmen, and by his courtesy and strict attention to duty he has won the admiration and esteem of all who know him. During his career in the service he has assisted in saving many lives. In religious faith the family are Presbyterians.
Louis Moss, a well-known engineer of the Great Lakes, was born in Prussia, Germany, February 17, 1848, a son of Louis A. and Regina (Kephant) Moss, who were also natives of that country and emigrated to the United States in 1857, locating in Buffalo, N. Y., on May 11, of that year. There the mother died in 1887, but the father, who is a tile manufacturer, is still living and now makes his home in Michigan.
The subject of this sketch was nine years old when, with his parents, he took up his residence in Buffalo, where he was reared and learned the machinist's trade at Sutton Brothers' Vulcan Iron Works. He began sailing from that port in 1862, as engineer on the yacht Grace Trecott, on which he remained until his removal to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1867. There he took charge of the tug Lidy Fox; in 1868 was on the tug Nelson, of Cleveland, and in 1869 was assistant engineer on the steamer Winslow, plying between Cleveland and Duluth in the passenger trade, and belonging to the Anchor line. In 1870 he was assistant engineer under D. P. Stewart, on the steamer Alaska, which made all lake ports, and remained on her until she was laid up in the fall of 1876. The following year he came to Chicago and took charge of the Chicago Starch Works, serving as superintendent of that establishment for two years and seven months. From the fall of 1879 until March, 1882, he was superintendent of the Arkenberger Starch Works, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and then again resumed steamboating as engineer on the Illinois and Mississippi rivers between Peoria and St. Louis. In 1883 he accepted the position of chief engineer for Halliday Brothers, at Cairo, Ill., having charge of all their boats until 1892, when he returned to Chicago and resumed steamboating on the lakes, as engineer with the Van Buren line. The following year he was made chief engineer of the Stiles building, where he remained for three years and seven months, after which he was assistant engineer of the "Brevoort Hotel", but has since returned to the lakes. He ran the first compound engine on the lakes, and is now one of the oldest and most highly respected engineers of Chicago.
In 1867, in Buffalo, Mr. Moss was married to Miss Mary Fleeman, a native of that city, and a daughter of Adam Fleeman, an early and prominent business man of Buffalo. Six children were born of this union, namely: Minnie, now Mrs. Blust, of Peoria, Ill.; Mrs. Mamie Arter, of Chicago; Mrs. Lillie Powers, of Los Angeles, Cal.; Carrie, who died in 1895; Louis C. whose sketch appears below; and Charles.
Louis C. Moss, a well-known marine engineer, now filling the position of chief engineer of the Western Refrigerator Company, Chicago, was born in Cleveland, in 1871, and is a son of Louis and Mary (Fleeman) Moss.
During his youth our subject learned the machinist's trade in Renney's machine shops at Cairo, Ill., and also learned the trade of a molder at Cleveland. At the age of ten years he commenced sailing with his father, remaining with him for some time, but after being granted a license he was employed as chief engineer on the tug Rosaline, and then on the A. B. Ward. For some time he was stoker on boats plying between Cairo, Ill., and New Orleans, and after coming to Chicago was first employed as assistant engineer on tugs. Later he held the same berth on the steamer Egyptian, plying between Chicago and Kingston, Canada, and on resigning went as assistant engineer on the John A. Dix, and then quit the lakes to become assistant engineer of the Gottfried Brewing Company. Later he was engineer of the Wrisley's Soap Factory, and was afterward similarly employed by N. J. Peters, and Walcott & Webster. His next position was as chief engineer of the "Brevoort Hotel," but at the present writing he is chief engineer of the Western Refrigerator Company. Socially he is identified with the Marine Engineers Association No. 4, and the Progressive Association No. 3, of Chicago.
In July, 1896 he was united in marriage with Lucy Griebahn.
Captain Charles E. Motley was born in Norwalk, Ohio, May 4, 1855, and at the age of twelve years he moved with his family to Alpena, Michigan.
In 1868 he went on the steamer Huron as cabin boy, remained as such one season only, being made steward in the autumn on the same boat. During the winter he obtained his education in Alpena, where he returned for several seasons. After leaving the Huron he went into the fishing business for John Paxton, at Sugar Island, and remained there six seasons. He then engaged in fishing in his own interest for some time near Alpena, and afterward took the management of three tugs owned by S. H. Davis, of Detroit. While on a fishing boat at this time he rescued the crew from the Sunny Side, and schooner Hinkley, which were wrecked and went to pieces soon afterward. This timely assistance was the opening event in a life of assisting and rescuing those who are in danger on the water. He went into the life-saving service on Middle island in 1892, as surfman, and remained there one season. For one year he was in charge of the fishing tugs owned by Averill, of Cleveland, and in April, 1893, was appointed keeper of the life-saving station, where he has been since that time.
Captain Motley was married July 5, 1884, to Miss Alvina Le Groe, and is the father of three children: Celia, born September 4, 1886; Charles, Jr., born August 14, 1888; and Arthur, born January 20, 1898. Special mention is due to Charles, Jr., who showed great bravery in his seventh year by saving the life of a smaller lad who had fallen from the pier while at play. He jumped in the water, and, holding the younger boy’s head above the surface, called for help, which duly came, both being rescued. A brother of our subject, Thomas Motley, is employed in the marine work at Detroit; another brother, Eugene, is keeper of the crew at Middle island; George served five years in the army, being with Sherman on the famous march to the sea, and was afterward employed in fishing on the lakes. Captain Motley has proved himself worthy of the esteem of the citizens of Cleveland and all lakefaring people, and stands high in the confidence of his superior officers.
Captain George Moulton, of the Toronto Ferry Company's steamer Mayflower, had a long and varied experience on the Great Lakes. Born in St. Catharines, in 1842, he has resided chiefly in Port Credit and Oakville, the latter place being his present home and winter headquarters. The Captain first took to sailing in 1857, when he joined the crew of the Resolute, a schooner plying between Toronto and Wilson, N. Y. Subsequently he was on the schooners Eliza Wilson and the Champion, of Oakville, and mate on the schooner Forest Queen, afterward becoming captain of the schooner Paragon, engaged in the Ashtabula coal trade. During fourteen of the forty years in which he has been sailing the Great Lakes, Captain Moulton has been in the service of the Toronto Ferry Company.
The Captain was married in 1874, and has three children, who reside with their parents in the pretty little port of Oakville.
