Family Pages
Marriages, Births, Baptisms, Confirmations, Biographies of Milwaukee County Residents
This is the Milwaukee County Family Section. Within this section you will find birth and marriage information, such as parents names, location of birth, children's names, and occupations. If there is a link on the name it means there is a biography, photo or other additional information about that person on another page. Sometimes the name is linked to family group sheets or history that someone has sent in to me. I tried to cross reference the maiden names as best I could. If you can't find the spelling of the name, be sure to try similar alternate spellings.
The names are listed alphabetical by groom name unless the groom was not know, then the woman was listed by husband's surname or maiden name.
[ A ] | [ B ] | [ Be ] | [ Bi ] |
[ Bo ] | [ Br ] | [ Bu ] | [ C ] |
[ D ] | [ E ] | [ F ] | [ G ] |
[ H ] | [ I ] | [ J ] | [ K ] |
[ L ] | [ M ] | [ N ] | [ O ] |
[ P ] | [ Q ] | [ R ] | [ S ] |
[ T ] | [ U ] | [ V ] | [ W ] |
[ Y ] | [ Z ] | - | - |
Milwaukee Family Websites
Unclaimed Letters Milwaukee Post Office
Milwaukee County Links & Resources
Surrounding Counties
Old Trivia and Wives' Tales
Free Online Birth, Marriage and Divorce Indexes
Delayed Births Births prior to Oct. 1907 filed 365 days
or more after the birth
DAR Lineages - Daughters of the American Revolution
SAR Lineages - Sons of the American Revolution
Pre-1907 Vital Records (offsite link contains marriages and births)
Wisconsin Circuit Court Access-This contains more recent divorce information.
Biographies, Biosketches, Memoirs
Milwaukee Biography Index
History of Milwaukee, Wisconsin 1881 Index of Biographies
Memoirs of Milwaukee County, Vol. 1 and 2, 1909
History of Miwaukee City and County Vol. I, 1922, Edited by Bruce
History of Milwaukee, Vol III and IV Index, 1931
"I Was Born in America", Memoirs of William George Bruce, 1937
Index of Wisconsin Polish American's listed in "Who's Who in Polish America", published in 1943 and edited by Rev. Francis Bolek
Wisconsin Artists - Society of Milwaukee Artists
State Prisoners from Milwaukee 1870
News and Notes for Milwaukee County
1865 | 1952
Polish News Articles
Immigration and Settlers to Milwaukee County
immigration information is also available through the family pages and biographies above
Milwaukee Pioneers-Names appearing in an old ledger of Drs. Moritmer Fowler and Price Sawtell
First Settlers to Arrive
Pioneer Association, 1896
Old Settlers Club
Jewish Immigrants
Early Women of Milwaukee
Polish Pioneers Index
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