Evangelical Churches
St. Paul's Congregation
Location: Ackerville
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
The incomplete records of this congregation show that it existed in 1859: it probably was organized several years before that date. Of the first members may be mentioned: Lorenz Guth, Peter Guenther, Georg Kroehler, Phil Lehiier, John Albrecht, and Phil. Kurtz. The first church, a log house, existed in 1862, for the records tell of repairs that became necessary in that year. The present church was built in 1874. The pastor is Rev. F. W. Krueger. He also administers to the spiritual wants of St. John's Congregation in the town of Polk. In 1852 twelve families joined in founding that congregation. Of the first members only two, Geo. Mayer, Sen., and John Schmidt, are still living. In 1854 the first church was built of logs. The parsonage was put up in 1862; it is still existing, but is not used. In 1895 the present brick church was built. Fifteen pastors have served the congregation up to now, and it numbers 35 members.
Christ's Congregation
Location: Dheinsville
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
As early as 1844 this congregation was founded. The founders were Ph. Dhein, Sr., William Wasmuth and Andrew Wetterau. They came to this country with their families in 1842, and for the first few years their chief object was to establish a home for themselves and their families. Ph. Dhein was the first one in these parts, and he was of great help to those who followed after him. He assisted the newcomers in every way, and accompanied them together with the land agents to procure land which could be had at that time for a dollar an acre, so-called "school land" for even less. A rude log schoolhouse was selected for the first meeting place of the pioneers, where only for three months in the year the children were taught, and that, as one of them stated, out of an old spelling book. After the three months had elapsed, they were so much older, "but no wiser." A Rev. Schmidt, with whom Mr. Dhein became acquainted, came out from Milwaukee and served the settlers with the word of God at an interval of four weeks. The news of the first religious meeting in the old schoolhouse, a mile west of the present Christ church, spread over the surrounding country, and ere long other settlers came and expressed their desire to join the sturdy Germans in their worship. Women came, carrying their babies with them, and the schoolhouse soon proved too small. The Weimars and the Meyers, and brothers of Ph. Dhein, as well as seven brothers of the Klumbs, and a large family of Kraetsches and Dixes were added to the faithful band. In the early '50s a church was put up where the Christ church now stands. Here the pioneers met to worship their God and exchange their experiences during the week. Soon afterward the present stone church was built and dedicated in i86r. After Rev. Schmidt died. Rev. Fleisher was called, and he served the people for several years. He was succeeded in i860 by Rev. Binner. Steadily the congregation increased, and January i, 1868, Rev. C. Ruegg of Madison, Wis., was selected as their pastor. They had then increased to some seventy heads of famihes. He served the people until June 17, 1895. Since then several pastors were called, and at present the Rev. G. Klein has charge of the ministry.
St. Paul's Congregation
Location: Town of Erin
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
This congregation was founded in 1840, when a log church was built. Jacob Loew, Henry Loew, John Loew, Jacob Sneider, and George Hoffman were among the first members. When in 1880 Jacob Loew gave three acres of land for the site of a church and a cemetery, a new edifice was erected. The old log church was torn down.
St. Martin's Congregation
Location: Fillmore
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
In 1861 a number of adherents of the Protestant creed came together to organize a congregation. Prominent among them were: Jak. Plaum, Gottl. Schuster, C. Bormann, C. Degnitz, E. Klessig, G. Jaehnig, and W. Beger. The first church was built in 1862. In 1891 a new substantial church was erected. The pastors who served the congregation were : Revs. Vorberg, Gausewitz, Frank, Grunewald, Barth, and Brunn. The first two were ministers of the Lutheran Wisconsin Synod; the others, including the present pastor. Rev. H. Erber, belong to the Evangelical Synod of North America. St. John's Congregation in Silver Creek, Town Farmington, is also a charge of Rev. Erber. It was organized in the early days by English and German people as a Free Baptist association, but since 1905 it is an Evangelical congregation. Some of the first members were: Andreas Kraetsch, Ed. Woog, John Meisner, O. Plaum, C. Morgewroth, and Haentze. The year in which the church was built is not known.
