Common Polish Given Names and their English Equivalent
Here is a list of Polish names and their approximate English equivalent names. Approximate can mean "translation" or it can mean that this English name sounds the closest to its Polish original.
Not all Polish-Americans used a translation of their name. Some might adopt a new name entirely to better fit into their surroundings.
This isn't a complete list of all Polish names, but is a list of the most common ones found in the Kuryer Polski Oindex.
For more information about Polish names, try the Polish GenWeb website.
For more information about any given names, try the Behind the Name website.
These were submitted by Karen. Thanks Karen. Polish Name English "Equivalent" Aleksander Alexander Anton/Antoni Anthony Bartlomiej Bartholomew Adalbert Albert, George, (Wojciech) Agnieszka Agnes Anastazya Anastasia Andrzej Andrew Aniela Angela Antonia/Antonina Antoinette Apolonia Pearl, Pauline, Polly Boleslaw Boleslaus, William Boleslawa Wilhelmina Bronislaw Bronislaus, Bruno Bronislawa Bernice, Bertha Brygida Bridget Cecylia Cecelia Czeslaw Chester Dawid David Dominik Dominic Dorota Dorothy Elzbieta Elizabeth Emilia Emily Ewa Eva Felicya Felicia, Phyllis Feliks Felix Filip Philip Florentyna Florence, Flora Franciszek Frank, Francis Franciszka Frances (female) Genowefa Genevieve Grzegorz Gregory Halina Helen Helena Helen Henryk Henry Henryka Henrietta, Hedwig Jadwiga, Harriet, Hattie Hiacynt Hyacinth, Jacek Hiacynta Hyacintha, Jacinta Hieronym Henry, Jerome Ignacy Ignatius Irina Irene Izydor Isadore Jadwiga Hedwig, Harriet, Hattie Jakub Jacob Jan John Jerzy George Joanna Joanne, Jane, Jean, Joan, Jennie Jozef Joseph Juliana Julia, Julie Karol Carl, Charles Kamila Camille, Camilla Karolina Caroline, Charlotte Katarzyna Katherine, Catherine Klara Clara, Clare Klemens Clement, Clemens Konstanty Constantine Konstantyna Constance Krystyna Christine, Kristine Krzysztof Christopher Leokadia Leocadia, Laura Leon Leo Lorenz Lawrence Lucja Lucy Lucjan Lucian Ludwik Louis Ludwika Louise Lukasz Lucas, Luke Maciej Matthew Magdalena Mary Magdalene, Madeline Malgorzata Margaret Marcianna Marcy, Martina, Martha Marcin Martin Marek Mark Marianna Mary Maria or Marya Mary Marta Martha Mateusz Mathias, Matthew Michal Michael Mieczyslaw Michael Mikolaj Nicholas Pawel Paul Pelagia Pearl, Pauline, Polly, Paula Piotr Peter Rafal Ralph Rajmund Raymond Roza Rose, Rosa Ryszard Richard Salomeja Salome, Sarah Szymon Simon Stanislaw Stanislaus, Stanley Stanislawa Stella Stefan Steven. Stephen Szczepan Steven, Stephen Stefania Stephanie Sylwester Sylvester Tadeusz Thaddeus, Ted Tekla Thecla, Tillie Teodor Theodore, Ted Teodora Theodora, Dora Tomasz Thomas Waclaw Wenceslaus, Walter Waclaw Violet Walenty Valentine, Waltery Walentyna Valentina, Wawrzyniec Lawrence Weronika Veronica Wicenty, Wincenty Vincent Wiktor Victor Wladyslaw Ladislaus, Walter Wojciech Adalbert, Albert, George Zofia Sofia, Sophie Zuzanna Susanna, Susan Zygmunt Sigmund