West Granville Cemetery
West Granville Cemetery
6800 block of N. 107th St.
Granville, Milwaukee County
The West Granville Cemetery Association (trustees Hiram Lake, P.W. Dodge, and Jonas F. Barndt) bought one acre of land on Feb. 24, 1853 from Jonas F. and Hanna Barndt.
The earliest known burial is that of a child which took place in 1840, and for an adult, Jane Wolcott, in 1844.
Plot 2 was purchased in 1866 from Jonas F. Barndt and wife, Sophia, adjacent to the original one acre.
Plot 3 was purchased in 1876. It was another one acrew bought from Abner S. Barndt for $125.00. The trustees then were Henry Ernst, John Wollfitt, and Abner S. Barndt.
In 1902, David and Josephine Barndt sold four acres to the cemetery for $1,000. This cemetery was designated as a historic landmark in 1977 along with the West Granville Presbyterian and Salem Lutheran Church.
Select Burials and Interments
Original transcription of old stones by Mimi Bird Burials still take place in this cemetery. Key to Lot numbers -O=Original Plot -1= Addition Plot 1 -2= Addition Plot 2 -3= Addition Plot 3 ANDERS: [Sec B Front] Virgil/b. 27 Oct. 1919/d. 20 Oct. 1983/Sargent US Army WWII" ANDERSON: [Sec B Center] Malinda/b. 19 February 1848/d. 5 Nov. 1922/Could be in Charles Shup plot [Sec B Center] Russell A./b. 1911/d. 1956/In James Sherman Church plot ANDREWS: (Lot 40-O) Deborah C. Cowels-Andrews/1806-1899 (buried with Snyder) (b. Jan 30, 1906/Spencer NY/d. May 2, 1899) Bertie G./d. Mar __, 1846, aged 13 yr, 11 mo, 27 days/buried with Deborah C. above ANHALT: [Section C] Charley/b. 31 Jan. 1875/d. 6 Aug. 1910/NEXT TO: [Section C] Pauline/b. 1879/d. 1943/Mother ARMSTRONG: [Section C] Irene/b. 1910/d. 1969 ARMOUR: [Sec B Front] Sally/wife of Robert H./d. Sept 18, 1852/aged 36 yr, 7 mo, 17 days/(1815-1852)/(Lot 42-O) ARNDT: [Section C] Elsa B./b. 1888/d. 1975/OSSW: [Section C] Ewald W./b. 1883/d. 1965 AUSTIN: [Sec A Center] George W./b. 1923/d. 1931/Appears to be in Walter A. Hoenecke plot [Section C] Marjorie R./b. 1921/d. 1992 BACHMANN: [Section C] Helene/b. 1916/d. No date/OSSW: [Section C] Walter/b. 1904/d. 1974/Private US Army WWII BACKER: (lot 95-O Grave 7, Chris Herzog owner of lot) Augusta/1858-1920 BACKER: See BECKER BADINGER: (Lot 116-O) Mr. & Mrs. Adam/purchased this lot, buried Prairie Home Cem. Waukesha BAER: [Section C] Denzil A./b. 1898/d. 1977/NEXT TO: [Section C] Peggy Tillie/b. No Date/d. 15 Oct. 1959 BAERENWALD: [Section C] Amalia W./b. 1884/d. 1960/Mother/OSSW: [Section C] Arthur E./b. 1884/d. 1952/Father/NEXT TO: [Section C] Raymond H./b. 29 April 1912/d. 14 Oct. 1931/Son of Mr. & Mrs. A E/NEXT TO: [Section C] E Ida/b. 1866/d. 1943/Mother/OSSW: [Section C] Herman/b. 1859/d. 1935/NEXT TO: [Section C] Evelyn/b. 1926/d. 1933/NEXT TO: [Section C] Erwin/b. 1896/d. 1963/OSSW: [Section C] Alma/b. 1899/d. 1984 [Section C] Darleen J./b. 23 April 1943/d. No date/OSSW: [Section C] Herman H. Jr./b. 8 Jan. 1936/d. 24 Nov. 1991/NEXT TO: [Section C] Lois Irene/b. 23 Jan. 1944/d. 15 Mar. 1951/NEXT TO: [Section C] Loretta E./b. 1912/d. 1965/OSSW: [Section C] Harry A./b. 1912/d. 1972/NEXT TO: [Section C] Erma O./b. 1902/d. 1976/Mother/Married 14 June 1925/OSSW: [Section C] Herman A./b. 1901/d. 1986/Father [Sec A Back] Alvin/b. 1917/d. 1965/OSSW: [Sec A Back] Esther (S 2/3 Lot 13-3, Sect B) [Sec B back] Caroline/b. 27 May 1845/d. 22 May 1925/Mother/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Henry/b. 28 July 1853/d. 26 June 1934/Father/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Charles/b. 9 Aug. 1882/d. 17 Dec. 1918/Son/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] William/b. 1880/d. 1948/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Esther/b. 1898/d. 19-- (Esther Barenwald-Nitschke/ 1898/d. July 13, 1870) [Sec A back] Esther/b. 1916/d. 1966/OSSW: [Sec A back] Alvin/Frank/b. 1890/d. 1960 [Sec B back] Mamie/b. 1894/d. 1972/OSSW: [Sec B back] Frank/b. 19 Jan. 1914/d. 19 Jan. 1914/Infant/OSSW: Clara & Herman Linstedt [Sec B back] Henry/b. 1883/d. 1958 [Sec C front] Meta/b. 1897/d. 1984/OSSW: [Sec C front] Richard/b. 1891/d. 1984 BAILEY: (Lot 1-O) [Sec B front] Eben/d. July 26, 1876/aged 78 yrs 8 mo 27 days/NEXT TO: [Sec B front] Susan/wife of Eben Bailey/d. Feb. 2, 1870/aged 72 yrs 13 days/NEXT TO: [Sec B front] Freeman H./d. Feb. 17, 1854/aged 34 yrs 2 mo./Stone Broken They are buried with dau and her family - The Nicholsons BANDOW: (Lot 35-2) Theodore/1843-1924 Mary/1846-1914 [Sec B center] Maria/d. 7 Nov. 1881/Mother/69 Yrs. 6 Mon. 22 Days/OSSW: [Sec B center] Martin/b. 30 June 1808/d. 25 Sept. 1878in Menomonee Falls, Waukesha Co./Father/70 yrs. 2 Mon. 25 Days/NEXT TO: [Sec B center] Josephine L./b. 1871/Stone broken/(1874 missing on tombstone only one date left [Sec B center] Adeline C./b. 25 Oct. 1864/d. 2 May 1871/(Hard to read)/NEXT TO: [Sec B center] Marie (HUBER)/b. 1846/d. 1914/NEXT TO: BARBER: (no plot/no cem record) Lina/d. 1845/aged 9 years BARNDT: (Lot 22-2 & 23-2) A./Monument [Sec B back] Abner/b. 21 Jan. 1826/d. 13 Mar. 1894/Father/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Henry A./b. 1868/d. 18 June 1881/13 Yrs. 2 Mon. 18 Days/ (Henry Abner)NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Louisa/b. 1860/d. 3 Feb. 1863/2 Yrs. 3 Mon. 16 Days/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Amanda/b. 1854/d. 3 Jan. 1855/8 Mon. 26 Days/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Hannah/b. 1850/d. 28 Sept. 1850/3 Mons. 28 Days/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] John E./b. 1872/d. 28 May 1881/8 Yrs. 10 Mon. 3 Days/ (John Eli)/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Leanna (LEISTER)/b. 2 May 1828/d. 15 July 1903/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Rachel/b. 3 Oct. 1862/d. 13 May 1886/Sister/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Caroline/b. 7 May 1866/d. 28 June 1901/Sister [Sec B back] Ann M./____-1929/daughter (John Eli Barndt family lived in Menomonee Falls, Waukesha County) BARNDT: (Lot 112-2) [Sec B back] Abner/b. 1892/d. 1985/(Abner D./b. Jun 17, 1892/ d. May 20, 1985)/OSSW: [Sec B back] Clyde/b. 1883/d. 1959/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] David/b. 1859/d. 1936/Father/OSSW: [Sec B back] Josephine/b. 1859/d. 1944/Mother/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Baby/No Dates/Our Darling BARNDT: (Lot 31-2) [Sec B Center] Catharine (WAMBOLD)/b. 27 Aug. 1824/d. 6 Feb. 1898/ Mother/(also found as Caroline)/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] Franklin/b. 27 May 1862/d. 10 Dec. 1876/Son of Wm. & C. Barndt/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] William/b. 14 Aug. 1820/d. 12 Sept. 1892/Father BARNDT: (Lot 20-O) [Sec B Front] Allen S./b. 1836/d. 1899/Grand Army of Republic Marker/(Allen S. (Dr.)/1836-1899/b. Montgomery Co., Penn./came to WI 1858/husband of Bianca Smith/ father of Libbie, Nettie, Jennie)/OSSW: [Sec B Front] Bianca/b. 3 Feb. 1874/d. 18 Feb. 1874/(Bianca D./1874/ 1st wife of Allen S. Barndt)/OSSW: [Sec B Front] Bianca/b. 15 May 1843/d. 9 Feb. 1874/Wife of A.S."/OSSW: [Sec B Front] John S,/b. 18 June 1863/d. 22 Sept. 1863/OSSW: [Sec B Front] Sophia/b. 18 May 1866/d. 22 Aug. 1867/OSSW: [Sec B Front] Fleetwood/b. 11 Oct. 1869/d. 23 Jan. 1870/OSSW: [Sec B Front] Sarah/b. 1 July 1872/d. 13 Sept. 1872 BARNDT: (N 1/2 Lot 60-O) [Sec A Front] Jacob/b. 1813/d. 1850/buried In James G. & Mary C. Boyd plot with daughter Mrs. James G. Boyd) BARNDT: (lot 62-O) [Sec A Front] Henry/b. 1870/d. 1888/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Jacob A./d. 2 Oct. 1862/(23)33 Yrs. 6 Mon. 29 Days/ residence Menomonee Falls/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Lucy/d. 17 May 1862/6 Mon. 29 Days/Daughter of Jacob A. & Lydia/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Lydia/b. 1837/d. 1906/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Josiah G./b. 1831/d. 1902/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Ida/b. 17 Sep. 1855/d. 15 Sep. 1864/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Susan/b. 20 Jan. 1835/d. 1 Aug. 1862/NEXT TO: BARNDT: (lot 62-O) Josiah G./1831-1902/son of Fred & Mary (Gebhardt) Barndt Ida/1858-1864 Susan/b. Apr 29, 1835/d. Aug 3, 1862/wife of Josiah BARNDT: (lot 65-O) [Sec A Front] Abner S./b. 2 Nov. 1845/d. 4 Oct. 1899/Weep Not That His Toils Are Over.."/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Henry S./b. 28 April 1842/d. 5 Mar. 1868/Brother, Love's broken Links Shall again Reunite..." /NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Hannah/b. 1 Mar. 1816/d. 23 Oct. 1853/Mother, Sweet is the Memory of Departed Worth/(first wife of Jonas F.)/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Jonas F./b. 1 Mar.1910/d. 31 Aug. 1874/Dates Wrong ??/ Father/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Sophia/b. 5 Oct. 1812/d. 8 July 1896/Mother, A Little Longer Here Below..."/(second wife of Jonas F.)