Captain James Mowatt, a prominent citizen of Chicago, who has been identified with the marine and other interests of the city for some thirty-five years, is endowed with many of the sturdy traits of his Scotch ancestors. He has succeeded in acquiring a fair competence by good business methods and close attention to the detail duties of his office as owner and manager of dry docks.
A native of Scotland, Captain Mowatt was born, September 26, 1840, in Duncans-bay, John O'Groats, in the northeast corner of Caithness-shire, on the shores of the Pentland Firth. At the age of sixteen he removed to Wick, in the same county, and there entered into a four-years' apprenticeship to the trade of boat-builder, during which time in the herring-fishing season, he, as was customary in those days with apprentices at the boat-building trade, went out to sea with the herring boats from six to eight weeks in each year, those weeks being the "own time" of the apprentices. At the age of eighteen he was given charge, as captain, of one of the boats belonging to his employer, which arrangement continued for two years, or fishing seasons, at the end of which time he commenced building fishing boats in a yard of his own at Wick. About the year 1860 he left that village for Montrose, in Forfarshire, and was there employed about one year in a shipyard, thence removing to Aberdeen, where for some twelve months he found employment at his trade in one of the largest shipyards, during those two years returning to Wick for the herring fishery.
In 1863 Captain Mowatt came to the United States, proceeding at once to Chicago, where he has ever since made his home. His first employment in that city was with Doolittle & Alcott, as ship-carpenter, and while with them he assisted in the constructon of the steamer G.J. Truesdell. With that firm he remained about a year, after which he passed some twelve months with W.W. Bates, at the Mechanics dry dock, in general repair work. It was in 1865 that he established himself in business at the Randolph street bridge, afterward removing his plant to the South Halsted street bridge, where business was carried on under the firm name of Mowatt & Rice for eleven years. In 1868, however, when work was slack in the yard, he sailed as carpenter, wheelsman and mate on the steamer Boscobel, Captain Finefield, plying between Chicago and Buffalo. In 1877, for business reasons the firm of Mowatt & Rice removed their shipyard to Lighthouse slip, where they continued to carry on business in the same line for three years. In 1880 the Chicago Dry Dock Co., of which Captain Mowatt became a stockholder, bought their yard, and rebuilt the dry dock on the east side of the river, between Polk and Harrison streets (which dock had been destroyed in the great fire), and purchased the one on the west side, which lay between Harrison and Van Buren streets, our subject being given the position of manager. When the Wisconsin Central Railroad Company's depot was built, that company bought the Chicago Dry Dock Company's lease of land belonging to the school board, on the east side of the river, but the latter company continued operations on the west side until 1892, when the site was sold to the Edison Electric Light Company, who erected their extensive plant thereon. After the sale of the dry docks, of which he had been manager some twelve years, Captain Mowatt spent a year settling up the affairs of the company. In 1884, Wolf & Davidson, shipbuilders of Milwaukee, Wis., and large stockholders in Chicago Dry Dock Company, built a fine schooner, which out of compliment to Captain Mowatt, and in recognition of his able and faithful management of the concern, they named the James Mowatt. Although our subject did not own any of the new vessel at the time, he purchased an interest later.
In 1893 the captain associated himself with the Chicago Ship Building Company, of South Chicago, and assisted in the construction of the large dry dock for that company, in which he is a stock holder. Upon completion of the work he became superintendent of repairs and dry dock agent, his duties consisting of negotiating work and looking after interests of the wood department of the business. He is often in demand to serve on surveys, his extensive knowledge of the cost of repair work being well known to the maritime public. In addition to his other stock, he is managing owner of the steamers W. H. Wolf and Fred Pabst, and owns interests in other vessels.
Captain Mowatt is a Master Mason, and a life member of Cleveland Lodge No. 211, F. and A. M.; of Washington Chapter No. 43, R. A .M.; and of Chicago Commandery No. 19, K. T.; and he is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine-all of Chicago. The family residence is at No. 4812 Vincennes Avenue, Chicago.
Captain Matthew Mulholland, a well-known shipmaster on the Great Lakes, a son of James and Nancy Agnes (Mulvinny) Mulholland, was born November 4, 1847, in Liverpool, England. James Mulholland was a native of Belfast, Ireland, and lived for some years in Liverpool, England, prior to coming to America in 1849; the ocean passage consumed six weeks. He settled in Willoughby, Ohio. Mr. Mulholland spent the greater part of his early life as a salt-water sailor, later in life being employed in Cleveland by the C & P railroad as assistant baggagemaster. He died in February, 1894. Matthew is the oldest of three survivors of a family of twelve children, the others being Margaret, who married L. P. Bates, out of Willoughby, Ohio, who died in August, 1896; and Mary, married to Charles Laure, also of Willoughby, Ohio.
At an early age Captain Mulholland began his marine life, his first vessel being the Gen. Franz Sigel, Capt. Charles Morton, from which he went on the Milan, Ann Maria, and James F. Joy as seaman. He served as second mate upon the Zach Chandler, Oak Leaf and Pathfinder, and as mate with Captain McKeeghan. For half a season he had previously sailed the scow Daniel E. Bailey, owned by his father and himself, and this sold he took command of the schooner Senator for one year, later joining the H. G. Cleveland, on which he remained three years as master. In the spring of 1880 he entered the employ of Capt. Alva Bradley as master of the schooner Negaunee, which he commanded three years, afterward holding the same berth on the Thomas Quayle and Ahira Cobb, and the steamers Sarah F. Sheldon, E. B. Hale, R. P. Ranney, Henry Chisholm and Maurice B. Grover. In 1893 he assumed command of the steamer George Stone, sailing her five successful seasons, and giving satisfaction at all times to the owners by good seamanship and prompt business methods. At the close of the season of 1898 he rounded out eighteen years in the employ of Alva Bradley and the Bradley estate. Captain Mulholland has been very successful in the command of all the craft which have been entrusted to his care, thus winning for himself a good reputation in marine circles. During the winter months he superintends the repair work on several wooden vessels of the Bradley fleet. In June 1897, Captain Mulholland had his wife and daughter Sarah on a trip up the lakes with him. While passing Cleveland on the way down to Buffalo, he made a brief stop off that city, on the 20th, that he might send his passengers ashore on a tug boat. On climbing down a rope ladder from the deck of the Stone to the tug his daughter slipped and fell into the lake, and the Captain, who was looking over the rail to watch her descent, seeing her peril plunged overboard to her rescue. After a short search he brought the young girl to the surface and placed her in the hands of those on the tug. The parting of the father and daughter as the two vessels drew away from each other was one of affection and thankfulness, which will always be remembered by them.
