GAR Wolcott Post

Civil War Military History

The Grand Army of the Republic may best be described as a visionary veterans organization whose members' dedication not only helped to preserve a nation, but also helped to ensure, through the establishment and institutionalization of laws, traditions and memorials, that our veterans and their contributions would not be forgotten by the American public.

Unfortunately, much of our community has forgotten the men who met here, in this room, once a week, preserving friendships and memories of the past, while planning for the future. Forgotten and perhaps lost forever are the artifacts, records and photos from another era that adorned these walls. Forgotten too is the room that contained in body and soul what Milwaukee knew about the American Civil War.

When the E.B. Wolcott Post was chartered on January 14, 1880, there was a renewed determination among the post's charter members. Nearly all of these men had been with posts which had failed earlier. Source: Grand Army of the Republic Plaque Presentation Souvenir at the Milwaukee Library's Centennial Hall, formerly "GAR Memorial Hall" March 21, 1998 By PDC Stephen A. Michaels

The following is from a book which describes the history of the past and its members.

Comrades in the Wolcott Post

History of the post
Those that have mustered out (deaths) and former members.
Number on the RosterLast NameFirst NameRankCompanyRegimentNo. Months
137 +AdamsAllen M.1st Lieutenant, C; Capt EC, E21st N.Y. Inf'y24
188AldrichL.F.PrivateD1st Wis Inf'y37
72 +AllansonGeoPrivate B5th Wis Inf'y
CaptainB24th Wis Inf'y42
43AngevineWm FPrivate, CaptainK98th N.Y. Inf'y46
258AndersonWm E.PrivateA22d Wis Inf'y34
100AnsonChas H.Private E, Regt. Q.M. Sergt.,11th Vt. Vols
2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutent Adj't1st Art11th Vt. Vols
A.A.A.G. 1st BrigHaskins Div22d A.C.
Bvt. Capt, Maj. A. D. C.2d Div 6th A.C.34
110AnsonFrank A.Private, E. Regt. Com. Sergt., Regt. Q.M. Serg. 2d Lt. C 1st Lt. A, Adjt 1st ArtE11th Vt. Vols21
274ArmitageJno E.1st Sergt, 1st Lt.K24th Wis Inf'y34
366ArndtE.W.PrivateH.12th Wis. Inf'y
C47th Wis Inf'y26
349Atwater Merritt B.1st Lt., Capt. G.51 Ill Inf'y
Bv't Maj51 Ill Inf'y48
273AudeFrederickCaptainA9th Wis. Inf'y7
197AustinEdward A.Private7th Wis Battery11
369BackhausAug.Corp.D51st Wis Infy5
133BaconEdwin NPrivate D, K31st Wis Infy35
221BaconJas. FPrivateG.24th Wis Inf'y9
405BakerEdward H.PrivateF1st Mass, Hvy Art23
242BallardAllen WPrivateD21st Wis Inf'y9
18BantleyBartPrivateB24th Wis Inf'y11
165*BardenwerperL.W.Artificer7th Wis Battery22
36BarberJas. HPrivateA6th Wis. Inf'y4
292BartelJno D.PrivateB16th Wis Inf'y8
178BartholomewJ.M.PrivateA7th Wis Inf'y
SergtE50th Wis Inf'y14
279BateWm. APrivateB1st Wis Inf'y4
62 +BaumbachC. vonCorp, SergC5th Wis Inf'y
2d Lt., Capt. And Maj24th Wis Inf'y28
368 +BeachJ.M.Private C92d N.Y. Infy
SergtD96th N.Y. Infy52
130 +BealsE. FrankCorpH.12th Mass Infy24
32BeanIrving MCaptainF5th Wis Inf'y22
307BecherJohn A1st Lt, Q.M34th Wis Infy9
82BellSamuel R.Private I28th Wis Inf'y14
89 +BellJoseph McC1st Lt. I 3d U.S. Cav.
