Biographies and Family Information
Includes Marriages, Births, Confirmations, Baptisms
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H. H. Camp, Pioneer Financier, Is Dead Pneumonia, and Stroke of Paralysis Suffered on May 13 [1901], Causes of Death Came to Milwaukee in '52 Many Milwaukee Financial Men Pay Glowing Tribute to Sterling Character Foresaw Silver Issue Was One of the Founders of First National Bank, and Cashier Until 1882 Recent Deaths in Milwaukee
March 9-- John H. Van Dyke April 8-- William T. Durand April 9-- Gustave C. Trumpff April 24- John Toohey May 6 -- E. D. Coe May 7 -- Judge H. L. Palmer May 8 -- Edwin Hyde May 10 -- Bernard Stern May 15 -- Mrs. T. A. Chapman May 16 -- W. J. Schmidt May 19 -- John F. Pollworth May 22 -- Hoel H. Camp
Hoel H. Camp, pioneer Milwaukee banker, died at 11:20 o'clock on Saturday in his home, 255 Prospect avenue, as the result of a stroke of paralysis suffered on May 13.
Members of the family were at the bedside when the end came.
Mr. Camp celebrated his eighty-seventh birthday anniversary on Jan. 27, and he was among Wisconsin's best known bankers, being one of the organizers of the First National Bank.
After the paralytic stroke Mr. Camp never showed signs of recovery and within the last week pneumonia developed, affecting his heart and hastening the end.
The Funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in St. Paul's church, interment will be in Forest Home cemetery. Burial will be private.
Started Life as Clerk
H.H. Camp came to Milwaukee in the winter of 1852. He was a native of Vermont, born in Derby, Orleans county, on Jan. 27, 1822.
Camp's father, David Manning was lieutenant governor of Vermont for a number of years, and helped to organize the first senate of that state, his portrait adorning the state chamber in the capitol of Vermont. H.H. Camp passed his boyhood days in Derby, Vt. receiving his early education in the local public school. At the age of 15 years he became the clerk for a Montpelier merchants' firm and after several years' experience in Boston, and other cities, he started in business for himself with Charles Paine, ex-governor of Vermont.
A few years later he sold out his interest in the store opened by him at Northfield, and decided to go west. He came to Milwaukee, and after one year's experience in the wholesale grocery business, became interested in the Farmers' and Millers' bank. He served as cashier of the bank up to the time of the enactment of the national banking law, and then participated in the organization of the First National Bank, the first bank organized in Wisconsin under the new law.
Was Banking Authority.
Mr. Camp was cashier of the bank until 1882, when upon the expiration of the bank's first sharter(sic), the bank was reorganized. Mr. Camp becoming president. He served as such until December, 1893, when after the consolidation of the bank with the Merchants' Exchange Bank, he retired from its active management, still retaining, however, a large interest in the consolidated institution and continuing to serve as director until 1900, when he sold his interests and severed all connection with the bank.
His forty years' experience in banking made him an authority on the banking business, and whenever important financial questions came up his opinion was always eagerly sought.
His papers at the meeting of the Bankers' club were a subject of special attention, and many are the papers and articles he has written on financial subjects. He passed through the period of wild cat banking and an address on this subject entitled "History of Western Banking," delivered at the annual convention of the American Bankers' association in Saratoga, N.Y. in August, 1879, attracted much attention. As far back as 1887 Mr. Camp foretold the silver strive and its danger.
Foresaw Silver Issue
In a paper read before the Milwaukee Bankers' club on Oct. 26, 1887, he said:
"The one other threatening element in the condition of government finances is the silver question. Nervous people have already begun to see in the commisory law a coin 412 grain silver dollars a cloud much larger than a man's hand and now the value of these coins is about 70 cents each, and still the coining goes on. The theory and practice of all financiers who commend the use of silver in this way is at variance with the opinions of the best financiers in every civilized country on the globe. Should the balance of trade with other nations turn against us, so as to require a large exportation of money, nothing but gold will pay our debts, and no man can tell how much must go before gold will be at a premium."
While always contributing liberally to charity, Mr. Camp in 1886 devised a novel plan for aiding the deserving poor. He organized the so-called Charity Relief association, setting aside $40,000, the interest upon which was devoted to the loaning of money to the needy, so as to save them from the extortion of chattel mortgage men. The articles of organization of the Charity Relief association provided that the fund be used for loaning out the interest upon it at not more than 6 per cent interest, and that the earnings be added to the fund so as to keep it growing and enabling the trustees of the fund to extend their activity as years advance.
Organized Trust Company
Mr Camp was trustee of the Chamber of Commerce Gratuity fund, trustee of the hospital for the insane, and has been for years identified with the Associated Charities. The only function he held for years outside of this position in the bank was the directorship of the Northwester National Fire Insurance company.
Upon retiring from the active management of the First National bank, towards the end of 1893, Mr. Camp organized the Milwaukee Trust company, with a capital of $100,000, assuming the position of president. Since January, 1894, he devoted his time to the management of the trust company, resigning as president in 1901.
Mr. Camp was married in 1848 to Miss Caroline R. Baylies, Montpelier, Vt., the children of the marriage being Mrs. E. Nelson, Ishpeming, Mich. and Robert Camp, now president of the Milwaukee Trust company.
Several Children Survive
Mrs. Camp died in Milwaukee in 1859 and two years later Mr. Camp married Miss Anna Bigelow, Burlington, Vt. The children by this marriage are Miss Anna Camp, now Mrs. John H. Van Dyke, Jr., Thomas E. Camp, Julia F. Camp, and Mrs. George E. Keiser.
Fourteen grandchildren and four great grandchildren also survive.
In politics Mr. Camp always was a republican. His activities, however, never extended beyond ardent labor for the adoption of party principles, and acting occasionally as delegate to a convention.
But one or two bankers have been in the business as long in this city as Mr. Camp. Charles Ilsley probably is the only man who began at about the same time as Mr. Camp.
When Mr. Camp first came to Milwaukee he joined St. Paul's Episcopal church and attended it for ten years, some of that time serving as warden. When he moved to the west side of the city in 1863, he joined the parish of St. James' church and remained there twenty-nine years, twenty of them as senior warden. On his return to the east side six years ago he also returned to St. Paul's.
Grief Among Bankers.
Milwaukee bankers are deeply grieved over the death of Mr. Camp. The news rapidly circulated among the banks of the city and on every hand were heard expressions of regret at the passing of him who had long been looked up to and esteemed as the dean in Milwaukee banking circles.
"When I first knew H. H. Camp well he was the original of the old Farmers' and Millers' bank, which was incorporated soon after the national banking law was passed," said Washington Becker, president of Marine National bank. "Mr. Camp was always a most painstaking conservative and careful banker. He was a man of sound financial ideas, mentally well equipped to cope with all financial problems of the day. As did all other Milwaukee bankers, I respected Mr. Camp highly. His loss will be felt by us all.
Last of Old Guard.
"The death of Mr. Camp takes away the last of the old guard of Milwaukee bankers," said J.W.P. Lombard, president of the National Exchange bank. "When I first came to Milwaukee he was the dean of the banking profession in the city. Mr. Camp had already won the reputation he has had ever since-that of being an able and conservative man and banker.
"Among bankers he was always much liked for those reasons and because of his genial disposition and manners. We all regretted when Mr. Camp was compelled to give up active business."
Held in High Regard
"I regret exceedingly to hear of Mr. Camp's death," said George W. Strohmeyer, president of Milwaukee National bank. "He was a veteran of the banking business in Milwaukee and, I think, its pioneer. His death is a great loss to the city.
"I did not know Mr. Camp really intimately, but even his slightest acquaintances held him in high regard."
Honored Among Bankers
"No man in Milwaukee's banking and financial circles stood higher than did Mr. Camp," said James K. Ilsley, president of Marshall & Ilsley bank. "His was a long and honorable career. Mr. Camp's name was a synonym for able and conservative banking. He was always looked up to and highly respected among bankers."
"I had known Mr. Camp for twenty years, said Fred Vogel, Jr., president of Frist(sic) National bank. "He was undoubtedly one of the best bankers that was ever active in business in Milwaukee. Mr. Camp was an able financier, conservative and conscientious in all his dealings. He was a man of fine judgement and pleasant to meet and to work with.
"In his death Milwaukee loses the last of its old bankers."
Love for His Church
Mr. Camp was long an active participant in church affairs and his loss is keenly felt by his associates in St. James' Protestant Episcopal church vestry, of which he was for many years a member.
