Half Century of Progress

Businesses in Milwaukee

A Half Century's Progress
A review of the Cream City's Wonderful Growth and 
Development form Incorporation until the Present time.
A Souvenir of Her Golden Anniversary
Issued by Consolidated Illustrating Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
This book is available at the Waukesha Library and 
possibly through interlibrary loan.

Albesch, Charles, Co., 
        Builders of Fine Delivery Wagons, etc.	210
Adams, Charles W.
        Provision Dealer			122
Adams Stamp and Stencil Co.,
        Manufacturers of Rubber Stamps		121
American Vinegar Works				194
American Steam Boiler and Sheet Iron Works	201
American Wall Paper and Paint Co., The		159

Backus Heating Co.				148
Bacon, E. P., & Co., Commission Merchants	162
Badger State Fur Co.				192
Badger Manufacturing Co.			172
Bancker, Abram, Manager 
        of the Wisconsin News Co.		166
Barkow, Herman, Wagons				156
Barkow, William T., Grocery and Meat Market	143
Barth, John, Co., Dealers in Wines and Liquors	119
Barth, Peter, Co., Wholesale Dealers and 
        Importers of Wines and Liquors		113
Bartelsen, H. B., & Co., 
        Dealers in Hardware, Stoves, etc.	168
Bartling, Louis C., 
        Vice-president Kieckhefer Bros. Co.	099
Bauch, Hugo E., Dry Goods, Silks, etc.		213
Baumann, L., Treasurer Dobrinz Hat Co.		119
Baumann Bros., Grain Commission Merchants	182
Bayley, Wm., & Sons Co., 
        Founders and Machinists			202
Beck, C. A., Planing Mill, etc.			191
Bergwall, E., President Moissner-Bergwell Co.	130
Berthelet, H. & Co., Cement, Sewer Pipe, etc.	209
Best, Charles, 
        Vice-President Wisconsin National Bank	150
Best, Jacob, & Bro., Distillers, Importers, and 
        Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Liquors	215
Bidtel Chemical Works	200
Bigelow, F. G., Secretary Seamless Structural 
	Co.					140
Bigelow, F. G., President of the 
        First National Bank of Milwaukee	178
Bigelow, Wm., Vice-president of the 
        First National Bank of Milwaukee	178
Bigsby, C. E., & Co., Sanitary Plumbing		147
Birkel, F. G., Grocer				167
Birkenwald, S., Co., Manufacturers, Importers, 
	and Jobbers of Packers' and Butchers' 
	Supplies 				104
Blade, A., & Son Co., Importers and Jobbers of 
        Kentucky Whiskies, Wines, etc.		176
Blatz Val. Brewing Co.				222
Bleyler, Theo., Apothecary			214
Booth, John H., Manufacturer of Leather 
	Fly Nets, Straps, etc.			156
Borchardt Bros., Merchant Tailors		158
Borgwardt, Fred, Undertaker and Embalmer	200
Bottum, E. H., Vice-president of the South 
	Milwaukee Co.				168
Boyle, Ed., Vice-president of the 
        Milwaukee Monument Co.			187
Bradford, James B., Pianos			131
Brehm, F. C., Treasurer McCaughey & Ford Co.	124
Breitkreutz & Manger, 
        Livery, Boarding and Sale Stable	142
Breslauer, A., & Co., Distillers and Importers 
	of Wines and Liquors			160
Brett, James T., Undertaker and Embalmer	154
Brown, R. C., 
        Secretary Western Lime and Cement Co.	103
Buell, F. R., Coal	154
Buestrin, Henry & Sons, Contractors and 
	Builders				179
Bull, Stephen, President Milwaukee Harvester 
	Co.					116
Burdick, Armitage & Allen, Printers		149
Buscher's Laundry and Dye Works			151
Busse, R. D., Hardware				171
Butler, E. K., General Manager 
        McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.	130