/ NEXT TO: BARNDT: (Lot 59-O) [Sec A Front] Frederick/b. 8 Nov. 1800/d. 16 Feb. 1873/Father/Age 72 Years, 3 Mon. 8 Days/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Mary (GEBHARDT)/b. 3 Dec. 1805/d. 14 June 1882 [Sec A Front] Fredie/1860-1863 BARNDT: (N 1/2 Lot 20-2) [Sec B Center] Anna M./b. 25 Aug. 1841/d. 9 Jun. 1909/Wife/OSSW: [Sec B Center] Henry G./b. 18 July 1838/d. 6 April 1886/Husband BARNDT: [Sec B Center] Baby/No Dates/In C A Barndt Plot/OSSW [Sec B Center] Father/b. 1852/d. 1934/In C A Barndt Plot/(Chas. A.)/OSSW: [Sec B Center] Mother/b. 1855/d. 1939/In C A Barndt Plot/(Mary E.)/OSSW: [Sec B Center] Baby/No Dates/In C A Barndt Plot/OSSW: [Sec B Center] Elmer G.(possibly C)/No Dates/In C A Barndt Plot BARNDT: [Sec A Front] Johnnie W./b. 1854/d. 1862/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] William H./b. 1850/d. 1905/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Mary (ERNST)/b. 5 April 1821/d. 3 April 1912/Mother/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Jonas/b. 22 April 1816/d. 20 Jun. 1903/Father/Age 87 Yrs. 2 Mon. 28 Dys/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Sarah/b. 1843/d. 1848/NEXT TO: BARNDT: (Lot 24-3, sect. B) [Sec B back] Albert/b. 1876/d. 1941/OSSW: [Sec B back] Ida/b. 1879/d. 1931/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Donald/b. 1925/d. No Date/NEXT TO: [Sec B back] Elmer F./b. 1903/d. 1944 BARNDT: [Section D] Emma/b. 4 Dec. 1853/d. 9 July 1928/Mother/OSSW: [Section D] Fred G./b. 1864/d. 1951/OSSW: [Section D] Nelson/b. 4 Nov. 1846/d. 27 Dec. 1917/Father/(son of Abner and Hannah(Lennah) Barndt)/OSSW: [Section D] Emma S./b. 1870/d. 1950 Milton N./no dates Lucille/b. Mar 30, 1905/d. Jan 25, 1988 BARNDT: [Sec A Back] Minnie/b. 1895/d. 1979/OSSW: [Sec A Back] Walter/b. 1890/d. 1952 BARNDT: [Sec B Center] Hattie/b. 20 June 1888/d. 19 Nov. 1921/Wife of Frank [Sec C Front] Lucille L./b. 30 Mar. 1905/d. 25 Jan. 1988/OSSW: [Sec C Front] Milton N./b. 13 Mar. 1907/d. No Date/Next to: Nelson & Edna/No further information [Section C] Arby L./b. 13 Feb. 1895/d. 2 Nov. 1972/Wisconsin Corp. US Army WW1/OSSW: [Section C] Frances M./b. 11 July 1907/d. No Date/NEXT TO: [Section C] Frank E./b. 1884/d. 1966/OSSW: [Section C] Emma A./b. 1890/d. 1977/OSSW: [Section C] Florence/b. 1927/d. 1993 [Section C] Florence/b. 1894/d. 1975/OSSW: [Section C] Jesse/b. 1894/d. 1965 [Section C] Mabel A./b. 1883/d. 1925/Wife [Sec B Center] Emma/b. 1849/d. 1926/Next to Irving V.. Family plot/OSSW: [Sec B Center] Irving V./b. 1847/d. 1925/Next to Emma, Family plot/OSSW: [Sec B Center] Stanke & Boorse BARRET?: [Sec B Front] Sabina/d. 3 April 1845/Daughter of W. & L./9 Yrs. BARTELT: [Sec A Back] Henry/b. 11 Jan. 1865/d. 22 June 1915/Father BASEMAN: (lot 66-O grave 2) [Sec A Front] Amilie/b. 17 May 1802/d. 23 Dec. 1868/(Emelie/1862- 1868/hard to read could be 1802-1863 buried with Herzog BAST: [Sec A Back] Henriette/b. Feb 23, 1817/d. Oct 20, 1881 Bulgrin Kiekhefer and Bast buried together BATEMAN: (Lot 26-O) [Sec B Front] Helen E. (Everts)/1828-1905 (Buried with parents, Chas. P. & Caroline (Chandler) Everts) BAUERNFEIND: (S. 1/2 Lot 45-2) [Sec B Center] Friedericka/b. 6 Feb. 1850/d. 28 Oct. 1931/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] George/b. 10 Feb. 1846/d. 9 Sept. 1898/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] Margareth B./b. 1 Oct. 1824/d. 4 Dec. 1901/Mutter/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] John G./b. 17 Dec. 1820/d. 18 Feb. 1877/Vater/Cause:Suicide BAUERNFEIND: (Lot 82-0) J. George/owner of this plot but no burial [Sec A Front] Katherina/b. 9 Feb. 1800/d. 13 Dec. 1863/(Katherine/ 1st wife of George Adam/b. Feb 9, 1800/d. Dec. 13, 1863)/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Katherina J./b. 28 Oct. 1855/d. 13 Mar. 1872/(Katherine)/ NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Christoph/d. 17 Sept. 1859 (Date Uncertain)/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] James/b. 19 April 1863 d. 11 Mar. 1872 (Date Uncertain)/ NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Little Eddy/b. No date/d. No date/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Bertha/d. 18 Mar. 1872/(b. 1866)/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Jacob/1863-1872 [Sec A Front] Christopher/1859-1872 [Sec A Front] Christine/1855-1885 The above 5 children's parents were Johann N. and Barbara (Rueling) Bauernfeind/buried in J. George Lot) BAUERNFEIND: (S 1/2 Lot 138-3 Sec. A) [Sec C] Alvina/b. 1887/d. 1942/OSSW: [Sec C] Henry/b. 1878/d. 1949 BAUERNFEIND: (Lot 9-1) Barbara E. (Pirner)/1855-1872/1st wife of Johann Michael Mara M./1876-1887 Both buried with the Manns BAUERNFEIND: (Lot 9-1) George (owner of lot no burial) Margaret E./2nd wife of George Adam/1800-1884 Jacob/1846-1914 Christine/1855-1885 Edward/1883-1884 Otto/1880-1880 Lisette/d. 1860/age 7 yrs. BAUERNFEIND: (N 1/2 Lot 81-2) [Sec A Back] Michael/1848-1927/Father/NEXT TO: [Sec A Back] Emilie (Krause)/1853-1913/Mother/NEXT TO: [Sec A Back] Louisa/1875-1957 buried with Emilie's parents Johann and Caroline Krause BAUERNFEIND: (Lot 82-O) George Adam/b. Jun 24, 1800/d. Aug 6, 1882 BAUERNFEIND: [Sec B Center] ?/b. 8 Oct. 1824/d. 25 April 1888/Stone damaged/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] Johann Georg/b. 10 May 1810/d. 6 Oct. 1875/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] Barbara F. (PIRNER)/b. 21 Feb. 1855/d. 24 Jan. 1872/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] Maria M./b. 25 June 1872/d. 14 April 1887/Hard to read/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] Jacob/b. 19 Oct. 1846/d. 28 Mar. 1914/Father/OSSW: Christina [Sec B Center] Christina/b. 4 Jan. 1855 d. 10 April 1929/Mother/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] Otto/b. 24 Sept. 1880/d. 27 Sept. 1880/OSSW: [Sec B Center] Eduard/b. 12 June 1883/d. 17 Feb. 1884/Hard to read/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] Lisette H. (KUENETH)/b. Feb. 1853?/d. 30 Mai. 1870/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] Maria A. Mann BAUMAN/BOWMAN: [Sec B Center] John A./b. 5 Sept. 1862/d. 1 Feb. 1869/Son of J. & M. A./ 6 Yrs. 5 Mon/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] Mary Ann//d. 14 Sept. 1862/age 18/Wife of Jacob/Daughter of J. A. ? & Anna Shup/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] John & Anna Shup Hannah/child's grave [Sec B Center] Jacob/b. 25 Dec. 1816/d. 18 Mar. 1867/51 Yrs. 23 Days/NEXT TO: [Sec B Center] Elizabeth BOWMAN/wife of Jacob/b. May 8, 1806/d Jun 9, 1888 [Sec B Center] Elmer BOWMAN/1878-1879 BECKER: (Lot 32-1) [Sec A Center] Gottlip/d. 9 Feb. 1901/NEXT TO: [Sec A Center] Carl/d. 1857/NEXT TO: [Sec A Center] Wilhelmine/b. 29 July 1827/d. 19 Oct. 1895/NEXt TO: [Sec A Center] Frederick/b. 26 Nov. 1801/d. 1 Mai 1886 BECKER: [Sec A Front] Augusta/b. 1858/d. 1920/Mutter, Ruhe Sanft/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Gottlieb/b. 1858/d. 1940/NEXT TO: [Sec A Front] Ernst/b. 1885/d. 1932/NEXT TO: BECKER: (Lot 79-3) [Sec C] Annie/b. 1895/d. 1966/OSSW: [Sec C] George/b. 1891/d. 1955/NEXT TO: [Sec C] Lillie E./b. 1889/d. 1968/NEXT TO: [Sec C] Henry/b. 1858/d. 1948/Father/OSSW: [Sec C] Bertha/b. 1863/d. 1935/Mother BEDINGER: (Lot 6-1) Ida/1861-1870(?)/buried with Spraul BEDUHN: Gottlieb/no dates, died after the 1880 census buried with dau Emilie Lucht and her family BEEKMAN: [Sec A Center] Wilhelm /b. 29 Mai 1871/d. 1 April 1874/Month of birth could be wrong, hard to read BEHNKE: (Lot 3-2) [Sec B Front] Carl/b. Oct 8, 1811/d. Jan 6, 1877 Dorothea/b. Mar 24, 1804/d. Nov 30, 1879 buried with Wilhelmina and Tobias Leister BELL: [Section C] Doris M./b. 1928/d. 1980/OSSW: [Section C] Harold M./b. 1929/d. No Date BEHNKE: [Sec B Front] Carl/b. 8 Oct. 1811/d. 6 Jan. 1877 BENDINGER: [Sec B Center] Ida/b. 15 Mai 1861/d. 11 June 1879 BENTON: (Lot 95-2) Hugh/1815-1843 buried with Phebe Brazelton and her children BENTZ: [Section C] Edna/b. 1917/d. No Date/OSSW: [Section C] Henry/b. 1913/d. 1991 BERDINE: [Section East] Edna/b. 25 July 1894/d. 2 Nov. 1990/Beloved Wife of Harry/OSSW: [Section East] Harry/b. 23 June 1896/d. 9 Dec. 1961/Wisconsin Private Infantry, WWI BERENS: [Section C] Mary/b. 1880/d. 1958/OSSW: [Section C] Mathew/b. 1860/d. 1943/Father/NEXT TO: [Section C] Veron E./b. 1907/d. 1963/Mother BERGEMANN: [Sec A Back] Henry A./b. 25 Dec. 1893/d. 5 Aug. 1973/OSSW: [Sec A Back] Hilda W./b. 21 May 1899/d. 2 July 1973 BERGSTRESSER: (Lot 84-O) Fred/1779-1867 (d. Nov. 28, 1867/W. Granville Presby. Church records) [Sec A Front] Margaret/1791-1876 (b. Sept 16, 1791/d. Aug 19, 1876/W. Granville Presby. Church records) Drusilla/1846-1850 Martha/d. July 10, 1870 from church info, no marker now. BERINGER: (Lot 92-0) [Sec A Front] M. D./1828-1859/Mahlon D./info from cem records, no marker exists/(d. 16 Feb. 1859/Age 31 Years, 3 Mon. 27 Days) BIERTZER: [Section C] Hazel/b. 1905/d. 1971/OSSW: [Section C] Henry/b. 1905/d. 1958/Next to: [Section C] Henry/d. 1936 Only one date/OSSW: [Section C] Lucy Ann/d. 1930 Only one date