On August 13, 1873, the Captain was married to Miss Elizabeth Ferguson, of Ashtabula, Ohio, and them have been born three children: Harry G., Sarah, and Matthew, who died January 20, 1891. The family home is at No. 437 Wade Park avenue, Cleveland. Socially, Captain Mulholland is a Master Mason and a member of the Royal Arcanum.
Luke Mullany, at present employed as assistant engineer at the Buffalo Water Works, was born at Roscommon, Ireland, and was brought to America by his parents when he was eighteen months old. His father, John Mullaney, was a farmer in the old country, and became a quarryman in Saratoga County, N. Y., after he came to this country. The mother's name was Mary Golden.
Luke Mullany obtained his education in Saratoga County, and began his seafaring life on the old steamer Southern Michigan, which belonged to the Southern Michigan & Northern Indiana line, working a season on the steamer. The following season he was fireman on the Crescent City and Forest Queen, respectively, and the next in the same capacity on the Winona, of the New York Central line, and the Troy. He then became second engineer on the tug Noah P. Sprague. His next employment, in 1860, was as second engineer of the steamer Wabash Valley, of the Goodrich line, upon which he remained until she sunk in collision with the steamer Mineral Rock, outside Saginaw Bay. She did not sink immediately, but was run to Black River, about twenty miles off, where she went down in shallow water, and was afterward raised, taken to Detroit and rebuilt. After being paid off at Detroit Mr. Mullany started for Buffalo on the steamer Mt. Vernon. The boiler of this steamer blew off the dummy light in Lake Erie, but he finally reached his destination in safety and obtained employment as second engineer on the propeller Rocket, of the New York Central line, for the balance of the season. She plied between Green Bay, Toledo and Buffalo.
In 1861 Mr. Mullany was second engineer of the propeller Hunter, which burned at the dock at Chicago just about the time she was being laid up at the end of the season. The following two seasons he was second engineer of the Empire State, chief of the Kentucky, and second of the Mohawk. In 1864 he was second engineer of the steamer St. Louis for the whole season; in 1865 was second on the Badger State; in 1866 was engineer on the propeller Saginaw; in the latter part of 1867 he served as engineer of the steam barge Howard; in 1868 he went on the New Era, and during the latter part of that season was engineer of the tug Mosier; in 1869-70 and part of 1871 he was engineer of the tug Monitor. For one season he also engineered tugs belonging to the Maytham line, and for the following nine years he was engineer of a hydraulic hoist at East Buffalo for the Eire Railroad Company, in whose employ he continued, at their docks at Buffalo and otherwise, until about May, 1883, when he was made assistant engineer at the Buffalo water works, in which employ he still remains.
Mr. Mullany was married in 1874 at Florence, Oneida Co., N. Y., to Julia E. Slater, and they have five children, named and aged (1898) as follows: John Thomas, twenty-one years; Loretta Evaline, nineteen; Edward Patrick, sixteen; Julia Frances, thirteen, and Arthur James, eleven.
Captain John D. Mullen, master of the George Presley, was born December 17, 1842, in Rome, N. Y., but since the age of fifteen years has made his home in Cleveland. The Mullen family is of Irish origin, and was early founded in New York State, where the Captain's father, Daniel Mullen, spent the greater part of his life as a dry-goods merchant. The grandfather, James Mullen, was master of a salt-water vessel, and had two sons who also followed the sea.
After locating in Cleveland, the subject of this sketch turned his attention to marine pursuits. His first trip on the lakes was as boy on the Leo, in which capacity he served for two years, and then spent one season on the Prince of Peace as able seaman. He was next employed one year on the W. H. Willard and the Mary and Lucy as seaman, and in 1862 was given command of the Seabird, where he remained for two seasons. For the same length of time he was then on the Buckingham, and after two years on the Butcher Boy, he spent ten seasons on the Emma C. Hutchinson and five on the Magnetic. He commanded the Republic two years and the Calumet one season, and then purchased an interest in the H. B. Tuttle, which he sailed for four years. Afterward he purchased an interest in the Nahant, which he still retains, and sailed her for two years. The following season he was on the Quito, and in 1896 was given command of the George Presley, with which he is still connected.
On December 29, 1861, Captain Mullen was married to Miss Annie Riley, at Cleveland, who died January 26, 1893, leaving two daughters, Nellie and Emma, who are still with their father. He has been very fortunate in his life upon the lakes, having never met with any very serious accidents or shipwrecks, and not only has the confidence and respect of his employers, but also the high regard of all with whom he comes in contact.
Captain George Murchison, of the steamer Queen City, was born in Toronto, in 1849, his parents also being natives of Canada. He attended school in Toronto, but was tempted to try the fortunes of a sailor on the Great Lakes at a very early age. In fact the Captain's love for the water caused him to take an unceremonious leave of school and friends to ship on board the large timber schooner Cecelia, of Windsor. This first experience of the sailor's life was short lived, as young Murchison was found by his anxious family and taken home. This, however, failed to quench his ardor and love of "A life on the foaming main," and he again shipped, this time on the schooner Primrose, of Consecon, after which he joined other schooners, serving but a short time on them; then he shipped as deckhand on the steamer Rothesay Castle, plying between Hamilton and Toronto and Port Dalhousie and was promoted successively to the posts of wheelsman and second mate, transferring from this to other steamers. In the early days of the ferry service between Toronto and the Island he was captain of the old steamer Bouquet, and afterward took her up to Hamilton as an excursion steamer between that city and "Brant House," Burlington, Canada. Then Captain Murchison saw service with the Humber Steam Ferry Company, was on the Annie Craig, a boat which was owned by Messrs. O'Keefe & Co., the well-known brewers, and which was eventually burned during the great Esplanade fire of a few years ago. Then he was with the Doty Ferry Company, and Church Street Ferry Company, respectively, staying with the last-named company until the year 1889, when he became master of the excursion steamer Steinhoff, now the Queen City. During the earlier part on the steamer Lakeside, trading between Toronto and St. Catharines, and the season of 1898 found him with the Industrial Exhibition Association of Toronto, engaged in purchasing boats and fitting them out to represent the battleship Maine, and the Spanish fleet in readiness for bombardment. These boats were exhibited during the exhibition held in Toronto.
