Nelson Cemetery
Also known as Connell Cemetery and Union Cemetery
Menomonee Falls, Menomonee Township
Waukesha County Wisconsin

(Photos taken and generously donated by Christine J./see contributors page)
This cemetery is located on the south side of Schlei Road at the intersection of Hwy V (Town Line Road).
This cemetery is active, established in 1852 and is maintained by the Union Cemetery Association. It is a neighborhood Cemetery, Non-Sectarian which means it is open to all denominations.
The Union Cemetery Association was organized April 17th, 1852, by the inhabitants of the district surrounding the school house, known as "Nelson School House No. 14" in the Town of Menomonee. The meeting was organized by electing William Coats, Chairman, and L. A. Webb secretary.
The following were present: Giles Hard, William Coats, Thomas Blakely, Eli Bush, John Brown, A. B. Hall, William Connell, Anson Gray, Joshua Gifford, A. L. Webb, James H. Nelson, Elijah B. Fuller, James Ball, James Oliver, James Connell, Francis Connell.
The meeting voted to have the organization called the "Union Cemetery Association" and voted to have six trustees, and the following persons were elected for one year, to-wit: Giles Hard and William Warr. William Coats and William Connell were elected for two years and Joshua Gifford and A. L. Webb for three years.
The Union Cemetery Association bought two acres of land of Gabriel H. Nelson, and paid him Fifty ($50.00) Dollars for it, located upon the crest of the hill in Section Six. It was laid out in lots, and the north tier of lots were twenty by forty-five (20x45) feet, except lot fourteen, which is seven feet by forty-five feet. All the rest of the lots are twenty feet by forty-six feet, and run up to seventy-eight.
A certified copy of the plat was filed in the Register of Deeds Office in the year 1912, and a certified copy of the organization was files in the Register of Deeds Office at Waukesha in June 1920. The cemetery, therefore, now completely organized, and on the next page is a list of the officers and committees. Cemetery located in Section Six, Town of Menomonee.
There are cemetery records 1852-date. The records are held by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Association. There is a chart of the cemetery. The records are available to the public for research by appointment only. Contact:
Union Cemetery Association
370 Scenic Road
Colgate, WI 53017
Mail requests will be answered. There is no charge at this time for the search.
These photos generously taken and donated by Christine J. See Contributors Page.
Connell Family Stone
Caroline Connell
John Connell
Maria Connell
May Eva Connell
Stella Connell
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