Methodist Episcopal
West Bend Methodist Episcopal Church
Location: West Bend
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
"Hardly a scratch of record of the early history of West Bend M. E. church can be found, save the roll of membership and the records of the Quarterly Conference routine business," says Rev. J. R. Noyes, a former pastor of the congregation, in a booklet which he published in 1904. It appears from his list of pastors that Rev. David Lewis was the first minister, serving in 1854-55. Here is an interesting little scrap which Rev. Noyes found: "P. W. Frink, the M. E. preacher that travelled from Green Bay to Chicago on horseback; Elisha Springer, Presiding Elder, first on West Bend Circuit; H. M. Train, first preacher; P. S. Bennett, Presiding Elder; Isaac Sleigh, Presiding Elder; 600 miles around his district, forded streams 7 and 8 feet deep." Another item which he found jotted down in the records tells that Abraham and Clara Van Epps were charter members. The Wisconsin Conference was organized in 1848, and West Bend Mission appears in the records with Wauwatosa, A. C. Penncock, pastor. From records of baptisms, reception of members, etc., it appears that this work was more or less connected at different times with Kewaskum, Auburn, Barton, Saukville, Fredonia, Oak Creek, Trenton, Myra, Jackson, and other places, but whether preaching services were held regularly at all is not known. The old church stood in the vicinity of the former County Poor Farm in the town of Jackson. The congregation later decided to have their place of worship in West Bend. The present church was built in 1872, and the parsonage in 1892. The congregation has a Sunday school and an Epworth League. Since 1911 Rev. Alfred Hoad is the pastor.
German Methodist
German Methodist Congregation
Location:West Bend
Source: Washington County, Wisconsin : past and present; by Quickert, Carl, ed Publisher Chicago, copyright 1912 : S.J. Clarke Publishing Co.
The congregation was ushered into existence when in 1855, or 1856 — the exact date is lost — Rev. Frederick Heinz commenced to preach and hold services in the schoolhouse at West Bend. March 19, 1858, a lot was purchased, upon which a frame church was built. It stood east of the Court House Square. Among the first members and trustees were John Kammer, Henry Wiek, George Schneider, and Nikolaus Eifler. The congregation belonged to the Rock River Mission until in 1864 the Gennan congregations were separated from the English. The present church was purchased in 1892. It was formerly owned and occupied by a Baptist congregation. The congregation also owns a parsonage. The present pastor is Rev. Alfred Otto. He also has charge of the German Methodist Congregation of Kopp's District in the town of Barton. This was organized in 1848. The first minister was Rev. A. Kellner, and among the first members were John Vaihinger, F. Kopp, John Kopp, Martin Rilling, and Wm. Fenstermacher. The first church was built in 1852. After it had burned down, another church was erected in 1858. This is still used for services.