History of the Great Lakes
Vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield
Published Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co. 1899
[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ]
[ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ]
[ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ X Y Z ]
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Christain Dahl, one of the well know marine engineers sailing out of Manistee, Mich., possesses all of the aquirements necessary to the skillful handling of his machinery; he has always been of good repute and in demand. He is a son of Peter and Christina (Rasmussen) Dahl, and was born in Christiania, Norway, on November 13, 1854, where he acquired his education. After leaving school he learned the tinsmith's trade, serving an apprenticeship of five years, after which he engaged in railroading for some time.
In January, 1871, Mr. Dahl came to the United States, first locating in Chicago, where he worked at his trade as tinsmith, going thence to Escanaba, where he was employed on a railroad until 1874, when he went to Manistee, Mich. In the spring of 1876 he entered the employ of the Canfield Tug Company as fireman on the tug Irma M. Wheeler, holding that berth three years, transferring to the tug Williams in 1879. In 1881 he joined the steamer James. A. Shrigley as fireman, but soon obtained an engineer's license, and was appointed first assistant of the same steamer. In 1883 Mr. Dahl again entered the employ of the Canfield Tug Company at Manistee, remaining with them several years, and engineering the tug Irma M. Wheeler, Williams, Ruby and Anna L. Smith. In the spring of 1890 he was appointed engineer of the steamer Susie Chipman, holding that office almost three seasons, followed by three seasons as chief of the steamer W.J. Carter. In the spring of 1896 he was appointed to the position which he now holds, as chief engineer of the steamer Maggie Marshall.
He is an active member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, and is a charter member of No. 44 of Manistee, and has filled the office of vice-president of that body.
On December 22, 1882, Mr. Dahl was united in marriage to Miss Mary Perry, daughter of Charles Perry, of Quebec, Ont. The family homestead is in Manistee, Michigan.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Joseph Dale was born March 8, 1867, in Toronto, Canada, the son of Joseph and Eliza (Barrett) Dale, the former of whom died in 1867, having spent his life in the English army; the mother is still living in Toronto. Mr. Dale lived fourteen years at his native place, and then removed to Cleveland, where he has since made his residence. He began marine life when he was eighteen years old, shipping on the Bessemer as fireman, in which capacity he served one season and then entered the employ of the Globe Iron Works, where he was engaged in putting the engines and boilers in the Yakima and Cambria. When the Cambria was completed he was given the place of second engineer on her, which he held two years, and the following season he acted as second engineer on the Corona, transferring from that boat to the Frontenac, where he remained four years. He spent the season of 1895 upon the Griffin and the following spring went on the R. J. Hackett, remaining until October, when he laid up that boat; he finished the season on the Pontiac as second engineer. Mr. Dale is a single man.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
William H. Dalton is night engineer of the C.W. Miller building, and was on the Conestoga, of the Anchor line, for sixteen years and five months. He had been with that line and on that boat since the beginning of his sailing career, working his way up from the humble position of greaser to his present one.
Mr. Dalton is a son of John and Ann (Horan) Dalton, natives of Ireland, who emigrated to this country some time previous to the Civil war, locating in Susquehanna county, Penn., where the mother is still living. William H. was born (some time after his parents' arrival) February 28, 1863, and was educated in the schools of his native county, where he also assisted his father at farming, until he became seventeen years of age. He then secured work in railroad shops at Hornellsville, where he remained for two years, and for one year following worked as fireman on the Erie railroad. He then, in the year 1883, began his sailing career, as greaser, continuing in that capacity the first three seasons, 1883-84-85; the five seasons of 1886-87-88-89-90 he was second engineer, and the succeeding seven, up to September 6, 1897, he was chief engineer of the Conestoga. During his experience on the water he has never met with any mishaps, which he attributes to his good luck, but which, as a matter of course, is much better accounted for by referring to his skill and carefulness.