BLETCHER: [Section D] Edgar G./b. 1913/d. No Date/OSSW: [Section D] Jennie F./b. 1919/d. 1974/OSSW: [Section D] Marjorie F./b. 1920/d. 1982 BLOEDEL: [Section C] Caroline/b. 1865/d. 1933/Next to: [Section C] Robert/b. 1863/d. 1923 BLOHM: [Section C] Albertina/b. 22 Nov. 1863/d. 2 Feb. 1942/OSSW: [Section C] John/b. 31 May 1853/d. 5 April 1939/Father [Section C] Alfred/b. 8 Mar. 1896/d. 17 April 1979/OSSW: [Section C] Anna/b. 2 Dec. 1894/d. 16 Jan. 1978/Next to: [Section C] Carol/b. 26 Feb. 1936/d. 25 July 1978/OSSW: [Section C] Edward/b. 20 Dec. 1934/d. No Date BOETTCHER: [Section A Center Johanna C./b. 4 July 1884/d. 12 April 1903/Ruhe Sanft" In Emil H. A. Schultz plot BOLDT: [Section C] Enola/b. 1910/d. 1994/OSSW: [Section C] Theodore/b. 1906/d. 1985 BOORSE: (Lot 33-O) [Section B Center] D. G. Boorse Family Plot/ [Section B Center] D.G./b. 30 May 1822/d. 14 Jan. 1902/Father/(Daniel G)Next to: [Section B Center] Rachel (Rasor)/b. No Date/d. No Date/Mother, Wife of D.G. Boorse/stones tilted forward hard to read BOORSE: (Lot 30-O) [Section B Center] Alfred/b. 22 July 1854/d. 5 Dec. 1868/Son of H. & M. Boorse/OSSW: [Section B Center] Henry/b. 29 Sept. 1815/d. 23 Dec. 1887/OSSW: [Section B Center] Mary (Price)/b. 18 Nov. 1819/d. 22 April 1897/Mother, Wife of H. Boorse"/OSSW: [Section B Center] Matilda/b. 25 Sept. 1840/d. 3 Jan. 1848/Daughter of H. & M. Boorse [Section B Center] Brother/b. No Date/d. No Date/Son of D. G. & R. Boorse/ OSSW: Stanke & Barndt John/1841-1850 [Section C] Henry C./b. 1870/d. 1927/OSSW: [Section C] Maude M./b. 1880/d. 1943 BOOTH: (lot 10-3, Sec B) [Section B Back] Nina (WASON)/b. 1857/d. 1927/Next to: [Section B Back] Harry/b. 1853/d. 1920/Next to: Wm. R. Wason BOOTH: (Lot 8-O) [Section B Front] David W./1886-1890/son of Harry and Nina Both, buried in Robt. Wason, Jr. plot BORN: [Section C] Arnold O./b. 1890/d. 1956/OSSW: [Section C] Lillian M./b. 1891/d. 1969/Next to: [Section C] William G./b. 1928/d. 1984 [Section C] Louis A./b. 1889/d. 1956/Next to: [Section C] Mary/b. 1865/d. 1953/OSSW: [Section C] Otto/b. 1863/d. 1937 BORTZ: [Section A Back] Bertha/b. 1861/d. 1941/Mother/OSSW: [Section A Back] Julius/b. 1860/d. 1931/Father/Next to: [Section A Back] Bertha/b. 3 May 1900/d. 1 May 1919 BOWMAN: See BAUMAN BOWMANN: [Section B Center] Elizabeth/b. 18 may 1806/d. 9 June 1888/Wife of Jacob/Next to: Jacob Bauman & Elmer Bowmann [Section B Center] Elmer/b. 15 Dec. 1878/d. 5 Sept. 1879 BOYD: (N 1/2 Lot 60-O) James C./1841-1926 Mary C./1845-1921/daughter of Salome Barndt (later Horning) and Jacob Barndt buried with Jacob Barndt and Mathilda Slifer [Section A Front] James G./b. 1841/d. 1926/Next to: [Section A Front] Mary C./b. 1845/d. 1926/daughter of Salome Barndt (later Horning) and Jacob Barndt/next to: Jacob Barndt and Mathilda S. Slifer BOYD: (Lot 7-O) [Section B Front] John/b. 1809/d. 1895/OSSW: [Section B Front] Josias J./b. 1837/d. 1918/OSSW: [Section B Front] Mary Jane/b. 1843/d. 165/OSSW: [Section B Front] Matilda (Wason)/b. 1815/d. 1900 BOYD: See BARNDT BOYLAN: [Section C] Barbara/b. 27 Mar. 1905/d. 28 Feb. 1983/Beloved Mother of Joyce Kremslehner BRAHME: (Lot 24 Original Plot/owned by Conrad Brame) [Section B Front] John/d. May 12, 1853/aged 11 yrs/(1842-1853)/next to: [Section B Front] Mary/d. 1849/aged 2 years 7 Mon. 11 Days/sister of John/(1847-1849) BRANDT: [Section A Front] Little Freddy/b. No Date/d. 1862/Son of A. & H.M. BRAZELTON: (Lot 95-2/Clayton Brazelton owner of Lot) [Section A Back] Phebe/wife of William Brazelton/d. Aug 18, 1840/aged 27 yr/buried with Hugh Benton/1815-1843 William R./d. 1850/age 2 yr/Son of Clayton & Anna [Section A Back] Emily/d. 1 Aug. 1840/aged 2 yr/Daughter of Clayton & AnnaNext to: Phebe and the 2 children, were originally buried in the Brazelton family plot, and later moved to this cemetery. BREHMER: [Section C] Clara/b. 1884/d. 1973/OSSW: [Section C] Gustave/b. 1879/d. 1954/Next to: [Section C] Wilhelmine /b. 24 Sept. 1844/d. 9 April 1908/Mutter/Next to: [Section C] Friedrich/b. 3 Dec. 1836/d. 9 Feb. 1923/Next to: [Section C] William A./b. 1913/d. 1963 [Section C] Elenora J./b. 3 June 1916/d. No Date/OSSW: [Section C] Elmer L./b. 14 Nov. 1916/d. 3 Dec. 1980 [Section C] Frank C./b. 1928/d. 1948 [Section B Center] Florence A./b. 9 Sept. 1912/d. No Date/OSSW: [Section B Center] Henry H./b. 10 Aug. 1911/d. 21 Dec. 1973 BREHMER: [Section E] Reinhold H./b. 27 Aug. 1914/d. 23 April 1982/OSSW: [Section E] Viola G./b. 25 Jan. 1915/d. No Date BRINN: [Section C] George A./b. 1876/d. 1961/Next to: [Section C] Lillian I./b. 1880/d. 1965/Next to: [Section C] Stuart E./b. 1901/d. 1929 BROWN: [Section A Back] Darcy Lynne/b. 10 Aug. 1967/d. 29 Oct. 1967 BRUEGGEMAN: (lot 78-2) [Section A Back] Herman/1860-1915 [Section A Back] Augusta/1872-1936 [Section A Back] Louise/b. 4 Nov. 1868/d. 21 Sept. 1890/Next to: [Section A Back] Gilbert/b. 12 Sept. 1890/d. 28 Sept. 1890/Next to: [Section A Back] Infant/b. 12 Sept. 1890/d. No Date/Sohn Von H. & L. [Section A Back] Rose (DOMAN)/b. 23 Mar. 1883/d. 24 Jan. 1906/ Next to Henriette, Wilhelm, Louise, Amanda & Herman Doman BRUEGGEMANN: [Section B Center] Wilhelmina (Begrow)/b. 26 Aug. 1833/d. 7 Jan. 1928/Mother/OSSW: [Section B Center] Wilhelm/b. May 16, 1824/d. Mar 22, 1907/father [Section A Center] Baby/b. 16 May 1912 Only one Date/Son of M. & J./ In William Woolfitt plot [Section B Center] Bernard/b. 1867/d. 1935/Next to: [Section B Center] John H./b. 1879/d. 195/OSSW: [Section B Center] Mary E./b. 1887/d. 1944/OSSW: BRUNOW: [Section C] Else/b. 3 Sept. 1887/d. 28 Nov. 1959/Next to: [Section C] William /b. 17 Nov. 1885/d. 24 April 1977 BRUSS: (Lot 159-3, Sect A) [Section C] Carl August/b. 1826/d. 1877/Next to: [Section C] Carl F./b. 1872/d. 1872/Next to: [Section C] Johann/b. 1794/d. 1872/Next to: [Section C] Johanna (Fischer)/b. 4 Feb. 1846/d. 29 June 1924/OSSW: [Section C] Friedrich/b. 12 Oct. 1824/d. 17 Mai 1905/Next to: [Section C] Dorothea (Schroeder)/b. 1798/d. 1883 all originally buried at St. Peter Immanuel, W. mill Rd, Reinterred here June 1977) BUECHNER: (Lot 24-O) [Section B Front] Ida/21 Jan. 1857/d. 23 Aug. 1857/buried with Brahme children above [Section B Front] Amalia/25 Aug. 1858/d. 28 Feb. 1860/buried with Brahme children above BUECHNER: (Lot 32-O) [Section B Center] Arthur/1881-1892/Son of George/Stones sunk/Next to: [Section B Center] John/b. Jun 15, 1821/d. Jun 16, 1897//Father/stone sunk/Next to: [Section B Center] Mary/b. Aug 2, 1920/d. Apr 5, 1895/Mother/stone sunk/Next to: [Section B Center] Wilhelmina/b. Nov. 12, 1854/d. Nov. 5, 1893/Mother/ Wife of George/Next to: [Section B Center] George Jr./b. Dec. 12, 1852/d. Dec 17, 1893/ Can't read Dates/Father/stones suck BUEGE: [Section A Back] Otto H.R./b. 16 Mar. 1888/d. 9 April 1888 BUERGER: [Section C] Alma/b. 1885/d. 1945/OSSW: [Section C] Charles H./b. 1879/d. 1943 BULGRIN: (Lot 83-O) [Section A Front] Herman F.L./b. Feb. 6, 1837/d. Dec 11, 1880/Ruhe Sanft/Next to [Section A Front] Alwine C.W./b. Oct. 16, 1844/d. Jul 9, 1892 Christ F./1826-no date/buried with D. Louise Kikhefer and Karl F. Stark Bulgrin Kiekhefer and Bast buried together [Section C] Anton/b. 20 Oct. 1870/d. 26 Dec. 1921/Father/Next to: [Section C] Paulina/b. 25 Sept. 1877/d. 25 July 1961/Mother/Next to:Charles Thiede BURBACH: [Section C] Jacob/b. 1884/d. 1967/OSSW: [Section C] Norma (HELD)/b. No Date/d. 1981 BURGARDT: (Lot 54-2) [Section A Back] Samuel/b. 1852/d. 1926/Father/Next to: [Section A Back] Ottlie/b. 1861/d. 1936/Next to: Olive McDonell BURGARDT: (lot 25-O) [Section B Front] Catherine A./1815/d. Nov 27, 1857(59)?/In N. Burgardt plot [Section B Front] Ottlie/b. 1875/d. 1964/OSSW: [Section B Front] Charles A./b. 1874/d. 1949/Next to: [Section B Front] Henry Joseph/b. 19 Mar. 1873/d. 19 Mar. 1945/Father/Next to: [Section B Front] Anna (ERDMANN)/b. 7 Nov. 1873/d. 9 July 1912/Mother Wife of Henry Burgardt/ Next to: [Section B Front] Friedericke C. (ARNDT)/b. 1 Aug. 1849/d. 11 June 1903/Mother [Section B Front] Noah/b. 7 Feb. 1846/d. 15 Sept. 1902/Father/ (owner of lot)next to: Laurence/b. July 5, 1805/d. Jun 28, 1888 Albertine (Milke)/b. Jan 21/1828/d. Feb 12, 1876 BURGHARDT: (Lot 48-O) [Section A Front] Matthias/b. 1 Mar. 1812 Baden Germany/d. 26 Jan. 1888 West Granville, Milwaukee/ Nun Ruhe Sanft-Du Guter Vater/aged 75 yrs 10 mo 25 days [Section A Front] Mother (Louisa)/b. 7 Sept. 1818 Penn/d. 14 Aug. 1897 Granville, Milwaukee/78 Yr. 11 Mo. 7 dy./ Nun Ruhe Sanft-Du Gute Mutter/aged 78 yrs 11 mo 7 days from the W. Granville Cemetery Records Louisa/1819-1897 Mathias/1813-1888 [Section A Front] Jonas/b.1857/d. 9 Mar. 1890 33 Yrs. 2 Mo. 13 Days/Im Himmel Sehen Wir Uns Wieder/Next to: [Section A Front] Harvey/b. 6 April 1850/d. 23 July 1898/Bruder/Next to: [Section A Front] Sarah L.M./b. 3 April 1864 d, 26 Feb. 1878/Next to: [Section A Front] Mary J./b. 18 June 1877 Age 1 Month/Daughter of N. & R. Burgardt BURGHARDT: (lot 55-O) [Section A Back] Sarah (Huber)/d. Mar 12, 1891/age 42 