William Bramwell Sizer Diaries
April 1900
Milwaukee County Police Department
These diaries are a mixture of work and family affairs of William Bramwell Sizer. William was on the Milwaukee Police Department and a member of the Sherman Street Methodist Episcopal Church, later transferring their membership to Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and died in 1916. The diaries give a pretty good view of life in the years involved. The diaries were given to me for presentation on this site by family members see contributors page.
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APRIL 1900
36 deg. West wind. Fair. Cold wind.
34 deg. NW wind. Fair. Pleasant. Got up at 5 AM. Walter & I went to Port to attend Grandmother's funeral. Left here on 7 AM train, Lake Shore. Came back on Lake Shore at 7:26 PM. Got home 9 o'c. Sprowls & Miss R. came in at 9:15 & staid a few minutes.
36 deg. NW wind. Fair. Cool. Election day. Stationed at 29th & Galena as usual. Went on duty at booth at 6 AM. Quiet all day. Relieved by Rdsm'n Heineman to go vote. Got votes counted at 11:50 PM.
26 deg. Northerly wind. Fair. Cold. Got home at 12:50 AM. Rose elected Mayor. A. Kannenberg, 1491-25th was taking up carpet & accidently tipped stove over. Ernst, son of A., aged 9 yrs. burned on head and hand. Not serious. Minnie, Ada & Edw. come home this PM. Sprowls & Miss R. called at 8 PM. I gave S. key. He is coming to sleep at our house.
32 def. W wind. Fair. Cool. Quite warm at noon. SW wind. Sprowls came again tonight.
36 deg. W wind. Fair. Wheel. Pleasant & warmer. Quite warm at noon. Rode bike to Fond du Lac & put it in Hahn' s yd. Took car to Sta. Wore dress coat for first time this morn. Took off woolen jacket this PM, also woolen socks. Street sprinklers at work.
40 deg. W. wind. Fair. Very pleasant-warm. PM wind changed to NE. Cooler.
40 deg. NE wind. Partly cloudy. Chilly, damp day. Minnies birthdat - 39 yrs. old. Minnie sick all night - High fever. John Maechtle came last night on his way home. Ada went to Meiers got medicine for Minnie.
32 deg. NE wind. Fair. Cold. Drier air than yesterday. Minnie better, fever breaks this morn. Prespires freely.
30 deg. NE Wind. Fair. Chilly. Rheumatism- couldn't go to work. Sent W. to tell Stolzenfeld. Called Dr. Boerner PM.
30 deg. NE wind. Partly cloudy. Chilly wind. & disagreeable. Commenced snowing at noon. Our Wedding Anniversary - Married 17 yrs. Sergt. came. Brot Drs. Certificate.
32 deg. NE wind. Cloudy. 6 inches of snow this morn. Foot swelled considerably. Freight from Port came. All Minnies things that was Grandmothers. North Ave. Fuel Co. bro't them up.
40 deg. Northerly wind. Cloudy. Warmer. Good Friday. Foot swollen & very stiff.
40 deg. W. Wind. Fair. Warm & pleasant. Stolzenfeld called this AM. Showers toward Eve.
40 deg. NE wind. Fair. Cool wind. Went out for a walk this PM.
45 deg. NE wind. Cloudy. Rain, Thunder in Eve. Went to Dr. Boerner's this PM. Had Drs. Certificate made out. Sent it down to Stolzenfelds by Walter. Sprowls came this Eve to stay all night.
45 deg. NE wind. Cloudy. Rain nearly all day. Clearing about 5 PM. Sprowls to be married at 8 o'c. Went to the wedding at 8 PM. After congratulating the new couple. I met Mrs. Zillmer & Mrs. Pleyte looking for us. Hurried home, found Z & P waiting at home.
50 deg. Northerly wind. Clearing. Cool. Walked around some today. Schneider came at 4:30 PM. Painted the bathroom in the Eve.
32 deg. West wind. Fair. White frost- warming up toward noon. Reported for duty this morn. Drew vacation- July 31st to Aug. 10th. Went to Dr Boerner's office at 1 PM. Had certificate made out. New bldgs: Center near 21st & 27th bet. Center & Hadley.
50 deg. Southerly wind. Fair. Car. Very pleasant. JL's Birthday. 40 yrs. old. Officer Wm. Risch died this morning at 7 o'c. after a weeks illness. Will be buried Monday. PM at Union Cemetary
40 deg. East wind. Cloudy. Sprinkled at 6 AM. Looks like more rain. Worked on lawn last night & early this morn. First work of the season.
40 deg. SE wind. Partly cloudy. Wheel. Very smoky atmosphere. Warming up at 8:30 AM. Fog horn blowing.
4-23-1900 40 deg. NE wind. Foggy. Car. Very damp. Got orders to be at Sta. at 1:15 PM White gloves to march at Risch's Funeral. Officer Wm. Risch to be buried at 2 PM from his home. 708 - 4th St. Went to Sta at 1:10 PM. Marched in parade to Union Cemetary. Got back to beat at 4:10 PM.
50 deg. NE wind. Fair. Wheel. Warmer & pleasant. PM- Met Segt. at 3:30, 27th & Fond du Lac Ave. Went E. on Center St.
36 deg. NE wind. Fair. Very pleasant & cool. Light frost in some places. Fire at 1084-17th. Estate of Sofia Roeser, occupied by Borchert & Grieve. Fire casued by burning grass along side house. Present Ressel & myself.
44 deg. E. wind. Fair. Very pleasant. Dead dog, 1215-22nd St. Dead cat, Cor. Fond du Lac & Hickory.
40 deg. NE wind. Fair. Very pleasant. Last night- Reception for old choir of Sherman St. Church at 500-10th St. Res. of Kate Van Houton. Minnie & I went on our wheels. Got home at 12:0'c.
56 deg. Variable wind. Fair. Warm. Met Lieut JK at 27th & Fond du Lac. 3:40 PM.
60 deg. Variable wind. Fair. warm. Wind changing to West.
40 deg. High NW wind. Fair. Cool. Very dry and dusty since the 22nd. inst. Orders at 12:30 to be at B.B. Park at 3 PM. Went to B,Ball. Met Abe. , Sergt