Historic Wauwatosa
The village of Wauwatosa was named after Chief Wauwautaesie of the Potawatomie tribe. The original boundaries were Hampton on the North, Greenfield on the south, 124th on the west and 27th on the east.
The first permanent settler was Charles Hart in 1833. By 1840 the following settlers resided in Wauwatosa:
BARBER, Benediah BLANCHARD, Hiram W. BOWEN, John (married Hanna Hoyt 12 Dec 1837 by a circuit riding minister) BRANTT, S.C. BRAZEE, Benson BREED, O.T. BROOKINS, Clark BROWN, Silas CASE, Bigelow CRAWFORD, John CURRAN, Robert DOUSMAN, George B. ELLSWORTH, C.F. FOLEY, John FOWLER, Albert FOWLER, E.G. FOWLER,Daniel GILBERT, Elias GILBERT, Ephriam GILBERT, H. Payson GILBERT, Hezekiah GILBERT, Richard, Sr. GILBERT, Richard, Jr. GRIDLEY, L.L. HART, Charles HART, Oliver HART, Thomas B. HAWLEY, Frank HOWARD, L.T. HOYT, Henry H. HOYT, Thomas D. HUBBEL, Levi JAMES, Charles LELAND, Nathaniel LONGSTREET, William R. LUDINGTON, Harrison MAYNARD, Hosea L. MORGAN, David MORGAN, Frank MOWER, Timothy MUNROE, Alexander NOBLES, William ORENDORF, Alfred OSBORN, Tobias PAINTER, R. POTTER, L.B. PUTNEY, J.C. RICE, Thomas J. RIDDLE, Thomas M. ROSS, Hiram J. SACKETT, Squire SWAN, Alvin SWAN, Emery SWAN, Nathaniel SWAN, Seth UNDERWOOD, E.D. UNDERWOOD, William O. WALES, Gideon WARREN, Jonathan WARREN, Joseph WARREN, L.A. WHEELER, Lyman WHEELER, Sanford WHEELOCK, Benjamin F. Other early residents include: BOYDEN, Elizabeth (Sister of Mrs. T.B. Hart, First public school teacher in Wauwatosa, the school was held in an addition of the T.B. Hart's modest home.) CLAPP, Rev. Luther CRAWFORD, Rev. CLARK, Dr. Andrew Jr. DAMON, Lowell (Wauwatosa's first postmaster) DENNING, Harriet FINGADO, Mr. FISHER, Mr. HALSTED, Dr. L.C. HOPPIN, Richard HOYT, Emerson D. (Wauwatosa's first mayor) MANNING, W.R. MERRILL, Rev. S. ROSE, Henry SPEARS, Mr. STICKNEY, MR. TALFORD, Rev. William WARREN, Deacon Joseph A. & wife WARREN, J.D. WESSON, Nathan WESTOVER, F.H. From Wauwatosa News April 1, 1899 List of Municipal Candidates (* denotes a short sketches of these candidates is available as a link in the marriage and family section of this site) First Ward Alderman Candidates: Norman L. Kneeland* Wm. von Baubach* Frank E. Loveland R.M. Brown Charles B. Perry Second Ward Alderman Candidates: Charles A. Breed* Christoph Kropp* Theodore E. Zimmermann H.A. Bardenwerper* Ferdinand Bark Third Ward Alderman Candidates: Fred. H. Bark* J.D. Warren G.A. Kurtz L.R. Gridley Fourth Ward Alderman Candidates: D.P. Jones* (David P. Jones) Samuel J. Decker* Max Rosenthal F.J. Schmidt H.A. Propp The following nominations were made at the Republican city convention: Mayor, Emerson D. Hoyt* Treasurer, Frank E. Loveland* Assessor, Alonzo F. Kellogg* Justices of the Peace, Edward R. Morley* and H.W. Glasier* First Ward: Charles B. Perry Second Ward: John F. Dittmar Third Ward: L.R. Gridley Fourth Ward: Max Rosenthal at large L. G.A. Kurtz. After the convention adjourned, members of the city committee elected Charles B. Perry, chairman; G.A. Kurtz secretary, and John F. Dittmar, treasurer. The Citizens' organization nominated: First ward alderman: C.G. Porter* and W.J. Potter* Second ward alderman: H.W. Bardenwerper* and J.L. Hooley Third ward alderman: Fred W. Braun and Frank Rogers ------ Additional Citizens' organization nominated: Assessor: John M. Dunlop* Justice of the Peace: Daniel T. Pilgrim* Additional Republican Nominees Alderman: John Hamme* Town Candidates: Town Clerk: H.P. Bradley* F.A. Conrad* Town Treasurer: A.L. Story* P.J. Deuster* Assessor: W.E. Fisher* F.C. Charles Voigt* M.F. Adams* Max Foley* Justice of the Peace: W.H. Taff* George Jeffrey* R.J. Matthias* A.E. Stroud* William McClintock* Matthew Riley* Constable: D.L. Hunter* H.W. Gransee* Robert Behling* Fred Behling* Michael Schlehlein* Daniel Frazier*
Wauwatosa News April 8, 1899
The results of the city election are as follows:
Mayor, E.D. Hoyt
Treasurer, F.E. Loveland
Assessor, A.F. Kellogg
Justices of the Peace: E.B. Morley and H.W. Glasier
First Ward: N.L. Kneeland and Wm. Von Baumbach
Second Ward: Chas. A. Breed and C. Kropp
Third Ward: Fred H. Bark and
Frank Rogers (brother of Alderman L.C.