Campbell, Gardner & Sons, 
        Centennial Bell and Iron Works		193
Campbell's Steam Laundry			111
Camp, A. K., Co., Jewelers			135
Carstens, Chas. B., 
        Secretary Milwaukee Brewing Co.		101
Cary, Eugene & Co., 
        Produce and Commission Merchants	206
Casper, Alois & Son, Merchant Tailors		182
Casper, Wm., President Huseby Cycle Co.		118
Chacona, James, Manufacturing Confectioner	196
Chapman, T. A., Co., 
        Importers and Dealers in Dry Goods	114
Chain Belt Co.					175
Churchill, Thos. T., 
        Secretary Milwaukee Cold Storage Co.	131
City Carriage Works				153
Clark Harness Co.				149
Cohen & Neisser, Wholesale Jewelers		121
Cohen Bros., Pants, Shirts, etc.		211
Conger, H. W., Secretary Milwaukee Harvester Co.116
Cramer, A. J., Secretary 
        Milwaukee Mechanics' Insurance Co.	110
Crane & Barkhausen Architects			177
Cream City Can Works				135
Cream City Brick Co.				178
Cream City Woven Wire Works			195
Cream City Sash and Door Co.			106
Cribb Carriage Co.				143

Danielson Manufacturing Co., 
        Manufacturers of Interior Woodwork	187
Davis Omnibus Line and Transfer Co.		122
Davis, H. N., Plater and Polisher		155
Dearsley Bros., Plumbers and Gas Fitters	219
Deguenther Laundry Co., The			157
Dengel, Frank R., & Co., 
        Gas Fixtures and Sanitary Plumbing	199
Devos & Whitnall, Wholesale and Retail Coal	192
Devoe, B. F., & Co., Art Engravers and Printers	166
De Wolf, John E., Real Estate, Loans, and 
		Renting				205
Dick, John C., Vice-president 
        Milwaukee Mechanics' Insurance Co.	110
Dickson, S., & Co., Dealers in Teas, 
		Coffees, etc.			201
Diederichs & Co., 
        Dealers in Rags, Paper Stock, etc.	199
Dix, M., Crockery & Glassware			209
Dobrinz Hat Co., The				114
Dorsch & Steiner, 
        Dealers in Wagons, Buggies, etc.	182
Dorestan, Enno, & Son, 
        Window Glass, Paints, Varnishes, etc.	143
Douglas, James, Co., 
        Architects and Superintendents		169
Doyn, E. T., Sanitary Plumbing			134
Drake, Wm., Secretary and Treasurer of the 
        Cream City Brick Co.			178
Drake, E. W., President of the 
        Cream City Brick Co.			178
Draves, Wm. A., 
        Treasurer Milwaukee Brewing Co.		101
Durr & Rugee, Lumber				112

Eagle Horse Shoe Co.				181
Eagle Lye Works	130
Eastman, George S., Dealer in Coal and Wood	162
Edelstein, T., Tailor				138
Eggers, A. N., President of the 
        American Wall Paper and Paint Co.	159
Ellis & Pollworth, Wholesale Florists		149
Eliot, Robt., Grain Commission			215
Engel, Aug., Vice-President of the 
        Milwaukee Brass Manufacturing Co.	153
Espenhain, Dry Goods Co.			204
Eureka Laundry Co., The				141

Fernekes Distilling Co., The			139
Fernekes & Dolliver, Architects			165
First National Bank of Milwaukee, The		178
Fischer, C. W., Furniture, etc.			146
Fowler, E. M., Vice-President 
        McCormick Harvesting Machine Co.	130
Fox, J. M., Grocer				123
Fredricks, P. W., & Co., Sash, Doors, etc.	191
Friend, Jacob E., Secretary A. K. Camp Co.	135
Friend, J. E., 
        President Nordberg Manufacturing Co.	150
Froehlich, P. E., Treasurer S. Birkenwald Co.	104

