William Bramwell Sizer Diaries
April 1899

Milwaukee County Police Department

These diaries are a mixture of work and family affairs of William Bramwell Sizer. William was on the Milwaukee Police Department and a member of the Sherman Street Methodist Episcopal Church, later transferring their membership to Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and died in 1916. The diaries give a pretty good view of life in the years involved. The diaries were given to me for presentation on this site by family members see contributors page.

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APRIL 1899

20 deg. NW wind. Fair. All fools day. Marquardt was sent to the office & got the laughs, Pleasant this morn. Becoming cold & disagreeable toward noon. Eve:- very cold. Met Constable from town of Lake looking for Chas. Lipperst. Went to his house, 1216-23rd. Found some very fine lt. Brahma chickens. He was not at home. Walter brought Plans from Architects Office.

12 deg. NW wind. Fair. Easter:- Cold & disagreeable. Ed. Maechtle came down last night & went with Emma to Wauwatosa this morn.

20 deg. Light NW wind. Fair. Warm & pleasant this morn. Carried out official ballots to Election Inspectors in the 5th & 6th precincts. Orders to report to Sta. at 6:30 PM to get orders for election.

22 deg. Northerly wind. Fair. Very pleasant. Judicial Election. Stationed at old place, 29th & Galena. Got home at 8:55 PM. Eddie & Emma came from Wauesha to-day.

22 Deg. Northerly wind. Fair. Very pleasant & spring like. Went to Beck's this morn. to see bath tub. Notified Volkmann to take out his slot gambling machine.

32 deg. Southerly wind. Fair. Drill day:- Light shower PM. Officer Wm. Krueger was shot by unknown person at 26th & Cedar St. last night at 7:30 0'c. Application of Thos. Poetzl, 1551 Hopkins for saloon license. Letter for Ald. Winkel. Met Lacy with Fred Gras on Wells St. Bridge as I came from drill.

34 deg. Southerly wind. Cloudy. Light rain at 7:30 Am. Social & rehearsal at Kopf's last night.

30 deg. Northerly wind. Fair. Colder, but pleasant. Wrote to H.H. Taylor about painting job. Met Edw. Koch, told him to go & figure on mason work. Dead cat-1053-19th. Got her head in salmon can & couldn't get it out. I had to shoot her. Rode wheel this noon.

37 deg. SW wind. Fair. Pleasent, warmer. Wore dress coat this PM.

34 deg. Westerly wind. Fair. Very pleasant, much warmer. Rode wheel this morn. 5 health officers watching milk dealers at Fond du Lac & Center all morn. Met Spingler at 22nd & Locust, went to Lipperts. S. searched house. Schultz & Riemer wewnt to figure on cellar this morn. Scholz & Meyer on a drunk. Told Meyer to sober up & Scholz went to his mother. Ressel & I went there but they wouldn't have them arrested. Rob't Preiss moved to Siebens beyond the toll gate on Fond du Lac Rd.

40 deg. SE wind. Partly cloudy. Looks like rain. Stolzenfeld came out again this morn. Our 16th wedding anniversary. Sprowls, Miss Rutherford & Miss Harmon came to bible class. No one else came & so we chatted a while & they went home.

60 deg. SW wind. Fair. Got blue prints at the sta. this morn. Letter for Thos.. Poetzl 1251 Hopkins. Very warm.

60 deg. SW wind. Fair. Warm. Drill day:- Beck goes up to figure plans this morn. Schedler rept. sick because he didn't want to watch Lipperts Place, 1216-23rd. John Schmidt, 2443 Center bid tin work, $65. Furnace $160.

40 deg. NW wind. Fair. Shower with Thunder & Lightning at midnight last night. Pleasant & cool in the morn. Sold 8 chickens to Bando for 50 cts. each. $4.00. John Nuetzel. 1136 Fratney found Papers, Abstract, Deed & Mortgage & other papers. Owner can claim them at his house after 6 PM. Growing colder 4 PM. Bldg. Inspectors notice for W.F. Lettor's, 24 1/2 & Hadley.