"I am deeply grieved to learn of the death of Mr. Camp, with whom I was associated on the St. James vestry from 1885 until he left the church in 1897," said Judge W.J. Turner. "One of the most pronounced sides of Mr. Camp's character was his live for his church. He was bound up in it both materially and spiritually.
"Mr Camp was always a devout and thoughtful man. He was a great support to the minister of the church. I have heard many rectors of St. James speak in the highest terms of the aid that Mr. Camp had been to them in their work. When Mr. Camp moved to he east side members of the St. James congregation considered it a great loss to the church. He was a great material assistance to St. James and gave liberally toward it. part of the present chimes was donated by him."
----------------------H.H. Camp
Another of Milwaukee's honored veterans has fallen. Once again the solemn funeral bell tolls the knell of the life of one of the city's strong characters.
Milwaukee is poorer today because Hoel H. Camp is no more. FOr more than fifty years he has enriched this city with the character and his deeds. He was one of the city's builders. He was more than identified with Milwaukee's leading financial institutions. He was one of its creators and builders. He was vitally connected with the financial growth and development of this city until it became one of the strongest cities in the financial world.
Mr. Camp was also interested in philanthropic and religious work. he gave freely and generously of his means and labor for the moral and spiritual advancement of his community.
His character was as strong and rugged as the granite hills of his own native Vermont. He was one of God's nobleman.
Chief carpenter of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad shops in Milwaukee, is one of the men who came West when this section of the country was entering upon an era of growth and development that can hardly be paralleled in the history of this great nation. At that period, when Milwaukee was beginning its existence, there came thither fro all parts of the world, men poor but honest, with sturdy independence and a determination to succeed, who have achieved results entitling them to a page in the history of the city which they have helped to make. Among those who aided in the advancement of Milwaukee is Archibald D. Campbell, the subject of this brief sketch. He was born in Scotland on June 4,1836, the son of William and Jane (Binnie) Campbell, both of whom were born and reared in the same country. Archibald was given the benefit of an elementary education in the public schools of his native country and after leaving school learned the carpenter's trade in Glasgow. He lived in Scotland for several years, but after his mother's death came to America with his father and located in Milwaukee. The elder Campbell was also a carpenter and worked at his trade until his death in 1876. Archibald worked as a carpenter after coming to this country, and then obtained a position in the shops of the Jefferson & Indianapolis Railroad, where he was employed several years. In 1888 he accepted a position as carpenter in the shops of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. Like so many of his race, Mr. Campbell was an expert workman, paid strict attention to business and was rapidly advanced to chief carpenter of the shops I Milwaukee, which position he has continued to hold for the past thirty years. Today he is one of the oldest and most valued of the road's employees. In 1865, Mr. Campbell was united in marriage with Miss Rochial Wylie, who has borne him four children; John J., Jane B., Mary R. and William A.
Source: Memoirs of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin Vol. I & II by Jerome Anthony Watrous, 1909, pg. Pg 382
Son of John and Catharine, Scotch emigrants, who settled in Canada, in 1814, was born near London, Ontario, December 3, 1827; went to Buffalo in 1843, from which port he sailed for Chicago the following season, as ordinary seaman, in the brig "UNCLE TOM". In 1845-6 he sailed in the "SARAH GREEN" and the following season was with Cook & Colvil of Ontario, his first employers. In 1848 he was with the propeller "DELAWARE," and also from 1849 to 1852, when he became second officer, a position he held the following season in the "SANDUSKY." In 1854 he was second mate of the "BUCEPHALUS," the same season that she was sunk at Lexington. Was second mate of the "IOWA," propeller, in 1855, mate in 1856, and the two following seasons sailed the schooner "UNDINE" as captain. From 1860 to 1866 was successively mate of the schooners "OLEANDER," "TRAVELER," and "FRED HILL"; the bark "GREAT WEST," the propeller, "GOVERNOR CUSHMAN," and the brig "BAY CITY," and from 1867 to 1870 inclusive, was master of the "MENOMONEE." In 1871 sailed as master of the schooner "THREE BELLS," of which he is joint owner, and has sailed her every season since. Besides his lake service, Capt. Campbell has made voyages to Panama, and to points on the Atlantic coast, the Gulf, the Caribbean Sea, and the Mississippi River. Was shipwrecked twice in one trip, while in the "MENOMONEE," but saves his crew. Capt. Campbell was married in Buffalo, December 25, 1856, to Catharine McDougal, a Canadian girl of Scotch parentage, who has accompanied him in many of his voyages. They have had six children, four living, Katie J., born November 17, 1857; Archibald L., October 29, 1861; Alexander D., May 7, 1864; Isabella A., September 21, 1867. The family are members of the Spring Street Congregational Church, and reside on Twenty seventh street, just south of Clybourn.
Source: History of Milwaukee County, 1881)
Image at Linking Your Past Photo Gallery
Source: Milwaukee City Directory for 1857 & 1858
Volume 1 First Series Milwaukee: Steam Press of King, Jermain & Co. 205 and 207 East Water Street
Captain Charles Carland, holding the responsible position of keeper of the United States Life Saving Station at Milwaukee, Wis., is in this connection a practical illustration of the time-honored aphorism, "The right man in the right place."
The Captain was born in Sweden, July 11, 1863, a son of John Carland, who was a fisherman at Halmstad, Sweden, and here young Charles remained until he was thirteen years old, when he commenced the life of a sailor, shipping first on the barkentine Ludwick, on which he remained four months, leaving her at Helsingor, Denmark; then went on the brig Triepput for the balance of the season. In the following year he went to Liverpool, England, and from there shipped on the bark Martin, bound for Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he left her for the Lulah, sailing to the Brazils, remaining on her some eighteen months; then sailed to St. John's, Newfoundland, and from there to London. At the latter port he shipped on the bark Star of Bengal, bound for Calcutta, and made three trips to India on her; next went on the C.W. Wolf, of Belfast, Ireland, destined for Bombay, making one trip and returning by way of Baltimore, thence again proceeding to London. Here he shipped on the steamer Romeno, of the Wilson line, which was run down off Newfoundland and was sunk inside of thirteen minutes, all on board being saved; on this vessel he served for some time. His next experience was in deep-sea fishing, in the North Sea, from Hull, England, a pursuit he followed some twenty-five months. He then shipped on a vessel bound for Spain, and after that voyage he came, in April, 1887, to this country, his first vessel being the Scotia from Buffalo, making two trips on her to Chicago. In April, 1890, he applied for and passed the necessary examination for appointment to the Life Saving Station at Milwaukee, under Capt. N.A. Peterson, and, with the exception of the year 1891, has been stationed there ever since.
Early in 1898, he was made active keeper, and after serving in that position six weeks, was appointed keeper by the United States Government, and was inducted into that office with full powers. Since that time he has made fourteen wreck reports. His crew consists of surfmen Frank Gerdis, Henry Sinnegan (who had the honor of being detailed as one of the exhibition crew at the Omaha Exposition), William Peterson, John Allie, Julius Meyers, Charles Johnson, Immel O. Peterson and Richard Wacksmith, their numbers conforming to the order in which they are named. They are a fine body of men, and all expert boatmen, several of them having also sailed before the mast. The most important assistance rendered distressed vessels and mariners since Captain Carland assumed full command of the Milwaukee Station, was on April 4 to the schooner D.P. Dobbins, which they helped to get into port; the rescue of a man apparently drowned, by surfman Julius Meyers while on patrol; the schooner Alida, which sprang a leak; on July 24, the rescue of seven men from a capsized boat; to the schooner Butcher Boy, dismantled four miles southeast of Kenosha; on August 3, the crew pulled fifteen miles out into the lake north of the station, when there was a dangerous sea on, to the rescue of the scow Dan Hayes and a crew of six men, the scow being dismantled and helpless; August 17, to relieve the schooner Abbie, which had sprung a leak; later were the means of saving a skiff going out into the lake, with a man asleep on it, and a fisherman who was struggling amid the breakers in the South bay; on October 25, 1898, when the schooner Barbarian, of Chicago, was caught in a gale of sixty miles an hour, this crew came to her rescue and took seven men from off her; and November 20, of the same year, saved two fishermen from a watery grave.
It is almost unnecessary to add that the Milwaukee Life Saving Station is one of the most important on the lakes, and that no better all-round experienced and reliable man could have been found to fill the position of keeper than Captain Carland. He is a typical self-made man, a born sailor and of the right stuff, and since coming to the United States has become quite proficient in the English language. The Captain is a married man and has one son.