Rogers and son of C.K. Rogers)
Fourth Ward: D.P. Jones and S.J. Decker
Results of the Town of Wauwatosa Elections are as follows:
Town Clerk: H.P. Bradley
Treasurer: A.L. Story
Assessors: W.E. Fisher and F.C. Voigt
Justices of the Peace: George Jeffrey, R.J. Matthias and W.H. Taff
Constables: D.L. Hunter, H.W. Gransee and R. Behling
(Wauwatosa News, May 6, 1899) P.G. Dick and W.H. McClintock resigned the office of Justice of the peace.
F. Schultz, M.E. Sanderson, H.W. Gransee, P.G. Dick, N. Grat, Chris Sarnow, and George Winding presented the petition asking that C.J.Cox fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of P.G. Dick.
An application was presented to request that Fred Behling be appointed as constable to fill a vacancy.
Otto Luehring was appointed contable to fill a vacancy.
The certificate of election of Dr. J.S. Cutler and Wm. R. Netherent was read. Lyman G. Wheeler was nominated president fo the school board and Mr. Netherent as vice president. Commissioners Netherent and Schneck along with the president were appointed to the budget committee.
================================= 1903 City Officials. Mayor: Emerson D. Hoyt Alderman: William von Baumbach J.W. Kennedy C.A. Breed Jas. Lefeber John Hamme Wm. Menninger D.P. Jones C.A. Gunn City Treasurer: A.F. Kellogg Clerk: Edward Coulthard Assessor: C.W. Damon Attorney: Chas. B. Perry Street Commissioner: J.D. Warren Weed Commissioner: Matt. Goebel Commissioner of Health: D.G. Hathaway, M.D. Justices of the Peace: Edward Coulthard W.S. Notbohm Marshal: Frank Herriman Ward Supervisors: J.B. Thomas John F. Dittmar G.E. Reichardt John Armstrong Board of Education: W.R. Netherent, president Dr. J.S. Cutler, vice president Dr. J.W. Cairncross L.G. Wheeler G.A. Kurtz Ferdinand Bark F.E. Woller Edward Coulthard, secretary A.F. Kellogg, treasurer Water Commissioners: Charles Stickney, president Adam Currie Charles Luetzow C.A. Breed Emerson D. Hoyt Public Library Directors: A.W. Smith, president J.O. Myers, secretary Mrs. C.G. Porter Mrs. L. Brockway John B. De Swarte E.R. Godfrey, Sr. F.M. Merica Mrs. J.L. Foley Fire Department: Chief, J.D. Warren H. E. Leister, assist. chief Hose Company: J.B. Russel C.C. Jacobus Joseph Keller Joseph Schwaiger John Hamme J.F. Dittmar J.C. Lefeber B.F. Hemsing H.P. Hemsing Truck Company: James Lefeber, Capt. Walter Harden, 1st lieutenant A.I. Smith, 2nd lieutenant F.E. Loveland, 3rd lieutenant F.H. Bark Chas. Curtis F.M. Heiden Wm. Menninger G.A. Kurtz W.H. Engelhardt Fred Prudish, Jr. Ed. Garvens Town Board: Fred Hartung, chairman August M. Siegried M. H. Adams John M. Regan, town clerk Albert L. Story, treasurer W.E. Fisher, assessor R.J. Mathias, Justice of the Peace Eug. Braunschweiger, Justice of the Peace Otto Breitkrentz, Justice of the Peace John M. Reiter, Justce of the Peace
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