Evangelical Reformed Churches
The Evangelical Reformed Congregation
originally known as Independent Evangelical Lutheran
Location: Fillmore
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
The congrgation was originally organized as "Independent Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Town Farmington, Washington Co., Wis." The organization was perfected July 19, 1891, and the church had been built shortly before. Some of the first members were : Max Gruhle, Jacob Plaum, H. F. Beger, Wm. A. Crass, Carl Degnitz, Wm. Gemer, Justus Klein, H. G. Moths, Wm. Bretschneider, Moritz Eisentraut, and Gottl. Meuschke. For some time the congregation is served by Rev. Wm. C. Zenk, a pastor of the Evangelical Reformed church, who has also charge of the Peace Congregation in the town of Jackson. Their history is identical with that of the Evangelical Peace Congregation in the same town. After the separation from that congregation, it was organized in the summer of 1912 with an enrollment of 28 families. A church edifice to cost approximately $3,500, located one-half mile west of Jackson, is in course of erection. The comer stone was laid August 18, 1912. A parsonage is soon to follow.German Ev. Reformed Salem's Congregation
originally known as Evangelical Lutheran St. Jacob's Congregation
Location: Town of Wayne
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
. The original name of this congregation was "Ev. Luth. St. Jacob's Congregation." It was organized in 1857, and the first church was built in the same year, during the pastorate of Rev. Rech. Among the first members were : Jacob Boos, Geo. Schaub, Anton Schmittel, and Geo. Arnet. In 1878 it was reorganized under the name "German Ev. Reformed Salem's Congregation." A new church was built in 1879, during the ministry of Rev. A. Guenther. Prominent members of the reorganized congregation were: L. Schaub, Wm. Petri, F. Menger, and Wm. Radke. The present pastor is Rev. J. L. Csatlos.
The Evangelical Reformed Congregation
Location: West Bend
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
The church was founded November 26, 1890. The charter members were: Henry Krieger, Fred Krieger, Carl Quade, Philipp Heipp, Wm. Fischer, Val. Muenk, John Lohr, Wm. Frenk, and John Treviranus. During the first year the congregation was served alternately by Rev. C. Huecker of Campbellsport, and Rev. F. P. Leich of Jackson. The first services were held in the old Baptist church. In the meeting of August 16, 1891, it was decided to have a resident pastor. The choice fell upon Rev. Friedrich Wagner. During his ministry the site for the church and the parsonage was bought of Mr. Haas, and an adequate house of worship erected. Rev. Wagner removed in 1893, and he died a few years later. His successor was Rev. J. Terborg, a genial old gentleman who stayed until in 1898 decreasing bodily vigor and other circumstances compelled him to resign and retire from the ministry. He removed to Milwaukee. His successor was Rev. C. Ruppert who took the charge under very unfavorable, next to hopeless, conditions. Some members had drifted away, others were discouraged, and only about twenty families were left when he entered upon his new duties. But he worked with undaunted spirit, with self-sacrifices, and with a very modest income. In a short time an oppressive debt which rested on the church property was paid, the church was renovated, and a few years later, in 1904, the old parsonage was replaced by a new one. The number of families rose from twenty to one hundred, and the congregation now numbers almost three hundred souls. With its sober biblical precepts, and sound principles, the congregation bids fair to enjoy continued growth.
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