Descendants of Heinrich Friedrich and Charlotte (Rosenthal) Heiland
1.Heinrich Friedrich Heiland was born on 16 Feb 1815. He died on 9 Nov 1887.
He was married to Charlotte Henrietta Louise Rosenthal (daughter of Heinrich Christoph Rosenthal and Carolina Juliane Bauer) in 1844. Charlotte Henrietta Louise Rosenthal was born on 27 Oct 1821. She died on 20 Oct 1873. She was buried in Town of Addison, Washington Co., Wisconsin, St. Peter Ev. Lutheran. Heinrich Friedrich Heiland and Charlotte Henrietta Louise Rosenthal had the following children:
+2 i. Fredericka Marie Heiland.
+3 ii. Elizabeth Charlotte Christine Heiland.
+4 iii. Caroline Elizabeth Louise Heiland.
5 iv. Christiane Heiland was born on 27 Feb 1853 in Town of Addison, Washington Co., Wisconsin. She died on 27 Feb 1865 in Town of Wayne, Washington Co., Wisconsin. She was buried in Town of Addison, Washington Co., Wisconsin, St. Peter Ev. Lutheran.
+6 v. Sophie Henrette Heiland.
7 vi. Juliane Charlotte Johanna Heiland was born on 22 Jul 1859. She died on 1 Dec 1865. She was buried in Town of Addison, Washington Co., Wisconsin, St. Peter Ev. Lutheran.
8 vii. Augusta Heiland was born on 14 Dec 1864. She died on 15 Dec 1864. She was buried in Town of Addison, Washington Co., Wisconsin, St. Peter Ev. Lutheran.
+9 viii. Julia Heiland.
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