William Bramwell Sizer Diaries
March 1891
Milwaukee County Police Department
These diaries are a mixture of work and family affairs of William Bramwell Sizer. William was on the Milwaukee Police Department and a member of the Sherman Street Methodist Episcopal Church, later transferring their membership to Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and died in 1916. The diaries give a pretty good view of life in the years involved. The diaries were given to me for presentation on this site by family members see contributors page.
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MARCH 1891
Badger Fishing Club held their annual Masquerade at the Vorwaert last night.
I signed the book at the hall. Raddatzs came to dinner and stayed the afternoon. 10 degrees - clear - 4:55 AM - Wind W.
Humboldt - T.V. held an entertainment at the Hall. I signed the book. Arrested Oscar Andre at 3 PM. Went down town and paid out all my money. Walter got a tricycle.
20 degrees - cloudy - 4:55 AM - Wind SE.
Snowed nearly all day. Went downtown in the afternoon. 22 degrees - cloudy -
4:55 AM - Wind E.
Stopped snowing in the evening and turned cold. Went to Lamfish this afternoon and got two window lights. Took Ada along. Walter went out with his wheel for the first time. Helen came up. 5 degrees - clear - 4:55 AM, Wind W.
Met Abe at 12 o'clock. Drill day. Went to Post Office and bought a money order for Helen. Came home with M. VanEchtem Kessel went to Port Washington. 9 degrees - clear - 4:55 AM - Wind W.
At 10:40 the automatic alarm on Voghts dry kiln went off.. I called out the Dept. No damage done.. Commenced snowing at 6:30 this morning and snowed all forenoon. Good sleding. 25 degrees - cloudy - 4:50 AM, wind E
Fire on the south side last night. Attended the dance at Rice's Hall, 3rd and North Ave.25 degrees - cloudy - 4:50 AM - Wind E.
Phoenix Pleasure Club held their Masquerade. Assisted Wm. Schanock. Two D&D's. Bruhn and stayed until Heiser came. and I went home. Snowed and rained nearly all day. 28 degrees - cloudy - 5:10 AM, Wind E.
The Eich Kauzahner held an entertainment at the Vorwaert at night. At 10 PM Gus Frellson met me to inquire about Kresse's place. I made a report to the Lieut. this morning. Went to court. Called Wm. Hetzger. 20 degrees - cloudy - 5 AM, wind SW.
Arrested Albert Hackbarth at 1:30 AM. Charge D&D. Pulled the Box and 1st and Lloyd. Recd a letter from Lois yesterday. 9 degrees - clear - 5 AM, Wind SW.
Cloudy, looks like rain all night.. Light snow during the day. PM- Helen came up at 3PM. Didn't feel well and slept most of day. Met Abe at 2 AM this morning. 39 degrees - 5AM - Wind SW.
Met Abe at 11:30 and 2 o'clock. 9 degrees - 4 ;55 AM, Wind SW.
Met Abe on North Ave. 11:30 pm. Took my watch down this morning to see why it wouldn't go. Got it fixed and brought it home with me. Minnie went down town. 19 degrees and cloudy. 4:55 AM, Wind NW.
Ada's birthday - 3 years old. Met Abe at 12:00 o'clock. At 1 AM Bruhns called me from lunch to go to a fire 6th and Locust. Box at 7th and Chambers was pulled. Saloon and grocery burned. Total loss. Brisk wind all night. 4 degrees and clear. 4:55 AM, Wind-NW.
I fell yesterday morning and got so shook up that when I went out in the evening I could hardly walk. Came home at 12;25 am. Caught the car just in time. Slept most of the day. Feel better to night. 7 degrees and clear. 4:55 AM, wind NW.
The socialistic Music Choir held an entertainment at the Vorwaerts Hall last night. Went to my Music Room in the PM. Got my song from Mrs. Winship. 19 degrees and clear - 4:55AM-Wind W.