Captain Samuel Murdock, whose lake career began away back in the “fifties,” belongs to a family of sailors. He is the son of William and Elizabeth (Mitchell) Murdock, natives of Scotland, who were married in that country and came to the United States in the year 1831, locating in Clayton, N.Y., where Samuel was born October 15, 1844. (1) John, the oldest son, sailed vessels for E.G. Merrick, of Detroit, for twenty-four years, and for Mr. Barker, of Clayton, N.Y., four years, his last boat being the schooner Brooklyn. (2) Peter sailed as master about twelve years, his last command being the brig Mariner. (3) Andrew sailed for H.A. Ballentine & Co., eight years, closing his lakefaring life on the barge Buffalo; he died in Carlton in 1886. (4) David’s experience on the lake was a short one, as he was drowned when the barge Adriatic foundered in Lake Erie, off Long Point, in 1873; he had previously sailed on the barge Ajax. (5) James, who is a twin brother of Samuel, sailed for a time, attaining to the office of mate, but retired and settled on a farm near Midland, Mich. (6) William sailed many years, and became mate of the schooner Monticello.
After acquiring a public-school education in Clayton, N.Y., Samuel Murdock shipped as boy with his brother Peter, in the schooner Reindeer, remaining in that vessel seven years, the last two as mate. In the spring of 1864 he was appointed mate of the bark Danube, in which he continued two seasons, and in 1866 he was advanced to the position of master in the brig Isabelle, which he sailed two seasons. In 1868 he brought out the American Giant new for John Kelderhouse, of Buffalo, and commanded her two seasons, following with two seasons as master of the schooner John Kelderhouse, owned by Charles Chase, of Chicago. In 1872 he purchased a half-interest in the propeller Dunkirk, which he sailed successfully three seasons and sold, going as master of the steamer Oakland the next season. The two succeeding seasons he sailed as master of the schooners Harvey Bissell and G.J. Boyce. In the spring of 1878 he was appointed master of the schooner H.C. Winslow, owned by Captain Fifield, and sailed her nine years, giving good business satisfaction to the owner, at the close of that service entering the employ of Capt. B. Boutell as master of the lake tug Niagara, he sailed her two seasons, transferring the Sea Gull, in which he remained three seasons. In the spring of 1891 Captain Murdock was appointed master of the lake tug George W. Parker; his next command, in 1894, was the steamer Manistique, of which he again took charge after the lapse of a year during which he was ashore, sailing her three successive seasons; she was among the first vessels to sail at the opening of navigation in 1898. The Captain is a thorough-going sailor and his long experience entitles him to be recognized as one of the best qualified masters.
Captain Murdock was united in marriage, in August, 1868, to Miss Laura Goodson, daughter of James and Caroline Goodson, of Bay City. They have two children, Prescott, who is a graduate of the Bay City high school, and Helen, who attends same.
Captain Jeremiah Murphy, whose service on the Great lakes is antedated by few, was born in Oswego, N. Y., March 6, 1826, and was one of three brothers, two of whom were engaged in marine service. His father, Jeremiah Murphy, Sr., was a native of Ireland, and died in Buffalo, N. Y., in 1838. Determining to devote his life to the vocation of a sailor, Captain Murphy, of this review, secured a position as apprentice on the schooner Eagle, whose full cargo weighed fifty tons. This was in the year 1844, more than half a century ago, when no settlers lived along the water route to Chicago. During the trip the ship's provisions gave out, and owing to the scarcity of settlements from which they might obtain food, the men of the crew were nearly starved to death before reaching the Mormon camp on Beaver Island. There, however, they were rescued from their perilous position by the inhabitants of the island, who exchanged groceries for a portion of the vessel's cargo of salt.
After tne years' service in various capacities, Captain Murphy at length was made master of the vessel Sampson and during the thirty years of active service before his retirement from marine life, he was in command successively of the schooners Tempest, Burgoyne, Caroline, Enterprise, Sorell, Burlington, Herald, Sylph, Thornton and Naragansett, the bark Masillon, and the schooners Charles Hinckley, William Grandy, C. G. Breed, Southwest and C. P. Williams. He exercised great care and judgment in the management of the vessels, and always had the confidence and respect of the vessel owners. In his early life he once shipped before the mast on the schooner Warren, the captain of which had a few hours before refused to accept James A. Garfield as a member of the crew. This was probably due to the fact that Captain Murphy had spent some time on the lakes, and had the appearance of a sailor while General Garfield had just come from the farm, and his ignorance of marine life made him ineligible.
On July 10, 1869, Captain Murphy was married to Miss Mary Alexander, a native of Scotland. Their children are: Herbert Edward, Alice Emily, Gertrude Isabella, Agnes Elizabeth, Edna Jerene, James Garfield and Marian. The Captain after a long, honorable and useful career, is now living retired in his pleasant home at No. 959 Wilson avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
Captain John Murphy is one of the oldest tug men in Buffalo harbor. He is certainly fully as well known as any of them, and his mind is replete with reminiscenses respecting the early navigation of the Buffalo creek and Niagara river. He is the son of Patrick and Mary (Donlon) Murphy, the former of whom was a carpenter by trade, coming from County Clare, Ireland, to America in 1848, and locating in Buffalo.
Captain Murphy was born in County Clare, Ireland, June 29, 1847. He was educated in the public schools of Buffalo, and graduating from there he went to a farm in Allegany county, N. Y., where he remained about two years. His first enterprise in connection with lake traffic was the purchase of the ferry scow, with which he made a living for himself and parents, part of a season ferrying on Buffalo creek. During the season of 1861, he was fireman on the tug J. W. Peabody, following that employment by working the necessary number of years in the Bell and the Buffalo Iron Works, learning the trade. For twenty one years he has been either engineer or master of harbor and other tugs at Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, New York and Baltimore, his last service being in 1884 upon the tug Dave and Mose, of which he was master and part owner. He has had pilot's license six years and engineer's papers ten years. He has been a member of the Local Harbor No. 41. Buffalo Harbor Master & Pilots Association since its inception.
Captain Murphy married Margaret Higgins at Buffalo in April, 1883, and they have the following named children: Charles, George, Grace, Joseph, Alice and Gertrude. The family reside at No. 499 Fargo avenue, Buffalo, New York.