Garrison, A. H., Pattern Maker			159
Gates & Pinard, Silver and Copper Platers	141
Gauger Plumbing Co., The			193
Gebhardt, George, Jr., Confectioner		146
Gem Laundry					146
Gruelich, August, Co., 
        Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Liquors	203
George, John S., Vice-President 
        Telegram Cycle Manufacturing Co.	129
George & Heyer, 
        Manufacturers of Parlor Furniture	128
Gerhard, William, 
        Dealer in Clothing, Hats, Caps, etc.	195
Gerrits, Geo. A., Pharmacist			155
Gleason & Nagle, Contracting Stevedores		217
Gmeiner, A., & Son, Manufacturers and 
        Dealers in Boots and Shoes		179
Godfrey, E. R., & Sons Company, 
        Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants	147
Goodhue, W. F., Consulting Engineer		136
Goodrich, T. W., & Son Co., Oil Works		131
Goodrich, A. S., & Co., Jobbers in Cigars, etc.	158
Goodyear Rubber Co.				144
Grahser, J. M., & Co., Dealers in 
        Poultry, Game, Vegetables and Fruit	123
Gram, Edmund, Pianos, etc.			137
Greenwood, John W., Fancy Groceries		158
Gross, Fred. C., 
        Vice-President O'Neil Oil and Paint Co.	142
Gross, L., Wholesale Millinery and Straw Goods	220
Groth, Henry, Harness Manufacturer		141
Gugler, Henry, Co., Lithographers, 
		Engravers, etc.			178
Gutknecht, Wm., 
        Vice-President Milwaukee Brewing Co.	101

Hasse, Chas. F., Coal Co., The, 
        Dealers in Coal and Wood		138
Hamilton, C. W., 
        Treasurer Milwaukee Harvester Co.	116
Hanley, S. V., Sanitary Plumber			199
Hansen, H. P., Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, etc.	167
Harris, W. L., & Co., Merchant Tailors		133
Hawks, C. H., President and 
        Treasurer of the Hanks Nursery Co.	151
Hawks Nursery Co.				151
Heiser, Charles, Lakeside Meat Market		161
Henry, C. W., President Eureka Laundry Co.	141
Henes, Louis, Jr., & Co., 
        Dealers in Coal and Wood		167
Hesse, F., Grocer				164
Hess, Chas., Packing House Market		196
Hicks, Benj. I., Vice-President of the 
        Williamson & Haylett Co.		152
Hiecke, William, Pharmacist			163
Higgins, C. A., Dealer in Oysters, Fish, etc.	145
Hill, John A., 
        President Milwaukee Cold Storage Co.	131
Hilty Lumber Co., M.				216
Hirsch, H., 
        General Produce Commission Merchant	124
Hoffmann & Baur, 
        Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Workers	203
Holbrook, W. A., Architect			217
Hotel Pfister Drug Store			157
Hotz & Mohaupt, Furniture and Upholstery	153
Hottelet & Kamm, Grain Merchants		142
Howe, A. T., Vice-President 
        Western Lime and Cement Co.		103
Hudechek, F. X., 
        Secretary Semmann Manufacturing Co.	139
Hunkel, G. Ph., & Son, General Insurance Agency	177
Huseby Cycle Co.				118
Hutchings, J. E., 
        Secretary Adams Stamp and Stencil Co.	121
Hyde, R., Co., The, Surgical Instruments	166

Izatt, R., Dry Goods				209

Jacobi, Jacob, Architect			185
Jacobi & Richter, Fancy Groceries		170
John, Chas. H., 
        Secretary Wollaeger Manufacturing Co.	112
Jung, Wm., 
        Superintendent Milwaukee Brewing Co.	101
Jung, S., & Co., Wines and Liquors		163