Mr. Dalton was married February 4, 1885, to Miss Margaret Farrell of Susquehanna county, Penn., and they have had six children, of whom four are now (1898) living, namely: Ann, aged eleven years; Margaret, aged six; John, aged three, and Mary, three months. The family residence is at No. 321 Fulton street, Buffalo, N. Y. Socially Mr. Dalton is a member of Local Harbor No. 1, Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, and for the past four years of Branch 8, C. M. B. A.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
A.J. Davenport, keeper of the Calumet lighthouse at South Chicago, comes from an ancestry that has been intimately associated with the development of the Great Lakes for several generations. He was born on the island of Mackinaw in 1854, and is the son of Ambrose and Susan (Decora) Davenport. Ambrose Davenport was born in Detroit in 1801. His father was a soldier in the war of 1812, and afterward settled on Mackinaw island, where he spent the remainder of his life. Ambrose was reared on this famous and historic island, and for many years was a clerk for one of the early fur companies that had large interests at that time in that region. Later in life he engaged in fishing, and was widely known in connection with that occupation. He lived throughout his life on the island, and his wife, who survived him, died there in 1890.
Mr. Davenport was reared and educated on Mackinaw island, and during the earlier years of his youth and manhood engaged in fishing in that vicinity. In 1878 he entered the service of the government as assistant keeper of the Waugochance lighthouse at the straits of Mackinaw, and five years later was promoted to the position of keeper of the lighthouse at Two Rivers. He retained this position for five years, and in 1888 was appointed keeper of the Calumet lighthouse at South Chicago, located on the north pier of Calumet river, and one of the oldest lighthouses on the lakes, and for the past ten years he has remained continuously in charge of this important lighthouse.
Mr. Davenport was married to Miss Clara Hammond, a native of Germany, and to them have been born four children, two sons and two daughters: Albert H., George C., Elsie and Edith. Mr. Davenport has from his earliest recollection been closely identified with the development of the Great Lakes region, and has been a close observer of the many changes that have occurred during the years of his life. He is efficient and thoroughly qualified to fill the position he holds, and is held in high esteem by those who know him.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain James E. Davidson is possessed of great determination, energy and self-reliance, and is thrifty and industrious. He was born in Buffalo, N. Y., in 1841, a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Smith) Davidson, natives of Scotland, who came to the United States in 1828, locating at Buffalo. The father was a stone contractor and was awarded the contract by the Government to build the first piers at the harbor in Buffalo, in which city he continued in active business for upward of twenty years. Both he and his wife departed this life in 1852, leaving three children: James, Elizabeth, who married John Bell, a merchant of Victoria, New South Wales, and Ellen, who became the wife of William Starkey, a well-known vessel owner of Ashtabula, Ohio.
James E. Davidson was only eleven years old when his parents died and of necessity he became self-supporting. He always had a desire to become a sailor, and when but a small lad established a ferry across the river at Buffalo, a year later commencing sailing on the lakes and soon becoming a thorough and reliable seaman. At the age of seventeen he became second mate and two years later was appointed master, meanwhile continuing his studies in the Buffalo public schools in winter, and taking a course at Bryant & Stratton's Business College. About the year 1862, Captain Davidson left the lakes and went to the Atlantic ocean for further experience in seamanship. He shipped before the mast in some of the largest packets plying between New York, Liverpool and Calcutta, after two years returning to the lakes, and that winter resumed his studies in a commercial college. He shipped on the lakes again in the spring of 1865, and from master he soon became owner of the vessels he sailed. After spending a winter in Buffalo shipyards learning construction, he went to Toledo, where he was appointed superintendent of a shipyard, and then to East Saginaw, where he started a yard and commenced to build vessels. This venture prospered, as he exercised great care in his work, and he practically gave up sailing and devoted his entire time to shipbuilding, his new vessels being added to his own fleet or sold as occasion offered. In 1873 he disposed of his yard at West Bay City, since which time, a period covering a quarter of a century, Captain Davidson has constructed and launched many of the finest wooden vessels and steamers on the lakes, and this volume is an appropriate one in which to name them: Steamers Appomattox, Venezuela, Rappahannock, Sacramento, Shanandoah, Thomas Cranage, City of Venice, City of Genoa, City of Naples, City of Berlin, City of Paris, City of London, City of Glasgow, Bermuda, John Harper, Alex Nimick, Majestic, George G. Hadley, Nicaragua, Madagascar, Britannic, Germanic, Roumania, Bulgaria, Australasia, Siberia, James Davidson, Oceanica, George T. Hope, W. P. Ketcham, S. S. Wilhelm, Walter Vail, Panther and Phenix; schooners Crete, Athens, Armenia, Abyssinia, Algeria, Granada, Grampian, H. A. Darr, William D. Becker, Aberdeen, Dundee, Paisley, George B. Owen, Tokio, Adriatic, Baltic, Mary B. Mitchell, Celtic, Polynesia, Mary Woolson, Harold, Atlanta, Nirvana, John Shaw, E. M. Davidson, Kate Winslow and Laura Belle; car transfers (Nos. 89 and 90, builder's number), Wisconsin & Michigan railway No. 1 and Wisconsin & Michigan railway No. 2; log boats (Nos. 87, 88, builder's number), Wahnipitae; fire tugs W. H. Alley and Geyser; large lighters Hurley Bros. and Anchor Line; fuel lighter Cuddy-Mullen Coal Company; light draught barges, Mikado and Tycoon; tugs Prodigy, Industry, G. A. Tomlinson, Rita McDonald, Temple Emery, Perfection, C. B. Strohn, Washburn and Andrew A. McLean; fishing tug Maxwell A.; ice barges Andrew T. Gray Co., Nos. 1 and 2.