Captain Stephen Maitland Murphy, who, during 1898, closed his third season on the fine steel steamer Corona, one of the best of the fleet belonging to the Mutual Transportation Company of Cleveland, was born in Syracuse, N.Y., September 19, 1853, a son of Maitland and Ellen (Wall) Murphy, who removed from Canada to the United States, and located in Syracuse; shortly after the birth of our subject the family returned to Canada, making their home in Kemptville, near Prescott, where the father, who was born in Ottawa, died in 1863. The mother, who is now living in Buffalo, N.Y. at the age of sixty-eight years, removed with her family to Oswego, that State, where young Stephen attended school until he reached the age of fourteen years. In the spring of 1867 Captain Murphy's marine life commenced as boy on the brig Junius, out of Oswego, and after two months accepted the same position on the schooner Persian, remaining on her until the close of the season of 1868. The next spring he shipped in the same capacity on the schooner James Navaugh, closing the lake season on the bark Jessie Hoyt. That winter he went to New York City and, as ordinary seaman, joined the full-rigged ship Zima, hailing from New Brunswick, in the South American trade, and on her he remained until the spring of 1870, when he returned to the lakes, and shipped as seaman on the schooner Chandler J. Wells, closing the season as second mate with Capt. John Bowman. After laying up the schooner he went to New York and joined the ship Wild Hunter, of Boston, bound for Antwerp, Belgium, with merchandise, thence to Cardiff, Wales, for a cargo of railroad iron for New Orleans.
In the spring of 1871 Captain Murphy went to Chicago, and shipped on the schooner John T. Mott as second mate, remaining on her the full season, trading between Chicago and Kingston. Going to the Atlantic in the winter he shipped on the brig Clara Montgomery, plying in the West Indies trade. The next spring on his return to the lakes he was appointed mate of the schooner Lively. During the winter months we again find him a seaman on the full-rigged ship James B. Norris on a voyage to Havre, France, thence to New Orleans.
From this time (1873) Captain Murphy devoted all of his time to lake navigation, the first year as mate of the brig E. Cohen, with Capt. Daniel Golden, until June, 1874, when he joined the schooner F.C. Leighton as mate, with Captain Manning. In the spring of 1875 he was appointed master of the schooner Floretta, and sailed her seven seasons. When he joined her she had just returned to the lakes from a sea voyage, and brought the first cargo of sugar from the West Indies for a lake port, her load being discharged at Hamilton, Ont. During the seasons of 1881-82 he sailed the schooner Hartford; in 1883 he was master of the schooner White Star; 1884 mate of the steamer Oceanica, then master of the steamer Robert A. Packer; 1885 master of the steamer Clyde, of the Lehigh Valley line; 1886 master of the steamer Tacoma; 1887-88 master of the steamer Seneca; and 1889 master of the steamer Saxon, of the Menominee Transportation Company's fleet. In the spring of 1890 Captain Murphy entered the employ of the Mutual Transportation Company as master of the steel steamer Cambria, remaining on her three seasons. He then transferred to the Corona, and sailed her until the close of navigation in 1897, laying her up at Ashtabula harbor. He has been eminently successful in his steamboat experience, his bills of repairs and insurance being the smallest possible, and only subject to the cost of natural wear and tear of the vessels. He is one of the earliest members of the Ship Masters Association, having joined Buffalo Lodge No. 1, soon after its organization, and carried Pennant No. 129.
In 1875 Captain Murphy was united in marriage to Miss Catherine O'Neil, of Kingston, Ont., and five children, William J., Ella, May, Maitland, and Sarah T., have been born to them. The family residence is at No. 15 Parsons street, Ashtabula, Ohio.
Thomas Francis Murphy, one of the prominent shipbuilders in the city of Cleveland, Ohio, was born in 1834. His father was a carpenter, and of his seven brothers three are shipbuilders.
In 1841 our subject came to the United States, and in 1851 commenced learning the shipbuilding trade with Baker & Lyons, at Oswego, N.Y., under the management of George Gobell, thus beginning his connection with the lake marine. He received his education in the public schools, also attending night school during his apprenticeship.
After serving a full apprenticeship, and becoming thoroughly conversant with the lines and structure of lake vessels, Mr. Murphy went to Cobourg, Ontario, Canada, where he entered into partnership in the shipbuilding industry, with William Navaugh. This firm did not continue long, however, as they built but one vessel during the partnership. In 1858 Mr. Murphy went to Cleveland, remaining there only a short time, thence going to Cincinnati and New Orleans, in both of which places he followed shipbuilding. In 1860 he returned to Cleveland, and has made that city his permanent place of residence ever since. During the Civil war he was employed at Cincinnati in the construction of monitors for the United States Government, later going up the Big Sandy river, and was captured at Pound (or Sounding Gap), Ky., by Morgan's raiders, while getting out turrent beams for the monitors. After his exchange, he was appointed foreman of the government shipyards at Chattanooga, Tenn., and while engaged in getting out long timber for the shipyard was again captured, on Williams island in the Tennessee river, by General Wheeler's cavalry. At the close of the war he returned to Cleveland and worked in the line of his business until 1872, when he entered into partnership with William H. Quayle, the firm name being Quayle & Murphy, for the construction of vessels. During the continuance of this firm, which lasted five years, quite a number of boats were built, the first one being the schooner Verona, followed by the schooners J.B. Kitchen, Helena and Vienna, also the steamer Persian, the firm at the same time doing a large business in repair work.
In 1884 Mr. Murphy and his brother sub-contracted with F.W. Wheeler, of Bay City, for the construction of the steamer Waldo Avery and the schooner Alta. In 1886 he entered into partnership with William J. Miller, under the firm name of Murphy & Miller, which association still exists. This firm built the steamer Aurora (to the order of Corrigan Brothers and William S. Mack), which is noted as being the stanchest vessel ever constructed on the lakes. They also built several fine yachts, a government dredge, with necessary scows, a large number of lighters, and rebuilt a number of vessels. Their shipyard is located on the north shore of the old river bed, where the firm continues to build and repair vessels. Aside from his shipyard duties Mr. Murphy is in great demand to serve on surveys, as he is known to be thorough and strictly reliable in that capacity. He has been the owner of several vessels, among them the schooners C.G. Breed, L.C. Woodruff, Delaware, Wabash and James D. Sawyer, and is at this writing the owner of the schooner R. Hallaran, at this writing on the way to the coast under command of Capt. Ed. E. Williams, but laid up for the winter at Valleyfield, Canada.