Kaempf, Fr., Coppersmith			146
Kaiser, Gustav, Hardware Dealer			145
Kalamazoo Knitting Co., 
        Manufacturers of Seamless Hosiery	198
Kalt, J. P., Treasurer Huseby Cycle Co.		118
Kasten, Frederick, 
        Cashier Wisconsin National Bank		150
Keller, Chas. A., Dealer in Flour, Feed, etc.	169
Kennan, Thos. L., President of the Livingstone 
		Gold Mining Co.			176
Kenney, P. F., Plumber and Gas Fitter		112
Keogh, Edward, Printer				185
Kettler, Edward, Jr., Lakeside Pharmacy		198
Ketter, Fred., Manufacturer of 
        Beer Kegs, Casks, Tanks and Vats	220
Kiewert, Chas. L., & Co., 
        Brewers' and Bottlers' Supplies	133
Kienkhefer Bros. Co., Manufacturers of 
        Tin, Stamped, Japanned, and Steel Ware	109
Kiewert, Emil, Co., Jobbers and Wholesale 
        Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Whiskies	137
Kipp, F. J., Cashier of First National Bank 
	of Milwaukee				178
Kissinger, John P. Co., Wines & Liquors		115
Klein, A. S., Secretary S. Birkenwald Co.	104
Klingelhoefer, P., Teas, Coffees, Spices, Dried 
	Fruits, etc.				155
Klokner, Alexander, Florist			141
Knoernschild, J., 
        Hardware and House Furnishing Goods	147
Knoll Brothers, Grocers				190
Koch, William J., & Co., 
        Marble and Granite Works		206
Koch, C. H., Jeweler				138
Koch, Gottlob, Groceries, Dry Goods, etc.	156
Koerner, Ch., Pharmacist			185
Kornely, J., Dealer in Hardware			157
Kraus, H. W., Harness, Saddles, Whips, etc.	156
Kringel, Albert J., Marble and Granite Works	173
Kringel, Aug., 
        Secretary of the Milwaukee Monument Co	187
Kroeger, Herman, 
        President of the Kroeger Brothers Co.	174
Kroeger Brothers Co., 
        Importers and Retailers of Dry Goods	174
Kropp, W. A., Pharmacist			194
Kuehn, F., Boot and Shoe Co.			221
Kuehn, Fred., Treasurer 
        Milwaukee Mechanics' Insurance Co.	110
Kurth Brothers, Grocers				157

Landauer & Co., Dry Goods, Notions Carpets 
	and Men's Furnishing Goods		221
Lauersdorf & Swendson, Sole Manufacturers of 
        Buff's Patent Steel Gear Carriages	151
Laverrenz, Charles, & Co., Paper Boxes		124
Lawrence, B. A., Manager Backus Heating Co.	148
Lehman & Wright, Tailors			154
Lindemann, A. J., & Hoverson Co., Stoves	134
Lippert & Polacheck, Plumbers			161
Livingstone Gold Mining Co., The		176
Loewenthal, R., Paper Stock, etc.		175
Logemann, G., & Sons, Jewelers			190
Lohse Brothers, Furs				200
Lohr, Chas., 
        President of the Milwaukee Monument Co.	187
Lull, Chas. R., & Co., 
        Receivers and Shippers of Grain		140

Mack Clothing Company				224
Mann, Gruber & Co., Jobbers of Woolens		163
Mansfield, Geo. W., Supt. of Agencies, 
        Milwaukee Mechanics' Insurance Co.	110
Marggraff, G. A., Manager of the 
        American Wall Paper and Paint Co.	159
McCaughey & Ford Co., The, 
        Jobbers in Wall Papers			124
McCabe Brothers, Carpenters and Builders	166
McCormick Harvesting Machine Company		130
McCusker, J. D., Dealer in Artistic 
	Mantels, etc.				169
McIntosh Brothers, Railroad Contractors		192
Meadows, Samuel H., Pharmacist			182
Meinecke & Sweet, 
        Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants	102
Meiselbach, A. D., Manufacturing Co., The, 
        Manufacturers of High Grade Cycles	096
Meinecke, Paul, Repository			194
Meinecke Toy Co., 
        Manufacturers and Dealers in Toys, etc.	172
Meissner-Bergwall Co., The, 
        Manufacturing Druggists and Perfumers	130
Mendel, Smith & Co., 
        Importers and Wholesale Grocers		197
Merchants' Mills				182
Metal Sign and Engraving Co.			188
Meunier, John, Gun Co.				212
Meyer, W. H., Vice-President of the 
        Sheriffs Manufacturing Co.		174
Meyer, L. F., Plumber				159
Meyer, Louis, Pharmacist			136
Milwaukee Brass Manufacturing Co.		153
Milwaukee Brewing Co.				101
Milwaukee Cold Storage Co.			131
Milwaukee Harvester Co., Manufacturers of 
	Twine Binders and Mowers		116
Milwaukee Lumber Co.				207
Milwaukee Mechanics' Insurance Co., The		098
Milwaukee Mirror and Art Glass Works		197
Milwaukee Monument Co., The			187
Milwaukee National Bank of Wisconsin		224
Milwaukee Oil Co.				193
Milwaukee Palming Co.				173
Model Laundry					214
Moller & Ehlers, Architects			205
Monsted, H., & Co., 
        Asphalt and Composition Roofers		132
Moller & Ehlers, Architects			205
Moody & Krueger Co., Manufacturers of 
        Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings	122
Morawetz & Co., Hats and Caps			167
Mueller, L. J., Furnace Co.			189
Muller & Son Co., The, 
        Manufacturers of Packing Boxes		213
Murray & DeWitt, Teas, Coffees, etc.		147
Myers, J. O., Fire Insurance			138

