William Bramwell Sizer Diaries
September 1903

Milwaukee County Police Department

These diaries are a mixture of work and family affairs of William Bramwell Sizer. William was on the Milwaukee Police Department and a member of the Sherman Street Methodist Episcopal Church, later transferring their membership to Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and died in 1916. The diaries give a pretty good view of life in the years involved. The diaries were given to me for presentation on this site by family members see contributors page.

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- 58deg, Southerly wind. Fair. Cool and Pleasant. Rising Temp. Change Day.
Linden at noon. Sec. Haukol sent Note & Mtge to Sta. I asked perm to take them home and have them signed aand returned to Sec's office. The note and mtge are to secure loan of $600.00 to buy stock of Schneider Furniture Company held by Schwartzburg.. Went to 1225 24th shot Zimbehls dog. Went home and Minnie signed papers. Tool State St. car to Central Sta. Left papers and and got check for $600.00. Back to beat at 10:20 AM. Louis Schnuck, R.J.Hicket and Alb Lawrence suffocated by sewer gas at 9 AM,N.Ave. E. John Harringtom Eng 22 promoted to Lt. And assigned to Eng 5.

- 62deg. SWwind. Partly cloudy. Warm. Looks like rain. Warm all.
day.Walter tel. Me that he wouldn't be home till late.-Directors meeting. W. met Schwartzburg and paid him for his stock in Schneider Furniture Company.

- 62deg. W wind, Fair. Warm Asked for perm. To go to 3015 Walnut St. to pay
for lime sand and went there from Sta. My birthday-45 years old and still without wisdom.

- 61deg. N wind. Cloudy Thunder storm at 7 AM. Clearing toward noon. Warm in the sun. NE wind. 5:45 PM Joe Christgo,Weil St. between Wright and Clark St. injured by sewer cave ib at 33rd and Center, Injured about the back. Dr. Runkel attended him. Said no bones were broken. Was taken home by ambulance from Central Sta. at 5:40 PM. Wm. Sheddin 100 22nd St. applies for saloon license.

- 56deg. Nwind Fair. Cool. Gave Stolzenberg $20 on acct. Harry and Herman Geneachow came over this morning and started work on our house. They put in the cellar stairs.

- 48deg, N wind Partly cloudy, Very cool. J. Gienle and F. Miller got orders to go go the fair tomorrow morn. Warr. For Wm. Griffith,1124-24th St. Disorderly. Minnie Go,Comp. Arrested him at his home at 1:30PM. Took him to the box at 27th and Fond du Lac.

- 62deg. SE wind.Partly cloudy. Warmer. Shower during the night. Labor
Day,also State Fair Week. No court today. Subp. Witnesses for Krafin case tomorrow morn. Reported to Bldg. Insp. That in mr opinion the bay windows at a building in course of construction at 27th and Fond du Lac Ave, was to far over the lot line. Walter went to Fredonia this morn

- 68deg. High W wind. Fai. Warm. Very warm at noon. In court with Krafin at
9AM. Found Guilty. Fined $5.00 and costs-$12.40. Left city hall at 11 o'cl.Went to Sta. and then yo dinner. Wm. Frederich arrested at Central Sta. Notified,,,,,,,,,,,,,Sell to keep peace with his neighbors. S lives at 2600 Hadley.

- 68 deg. Wwind. Partly cloudy and Warm. Thunder showers toward noon. Gain nearly all PM. Milwaukee Bridge Co. started their machinery today.Everette and Nettie came this PM to go to State Fair.

- 62deg. NW wind. Fair. Clearing at 8AM with sunshine. Rained nearly all
night. Met Linden at Center and 24th at 3:30PM. C. Rhodes, a distant relative of Ma's, Came and spent the evening with us. He is at the State Fair in the Agricultural Newspaper business.

- 52deg. Variable wind. Changed to E PM. Fair Cool. Rising temp. Emma
Maechtle came this noon. Everett and Nettie go home this PM. Mrs. Worthingtom of LaCrosse came to stay all night.

- 68deg. Swind. Fair. Warm. Went to Sta.at 1:24. Letter for Ald. Dettman.
Went to Sta. at 3:45. Got Warr. For Robert Hartman fo abandonment. His wife lives at
1143 Hopkins. Missed 4:45 Report while looking for H.