Met Abe at 10 o'clock at 3rd and Garfield. Met Rygh at North Avenue Bridge at 10:30. Passed a quiet night. No arrests on the west side all night. Slept nearly all day. 25 degrees and fair. 5 AM, wind SE
Tried to rain all night. Put rubber coats and hat on. Commenced snowing at 6 o'clock and snowed all day. Met John Cronk last night-just came from Dakota. 42 degrees and cloudy. 5 AM-wind NE.
Stopped snowing early in the evening. At 3:25 AM Truck 5 came up Garfield Ave. in answer to an alarm. from 3rd and Center. Went with them. 27 degrees and cloudy. 5AM, wind NE.
Tried to rain all night but we didn't get much. Abe wasn't out last night. No arrests last night. PM- Minnie went downtown with Helen. I slept most of the day. 32 degrees and cloudy. 5 AM wind NE
Subpoenaed F. Juhre 654 2nd St. Took the description of the lost dog, half and half Hound. It can be found at 757 3rd St. Reported Fitzwaters Place. Have seen girls there but paid no attention to it. Saw girls there last night. Rainy, wet weather. 34 degrees and cloudy. 5 AM wind E.
Arbeiten Krankenuntersitzgangs Verein held a dance at Vorwaerts last night. A young girl had a fit. 33 degrees and cloudy. 5AM, wind E.
Die Frauen Verein held an entertainment at Vorwaerts last night. Met J. Turck at the hall. PM- Went to the Music Room. Bella Scheibe came up and staid all day. Rev. Schneider called while I was away. Reported Fitzwater again. 35 degrees and cloudy. 5 AM wind SE.
Met Abe at 10:50 PM. Passed a quiet night. Met Chas. Platt at 1 o'clock. Commenced raining and we put on our coats but took them off again. PM- Freds girls came up this PM. I helped Minnie clean the front room carpet. 35 degrees and cloudy. 5 AM-wind NE.
Weather chilly. Passed a quiet night went with Schroeder to Center and Buffun Sts. to watch Gradwhal's. PM- Helen came up this PM. Minnie went with Mrs. Ertl to Mayor Somers house last night. 29 degrees and cloudy. 5 AM wind E.
Had a family row at 2nd and Sherman Sts. No arrests. Met Abe at 3rd and North at 3:40 AM. PM- Mrs Rhode and Mrs. Forster came up and stayed for supper. Commenced raining at 3 o'clock and turned to snow. Snowing hard at 12 mid-night. 32 degrees and cloudy. 5AM wind NE.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lefsten's house at 206 Garfield Ave. was burglarized last night about 8:30 PM while the old lady was a church. A gold watch was stolen. I reported it. Abe and Koge came and investigated the matter. Met Abe at 12 o'clock at 3rd and Sherman. Lois came this noon to stay till Sunday. 28 degrees and cloudy. 5AM, wind NE.
Met Abe at 11:25 PM at 3rd and North. Switch engine ran off the track in Schlitz Yards last evening. PM- Minnie went Kellings at 3 0'clock. Mrs. Breckman came and stayed to supper. Minnie got home at 4 o'clock. 38 degrees and cloudy. 5 AM, wind NE.
Easter to-day. Passed a very quiet night. Weather cleared up and the wind went down in the early part of the night. Met Abe at 1:40 AM at 3rd and between Garfield and North. PM- Emma and Lena Laubenstein, Ella . Helen and ...., came up. 28 degrees- clear. 5AM Wind
Arben Krauken Verein held a entertainment at the Vorwaerts. Met Abe at 8th and Garfield at 1;40 AM. PM- Lois and I went down town to get a few things and came back early. Mrs. Woershel didn't come up to-day. 37 degrees and fair. 5AM wind E.
Had a heavy shower as I was going to the station last night. Cleared up later. Lois and .... were here to-day. We took them to the North Avenue Station. Pay Day 40 degrees and fair. 5AM wind S.
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