Source: Unknown
Source:Memoirs of Milwaukee County : from the earliest historical times down to the present, including a genealogical and biographical record of representative families in Milwaukee County (1909), By Jerome Anthony Watrous
Oscar Wilhelm Carlson, M. D., a native of Stockholm, Sweden, is the only member of his immediate family to come to America. He was born Aug. 1, 1843, and is a son of Charles J. And Caroline Sophia (Leuthstrom) Carlson, the former for many years connected with the Swedish Army, and the latter a descendant of a French family who followed the fortunes of Bernadotte into Sweden, and was among his loyal supporters after he became king. Two of Dr. Carlson's maternal uncles having settled in America, the lad, at the age of ten years, set out alone to join them, taking passage in a sailing vessel from Goteborg. The third day out the vessel was wrecked by a storm, and drifted helplessly about for three months before it was sighted and towed into the harbor of Londonderry, Ireland. Undaunted by this terrible experience, he again took passage for New York, arriving in that port Jan. 13, 1854, and immediately continued his journey to Columbus, Ohio, to the home of his uncle. Dr. Leuthstrom. The following year he accompanied his uncle to Waukesha, Wis., where he attended the public schools for some three years, and then went to St. Croix County, where he was employed in a lumber camp.
Returning to Waukesha in August, 1862, he enlisted in the Twenty-Eighth Wisconsin Infantry, and served the full term of three years. He was with his regiment in its operations in Arkansas and on the Mississippi, and in the brilliant engagement at Helena when the union forces of 4,000 were attacked by the enemy numbering 18,000. He was also in the siege of mobile and before Spanish Fort, when the Twenty-Eighth Wisconsin was in the trenches from March 27 until April 8. In addition to the ordinary duties of a soldier he was repeatedly detailed to special and important assignments by General Steele. He was honorably discharged from military duty Sept. 22, 1865, and returning to Wisconsin began the study of medicine under the preceptorship of his uncle, Dr. Charles Leuthstrom, who had in the meantime removed to Milwaukee, where he had acquired a large and lucrative practice. Later he matriculated at Hahnemann Medical College, and was graduated from the same in 1872.
For the five years succeeding he followed the practice of his profession in Milwaukee, in partnership with his uncle, Dr. Leuthstrom, when failing health compelled him to abandon it for a time. Purchasing a ranch in Clark County, Kas., Dr. Carlson spent the next two years in outdoor life, regaining his health. Before returning to the practice of medicine he took a trip abroad, visiting his native land, and supplementing his professional knowledge by visiting the leading hospitals of England and the continent, and taking careful observations. On returning to Milwaukee he entered into a partnership with Dr. Danforth, who had purchased the business when Dr. Carlson was obliged to give it up, and this partnership continued for three years, when it was dissolved, and the latter opened an office by himself. In the intervening years, the doctor's practice has steadily increased, and his professional ability has been recognized in many ways. He has been president of the Wisconsin Homeopathic Society, President of the Milwaukee Academy of Medicine, Supreme Medical Director for the United States for the Royal Adelphia, and medical examiner for the Royal Arcanum of the State of Wisconsin.
He belongs to the orders mentioned, and also to the Grand Army of the Republic, and has been commander of the E. B. Wolcott Post, No. 1, and held positions on the staffs of Generals Fairchild, Veasy and Warner, when they were commanders-in-chief of the grand army. Dr. Carlson, like all members of his profession, has been frequently called upon to give his professional aid to charitable objects, and has nobly responded, an instance being his gratuitous services to the Milwaukee Protestant Orphan Asylum for eighteen years.
On Feb. 8, 1871, Dr. Carlson was married to Miss Bertha Strong, daughter of Robert H. Strong, one of the pioneers of Milwaukee, and niece of rear Admiral Strong, of the United States Navy. To this union, one daughter, Edith, was born.
Alfred Levi Cary
Source:Memoirs of Milwaukee County : from the earliest historical times down to the present, including a genealogical and biographical record of representative families in Milwaukee County (1909), By Jerome Anthony Watrous
Alfred Levi Cary, an attorney of Milwaukee, who has been connected with some of the most important litigation of the state, is a native of Sterling, Cayuga County, N. Y., and belongs to New England families, his parents, Nathaniel C. and Sophia (Eaton) Cary, having been born in Shoreham, Vt., and Mansfield, Conn., respectively. Both are now deceased. They came to Wisconsin in 1879, and the father was by vocation a wagon-maker and connected with the foundry, although he was practically retired from active work after coming west.
Alfred L. was born July 23, 1835, and received his early education at Sterling, N. Y., later attending the Academy at Auburn and the Seminary at Fulton in the same state. After coming west he attended the high school at Racine at the time when John G. McMynn, a distinguished educator of the state, and at one time state superintendent of schools, was principal. Entering: the office of his uncle, John W. Cary, of Racine, in May 1858, Alfred L. began the study of law and was admitted to the bar by examination in 1860. He came to Milwaukee early in January, 1859, with his uncle, and was in the office of Gary & Pratt as clerk until 1864, when the partnership was dissolved and a new one of J.W. & A. L. Cary formed, to which subsequently J. P. C. Cottrill was admitted, the firm continuing until 1874, when the senior member withdrew to become general solicitor of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company. The firm of Cottrill & Cary was maintained until 1879, and meanwhile Mr. Cary became the general solicitor for the Milwaukee, Lakeshore & Western Railway Company, remaining in that position until the sale of the road to the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company in 1893. In August of the same year Mr. Cary was appointed by Judge Jenkins, of the United States Circuit Court for the eastern district, "special master," for the litigation then pending in that court for the foreclosure of the mortgages given by the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. The suit thus brought was the primary case and there followed auxiliary suits throughout the length of the Northern Pacific Railroad Line. One of the mortgages had been given by the Northern Pacific Company to the Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., of New York, and others, to similar trust companies. There were three mortgages involved in these proceedings, and Thomas F. Oakes, Henry C Payne and Henry A. Rouse were appointed receivers. Mr. Cary's duties related to the passing of the receivers' accounts and the hearing of various claims and litigation which were referred to him by the court. The mortgages aggregated many millions and the judgment for deficiencies allowed by Mr. Cary amounted to $100,000,000 above the original claims. He sold the Northern Pacific Railroad and land grant under the decree entered by the court, and the Northern Pacific Railway Company today holds its title by the deed given by Mr. Cary as "special master." In 1894 he formed a partnership with Mr. Fish, and in 1897 Messrs. Upham and Black were added, the firm continuing until the death of Mr. Fish in August, 1900, since which time the firm has been Cary, Upham & Black. In politics Mr. Cary was originally a Democrat, supporting that party until the first Bryan campaign, since which time he has given his allegiance to the Republican organization. He served as a member of the Common Council of Milwaukee in 1872, and the following year was elected a member of the legislature.
He belongs to the Masonic Order, to the Milwaukee Club-having been one of the original members and president of the organization for six years-and also to the Country and Fox Point clubs.
On Sept. 6, 1864, occurred his marriage to Miss Harriet M. Van Slyck, daughter of Jesse M. And Nancy McLinch (Boyd) Van Slyck, of Milwaukee, and to the union the following children were born : Robert J., Walter, Harriet S. and Irving B.
Edith Caryl, 82, the unofficial godmother of Milwaukee jazz. Caryl was the driving force behind the Milwaukee Jazz Experience, a non-profit group that hires local musicians for teaching performances in the Milwaukee Public Schools. "She was the Milwaukee Jazz Experience," said Charles Queen, vice president. Caryl, who had esophageal cancer, died May 27.
General Killed Bombing Nazis
Castle's Plane Downed
London, England-(AP) Brig. Gen. Frederick Walker Castle, 36, of Washington, D.C., was killed while leading a United States 8th air force bombing attack against the German drive in Belgium Dec. 23, it was disclosed Thursday night.
Castle's flying Fortress was shot down by seven German Messerschmitts. The Fortress was set afire and Castle ordered the crew to jump. He died when a wing fuel tank exploded.
The mission was Castle's thirteenth combat operational flight. At no time had he been ordered to fly combat missions, yet as often as possible when a tough operation had to be flown he was in on it. He won the silver star for gallantry in September, 1943.
Gen. Castle was a former Milwaukee resident and an aunt, an uncle and cousins live here. He was a grandson of the late William Anderson Walker, a Milwaukee attorney. Gen. Castle lived here with his mother in the early 1920s. His mother, Mrs. Walker Castle, the former Winifred Walker, now lives in Washington, D.C. His father was an army officer.