- 56deg. V\ariable wind. Partly cloudy Shower during night. 7:30AM. Arrested Robert Hartman on charge of Abandonment at the home of Casper Wagner.713 11th St.. Got to station at 8AM. Went to 1212 23rd St. Arrested Gustav Mech charged by P. Gtrootemat wirh cruly beatin his horse. Supd. Witnessnes and put in first report at16th
and Center at 10:45. 12.50PM Fire at 1913 32nd. Cause unknown. Damage $35.00 People were not at home.

- 58deg. Varialble wind. Cloudy. Rain and thunder and lightning. Cloudy
and damp all day. In court with Robert Hartman and Gust Mech. Mech fined $10.00 and costs-$18.20. Hartman cased continued till Oct.14th. Went to Sta. Goy my rain coat and went to dinner at 1154 AM. 1st report at 1:10PM.

- 52deg. SE wind. Damp and very sultry. SW wind and clearing at 2PM..
Warm. Orders for dress coats and Bl. Helmets for Thurs. AM. Change day. Schneider on North. Dist. at noon. Asked for perm. To go with Lawrence Ward to get Warr. For Max Schneider and Ed. Knapp. Went to clerks office with Ward and swore out Warr. For Max Schneider for A&B. I went to Central and handed warr. to Paulus. Then went to WeinerSt. near State and arrested S. Went to Sta. and to beat. Missed 8:45 rept. Met Sgt. Schneider at 27th and Center at 3:30 PM

- 50deg. NWwind. Cloudy. Cool Gtowing colder. In court with M. Schneider Found guilty. Fined $1.00 & costs - $7.32. Back to beat at 11:15 AM. Mason came to make cement floor At 2:30 orders came to go to 1702 Center. Found John Rechlin, 75 yrs. old, had hung himself in attic. Bartender, no friends or relation that I know of. Seb Mahringer cut him down.,thought he was alive. Body taken to morgue.

- 40deg. Nwwind. Fair. Cool Shower at 6:15 PM. Sunshine in the AM.
Dress Coats and Black hemets. Minnie and I worked in the bathroom and putting wainscoating till 12:25 PM. Then went upstairs to set up the little heater. Went to bed at 12:35 AM. Election appts. this AM.

- 32deg. NWwind, Fair. Whie frost, Met Sergt Schneider, 32nd and Center
at 9:35 AM. Boldt and Sons used up all the sidewalk material I had & went away.I scratched I 3 bags of stone together and will have to make bout 6 ft. of walk in the rear of the .house.

- 42 degrees SWwind Fair. Warmer. High wind. I finished the sidewalk
back of the house this evening .

- 52deg. Swind. Fair. Warmer. Warm all day. Mosquitoes terrible

- 58deg. Wwind. Fair. Warm. Went to Beck's to see about plumbing.
8:55AM Arressted Jacob Gilg of charge of F&Dis. 27th & Fond du Lac. Worked in basement till 11:50PM.

- 60deg. Swwind. Fair. In court with Gilg. Pleaded guilty. Fine $5.00 &
costs-$6.28. Back to beat at 10:30, Went to 3015 Walnut St. to see W.H.
Brandt about a bill for sand sent in by Nichole & Co. Bro. JLS and family came at 9PM.
We were working in basement. Reported walks defective on 20th St.

- 68deg. High NWwind. Fair Growing colder. Reported defective walks
on 21st & 22nd Streets.

- 32deg. Wwind. Faaair. Frost. JLS and family went away today. PM met
James Dent at 27th and Fond du Lac Ave, He asked my name and I told him. He asked is I was the Sizer that worked for that worked for Haylen and then asked if I remembered Jas. Dent. Had a chat with him.

- 44deg. Raw southerly wind. Ffair. Chilly. Mrs. Mpeschgou died this
morn about 4 o'c. Reported defective walks on 23rd St. Chimney fire at 2530 Center St. at 6 AM. Wanecek's chimney burned out. No damage No report

- 62deg. Southerly wind. Fair. Warm. High SWwind. PM cloudy. Rain all
day Sergt.Schneider at 4:15 PM at Fond du Lac and Hickory St

40deg. SEwind. Fair Cool. Mail at 1:45. 5:45 PM Orders by tel.to go to
3247 Clark St. and tell Mrs. Diedrich her husband was dead. And his body was at the morgue. He was found dead at his Tailor Shop on Chestnut

- 58deg. Cloudy. Showery all day, Minimum temperature for month 53 deg.

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