years 8 dys/(b. Mar 7, 1848)/ Mother Wife of F. Burgardt/Next to: [Section A Back] Fred/b. 4 Mar. 1844/d. 27 Sept. 1899/GAR Marker/Father/Next to: buried next to Hegner and Wagner Families Sarah/d. 12 Mar. 1891 BURGARDT: [Section A Front] Aaron/b. 19 Mar. 1859/d. 12 April 1902/Du Guter Bruder/Next to: [Section A Front] Mother/Next to: [Section A Front] Father/Next to: [Section A Back] Aaron/b. 24 May 1882/d. 19 Aug. 1882/Infant Son of S. Burgardt/in Fred Burgardt plot [Section A Back] Alan/b. 1876/d. 1958/OSSW: William [Section A Back] William/b. 1873/d. 1941/Next to: [Section A Back] Hattie/b. 1886/d. 1976/OSSW: [Section A Back] John/b. 1881/d. 1952Back [Section A Back] Burdella/b. 1901/d. 1980/OSSW: [Section A Back] Lydia/b. 1905/d. 1989/Next to: [Section C] Carl/b. 1901/d. 19--/OSSW: [Section C] Florence E./b. 1903/d. 1963 [Section E] Dr. Gerald F./b. 1906/d. 1965/OSSW: [Section E] Harriet M./b. 1908/d. 1984 BURGER: [Section C] Jack J./b. 1922/d. 1983/Married 22 June 1942/OSSW: [Section C] Ruth E. (DOMAN)/b. 1923/d. 1969 BURGHART: [Section C] Charles/b. 1879/d. 1948/Father/OSSW: [Section C] Minnie/b. 1874/d. 1944/Mother/Next to: Julia (DOORNEK) BURHARDT: [Section A Front] Albertine/b. 21 Jan. 1828/d. 12 Feb. 1876/OSSW: [Section A Front] Laurence/b. 5 July 1805/d. 28 June 1888/OSSW: [Section A Front] Catherine/b. 23 Sept. 1817/d. 27 Jan. 1859 BURKWALD: [Section E] Eugene/d./b. 30 July 1914/d. No Date/OSSW: [Section E] Irene V./b. 18 May 1915/d. 21 June 1987 BUROW: (N 17 Ft. Lot 1-3 Section B) [Section B Back] Friederick/b. 1841/d. 193/OSSW: [Section B Back] Hannah/b. 1842/d. 1934 BUROW: [Section B Front] Henry/b. 6 Dec. 1879/d. 12 Nov. 1907/Build on Earth...In Heaven (Can't read) BUSHEK: [Section C] Carl G./b. 1905/d. 1963/Next to: [Section C] Charles/b. 1868/d. 1955/OSSW: [Section C] Ida W./b. 1875/d. 1930/Next to: [Section C] Lillian/b. 1901/d. 1984/Loyal Friend/Next to: [Section C] May V./b. 1914/d. 1957 BUTH: [Section A Center] Albert A./b. 13 July 1882/d. 23 Dec. 1946/Father/OSSW: [Section A Center] Rosena W./b. 25 Oct. 1878/d. 18 Sept. 1946/Mother/Next to: [Section A Center] Anton/b. 7 May 1870/d. 27 May 1916/Weine Nicht, Denn Mein Werk is Vollbracht/Weine Nicht, Gott Hat Alles Vohl Gemacht [Section C] Alvina/b. 1884/d. 1985/Loving Parents/OSSW: [Section C] Charles F./b. 1879/d. 1957/Loving Parents/Next to: [Section C] Paula L./b. 1908/d. 1958/OSSW: [Section C] Raymond H./b. 1905/d. 1986/Next to: Paul J. Sommer [Section B Center] Emilie/b. 1872/d. 1964/Next to: [Section B Center] Franz/b. 1842/d. 1920/OSSW: [Section B Center] Ernestina/b. 1838/d. 1929/Next to: [Section B Center] Ida E.E./b. 13 Jan. 1878/d. 17 Feb. 1881/Next to: George Schmidt Hard to read [Section A Back] Lillie A.H./b. 19 April 1891/d. 19 April 1891/Next to: [Section A Back] Othilde/d. 20 Sept. 1868 Only one Date/Next to: [Section A Back] Selma A.E./b. 23 Dec. 1889/d. 1 Sept. 1896/Next to: Emil Lucht CASEY: [Section East] Roger Clark/b. 1945/d. 1994 CASTLEMAN: [Section C] Robert C./b. 25 Dec. 1920/d. 26 Nov. 1969/Wisconsin PM 3, US Coast Guard WWII CHASE: [Section B Center] Elsie/b. 1882/d. 1941/Wife CHRISTIANSEN: [Section C] Clarence/b. 1905/d. 1995/OSSW: [Section C] Emma/b. 1877/d. 1960/OSSW: [Section C] Martha/b. 1906/d. 1982/OSSW: [Section C] Marti/b. 1876/d. 1964/OSSW: [Section C] Mary/b. 1908/d. 1975/OSSW: [Section C] Raymond/b. 1904/d. 1985 CHRISTMAN: (Lot 68-O) [Section A Front] Elizabeth/d. 18 July 1862/Daughter of S. & H. Christman/ Age 18 Yrs./ard to read/OSSW: [Section A Front] Hannah (Underkoffer)/d. 11 June 1882/Wife Of Samuel Christman/ Age 76 Yrs., 5 Days/OSSW: [Section A Front] Samuel/d. 1 Sept. 1882 Age 80 Yrs. 3 Mo 19 Dys/OSSW: Amanda Clark Amanda CHRISTMAN/no dates/daughter of S. H. Christman and wife of S. S. Clark(see CLARK)/died aged 39 years CHURCH: (Lot 42-2) [Section B Center] Elizabeth (Kenney)/b. 20 Jan.1850/d. 29 Nov. 1903/Mother/wife of James Sherman/OSSW: [Section B Center] Myron J./b. 8 Mar. 1876/d. 21 May 1912/OSSW: [Section B Center] James Sherman/b. 6 Feb. 1851/d. 21 July 1920/Father/OSSW: CHURCH: (Lot 18-2) [Section B Center] George/b. 15 Feb. 1810/d. 2 Jan. 1882/OSSW: [Section B Center] Nancy A. (Pickel)/b. 18 June 1813/d. 28 May 1885/Wife of George/OSSW: [Section B Center] Mary Francis (Everts)/b. 11 Aug. 1853/d. 2 June 1884/Wife of Henry T./Next to: [Section B Front] Henry T./b. 1847/d. 1919/Next to: [Section B Front] Nora M./b. 1861/d. 1940 CHURCH: (Lot 23 Grave 7, Original) Infant/no dates/lot owned by Henry Pickel CLARK: (Lot 19-O) [Section B Front] Harriet M.M./d. 13 Dec. 1859/Wife of S.S. Clark/36 Yrs. 5 Mos. 12 Days/Next to: [Section B Front] Francis S,/d. 20 Oct. 1874/Wife of S.S. Clark/42 Yrs. 8 Mos. 18 Days [Section B Front] Dr. Solomon S./d. 13 Dec. 1877/55 Yrs. 4 Mon. 22 Days/Masonic Symbol CLARK: [Section A Front] Amanda/b. No Date/d. No Date/Daughter of S. & H. Christman/Wife of S.S. Clark/ Age 60 Yrs. /OSSW: Samuel, Hannah & Amanda Christman [Section A Back] James H./b. 1878/d. 1934/Served in France 1st. C.R.T. CLEVELAND: [Section C] Alex/b. 1916/d. 1975/OSSW: [Section C] Alex/b. 1871/d. 1952/OSSW: [Section C] John/b. 1907/d. 19--/OSSW: [Section C] Helen/b. 1881/d. 1977 CLINE: [Section C] Erla B./b. 1921/d. 1982/OSSW: [Section C] Harvey T./b. 1917/d. No Date [Section A Front] Mary/b. 1834/d. 1910/Auntie/Appears to be buried in Ernst plot CLINE: See ERNST CLOUGH: [Section A Front] Byrdie/b. 1872/d. 1923/Next to: [Section A Front] Elvira (Avery)/b. 1831/d. 1923/Next to: [Section A Front] Henry/b. 1857/d. 1927/Next to: [Section A Front] Ida/b. 1867/d. 1946 COATTS: (Lot 34-O) [Section B Center] Joseph/b. 1863/d. 1954/OSSW: [Section B Center] Ida M. (Cowell)/b. 1862/d. 1950/Next to: [Section B Center] Elsie/b. 1893/d. 1942/Next to: [Section B Center] Estella C./b. 1895/d. 1975 (buried with Ida's parents Joseph & Maria Cowell) *COATTS: (S 1/2 Lot 131-2) [Section B Front] Nancy W. (Wrin or Wunderlich)/1858-1928/she is buried with Danile Wrin and John Wunderlich/Lot owned by George Coats purchased Oct. 26, 1926 COLANCHECK: [Section C] Joseph F./b. 1903/d. 197/OSSW: [Section C] Lucille/b. 1916/d. 1994 COLE: [Section B Front] Minerva/no dates/buried with Everts and Cutler (Minerva was a sister of Emily Cutler and daughter of Chas. P and Caroline Everts. (age 15 on the 1850 Town of Granville census)) CONNOLLY: [Section C] Frank L./b. 1904/d. 1975/OSSW: [Section C] Mary M./b. 1915/d. 1991 COOK: [Section C Front] Grace/b. 1893/d. 1973/OSSW: [Section C Front] Leonard/b. 1892/d. 1986 COWELL: (Lot 34-O) [Section B Center] Joseph/b. 7 Oct. 1813/d. 25 July 1905/OSSW: [Section B Center] Charles T./b. 2 Feb. 1851/d. 2 Sept. 1851/OSSW: [Section B Center] John A./b. 25 Jan. 1856/d. 20 Nov. 1867/OSSW: [Section B Center] Maria/b. 21 July 1818/d. 14 Jan. 1892 COWLES-ANDREWS: [Section B Front] Deborah/b. 1805/d. 1899/Mother/In John & Experience Snyder family plot CROLL: [Section A Front] Elizabeth/b. 3 Mar. 1801/d. 5 Nov. 1894/OSSW: Jessie & Hannah (SCHOLL) & Sophia (HORNING) CULVER: [Section B Back] Charles R./b. 1851/d. 1906/Next to: [Section B back] Emma L./b. 1852/d. 1912 CUTLER: (Lot 27-O) [Section B Front] Emily (Everts)/b. 1845/d. 1931/In Charles Everts plot (buried with parents Chas. P. and Caroline (Chandler) Everts DALLI: [Section C] Arthur/b. 1897/d. 195/OSSW: [Section C] Clara/b. 1897/d. 1976 DALLMANN: [Section B Center] John C./b. 1891/d. 1946/OSSW: [Section B Center] Lillian L./b. 1896/d. 19--/in Edward Southern plot [Section A Back] Julius/b. 1877/d. 1930 DARLING: (lot 44-2, plot owned by Nelson Darling) [Section B Center] Harriet U./d. 8 Dec. 1851 Only one date/Daughter of M. & F.C. Darling/Next toL [Section B Center] Mary Harriet/d. 19 April 1855 Only one date/Daughter of M. & F.C. Darling/1 Yr. 2 Mon. 4 Days DELCOUR: (lot 29-2_ [Section B Center] Edna S./b. 1890/d. 1984/OSSW: [Section B Center] Homer E./b. 1889/d. 1964 DEWERT: (Lot 108-2) [Section A Front] Friedrich/b. 1813/d. 29 Dec. 1872/hard to read/Next to: [Section A Front] Marie/b. 1 April 1811/d. 18 Mar. 1897 Hannah/b. 18__-1926 DEWERTH: (Lot 21-1) [Section A Center] Arthur/b. 23 Nov. 1880/d. 1881/Next to: [Section A Center] Next two stones illlegible [Section A Center] Rose/b. 5 Feb. 1871/d. 3 Feb. 1898/Next to: [Section A Center] Charles (Charlie)/d. 1865 could be 1868? Hard to read/Next to: [Section A Center] Oscar/b. 9 Aug. 1882/d. 1 Sept. 1882/Next to: Johns Family Catten/1854-1914 John/1833-1910Henry C./1873-1889 Elizabeth/1847-1882/next to: DEWERTH: (N 4/9 Lot 52-2) [Section A Back] Clara F./b. 1852/d. 1940/Mother/Next to: [Section A Back] William F./b. 1875/d. 1880/Son/Next to: [Section A Back] Frederick A./b. 1881/d. 1882/Son/Next to: [Section A Back] Henry G./b. 1873/d. 1889/Son DEWERTH: [Section A Front] Elizabeth /d. 10 Aug. 1882/Wife of J./Age 38 Yrs. 6 Days/OSSW: [Section A Front] John /d. 1910 67 Yrs. 10 Mon. 13 Days/OSSW: [Section A Center] Wilhelmine/b. 9 Mar. 1854/d. 26 April 1914/Wife of J./Next to: [Section A Front] Rose/b. 