William Bramwell Sizer Diaries
August 1892

Milwaukee County Police Department

These diaries are a mixture of work and family affairs of William Bramwell Sizer. William was on the Milwaukee Police Department and a member of the Sherman Street Methodist Episcopal Church, later transferring their membership to Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and died in 1916. The diaries give a pretty good view of life in the years involved. The diaries were given to me for presentation on this site by family members see contributors page.

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Dead dog at 20th and Hopkins. Letter for August Koeniter from Mayors Office. Del. 3:30. Went to station to report at 2:45.

Court this morning. Basal was fined $5 and costs. Deputy Clerk Finnegan took Mrs. Basal's fine out of Basal's bail money. Returned the balance of the money to West Side Station and put in my first report at 11:45 from the station. Went to see Otto Schultz on Teutonia Ave. Gave him a talking to. He promised his mother he would do better. She forgave him.

Signals out of order. 21st near Fond du Lac and North Ave. near 14th. Notified .... to stop making ... in front of 627 11th. Notified Poehl's 604 9th to stop throwing dirty water and refuse in the alley as reported by Gardner at Schlitz Park. Notified Mrs. Hopper that her daughter was arrested at the Central. Back from court at 10 o'clock. Brought up bail money for .... . Left it at the west side station. Arrested Joseph Kumka at 3:30 today. Charge - drunk. Arrested Clark Walter. Charge - Vargarency. He was sent to the poor house. 1st report at 10:45. Letter to Ald. Rauschenberg at 3:15.

OK'd Hugo Mueller application for transfer of saloon license.

P.M. Lutz.... 604 Court St. complains of boy throwing stones. Shot a dog for H.C. Auds at 683 12th St. at 5 PM. Mail for Ald. Grassow 1118 Lloyd 3:20 PM and John Soulan at 3:25 PM. Mrs. Schweneeeer, 1305 11th St, complains her neighbor Mrs. Grunewald is calling her names and abusing her. I told Mrs. G. to keep the peace or she could be arrested. 3:30 PM.

Went to see Mrs. Grun...to have her pay the costs in the action against John Schoener. She refused and I reported the action to the central operator.. They told me to see Clerk Woller. Went down to clerks office at 8:15 and missed my 8:15 report. Got back to beat at 9 o'clock. Wittig the plumber was injured this afternoon at 16th and Fond du Lac. He was driving north on the Ave. when an electric ground wire from the St. RR caught on the step of his wagon throwing him to the ground. Time: 4:20. I came by at 5 PM. Witness, Roloffe Klemtke. Dead dog at 609 10th.

Met Louise Basal- she told me that last night at 12:00 she found a boy in her basement. Thinks it was Ernst Jaeger.

Notified John ..... 988 11th St. tzo stop selling intoxicating liquor to minors, by order of Lt. .... .Mrs. Warner 779 10th St. complains that the garbage man has not taken her garbage in three weeks and would like to have the matter taken care of at once. Dead dog at 1123 21st.

1 letter for Ald. Grassow and 1 for Ald. Raschenberger. Went to the station and went down to Minner;s Gun Store and got a box of cartriges as per Lt. S.

Staid on Fond du Lac Ave. nearly all day to keep people from stealing paving blocks from the Street Car Co.

Took transfer for Hugo Mueller to F. D. Lee. Reported dead dog at 27th an d Fond du Lac at 8:45 AM.

Shet a dog at 2628 Fond du Lac Ave. Reported it at 1:45 PM. Got orders to go to 1310 Garfield Ave. to see what was wanted. The man told me that his neighbors kitchen stove was smoking to death. I should tell the neighbor to make it higher. I told the man I had nothing to do with that sort of work.

Got H. Wessel's application to run a carrousol on Fond du Lac Ave. between 18th and 19th. Looked the signers up and found them att satisfied. Returned the application to the station at 9:15 AM and gave it to the station keeper Koellen. The dog I shot on Thursday morn. and reported per telephone has not been removed from 2628 Fond du Lac Ave.

Sent to the oold Cold Spring Park with many others to watch the Barnum & Baily Circus. Orders to get meals on the ground.