An Aunt, Mrs. George Weschler, 6440 N. Lake dr., and an Uncle Thomas E. Walker, 1849 N. 72nd st. are a sister and brother of Gen. Castle's mother. The cousins here are MRs. Arthur Payzant, 6440 N. Lake dr., daughter of Mrs. Weschler, and the four sons and two daughters of Thomas E. Walker.
Gen. Castle was born in Manila, Philippine Islands. He lived in China and FRance and many parts of the country as his father was transferred to various army posts. He was a graduate of West Point, but later left the army to become assistant to the president of the Sperry Gyro Co. He was recalled to service in February, 1942, as a first lieutenant on the staff of Gen. Ira Esker and within a year had risen to the rank of colonel.
January 19, 1945 Probably Milwaukee Paper Picture in Article
Alfred L. Castleman
Source: The Medical History of Milwaukee, By Louis Frederick Frank. Published 1915. Germania Publishing Co.
Popular pioneer physician, military surgeon, Pres. State Medical Society, writer. Dr. Alfred L. Castleman was a native of Kentucky and had attended lectures at Louisville before coming to Milwaukee in 1835, becoming one of the popular physicians of the new territory. He took a keen interest in every question of local interest and like many of the cultured settlers played a considerable part in the development of the new settlement, along lines entirely foreign to his chosen profession. After a few years he went to Washington, D. C., but soon returned and in 1847 was elected a delegate from Milwaukee County to the constitutional convention. He was president of the State Medical Society in 1850, 1851 and 1855, and for several years a regent of the University of Wisconsin. When the civil war broke out he exerted all his influence in raising troops, etc., and was commissioned surgeon of the fifth Wisconsin infantry, with which he served under Gen. Hancock in the Army of the Potomac until the close of the year 1863. While in the army he kept a diary, which he afterwards published under the title "The Army of the Potomac behind the scenes." In 1873 he went to California in an effort to restore his health, which had been much impaired by exposure in the army, but he never regained his former superb physical strength and died in California in 1877.
William Cavanagh, one of the best qualified and most prominent marine engineers sailing out of Milwaukee, was born in County Monaghan, Ireland, on August 2, 1845, son of Peter and Mary (McNeel) Cavanagh, both natives of the same county. They came to the United States in 1849, locating on a farm in Delaware county, Iowa, where they still live and where William was reared and educated. He remained at home until he reached the age of eighteen years, when he went to Delhi, Iowa, as an apprentice to the blacksmith trade with his uncle Patrick McNeel, remaining but a short time, however, as he went to Manchester to learn the machinist's trade with Mr. N. Denton.
Mr. Cavanagh commenced his career on the lakes as oiler on the side-wheel steamer City of Milwaukee, plying in connection with the Detroit and Milwaukee railroad, and was on her in November when she collided with and sank the Lac La Belle at South East Bend, St. Clair river, the purser and chief engineer drowning. In 1867 he was engineer of the steamer Mary, engaged in tugging out of Grand Haven. He then stopped ashore, becoming engineer of a sawmill at Port Sheldon, Mich., where he continued until the mill was destroyed by fire three years later, after which he went to Delhi and took charge of the machinery in a distillery. In 1875 he returned to Michigan and ran an engine in one of the Detroit & Milwaukee Railway Company's elevators three years, going thence to Grand Haven, where he became engineer of the tug Jerome. In 1879 he went to Pentwater to run the tug Messenger, following with a season in the steamer Trader. In 1881 he went to Manistee as engineer in Jimmerson, Dempsey & Co.'s sawmill, passing the next year as locomotive engineer on a thirty-five-mile track up the big Manistee, operated by Buckley & Douglas to haul their logs. That winter he was placed in charge of the steamfitting shop of H. Mee, at Manistee, and in the spring became engineer of the tug Crowell. Mr. Cavanagh passed the season of 1884 as engineer of the tug Albion, of Hamblen, Mich., the following spring joining the Ida M. Stevens, of Ludington, which he ran until May, 1886, when he was appointed chief engineer of the steamer Almendinger. In the spring of 1887 he joined the steamer City of New York as chief; 1888, the J. B. Ballentine; 1889, the Cuba, closing on the Campbell; 1890, the steamer Ionia. In October the Ionia, Captain Daniels, and Monteagle, Captain Griffin, came into collision three miles below Wauboshene, no lives being lost, however. In the spring of 1891, Mr. Cavanagh was given chief engineer's berth on the steamer Thomas Davidson, retaining that office two seasons, and in 1893 went on the passenger steamer City of Racine, plying between Chicago and Grand Haven, finishing the season in the steamer Progress. The following season he was in the Hattie B. Perew. Mr. Cavanagh then stopped ashore two years as engineer of the Arc Light Company of the city of Milwaukee, and in 1897 became engineer for the Wisconsin Milling Company, holding that position until September, 1898, when he joined the steamer Fred Pabst as chief engineer. He has had twenty-five issues of marine engineer's license, and had his license revoked for a year for acting as captain of the tug Messenger, owned by Jacob Fisher, of Pentwater. During his long career he has been usually successful with his machinery and has always enjoyed the confidence of his employers.
Socially, Mr. Cavanagh is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, and has been twice elected to the office of vice-president of Milwaukee branch No. 9; he is also a member of the Royal Arcanum. On February 13, 1866, Mr. Cavanagh wedded Miss Ellen Maxwell, of Delaware county, Iowa, and the children born to this union are Mary Ellen, now the wife of James Wilson, a prominent druggist of Manistee, Mich.; Sarah J.; William, chief engineer of the steamer Columbia; John; Frank; James, engineer on the steamer Samoa, who took out license when he reached the age of twenty-one; Catherine, the wife of Mr. Schroeder, a merchant tailor; Peter, who married Mary Griffin, of Milwaukee; Ellen and Esther. The family homestead is at No. 779 Eleventh street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Source: History of the Great Lakes Vol. 2,by J.B. Mansfield
Source: Wisconsin Society, Sons of the American Revolution by Sons of the American Revolution. Wisconsin Society. 1897. pg. 108; available at the Wisconsin Historical Society.
Walter Seymour Chandler died at his home at the Plankinton House, Milwaukee, December 27, 1896. He was born in Batavia, New York, January 18, 1836, and removed to Milwaukee, with his parents, August 29, 1848. His father, Daniel Hicks Chandler, was reporter of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin during 1849, 1850, 1851 and 1852. The residence of Walter S. Chandler in Wisconsin had been continuous since his removal here, but in later years he had lived in comparative retirement. He is the father of Burr Kneeland Chandler. He married Sarah Olivia Kneeland, niece of James Kneeland, first cousin of Norman Little Kneeland, aunt of Wyman Kneeland Flint, and sister-in-law of John Gardiner Flint.
11 Sep 1899-15 Sep 2004
Kansas City Missouri
Born on June 11, 1899 in New York City, Lu worked as a seamstress and made lampshades. She also played the piano for silent movies. When she was 18, she played for the soldiers in Camp Merit where she met her husband. When she was 21, they married, settled in Milwaukee and had three sons. She remembers that they bought a house for $5,000. When her husband died, Lu took various jobs to support her children. Lu believes in longevity genes - her mother lived to 105, her brother to 94. She also believes in vegetables and vitamins.
Source: The Medical History of Milwaukee, By Louis Frederick Frank. Published 1915. Germania Publishing Co.
Dr. Enoch, Chase was a native of Derby, Vermont, a graduate of Dartmouth College, and after completing his studies settled in Coldwater, Michigan, where he practised until he came to Milwaukee, April 9, 1835, "so full of fever and ague (fever 'nager'), that it could not hold any more." It was not his intention to practice his profession in Milwaukee, but as soon as it became known that he was a doctor his services were called into requisition. He did not practice much after 1839, devoting his attention to other lines of business. His favorite remedy for fevers was calomel, administered in heroic doses. At that time quinine was just beginning to come into use and it is related that on one occasion he gave what he supposed to be twenty-five grains of calomel to a woman, but soon afterwards discovered that he had given quinine by mistake. With considerable anxiety he awaited the consequences and was agreeably surprised when the fever disappeared and the patient rapidly recovered. From that time he used less calomel and more quinine. He was a popular "medicine man" with the Indians, who however preferred their simple herbs to the remedies he prescribed. In all matters of public interest he has always taken an active part. He was chosen School Commissioner at the first election held in Milwaukee and was a member of the "Judiciary Committee" of the famous claim committee; was elected to the assembly in 1849, 1851-1853 and 1870. In 1880 he secured the erection of two glass factories, the only ones in Wisconsin. His first wife, who died in 1837, was the first Anglo-Saxon woman on the South side. Dr. Chase died Aug. 23, 1892.