1879/d. 1959/Next to: [Section A Front] William F./b. 1879/d. 1934/Next to: [Section A Front] Mutter/NO DATES/Gattin/(Previous Note) "could be Elizabeth) [Section A Front] Vater/NO DATES/(Previous Note "could be John/GAR Marker [Section C] Elizabeth B./b. 1906/d. 1988/OSSW: [Section C] Henry A./b. 1905/d. 1979 DEWERTH: (S 5/9 Lot 53-2) [Section A Back] Frances/b. 1875/d. 1958/Mother/Next to: [Section A Back] Walter/b. 1878/d. 1937/Father/Next to: Mildred (HARTNELL) buried with Mildred Hartnell DEXHEIMER: (Lot 26-3 Sec. A) [Section C Front] Elmer V./b. 13 Sept. 1915/d. 5 July 1919/Next to: [Section C Front] Louise/b. 24 Dec. 1884/d. 29 Jan. 1975/Next to: [Section C Front] Jacob/b. 17 July 1884/d. 28 Dec. 1942/Next to: [Section C Front] Jacob/b. 10 Nov. 1846/d. 25 April 1914/Next to: [Section C Front] Gertrude/b. 7 July 1850/d. 3 Nov. 1920 DIER: Aberet(sic)/son of A.S. and B.T. Dier/d. 1856 aged 1 mo 25 days DIETZ: [Section A Back] Ellen/b. 1 Dec. 1886/d. 7 Aug. 1912/Beloved Wife of Joseph/ In Fred Burgardt plot DITTLOFF: [Section C] Ida C./b. 1895/d. 1972/OSSW: [Section C] Irma/b. 1898/d. 1926/OSSW: [Section C] Joseph J./b. 1897/d. 1975 [Section C] Melvin A./b. 5 Feb. 1921/d. 16 Jan. 1979/PFC US Army WWII DITTMAR: [Section B Back] Henry /b. 1848/d. 1917/Next to: [Section B Back] Rosa/b. 1883/d. 1962/Daughter/Next to: [Section B Back] Rosetta/b. 1853/d. 1931 [Section E] Henry R./b. 1898/d. 1978/Next to: [Section E] Leona/b. 1903/d. 1966/Next to: [Section E] Scott Eugene/b. 1961/d. 1968/Son of David & Beverly [Section E] Howard F./b. 1886/d. 1955/Next to Wilson family, Alnetta Yanke & Alma Stark DITTMER: [Section A Back] Clarence C./b. 1898/d. 1953 [Section A Back] Harriet/b. 1871/d. 1952/Mother DIX: [Section B Center] Henriette/b. 22 Sept. 1796/d. 25 Jan. 1882/Grandmother/ In Christ Pfeil family plot/Grandmother DOCKER: [Section B Back] Alice R.M./b. 1876/d. 1950/Mother/OSSW: [Section B Back] Horace H.D./b. 1858/d. 1923/Father DODGE: (Lot 50-O) [Section A Front] P.W.(Philander W.)/b. 21 Mar. 1814/d. 6 July 1886/OSSW: [Section A Front] Thirza (Wilson)/his wife/b. 29 April 1817/d. 23 Feb. 1896/His Wife (P.W.) [Section A Front] Henry W./d. 14 July 1843 2 Yrs. 5 Mon. 11 Days/Child of P.W. & Thirza/OSSW: [Section A Front] Truman E./d. 25 Dec. 1845 6 Yrs. 8 Mon. 21 Days/Child of P.W. & Thirza Dodge/Next to: DOMAN: [Section C] Alma/b. 1884/d. 1954/OSSW: [Section C] Gustav/b. 1875/d. 1964 DOMAN: (Lot 61-2) [Section A Back] Amanda/b. 1886/d. 1956/OSSW: [Section A Back] Herman/b. 1880/d. 197/Next to: [Section A Back] Henriette/b. 22 Dec. 1845/d. 5 Jan. 1929/Ruhe Sanft/(b. German/daughter of Chris Teg, lived Cain Rd.)/Next to: [Section A Back] Louise/b. 28 Mai. 1885/d. 2 April 1898/Next to: [Section A Back] Wilhelm/b. 20 Dec. 1834/d. 3 Mai. 1906/Next to Rose (BRUEGGERMAN) DOMAN: [Section C] Amanda/b. 1882/d. 1940/OSSW: [Section C] Emil/b. 1876/d. 1963/Next to: [Section C] Raymond/b. 12 Dec. 1911/d. 24 April 1922/Son of Emil & Amanda/Next to: [Section C] Elsie V./b. 1912/d. No Date/OSSW: [Section C] Walter A./b. 1907/d. 1992/next to: [Section C] Howard/b. 1933/d. 1939/Son DOMAN: [Section C] Emma/b. 1881/d. 1948/OSSW: [Section C] Henry/b. 1877/d. 1953 DOORNEK: [Section C] Julia (BURGHART)/b. 1895/d. 1975/Next to Charles & Minnie Burghart DRACH: [Section D] Jacob/b. 1837/d. 1925 DRAEGER: (Lot 2-2) [Section B Front] Mutter/(JULIA GUST.)/b. 3 July 1836/d. 11 April 1908/b. Germany,/ d. Milwaukee; "Ruhe Sanft/Next to: [Section B Front] Vater/August/b. 30 Mai 1826/d. 6 April 1908/b. Germany,/d. Milwaukee Co./ "Ruhe Sanft/(name from footstone)/Next to: [Section B Front] Lewis/b. 15 Jan. 1872/d. 19 Aug. 1897/Ruhe Sanft/Next to: [Section B Front] William/b. 1 Aug. 1873/d. 8 Jan. 1878/Ruhe Sanft DRAEGER: (Lot 1-2) [Section B Front] Henry/b. 1865/d. 1953/OSSW: [Section B Front] Louisa/b. 1869/d. 1955 DRAEGER: [Section D] Edna/b. 1901/d. 1974/OSSW: [Section D] Theodore/b. 1863/d. 1941/Father/OSSW: [Section D] Louisa/b. 1870/d. 1960/Mother/Next to: [Section D] Louis/b. 1898/d. 1985/Next to: [Section D] Shirley Mae/b. 1927/d. 1928/Next to: [Section D] Louis DRAEGER: [Section B Front] Olga/b. 20 Feb. 1896/d. 11 Aug. 1896/Ruhe Sanft DROEGKAMP: [Section B Center] Hattie S./b. Jan 25, 1867/d. Feb 15, 1898/daughter of J.S. & C.S. Keeler/wife of William Droegkamp/OSSW: Anna Sophia, Joshua S. & Catherine S. Keeler DRYDYK: [Section A Center] Henry Jr./b. 9 Sept. 1912/d. 31 Jan. 1922/Son of H.J. & Rose DUEHRING: [Section C] Albert W./b. 1889/d. 1970/OSSW: [Section C] Clara/b. 1885/d. 1975/ [Section C] Mary E./b. 1921/d. No Date/OSSW: [Section C] Kermit A./b. 1921/d. 1982/Next to: [Section C] Donna/b. 1951/d. 1953 DUEHRING: [Section A Back] Alma/b. 13 Mai 1896/d. 12 Mar. 1897/Next to: [Section A Back] Arthur W./b. 25 Feb. 1885/d. 26 June 1941/Next to: [Section A Back] Margaret/b. 1917/d. 1921/Ruhe Sanft/Next to: [Section A Back] Anna/b. 5 May 1883/d. 26 May 1937/Next to: [Section A Back] Dorothy/b. 15 Dec. 1852/d. 30 Aug. 1920/Mother/Next to: [Section A Back] Frederick/b. 17 June 1846/d. 11 Feb. 1913/Father DUEHRING: [Section C] Anna/b. 1882/d. 1957/OSSW: [Section C] Robert/b. 1877/d. 1950/Next to: [Section C] Erwin A./b. 1908/d. 1979/OSSW: [Section C] Norma J./b. 1914/d. 1992 DUEHRING: [Section C] Fred/b. 1891/d. 1988/OSSW: [Section C] Norma/b. 1895/d. 1993 DUEHRING: [Section C] Henry P./b. 1894/d. 1973/OSSW: [Section C] Martha E./b. 1898/d. 1958/Next to: [Section C] Loretta/b. 1901/d. 1967 DUTCHER: (Lot 11-3, sect. A) [Section C Front] Elisabeth/b. 1840/d. 1879/In Margaret & James Watts Plot/ buried with Nancy Faulkner and Watts EASTMAN: [Section B Center] Sylvia (SNYDER)/b. 30 Dec. 1821/d. 26 May 1848/Next to: Annis Ostrander ECKART: [Section C] Josephine/b. 1891/d. 1988/Mother/OSSW: [Section C] Phillip/b. 1890/d. 1954/Father ECKHOFF: [Section B Back] Amelia/b. 1849/d. 192/OSSW: [Section B Back] Jacob/b. 1838/d. 1922 EDER: [Section B Back] Anna/b. 17 Dec. 1869/d. 22 July 1955/Next to: [Section B Back] Michael/b. 26 Sept. 1859/d. 1 Jan. 1913/Ruhe Sanft/in Frederick Schmidt plot EHMKE: [Section B Back] Herman/b. 1863/d. 1929/Father/Next to: [Section B Back] Minnie/b. 1865/d. 1939/Mother EICHHOLTZ: [Section C] Alfred /b. 18 Aug. 1917/d. 23 Jan. 1991/Private First Class, US Army WWII/Next to: [Section C] John A./b. 1906/d. 1985 ELBUSCH: [Section A Front] Caroline (UNRUH?)/b. 27 April 1833/d. 3 Oct. 1865/Hard to read/ Maiden name uncertain ENDERS: [Section A Back] Scotty Joe/b. 20 Oct. 1969/d. 5 April 1970/We All Shine On ENDLICH: [Section C] Chester G./b. 28 Jan. 1910/d. 6 Oct. 1951/Wisconsin Private, 795 Amphib. Tank Battalion WWII ENFIELD(?): Loella C./wife of M.C. Emfield)/d. Mar 14, 1862/aged 81 yrs. ERDMANN: [Section B Back] Anna/b. 1881/d. 1943/OSSW: [Section B Back] Otto/b. 1879/d. 1955/Next to: [Section B Back] Erwin/b. 8 Dec. 1904/d. 8 Sep. 1906/Ruhe in Frieden/Next to: [Section B Back] Helen/b. 18 April 1914/d. No Date/Beloved Parents/OSSW: [Section B Back] Harvey/b. 29 Mar. 1907/d. 20 Oct. 1980/Beloved Parents ERDMANN: [Section B Back] Chester /b. 1915/d. 1915/Infant Son of H. & N./Next to: [Section B Back] Nettie J./b. 1890/d. 1963/OSSW: [Section B Back] Henry H./b. 1883/d. 1973 ERDMANN: [Section A Back] Clara/b. 20 Mai 1887/d. 5 June 1887/Next to: [Section A Back] Hermann/b. 7 Oct. 1877/d. 28 Feb. 1887/Next to: [Section A Back] Emilie (RATHUN)/b. 10 April 1846/d. 7 Mae 1892/Mutter, Ruhe Sanft/Next to: [Section A Back] Ferdinand/b. 27 Mai 1843 d, 2 Jan. 1906/Vater/Next to: [Section A Back] Emil/b. 5 June 1876/d. 13 April 1945/Next to: [Section A Back] Julia F./b. 1888/d. 1961 ERDMANN: [Section B Back] Frederick/b. 11 June 1885/d. 23 Mar. 1927/Father/Next to: [Section B Back] Henry/b. 11 Mar. 1916/d. 15 Feb. 1917/Next to: [Section B Back] Lizzie/b. 28 May 1884/d. 30 June 1916/Mother ERNST: [Section A Front] George Martin/b. 1851/d. 1921 ERNST: [Section A Front] Henry/b. 9 Oct. 1825/d. 28 Dec. 1891/Father/Next to: [Section A Front] Magdalena/b. 3 Dec. 1826/d. 27 April 1904/Mother/Next to: [Section A Front] Katherine E./b. 16 Feb. 1855/d. 28 Oct. 1862/Child of H. & L./Next to: [Section A Front] Myra S./b. 24 Aug. 1851/d. 21 Oct. 1862/Daughter of H. & L./Next to: [Section A Front] Nellie M./b. 11 Dec. 1858/d. 27 Sept. 1862/Daughter of H. & L./ Next to: George Martin ERNST: Mary CLINE/1834-1910/Auntie/daughter of Isaac and Catharine (Barndt) Cline (all born Penn, b. Apr 13, 1833/ d. May 2, 1910) ERNST: See BARNDT EVERTS: (Lot 12-3 Sec. B) [Section B Back] Adelaide/b. 1872/d. 1946/OSSW: [Section B Back] Edward M./b. 1874/d. 196/OSSW: [Section B Back] Jennie/b. 1867/d. 1902 EVERTS: (Lot 16-O) [Section B Front] Charles C./b. 27 May 1819/d. 3 Feb. 1906/Father/OSSW: [Section B Front] L.C.