Milwaukee Pioneers 1845-1846

Names of Pioneers of Milwaukee and Vicinity appearing
in the old ledger of Drs. Moritmer Fowler and Price Sawtell

Allen, R.
Allen, Widow
Anderson, Wm. H.
Atwood, Geo.
Bailey, John
Baker, Joseph
Barnes, Abel
Barney, M.F.
Barney, Lorenzo
Barr, John G.
Barret, Patrick
Barron, John
Bean, Reuben
Bebee, John
Beckworth, Huron
Bell, Wm.
Benjamin, Lyman
Bennet, Russell
Bigelow, Benjamin
Bigelow, Hiram
Bingham, George
Birge, Gilbert
Blout, Cornelius
Boardman, Elihu
Bond, Moses
Bonnel, John
Bosingham, Wm.
Bowman, George
Bradely, Peter
Brice, Thos.
Briggs, Harris
Briggs, Wm.
Bright, G. C.
Brown, Peter
Buck, P.
Buckley, Michael
Bugbee, E.L.
Buge, Gilbert
Bullio, Francis
Bulloch, Lewis
Bullock, George
Burdick, Wm. W.
Burlington, Alanson
Burns, Apt.
Byamear, Henry
Byington, L.N.
Byrnes, Thos.
Byron, George
Calkins, George
Calkins, Zedro
Callahan, Patrick
Cameron, Elias
Camp, Moses
Cane, O.
Canender, C.B.
Carr, Samuel
Carter, Achley
Cartright, Alonzo
Chandler, Jesse
Chandler, Moses
Chapman, Arabella
Chase, Horace
Childs, Alexander
Childs, John
Childs, Luther L.
Childs, Nelson
Childs, S.S.
Childs, Samuel
Childs, Seth
Church, Ebenizer
Churchill, A.
Clark, Cosmer
Coffin, Horace
Cole, Phineas
Collins, Michael
Colton, Henry
Conover, S.S.
Cook, Harriet
Coole, Daniel
Cooper, Ellick
Costs, Thos.
Cox, Leonard
Cross, John
Crowns, John H.
Cummings, John
Cunningham, Wm. M.
Curtis, Martin
Daly, Timothy
Darling, Charles
Dawley, Alanson
Dayley, Michael
Dayton, Hiram (Greenfield)
Dean, J.B.
Devis, H.
Deweys, George
Dey, Barney
Dolley, C.G.
Douglas, Andrew (Town of Lake)
Douglas, James
Doyle, Gerald
Duboise, Nathaniel
Dudly, Ambrose
Duffey, Thos.
Dunn, John
Dunnam, George
Dyer, Nathan
Eastman, John
Edward, Ariel
Edward, E.d.
Elliot, Jacob
Empy, Wm.
English, Harvey
Estes, E. Lake
Farley, James
Farlin, Patrick
Farmin, Hiram
Farr, James
Farris, D.C.
Fields, Wm.
Fitch, L. (Muskego)
Flin, Wm.
Fogison, Thos.
Fowler, John
Fowler, R.
Freeman, Hiram Mrs. (Greenfield)
French, Giles
French, John
Fritzinger, Benjamin
Furman, Capt
Furman, Luther
Furman, Simplson
Galahan, Patrick
Gale, Hiram
Garty, George
Gates, Mrs.
Genner, B. K.
Gerlls, Fitts
Gilbert, Jonathan
Golyer, H.T.
Graves, Wm.
Greebel, Augusta
Grover, D.
Grover, Morgan L.
Guild, Levi
Gurion, Robert
Gurtey, Barnard
Hackett, Fletcher (Hales Corners)
Hackett, Jeremiah
Hadley, Horace
Hale, Newell (Muskego)
Hall, Amass
Haner, Horace
Harris, E.
Harris, Luther
Hawkins, Abell
Helmore, James
Higgens, M.W.
Hill, Chas. H.
Hix, Lewis
Holden, G.
Holmes, James
Hood, Burel
Howard, Wm.
Hubbard, Jr.
Hudson, Whitney
Huntington, Henry
Hutchins, Nathaniel
Hutchinson, John
Ingram, Jacob
Ives, Francis
Jenkins, Hiram
Jenner, E.K.
Jewett, Joel (Greenfield)
Johnson, Alex
Johnson, John
Johnson, Mark
Johnson, Robert M.
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, S.