In connection with above, the following reminiscence by Charles Milwaukee Sivyer, the first white male child born in Milwaukee, may be of interest: "Our small frame house stood on a little knoll near the river bank, I think where Iversen's picture store stands opposite the Kirby House. On May 4th, 1836, Dr. Chase was called from his home and little trading store on the beach of the old outlet of Milwaukee river, to attend my mother. My uncle, Henry Sivyer, mounted on an Indian pony, was the messenger to the doctor. Following the lake beach and passing over what is now Jones Island and arriving at the outlet, Henry got a canoe and paddled across to the doctor's place on the North side. The doctor hastened to my mother and a few days later the village folks, headed by Solomon Juneau, requested my parents to name me Milwaukee Sivyer, as the first born white boy."
Was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, January 13, 1826. When about fifteen years of age, went on a whaling and seal hunting voyage, to the Greenland seas in the bark "HANNIBAL" during which about 17,000 seals were taken and two whales captured. After his return from the voyage as above, Mr. Cheyne shipped in the British merchant service, making three voyages from London to Van Dieman Land and New South Wales; spent about eighteen months in the coasting trade of New South Wales; next voyaged up the Mediterranean, then to the Baltic Sea; spent some more time sailing in the coal trade from the north of England to London, and two years on the steamship line on the east coast of Scotland. Came to the United States in 1851. After having sailed on the salt water eleven years, commenced sailing on the lakes. In 1855 was master of the schooner "SACRAMENTO"; schooner "WM. H. STEPHENS"; brig "DAVID FERGUSON"; schooner "FRED HILL," and the schooner "SHANGHAI." In 1859, took command of the schooner "ARETURUS," and has sailed her twenty seasons. OF the later he is two-thirds owner. Residence No. 464 Pierce street.
Source: History of Milwaukee County, 1881)
Daniel W. Chipman was appointed United States local inspector of boilers for the Milwaukee district on April 18, 1890, retaining that position at this writing. He has had a varied and interesting, as well as useful life, and has won the office he now holds in the government service not only by merit of fitness, but by the honorable part he took during the Civil war. He has been a resident of Milwaukee over half a century and highly esteemed as a citizen and energetic business man. Although there were intervals when he was absent from the city, he always held it to be his home.
Mr. Chipman was born on July 10, 1836, in Essex, Chittenden county, Vt., and is a son of Hiram and Levonia (Searles) Chipman, both natives of Vermont and descendants of the Chipman family of Mayflower fame, noted for its warriors, statesmen and judges, some of its members participating in the French and Indian wars, the Revolution, the war of 1812, the Mexican war and the war of the Rebellion. In the Civil war, Daniel W. and his two brothers, Alonzo S. and John Q. A., were engaged. Alonzo served as an engineer in the United States Navy on board the gunboat Galena, and was in the engagement of Fort Darling on the James River. John Q. A. enlisted in the Twenty-sixth New York Artillery, and saw much active service, and was with General Banks on his Red river expedition, and also participated in the battles of Prairie Grove, Spanish Fort and Blakeley. Soon after his term of enlistment expired he re-enlisted in the United States Army for five years, and served most of the time on the Plains. He died in 1895.
Daniel W. Chipman removed with his parents to Milwaukee in 1846 and became a regular attendant at the public schools for five years, and in 1851 entered the employ of a Milwaukee dredging firm as engineer. The next spring he went by stage to Portage and helped fit out the steamer Star, going with her down the Wisconsin and Mississippi Rivers to Rock Island, where she was put on a route on Rock River to Sterling. He left her there that fall and returned to Milwaukee. In the spring of 1853, he shipped as porter on the propeller James Wood, afterward going to the Niagara River where he was employed as second engineer on the steamer tug Potent, his brother Alonzo being master, and engaged in towing on the Chippewa and Grand Rivers to Tonawanda. That fall he joined the steamer General Taylor as porter with Captain Fayette. The next spring he became second engineer on the steamer Rossiter, and that fall was employed as engineer of the wrecking pumps in the interest of the insurance companies, for two seasons, working winters in railroad and machine shops and running the engine in an elevator. In the spring of 1856, he helped to put the shaft pipes in the propeller Allegheny, but did not sail that season. Like many young men at this time, he contracted the gold fever and started for California, leaving New York on March 20, and going by way of the Isthmus of Panama, reaching San Francisco about April 20. He went up into the Placer county mines, where he acquired some claims and finally engaged as cook for a company of miners. After two years of fairly good success, Mr. Chipman went up the Frazer river to Port Hope for the purpose of mining, but, as it was too early in the season, returned to Victoria, and together with his cousin, Frank Dustin, engaged in the wood trade with a small boat-among other deliveries being one of forty cords to a steamer in Esquimaux bay about to engage in the Frazer river trade. This was the second steamer of Frazer river. That fall Mr. Chipman returned to San Francisco and joined the full-rigged ship Anglo Saxon as steward, bound for the Sandwich Islands for a cargo of oil and bone consigned to New Bedford making the passage around Cape Horn and arriving at her port of destination on April, 1859. The ship Anglo Saxon was captured and destroyed by a Confederate privateer during the Rebellion. Mr. Chipman then went to Buffalo where he shipped as second engineer of the propeller Mayflower. On reaching Chicago he went before the board of local inspectors at that port and received his license as engineer, remaining in the Mayflower the balance of the season. In the spring of 1860 he was appointed second engineer of the steamer Mendota and the next spring second of the Wenona, retaining that berth until September, 1862, when he shipped as chief of the propeller Baltic, which was equipped with wide-wheel screws.
Mr. Chipman came out in the spring of 1863 as second engineer of the steamer Galena, and in August transferred to the Idaho as second engineer, and went to New York at the end of the season, where he passed an examination for naval service, and was appointed second engineer and ordered to the United States steamer Proteus, commanded by Capt. R.W. Shufeldt. At the end of a year Mr. Chipman passed examination and was appointed first assistant engineer, was assigned for duty on the United States steamer Proteus, remaining until the spring of 1865, when he was honorably discharged. During the time he was in the Proteus she cruised in the waters made doubly historic by the events of our war with Spain. While on the blockade the Proteus captured the blockade-running steamers Ruby and Jupiter and several small schooners, and Mr. Chipman, as engineer of the prize crew, took the Ruby into Key West. One small dilapidated schooner which was captured in the Gulf of Mexico had on board a barrel of blue mass and other valuable medical stores. Among the trophies falling to the lot of Mr. Chipman was a copper stencil plate bearing the name of Miss Ruby Mallory, daughter of the secretary of the Confederate navy, used to print visiting cards, and a box containing Parisian finery for the young lady.
On returning to the lakes in 1865, Mr. Chipman was appointed chief engineer on the steamer Mendota, but in August he transferred to the Wenona as chief. The next year he went to the Mississippi river and took charge of the steamers Northern Illinois, Iowa and Pine Bluff, plying on the Mississippi river and running the upper rapids in connection with the Western Union railroad from Dubuque to Rock Island. In the spring of 1867 he returned to the lakes and was again appointed chief engineer of the steamer Wenona, which office he held two seasons. In 1869 he was transferred to the steamer Fountain City as chief. That fall Mr. Pease sold his vessel property to the Western Transit Company, and in the spring of 1870 Mr. Chipman purchased an interest in the steamer General Payne and ran her on Traverse bay. That winter he built the tug Dick Davis and took her to Michigan City, running her under charter to the government. In 1872 he became chief engineer of the steamer Ironsides and the following winter he, with F. C. Maxon and M. O. Parker, built the tug F. C. Maxon and established a tug line at Milwaukee composed of the tugs Dick Davis and F. C. Maxon, which he conducted successfully two years, when he sold his one-third interest in the Maxon and purchased the other one-half of tug Dick Davis, thus becoming sole owner.
In 1875 Mr. Chipman started in commission business, dealing in wood, cedar posts and bark, and traded the Dick Davis for the tug G. W. Tift, which he afterward sold to Scofield & Co., of Sturgeon Bay. The next year he associated with C. S. Raesser, under the firm name of Chipman & Raesser, in the wood and lumber commission business. This partnership remained in force for ten years, when it was dissolved, Mr. Chipman continuing in the business until 1890, when he was appointed to the office of the United States inspector, which he now fills. During the time that he was in the commission business the firm owned the schooners L. J. Conley, Leo, Christy, R. P. Mason and Pierrepont, and built the Susie Chipman (of which they were five-eighths owners), rebuilt the G. T. Burroughs and Lydia E. Raesser, also owned the M. N. Dunham (afterward used as lightship at Milwaukee), and had an interest in the schooner Lomie A. Burton and Napoleon. His appointment as inspector necessitated the sale of the vessel property, and Mr. Chipman has invested much of his capital in Milwaukee real estate, his family homestead being at No. 348 Madison street.