Capt. James Davidson's name in connection with the great shipbuilding industry is therefore well and favorably known throughout the great chain of lakes. The large barge Wahnipitae, which carried more than 2,000,000 feet of lumber, was built by him and was by far the largest on the lakes. It must be a matter of just and honorable pride as well as a great satisfaction to Captain Davidson to contrast the early years of his life as a sailor with the present, remembering that the first vessel he sailed was the little schooner Sea Gull, of about 150 tons register, and that he now builds, owns and sails the magnificent steamers of the present day. He has gone quietly and steadily about his life work, always industrious but making no display, seemingly impressed with the maxim that the value of life consists in being faithful in the work undertaken and to the trust imposed. His shipbuilding interests are extensive, and at this writing he owns and operates a fleet of twenty-seven large-sized vessels, besides four new ships launched in 1898. He has been ever since its organization a member of the board of managers of the Lake Carriers Association. Captain Davidson does not devote all his time to his shipbuilding industry and the management of his large fleet, much of that devolving upon his son, James E., who, like his father, has a clear comprehensive mind, is quick and accurate in his judgment, and prompt in acting on his decisions. The Captain is financially interested in the Frontier Elevator Company, at Buffalo, and is vice-president and director of the Frontier Iron & brass Works, at Detroit; he is also a stockholder in the Hane Electric Company, and has an interest with Romer, Lovell & Co., in Bay City; is a director of the First State Bank, in Hillsdale, Mich., and president of the Michigan Log Towing Company, of Bay City.
On January 22, 1863, Captain Davidson was wedded to Miss Ellen M., daughter of John Rogers, of Buffalo, and they have had seven children, five of whom are now living. The eldest, James E., who so capably manages the large shipbuilding industry during the absence of his father, became associated in business with him some years ago. The family homestead in Bay City is situated in Center street; they have also a handsome residence in Buffalo, New York.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
John Davidson is a son of James and Catherine (Wood) Davidson, who were native of Scotland. The father, who was a farmer by occupation, died in 1864; the mother died in 1879.
The subject of this sketch was born at Sanquhar, Dunfriesshire, Scotland, February 14, 1850, and was the eldest in a family of eight children - three sons and five daughters. He was educated in the mother country, and for a short time after leaving school operated a stationary engine in a brewery in Scotland. He then went to sea, being employed as oiler for about four years. In 1872 Mr. Davidson came to America, landing at Montreal, and his first employment here was a fireman on the old Dominion. After about three weeks in this employ he had the misfortune to injure one of his feet to such an extent that he was laid up in a hospital about eleven weeks. Upon his recovery he went to St. Catharines, Ontario, and shipped as second engineer on the steamer Enterprise for the season of 1873. For the seasons following up to and including the year 1876 he was second engineer respectively of the steamers Monroe, Enterprise and Clinton. In 1877 he was at Quebec as chief engineer of the tug Admiral D. Porter, and in 1878-79 was second on the Celtic. In 1880 Mr. Davidson became chief engineer of the City of St. Catharines, remaining on her until she became a total loss in consequence of a collision with the Marsh, off Sand Beach, Lake Huron. She was loaded with merchandise, bound for Chicago. No lives were lost. He was chief engineer of the California a couple of seasons and of the Prussia for one season, and in 1884 was engineer of the Leavenworth Grape Sugar Works, in Kansas. In 1885 he entered the employ of the Beatty line from Saranac to Duluth, acting two seasons as chief of the Sovereign, and three seasons as chief of the Ontario. In 1890 Mr. Davidson removed to Buffalo, where he obtained the position of second engineer of the Winslow, of the Anchor line, remaining on her for one season, and was chief of the Monteagle for that of 1891. In 1892 he became chief engineer of the whaleback Pillsbury, in which position he remained four seasons, and for the season of 1896 he was chief engineer of the Henry Cort, of the Bessemer Steamship Company.
