William Bramwell Sizer Diaries
August 1910

Milwaukee County Police Department

These diaries are a mixture of work and family affairs of William Bramwell Sizer. William was on the Milwaukee Police Department and a member of the Sherman Street Methodist Episcopal Church, later transferring their membership to Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church and died in 1916. The diaries give a pretty good view of life in the years involved. The diaries were given to me for presentation on this site by family members see contributors page.

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62 deg. SW wind. Change day:- I go to late shift. Went home 11:30.

64 deg. air. E wind. Cool. 4 PM- went to camp at 4 PM. Met Linden. He said I was not needed, so I went home.

68 deg. Partly cloudy. SW wind. Looks like rain. Nice shower during the forenoon.

64 deg. Fair. W wind. Slept till 3 PM. Ada & I went to the Pythian Camp this eve. before I went to the Sta.

52 deg. Fair. SW wind. Cool. PM- Mr. & Mrs. Towsley & Ada ( Towsley) & Mrs. Love (Alice T.) camp up to supper. Mrs. Reinhard here on a visit.

61 deg. Fair. SW wind. Got up at 3 PM.

64 deg. Cloudy. E wind. Minnie Young came from Pt. this PM while Minnie & the folks were at Wauwatosa. Buffalo Bills Wild West Show in town.

64 deg. Fair. SW wind. Mrs. Reinhard went to Pt. this eve. Ada & I went to Buffalo Bills show. Rained while we were there. Went to Steinborns. Got some new plates to take some pictures.

66 deg. Cloudy. S wind. Damp. 16 yrs since Arthur Died. Minnie Young went home this PM. I went to Weishaupts, fixed his gas light. Went to bank, deposited money for Helen & Ada. Pd. Ada $40.00.

64 deg. Fair. W wind & cool. Paint3ed the b edroom floor. Wed. eve. Met Fred Schneider at 10:30 PM.

60 deg. Fair. Variable wind becoming SE.

66 deg. Fair. W wind. Very warm. Genthe - day off. I take early squad out.

70 deg. Fair. E wind. Home at 3:30. Found a man sleeping on our lawn. Gave him the boot & told him to go. My day off. Minnie, Ada & I went to Resue Mission excursion to Pt. Wash. F & PM didn't land home at 6:30.

62 deg. Cloudy. No wind. Rain. Gentle rain falling straight down on very dry
ground. I go to work on 10 PM shift.

70 deg. Partly cloudy. N wind. Very damp. Rain in eve. Bad headache, awsked to get off but as Linden is on Vac. I had to work on early shift.

70 deg. cloudy. E wind. PM- Very warm.

70 deg. Fair. Foggy during the night. Warm during day. Ada gave Beck check for $70.00 in full for all accts. Told Robrau not to meet Schuerman on cor.

70 deg. Cl;oudy. N wind. Rainy. Very damp all night. Clearing & cooler during the day. Went to Barber this PM.

60 deg. Fair. E wind. Cool breeze all day. Warm in the sun. Took my light shoes to Weishaupts this PM. Burmeister, Buege & O'Gorman went on beats this eve.

70 deg. Fair. southerly wind. Heavy thunder showers during PM.

70 deg. Fair. S wind. Warm. PM- Maass came & took our pictures.

76 deg. Fair. Hot all night. W wind. Hot all day. Very sultry. Flora Keller & Frieda Maechtle came this morn. on their way home from Lomira.

66 deg. Fair. SE wind. Thunder storm during the night. Warm all day. Jake came on his way to Chippewa Falls with Herbert.

72 deg. Fair. SW wind. Very sultry. Walked home. Hot all day. Mrs. Reinhard & Robs. wife came from Pt. R's. wife went home on 5:47 car.

79 deg. Fair. SW wind. Hot all night. Hottest night of the year. Thunder storm, 5 AM till 7:30 AM.

52 deg. Fair. W wind. Very cool. Went to court with Buege in ...... case.

56 deg. Fair. SW wind. Cool, nice weather. Got up at 2 PM.

61 deg. Fair. W wind.

62 deg. Fair. W wind. Cool all day. Got up at 1 PM. WEnt to Rechygles, got a gas hose. Rested all PM.

66 deg. Partly cloudy. SW wind. Warming. Sprinkled during night. Day Off. Ada & I went to Cedar Lake where Sloans & some young Kingsleyites are camping. Rained all the morn. PM was fine. Home at 7:30. We walked from ......... to Schleisingerville.

60 deg. Fair. E wind. Cool. Minnie & Helen went down town this PM.

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