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Biographies and Stories of People with Surnames starting with Letter D
Ph. G. Duerrwaechter
The Blue Book of the State of Wisconsin Compiled and Published under the direction of Wm. H. Froehlich, Secretary of State 1901. page 766
Contributed to this site by Tina Vickery
GEO. H. RAY, Speaker; W. A. NOWELL, Chief Clerk; A. M. ANDERSON, Sergeant-at-Arms.
The Assembly consists of 100 members. They are chosen biennially and receive $500 for their service during the term. The Speaker Is chosen by the members and receives an additional $500 for his services as Speaker. The Assembly of 1901 contains 82 Republicans and 18 Democrats.
WASHINGTON COUNTY. Population, 1900-22,589. (Unchanged by apportionment of 1901.)
PH. G. DUERRWAECHTER, Republican, a resident of South Germantown, Washington county, Wisconsin, ever since 1871, was born in Oelbronn, Wuertenberg, Germany. He emigrated with his parents in 1857, settling his present home. In 1860, he removed to Kiel, Wis., where he clerked in country stores until 1865, when lie accepted a position with the Mendota Copper Mines of northern Michigan, serving in the capacity of engineer until the mine ceased operations, after which he was engaged in similar positions on the great lakes. In 1867, he began the carpenter trade and later as contractor, which business he followed until 1886, simultaneously dealing in lumber, adding builders' hardware in 1878, agricultural implements In 1880, and in co-partnership with his brother-in-law, Adam Diefenthaler, a general store in 1885. He served as town clerk for a period of 13 years, justice of the peace 14 years, notary public 19 years, postmaster of South Germantown for 9 years, and was elected to the assembly in 1900 by a vote of 2,579, against 2,543 for William Hayes, Democrat.
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