In 1875 Mr. Davidson was married at St. Catharines, Ont., to Miss Elizabeth E. Kelley, and they have five children, namely: William (oiler of the steamer J. B. Nelson for the season of 1896), Edith M., Robert J., Archibald W. and Norman C. The family residence is at No. 221 Gorton street. Mr. Davidson has been a member of the Marine Engineers Association for about two years, and is quite active in other fraternal orders, having been a Mason twenty-one years, a member of the A. O. U. W. twelve years, of the Sons of Scotland five years, and of the Select Knights thirteen years.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Ezra H. Davis is the youngest son of Calvin and Jane (Snell) Davis, and was born at Painesville, Ohio, in November, 1848. He acquired his education in the public schools of his native town, and after his parents removed to Marine City went to work in the shipyard of R. Holland, where he remained one summer, going to school in the winter.
While he has not had the experience of ocean sailing that fell to the lot of his elder brother, Capt. W. H. Davis, his career on the lakes has been remarkably successful. In the spring of 1864 he shipped on the schooner General Winfield Scott, and remained until June of the next year, when he joined the schooner Harriet Ross, closing the season on her. In 1866 he joined the schooner Tartar, going before the mast. His next boat was the scow Wake Up, on which he made one trip, when she sunk at Black River, Ohio, after which he shipped on other vessels until late in the season, when he was appointed mate of the schooner Wanderer, trading on Lake Ontario. In the season of 1868 he sailed as second mate on the barkentine City of Painesville. The next season he shipped before the mast on the schooner Dan Hayes, trading between Lake Michigan ports, and before leaving her was advanced to the berth of second mate, and closed the season as mate, and the next year took her out as master. In 1871 he was in command of the schooner George L. Seavers, and sailed her until June. In the meantime his crew were all taken down with fever, leaving no one to work the ship but himself and a boy; during this time he collided with the schooner M. I. Wilcox, which resulted in the dismasting of both vessels. He then joined the bark Raleigh as second mate. The next season he was made mate of the schooner Charley Crawford.
In the spring of 1873 Captain Davis turned his attention to steamboating, and was appointed mate of the steamer McDonald, trading to the Georgian ports. He then sailed as mate of the steamer Chauncy Whiting, working in the shipyard during the winter months. In the spring of 1878 he was appointed master of the schooner T. D. Skinner, sailing her three years. His next command was the H. F. Church, which he sailed one season, followed by a season as master of the O. J. Hale. He sailed the schooner A. C. Maxwell during the season of 1883, and part of the next year, when he went as mate with Capt. W. H. Davis on the S. J. Tilden. In the spring of 1885 he sailed as mate of the steamer Cumberland; 1886 mate on the steamer Glasgow, and in 1887 mate on the steamer Ogemaw. He then took command of the steamer Pawnee, and sailed her eight consecutive seasons, transferring to the steamer Britannic as master in 1896, and holding that office for some time.
While ashore Captain Davis devotes much of his time to the fraternal societies of which he is a member. He carries Pennant No. 121 in the Ship Masters Association; he is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine; a Knight Templar Mason; a member of the honorable Order of Odd Fellows, and a Knight of the Maccabees.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Henry W. Davis, who sailed on the Atlantic ocean for many years after serving an apprenticeship on the lakes in the early 'fifties, is a well known and genial citizen of Port Huron, Mich., when he is ashore, and believes that this life should be enjoyed as thoroughly as possible. He was born August 21, 1841, near Perry, Lake county, Ohio, and is a son of Calvin and Jane (Snell) Davis. He comes of old New England stock, his father having been born in Vermont, while his mother was a native of Pennsylvania. They came west about 1836, and stopped for a time at Perry, Ohio, but afterward located in Geauga county, the same State. The father was a ship-carpenter and assisted in the construction of the schooners R. R. Johnson, Matt Root and Calvin Snell at Richmond, and at times engaged in sailing. Later in life he removed to Willow Creek, Mich., and there engaged in farming after clearing his own land.
