William Bramwell Sizer Diaries
February 1910

Milwaukee County Police Department

These diaries are a mixture of work and family affairs of William Bramwell Sizer. William was on the Milwaukee Police Department and a member of the Sherman Street Methodist Episcopal Church, later transferring their membership to Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and died in 1916. The diaries give a pretty good view of life in the years involved. The diaries were given to me for presentation on this site by family members see contributors page.

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20 deg. Fair. S wind. Thawing towards noon. Checks. Went to City Hall Pd our own & Helens taxes. Ours: 38.46 plus 27.25-$65.71. Helens- $65.42. PM- Change day- Linden out at noon.

30 deg. Cloudy. Candelmass & Ground Hog Day. Can't see shadow up to 10 AM. Rainy. Rubber coat & cap. Met Linden at 4:45, 27th & Fond du Lac.

26 deg. Fair. NW wind. Thawing very fast. Met Mrs. Barnes on St. She pd. her rent-$13.00. The Utopia Club had a sleigh ride this eve. I gave up rehearsal to go with them. Home at 10:40. Had Krause's team.

18 deg. Fair. NW wind. Cold. Smudde sick. Wolters on day duty, covers Smudde's beat. Met Linden at $:15, 27th & Fond du Lac.

10 deg. Cloudy. NW wind. Cold. Cold all day.

Zero. Fair. Cold zero weather. Wolter on Stolzenfelds beat.

14 deg. Fair. Southerly wind. Very chilly. Thawing at noon.

30 deg. Cloudy. SW wind. RAw. PM- Thawing. S. Furn. Co. Directors Meeting at our house.

18 deg. Fair. W wind. Cold. Cold & Dissagreeable towards eve.

6 deg. Fair. Kingsley M.E. Church presented Fellowship Miss. with 119 copies of song books "Kings Praises". I took 14 copies over this eve when I went to reheasal.

24 deg. Cloudy. S wind. Damp. Partly clearing at noon. PM- cloudy, snow flurry & colder. When I came out for dinner, met a boy looking for work. Took him to N. Av. Fuel Co. AJL set him to work. Gives name of Lyle Kinney.

10 deg. Fair. NW wind. Cold. Attended Deacons Meeting at Genserich's at 8 PM.

8 deg. Fair. Raw west wind. Cold. Warmer toward eve,

28 deg. cloudy. S wind. Warmer.

32 deg. Cloudy. SE wind. Rainy all AM. PM- Cloudy & warmer. Change day:- Genthe at noon.

16 deg. Fair. NW wind. Cold all day. Official Board Meeting at Fellwoship Mission after prayer meeting.

-2 deg. Fair. NW wind. Cold. Mail at 2:30. Letter for Albert Gaulke 2326 Kilbourn. No such person. Ret. letter.

-6 deg. Fair. NW wind. Cold. -6 deg. at 7 AM. Cold all day.

16 deg. Cloudy. Varaiable wind. Snow- 1/2 in. fells before 9 AM. Genthe in Sta. this AM. Shot Renners dog 903-29th. Snow flurries all forenoon. PM- Partly clearing & warmer.

24 deg. Fair. S wind. Raw. Election appointments to serve today. PM- Snow, 3 in. fell. Went to Kingsley with Minnie. Mrs. Lawson, WCTU spoke.

16 deg. Fair. NW wind. Colder. Genthe in Sta. cold toward eve.

18 deg. Fair. N wind. Risint emp. at noon. PM- growing colder.. Snow flurries at noon & PM. Washington supper & entertainment at Kingsley- 25 cts. Notice of examination for promotion to Sergt on Sat. at 3 PM. Summons ( Juv. Ct.) for Duwe 1009-29 & Steffen 1001-29 for tomorrow PM. O.H. Kindt, comp.

-12 deg. Fair. W wind. Cold. Juv. Ct. 2 PM. Duwe & Steffen each paid 50 cts. for Kindts windows. K. petitioned for Wm. Wartchow, 22nd near Keefe. Back to beat at 3:30.

-5 deg. Fair. NW wind. Cold. Cold all day.

10 deg. Partly cloudy. S wind. Handed in application for examination for promotion to position of Sergt.

26 deg. Cloudy. Southerly wind. 3 in. snow before 6 AM. Rain at 10 AM. Examination for promotion to Sergt. 42 men took part. at 3 PM. Back to beat- 5:40 PM.

20 deg. Fair. W wind. Froze hard. Very slippery. Thawing toward noon. PM- Cold west wind, thawing where the sun shines.

18 deg. cloudy. W wind. Chilly. PM- Thawing very fast.

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