Capt, Maj, Lt. Col. A.A.G.55
301BellA.W.1st Lt.44th Wis Inf;y6
390BenjaminH.S.Private, Sergt27th Mass Infy
2d Lt., Capt.K3d R.I. Cav49
388*+BennettArch D1st SergtA2d Wis Inf'y48
288BergesJosephPrivate7th Wis. Battery16
207BigsbyEdgarPrivateA14th Vt. Infy11
7BinnerPaulPrivate , 1st SergtF35th Wis Inf'y27
299BloodAlbert CPrivateF13th Wis Inf'y
Corp23rd Vet R.C.37
245*BloodgoodEdwPrivate, Sergt, Maj and Capt1st Wis Inf'y (3 mos)
Lt. Col., Col22d Wis Inf'y52
268BloomfieldWm. RPrivate, CorpD24th Wis Inf'y25
142BrackenHenry SQ.M. FrigateNew Ironsides, Gunboat Paul Jones, U.S.S. Columbia35
37*+BramahllE.H.Private, Corp an 1st SergtD24th Wis Inf'y8
231BrandeckerFrank1st Class BoyU.S. Gunboat Ottawa
CorpI35th Wis Inf'y48
214BrettJas MPrivateE3rd N.Y. Art11
344 +BrockwayLafayettePrivateB1st Wis Hv'y Art23
396*BrosiusGeo1st SergtE9th Wis. Inf'y
2d Lt.K35th Wis Inf'y34
183BrownRichard B.Asst SurgU.S Vols12
215BrownJames EPrivate, CorpA8th Wis Inf'y48
132BuckleyWilliamSergtE1st Wis Inf;'y4
96*BurdickNorman LCorp B24th Wis Inf'y
PrivateK43rd Wis Inf;y18
179*BurdickAlfred E.PrivateD1st Wis Inf'y37
220BurgessAlonzoPrivate, A.Q.M. Sergt41st Ills Infy37
252 +BurnellJoseph HPrivate, 1st Lt. and Capt.D2d Wis Cav32
383*+BurnsWm. H.SergtA3d Wis Inf'y
CorpG.6 U.S. Cav32
266CampbellHenry CPrivateG.1st Wis Cav36
52CarlsonOscar W.PrivateA28th Wis Inf'y37
140CarrLester LPrivateK1st Wis Cav9
189CarrierJohn APrivateA28th Wis Inf'y36
387CarterChas APrivateB13th Wis Inf'y51
341CaseEdwin DPrivate3d Wis Battery46
149ChapinChas APrivate Corp SergtK23d N.Y. Infy24
145Chase Geo HPrivate 2d Lt, 1st Lt, H. Sergt, Major1st Colo. Cav.38
386Chase Augustus LSeamanU.S.S. Fearnaught15
208CheneyWm. H.PrivateB13th Wis Inf'y38
159ChipmanD.W.2d and 1st Asst. EngU.S.S. Proteus19
311ClarkThomasPrivate.,Or. Sergt5th U.S. Infy60
4CoatesWm. E2d Lt., Capt.A28th Wis Inf'y37
92*+CollinsWm. APrivate, Corp, SergtB1st Wis Infy (3 mos)
1st. Lt. Adjt, CaptD10th Wis Infy43
162CollinsJohn WEnsignU.S. Frigate Wapash and Tacony24
332CollinsJoseph APrivateA53d Ills Infy41
143ConwayJames MPrivateK2d Conn Infy24
373CorsonAlonzoBugler1st Cal. Infy36
161CoxChas. GPrivateB1st Wis Heavy Art19
210 +CoxJoseph LPrivateA5th Wis Inf'y39
321CouseHarrison HPrivate, CorpF2d Ohio Cav50
361Daily MichaelPrivateG.20th Wis Inf36
323DavelaarMartinPrivateG.3d Wis Inf'y6
84DavisDaniel BPrin. MuI24th Wis Inf'y34
335DavisSpencer EPrivateK114th N.Y. Inf34
286 +DeLeurAlbertPrivateD116th Penn Infy,
Frigate Potomac, Sloop Vincennes, Gunboats Mackinack, Osceola and TaconyFrigate Potomac, Sloop Vincennes, Gunboats Mackinack, Osceola and Tacony49