St. John's Congregation
Location: Town of Germantown
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
The church, situated in Section 35, was built in the early '40s. The charter members were Straub, Herboldt, and Gilbert. The congregation is at present in a very thriving condition, and numbers between seventy and eighty families. Many pastors came and went since it was established. The present pastor is Rev. Theodore Schuh. — Zoar's Congregation, in the same town, was founded May 21, 1895, when the trustees were selected. They were: U. Huber, president; Wm. Meyer, secretary; Peter Bast, treasurer; Val. Hoelz, Louis Boecker, and J. Bast, Sr., June 16, the place which was donated by Louis Boeker was formally dedicated as a site for the church and parsonage, and July 7, the corner stone was laid. Sixteen heads of families signed the constitution, and upon taking a vote, the name of Zoar was chosen for the church. October 20, the church was dedicated. The Rev. C. Ruegg was unani mously selected as pastor, and up to this time has continuously served the congregation which enjoys a steady growth.
St. John's Congregation
Location: Hartford
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
The organization took place in January, 1874. Among the first members were : Ch. F. Lohr, John Schroeder, Adolph Spaeth, Geo. Laubenstein, Louis Laubenstein, and L. Kissel. The first church was bought from the Universalist Congregation. In 1907 a splendid brick church was built. Two years ago the congregation installed a fine pipe organ, half of the costs of which Mr. Andrew Carnegie paid. The present pastor is Rev. Dr. E. A. Kuhn. — Zion's Congregagtion.- — Organized in 1862. Among the charter members were : Nick Hosig, Michael Reik, John Steiner, and Anton Fischback. Thefirstchurch was built in 1864. The present church edifice dates from 1885. The pastor is Rev. H. H. Brockhaus.
Peace Congregation
Location: Town of Jackson
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
In 1852 a number of German settlers of the towns of Jackson and Polk founded a congregation and named it "Evangelical Protestant United Congregation." A constitution was framed and adopted April 20, 1852, and Gottlieb Hammel donated the grounds for a cemetery and a church, in the northwest corner of Section 18, town of Jackson. A log church was built in the same year. The first board of directors consisted of Jacob Theurer, Fred Anspach, and Peter Theobald. Among the first members were : F. W. Nolting, Franz Martin, John Hoffmann, John Roll, Henry Dannenfelser, Fred Eberly, Dietrich Schmahl, David Jenner, Andrew Martin, Andrew Ziegler, Joseph Katz, Philipp Pfeil, Philipp Mayer, John Nauth, Peter Faber, Anton Feige, Gottlieb Schatz, Gottlieb Rosenthal, Frederick Kraemer, John Kissinger, Franz Konrad, Christ Herman, Peter Becker, Jacob Giunm, George Koenig, Jacob Moersfelder, Adam Spuhler, Conrad Bolhalter, Peter Weckmueller, Peter Koelsch, Nikolaus Hennann. Heinrich Hembel and Jacob Jung. The incorporation took place March 20, 1859. From 1851 to 1867 the congregation was served by ministers of various denominations, Evangelical, Presbyterian, Congregational, and Episcopal, as Protestant pastors were scarce at the time. Each minister was engaged for but one service and received his pay after it was over. Some of the ministers were: Schmidt, Biener, Fleischer, Krantz (a carpenter who as a side line did some preaching), and Bickel. From 1867 to 1912 it was served by resident Reformed ministers. In 1878 the present church was erected. In 1882 another constitution was adopted in which the name was changed to "Evangelical Reformed Congregation." The first resident pastor was Rev. Hinske. He was, in 1870, succeeded by Rev. F. P. Leich who served for 28 years. In 1904 a difference of opinion among the members brought on a heated denominational controversy which in 191 2 was settled by the State Supreme Court, whereupon a number of families togetlier with the pastor, Rev.Wm. C. Zenk who served since 1907 separated and founded a new congregation of the Evangelical Reformed creed. The others were again taken into the folds of the Evangelical church, to which the congregation belonged in the beginning. They have at present no regular minister.
Peace Congregation
Location: Kewaskum
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
In 1898 this congregation was founded, and in the same year the church was built. The first officers were: Karl Doms, president; L. D. Guth, secretary; Christ. Schaefer, Sr., treasurer. The pastors who have served were : Revs. R. Grunewald, A. Franke, and H. Erber. The present trustees are: Christ. Schaefer, Jr., president; L. D. Guth, secretary; Aug. Schaefer, treasurer: The congregation has an enrollment of 108 families. The present pastor is Rev. F. Mohme.