In 1860 Mr. Murphy was united in marriage with Miss Catherine Nolan, of Cincinnati, Ohio, who is a sister of Major N. Nolan, of the United States army. Their children are Edmund A., secretary and treasurer of the Cleveland stockyards; Anna, now Mrs. W. T. L'Estrange; Joseph F., a lake captain; Jennie, now the wife of M.F. Barrett, councilman of Cleveland; Thomas J., a lake captain; Nellie, a charming musician; William; and Ralph, a graduate of the Cleveland public schools. The family homestead is at No. 150 Harbor street, Cleveland, Ohio.
During the years 1897 and 1898 Mr. Murphy went to Seattle, Wash., leased a shipyard and built the Argo No. 1 and Argo No. 2, two fine steamers for the Cleveland-Alaska Gold Mining and Milling Company, one being an ocean boat, the other for river navigation. Argo No. 2 was lost while in tow of the other in a storm at sea, not being built for an ocean-going boat. Mr. Murphy is one of the stockholders in the company. He returned to Cleveland after the completion of his contract, and is now awaiting developments.
Charles L. Murray was born November 1, 1886, at Buffalo, N.Y. He is a son of James W. and Julia (Chesley) Murray, the former of whom died on Decoration Day, 1895.
Mr. Murray attended the public schools of Buffalo until fifteen years of age, when he entered the employ of David Bell, who built the first small iron steamer on the lakes. He went into the steam-engine works, where he learned the machinist and engineering trade, remaining five years. In the spring of 1887 he shipped as oiler on the steamer New York, and was just twenty-one years old when he secured his first engineer's license. The following season he oiled the engines of the same steamer for a time, but was advanced to the berth of third engineer of the steamer Owego, she at that time employing four engineers, and finished the season as second engineer of the Clyde. In the spring of 1889 he shipped as second on the steamer Pascal P. Pratt, remaining two seasons, in 1891 he went as second in the engine room of the steamer Nyack and in 1892 on the H.E. Packer, closing the season on the Idaho, on which he remained until the close of navigation in 1894. In the spring of 1893 he shipped on the steamer Chicago, holding that berth through the season of 1896, and laying up with her at the close. He held the same positions on the Chicago for 1897-1898. He has ten issues of marine engineer's licenses. His qualifications as engineer have always given good satisfaction, and he never fails of a berth on a good steamer. He is a young man of pleasant address, and socially is a Master Mason, being a member of Erie Lodge, Buffalo; a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, Lodge No. 1.
In 1893 Mr. Murray was wedded to Miss Nellie L. Powers, of Buffalo. The family residence is at No. 221 East Ferry Street, Buffalo, New York.
Stewart Murray, general freight agent for the Northern Steamship Company, was born at Newport (now Marine City), Mich., July 29, 1850, a son of Peter and Euphemia (Blackie) Murray, who were both natives of Scotland, and who were the parents of nine children, as follows: Margaret; Peter; Mary, who died in childhood; Euphemia; James, who, as marine engineer, was drowned on the steamer Sunbeam, which was wrecked or foundered in Lake Superior in August, 1863; Stewart; Mary; Bessie, who died in 1876; and John. Peter Murray became a marine engineer early in life, and served in that capacity on various vessels sailing out of Glasgow, and trading to ports all around the British Isles, until May, 1850, when he came with his family to the United States to take charge as chief engineer of the E.B. Ward's line of steamers, settling in Detroit. Afterward he moved his family to a farm about eight miles back of Newport, Mich., himself continuing on the lakes. He remained on the lakes until 1884, when the steamer Montgomery, of which he was engineer at that time, was burned at her docks at Port Huron. He then retired from the lakes and returned to Detroit, and for a portion of the time was stationary engineer until his death, which occurred September 30, 1892. Mrs. Murray is still living in Detroit.
Stewart Murry lived upon the farm from 1854 to about 1859, when the family moved to Marine City (then Newport), and there for a couple of years he attended a private school conducted by Misses Mary and Ada Brindel, nieces of Emily Ward, who is well know to all lake people. In 1861 they removed to Detroit, where for about two years he attended the public schools. Then his father was appointed chief engineer of the City of Milwaukee, of the Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee line, whose steamers City of Detroit and City of Milwaukee, plied between Detroit and Milwaukee, and were familiarly known as the "black boats." The family removed to Milwaukee, and Mr. Murray there attended the public schools until 1864. In this latter year he left school against his parents' wishes, and went to work in the Western Union Telegraph office as messenger boy. Remaining in this position about a year he entered a commission house, in which position he remained about six months. During winter of 1865-66 he was in an architect's office in Milwaukee, and in the fall of 1865 he secured a position with D. M. Brigham, agent for the Evans line of steamers, taking this position in May, 1866, and retaining it until April, 1890, a period of twenty-four years, during which time he was advanced through all the grades, from general clerk up to confidential bookkeeper and contracting agent. It was during this time that the Evans line became the Erie and Western Transportation Company, more familiarly known as the Anchor line.
In April, 1890, Mr. Murray was appointed agent for the Lehigh Valley Transportation Company, securing for them their docks and opening their agency at Milwaukee, thus being their first agent at that place. In February, 1891, he was removed to Chicago, where as western agent he remained until 1892, when a change in the management took place, the Philadelphia & Reading railroad system buying out the Lehigh Valley, which then became a part of the Reading system. Mr. John Gordon, then manager of the Northern Steamship Company, was appointed manager of the Lehigh Valley Transportation Company, and held the position until January, 1894, bringing Mr. Murray to Buffalo, September 1, 1892. During 1892 and 1893 Mr. Murray was in fact acting general freight agent of the line, without the title, but acted more particularly in the interest of the Lehigh Valley Transportation Company. On April 21, 1894, Mr. Murray was appointed general freight agent for the Northern Steamship Company.
On December 10, 1873, Mr. Murray was married to Miss Alice C. Williams, daughter of Joseph Williams, one of the earliest settlers of Milwaukee, who in 1833 left the State of New York, traveling by canal to Buffalo, by lakeboat to Detroit, and thence by team around the southern end of Lake Michigan all the way to Milwaukee. Mr. Williams died in 1877. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Murray are as follows: Stewart W., born May 8, 1875; Bessie R., born October 29, 1876; Charles B., born July 16, 1878, died in 1888; Alice S., born April 13, 1880.