(Laura C. Cowles)/b. 1824/d. 1910/Mother/Next to: [Section B Front] Charlotte E./b. 1851/d. 1927/Next to: [Section B Front] Charles H./b. 1846/d. 1850/OSSW: [Section B Front] Truman/d. 29 Dec. 1855 65 Years/Grandpa/next to: [Section B Front] Hiram C./b. 1862/d. 1863 [Section B Front] Sarah R./b. 1854/d. 1941 EVERTS: (Lot 6-2) [Section B Front] Frankie C./b. 1877/d. 1881/Next to: [Section B Front] Orlow A./b. 1847/d. 1921/Next to: EVERTS: (Lot 26-O) [Section B Front] Caroline (CHANDLER)/b. 3 Oct. 1805/d. 17 May 1877/OSSW: [Section B Front] Charles Phillips/b. 11 Feb. 1799/d. 4 Dec. 1871/A Mans Good Name is His Best Monument/brother of Truman/OSSW: [Section B Front] Charles Chandler/b. 26 July 1832/d. 8 Sept. 1860/OSSW: [Section B Front] Walter Scott/b. 28 May 1827/d. 11 Aug. 1854/Next to: EVERTS: (Lot 27-O) [Section B Front] Hiram H./b. 1838/d. 1908/Next to: [Section B Front] George W./b. 1840/d. 1916/Father/Next to: [Section B Front] Mary A.(Miller)/b. 1844/d. 1934/Mother/Next to: EVERTS: (Lot 5-3 Section A) [Section C] Alice/b. 1893/d. 1984/Next to: [Section C] George W./b. 1864/d. 1938/Next to: [Section C] Elizabeth (Wason)/b. 1864/d. 1936/Next to: [Section C] Alvin O./b. 1890/d. 1920/Triangle with 32 on it/next to: [Section C] Helen E./b. 1909/d. 1938 EVERTS: [Section A Back] Ira W./b. 1895/d. 1896/No Surname on stone, Everts on Footstone/next to: [Section A Back] Maude/b. 1892/d. 1895/No Surname on stone, Everts on Footstone/ EWER: [Section C] William H./b. 1881/d. 1941/Dad EVERTS: See BATEMAN FAHL: [Section A Back] Henry C./b. 1917/d. 1992/OSSW: [Section A Back] Margaret/b. 1917/d. No Date FARROW: [Section C Front] Richard Leo/b. 26 July 1927/d. 28 Dec. 1992/GMSN US Navy Korea FAULKNER: Thomas Lot 2-O [Section B Front] Father/b. 11 Dec. 1811/d. 24 June 1895/No name given on stone/ (burial records show Thomas)Next to: [Section B Front] Mary Ann/b. 11 Mar. 1818/d. 28 Oct. 1906/Mother Charles/1851-1854 Thomas/1848-1850 FAULKNER: [Section C] Nancy/b. 1761/d. 1849/earliest date found in cemetery FAULKNER: See WATTS FELSING: [Section B Front] Jacob/b. 15 July 1819/d. 2 Feb. 1887/Next to: [Section B Front] Caroline/b. 29 Feb. 1830/d. 17 Oct. 1868/Wife of Jacob/Next to: [Section B Front] Calvin G./b. 11 Aug. 1862/d. 29 Aug. 1863/Next to: [Section B Front] Lydia R./b. 17 Nov. 1875/d. 22 Aug. 1896/Next to: [Section B Front] Ernstina T./b. 9 Oct. 1868/d. 17 Dec. 1869/Next to: [Section B Front] Fred E./b. 1 Jan. 1856/d. 6 Jan. 1856/next to: [Section B Front] Henry F./b. 9 Sept. 1850/d. 13 Aug. 1851/next to: [Section B Front] John J./b. 6 Feb. 1859/d. 6 April 1859/Next to: [Section B Front] William A./b. 11 June 1847/d. 19 July 1950 FELSING: (S 1/2 Lot 118-2) [Section B Center] Emma/b. 11 Sept. 1849/d. 18 May 1917/His Wife (Frederick C.)/OSSW: [Section B Center] Frederick C./b. 19 Dec. 1852/d. 27 Oct. 1924 FELSING: [Section C] Alda/b. 1912/d. 1982/OSSW: [Section C] Bruce/b. 1944/d. 1973/OSSW: [Section C] Phillip/b. 1914/d. 1988 FERTIG: [Section A Front] Alice I./b. 1877/d. 1964/OSSW: [Section A Front] John H./b. 1870/d. 1952/Next to: [Section A Front] Ellen A./b. 1837/d. 1926/Next to: [Section A Front] Hiram/d. 1882 52 Yrs./Next to: [Section A Front] Minnie/d. 20 Nov. 1879 13 Years 6 Days/Our Only Daughter FERTIG: Mary/1803-1892/Mother base of stone only FERTIG: [Section B Back] Anne E./b. 22 Mar. 1846/d. 1 July 1929/Mother/Next to: [Section B Back] John H./b. 10 Nov. 1839/d. 15 April 1911/Father/Next to: [Section B Back] Clarence/b. 11 June 1883/d. 5 Nov. 1913/Next to: [Section B Back] Mary/b. 1803/d. 1892/Mother FREDERICH: (Lot 10-2) Philip/1865-____ Mary/1865-1926 buried with John H and Josephine Hubenthal FREY: (Lot 92-2) Henry/1858-1939 Mary (Sylvester)/1858-1911 Ida Frey Keller/___-1930 Emma Frey/1889-1970 Ernst/1891-1892/Son FREY: See Also FRY FRIEDERICH: (N 1/2 Lot 45-2) Henry/1844-1925 Margaretha/1851-1927 Saloma/1882-1954 FRIEDRICH: Conrad/b. Aug 1, 1815/d. May 4, 1882 Maria/b. Nov 14, 1819/d. Aug 25, 1895 FRINKS: Friedericka/b. Nov 1, 1835/d. Feb 4, 1857 FROEMMING: Wilhelmina/b. Jun 2, 1822/d. Mar ___, 1899 FRY: (S 1/2 Lot 20-2) Cynthia E./b. Sept 19, 1823/d. Sept 4, 1887 George W./b. Nov 14, 1818/d. Nov 9, 1894 FRY: (S 1/1 Lot 117-2) Samuel W./1850-1909 Mary/1859-1923 FUNK: (lot 65-2) Fredericka/1827-1897 John/1831-1908 Christina/1835-1905 Infant son of Louis Mittelstedt of Menomonee Falls/buried Apr 21, 1915 GAUGER: (lot 8-2) Edward/1846-1902 Wilhelmine/b. Oct. 11, 1851/d. Mar 25, 1933 GEIS: (Lot 43-2) Conrad/b. Mar 25, 1829/d. Oct. 23, 1914 Katharina/b. Aug 25, 1830/d. Jan 9, 1908 Johann H./1808-1877 Clara/1825-1880 Henrietta/1823-1915 Johann H. PLANTZ (Conrad Geis/b. 1914/d. 1929/from cemetery records) GEPHART: (lot 56-O) Andres/d. July 26, 1852/aged 60 (cem records 1797-1856) Johanna/d. Oct. 7, 1856 aged 51 (cem records 1796-1858) GILBERT: (Lot 91-2) Johann/born Duenhein, Hesse-Darmstadt/July 25, 1815/died Oct. 23, 1896 Gertrud (Pfeil)/born Gensingen/Hesse-Darmstadt/Mar 30, 1820/d. Nov. 6, 1895 George/1854-1923 GOETSCH: (Lot 94-O/Henry Chas. John owner of plot) Johann/1799/d. Aug 25, 1878 Louise/his wife/old stone hard to read/W. Granville Presbyt. church states 1812-1881) buried with Christian and Wilhelmine Schultz GRAF: (Lot 23-3, sect A) George/1848-1915 Marie/1858-1913 GRAFF: (N 1/2 Lot 11-3, Sect ? Edward/1855-1931 Emilie/1857-1930 GRAFF/GROFF: See HEMSING GROLL: Elizabeth/b. Mar 3, 1801 Sunnytown Montgomery Co. Penn/d. Nov. 5, 1894/ mother of Sophia, ossw: Jessy Scholl, ossw: Sophia (Groll) Horning GREEN: (Lot 32-2) Katherine/b. Jun 11, 1832/d. Apr 22, 1899 GRIEN: Gustav/b. Mar 23, 1834/d. Apr 6, 1883 (cem records state Gustav's records as 1833-1854) GRUENWALD: See RAASCH GUDEX: John/1848-1850 Katherine/1846-1847 HACKBARTH: (Lot 17-2) Charles F./1878-1878 Albert A./1870-1871 Louisa (Burrow)/b. Sept 15, 1845/d. Jan 20, 1880/Mutter C. (Carl Fried)/b. Jun 9, 1837/d. Jun 13, 1893/Father Ernest F./1872-1933 (unmarried) Auguste L./1875-1962 (unmarried) HARTNELL: (S 5/9 Lot 53-2) Mildred/1903-1942 buried with Walter and Frances DeWerth HEGNER: Johanna/b. Apr 10, 1815/d. Jan 25, 1885/widow of Julius Hegner Mathilde/b. Apr 4, 1851/d. Aug 31, 1890 buried with Wagner and Burghardt HELM: (Lot 72-2) Friedrich/1817-1892 Caroline/1809-1888 buried with Yanke HEMSING: (Lot 25-1) Wm. Sophia George GRAFF/GROFF/b. Apr 10, 1819/d. Sept 25, 1901 (cem records 1900) Mary (Pfeil) GRAFF/b. Mar. 20, 1822/d. Feb 19, 1901 John GRAFF/1853-1891 HEMSING: (Lot 24-1) William/b. Dec 10, 1816/d. Mar 25, 1902 Sophia (Fulman)/b. Jun 27, 1920/d. Apr 26, 1892 Clara Elisabeth/b. 1869/d. Mar 1, 1869 buried with George and Mary Groff(Graff) and Milton and Ella Scholl) HEPP: Anna Maria (Schumacher)/b. Nov. 10, 1839/d. Aug 21, 1887 buried with Schumachers and Schweickharts HERZOG: (Lot 66-O) John/1846-1926 Henrietta/1807-1862 Wilhelmine/1854-1931 Henry/1881-1956 Emelie Baseman is buried with them HERZOG: (Lot 9-2) Christov/no dates Christina/no dates (owner of lot) HERZOG: (Lot 12-2) Fredrich/b. July 7, 1843/d. Mar 23, 1832 Helen Wildt is buried with him HERZWURM: Johann Heinrich/b. Jan 1807/d. Jan 15, 1862 HOCK: Heinrich/b. Sept 15, 1818/d. Feb 3, 1870 Johanna/1846-1911/Mother HOLZ: Christian/1911-189_/hard to read HORN: (Lot 37-2) Stephen/died Mar. 15, 1880/aged 92 years 19 days(b. 1788), ossw: Esther/died May 31, 1874 aged 84 years 3 mo 26 days (b. 1790), ossw: William/died Jul 15, 1863/aged 40 yr 9 mo 20 days, ossw: Esther A./daughter of J.A. and R. C. Horn/d. May 26, 1870 (born 1869), ossw: Rachel C./b. Apr. 1, 1836/d. May 9, 1912, ossw: John A./died Mar 26, 1899/aged 74 yrs (born 1925), ossw: HORNING: (Lot 61-O) Stephen/b. Jan 27, 1827/d. Feb. 18, 1900, ossw: Rachel (Barndt)/died Oct. 13, 1851/aged 18 yr 29 days (b. 1833), ossw: Salome/widow of Jacob BARNDT; second wife of Stephen/d. Mar 25, 1873/ aged 44 yrs 9mo, 17 days (born 1829) Wives of Stephen-all on one monument HORNING: (lot 64-O) Sophia (Groll)/1827/d. Dec 2, 1909/third wife of Stephen Horning buried with Scholl and Elizabeth Groll HORNING: (Lot 74-O) Maurice/1885-1899 Christiana/1853-1886 illegible name/Mother/died 1892? or 1898? buried with Nathan and Elizabeth (Wambold) Horning and Charles Horning HORNING: (N 1/2 Lot 37-O) Charles/b. Jun 3, 1824/d. Nov. 17, 1900 Elizabeth (Wambold)/b. Dec 21, 1828/d. May 18, 1914 Nathan/d. Sept 28, 1873/aged 76 yrs 9 mo 2 days (b. 1797) Cahterine/died 1892 (b. 1792??) HORNING: Elizabeth/b. 180?/d. Jan 16, 1892 HOWARD: (Lot 9-O, owned by Dewitt Pickel) Mary Jane/1840-1895/daughter of Jackson and Edith (Brazelton) Howard buried with Pickel family HUBENTHAL: (lot 25-2) Mary/b. May 25, 1843/d. Feb 19, 1906 Mortimore/b. Nov 7, 1841/d. Apr 3, 1909 George W./1869-1910 Ulricka (Fraedrick)/b. Mar 14, 1867/d. Mar 23, 1892 William F./b. Dec 10, 1866/d. Aug 1, 1910 HUBENTHAL: (Lot 10-2) John H./1831-1879 Josephine/1843-1924 Philip and Mary Frederich are buried with them HUBENTHAL: (S 1/2 Lot 19-2) George W./1850-1930 Mary D./1855-1921 William W./1895-1895/reinterred here from Germantown (Oct 22, 1922) Susanna/1882/d. Nov. 11, 1883/reinterred here from Germantown (Oct 22, 1922) HUBENTHAL: (Lot 51-O) John G./b. Mar 16, 1810/d. Feb 2, 1873/residence Germantown, Washington Co. Susanna H./b. Oct 21, 1809/d. Mar 3, 1904/residence Germantown, Washington Co. Clementine/b. Apr. 27, 1844/d. Mar. 30, 1892 Wilhelm/d. Mar 13, 1874/residence Menomonee Falls, Waukesha Co. William/1869-1871 John H./1831-1879 Albert A./1870-1871 Gideon/1885-1886 HUBER: Theodore/1843-1924 Maria (Bandow)/1846-1914 buried with Maria's parents HUBER: (lot 43-O) Catherine E./d. Feb 5, 1871/aged 20 yrs 7 mo 13 days/wife of John Huber Rachel B./d. Dec 14, 1902/aged 89 years (1817-1902) William/d. 1865/aged 59 years (1807-1865) Sabina B./1836-1845 JAHN: (S 1/3 of N 1/2 Lot 67-2) Johanna (Johann?).1817-1890 JANKE: (N 1/2 Lot 49-2, owner of lot John Janke) Johann A.G.