St. John's Congregation
Location: Kohlsville
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
This congregation was organized in 1855. Some of the early members were Jak. Endlich, Ch. Jung, Bormann, and Hose. The first church was built in 1862. The present edifice was erected in 1892; it is surmounted by a belfry which contains one bell. The pastor is Rev. J. Frank. St. Paul's Congregation in the town of West Bend is aflfiliated to the former, and also is in the charge of Rev. Frank. It was founded in 1865, and the first church was built in the same year. Among the first members may be mentioned: Philipp Bauer, H. Wolfrum, and Peter Riesch, Sr. The present church dates from the year 1894.
Emanuel's Evangelical Association
Location: Richfield
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
The church was organized May 26, 1852, and the old church was built in the same year. Among the first members appear the names of Carl Ph. Held, Philipp Peter Reichert, and John Straub. In 1898 a new church with modern conveniences was erected in the village of Richfield. The present trustees are: Peter Reichert, Fred Klumb, and George Straub. The pastor is Rev. J. E. Klein. Affiliated to this congregation, and in charge of its pastor, is Zion's Congregation in the town of Richfield. It was founded in 1846. and Gottfried Motz, Jos. Suson, Jos. Harlacher, Phil. Becker, and Isaak Romig were among the first members. The first church was built in 185 1, and in 1886 the congregation had a new church put up. The present trustees are: Geo. IMotz, Jul. Busse, John Siewert, Jac. Becker, M. Siewert, and Walter Motz.
St. Jacob's Congregation
Location: Town of Richfield
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
In 1852 this German congregation was organized, and in the same year a log church and a small parsonage were raised. Some of the original members were : Phillip Schneider, Conrad and John Eimermann, Peter Hartleb, John Leonhardt, Balthasar Ebling, Gottlieb Griesemer, Ernst Schwamb, Daniel Funk, Carl Bender, Jacob Klippel, Jacob Kurtz, Adam Held, John Kessel, Jacob Maurer, Jacob Kissling, Carl Lahr, John Barchent, Heinrich Gruen, and John Stark. Children of these fathers now mostly constitute the body of the congregation. In 1892 a new handsome frame church and an addition to the parsonage were built. The value of the church property is about $4,000. The present pastor is Rev. N. Sulzer. He also has charge of the St. Peter's Congregation in Town Jackson. It was founded in 1858, when a little log church was built. The first pastor who preached in it was Rev. Rell. The grounds were donated by Phillip Weinheimer and Peter Dauterman. Later, the building was sheathed with siding and crowned with a little steeple. Besides the aforenamed, Philip Mann, Charles Schuette, and Melchior Reiss constituted the first board of trustees. Among the first members may be mentioned: Michael Reiss, Peter Schneiss, Casper Weifenbach, Martin Otto, Christian, Samuel, Jacob and John Schowalter, Jacob Meisenheimer, George Bock, Sr., Louis Weimer, John Berg, Dan. Lauter, and Valentin Saber. A new frame church with central heating plant and handsome basement for school purposes was built in 1909, and dedicated November 14, of the same year. The congregation is in a healthy condition and numbers about 35 families.
St. John's Congregation
Location: Schleisingerville
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
Of the history of this congregation very little could be learned. In 1875 the members split in two factions, one of which organized a Lutheran congregation. During the altercations which preceded the cleft, all the records and books were lost. Besides, all the founders who could give some information have gone into the great beyond. But it is wellnigh certain that the organization took place before 1849. That far the present pastor, Rev. H. Mueller, could trace the history back.
Unknown Congregations
Location: Town of Wayne
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
There are three Evangelical congregations in this town, St. Paul's in Section 10, with Rev. H. Weichelt as pastor; one in Section 6, with Fred Muehlius as director; and one in Section 25, with John Blank, Sr., as a charter member. In spite of attempts made, no information could be gained from any of these congregations, which would indicate that records are either wanting, or that the congregations are in a state of disintegration. None of them has a resident pastor.
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