William Bramwell Sizer Diaries
June 1899
Milwaukee County Police Department
These diaries are a mixture of work and family affairs of William Bramwell Sizer. William was on the Milwaukee Police Department and a member of the Sherman Street Methodist Episcopal Church, later transferring their membership to Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and died in 1916. The diaries give a pretty good view of life in the years involved. The diaries were given to me for presentation on this site by family members see contributors page.
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JUNE 1899
65 deg. W. wind. Fair. Wheel. Warm. W changed to East, 11 AM. Court with Wolters. Pd cost:- $3.66. Went down on wheel. Left wheel at Cent. Sta. Got back to beat at 19:45.
45 deg. NE wind. Fair. Wheel. Cooler. Court in Miles Vag, case. He fought hard & got 30 days. Got back to beat at 10:30. Checks. Got mine cashed at 2nd Wd. Bank.
65 deg. SE wind. Fair. Wheel. Warmer. PM very warm. Thunder storm last night. Rained hard. Lindows last night. Nic Weber, 715-10th has found his bycycle.
78 deg. Southerly wind. Fair. Wheel. Hot. PM thunder showers, 4:00 Wm. Maechtle came last night. Mrs. Wolfender, 2101 Center was buried today. Rev. Burroughs officiating.
70 deg SW wind. Fair. Wheel. Hot. Rode wheel all forenoon. Walked PM.
70 deg. SW wind. Fair. Wheel. Cool wind. Sun hot. Dead dog, 1009-19th. New bldg, 30th & Auer. Rode wheel all day. Pd. Dallmann $50.00 bal. of first payment on house.
70 deg. SW wind. Fair. Wheel. Cooler this forenoon. Looks like rain.. Heavy blow & light shower at 8 PM yesterday. 10 AM met Sergt S on wheel at 22nd & Fond du Lac. Commenced laying track on Hopkins going toward North Mil.
65 deg. Westerly wind. Fair Wheel. Quite warm this morn. Contractor commenced laying brick on 30th & Lisbon today.
50 deg. NW wind. Cloudy. Wheel. Stolzenfeld returned from Vac. New bldg, 22nd near Locust. New bldg, 20th near Hadley. PM wind changed to E. Cool.
50 deg. Variable wind. Fair. Wheel. Cool.
65 deg. Southerly wind. Fair. Wheel. Warm. Risseouw & I stationed at Cold Spring Park, 33rd & Vliet. W.L. Main Circus.
70 deg. Southerly wind. Fair. Wheel. Warm. Thunder shower at 3 AM. Circus again today & Eve. Got home at 10:30 PM.
70 deg. SW wind. Fair. Wheel. Warm. Court as witness vs. Wesenberg. Dis. warr. Cont. till 16th.
70 deg. SW wind. Fair. Wheel. Warm. Light showers at 5 AM. Saloon book this AM. Heard that Spengler & Kelley were reduced to the ranks. Risseouw goes out at night & Geo. Boerner takes his beat. Met Sergt at 3 PM, Eng. 22.
60 deg. NW wind. Fair. Wheel. Cool & pleasant. New bldg, rear, 991-24th. New bldg, rear, 965-22nd. Dead cat, Fond du Lac & Tamarack.
60 deg. NW wind. Fair, Wheel. Cool. Warming toward 9 AM. Court this morn in case of Heuer vs Wesenberg. Dis. warr. Wesenberg found guilty. Sentence suspended on pay't of costs. Amt.-$12.48.
65 deg. SW wind. Fair. Wheel. Warmer. Dopke & Flieth go on Vacation. I take Dopke's beat for today. Mathis and Markey sent the West side. Base Ball 7 to 8 favor St. Paul
65 deg. Southerly wind. Fair. Wheel. Warm. Continue on Dopke's beat. Base Ball. Pharmacists applications this morning. PM- Looks like rain. Baseball 14 to15 facor of St. Paul.
70 deg. Southerly wind. Fair. Wheel. Warm. Continue Dopke's beat. Mr. Gregg Sr. 641 33rd died this morn. Sprowls preached the sermon at 8 PM. Mil vs. Minn B Ball. Mil wins 5 to 4.
60 deg. Northerly wind. Fair. Cool & pleasant. Sprowls came this morning at 5:30 and got his breakfast. Then went to Greggs to go with them to the Depot. Mr. G. will be buried in Troy N.Y.
65 deg. E. wind. Fair, Wheel. Cool. Haase & Jaunke Rode their wheels to the Sta. First time.
70 deg. Westerly wind. Fair. Wheel. Warm. Hot towards noon. Shower at 1:15 PM. Lippert, 1216-23rd moving. Hollfelder does the job. Heavy shower at 5 PM.
65 deg. North wind. Fair. Wheel. Cool & pleasant. Warming up toward noon. Suspicious character at school, 22nd & Center. 5' 4", 18 to 20 yrs. old. Dark hair, Red cheeks, Round face, Brown derby hat, Brown coat., dark pants, Medium build. Alice came from Minn. on Wed. Went to McHenry's. Then came up with them to our place this PM.
70 deg. Variable wind. Fair. Wheel. Warm. Nic Engel came at 5 AM & looked over our job of grading. Agreed for $25. to do grading & hauling off Helens lot. Alice goes home on 5:20 train. Minnie & I went to Uecke's, 12th St. to get figures on hardware for Helens House.
65 deg. NE wind. Fair. Wheel. Cool breeze. Sun shines hot. Henry J. Maechtle & wife came this AM. Drove in. Got here at 7 o'c. H. brought money for Helen.
70 deg. E. wind. Fair. Cool & pleasant. H.J.M. goes home this morn. A. Schultz 2330 Center, reports that some one stole $1.80 out of the store drawer at about 3:45 PM.
65 deg. Southerly wind. Fair. Wheel. Cool. Looks like rain. Carnival commences today. Orders to be at Lafayette Pl. Bridge at 7 PM. 10 AM shower. warmer, cloudy & sultry.
65 deg. NW wind. Fair. Wheel. Pleasant & cool. Rain last night. Venetian night- Fake. Went to Lafayette Pl Bridge at 7 o'c. on wheel with Dopke after roll call. I was stationed on RR track off flushing station. Fire works- Fake. Rained 9:30 to 10:30. Got home about 10:30. This PM. 15th & Grand Ave. !2:30. Floral parade. Gov. Scofield & "Teddy" Roosevelt rode in first carriage. I was at 18th & Grand, North Side of St. Jaunke on S. side. Dead dog, 1160-22nd.
60 deg. NW wind. Fair. Wheel. Cool. Grand Ave & 8th till 10 PM last night. 13th & Grand Ave. at 12:30 today. PM. 10th & Grand Ave. until 4 PM. till Masquerade passed. Eve. Schlitz Park till 11:15 PM on St. at 8th & Walnut
70 deg. NW wind. Fair. Wheel. Warmer. PLeasant. Ordered to 34th & Chestnut at 5:00 PM. At 1:45 PM got orders to go to West Park. Met Boerner there after a while Lieut. JK came and told us to stay there till 5 o'c. & then go home. Went to 30th & Cold Spring at 7:15. Staid there till 11:30 PM.