1898 Newspaper Articles and Tidbits
Some of these were Submitted and transcribed by a researcher/see contributors page
News and Notes
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
WAUKESHA, Wis., Feb. 8. - The fair to be given under the auspices of the St. Joseph's Catholic church will be one of the important social events of the season. It will be held next week. Active preparations for the same are now under headway. Committees have been at work for some time and everything augurs a gratifying outcome. The fair will last for six days, and each evening some special entertainment will be given. Two evenings will be devoted to lectures, one to the choir, one to the children and one to the Catholic Knights. Many merchants have made donations. Here sets of china and a $400 piano donated by C. M. Lantry, will be raffled. The admission charge for the various entertainments will be nominal.
The fair will be held in the old M. E. church, at the intersection of Broadway and South street, Simon Herbrand having kindly donated the use of the same. A minstrel show will be one of the features of the fair. Among the young men who will take part in the show are E. P. Coyle, Will Meagher, Harry Cahill and John Stoeckel, who will act as end men, and Harry Carney, who will be the interlocutor. Some of the others who will take prominent parts are Carl O'Rourke, soloist; Joseph Russell, song and dance; Edward Cahill, Roy Gilbert, Henry Stoeckel and many others.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
The Sphinx Debating society met last evening at the office of Judge P. H. Carney. The opening part of the programme consisted of readings from standard authors by Messrs. Harry and James Carney, Thomas Lyman and Leo Ludlow. Following the readings a debate on the question, "Resolved, That capital punishment should be abolished," took place. The affirmative was supported by Messrs. G. H. Daubner and Hal. Brown; Frank Haight and Milo Muckleston spoke for the negative, Mr. Muckleston taking the place of Henry Lockeny who was unavoidably absent. The judges, Harry Snyder, James Carney and Rex Warden, after being out some time, returned a decision, by a vote of two to one, in favor of the affirmative. The next meeting will be held Friday evening, Feb. 18, at the office of Pierce & Daubner. A debate on the question, "Resolved, That the United States should recognize the belligerency of Cuba," will be the chief feature of the meeting. Dan Martin and Ernest Perry will speak in favor of the affirmative and Rex Warden and Hazen Parsons for the negative.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
Arthur Waite and L. D. Blott will take the parts of Gratiano and Launcelot Gobbo, respectively, in the production of the Merchant of Venice at the Davidson theater, tomorrow evening. A large number from this city have expressed their intention of witnessing the production.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
Robert Pool is the guest of Milwaukee friends.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
The Beacon Lights Reading club met yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. M. S. Griswold. The club will meet next Monday with Mrs. W. L. Sanuer. Mrs. Charles Parker will be the reader.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
Over thirty couples attended the dance given by the Daughters of the King at the G. A. R. hall last evening. The affair proved the most enjoyable yet given by the organization. The final party of the series will be given Monday evening, Feb. 21.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
Joseph Peabody, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peabody of Barney street, left today for New Mexico, where he will remain for some time for the benefit of his health.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
Art Blair and son of Lannon visited in Waukesha today.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
Pohn Jaco of Milwaukee is now in charge of the meat market on Williams street, better known as "Midway," and hereafter the business will be looked after with the object of pleasing the general public.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
The cane to be voted upon at the Catholic fair next week will be contested for by the whole legal fraternity of the city.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
The ladies of the Congregational church will serve a 15-cent supper in the church parlors on Thursday evening of this week from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
The next meeting of the Fin de Siccle club will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Harding, Feb. 11.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
Miss Retta Elliott, who is kell-known in Waukesha, is seriously ill at her home in Sussex.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
A. B. Rolfe started today for Buchanan, Mich., by military conveyance. He will drive a horse belonging to C. G. Deissner, ex-sheriff, who is connected with the National Manufacturing company at Buchanan. The distance is 200 miles.
The Milwaukee sentinel, (Milwaukee, WI) October 30, 1898; pg. 10; Issue 47; col B
Judge Frank H. Putney has returned from Washington after an absence of about three weeks. He attended the triennial conference of the Episcopal church.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
OCONOMOWOC, Wis., Feb. 8. - W. Foster Lardner goes to Fox Lake on Feb. 18 and 19 to produce Imogene and The Cheerful Liar. The cast will be composed of the Markesaw Dramatic club.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
Mrs. George Olson will spend the remainder of the week with relatives in Milwaukee.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
The common council met last night. A communication signed by Miss C. L. Edwards and John Bender, trustees of the Oconomowoc Public Library association, was read, asking that the city grant $150 to help defray the expenses of that association. The matter was held over until the next meeting of the council.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
A request from the band was also read asking that no charge be made for the use of the city hall on the occasion of their masquerade, Feb. 3. The request will be considered at the next session of the council.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
Several bills were read by the city clerk, which were accepted, with the exception of the bills of Thomas Brannon and the Electric Lighting company, which were held over for investigation.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
A resolution was offered by Ald. Blanchard fixing the salary of the city treasurer for the ensuing year at $300, which is to be full payment for all duties of said officer. Ald. Notbohm amended the same by fixing the city treasurer's salary at $350, which amendment was carried unanimously.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
William Wohlrabe is visiting his brother at West Superior.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
William Fleming is in Madison today on legal business.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
Miss Clarice Cook entertained a few friends at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Olif Olsen last evening.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
P. J. Petersen is at Milwaukee today.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
A number of friends gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cuno last evening. Eight tables of cinch were played and the lucky ones were Mrs. F. F. Machus, Miss Laura Schoen, Dr. L. A. Meyer and G. Hartwig.
The Milwaukee Journal, (Milwaukee, WI) [February 08, 1898]; col B
A pleasant surprise was tendered Mrs. Lucy Kellogg last evening, it being her birthday anniversary. Cards and refreshments were the features of the evening.
The Milwaukee sentinel, (Milwaukee, WI) October 30, 1898; pg. 10; Issue 47; col B
D. S. and H. A. Tuller, Joseph Phillips and Charles Newberry left to-day for the northern portion of the state to hunt.
The Milwaukee sentinel, (Milwaukee, WI) October 30, 1898; pg. 10; Issue 47; col B
Mrs. A. W. James entertained a large number of friends last night at a musical.
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