Neacy, M., Meat Market				127
Neidner & Durner, Dealers in 
        Wood Mantels, Grates and Brass Goods	149
Neuser, H., Real Estate				139
Newton, A., Superintendent 
        Western Lime and Cement Co.		103
Noble, Wm., Vice-President and Treasurer of 
	the Schomann-Noble Mfg. Co.		183
Noble, David, Secretary of the Schomann-Noble 
	Mfg. Co.				183
Norris, Thos. J., Manufacturer of Horse Collars	144
Nordberg Manufacturing Co., 
        Engineers and Manufacturers		150
North Side Carriage Works			191
Northwestern Malleable Iron Co.			155
Northwestern Tile Co., 
        Pavements, Curbs, Floors, etc.		168
Nuebling, Robert P., Tailor			144

O'Neil Oil and Paint Co.			142
Opperman, Paul, Importer of Dyes, etc.		139
Orth, Ph., & Co., Merchant Millers		164
Owen, D. C., Coal Company			138

Pabst, Fred'k, President Wisconsin 
	National Bank				150
Pabst Brewery					044
Page & Landeck Lumber Co., The			207
Paik, Charles, Cash Grocer			123
Palmer, A. J., Grocer				192
Paringer, F., & Co., Real Estate		124
Patterson, R. W., Undertaker and Embalmer	152
Paulus, Peter & Son, 
        Steel Smithing and Wrought Iron Work	156
Paul Brothers, Grocers	167
Peet, F. N., Treasurer Eureka Laundry Co.	141
People's Tailoring Co.	208
Petermann & Wallber, Electrical Contractors	127
Peterson & Wilson, Props, Cream City Can Works	135
Pfannerstill & Hubacek, 
        Machinists and Blacksmiths		111
Phipps Furnace Co.				194
Phoenix Knitting Works				170
Pieper, D. R., Grocer				142
Pierce, R. W. & O. H., Real Estate		188
Pierron, Louis M., Stoneware			207
Pietsch, Otto, Dye Works	178
Pingree, F. R., Secretary Telegram Cycle 
	Mfg. Co.				129
Pittelkow & Siegert, Real Estate and Loans	196
Platz, H., Cigars, etc.				144
Poppert, Geo., Manufacturing Co., 
        Sash, Doors, and Blinds			148
Preusser, Christian, 
        President Milwaukee Mechanics' Ins. Co.	110
Prohl & Shire, Wholesale Millinery		221

Raben's Emil, Pharmacy				170
Rau & Kirsch, Architects			216
Rauschenberger, John, Co., 
        Hemp, Jute, Flax, and Cotton Twine	179
Rehnquist, O., & Co., Tailors			145
Reinhold, John, & Sons, 
        Dyeing and Cleaning Works		162
Reiss' Pump and Cistern Works			168
Rhinelander Lumber Co.				170
Richardson & Gregory, Druggists			123
Ritter, Louis, Manufacturer of 
        Bank, Store, Bar, and Office Fixtures	126
Robertson, O. W., 
        President Western Lime and Cement Co.	103
Rogers, Fred. W., 
        Secretary of the South Milwaukee Co.	168
Rohde, C. A., Co., Foreign and American Books	154
Rohde & Patek Bros., Glass, Paints, etc.	212
Rudzinski, Theodor, Real Estate and Loans	111
Ruesch, Jacob, Printers' Machinist		159