Jordan, Peter
Keller, John
Kellogg, Louis
Kelly, Joseph
Kennedy, James
Ketchum, Elizabeth
King, John
Kinsey, John Applegate
Lachinger, John
Lamberton, Wm.
Latten, Nelson
Lawton, Mr. Cornelius
Lemoneer, David
Leorned, B.W.
Limon (Lymon), Chas.
Lines, John
Lipsioum, John
Liter, Andres
Loobey, John
Luland, Leonard
Lynch, Timothy
Magill, Robert
Magow, Ann
Mahoney, Jacob
Mahoney, Patrick
Malenda, Samuel
Malone, Michael
Markley, J.B.
Martin, Henry
Martin, John
Martin, Matthew
Martin, Stoddard
Matthews, G.H.
McAuley, Alexander
McAuley, Lyman
McCarty, John
Mccollum, John
McCowen, Edward (Muskego)
McCoy, J.
McCreedy, George
McLain, Sarah
McLaughlin, Elize
McLaughlin, Joseph
Mead, Abram
Meddick, C.W.
Merril, John
Merril, Wm.
Metcalf, George
Miller, Oliver
Mitchell, Wm.
Mitcherll, J.S.(?)
Moody, R.
Moon, N.G.
Moore, Cornelius
More, Frances
More, Smith
Morris, Roman
Morss, Cornalius
Munroe, A.H.
Murphy, Edward
Neff, A.S.
Nelson, Horatio
Nickels, Carlos
Nickelson, Solomon
Nickerson, Guy
Norman, Francis
Norman, Stephan
O'Connor, Patrick
O'Hara, DAniel
Obrien, JEremiah
Osmond, John
Palmer, Marrick
Perrigo, Joel
Perrigo, Warren
Persons, Hiram
Petit, W.H.
Pettibone, Sylvester
Petty, Wm
Pezerd, James
Phelps, Anass
Phelps, Benedick
Phelps, Daniel
Phelps, Wm.
Pooler, Silas
Porter, Allen (Muskego)
Porter, Amelia
Porter, Hyrens (Big Bend)
Porth, Henry
Pratt, Mrs.
Price, a teacher
Procter, D.
Putney, James
Radcoff, Robert
Ramsdell, John
Rathbone, Ezra E.
Raymond, Franklin
Reed, Cameron
Reed, Luman
Riggs, David
Riley, Peter
roberts, M.H.
Rogers, Edwin
Rogers, Richard
Rose, Liben
Ruggles, Barney
Sanderson, James
Saph, e.
Sawtell, Price
Sevier, Samuel
Sexton, Patrick
Sexton, Samuel
Shattuck, Walter
Shay, Patrick
Sherman, Erin
Sherman, John
Shields, John
Shoe, Henry
Short, George
Short, Lewis
Shurwood, Joseph
Simmons, Charlie
Simpson, John
Skinner, Wm
Smith, E.G.
Smith, John
Smith, Matthew
Smith, Patrick
Smith, Syrens
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Wm.
Snow, Minor
Snow, Wm.
Soggs, Nelson
Son, George
Soper, Wm.
Spencer, Wm.
Stafford, Isaac
Stewart, Ira
Stiles, Charles
Stiles, Silas
Stilwell, Asher
Stone, Alanson
Stone, Chauncey H. (Greenfield)
Stowell, Oscar
Strabley, Wm. G.
Stride, Christian
Strong, A.
Stroud, John W.
Stuart, James
Stults, Elizabeth
Sturtevant, Wm.
Tanna, Franklin
Thompson, George
Thompson, Ichabod
Tilerson, Frederick
Tucker, Wm. A.
Turner, Geo
Tuttle, Joseph
Umphrey (Humphrey), Thos.
Underwood, W.O.
Valier, John (Muskego)
Valier, Joseph
Wait, D.
Walker, George
Warner, Ira
Warner, James
Way, Jacob
Webster, Daniel
Wedge, Giles
Welch, Hannah
Welch, Wm.
Wells, Horatio W.
West, Hamilton
WEsterman, Henry
Wheeler, Sanford
Wheelock, Franklin
Whitney, Nowel
Wilder, David
Williams, John
Willis, Asa
Wilson, Edwin
Winters, H.
Winton, J.B.
Wissen, Michael
Wissing, Elber
Woodcock, Horace (Greenfield)
Woodcock, Martin
Woodcock, Wm.
Woodward, Benjamin
Woodworth, H.
Word, Rufus
Worts, Everls
Wright, Benjamin
Young, A.
Young, Silas G.
Zander, Aurelius