Helpful Information for Using this site.

This page was constructed to give you information on how to use this site and how to find what you are looking for. Hopefully those initial questions can be answered here, and save you some time.

Because much of this website is derived from transcribed indexes and submitted information, this website is a place to gather clues and should not be used as a primary source of information.

All information found in books, manuscripts, web sites, etc. should serve as a "springboard" to take you to the original records.

Helpful Hints

There are roughly 1000 pages of information on this Milwaukee Genealogy site. Use the search on the top of the page to search for your surname. Remember to use alternate spellings. If you can't find it on the site, I probably don't have any more information. Although new content comes in all the time. So keep checking back.


Marriages, biographies, births, and interesting news articles can be found by going to the Births and Marriages pages and clicking on the name.

There is an obituary section with a list of all the obituaries found on the site. Obituaries can also be found in the individual cemeteries, linked to the name.

When referring to a cemetery, please call it by number and not name. That helps us identify it easier since there are several by the same name.

Any deaths we find in the county without a known cemetery, will be put in Cemetery X. If you find someone in cemetery X that you can identify, please email us with the correct location and we will place the name correctly.

All towns are Milwaukee County unless otherwise noted.

What happened to the 1890 Census?

A quick way to search

When you are at a page, if you hold the control(ctrl) button and the f button down at the same time, a find box will appear. Type in the surname and click find next. Be sure to try alternate spellings.

How to save information

To copy the information off a page,
1) click and hold your left mouse button and highlight the area you want
to save.
2) Then click on edit/copy from the menu at the top of your screen or click
the ctrl key and the C key (at the same time)
3) Open a file to copy it to
4) Paste the information into the file by going to the Edit Paste menu
at the top of the screen or click the ctrl and V key at the same time.
5) You can then print the info if you wish.

To get a picture, right click on it, click on "save image as" and save it to a file.

Good luck.

Terms and Abbreviations

b. means born
d. died
m. married
p. in the marriages and births means Parents (if not preceded by a v.)

v. and p. or pg. numbers are volume and page number of the vital record at the courthouse.

OSSW in the cemetery means on same stone with

SSDI in the cemetery means Social Security Death Index

Translations of Common Foreign Words found on Tombstones

Polish Given Names

Polish Words

Land and Deed Terminology

Occupations of Yesteryear

Medical Terms of Old

Old Trivia and Wives' Tales-this section is a collection point for old wives tales and information on how phrases and saying came to be.


If anyone has information on families from Milwaukee county we would be more than happy to incorporate it into the are a plus. They can be scanned and emailed, or photocopied and mailed. The pictures will be put with the family information.


List of Contributors


Can't find what you are looking for?

The link to the lookup volunteers list is on the bottom and side of each page.

You can always ask, we have a few volunteers that will do lookups. (p.s. we are always looking for more volunteers if you have the time)

Be sure to be as specific as possible when requesting information. (we are pretty good at puzzles, but we have to have the pieces to start)