240 +DeLoshFrederickPrivateB24th Mich Infy13
21DennyW.J.PrivateA1st Wis Infy (3 mos)
Corp7th Wis Battery
Armorer's MateU.S. Gunboat Augusta29
187Des ForgesGeoCorpD1st Wis Infy37
404 +DickinsonJas WPrivateH23d Mass Infy10
295*+DoerflingerChas H.Private, 1st Lt.B26th Wis Infy18
61 +DonaldsonEdwardPrivate, Corp, SergtE4th Wis Infy53
336DorseyMichaelSergtD24th Wis Inf'y36
109DrakeHenry1st Sergt, 2d LtA24th Wis Inf'y8
287DrakeLewis M.DrummerK39th Wis Inf-
271 +DreutzerCarl GCorpG.14th Wis Infy10
167DunnPatrick1st Sergt, 2d LtF24th Wis Inf'y34
322DurrCharlesPrivateD51st Wis Infy5
314EarlyPatrick TPrivateF34th N.Y. Infy50
29EddyGeorge T1st SergtA24th Wis Inf'y34
342 +EdmondsCharles APrivateA1st Mich Light Art
CaptVet Res. Corps39
324Edwerds Wm RFireman Ram Lafayette88th Ind. Infy11
269EignerGeorgePrivate B1st Wis Infy4
338EiringBernard H.Adj'tG.4th Mo Cav51
156ElliottEugene S.PrivateB7th Squad R.I. Cav3
346ElliotE.D.Private C1st Wis Infy
PrivateD21st Wis Inf'y
PrivateC3d Wis Inf'y21
339Ellis Charles HPrivateC51st Wis Infy5
238EllsworthE.T.SergtE2nd Wis Infy26
236EnosSolomon C.PrivateA38th Wis Infy17
181 +EstesRen LPrivate 2nd Lt.D7th Wis Inf'y26
296 +EwensAnton J.PrivateE26th Wis Infy26
222 +FarnhamCharles S.2nd Lt, 1st LtD25th Wis Infy23
289 +FarriesWilliamCorp, SergtE24th Wis Inf'y34
284FellowsHenry LPrivateA39th Wis Infy5
1 +FergusonEdwardPrivateA 1st Wis Infy (3 mos)
1st SergtA1st Wis Infy (3 years)
2nd LtC1st Wis Infy (3 years)24
25*+FertigJohn HPrivateD2nd Penn Infy
Corp, 1st SergtA1st Penn Cav47
16 +Fink HenryPrivateB26th Wis Infy21
139Fish J.H.PrivateB48th Wis Infy12
264 +FishStephen LPrivate, CorpA4th Wis Infy38
400FiskM.H.PrivateE40th Wis Infy4
174*+FlannaganJamesSergtI1st Wis Cav
PrivateI39th Wis Infy
1st Lt.A51st Wis Infy22
234FooteHorace CPrivateAChicago Light Art39
68FowlerChas B.SergtB20th Wis Inf
1st SergtH48th Wis Infy47
253*+FoxDaniel WPrivate, CorpB76th N.Y. Infy40
350French A.D.Private, 1st Lt, Capt. A22d Conn Infy40
144FrieseF.W.PrivateA39th Wis Infy
1st Lt. G.36th Wis Infy4
206FrisbieJames S1st Lt. G.36th Wis Infy
Adjt53d Wis Infy7
393FullerJeromeBugler1st Wis Battery45
237FullerSidney L.Asst Surg21st Wis Inf'y
Surgeon24th Ills Infy17
402GardnerC.P.PrivateK1st Wis Cav12
255GallowayJohn MPrivateD10th N.Y. Heavy Art34
227GarrisonWmMusicianL9th N.Y. Heavy Art19
106GeorgeJohn SPrivateB2nd N.Y. Cav9
256 +GibbsAlbertPrivateC1st N.Y. Mar. Art.13
204GillettRobert ACapt.K43d Wis Infy10
203GlassnerGeorgeMusicianD58th Ills. Infy6
364GoelzerJacob HPrivateG.28th Wis Inf'y36
329GoodhueW.FPrivateC3d Wis Infy51
213GoodmanFredPrivate9th Wis Battery35