During Mr. Murray's connection with the lake transportation business he has witnessed wonderful changes, not only in the methods but in the rates. He has himself billed wheat at twenty-two cents per bushel from Milwaukee to Buffalo, and flour at $2.50 per barrel, Milwaukee to New York. During the season of 1896 the average rate of freight on wheat from Chicago to Buffalo was one and seven-tenths cents. When he first went into transportation the maximum carrying capacity of lake steamers was five or six hundred tons, now it is five or six thousand tons. Mr. Murray is a man who has profited by observation, and by careful study and keen insight into men and affairs has attained his present position.
Captain Amos H. Myers is the son of Capt. James H. Myers and his wife, Elenora (Perlow), the former of whom had been a master of sailing vessels since 1854 and after forty-five years of service on the lakes was lost with his vessel, near Grand Haven, Mich., in 1872. His parents were born and married in Clayton, Jefferson Co., N. Y., and moving to Cleveland in 1854, located on Pearl street. Among the last vessels sailed by Capt. James H. Myers was the Montcalm, owned by E. G. Merrick, of Detroit.
Capt. Amos H. Myers was born in Cleveland, Ohio, April 3, 1857, and received a liberal public-school education in Cleveland, and on July 8, 1871, he shipped on the General Burnside, going before the mast in the barge India the following season. He then sailed with Capt. George Miner in the schooner Montpelier, and with Captain Case in the Cascade, he was also on the schooner Bellow, Blazing Star, Monterey, three years, and Granger with Capt. William Sherley; also on the schooner Mary Copley, now the Madaline Dunning, and the schooners George Sherman and Correspondent, closing the season of 1879 in the Mont Blanc, with Captain Dennis. In the spring of 1880 Captain Myers was appointed mate of the Timothy Baker, with Capt. Geo. Tower; in 1881, on the schooner James D. Sawyer, with Capt. Ira Mansfield; in 1882, on the schooner Eliza Gerlach, with Captain Delarkie; in 1883 on the schooner James E. Gilmore, with Capt. George Burtis; in 1884 he shipped as wheelsman in the steamer George Spender, with Captain Murphy, closing the season in the E. B. Hale; the next season he went as mate in the George W. Davis, followed by a season in the steamer Republic, with Captain Mullen, and another season as mate of the schooner Col. Cook, with Capt. Sol Hayward. In 1888 he joined the steamer J. S. Fay as second mate, and was appointed mate of the barge Ashland the next season, going as mate of the Margaret Alwill in 1891. The next two seasons he was mate of the steamer R. E. Shreck, and, in 1895 master of the S. L. Watson. In 1896 he was mate of the Malta, of the Minnesota line, in 1897 mate of the John N. Glidden, with Capt. J. Lampo; in 1898, mate of the H. J. Johnson, with Capt. C. Miner, which he laid up at Buffalo at the close of navigation.
Captain Myers is an active member of the American Association of Masters & Pilots of Steam Vessels, and resides at No. 398 St. Clair Street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Frank H. Myers was born December 25, 1855, at Port Huron, Mich., son of James and Marilla (Pettis) Myers, both of whom were natives of New York State. They died November 23, 1888, and August 23, 1888, respectively. The father spent about forty years of his life as a marine engineer on the lakes, and was with the Ward line for twenty years.
In early childhood Frank H. Myers removed with the family to Detroit, and thence to Alpena, at the schools of which places he received his education. At an early age he manifested a desire to follow the life of a sailor, and in the summer season of his twelfth year went on the schooner Erastus Corning as boy. The seasons following until he was eighteen years of age were spent on different schooners, and he then went on the steamer Concord as oiler, remaining on her the greater part of a season. Proceeding to Alpena he was there employed as engineer on several tugs, among which were the T.R. Merrill, E.H. Miller and George M. Brady, and at this place he remained two years, after which he came on the H.B. Tuttle for a season as chief. The next two seasons he served as chief on the Republic, now the Marquette, and the Business, and the following year went on the Fayette Brown as second engineer, holding this berth in the Henry Chisholm, Republic, Frank L. Vance, Colonial, Alva, Spokane and Norman, and transferring to the Griffin in 1896.
Mr. Myers was married, May 4, 1878, to Miss Nettie Newman, of East Saginaw, and they have two children, Clara and John, both of whom are in school. Fraternally he is a member of the I.O.O.F. and the Royal Arcanum.
Captain Hermann Myers, one of five children - two sons and three daughters - of John and Mariah Myers, was born at Plau, Germany, in June, 1838. He attended school at his native place until about thirteen years of age, when he emigrated with his parents and other members of the family to this country, going direct to Buffalo, N. Y., where they settled, and where they and numerous descendants have ever since resided.
On their arrival here Hermann attended school, public and private, until seventeen years old, when he started work, decking on the steamboat Belle, on which he served one season, and then went on the steamer Michigan, plying between Buffalo and Green Bay, the following season. He was next cook on the schooners Agate, Ithaca, Columbia, Sophia Smith, Pebble, and various others, for fifteen years. This was followed with over twenty years' service in all branches, as cook, master, etc., on various craft, tugs, schooners and steamers, and for the years 1892-93-94-95-96 was master of the tug Halstead. He was on the Independent when wrecked on Lake Superior; on the Berlin when wrecked at Fairport, and on the Cataract when wrecked off Long Point; also on the Anna C. Rayner when wrecked on Middle island, Lake Huron. Captain Myers has quite a record as a fisherman, in which business he has been engaged for over thirty years being one of the oldest established fishermen on the east end of the lake, making that his occupation, especially during the winter, but for the past few years he has been engaged in wholesale fishing, buying for Meisner & Brown, of New York City.
In 1858 Captain Myers was married in Buffalo to Miss Rosiana Hoy, of Cobourg, Canada, by whom he has had thirteen children, nine of whom are now (1898) living, namely: Hermann, Jr., thirty-six years of age, a fisherman, who is married and has four children; Alice, aged thirty-two, married to Paul Lavrey (who is employed at Sizer's forge), and has three children; John, aged twenty-eight, who is married and has one child (he is a ferryman); George, aged twenty-six, who is an engineer at Lewis & Getzes, is married and has one child; Rosiana, aged twenty-three; Edward, aged twenty-two, foreman in Sturges' Elevator; Thomas, aged twenty-one; Joseph, aged nineteen, and William, aged seventeen. The family residence is at No. 128 Hamburg street, Buffalo. Captain Myers has had the ordinary luck of sailors, having been on the Independent, Berlin, Cataract and Anna C. Rayner when they went ashore or were sunk, as already related. He is a member of the American Association of Lake Pilots No. 41, and also of the Tug Pilots Protective Association.