Socially, he is a thirty-second-degree Mason, a companion of the Council, and a Noble of the Mystic Shrine; an honored member of the Old Settlers Club; a member of the E. B. Wolcott Post, G. A. R., and was the first president of the Milwaukee Lodge No. 9, Marine Engineers Beneficial Association.
In January, 1861, Daniel W. Chipman was wedded to Miss Susan M. Consaul, of Milwaukee. The children born to this union are Daniel W., Jr., chief engineer of the steamer Niko; Bertha L., who died at the age of seven; George Perkins and Charles Richmond, twins, the latter dying young, and the former being chief engineer of the steamer G. W. Westcott; Susan Mary, now wife of G. D. Francey. Mr. Chipman's wife died in 1878, and on December 23, 1891, he contracted marriage with Miss Helen Tutkin, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield Published Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co. 1899
Daniel W. Chipman, Jr., is a thoroughly practical machinist, and one of the most popular and widely known marine engineers on the lakes. He is the son of Daniel W. Chipman, local inspector of steam boilers for the Milwaukee district, who is a native of Vermont, and a descendant of one of the oldest families in this country. His mother was Miss Susan Consaul, a member of a New York family of great respectability.
Daniel W. Chipman, Jr., was born in Harbor Creek, Penn., on December 2, 1862, and two years later removed with his parents to Milwaukee, where he attended the public schools until he reached the age of sixteen. After leaving school he entered the employ of James Sheriffs, proprietor of the Vulcan Iron Works. In 1881 Mr. Chipman went to St. Paul as machinist for the Pray Manufacturing Company's shops, going thence to St. Louis (on the passenger steamer Libbie Conger), where he was placed in charge of the engine and tool room of the Whitman Agricultural Works. Two years later he went to Cincinnati and engaged in a marine shop for a time, afterward shipping as striker on the steamer Andy Baum, plying between Cincinnati and Memphis in the Ohio River Packet line, in connection with the New Orleans steamers. In the spring of 1884 Mr. Chipman returned to Milwaukee, and after tugging a short time he shipped as fireman on the steamer Susie Chipman, taking out a license the next year, and receiving promotion to the berth of second engineer. In 1886 he again went to St. Louis, and engaged with the Whitman Agricultural Works. Returning to Milwaukee, he was appointed chief engineer of the steamer G.T. Burroughs, holding that office two seasons, and in 1890 he joined the steamer George Burnham as chief, closing the season in the Rand. The following season he became chief of the Rube Richards, and ran her until June, 1892, when he transferred to the passenger steamer City of Charlevoix, which came out with new machinery, and plied between Chicago and Mackinac Island. Mr. Chipman then entered the employ of the Milwaukee Tugboat line as chief engineer of the steamer Neosho, running her until June, 1897, when he resigned to become representative of the Automatic Boiler Cleaner Company. In October he took the examination for the position of assistant boiler inspector at Milwaukee, and passed, but he did not get the appointment. During the winter of 1897-98 he occupied the position of chief engineer of the steamer Alice Stafford, plying between Manistique and Frankfort in connection with the Ann Arbor railroad, in the spring taking her to Milwaukee for repairs and joining the steamer Niko as chief engineer. He is now the manager of the Automatic Boiler Cleaning Company, with offices in the Matthews building, Milwaukee. Mr. Chipman is an ardent member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, is chairman of the board of trustees, and was financial secretary four years. He also represented the association at the engineer's conference in Detroit in 1891, and represented Milwaukee lodge as delegate at Washington in 1892, and at Chicago in 1893.
On June 29, 1887, Mr. Chipman was married to Miss May, daughter of F.W. and Delia (Whipple) Dustin, of St. Louis. The children born to this union are: Daniel Francis, Albert Henry, Morton Howard and Edward Charles. The family home is situated at No. 500 Scott Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield Published Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co. 1899
Was born in Norway, May 28, 1847. He came to this city with his parents, about thirty years ago. His father still lives here, and is engaged in the coal and wood trade. He commenced his career on the lakes before the mast, in 1861, and has followed the occupation since. He has held the office of captain for ten years, and is now the commander of the "ELIDA." He is part owner of the "JENNIE BELL." He was married in January, 1871, to Miss Annie Avenson, a native of Port Washington, Wis. They have four children, Clarence, Jerome, Annetta Inora, Olive Louisa.
Source: History of Milwaukee County, 1881)
Thomas T. Churchill
Source:Memoirs of Milwaukee County : from the earliest historical times down to the present, including a genealogical and biographical record of representative families in Milwaukee County (1909), By Jerome Anthony Watrous
Thomas T. Churchill, of Milwaukee, is a member of the law firm of Churchill, Bennett & Churchill, and is a native of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, born April 29, 1872. A brief sketch of his parents and ancestry will be found in connection with the biography of his brother, William H. Churchill, elsewhere in this volume. His early education was obtained in the schools of Paris, Ontario. After having been graduated from the high school of Paris he was employed for a time as secretary of the Milwaukee Cold Storage Company. Deciding to study law, he entered the Milwaukee Law School and was admitted to practice by the State Board of Bar Examiners in December, 1901. In January following he became associated with the firm of Churchill & Donovan, remaining so connected until January, 1905, when he became a member of the present firm of Churchill, Bennett & Churchill. They follow a general legal practice and are also agents for the American Bonding Company of Baltimore, Md. In politics Mr. Churchill is a Republican, but has not actively interested himself in political movements. He is a member of the County and State Bar associations, the order of Free Masons and the Milwaukee Athletic Club.
Source: The Fisher Genealogy; Record of the Descendants of Joshua, Anthony and Cornelius Fisher; by Philip A. Fisher; 1898
He was a brother of James Freeman Clarke, the celebrated minister of the "Church of the Disciples" Boston. He was at the Boston Latin School, 1827; went to St. Louis, 1830; to Chicago in 1835; to Milwaukee, 1831 (probably should be 1841), where he kept a drug store, and where he afterwards engaged in the Manufacture of church organs.
Master of the steam barge "COLIN CAMPBELL." The subject of this sketch was born in Oswego, N.Y., in 1844. Came to Milwaukee in 1860. Began sailing in 1861; was given command of the three-master "A.J. MAURY," in 1867; sailed her that season. The next year took command of the brig "MONTGOMERY," which he sailed one season; then engaged as master of scow schooner "NELLIE CHURCH," which he sailed three seasons. The following year she sailed the steam barge "HILTON," and the next season took command of the propeller "JACOB BERTSCHY," which he sailed three seasons; then passed to the barge "TRADER," of which he was master one season. Sailed several others a short time. In 1875 took command of the steam barge "COLIN CAMPBELL," of 373 tons, engaged in the lumber trade, of which he owns one-fourth interest. Has sailed her five seasons. Residence, No. 450 Greenbush Street.
Source: History of Milwaukee County, 1881)
Was born in Southampton, England, in 1831. At the age of 11 he was apprenticed for five years to a full-rigged brig; he served nearly four years of the time, and came to America and located at Eastport, Maine, and sailed from that port until 27 years of age. During three years of the time he was on a whaling expedition. He then came to Buffalo and embarked on the "HANS CROCKER," owned by Mr. Hibbard of this city. Since then he has sailed on the lakes. The first three years on the lakes, he was before the mast; since then has held the positions of mate or master. He located in this city in 1857, remaining three years, when he went to Chicago and sailed from there until 1871, when he returned to Milwaukee. He enlisted for one year in the Navy in 1862, and during the term was on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, under Admiral Porter, Geo. Burnham. He married in Chicago in 1865, Miss Bridget Lynch, a native of Ireland, but came to Canada in her infancy. They have eight children.
Source: History of Milwaukee County, 1881
His Mother and Sister were Both Lost – The Former's Body Never Recovered.