157*+GrahameFrankPrivateA6th Wis. Inf'y49
316GrangerJ.C.PrivateB11th N.Y. Infy10
293GrassieThomas GChap108th N.Y. Infy12
102GrayThomas SPrivateD2nd Ills Cav20
247 +GrayPharoPrivate, Com. Sergt, Q.M. Serg. 2d Lt., Capt.C5th Mich Cav36
119GreenWillard OSergt. 1st SergtE24th Wis Inf'y4
63GreggLuther BPrivateK135th Ohio Infy7
176GuileEben MCorp, A.Q.M. Sergt10th Minn Infy36
171GwynneThosCorpC2d Ohio Infy
Capt A50th Ohio Infy40
24HallAhira WPrivateH.83 Penn Infy16
261HalseySabinePrivateF41st Wis Inf4
76HamiltonChas AMaj, Lt. Col7th Wis Inf'y19
98HannafordGeo APrivateElgin Battery Ills. Vol
1st Lt, Adj't47th Ky Inf
Lt. Col124th U.S. Col'd Infy38
47HansonMoses P2d Asst, 1st Asst Surg, Surgeon2d Wis Cav47
395HandOscar EPrivateA1st Conn Heavy Art25
200HansonD.B.PrivateA18th Ohio Infy22
374HannonJamesSergB57th Ills Infy44
166HarshawChas GPrivateB41st Wis Inf
SergtI47th Wis Inf'y12
107HauxhurstSidneyCorp, Sergt6th Wis Batty37
370HawleyFrank WBugler7th Wis Battery36
272HeathHenry APrivateC137th Ills Infy5
241HelmerAlbert MSurgeon28th N.Y. Infy18
363HickmanChasCorpD24th Wis Inf'y33
56*HobartHarrison CCapt4th Wis Infy
Lt Col., Colonel21st Wis
Bv't Brig. GenU.S. Vol51
116HolbrookArthurPrivate, SergtF5th Wis Inf'y
1st Lt. 28th Wis Inf'y
1st Lt. Adjt39th Wis Infy25
263HomistonForbesDrum Major10th Wis Infy20
23HookerSamuel J.PrivateB5th Wis Inf'y
2d Lt. H.31st Wis Infy21
108HoskinsAlbert ACorpB16th Wis Inf'y9
306HoutzJ.W.PrivateD47th Ill Infy23
260HowieD.W.PrivateB5th Wis Inf'y38
345HubbardChas H.PrivateI39th Wis Infy4
347HubbardFrankPrivate, SergtD151st N.Y. Infy34
219HydeChas WPrivateK2d Wis. Infy
2d Lt. 1st Lt Capt.B1st Wis Heavy Art38
172IdeGeo W1st SergtK15th Vt. Infy12
195IversonJohn CPrivateA, C5th Wis Infy56
182 +JacksonMasonPrivateCFremont's Body Guard
2d Lt. Bv'tCapt.25th U.S. Infy44
71*+JohnsonJerome BSergt, 2d Lt. 1st LtE6th Wis Infy21
212JosslynEugene S.PrivateC15th Maine Infy20
362KennanT.L.1st Lt. G10th Wis Infy10
128KeepersW.H.PrivateA23d Wis Infy35
99*+KellnerH.C.PrivateF6th Wis Infy45
304 +KeltnerTheodorePrivateD1st Wis Infy38
229 +KendallChas MPrivateK29th Wis Infy33
85KeyesDwight W1st Lt., Q.M.1st Wis Infy (3 mos)3
385*KidneyJno D.PrivateH5th W.Va. Cav37
13KilbournByron H.2d Lt.D3d Wis Cav.12
201KindtChas. FPrivateC26th Wis Infy
108th Co., 2d BattnV.R.C.36
30KochHenry CPrivateB24th Wis Inf'y33
337KreigC.A.Private, CorpE 151st N.Y. Infy34
250 +KruseChristianPrivateE21st Wis Infy15
398KloesAdamPrivateG24th Wis Inf'y6
243LafferWm. L1st SergtD52 Ohio Infy34
196LaflinJohn WPrivateE29th Wis Infy35
381 +LandoldtWm. H.Private, Corp, 1st SergtC, A20th N.Y. Infy