John H. Myers was born in Buffalo in 1849, son of John H. and Louisa (Erbe) Myers, who raised a family of eight children. The father was a carpenter and joiner by trade and at one time was employed as foreman at the Evans Elevator.
After completing his schooling, Mr. Myers learned his trade with George W. Tifft & Sons, at the Buffalo Steam Engine Works, and he was later employed in various machine shops, among which were Sutton Brothers; the King Iron Works; the Vulcan Iron Works; Cummer & Company; the shops of the Lake Shore railway; the Merchant's Foundry, at Cleveland, and Beatty & Sons' shop at Chicago. He also worked for the American Gluicose Company and the Geneva Sugar Works at Geneva, Ill. Mr. Myers began sailing the lakes in the spring of 1881 as oiler on the steamer Russia, of the Commercial line, and the following year, having obtained his license papers, he was in second engineer's berth in the John C. Gault. During 1883-84-85 he engaged in the milk business in Buffalo, and in 1886 he returned to the lakes, serving that season as second engineer of the Phila-delphia and Gordon Campbell, respectively, subsequently, until 1892, he was chief engineer of the D.J. Foley, Livingston and Sitka, and during the succeeding four years remained ashore, working in the King Iron Works. He made one trip during the season of 1896 as chief engineer of the steamer Topeka, finishing that year in the King Iron Works, and in the winter of 1896-97 he was in the employ of the Queen City Metal Works on Elk street.
Mr. Myers was married, in 1880, to Miss Louise Born, by whom he has four children -Lulu B., Evaline, Emily and Ruth. They reside at No. 84 Baynes street, Buffalo.
Captain Patrick Myers may be designated as one of the most vigorous patriarchs of the lake marine, and although seventy-two years of age retains all of his faculties to a remarkable degree. He ostensibly retired from active life on the lakes as master at the close of the season of 1896, but it would not greatly surprise the friends who know him best if his great energy should impel him to again resume his place on the quarter deck.
The Captain was born on the banks of the river Shannon, in County Clare, Ireland, March 13, 1827, a son of Capt. James and Mary (Linane) Myers, and a grandson of Capt. Martin and Mary (Keaton) Myers. On the maternal side he numbers among his relatives President MacMahon, marshal of France during the Franco-Prussian war. The Myers family for many generations were salt-water sailors, and owned their own sloops. The father of our subject died on the Emerald Isle, in February, 1847, and in 1861 the mother emigrated with her family to the United States.
During his early boyhood Capt. Patrick Myeres divided his time between attending school and sailing with his father in the sloop Thrasher, so that he was a passably good seaman when he adopted his present profession in January, 1842, going before the mast in the schooner Mary Ann, hailing from Limerick, Ireland, with captain Mahoney in command. He remained in that vessel two years, after which he shipped in the schooner Fannie, passing five years in her and learning many of the mysteries of seamanship. Early in 1848 he shipped in the brig Hannah and made the passage to New York, at which port he ran away from his ship and went up the North river to Albany, where he took passage in a canal boat bound for Buffalo. He saw the schooner Washington Irving lying at dock and shipped in her as seaman, but at the end of the first month he was made mate and held that office two months, going then in the brig S. B. Ruggles. The next spring he joined the old schooner Suffolk, with Capt. S. Bigelow, staying with her until the fall of 1850, when he went to St. Louis by way of the Illinois & Michigan canal and the Mississippi river. Upon his arrival in the city he shipped in the steamer Western World for New Orleans. His next berth was in the Glendy Burke, plying on the Mississippi river in the cotton trade, going thence in a packet steamer to Mobile, Ala., where he joined the steamer Messenger for Montgomery. While there he met a man who professed to have a railroad building contract, and joining him he wandered through the States of Alabama and Georgia until his money and outfit were gone, having been generously divided among the members of the party. Returning to New Orleans he then shipped in the steamer Moses Greenwood for a trip up Red river to Lake Bestino. The steamer was tied up for debt when she arrived at New Orleans, and he did not get his wages. He next joined the steamer Bulletin No. 2, of Memphis, Capt. Charley Church, as greaser, remaining with her until the close of the year.
In the spring of 1852 Captain Myers returned to Chicago and shipped before the mast in the schooner L. M. Mason with Capt. Anthony Gotham, transferring to the new bark Jessie Hoyt, whose captain died of cholera that year. In 1854 he was seaman in the brig Mary, and the next year shipped out of Detroit in the Fannie Gardner, closing the season in her as mate. In the spring of 1856 he was appointed mate of the brig Mary, holding that office three seasons, then mate of the F.P. Gardner until September 1860, when he was appointed master of the Mary, sailing her until 1863. He was then transferred to the schooner Curlew, owned by the same parties, and after five years he was in position to purchase an interest in the bark Norman, which he sailed. During the winter of 1868-69 Captain Myers superintended the building of the steamer Arizona and brought her out new, and while sailing her looked after the interests of the bark Norman. In 1870 he was appointed master of the bark Pensaukee, a very smart boat, and sailed her five consecutive seasons. His next command was the schooner J. W. Doan, which was sold under him in the fall of 1879. In the spring of 1880, Captain Myers purchased the schooner Gerrett Smith, and after sailing her four seasons she dragged her anchor in a fall gale and rested her bones upon the beach. He then became owner and master of the Cheney Ames which he sailed with good business success twelve years, or until August 1896, when he retired after a life upon the water of more than fifty-five years, a record surpassed by but few. He still owns the Cheney Ames and possesses a good competency, including considerable improved property in the heart of Chicago, all of which has been acquired by his own energy and business tact, as he had no wealthy or influential friends to aid him in starting out in the business world. Captain Myers was married to Miss Hanora Ahern, daughter of Thomas Ahern, of Killadysert, his own native town in County Clare, Ireland, and the children born to this union are: James A., who has sailed some, and is now a member of the firm of C.W. Elphicke & Co.; Kate, wife of John Conway; Thomas, now a lake captain; John M., who has also followed the lakes but is now in the employ of the Chicago water works department; Edward P., who has been master of the schooners C. P. Minch, Cheney Ames and other vessels, and is now engaged in business at the corner of Robey and Milwaukee Avenue. Chicago, Charles A. who is also engaged in business in Chicago; and Frank, who is in the employ of the Postal Telegraph Company. The family homestead is at No. 227 Loomis street, Chicago.