Daughters of the American Revolution
The Daughters of the American Revolution or DAR was founded October 11, 1890 Incorporated 1896 by an Act of Congress and is headquartered in Washington, D.C. It is a volunteer women's service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America's future through better education for children.
To become a member you must be 18 years or age or older can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution.
See Also Milwaukee DAR Members
The American Monthly Magazine
By Daughters of the American Revolution
Edited by Mary S. Lockwood
Vol. XII.
January-June, 1898
The chair announced the names of the Committee appointed to draft resolutions of sympathy for Mrs. Peck, State Regent of Wisconsin, upon the death of her husband: Mrs. Hogg, Chairman, Miss Forsyth, Miss Kinney, Mrs. Depue and Mrs. Jackson
Roll of the Seventh National Congress
Chapter Regents and Delegates
Milwaukee Chapter, Milwaukee
Regent, Mrs. Thomas H. Brown, Mrs. D.H. Johnson.
Mrs. Henry C. Paine, Mrs. E.C. Wall
Mrs. J.V. Quarles, Mrs. W.L. Mason
Mrs. Ann Hazelton, Mrs. E.C. Gray
The American Monthly Magazine
By Daughters of the American Revolution
Edited by Mary S. Lockwood
Vol. XIII.
July-December, 1898
Milwaukee Chapter was delightfully entertained on June 17th from three until five o'clock by Mrs. Walter Kempster at the Aberdeen, the program being commemorative of the battle of Bunker Hill. Later in the afternoon a circular was read from the Chickamaurga Chapter, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, calling for assistance in the care of sick soldiers among the volunteer army at military hospitals near that city. Night clothes, bedding and other hospital supplies were asked for, as well as money, thirty-five or forty dollars being needed daily to purchase milk, eggs, ice, chickens and other delicacies. The appeal was discussed with enthusiasm; a paper was circulated and one hndred and forty dollars at once pledged. Additional subscriptions received later doubled this amount. A committee consisting of Mrs. S.S. Merrill, Mrs. Edward Ferguson and Mrs. J.B. Johnson was appointed to arrange for the work. Twenty-five dollars was at once sent through the Daughters of the American Revolution Hospital Corps at Washington and twenty-five dollars more was sent later. Over one hundred dollars was spent in purchasing materials for furnishing thirty-six hospital beds, besides pajamas, night-shirts and other hospital supplies. A dozen Daughters spent a day in cutting out and preparing the garments, and twelve sewing machines were loaned for the occasion. The Women's Auxiliary of Plymouth church offered the use of their parlors and lecture rooms, and a general invitation was extended to all loyal and patriotic women to be present. About two hundred responded and with willing fingers sewed from nien to six o'clock, the work being interrupted only olong enough to partake of lunch, which many brought with them, coffee being served by the ladies of the church. In two days the sewing was completed and with what was purchased comprised a list of 60 night-shirts, 60 pajamas, 110 pillow cases, 90 sheets, 112 towels, 4 dozen hankerchiefs, 36 pairs of slippers, 48 wash cloths, 36 pieces of mosquito bar, 6 dozen cakes of soap, 4 dozen bottles malted milk, 5 1/2 dozen bottles of milkine, 4 dozen air pillows, 24 gallons currantade, 33 quarts currant jam and jelly, some old linen and books. A dozen aprons were also made and sent to Miss Kathryn Conners, of Milwaukee, who is serving as nurse in the Leiter Hospital. The several boxes forwarded to Chattanooga were gratefully acknowledged by the Regent of the Chickamaugan Chapter, who stated that the supplies reached them at a moment of emergency.--Charlotte Miller Spaulding, Historian.
The American Monthly Magazine
By Daughters of the American Revolution
Edited by Mary S. Lockwood
Vol. XV.
July-December, 1899
Milwaukee Society
The last meeting of the year of the Milwaukee Socity of the children of the American Revolution was held at the residence of Mrs. Frederick H. Shepard, 1912 Wells Street, and owing to the fact that there will be no more sessions until fall, it was characterized by several special features which made it exceptionally pleasant.
Almost every member of the Society, in all nearly one hundred, was present, the guests being received by a committee of Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. James M. Fox and Miss Rachel Fox. The house was prettily decorated in a manner appropriate to the occasion, the dining room being festooned in the red, white and blue, carnations, cornflowers, and roses forming the necessary shades for the tri-color; while the adjoining rooms, the library and parlors, were trimmed with flowers, bunting and the similar decorations. Pictures of George Washington and the Society's emblems were likewise in evidence.
The meeting opened at 5 0'clock in the usual manner, which is the singing of "America" by the entire Society. Ex-Governor George W. Peck gave an entertaining talk on George Washington and was received with loud applause. Other features of the program were a vocal solo by Miss Jessie Starkweather, a reading by Miss Wilson, solo by Roy Tyrrell, an interesting talk on the flag by Mrs. Starkweather, and a Memorial Day song by Miss Dorothy Powers.
At the close of the meeting, supper was served by the members of the Board of managers of the Society. Mrs. Henry C. Payne and Miss Kate Pier presided in the dining room, assistedby the Misses Rachel Fox, Grace Collins, Grace Shawvan, Margaret Reynolds and Anna Shepard. The two hours following supper were spent on a trolley ride about the city. Two cars, gayly decorated with bunting and colored lights, were on hand at 7 o'clock and the entire party enjoyed an extremly pleasant ride-From the Sentinel, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
State Regent Wisconsin Mrs. James S. Peck, 5 Waverly Place, Milwaukee
List of United States Army Nurses Appointed on Recommendation of the Daughters of the American Revolution Hosptial Corps Wisconsin Milwaukee Chapter, Milwaukee Mrs. Alice L. Brown
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