PrivateH35th Wis Inf'y
1st Lt. Capt.K45th Wis Infy41
91MontiethRobert1st Sergt, 2nd Lt. Capt.H. Adjt7th Wis Infy37
115MooneyMichael J.PrivateF12th Wis. Inf'y12
146MottCharles WMusicianA6th Mich Heavy Art14
303MuellerAugust FPrivateH1st Wis Infy (3 mos)
2d Lt., 1st Lt.A26th Wis Infy10
235NelsonNelsPrivateD32d Wis Infy34
291 +NewJosephPrivate, CorpF24th Wis Inf'y34
257NiedeckenHCorpB5th Wis Infy
2d Lt.I29th Wis Infy37
80*+NiedermanConradCorpB24th Wis Inf'y34
359Nicholson GuyPrivateK24th Wis Inf'y13
313 +NorthropWillis GPrivateG108th N.Y. Infy35
351NyeEdward QPrivateG72d Ills Infy
D33d Ills Infy24
290ParkerB.F.Private, Corp, SergtK2d Wis Heavy Art53
114ParksRichardPrivate1st Wis Battery10
399*+PartridgeWm. H.Private, Corp SergtB24th Wis Inf'y34
393ParsonsEdwin B1st Lt., Capt. K24th Wis Inf'y32
310PattersonAlbertCorpI28th Wis Inf'y36
354PeabodyA.G.PrivateA30th Wis Infy
CaptI, B51st Wis Infy33
88PeckGeo WPrivate, 2d Lt.L4th Wis Cav30
403PeckhamGeo WOrd. Sergt, Sr. 1st Lt.B1st Wis Heavy Art26
246PennefeatherJ.E.SergtH13th U.S. Infy36
380PerryJas. H.PrivateE.14th Brooklyn Infy
2d Lt.I48th N.Y. Infy5
298 +PhillipsJohn BPrivateK19th Mass Infy40
312PierC.K.PrivateI1st Wis Infy (3 mos)
Lt. Col.38th Wis Infy21
259*+PierceOscar H.Private, Corp, 1st SergtB5th Wis Inf'y51
319PlumLouis H.2d Lt., CaptK72d Penn Infy15
302PossonGeo. BPrivateE43th U.S. Infy20
153 +PowersJohnPrivateI76th Penn Infy23
406QuarlesJos. V.1st Lt. C39th Wis Infy4
371 +RaffaufJacobPrivate, 1st LtH.8th N.Y. Infy19
239RamseyJohn MPrivateF26th Ky Infy32
194RaynorW.CPrivateD23d Wis Inf
SergtA49th Wis Infy17
375*+ReedHenry APrivate, 1st Sert, 1st LtI24th Wis Inf'y34
86*+ReillyBernard OCapt, MajE164th N.Y. Infy39
332ReussFredSergt, Q.M. SergtB26th Wis Infy35
356ReuterChristianPrivateI45th Wis Infy9
81RichardsonW.H.Q.M. Sergt1st Fla Cav23
280RichardsonCharlesPrivateI76th N.Y. Infy34
249RiebsJ.M.PrivateB35th Ind Infy9
3RiesFlorian J.PrivateD1st Wis Infy (3 mos)
1st Sergt, 1st. Lt.D16th Wis Infy46
305RobbinsEdward WPrivate, 1st Lt. and Capt.F27th Wis Infy21
65RobinsonGeo. IPrivate, 1st Lt. CaptainChicago Board of Trade Battery35
164RodeeAlbert CPrivateB118th N.Y. Infy34
275RogersChas. DPrivate, Q.M. SergtG.15th Wis Infy24
6 +RogersHenry GPrivate, Corp, 1st SergtB24th Wis Inf'y18
218*RogersMatthew SPrivate7th Wis Battery47
163RoseAlexander GPrivate177th N.Y. Infy
PrivateB11th N.Y. Lt. Art30
309RosendaleSamuelCorp D177th N.Y. Infy11
15RosenkransOmar L.Private28th N.Y. Indp. Battery36
64*RossCharles H.1st Lt., Adjt., Bvt. Maj13th Ind. Infy
A.D.C. Gen. Griffin1st Div.5th A.C.A.A.A.G.