Salentine, H., & Son, 
        Dealers in Corn, Oats, and Mill Feed	216
Salentine, H., & Co., Hardware, Oils, 
	Paints, etc.				169
Sauer, A. F., & Co., Importers and 
	Jobbers in Tailors' Trimmings		159
Savage & Sons, Wholesale and 
        Retail Cash Grocers and Wine Merchants	206
Schaefer, George, & Co., Manufacturers of 
	Truss Hoops, Jointers, etc.		191
Schielke & Grobe, Manufacturers of Carriages, 
	Wagons, etc.				161
Schindler, Herman, Musical Instruments		158
Schlosser, John H., Groceries and Provisions	171
Schlitz, Victor, 
        Wholesale and Retail Wines and Liquors	190
Schmitt, P. J., Treasurer O'Neil Oil 
	and Paint Co.				142
Schmidt, P., & Co., 
        Dealers in Cut and Dressed Stone	217
Schmidt, Otto E., Wholesale Dealer in 
	Leather, etc.				145
Schweitzer, Jas., Stables & Undertaker		223
Schoessow, Charles, 
        Dealer in Stoves, Tin, and Hardware	150
Schomann-Noble Manufacturing Co., 
        Machinists and Dealers in Steam Pumps	183
Schoenecker Lime Co.				125
Schroder & Herrick, Insurance			184
Schrieber, E. W., 
        Secretary The A. D. Meiselbach Mf'g. Co.108
Schulte, G. H., 
        Vice-President Milwaukee Harvester Co.	116
Schuckmann & Seligmann Co., 
        Importers of Wines and Liquors		151
Schuseter, Ed., & Co., 
        Importers and Dealers in Dry Goods	183
Schunk, A. E., C., 
        Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, etc.	198
Schwab, Philip, Propr. 
        Semi-Centennial Machine and Iron Works	134
Seamless Structural Co.				140
Semi-Centennial Machine and Iron Works		134
Semmann Manufacturing Co., 
        Manufacturers of Harness, etc.		139
Semmann-Wangerin Co., Church Goods		154
Seybold Brothers, Wholesale and 
        Retail Dealers in Milk and Cream	165
Segnitz, Adolph, Real Estate			219
Shape, C. T., & Co., 
        Northwestern Photographic Stock Depot	134
Shepard, F. M., President Goodyear Rubber Co.	144
Sheriff's Manufacturing Co., 
        Propeller Wheels and Marine Machinery	174
Smith, Everett A., Co., Inspectors and Jobbers 
	of Teas and Coffees			207
South Milwaukee Lumber Co.			206
South Milwaukee Co., Real Estate		168
South Side Printing Co.				201
Splitt, Gus, Dealer in Stoves, Hardware, etc.	160
Stamm, Meno, Real Estate			188
Standard Brick Co., 
        Manufacturers of Cream-colored Brick	173
Starke, C. H., Dredge & Dock Co.		204
Steiner, J. & M., Commission Merchants		125
Steiner Bros., Importers and 
        Wholesale Dealers in Wines and Liquors	148
Steinman Lumber Co.				211
Steller, E. H., Vice-President of the 
        American Wall Paper and Paint Co.	159
Stern, H., Jr., & Bro. Co., Jobbers and 
	Importers of Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy 
	Goods, etc.				164
Stirn & Kasch Printing Co.			204
Stolper, Charles, Cooperage Co., 
        Manufacturers of Brewers' Packages	099
Strauss, Wm., Hardware	179
Struck Brothers, Dealers in Coal and Wood	140
Sullivan, Henry, Engraver, Stationer, etc.	188
Swain & Tate Co., Printers and Publishers	171
Swift Brothers, Swift's Choice Dressed Beef	150
Syburg Hardware Company				205