(C?)/b. Aug 17, 1920/d. July 7, 1891 JOHNSON: Jacob/1798-1862 Frederich/d. 1852/aged 3 years/son of Jos. and Margaret Susanna/b. 1778/d. 1864 Johanna(?)/d. 1862/aged 4 years buried with Bergstresser JONES: (Lot 4-2) David/b. July 8, 1819/d. Mar 12, 1890 Elizabeth/b. Apr. 2, 1828/d. Feb. 25, 1878 JUNGBLUTH: (Lot 22-1) Heinrich/d. 1869 Katherine/d. Nov 10, 1872 appear to be buried with Thomas KAESTNER: Christiana/b. Oct 8, 1801/d. Aug 9, 1878 KASTNER: Susan/1877-1902 buried with Mortimore and Marie Hubenthal family KAUL: F. G./b. July 15, 1869/d. Oct. 8, 1899 KEELER: (lot 13-O) Joshua S./b. Sept 19, 1828/d. May 27, 1912 (cem record says b. 1829) Catherine S./d. Aug 12, 1899/aged 55 years/daughter of J.S. and S. Barndt/wife of J. S. Keeler (cem records say 1834-1889) Anna Sophia/d. 1862/aged 6 mo/daughter of J.S. and C.S. Keeler Hattie/b. Jan 25, 1867/d. Feb 15, 1898/daughter of J.S. and C. S. Keeler/wife of William Droegkamp Keeler and Droegkamp names are on one monument KEELER: (lot 52-O) Mahlon/b. Mar 29, 1816/d. May 28, 1868 (cem record d. 1866) Barbara C./b. Sept 28, 1822/d. May 14, 1892 Drusilla/d. 1852/aged 6 yrs/daughter of Mahlon and Barbara Mahlon Bur_gster(?)/1854-1865 (cem record 1859) All buried together KEELER: (Lot 15-0) Eve/d. Mar 16, 1861/aged 45 years 6 days/wife of Amos Keeler/ buried in Elizabeth Bauman/Bowman lot) KEELER: (Lot 106-O) Esther/d. Mar 21, 1862/aged 42 yrs/wife of Peter Keeler/grave 1 Allen/d. 1852 aged 1 mo/son of Peter Keeler/grave 2 Louise/1857-1876 Amos/Co. A. 51st Wis Inf/no dates/grave 7 KESSEL: (Lot 98-O) Adam/b. May 19, 1841/d. Oct 28, 1862 Lot originally owned by Peter Kessel, later sold to L. Church. KIEKAEFER: D. Louise/cracked adult gravestone unreadable Cem records say 1823-1878 KLINE: (Lot 59-O) Daniel/Co. K Wis Inf (Civil War)/no dates Sarah(Barndt)/1847-1924 buried with Frederick and Mary (Gebhardt) Barndt KLINE: See also CLINE KLINGER: Viola Klinger/b. 27 Mar 1901/d. 1 May 2002/101 yrs old. KLUMB: (Lot 17-1) Mathilda/1868-1870 Allen (infant)/____-1920 KNABEL: (lot 45-O) Hanna/1810-1887 buried with Charles A., Catherine and Abraham Leister KNACKSTEDT: (Lot 16-1) Katharina/1813-1890 buried with Stark and Ott KNEPEL: (lot 17-3 Sec A) August/1846-1929 Augusta/1848-1935/son of Fred and Fredericke) KOEHLER: (N 1/2 Lot 69-2) Valentine/b. Aug 2, 1867/d. Aug 3, 1940 Louisa Anna/b. Sept 1, 1869/d. Dec 11, 1921 KRAUSE: (S 1/2 Lot 81-2) Johan/b. Jan 27, 1817/d. July 18, 1891 Caroline/b. Mar 16, 1820/d. Nov. 24, 1891 buried with Emilie (Krause) and Michael Bauernfeind KREMPIN: (Lot 17-1) Dorothea (Schwulst)/b. May 8, 1815/d. Sept 2, 1886/geb Schwulst Johann/b. Apr 4, 1810/d. Apr 16, 1892 Klumb infants also buried in this plot August/1850-1937 Wilhelmina/1853-1909 KREMPIN: (Lot 18-1) Carl/1835-1905 Friedericka/1850-1901 Andrew/1871-1933 Louisa/1882-1963 Max/1880-1948 KREUTZER: Oscar/1879-1944/residence Whitefish Bay Lillian/1877-1953 buried next to Dewerth KROPP: Johann/b. Sept 18, 1811/d. July 24, 1893 Henrietta/b. May 27, 1816/d. Feb 16, 1912 KRUEGER: Albert/b. Feb 19, 1833/d. Oct. 3, 1904 Ernestine/b. Dec. 15, 1837/d. Jul 17, 1822 KRULL: (Lot 15-3, Sect B) Charlotte/1859-1954 Ludwig/1853-1931 Ida/1886-1918 buried with Heinrich Moller KUENETH: (Lot 56-2) Heinrich/b. Jan 16, 1815/d. Jan 24, 1903 Johanna (Roesler)/b. Jun 24, 1835/d. Feb 13, 1912 KUENETH: See BAUERNFEIND LARKIN: (LOt 5-1) Friedericka (Frinks)/b. Jan 1, 1835/d. Mar 4, 1871/wife of Jonas I. LEISTER: (Lot 111-2) Aaron/b. Aug 23, 1849/d. Jan 17, 1921 Catherine/b. Jan 9, 1853/d. Apr 26, 1931 LEISTER: (Lot 3-2) Tobias/b. Apr 28, 1835/d. Mar 27, 1924 Wilhelmine(Behnke)/b. Mar 28, 1840/d. Jan 12, 1920 Esther/1877-1897 buried with Wilhelmine's parents Carl and Dorothea Behnke LEISTER: (lot 46-O) Noah/b. Feb. 10, 1823/d. Nov 11, 1875/residence Menomonee Falls Sarah E. (Nehs)/b. Oct. 31, 1828/d. Jan 24, 1914 Mary Jane/1848-1858 Isaac/1851-1859 Henry/1854-1858 LEISTER: (Lot 45-O) Catharine/1805-1900 Carolus Augustus (Charles)/b. 1805/d. Oct 29, 1872 LEISTER: (Lot 4-1) Silas H./1842/d. Nov 21, 1812/Civil War Vet Mary A./1843-1927 Abraham/b. Dec 9, 1778/d. July 30, 1845 (wife of Abraham Catherine (Wambold) Leister/b. Jun 17, 1784/d. Dec 24, 1825 in Montgomery Penn/not buried here) LEWIS: (Lot 28-O) William H./b. Sept 25, 1836/d. Jan 18, 1872/brother Sophia L./b. Nov. 23, 1810/d. Aug 2, 1889 Francis/b. Sept 24, 1842/d. Dec 6, 1927 Henriette/b. Jul 9, 1843/d. Apr 10, 1909 Jesse/child's grave/no dates Jesse/died Nov 9, 1875 aged 64 years/ (b. 1811) LEWIS: John H./1840-1917/G.A.R. Mary A./1846-1931 Charles Ira/1884-1952 LUCHT: (Lot 40-1) Ludwig/b. May 27, 1831/d. Oct 21, 1900 Emilie Beduhn/b. Oct. 24, 1839/d. Nov 9, 1909 Robert/infant no dates (could be Robert Heinrich) Heinrich/infant no dates Baby Adolph/infant no dates Robert/infant no dates LUCHT: (Lot 5-2) Selma/1879-1896 Amelia/1838-1917 Gottlieb/1827-1891 LUMB: (Lot 28-2) John/1840-1919 Emily/1847-1923 MANN: Marie A. (Bauernfeind)/1887-1915 buried in Bauernfeind lot MANN: Johann George/b. May 10, 1810/d. Oct. 6, 1875 Anna K./b. Oct. 8, 1824/d. Apr 25, 1888 MANN: See BAUERNFEIND MCCARTY: (Lot 23-O, Grave 1 owned by Henry Pickel) (see McGarity below) Levi/1826-1850 MCGARITY: (See McCarty above) Levi M./died May 11, 1850 aged 24 years MILLER: (lot 23-O, buried in grave 2, owned by Henry Pickel) Luella G./1854-1862/daughter of M. and C.F.M. Miller MITCHELL: (Lot 5-1) Albert/b. Jan 1, 1838/d Dec 13, 1897 buried next to Keeler MOELLER: (A 1/2 Lot 35-3, section A) Johann/1842-1932 Friedericka/1841-1925 (Friedericka removed to St. Peter's Cem Mill Rd. reburied there May 29, 1930/buried with Bertha Utech) MOLLER: (Lot 15-3, Section B) Heinrich/1824-1908 buried with Krulls MOREHOUSE: (Lot 22-O) Chauncey/b. Feb 16, 1814/d. Jun 25, 1889 Alvira (Bailey)/b. Aug 19, 1824/d. Aug 29, 1908/daughter of Eben and Susanna Bailey) Nelson/died Mar 30, 1896/aged 57 yrs 8 mo 11 days (church records 1838-1895) Jane Wolcutt is buried with them MUELLER: Carl/b. Jan 10, 1825/d. Jan 11, 1880 Henrietta/b. Sept 15, 1823/d. Mar 15, 1915 NEHS: (S 1/2 Lot 150-3, section A) Jennie/1870-1962 Henry/1859-1939 NEILSON: (Lot 46-3, Sec B) (originally interred in East Granville Cemetery) Mary/1860-1861/daughter of Cornelius and Margaret Neilson Clara (Thomas)/1856-1906/wife of Dr. Walter H. Neilson Walter H. (Dr.)/1857-1922 (prominent Milwaukee Physician) Bessie/1880-1962/wife of Dr. Walter H. Elizabeth/1911-1915 See also East Granville Cemetery NICHOLSON: (Lot 1-O) John B./d. Jan 6, 1870/aged 38 yrs 9 mo 5 days (m.Apr 29, 1858 Waukesha County) Lydia P. (Bailey)/b. Jan 7, 1834/d. Mar 29, 1912/wife of John B. Cora L./1859-1918 Mary E./1865-1898 NORTON: (Lot 36-2) William W./d. Jan 17, 1905/aged 71 yrs 18 days(b. 1834) Amelia/d. Apr 16, 1889/aged 49 yrs 6 mo 9 days (b. 1843) OSTRANDER: (Lot 36-O) Annis (Snyder)/b. Sept 16, 1831/d. Oct 15, 1904/wife of William J. Ostrander buried with Eastman and Snyder OTT: Adelaide (Stark)/1870/d. Oct 1944 Henry/1870/d. Feb. 1950 PFEIL: Elizabeth/died 1881/Mutter/no age given PFEIL: (lot 18-3, Section A) Dillman/1848/d. Jan 9, 1913 Anna Marie/1853/d. Feb 2, 1931 PFEIL: (S 1/2 Lot 14-2) William/1857-1931 PFIEL: (Lot 26-2) Christ/1827-1909 Agnes/1831-1912 buried with Agnes' mother, Henriette Dix PFIEL: Gustav/1907-1910 Clara K.E./b. May 8, 1872/d. Aug 16, 1893 Gustave S./1862-June 1838 Emma/1874-Dec 1945 PICKEL: (Lot 9-O) Dewitt M./1834-1905 G.A.R. Betsey M./1837-1909 Eugene W./child/d. 1860 son of D.M. and M.B. Pickel Mary Jane Howard is buried with them PICKETT: (Lot 31-O, lot owner Dr. Seth G. Pickett) Mary B./d. Feb 17, 1847/aged 30 yr 8mo 18 days/wife of H.S. Pickett baby Mary/d. 1847 aged 1 yr Mary (Wambold)/d. Feb. 11, 1859/aged 35 yrs/wife of H.S. Pickett Henry B./1846-1847 PILGRIM: (Lot 9-3, Sect. B) Thomas/1844-1911 Harriet/1847-1930 Horace/1868-19__/no date PILGRIM: George/b. Aug 24, 1820/d. Jun 13, 1905/residence Menomonee Falls on 1850 Census Sarah/b. June 30, 1818/d. Aug 2, 1894 Pauline/b. 1861/d. Mar 8, 1842 David M./b. Sept 19, 1862/d. Apr 26, 1931 PLANTZ: Johann H./b. Sept 12, 1808/d. Oct 28, 1877 buried with Katharina and Conrad Geis PLANTZ: See GEIS PLOSS: Margaret/1810-1892 John/1807-1889 PRICE: Jesse/1823-1909 Charles/b. Jan 30, 1818/d. Sept 26, 1887 Margaret/1831-1901 PRIETZ: (Lot 7-1) Friedericke/b. Jan 12, 1818/d. Feb 22, 1890 Johann Ludwig/b. Aug 12, 