It was during the years that the family lived in Richmond that Henry W. Davis, the subject of this article, acquired his education in the public or district schools. It was in 1853 that he took his first lessons in seamanship on the schooner Matt Root, built by his father and uncle, Solomon Snell. He remained on this schooner four seasons, going to school during the winter months. In 1857 the schooner Calvin Snell was built by his uncle, and he came out with her new. The next season he joined the Snell, and was with her until she was wrecked off Long Point, Lake Ontario. The crew of thirteen all told got ashore in the yawl at Presque Isle. He sailed the remainder of the season on the brig Young America, Mary Collins and other vessels, before the mast. In 1859 he was before the mast on the schooner Andrew J. Rich, followed by a season on the Mary Collins. That fall he went to New York and shipped on a brig engaged in the coasting trade, making a round trip to the West Indies. In 1861 he joined the full-rigged ship Patrick Henry as able seaman, and made the passage to London, returning to Philadelphia in a Baltimore clipper and putting in some months on a coaster.
In 1862 Captain Davis joined the large, full-rigged ship Ryan, bound for South Shields where he left her and shipped on a fruit boat bound for Seville, Spain. It has been said that his vessel waited for the fruit to grow as she did not return with a cargo to Liverpool until the close of the year. He then shipped in the clipper Wilmington for Baltimore, and was there during the riots consequent upon the promul-gation of President Lincoln's emancipation proclamation. He went to Providence, R. I., and took passage on a steamer bound for New York where he joined the American ship Invincible for Liverpool. On his arrival at that port he went as able seaman on the English ship Gondola on a voyage to Buenos Ayres, Peru, where he remained about ten months, finally returning to Boston in the bark William Case, going thence by rail to Painesville, Ohio, reaching home in the fall of 1864 after an absence on the Atlantic of nearly four years. After a brief visit with friends he shipped on the schooner Harriet Ross.
In the spring of 1865 Captain Davis came out as mate of the schooner Tartar, followed by a season on the Frankie Wilcox. In 1867 he was appointed master of the schooner D. G. Wright, transferring the year following to the S. L. Seaver as mate and sailing master with his uncle Solomon Snell, who owned both vessels. In the spring of 1869 he purchased the schooner Caledonia and sailed her two seasons, followed by a season on the schooner Harrowdale as master. That year Captain Davis, who had been living in South Haven, Mich., removed to Port Huron and was employed in Mr. Fitzgerald's shipyard; also in Simon Langell's shipyard at St. Clair, thus passing two years in the construction of the Wilson and the Chauncey Hurlbut. On the completion of this work he shipped as mate in the steambarge Mary Jarecki with Capt. Paul Pelker. In the spring of 1876 he shipped as mate on the Iosco, and the next season brought her out as master. In 1878 he was made mate of the T. S. Skinner, and the following year he purchased a one-third interest and sailed her four years. She was wrecked late in the fall of 1882 off Grand Haven, Mich., the crew reaching shore in the yawl. In 1883 he sailed the schooner Frank C. Leighton. In the spring of 1884 he entered the employ of Penoyer Brothers, as mate of the steamer Ogeman. The next three seasons he sailed the schooner City of the Straits. He then stopped ashore and superintended the rebuilding of the schooners S. J. Tilden and the A. C. Maxwell, sailing the Tilden in 1889. In the spring of 1890 Captain Davis was appointed master of the schooner Arenac, and sailed her until he was taken ill early in 1896, his life being despaired of, but after a favorable turn in his malady he slowly recovered and in the fall of 1897 he shipped with his brother, E. H. Davis, in the steamer Britannic, laying her up at the close of the season.
He is a Master Mason, a charter member of the Knights of the Maccabees at Port Huron, with which he has been connected for seventeen years, and carries Pennant No. 138, of the Ship Masters Association.