Telegram Cycle Manufacturing Co.		129
Thiele, Otto A., Pharmacist			126
Thomas, Geo. L., Undertaker			143
Tichenor, I. P., & Co., Commission Merchants	223
Toombs, James, Hot-Air Furnaces			135
Trenkamp, F., & Co., Manufacturers of Soaps	163
Trieschmann, C., Dealer in Leather Findings 
	and Shoe Store Supplies			127
Trostel, Albert, & Sons, Tanners and Curriers	100

Union Oil & Paint Co.				214
United States Clothing Co.			152

Vance, David, & Co., Insurance, etc.		181
Vanderwarf & Koelsch, 
        Ladies' and Gentlemen's Footwear	200
Van Ells, Anton, Dry Goods and Notion 
	Specialties				158
Van Eweyk, H. O., Secretary and Treasurer of the 
        Milwaukee Brass Manufacturing Co.	153
Veicht, Chas. H., Jeweler			162
Vilter Manufacturing Co., The, Steam Engines, 
        Refrigerating and Ice-making Machinery	121
Vogt, F., Secretary and 
        Treasurer of the Standard Brick Co.	173
Vonier, Louis, Grocer				135
Voss & Koenig, Stoves, Ranges, etc.		201
Voss, Herman, Bookbinder and Blank Book Maker	146

Wachs, J. C., Harness Maker			133
Waldeck, Jacob, & Son, 
        Dealers in Wines and Liquors		132
Wallis, W. W., Manager Goodyear Rubber Co.	144
Walter, Byron E., Hardware, South Milwaukee	189
Wangerin, Adolph, Vice-President of the 
	Semmann-Wangerin Co.			154
Warner, D. D., Co., 
        Manufacturers of High-Grade Bicycles	171
Warschauer, Henry, Scrap Iron, Metals, etc.	155
Wasweyler, W. H., President of 
        Milwaukee Brass Manufacturing Co.	153
Watkins, S. W., Manager Seamless Structural Co.	140
Watkins, Norman, Secretary and Treasurer 
	Backus Heating Co.			148
Weber, Louis P., Secretary and Treasurer of the 
        American Wall Paper and Paint Co.	159
Weimann & Muench, 
        Importers and Jobbers of Notions, etc.	126
Weis Brothers, 
        Jobbers in Bourbon and Rye Whiskies	136
Weissenborn Brothers, 
        Wholesale Notions and Novelties		160
Weissleder, Herman, Coppersmith			122
Weisel & Co., Sausage Manufacturers		125
Werner, A., Silversmith	175
West Side Manufacturing Co.			160
West, H. H., Co., 
        Stationers, Blank Book Makers, etc.	161
Western Lime and Cement Co.			103
Wetzel, A., & Bro., Printers			209
Whitehill & Co., Men's Furnishers		153
Whitnall Floral Company	211
Wilde, F. A., Secretary and Treasurer of the 
	Nordberg Manufacturing Co.		150
Willer Manufacturing Co., Sash, Door, 
	Blinds, etc.				148
Williamson, F. W., 
        President of Williamson & Haylett Co.	152
Williamson & Haylett Co., 
        Manufacturers of Soda Water Apparatus	152
Winckler, C. F., Cigars				161
Wisconsin Iron and Wire Works			198
Wisconsin Lakes Ice & Cartage Co.		223
Wisconsin National Bank, The			150
Wisconsin News Company, The			166
Wiltzius, M. H. & Co., Church Goods		110
Wolf, W. H., President 
        Telegram Cycle Manufacturing Co.	129
Wollaeger Manufacturing Co., The, 
        Interior Wood Finish			112
Wynoble & Schroeder, 
        Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants	152

Young, A., Vice-President 
        Semmann Manufacturing Co.		139

Zedler, Hugo, Dealer in Draperies, Carpets, 
	etc.					184
Zielsdorf, Otto, President of the Standard 
	Brick Co.				173
Ziemann, Wm., President Milwaukee Brewing Co.	101
Zimmermann & Stuckert, 
        Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters		205
Zuchike, Paul, Secretary of the Emil 
	Kiewert Co.				137
Zunker, Chas. H., Assistant Treasurer 
        Milwaukee Mechanics' Insurance Co.	110