List of Unclaimed Letters
Remaining in the Post Office of Milwaukee
Brown Deer
The following post office list for December, '36, is inserted here as being a part of the year's history. many of these parties, perhaps, were never here, and it is certian that not one half of them wintered here. It is also useful as a reference, to show in coming years, who they were who came, or were expected to come in '36, not mentioned in the record:
List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office of Milwaukee, Dec. 31, 1836 ABERT: Geo. ACKLEY: Charles ACKLEY: Mrs. Jane ALLEN: Augustus L. (2) ALVORD: Nelson ANDREWS: Daniel ANDREWS: Sewal ARCHEY: Richard ARNETT: S. ATHERTON: George O. (3) BAILEY: Joel BAILEY: W.H.H. BAKER: Nathan BALDWIN: Philander BARNARD: David BASS: Thomas BATES: James M. BEAN: James L. BISHOP: Harry BLAIR: Lyman BLANCHARD: Joseph BOTSFORD: Lucius (2) BOTSFORD: Luther BOWELL: Emily BOWMAN: Henry BOYDER: John BOYER: Chas E. (2) BROWN: Rev. Daniel E. BROWN: William BRUCE: W.H. BRYANT: Zephaniah BURNET: B. BURT: Heman CAMP: Henry CAMPBELL: James L. CARPENTER: Morgan CHURCH: Harvey CLARK: Danl. S. CLEMENS: HORACE CLEMENT: Lambert CLEVELAND: Alva CLINTON: E.D. CLINTON: Edward CLYMAN: James (2) COALS: William COYKENDALL: B.F. CRAWFORD: Susan CROSS: Charles H. CURRIER: R.C. CUTLER: A.R. DAILY: Miss Anna DALSEN: James (2) DARIS: Samuel (2) DAVENPORT: Geo. M. DAVID: Susan DAVIS: Daniel DELAY: William DENNY: John M. DERBYSHIRE: Isabella (2) DERVERNO: Francis DESNOVER: Jos (3) DIBBLE: Lewis DILLE: D.B. DIMICK: Abel DODGE: John DOOLITTLE: Lewis DOYLE: JOhn (2) DRAKE: Saml. DUBOIS: Louis M. EBERMAN: John F. EDWIN: Eaton ELLIS: Richard ELLISON: Samuel ELLSWORTH: Orlando ENSWORTH: August L. FISK: Edw. W. (2) FLETCHER: Lorenzo FLINT: Miss MAry FLYNN: JOhn (2) FOWLER: Albert FOX: Truman FRAZER: Saml. GARDNER: Rolzamona GIFFORD: Job GILBERT: Jonathan GOULD: Archibald GREEN: Gen;. Abbott GREEN: Pliny P. GRISWOLD: Reere HAIGHT: Thomas HALL: Edwin (2) HALL: Stephen HARKIN: Danl HARLET: George HARMON: Calvin HARMON: Wm. B. HART: Charles HATH: Alton W. HAWKINS: Harvey (2) HAZELTINE: Orin (2) HERREMA: Aaron HILDRETH: J.H. HILL: LYman HINCKLEY: Redcalf HODSON: JOHn HORTON: Alonzo (3) HUBBELL:W.B. (2) HURD: Mr. HUYCK: Henry JAMBO: Jock JOHNSON: Wm. B. (2) JONES: Cezar (3) JORDAN: Dolly JUDD: Thomas KEELER: John KEMP: George KEYON: Wm. KIMBERLY: E.C. LATHROP: JOnes (2) LORD: William LOYD: John MARTIN: M. MARTIN: Mahlin MATHE: Thomas MCCARTY: Col. John MCCONNELL: no first name MCKITRIC: Robt McKnabb: No first name MCLAN: Geo MCMEAL: Alex MCWHORTER: George MENDELL: Ezra MILLER: Datus MILLER: Harry MILLER: HEnry MILLER: Wm (2) MOENCH: Augs MOFFAT: James (2) MOORE: John D. MORE: JOhn MORGAN: F. MULHOLLAND: Saml MURRY: Orren NEWTON: Daniel NICHOL: Enos NICHOLS: JOseph NOONAN: J.A. OLIN: Nelson PAINE: A.W. PALMER: C.G. PARKER: Asa PARKER: H.S. PARKER: John PARKS: Osmond PATTERSON: M. PATTERSON: Rachel PECK: Stephen PETERS: Joseph PHILIPS: E.D. PIERCE: D.W. PORTER: Israel W. POTTER: John (2) PRATT: Elliott PUTNAM: Worthey PUTNEY: Moses REER: David RICHARDS: Ralph ROBERTS: John G. ROBINSON: Henry ROBINSON: Ikey ROBINSON: Mr. ROGERS: James H. ROSBROOK: Dexter RUSH: Doct. John SACID: W.W. SANDS: S.C. SAWYER: H.F. SCOTT: David (2) SEWARD: Nathan SHALER: J.U. SHAW: E.P. SHAW: John SIMSON: C.B. SMALL: Daniel R. SMITH: John SMITH: Lowell SMITH: Uriel SPECHT: Michael SPIRGIN: James