On March 1, 1866, Captain Davis was united in marriage with Miss Mary M., daughter of William H. and Catherine A. (Thomas) Pine, of Richmond, now Painesville, Ohio. Her father was a native of New York state, her mother of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have a family of five children: Ina A., now the wife of G. M. Dole; Hattie B., now Mrs. G. M. Johnson; Calvin H.; Leslie E.; and Harold L. There is also one granddaughter, Lydia Dole. The family residence, at No. 703 Ontario street, Port Huron, is presided over by Mrs. Davis, who is a public-spirited woman and an ideal American mother.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Oscar F. Davis, born in 1855, and William I. Davis, born in 1857, attended public and private schools in Milwaukee during boyhood, and when about sixteen years old were taken into their father's shop to learn the business. After he had worked for one year in the shop, Oscar was transferred to the office, but William remained in the manufacturing department, gaining a thorough knowledge of all branches of the work. When the business was sold in 1890 they established their present works at Nos. 576 and 584 Clinton Street, Milwaukee, the plant being in readiness within three months after the sale of the Marine Boiler Works. They began with a force of fifty men, and their business has enlarged so rapidly that they employ at times as many as one hundred hands. They have a large business as general boiler makers, but lately they have given attention to a special line of work to meet the requirements of the breweries. The firm is known as Davis Bros. Manufacturing Company, and the father's reputation, together with the good will of the former customers, has been a potent factor in the enterprise, although the two brothers are just the sort of young men who would make their way to the front even under difficulties. They are both Republicans in politics, but do not take an active share in partisan works. Socially they are prominent, and William is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Oscar F. married Miss Emma Bastian, of Milwaukee, and has two children: Pearl and Ethel. William I. married Miss Emma Krueger, of the same city, and their family consists of the following children: Maud, Richard, Irving, Nora and Oak.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain R.A. Davis, who has been a mariner for over sixty years, in one capacity or another, and for the past twenty-six years has made his home in Chicago, is a native of New York State, born in November, 1827, in Jefferson County. William Davis, father of our subject, was born in Canada, a son of Richard Davis, who along with two of his sons (our subject being one of them) participated in the battle of Lundy's Lane, during the war of 1812-15. During that struggle Grandmother Davis carried a message from Sacket's Harbor to Oswego in a wooden shoe, and was captured twice, but release each time. Our subject's parents lived for some time in Jefferson County, N.Y., but later settled on the Canadian side of the St. Lawrence River, where they both died. The father was a sailor on the St. Lawrence, and was one of the first boatmen on that river. The mother, whose maiden name was Sarah McDonald, was also a Canadian by birth, and was a half-sister of the late Sir John A. McDonald, who for many years was Premier of Canada, and was the greatest statesman this continent ever saw. To William and Sarah (McDonald) Davis were born five children, as follows: Sarah, who died young; Anna, also deceased; R.A. our subject; William, a farmer in Canada, where he now resides; and Thomas, a sailor from Oswego, N.Y., and who was killed at Cape Vincent about the year 1867.
Capt. R. A. Davis left home at the early age of nine years, and commenced his long experience as a sailor in the humble capacity of assistant cook on a wood schooner. In May, 1839, he began sailing before the mast from New York City, on the Anderson, a small sailing craft engaged in the wood trade in Little Bend and Great Egg harbor, on the Jersey coast, continuing in that work some four years. He then returned home, and shipped from French Creek (on the St. Lawrence River) on the William Penn, a vessel engaged in the timber trade from Kingston, Canada, and sailed with her one year.