3d Brig1st Div.5th A.C.A.A.A.G.44
198RountreeGeorge HCorpC2d Cal Cav37
5RundleJoseph P1st SergtG.20th Wis Infy36
267 +SackettCharles EDrum MajorD51st Wis Infy5
217Sanford W.H.PrivateD2d R.I. Infy15
154SarnowChristian2 LtA1st Wis Infy3
112SavilleJames RPrivate, 1st LtH.3d Mich. Infy9
376 +SchermerhornJ.T.SergtH.1st U.S. Sharpshooters36
285 +SchoenfeldJuliusPrivate I15th Pa. Cav40
226SchorseOtto1st Sergt, 2d Lt., 1st Lt, CaptF6th Wis Infy28
77SeamanA.D.2d Class BoyU.S. Navy12
360SextonLevi WSergtK24th Wis Inf'y7
44ShermanLewis M.PrivateA24th Wis Inf'y35
140ShermanWm. L.PrivateB41st Wis Inf3
151SholesLewisMusicianA39th Wis Infy4
186SimpsonWm. H.PrivateC140th Ills Infy6
136SkinnerCharles DPrivateA39th Wis Infy4
175SmithJabez M.PrivateA39th Wis Infy4
199 +SmithStephen RPrivateK24th Wis Inf'y6
308SpencerRobert CPrivateK3d U.S. Res Mo Vols.3
38StanleyWm. S. Jr2d Lt.B13th N.Y. Art
1st Lt., Bvt CaptI6th N.Y. Art23
281Stansbury, Geo. HGeo. H.Private, 2d Lt.B49th Wis Infy6
233StarkHenry MPrivateG.18th U.S. Infy42
179StarkweatherWm H.Q.M. Sergt1st Wis Infy5
69*StillmanEllicott R.Corp, Sergt, Sergt Maj85th N.Y. Infy46
327*+StollenwerkBernardCorpK24th Wis Inf'y36
408StoneFestus TPrivateH.8th N.Y. Heavy Art11
365StrongMyron LPrivateI65th Ills Infy37
205SutherlandGeo. EPrivateA1st N.Y. Light Art
CaptB13th U.S. Col'd Heavy Art38
22SwainWilliam CPrivate, 2d Lt. 1st Lt, CaptB93d N.Y. Inf-
113*+SwanCharles HCorp, SergtB24th Wis Inf'y8
377Swift Thos WPrivateH.28th Wis Inf'y11
155TallkmadgeSamuel HPrivate AChicago Light Art
Private H.Chicago Mer. Batty26
228TaylorWm. GCorpB6th Ohio Infy4
158TeetzelLorenzo H.SergtB6th Mich Heavy Art36
265ThayerHollister BPrivate B1st Wis Cav37
191Thomas Geo LPrivateD2d Ky Infy21
270ThompsonWm. WSergtK24th Wis Inf'y7
117TitsworthJudsonU.S. Gunboat Grand Gulf12
379Travis JohnPrivateF6th Ills Cav9
190 +TrowbridgeWm E.SergtB24th Wis Inf'y
2d LtB16th Wis Inf'y35
9 +ValentinHarry APrivate, Sergt.H.14th Ohio Infy
1st Lt.B14th Ohio Infy46
193VanceL.R.Seaman, Acting EnsignU.S. Navy48
232 +Van NormanGeo. BSergtH.8th Wis Inf'y49
317VebberOrvillePrivateB24th Wis Inf'y24
406VeitchWm.2d and 3d Asst Eng.U.S.S. Wyandotte, Mt. Washington, Galatea, and Maumee47
105VlietJohn BCaptI51st Wis Infy
Lt. Col51st Wis Infy37
320 +WaiteG. SpencerPrivate SergtB5th Wis Inf'y39
358WaiteJeromePrivateD8th U.S. Infy49
352*WalkerW.M.PrivateE22d Wis Inf'y
PrivateC3d Wis Infy43
74WallaceJ.J.Private4th Wis Battery38
367WalshFrank A.PrivateH67th Ills Infy4
48*WatrousJ.A.PrivateE6th Wis. Infy A.A.
Ord Sergt, Sergt Maj, 1st Lt, Adjt Bvt Capt.A.A.A. Gen Iron Brig Col.Brig Gen. W.N.G.47
8WayA.B.F.PrivateH35th N.Y. Infy24
126*+Weed John P.Private B13th Conn. Infy37
78 +Weissert A.G.PrivateK Sergt Maj8th Wis Inf'y48
318WeldenHenry CPrivateG.24th Wis Inf'y34
104WestF.H.Lt. Col31st Wis Infy
Bv't Brig Gen Vols35
223WhartonF.L.PrivateC154th Ohio Infy5
103WheelerCorneliusPrivate, Corp, Sergt, 1st Sergt, 1st Lt.I2nd Wis Infy37
353 +WhiteJohn GPrivateF1st Wis Infy
PrivateF30th Wis Infy45
262WhitehillRobertActing 2d and 1st Asst EngU.S. Navy20
378WhitneyW.H.PrivateA1st Wis Infy (3 mos)4
83WincklerC.F.PrivateC2nd N.J. Cav39
60 +WincklerF.C.Capt.B. Maj Lt. Col26th Wis Infy
Bv'ts Col. And Brig Gen Vols33
355Winter Eratus RPrivateH35th Wis Inf'y29
73WolcottGeo HPrivateK135th Ohio Infy5
401WolfendenJLandsmanU.S. Monitor, Passaic, U.S. Ship Vermont13
202WordenAlbert L.Landsman and Paymaster ClerkU.S.S. Michigan and Flag Ship Black Hawk7