Albright Evangelical United Brethren
Location: Kohlsville, Town of Wayne, Washington County, Wisconsin
This is a partial listing of burials in this cemetery.
If a name is underlined it is linked to an obituary.
To facilitate your search the surnames of the wife, when known have been cross indexed.
Some pictures and additional information for some burials are available at Find A Grave.
If I know the source of the information, I have noted it as Source:
If no source is available it may have been from an anonymous donor.
Key to Abbreviations
b: = Date Born
res: = Residence
m: = Date married
p: = Parents
d: = Date/place died
We currently do not have any further information on the history of this cemetery.
We have no information if there are records available for this cemetery.
BARWIG: See GUTH BLANK: George Michael/b. Jan., 1808/d. May 6, 1872 Philippina/b. Jul. 12, 1846/d. Feb. 7, 1882 BORCHERT: Elisabeth/b. 1842/d. 1892 DUEHRING: See JUNG See DUHRING DUHRING: Augusta/b. Jul. 21, 1860/d. 1873 ENCLER: C 63508763 b. Jul. 21, 1860/d. 1873 FENSTERMACHER: Katharina/b. Mar. 25, 1816/d. Mar. 21, 1898 (also spelled with a C) Wilhelm/b. Nov. 10, 1810/d. Jun. 20, 1886 (William) GUTH: Elisabeth (Barwig)/b. Oct. 17, 1820/d. Sep. 15, 1888 John/b. Dec. 2, 1817/d. Mar. 17, 1899 HILLENBERG: no name/b. 1818/d. 1863 JUNG: Anna Christina (Schroeder)/b. Jul. 4, 1845/d. Feb. 9, 1912 Arthur/b. Sep. 23, 1902/d. Dec. 11, 1902 Caroline/b. Jun. 29, 1876/d. Jan. 28, 1877 Charles L/b. Sep., 1862/d. Aug., 1929 (also Karl) Heinrich/b. Jan. 19, 1823/d. Feb. 22, 1903 Karolina/b. Apr. 7, 1824/d. Mar. 30, 1902 Karolina W/b. 1846/d. unknown Sarah (Duehring)/b. Mar., 1867/d. Dec. 6, 1931 JUNG: See ZIELICKE KOPP: J Nelson/b. May 28, 1888/d. Sep. 3, 1888 LEGLER: Heinrich/b. Feb. 24, 1853/d. Jun. 3, 1854 Johannes/b. 1825/d. 1866 Bertha/b. 1862/d. 1879 MUEHLEIS: Catharine/b. Sep. 28, 1864/d. Jul. 20, 1905 NICKEL: Friedrich/b. Oct. 13, 1824/d. Mar. 14, 1879 Jacob/b. Jun. 19, 1853/d. Sep. 26, 1876 Rosine/b. Sep. 23, 1829/d. Oct. 12, 1912 RENZIEHAUSEN: S.L./b. unknown/d. unknown ROTHENBERGER: Agatha/b. Jan. 6, 1820/d. Apr. 17, 1901 SCHAEFER: Elizabeth/b. Aug. 6, 1819/d. Feb. 20, 1909 SCHMIDT: Gabriella/b. unknown/d. unknown John E/b. unknown/d. unknown SCHMIDT: See ZIELICKE SCHROEDER: See Jung SCHWEIZ: No name/b. 1827/d. 1882 SENN: Adolph/b. Apr. 24, 1862/d. Feb. 2, 1863 Carl/b. May 11, 1852/d. Nov. 19, 1872 Margreth/b. Sep. 14, 1866/d. Jun. 23, 1880 WOLF: Emma/b. Jan. 1, 1881/d. Oct. 16, 1911 ZIELICKE: Christiane (Schmidt)/b. Jul. 20, 1833/d. Jan. 18, 1903 Elizabeth A (Jung)/b. Dec. 10, 1850/d. Aug. 18, 1926 Johann Friedrich, II/b. Dec. 15, 1833/d. 1920 Oscar H/b. Feb. 21, 1898/d. Sep. 12, 1898