Appleton, WI., Sept 2. – During the summer of 1860. While return from an Eastern trop, my mother, my sister Libbie and I, together with twelve others, took passage on a propeller from Collingwood, Ont., to Milwaukee. We arrived near Milwaukee in the night, and it was so cloudy and dark that the captain thought it would not be safe to attempt to land so we continued on to Chicago, where we were transferred to the first boat leaving for Milwaukee. That was the fated Lady Elgin, just about to return with more than 400 Milwaukee excursionists. Of the fifteen transferred only two reached Milwaukee. There was music and dancing on the boat, and it was about 1 o'clock in the morning when our party exchanged “good night,” and prepared to retire. Before I reached my room, the schooner and steamer collided with such force as to throw me off my feet. The schooner was bound for Chicago with a heavy cargo of lumber from further north, and it is the cause for much wonder among those acquainted with the circumstance, why it did not try to save the passengers of the Lady Elgin by at least throwing over some of the lumber. As it was, however, as soon as they could clear away from the wreck, they pushed on, with all possible speed, to Chicago, thinking, as the captain said they themselves had sustained serious injury. Be that as it may, my first impression, when the crash came, and we could see the bright lights and heavy jib-boom of the schooner looming up over us, was that the boat must have been struck by lightening.
We soon heard calls to throw down bedding and mattresses to stop the leak but it was found that they could do no good. The boat filled with water and settled rapidly. Heavy waves stuck us with terrific force, smashing the lamps, leaving us in total darkness. Calls for life-preservers were heard on all sides, and the few wooden ones that were thrown in were seized by many frantic hands. Mother and sister were each provided with one. Furniture tumbled about, people fell over and trampled upon each other, some prayed, some cried; some crazed with agony, called for their friends on shore to help them, while others, in despair, moaned that we were all lost. The creaking and grating of broken timers, the solemn sound of the bell calling for help, the sound of distress from the whistle, which continued as long as there was enough steam to make a noise; all added to the horror of the situation. Above this noise and confusion, was heard the voice of Capt. Wilson, telling us to get the women up on the hurricane deck. The deck was soon crowded. A few moments later a monster wave struck the boat, breaking the iron rods that sustained one of the heavy smoke stacks. A flash of lightning followed, lighting the scene for an instant, and we saw the smoke stack fall across the deck, crushing, and burying several women beneath it.
While mother and sister were sitting on the edge of the hurricane deck, strapped in their wooden preservers and waiting for the end, mother said that probably the boat was so near shore that it might not sink below the surface. Those were the last words I ever heard her speak for at that instant the boat went down, taking me with it. When I came up my hands touched something, which proved to be apiece of plank about eighteen inches wide by six feet in length. It was about 2 o'clock in the night when the boat went down and about 5 the next afternoon I drifted in near enough to the shore to reach the end of a pole held out to me by a man suspended by a rope in the hands of several others from the top of that high clay bank south of Racine. The sixth day after the Lady Elgin went down we found, but could not identify by a scar only, the body of my sister, but my mother we never saw again.
Source: Milwaukee Sentinel Sept 4, 1892
Candidate for Town of Wauwatosa
F.A. Conrad, Democratic candidate for town clerk, is a resident of the Silver City section of town. He was formerly the proprietor of Conrad's Grove saloon and dancing pavilion, but during the last three years has not been actively engaged in any business.
From Wauwatosa News April 1, 1899
Frank Coons, who is one of the most prominent engineers sailing out of Milwaukee, and who is a very skillful machinist, was born in Ogdensburg, N.Y. on July 31, 1848, a son of Ralph and Ellen (Morrison} Coons. His father during the last thirty years has been employed as engineer on dredges by the Brown Dredge Company, at Port Dalhousie, Welland canal, and Thorold, Canada; also at times filling the office of master. The mother died in 1873 at Port Dalhousie, and it was there that Frank acquired his education in the public schools, after which he worked in machine and boiler shops. It was in 1866 that he commenced his lakefaring career, shipping as fireman on the tug American Eagle, going to Manistee, Mich., the following year, and in 1868 he entered the employ of Captain Starke as engineer of the tug Buhl. The next spring he was appointed engineer of the tug Robert Emmett, employed on government contracts, three years, after which he again entered the employ of Starke & Co. Tug line, of Milwaukee. He went to Buffalo after the tug Starke, took her to Milwaukee, and ran her as engineer until September, when he took the tug J. J. Hagermann, bringing her out in 1872 and running her seven years. In the spring of 1879 he joined the tug H. F. Bues, waiting on dredge, a position he held until 1893, when he was appointed engineer of the tug Calumet, running her five seasons, and in 1898 he was appointed chief engineer of the steamer E. A. Shores, Jr., owned by the Starke estate. Mr. Coons, being a man of thrift and industry, employed his time during the winter months at work for the company, and for the Sheriff Manufacturing Company, working at times in the boiler shops.
Socially, he was a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 9, of Milwaukee, and is held in high esteem by his associates.
In September, 1876, Mr. Coons was wedded to Miss Margaret D. Putnam, of Milwaukee. The children born to this union are Frank, Fred, Harry P., and Guy Hager. The family homestead is at 468 American avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Source: Unknown
JUNE 10, 1899 (newspaper unknown)
At the home of the bride's parents in the town of Charlestown, on Thursday afternoon, Mr. John C. Courtney of Milwaukee, and Miss May Winch, daughter of S. R. Winch Esq., Rev. W. A. Arpke officiating. After the ceremony a repast was spread and the bridal party and guest partook of the many good things. The newly married couple took the afternoon train for Milwaukee, where they intend making their home. The Time wishes them happiness and prosperity, and hopes their pathway through life will always be strewn with roses and contentment.
Source: June 17, 1899 Chilton Times)
The marriage of Mr. J. L. Courtney, of Milwaukee, to Miss Mae L. Winch, of Charlestown, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Winch which was performed at the home of the home of the bride by Rev. W. A. Arpke, on June 8th, at 1;30 o'clock p.m. was a very quiet one. Mr. Elmer Winch, brother of the bride, acting as best man and Miss Effie Parmenter, her niece, acting as bridesmaid. The happy couple after partaking of the wedding dinner and receiving congratulations of those present, were driven to Chilton where they took the 4 o'clock train for Milwaukee where they will make their home. Those in attendance from abroad were: Mr. E. E. Winch of Marshfied; Mrs. C. H. Parmenter and daughters Misses Myrtle and Effie, of Neenah. The bride has spent the greater portion of her life in Charlestown and was held in high esteem by all those whom she was acquainted. The groom, although a stranger to many, is spoken of as a upright, honorable gentleman and certainly showed food taste in selecting one of Charlestown's fair daughters. May their cup overflow with happiness is the wish of their friends.
But He Managed to Get Ashore on One of the Cabin Doors
I had gone to bed when the collision occurred, which was about 2 o'clock. Charles Everts was sleeping with me. We heard the crash and got up immediately. The boat was thrown on one side by the blow and we had considerable difficulty in getting into the cabin. I could not swim and was determined to remain and to go down with the boat. But Everts argued with me, saying that he could carry me to the shore. So out we went, not, however witout taking the doors of our cabin along. We could not find life preservers, and the doors seemed to be the best expedient. The passengers in the cabin were running about and screaming in great excitement. Capt. Wilson came in the cabin and told the passengers to get to the other side of the boat and asked me to help him. I could hear the water rushing in. Soon after the captain came into the cabin again and ordered all the passengers on the hurricane deck. We all went up, and when we reached the deck we found them thowing over planks and doors, and a great many were jumping overboard after them. Everts threw down his door and jumped after it, telling me to follow him. I did not let go of my door. I jumped into the lake, holding the door in my arms, fearing to lose it. I landed safely in the water with the door under me, but of Everts there was no sign. The lightning soon enabled me to see his door, but he evidently was lost instantly. It could not have been over twenty minutes after she was struck that the boat went down, and I shall never forget the shrieks and screams of that moment. The hurricane deck floated in two parts, the largest of which was the stern part. But I was not aware of it until some time afterward. I noticed near me a small float and I paddled my door towards it, but I was greatly disappointed. On the boat were women and children and a number of negroes. It was too small and I pulled away from it. I worked with all my might to get near another float. The people upon it recognized me, and Edward Burke and Jack Wilson swam out to assist me. The hurricane deck was very thing and made a poor raft. There were about forty people on it when I reached it. I saw Mrs. Rice struggling in the water and caught her by the hari of her head, and succeeded in getting her on the raft. She had her infant child under her arm. I noticed that it was alive. She clung to the raft till it reached twenty rods of shore, the blood pouring out of her fingers' ends all the time. I was overcome several times by sea-sickness, and Capt. Wilson had to put my head into the water several times to revive me. When we reached the breakers I remember hearing Martin Delany cry out: "Get hold of me, for God's sake, or I'll be drowned. The next wave that struck us, broke the raft to pieces. I went down and came up again. There seemed to be nothing to lay hold of. I went down again. When I came up I was within eight feet of Tom Koegh who was on a piece of door. I tried to catch hold of it, but was knocked almost senseless, and went down again. I had made up my mind that all further efforts would be useless, when I came across a piece of door. My head was out of water again, and I succeeded in getting near the shore. Edward Burke threw a rope out to me, I caught hold of it, but he jerked it out of my hands. At his command I got the rope between my teeth, and he pulled me ashore.