STEVENS: Cyrus STEVENSON: L.C. STILES: John A. Cock STOCKMAN: Charles STONE: Robert STOWELL: J.A. STRONG & ARMSBEE STROTHMAN: Wm. S. SWEET: Alanson (3) TAYLOR: Cunningham TAYLOR: T.W. THOMAS: John W. THOMPSON: E.O. THOMPSON: Horace (3) THOMPSON: Wm. THORP: John F. THURBER: Martin THURSTON: G.W. TILLERY: E. TODD: T.W. TRYON: David TURRELL: A.D. TUTTLE: J.E. VAIL: J.S. VANDERSEN: H.W. VAUGHN: J. VICKLE: A.C. VIELE: J.J. VINTON: Edward WALKER: Mr. J. WARNER: Nath P. WARREN: Obed Dr. WEBSTER: David B. WEBSTER: Lery WELLS: J.M. WHEELOCK: James H. WHITE: Ambrose WHITE: H. D. WHORTER: McC (4) WHORTER: McM WILLIAMS: Israel (2) WOODBRIDGE: H. WOODMAN: Aaron WOODWORTH: C.E. WRILEY: H.D. YATES: Gerome V. Letters remaining uncalled for in Milwaukee postoffice, Saturday, October 25, 1890. Any person inquiring for any letters on this list should mention that the letter is advertised. LADIES' LIST. Abraham, Carrie Adair, Blanch Adair, Catheline Adler, Minnie Adams, Cora Anderson, Ella (3) Armstrong, Mrs. Elizabeth Becker, Amalia Benicke, Emelie Burns, Mrs. Thom Biedrooski, Minna Boettcher, Bertha Bretcher, Mrs. August Boettcher, Bertha Brenning, Emma Brooks, Mrs. Monson Brown, Mary Bruhn, Mary Bucks, Elize Caspary, Annie Cassalmon, Gusie Cole, Jennie E Collins, E. Conroy, Mrs. M. J. Cook, Mrs. Edith A. Cramer, G. S. Conroy, Bell Danier, Nettie Davis, Lizzie Devens, May (2) Delaney, Alice Dewey, Mrs. E. A. Dollmeyer, Laura Emminger, Rosa Evans, A. L. Foerenkopf, Annie Fage, C. Feldt, Augusta Feltmyer, Lizzie Fennske, Mrs. Auguste Fieldberg, Mrs. A. M. Fitzgerald, Goldie Fitzpatrick, Annie Franck, Mrs. Adele Franki, Alice Fuenffinger, Magi Gaines, Mrs. Alice P. Gee, Nellie A Geise, Mrs William Gerard, Mrs. W C Gibson, Mrs. Wm Goodell, Mrs S D Graves, Mrs H P Green, K Gross, Mrs Ida Grinn, Mable Hacy, Celia Hall, Wegia Hanuaberry, Tessie Hass, Anna Haufe, Anna Hawkins, Mrs Bert Hearty, Mrs Bridget Heel, Louisa Heitman, Alma Henderson, Carrie Henry, Fannie Hermann, Mrs Hunt, H Jaquith, Nellie Jenkinson, Mrs Nettie Jenks, Mrs J R (3) Jennett, Mamie Jennings, Polly Jeordeau, E Johnson, Ema Johnson, Louisa Jonng, Annie Kammellex, Annie Kaun, Miss (Sixth st) Keefe Mary (dress-maker) Keeler, Mary Keroid, Magie Kieser, Liese Kiser, Mary Klatte, C Klubenlanz, Kadie Knaup, Emma Krueger, Mary Knon, Lousia Ladwoeg, Mrs Wilhelmine Langers, Mrs W H Lavitsch, Doris Le Brake, H Lee, Kitty Loesche, Louise Luidecke, Louise McNeil, Mrs Annie Manning, Mrs Grace (2) Mason, M P Meany, Celia Meciarn, Mrs (Farwell avenue) Me Desett, Annie Meyer, Lillie Miller, Mrs Arthur Miller, Flora (2) Miller, Mrs Mary Miller, Mrs Maria Miller, Rosa Miller, Mrs Urana Moran, Mrs Thos Morrison, Mrs Rob J. Mueller, Teresia Miss Neimann, Mrs (Center street) Newhouse, Minnie Nilsson, ann Nindel, Mrs Theresa Norris, Mrs A M (2) Nowak, Francisca Olson, Alice O'Neal, Mrs S B Oulik, Antonio Patterson, Gina Pettie, Mrs R H Pickets, Mrs Ophelia Pickruhn, Minna Quinn, Mrs (Wells) Quinn, Mrs Mary A Reese, Clara Rexford, Maud (2) Ring, Allie Ringel, Amelia Rose, Miss G M Russ, Sadio Sawyer, Mrs Minnie Schlueter, Loise Schmidt, Anna Schneck, Sopea E Schneider, Lillie Schnitzler, Mrs S E Schubert, Bertha Schultz, Mrs Schutz, Louise Seefeld, Hulde Seky, Mrs Sexton, Minnie Shape, Elizabeth Shape, Ellen Sherman, M Shodel, Mrs John Shortel, Anna Simonds, Mrs Emely Simpson, Mrs D T Smith, Josie Smith, Katy Smith, Mrs Mollie Smith