
Waukesha County is situated in Southeastern Wisconsin. This website is a clearinghouse for genealogical and historical information related to Waukesha County ancestors.
Helpful Information
These pages contain information about:
There is no charge or fee to access this site or any information on it. If you have arrived here from somewhere else, such as a pay site, and are in a frame, you can click here to access this page directly.
The page includes only informaiton available at the time the page was created. If you can't find what you are looking for, it may not have been put online. That doesn't mean it does not exist. Keep looking.
Also, be sure to read the information at the top of the page. There is often information there about where else you can find information, the source of the materials, or what abbreviations mean.
If you can't find what you are looking for you can always ask, we have a few volunteers that will do lookups. (and are always looking for more!) Be sure to be as specific as possible when requesting information. It makes it easier for us trying to help you find the needle in the haystack. There is a link to the volunteer page on the left of every page. Please be sure to thank the volunteer for helping you.
This site would not be as big as comprehensive as it is if it were not for the people who have submitted information to me. If something was sent in by a contributor, I have no further information on it. Please be sure to contact them directly using the email address on the contributors page.
How to Order Vital Records
If you wish to order birth, death, marriage or divorce records. Please see the vital records page for more information on how to do that.