1812/zee Rienitz, Belwrietzen/d. Sept 6, 1871 William J./1848-1898 John L./b. July 4, 1850/Germany/d. Sept 1, 1925 RAASCH: (Lot 21-3 Sec. B) Friederich GRUENWALD/1820-1899 Charles/1841-1927 Bertha/1849-1926 William/1885-1930 Amanda/1886-1970 RAMTHUN: Friederike/b. May 13, 1906/d. Jan 24, 1875 Emilie (Ramthun) ERDMANN/b. Apr. 10, 1846/d. May 7, 1892 Ferdinand ERDMANN/b. May 27, 1843/d. Jan 2, 1906 REESE: Luise/b. Mar 17, 1817/d. Aug 11, 1882 REICHENBACH: Mathias/b. Feb 7, 1790/d. May 5, 1871 Philip G./Mar 22, 1822/d. Sept 12, 1865/Civil War RIDGEWAY: (Lot 54-O) Alonzo U./1845-1928/Co. A. 28th Regt. Wis Vol Mary A./His Wife/1846-1928 Uriah/no dates Mary S./no dates _____/no dates/son of M.S. and A.U. Ridgeway ROEBEL: (S. 1/2 Lot 84-3, Sect. A) Herman/1862-1939 Anna/1872-1961 ROEBEL: (Lot 1-1) Gottlieb/b. Sept 30, 1797/d. Jul 1, 1885 ROEBEL: (lot 101-O) Julius/b. Dec 29, 1825/d. Jan 28, 1912 Anna/b. Sept 6, 1820/d. Jun 1, 1905 Heinrich/1857-1863 Anna/1859-1899 Augusta/1857-1868 SCHILLING: Susanna/b. Dec 27, 1794/d. Oct. 16, 1870 Georg/b. Aug 1, 1795/d. July 15, 1880 SCHLAFER: (lot 29-3, Section A) Simon Peter/1850-Sept 1941/residence Menomonee Falls Sarah A./1856-Oct 1924 SCHLAFER: (Lot 49-O) Fannie E./1841-1874/second wife of Christian Schlaefer Emilie E./1845-1871/first wife of Christian Schlaefer Carrie C./1855-1938/third wife of Christian Schlaefer Christian K./1843-1936 Elton F./1871-1879/son of C.K. & C.C. John C./b.d.1880/son of C.K. & C.C. SCHLEE: (N 1/2 Lot 46-2) George/1839-1931 Wilhelmina/1844-1930 Ida E.E./1878-1881 Amelia/1879-1911 buried with Sophia Zuhling SCHMIDT: (Lot 75-3, sect 3) Fred C./1871/d. Dec. 1948 Augusta/1871/d. Jun 1954 Fred A./b. Mar 12, 1899/d. Jun 23, 1927 Willmer J. Jr/b. July 29, 1930/d. June 26, 1932 SCHNEIDER: Oswald/b. Aug 13, 1855/d. May 4, 1916 Caroline/b. Jan 2, 1861/d. Oct. 30, 1930 SCHNEIDER: Heinrich/b. Nov 11, 1823/d. Feb 2, 1902 Hel_h/b. Feb. 1, 1830/no death date Fridolin/1859-1882 SCHOLL: (lot 64-O) James/b. Oct. 11, 1810 in Sunnytown, Montgomery Co. Penn/d. May 27, 1886 Hanna (Delaker)/b. Sept 4, 1816 Douglass Township, Montgomery Co., Penn/d. Apr 23, 1896, ossw: Groll and Horning women SCHOLL: (Lot 24-1) Milton/18__-1913 Ella/1885-1885 buried with William and Sophia Hemsing SCHOLL: (Lot 69-O) Abraham/b. Apr 22, 1815/d. Feb 12, 1888 Mary (Gilbert)/b. Nov 7, 1817/d. Apr 9, 1901 SCHULTZ: (Lot 94-O) Christian/1850-1885 Wilhelmina/1825-1892 buried with John and Louise Goetch SCHULZ: (lot 57-2) Friedrich/b. Mar 8, 1848/d. Nov 2, 1913 Bertha/b. Sept 5, 1854/d. Dec. 25, 1920 SCHUMACHER: A.M./1795-1876 M./1802-1876 buried with Anna Marie (Schumacher) Hepp SCHWARTZ: (Lot 209-3. Sec A) William/1842-1931 Hermina (Ninamaun)/1846-1922 Friedericka/no dates on stone/(d. Aug 5, 1884 aged 75 yrs)/ reinterred from St. Peter Church Cemetery June 1977 Johann F./1803-1883/reinterred from St. Peter Church Cemetery June 1977 Albert/1868-1899/reinterred from St. Peter Church Cemetery June 1977 Meta/1870-1874/reinterred from St. Peter Church Cemetery June 1977 SCHWEICKHART: K.M./1834-1905 A.M./1839-1887 buried with Anna Marie (Schumacher) Hepp SHUP:(sic) John/b. Aug 23, 1806/d. Feb 13, 1879 Anna (Freed)/b. Dec 5, 1809/d. July 3, 1872 SHUP: See BAUMAN SHUPE: Augusta/1844-1926 James/no dates/Civil War Vet SHUPE: Tobias/b. July 31, 1811/d. Nov 14, 1892 Mary A./b. Sept 3, 1819/d. Apr 12, 1900 Mary A./b. Jun 24, 1857/d. Apr 9, 1901 SHUPE: Samuel/Co. B 94 Ohio Inf/no dates buried near Carrie Whittaker and Albert Mitchell SILKE: (Lot 52-O) M.Ann/1843-1856 buried with Mahlon Keeler family SIMMERLEIN: Henriette (Draeger)/b. Dec 18, 1834/d. Aug 31, 1906 SIPFLER: Mary Ann/d. May 28, 1856/aged 23 yrs/wife of Frederick Sipfler SLIFER: (N 1/2 Lot 60-O) Matilda S./1850-1921/cem record says SCHLAFER/lived Newton Mass/ daugther of Jacob and Salome Barndt/is buried with father and mother and sister, Mary C. Boyd SMITH: Thomas/1848-1890 Nancy Greenwood (nee Faulkner)/1839-1922 Charles/1851-1954 SNIDER: (sic) (Lot 36-O) Louisa M./1847-1847/child of Abbey E. and John Snider/Snyder Truman J./1849-185_/child of Abbey E. and John Snider/Snyder SNYDER: (lot 40-O) Elizabeth (Cowles)/1829-1915/Mother Edwin A./1834-1917/Father Her mother, Deborah Cowles-Andrews is buried with them SNYDER: Lewis C./b. Mar 12, 1813/d. Jun 27, 1886 Nancy/b. Jan 9, 1818/Scotland/d. July 31, 1908/widow at time of death George A./1849-1850 Simon E./1851-1854 Mary E./1865-1866 SNYDER: Ladorna J. (Church)/b. Feb 5, 1857/d. Jul 27, 1897 SNYDER: (lot 29-2) William H./1857-1938 Libbe/1861-1950 buried with Delcours SONNTAG: Margareth/b. Mar 10, 1800/d. Sept 19, 1881 buried with Christina and Jacob Bauernfeind SPRAUL: Anton/b. Jan 14, 1830/d. May 20, 1892 Caroline (Huber)/b. Aug 17, 1837/d. Sept 16, 1903 Amelia/1861-1921 William/1868-1907 Wallace/1870-1910 STANKE: Clara Borse/wife of H. Stanke/no dates baby no dates buried with Boorse STARK: (Lot 16-1) Magdalena/1845/d. Apr. 23, 1877 John/b. Apr 29, 1846/d. Nov. 20, 1939 Louise/1852/d. Sept 16, 1922 Sarah/b. Sept 25, 1874/d. Sept 25, 1858/daughter buried with Katharina Knackstedt and Ott STARK: (LOt 83-O) Karl F./1808-1880 buried with Bulgrins STARR: Andrew/b. May 14, 1817/d. Nov 24, 1870 Elizabeth (Faulkner)/b. Apr 1, 1841/d. Sept 8, 1874 Ella/Sept 19, 1864/one date Mary/d. 1868/aged 1 yr. STEFFEN: (N 17 ft Lot 2-3, Sec. B.) August/b. Sept 13, 1856/d. Jan 1, 1846 Wilhelmina F./b. FEb 10, 1832/d. Feb 12, 1915/Mutter Herman/b. Dec 30, 1865/d. Dec 23, 1852 buried with Wilhelmine (Steffen) Wegner STEINMETZ: Jacob/b. Jun 25, 1840/d. Sept 18, 1894 Johann/b. Mar 22, 1867/d. Jan 17, 1881 STORM: (lot 39-2) Jacob/b. Dec 29, 1817(1811?)/d. Dec. 4, 1891 Dorothea/1820/d. Mar 27, 1895/aged 75 yrs. STORM: August/b. Dec 25, 1846/d. Apr 5, 1932 Emilie/b. Aug. 13, 1848/d. Jun 15, 1825 Arthur/b. Jun 28, 1875/d. Sept 22, 1880 STORM: (Lot 33-3, Sect A) Henry F./1871/d. Nov 8, 1853 Emma (Burrow)/1873/d. Dec 5, 1959 STRAUB: (Lot 24-3, Sec A) Valentine/1849-1905 Lowina/1852-1913 TICE: Catherine A./b. Aug 30, 1832/Penn./d. Dec 21, 1909/aged 77/ daughter of John and Anna (Freed) Shupe WAGNER: Christoph/b. Oct 8, 1876/d. July 20, 1887 Ernestina (Unlaub)/died Feb 9, 1854 aged 47 years Fritz/1835-1854 WAGNER: Henry/b. Jan 17, 1841/d. Jun 2, 1823 Friedricka (Hegner)/b. Mar 19, 1843/d. Jan 23, 1908 buried with Hegner and Burghardt families WALTER: Johann/b. Apr 13, 1809/d. Feb 29, 1863 WAMBOLD: (Lot 71-O) Samuel/b. Mar 8, 1799/d. July 12, 1849 Elizabeth (Krause)/d. Apr 11, 1857/aged 56 years 1 mo 25 days Susanna/1831-1851 Louisa/1845-1933 Lydia/1844-1848 WAMBOLD: Elias/1821-1895 Mathilda (Fertig)/1828-1857 Theodore F./1855-1943 WAMBOLD: (Lot 21-2) Francis K./1835-1907 Lucy Ann/1839-1899 WASON: (lot 7-O) Elizabeth (Gillesper)/b. 1788 Belfast Ireland/d. 1858 Robert/1790-1874 David/1825-1871 Jane/1832-1906 William R./1844-1919 Cora/1865-1913 WASON: (Lot 8-O) Robert Jr./1817-1887 Pauline (Thoss)/1824-1906 Ida/1853-1854 Emma/1848-1849 Mathilda/1866-1909 buried with the Thoss Family WATTS: Nancy FAULKNER/1781-1849 WATTS: (lot 11-3, sect. A) Isabella (Johnson)/1854-1878 James/1808-1880 Margaret/1808-1852 George/1842-1921 WEGNER: Wilhelmina (Steffen)/b. July 20, 1859/d. Mar 9, 1929 buried with parents August and Wilhelmine Steffen WHITAKER: (Lot 80-2) James/b. Oct 24, 1825/d. Feb 18, 1891 Jane (Brazelton)/b. Apr 19, 1832/d. 1922 Elizabeth A./1855-1863 Carrie/1851-1932 WIETZKE: Franz/b. Sept 16, 1836/d. Oct 17, 1885 WILDT: (Lot 12-2) Helen/b. Mar 23, 1850/d. Nov 18, 1931 Buried with Fred Herzog WOLCOTT: (Lot 22-O) Jane/d. Feb 28, 1844/aged 49 yr 8 mo 23 days (1875-1844) buried with Morehouse WOLF: Josiah/b. May 2, 1813/d. Mar 28, 1894 Margaret (Shupe)/b. Apr 4, 1813/d. May 21, 1873 Samuel S./b. Oct 10, 1840/d. Mar 13, 1903/Co. A. 51st Wis Inf Esther Jane (Ridgeway)/b. May 10, 1843/d. Mar 3, 1917 residence Menomonee Falls, Waukesha Co. WOOLFITT: (lot 26-1) John/b. Mar 14, 1821/d. Mar 11, 1897 Mary Jane (Knapp)/wife of John Woolfitt/b. Sept 12, 1826/d. Aug 30, 1887 Ellen E./died 1869 aged 19 years 7 mo 14 days (could be age 14) George M./died age 16 no dates Henry B./died 1870 aged 5 years WRIN: Elizabeth/1825-1914/residence Menomonee Falls Mary/Mar 19, 1857/d. Nov 25, 1915/residence Menomonee Falls Libbie/1863-1876/residence Menomonee Falls WRIN: (Lot 17-O, Lot owner Michael Wunderlich) Libbie/1863-1876/residence Menomonee Falls Lary(sic)/1857-1915/residence Menomonee Falls Elizabeth (Wunderlich)/1825-1914/wife of John Wunderlich, m. 1848 in Milw.) WRIN: (S 1/2 Lot 131-2) Daniel Wrin/1849-1927, next to: John Wunderlich/1846-1926 buried together with Nancy W. Coatts. John Wrin Married Elizabeth M. Wunderlich on Aug 30, 1848 in Milw WUNDERLICH: See WRIN YANKE: (lot 72-2) Carl/1834-1915 Henrietta/1842-1925 buried with Helm ZAHN: August/b. Jun 24, 1826/d. Apr 30, 1883 Sophia/b. Sept 18, 1826/d. July 6, 1897 ZUHLING: (N 1/2 Lot 46-2) Sophia/b. Mar 12, 1808/d. Jun 12, 1880 buried with Schlee Unknown: Matilda A. Edward F./1881-1974 Anna/1886-1964