Circus all day. Home, 11 PM.

One letter for Ald. r....8;20 AM. One for J..... 9 AM. Went to 1526 Fond du Lac Ave. and told Schall to go down and pay his licensse. Walter Siebenrichr arrested by Mc Manuael an d Schmidt at 2:10 PM.

Dead doog at NW corner of 18th and North. Killed by electric car.

Signal light center 24x25. Signal light 14 between Garfield and North. Picked up Thomas Kelly at 1415 Wright with a sprained knee. Called the wagon. While waiting for the wagon I decided he was more drunk than hurt and sent him down on that charge.

Went to court with Kelly. $5.00 and costs. Got back to my beat at 9:30 AM.

21 ft. Wright and Clark

Dead horse at 1123 22nd. Lost boy, white straw hat, lite and black figurede waist, stripped pants, has red hair nand freckled face, about 5 years of age. Found on 24th and Fond du Lac. I took him to the west side station. His mother claimed him and took him home to 23rd and Vine.

Got a warrent for Franz Jaeger and Herm. Schmidt. Looked till 10 o;clock. Could not find them.

Family trouble at 1074 22nd St.

Missed my 9:45 report on account of going to the Building Inspectors Office. Got back to my beat at 10:10 AM. Mrs. Emma Bauers, 1173 - 20th, housewife, 42 years. Dog without a liccense. Fred Bauer, 1145-20th, Baker, 42 yrs. Keeping dog withoutr a license. Pauline Duerr,, 1163-2oth, houseewife, U.S., 45, Keeping dog without a license.

Went to court this morning with Baueres, F. Baueer and Duerr charged with keeping unlicensed dogs. Fine $5. and costs each. Total $20.21. Got a commitment for Fred Bauer but he appeared and paid the fine. Mrs. Duerr gave me $3 and I collected the balance this evening. At 11:45 I got orders per telelephone to go and see Slinsoock and have him go with me to get Herman Schmitt. We found him at Soldiers Home. After a little chase he surrendered. Got back to the Weat Side STation at 5:20 PM. I went home, changed clothes, got supper and reported from the box at 21st and North at 6:45. Supeanead witness for Lindemeier tomorrow. Got home at 9:30 PM.

Dead dog att 1163-20th. Went to court with Herman Schmitt. Had case postponed until next Tues. in the hope of getting Jaeger by then. Shot a horse at the NE corneer of (th )and Center.

Lost boy: Black straw hat. Black and white stripped waist. Green and red stripped skirt. About 3 yrs. old. Can be found at 1231 Center. August Behling, 1302 North Ave. fell dead at his home at 5 PM. 35 years old. Left a wife and 2 children.

8-28-1892 Mrs. Mary Simmet stops with her sister at 844-12th. Has left her husband, John Simmets and he keeps coming over and bothers both of them. Went to suppee at 4:45 and reported from 18th and Walnut at 5:45 PM. Went to Shooting Park. Staid till 11:15.

Went to court with Frank Jaeger. Had his case continued till tomorrow norning. Got back to the station at 10:30. Brought up bail money for Webere and Boldt. Mrs. Roeden, 950-24th complains of Mrs. Weinerts children. Mrs. Weinert, 960-24th complains of Mrs. Roedens children at 950-24th. Bay horse 11 to 13 yrs. old, short mane at Wieton, still unclaimed.

Went to court with Shmidt and Jaeger. They were fined $10 and costs, each. Total $15.16, each. Put in first report at the station - 10:15. Took certificate up to F. L. Hansen. Miss Kleinert, 1138-17th complains of Herman Toenes, 1130-17th. He is calling her names. Dead dog at 1092 Teutonia.

Application of Steohen Werdisch for saloon license at 797-14th St. Attended to same and OK'd it. Capt. Schhuitt, Engine Co. 13 complains of a dangerous hole at corner of 18th. Ward Foreman to put signal light there. Hole caused by bursting water pipe. Notified Dengel at 15th and Lloyd to move his wagons out of the alley so people can pass. Went to the Exposition at 7 PM. Staid till 10:40.

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