Source: Milwaukee Sentinel Sept 4, 1892
Senior member of the firm of Crocker & Hudnutt, architects, contractors and builders, and proprietors of the Falcon planing mill, has been a resident of Big Rapids since 1875. He is a son of Wm. H. and Mary A. (Holloway) Crocker, and was born in the city of London, Eng., July 28, 1848. His parents came to the United States when he was two years old, and went to Milwaukee, Wis., where his father operated as an architect and builder until 1858, putting up some of the principal buildings of the "Cream City." In the year named the family removed to a farm in Manitowoc, Wis., where the parents yet reside.
Mr. Crocker naturally inclined to mechanical arts, and at 12 years of age commenced to prepare for the vocation of his father, in whose shop he was trained seven years, meanwhile obtaining an education. He first went to the union school at Milwaukee, and afterwards to the common school at Manitowoc, and also attended the union school at Ypsilanti, Mich.
The civil war broke out when he was 13 years old; and the consequent discussion of the absorbing topic, and intense feeling which prevaded all classes at the North, aroused the boy's spirit, and in June 1864, he enrolled at Manitowoc as a private soldier in Company G, 39th Wisconsin Vol Inf., under Capt. Patchen. He was in the service six months and participated in several engagements. His regiment was detailed to guard Memphis, and was involved in some severe skirmishes with the rebel Gen. Forrest. He was discharged at Milwaukee. When 19 years old he went to Grand Rapids and commenced his career as a contractor; remained eight years and left a substantial record of his work there in the form of a number of fine buildings. During the period of his residence at Grand Rapids, he fulfilled a number of contracts for stair-building in Chicago. On coming to Big Rapids in 1875 he at once entered upon the prosecution of his trade, and erected the brick school-house and the magnificent dwelling of Thomas D. Stimson, corner of Elm Street and Warren Avenues, now owned by Wiltre Stickney. He also constructed the building for the Northern National Bank.
Not long after locating here he formed a partnership with E. W. Hudnutt, bought the planing mill of C.S. Hanks, and commenced the manufacture of of sash, doors, blinds, mouldings and building materials generally. Their rapidly extending business has necessitated two additions to the establishment. As evidences of the enterprise and architectural skill of the firm, Big Rapids boasts of the Smith Block, the Northern Hotel, Hood, Gale & Co.'s Block, Telfer, Morrissey & Stickney's Block, and Furniture Block, Fairman & Newton's Block, the Mercy Hospital, Moody and Moore's Livery Stables, and a number of fine residences. They employ at this writing 53 men, and find demand wholly for their products within the limits of the State.
Mr. Crocker was married at Coldwater, Mich., Dec. 23, 1877, to Dora A. Stout, a native of the State of New York. He was a member of the School Board at Big Rapids, two years, and belonged to the Common Council the same length of time.
Source: 1883 Mecosta County Portrait & Bio Album, Chapman Bros., Chicago
Overseer for Crocker, Hudnutt & Co., builders at Big Rapids was born at Milwaukee, Wis., March 18, 1854. He is a son of William H. and Mary (Holloway) Crocker. When he was four years old his parents removed to Manitowoc, Wis., where his father was engaged in the occupation of a builder, and constructed several fine buildings there and at Milwaukee, being also engaged in building steamer cabins for Goodrich, Ward and Co., at Manitowoc.
Mr. Crocker was a school-boy until 14 years of age, when he commenced learning his father's trade, which has been the calling of his life. He came to Big Rapids in 1874, and was for a time connected with his brother to building. When the firm of Crocker and Hudnutt was formed in 1877, he took charge of their outside business, and has since supervised the construction of a number of the principal buildings of the City of Big Rapids.
Source: 1883 Mecosta County Portrait & Bio Album, Chapman Bros., Chicago
There is a wonderful article regarding Captain Edward Gifford Crosby on Encyclopedia Titanica: First Class Passenger: Captain Edward Gifford Crosby [] Accessed Sun, 04 May 2003 18:01:46 GMT-0500.
Due to Copyright Laws, I cannot reproduce it here. I have however
gleaned some of the facts. To read it in it's entirety Read here
Crosby Transportation Company Founded in Milw 1903
Steamers owned Nyack, E. G. Crosby, Conestoga and May Graham.
Boarded the Titanic at Southhampton as first class passengers
Crosby lost his life in the sinking of the Titanic.
Catherine and Harriette were saved in a lifeboat.
Crosby's body was sent back to Milw. on 3 May 1912.
On 7 May 1912 his funeral was held on one of his two Lake
Michigan Steamers.
His body was cremated at Forest Home Cemetery.
Cremains were placed in Fairview Mausoleum.
After her death, Catherine's casket was placed inside the same crypt with his ashes.
Harriette's wish was to be interred with her Mother and Father. Andree Hathway, was unable to afford the cost of opening the crypt. Harriette's body was cremated and her ashes interred in an adjacent crypt in Fairview Mausoleum.
In 1997 when Fairview went under the wrecking ball, the remains and cremains were moved to Graceland Cemetery. The casketed remains of Catherine Crosby and cremated remains of Captain Edward Crosby, Harriette (Daughter) were reinterred. Catherine's casket was a cloth covered metal casket, his was a square-shaped brass coloured urn. The daughters was a metal urn. The grave marker lists all three Crosby's with the statement, "Passengers on the Titanic". In addition there is an engraved ship representing the Titanic and a Titanic Historical Society Emblem. The reinterrment and memorial were made possible by the Titanic Historical Society, Mark Rick, John Pludeman and Wally Miller (Miller Monument).
MICHAEL CROWLEY, one of the trusted engineers of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, was born in Queenstown, Ireland, Jan 6, 1867. His parents, James and Mary (Denneen) Crowley, were both natives of Ireland and lived and died on the beloved isle, which also was the early home of our subject. What education he received during his youth was gained in Ireland, but later learning, secured in the school of life, has given him a fund of knowledge of inestimable value in his important daily avocation. AT the age of fifteen years he came to America to seek his fortune. His first home was in Milwaukee. Here, wishing to supplement his meager education received in his boyhood home, he resolved to attend night school, a determination which he has never regretted. His studies there, carried on with assiduous spirit, added to his chances for success in the industrial world. Railroad life has claimed most of his energies since coming to manhood, and for a number of years he has been an engineer, to the eminent satisfaction of those above him. With his family, he is a member of the Roman Catholic church. Mr. Crowley was married on April 26, 1900, to Miss Agnes Brady, daughter of James and Marguerite Brady. They have one son, James, born March 29, 1905. The family home is at 2924 Mt. Vernon avenue, Milwaukee.
Source: Memoirs of Milwaukee County by Jerome Anthony Watrous, 1909 pg. 821
Foreman Milwaukee and St. Paul Elevator A.; born in Ireland, February 3, 1846; came with his parents to America, in 1848, and from Hudson, New York, to Milwaukee, 1853; received his education in the Fourth Ward school. He began work in Elevator B., and was connected with that elevator for nineteen years, holding the position of weighman ten years. He was appointed foreman of Elevator A, in June, 1880. In 1876, he married Miss Maggie L. Gorman, of this city.
Source: History of Milwaukee County, 1881)
Source: Seventy Five years of St. John's Cathedral, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1847-1922.

The St. John's Cathedral Diamond Jubilee was crowned by the announcement made on March 11, 1923, that the family of the late Patrick Cudahy had offered to donate the new organ now under cunstruction for the Cathedral, which will cost $20,000. The gift is in memory of Mr. Cudahy and his daughter Helen, and is the largest individual contribution ever made to the Cathedral.
Patrick Cudahy was born in Callan, Kilkenny, Ireland, March 17, 1849, and came to Milwaukee as a child with his parents. At fourteen he began his business career under Edward Roddis, then with the Plankinton and Armour companies; and the new packing business founded under the name of Cudahy Brothers developed into one of the great concerns of the country, and is well known. In 1878 Mr. Cudahy married Anna Madden, who is still living, and to them were born nine children, of whom seven are living. Mr. Cudahy died July 25, 1919, and his funeral took place at the Cathedral. He was an exemplary Catholic and an exemplary citizen, a devoted husband and father, deeply religious, and in all the relations of life truly unostentatious.
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