34 deg. W. wind. Partly cloudy. Drew vacations. I got May 30 to June 9th. Traded with Winkelmann for July 25 to Aug. 4. Cold all day. F.H. Volkmann sold out & moved from 2029-Center St. Traded his place for a farm at Hales Cor. Notified Wm. Schmidt, 2617 Cherry St. to stop dumping on W. Beckers property, 24th bet. Burleigh & Auer Ave.

32 deg. NW wind. Fair. Cold, froze ground about 1/2 inch. Warmer PM.

40 deg. High SW wind. Partly cloudy. Raw south wind, Warmer. School at North Ave. & Lisbon burned at 3 AM. Total loss. Saw the light from our window. Walter & Ada went out on their wheels to see the ruins

48 deg. Southerly wind. Cloudy. Few drops of rain. Went to Mayhew Factory with Stolzenfeld to make arrest at 4 PM. Arrested Otto Tetting, Adolph Schultz, Wm. Wesenberg. Paul Blank, comp. A&B. Got Becks bid on Plumbing and Steuerwald Bros. on carpenter work.

40 deg. SE wind. Fair. Tax bill for Ernst Adelburg 2328 Center St. from S. side. New bldg, 21st bet. Center & Hadley. Mrs. Lauterbach, 1135-21st had trouble with Wesenberg, 1124-22nd. Told her to get a warrant

40 deg. East wind. Cloudy. Drill day:- Looks like rain. Called at Menges office after drill. Went to 2626 Vliet St. & engaged a man named Clander to dig cellar. Gave him all the sod on lot & 65.00 to commence Monday morn. Bro. JL's birthday. 39 years old.

50 deg. W. Wind. cloudy. Light rain this morn. Warmer. Menge came and opened bids. Steuerwald lowest on carpenter work. Mason work-Dallman, Beck-plumbing, Ludwig Mertins-Tin. Furnace work-Stauss.

45 deg. East wind. Cloudy. Cold & damp. Dead cat, 1054-26. Dead chicken, 2517-Fond du Lac. Steuerwald Bros. figured contract to do carpenter work on Helens house. Verena came in today to take Grandmother home Monday.

40 deg. NE wind. Cloudy. Notified Thos. Poetzel, 1551 Hopkins to pay license.

43 deg. NW wind. Fair. Foggy early this morn. Warmer at 9 AM.Took Grandmothers trunk to depot at 5:30 AM. She left with Verena at 7:30 for Fredonia. Dead chicken, 950-21. Dead cats, 1202-22nd, on Hadley bet. 22 & 23rd. Little boy 3 yrs. old can be claimed at 1069-19th. Went to Wm. Dallmann's, made a bargain with him to do Mason work & plastering for $570.00. Commenced cellar digging this PM. Job let to Clander, 2626 Vliet St.

60 deg. SE wind. Fair. Warm.Met Geo. Crowns & Ed. Powers at 21st & Center. Wm. Dallman signed contract for mason work this Eve. Wm. Schnell was up & signed contract for furnace.

60 deg. W. wind. Fair. Warm. Wind changed to East. Ed. Powers staid with us all night. Will board with us for a few days while doing work for Crowns. Dead cat, 1198-22nd.

60 deg. High SW wind. Fair. Drill day:- Orders to wear helmets on Sun. Apr. 30th 3rd quarterly conf. at Kingsley last night. Thunder showers PM & Eve. Minnie cleaned house today. Had front room carpet up & cleaned & laid by noon.

65 deg. Southerly wind. Fair. Powers finished his work & went home today. PM.- At 12:30 got orders to go to Uhrigs Coal Yard at once. Coal heavers strike. Found Koge & Arnold. Staid with Koge until 6:30 PM & went home via Chestnut St. Car.

60 deg. Southerly wind. Fair. Warm. Rode down on car. 2 new bldgs, 24th bet. Clark & Center. 3 new buildings, 24 1/2 bet. Center & Hadley. Thos Poetzl 1551 Hopkins paid license April 24th. License no. 1683.

50 deg. W. wind. Cloudy. Rain with lightning & thunder. Helmets this morn. Meiers Drug Store removed to 21st & Center. Showers all forenoon. Wind changed to NE. Foggy PM & Eve. Cold NE wind. Put on summer underwear & froze all day. Had to wear woolen Jacket PM.

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