William Bramwell Sizer Diaries
March 1902

Milwaukee County Police Department

These diaries are a mixture of work and family affairs of William Bramwell Sizer. William was on the Milwaukee Police Department and a member of the Sherman Street Methodist Episcopal Church, later transferring their membership to Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and died in 1916. The diaries give a pretty good view of life in the years involved. The diaries were given to me for presentation on this site by family members see contributors page.

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MARCH 1902

32 deg, W wind. Cloudy, Freezing. Change day: Linden on North Dist. at noon. PM. Check at 1:45. Snow flurries all PM.

26 deg. NW wind. Cloudy. Snowing, growing colder. Had to walk to 27th & Walnut. Cars did not run on time. Met Linden at Eng. 22 at 6 PM.

22 deg. NW wind. Cloudy. Chilly.

24 deg. N wind. Partly cloudy. Snow flurries, cold. Orders to be at Expo at 1:30 PM. with white gloves and overcoat. At Expo. Stolzenfeld, Schoepperle, Brennecke, Brandt, Unserberg, & myself were detailed as escort to Prince Henry of Prussia. To escort him in the building & guard him & party while there. After leaving the Expo went to 2nd & Grand Ave till after fire run. Then went to YMCA got supper. Went home at 10 PM.

24 deg. NE wind. Fair. Chilly. Rising Temp. Called to Sta. at 8:45 AM. Got copies of Election laws for Election inspectors. Registration yesterday & today.

33 deg. SW wind. Fair. Cool & pleasant. No drill this week.

34 deg. Southerly wind. Cloudy. Looks like rain. Mrs. Thos. Butler & her sister ere run down by the train & injured very badly. Taken to the Emergency Hosp. on train at 8 PM yesterday. I met Butler and told him of it this morn. He went to the hospital to see her. PM: Met Fritz Strelow, walked around with him for an hour, Ella Maechtle came this eve.

34 deg. Northerly wind. Cloudy. Rain & snow showers in early morn. Asked Per. to go to Sec'ys office to make payment on mortgage. Paid $100.00 & got relase of Mtge. Went to Court House & had it recorded. Back to beat at 10:15 AM. Absent, 1 1/2 hrs. Price of recording release- 45 cts.

40 deg. SW wind. Cloudy. Damp. Fog horn blowing. Looks like rain.

38 deg. S. wind. Partly cloudy. Pleasant. Warm at noon. No drill this week.

50 deg. Southerly wind. Partly cloudy. Warm. Thunderstorm last night. Wind changed to west, becoming variable.

42 deg. NE wind. Cloudy. Rain. Rain all night. Rain all forenoon & turned to snow in PM. Snowed hard all PM. Jos. Schmidt locked his mother out of doors & would not let her in. I went there & would have arrested him had not his mother pleaded for him.

26 deg. Variable wind. Fair. Froze quite hard. Very pleasant. Rising temp. Orders to be at Caucus Booth at 26th & Meinecke at 12 noon. Dem. caucus closes at 8 PM.
tax bills this morn. Went to dinner at 10:45. Sending me to 26th & Meinecke was a mistake. Dem. caucus was held at 24 1/2 th & Elm St. After waiting at 26th & Meinecke a half hour I went to the Wd. yard & was told the Caucus was at 24 1/2 & Elm. Staid till 8 PM.

32 Deg. Southerly wind. 32 deg. Fair. White frost. Orders to be at Caucus booth at 26th & Meinecke Ave. Rep. caucus at 12 noon. Staid till 8:10 PM. Ada's Birthday- 14 years old. Rush at caucus booth, 26th & Meinecke. About 40 voters turned away.

40 deg. SE wind. Cloudy. Looks like rain. PM- Rain all PM. Change day- Schneider on North Dist.

26 deg. High NW wind. Fair. Cold Wave. High wind. Snow flurries all day. Very cold. Herman Menke, a drunken cigar maker, was arrested by Hy. Gutknecht- Died in his cell at 4 AM.

2 deg. High W wind. Partly cloudy. Very cold. Rep. Convention at W. Side Turn Hall. Orderx to be there at 1 PM. At convention till 4:50 PM. Went back to beat at 5:45. Got orders to be at West Side Turn Hall at 7:30. Judicial Convention. Staid till 11:30 PM. City ticket- Anson, Starke, Kuth & Carbys. For Circuit Judge, L. G. Wheeler.

8 deg. NW wind. Fair. Rising Temp. Wind becoming variable. Chilly all day.

22 deg. Southeasterly wind. Fair. Raw wind al day.

24 deg. E wind. Cloudy. Warmer. 8:30 AM met Sergt. Schneider, 20th & Locust. Rain at 2:45 PM. Rained until 6 o'c. PM.

34 deg. NE wind. Cloudy. Cold wind. 4:15- Orders to go to 1601 Hopkins & meet Det. Rooney. Did so. Rooney had a Warr. C. J. Johnson for Embezzelment., not at home. Took my bicycle to Bleisners this eve.

36 deg. Easterly wind. Cloudy. Rising Temp.

32 deg. Easterly wind. Fair. White frost, rising temp. Very pleasant this morn. Emil Brandt & his girl arrested by East-Side Night Officer this morn.

36 deg. SE wind. Partly cloudy. Cool & spring like. Regular drill from today on. Went to Central. Paid taxes- $41.43. 17 1/2 min. late at 2:45 on that acct.

32 deg. East wind. Fair. Frost. Last day to register.

36 deg. E. wind. Partly cloudy. Raw wind. Chilly. Spaded in the garden for a lettuce bed this morn. Mail at 1:45. .Showers in PM. Met Sergt. Schneider at 4:45.

44 deg. SW wind. Fair. Warmer & very pleasant. Drill day' Notice to wear Black Hemets on Sunday Mar. 30th.

44 deg. NE wind. Cloudy. Looks like rain. Growing colder. Good Friday. Rain in PM. Went to Sta. for mail at 1:45 PM. Letter for Miss Helen Ahnert 1099-24 1/2 St. from B of PW.

32 deg. NW wind. Fair. Cool & Bright. Very pleasant. Met Sergt. Schneider at Wright & Fond du Lac at 10:45.

36 deg. High Northerly wind. Cloudy. Snow & Rain. Easter Sunday. Snow this eve.

32 deg. High W wind. Fair. About 1 inch of snow this morn. Ave, Min. Temp. - 32 deg.

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