In 1844 he fitted out the tug Seminole, and traded on her two years, then shipped on the schooner Connelly, sailing from Oswego, N. Y., being with her one season; then sailed the schooner Fairfield, also from Oswego, after which he was on the schooner Zilph during the seasons of 1848-49, and the seasons of 1850-51 was on the G. A. Weeks. Captain Davis then returned to the Seminole, and in 1852 shipped on he brig Hampton; going in 1853, to the schooner Eclipse, running from Milan, Ohio, remaining with her three years; then on the steamer Ogdensburg, from Ogdensburg, N. Y., one season, when he joined the passenger and freight steamer Young America, belonging to the Rome & Watertown Railroad Company, and was on her two seasons; it was on this vessel that he first filled the office of master. In 1857 he was on the schooner Live Yankee, and in 1858-59 shipped on the schooner Wild Rover, when, in 1860, he transferred to the schooner Nonpareil, from Milan, Ohio, remaining with her part of two seasons. He then built the schooner William Shupe, at Milan, and sailed her a season and a half. During the seasons of 1862 and 1863 he sailed from New York for Graham & Stafford; in 1864 commenced to sail for the Northern Transportation Company, of Ogdensburg, N. Y., and was in their employ some fifteen years. His next engagement was with the Anchor line from Sandusky, Ohio, sailing on the Yosemite. In 1872 the Captain built the steamer Charles Reitz, which was rebuilt in 1876, and is now in commission from Chicago. In 1877 he built the steamer George T. Burroughs, a passenger boat, which he ran two months and twelve days, when she was burned, the crew and passengers being saved. During the interval between the burning of the Burroughs and the building of the steamer Josie Davidson, which was completed in 1879, and afterward sold to Capt. F. R. McGregor, of Chicago, he purchased the little passenger steamer Barney, and ran her several seasons. In 1891 he built the Claribel, a passenger steamer, which he afterward sold, and she is now in commission from New Orleans in the interest of the Gulf of Mexico trade. In 1897 he purchased the passenger boat Lena Knoblock, built that year, and which is now employed as an excursion steamer at Chicago. In all this long experience our subject has no less than forty issues of shipmaster's commission, and he was the first master of the Young America in 1858 - in fact, he is the possessor of the oldest license on the Great Lakes.
On December 23, 1852, at Oswego, N. Y., Captain Davis was married to Miss Susan Sinclair, who was born in New York City, a daughter of Lawrence Sinclair, a merchant and bookbinder of New York City. Two children have been born to this union: James Henry, married and residing in Woodlawn, Chicago; and Margaret, now the wife of Capt. F. R. McGregor, of Chicago. Socially, Captain Davis is a member of Pleiades Lodge No. 478, F. & A. M. In 1872 he took up his residence in Chicago, and has made that city his home ever since.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Richard Davis (deceased). The subject of this memoir, who died at his home in Milwaukee April 4, 1895, was for many years a leading business man of his city, and as the head of the Marine Boiler Works he had a national reputation. He was the first boiler maker to establish a shop on the Great Lakes, and at one time he had a practical monopoly of the trade in Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, and the middle West generally. To his energy and foresight as a business man, and his public spirit as a citizen, Milwaukee owes much and it is fortunate that his sons give promise of continuing in even wider lines the enterprises in which he was interested. Socially and politically he made his influence felt, although his chief effort was in the direction of business, and for years he was active in religious work as a member of St. John's Episcopal Church, at Milwaukee. His funeral services, at which the rector of the church officiated, were conducted according to the beautiful and inspiring ritual of the Episcopal prayer book, hallowed by centuries of use, and the solemn services were largely attended by prominent citizens including the members of various fraternal orders with which he was connected. Few histories in this volume will be read with such wide interest as the following, for few men were as well and favorably known to all connected with the shipping trade of the lakes.
Mr. Davis was born April 13, 1826, in Flintshire, Wales, and after receiving a common-school education was bound out to learn the trades of boiler making and ship building, spending four years in Scotland as an apprentice. About 1843 he came to America, locating first in Schenectady, N.Y., where he spent some time in the employ of the Schenectady Locomotive Works, and the Baldwin Locomotive Works. Later he was employed in a similar establishment in New Jersey, and at one time he had charge of a boiler manufactory at Galena, Ill. He was also employed as foreman of railroad shops at various points, his skill being undisputed, and previous to 1860 he was for a time in charge of the Chicago & Alton shops at Bloomington, Ill. In 1860 he removed to Milwaukee, where he opened a small boiler shop in Lake street, and for thirty years he carried on a successful business, his trade enlarging until the help of two hundred workmen was needed at times to complete his orders. His plant was the largest of its kind in Milwaukee, and he furnished the boilers for nearly all the craft built at that place, as well as for a good proportion of all the vessels afloat upon the Lakes. As the business increased he transferred it to a new location in Oregon street, and in 1890, having decided to retire from active work, he sold out to the Milwaukee Boiler Company, the few remaining years of his life being spent in well-earned leisure. While his early educational opportunities were not of the best, he was well-informed, having always been fond of reading, and he took great interest in all public questions. In political faith he was a staunch Republican and at times he was active in local work in his party, serving for one term as alderman. Socially he was identified with various orders, including the F. & A. M., I. O. O. F. and the K. of P.
In 1849 Mr. Davis married Miss Patterson, of Schenectady, New York, who died about 1853, leaving one son, Price Henry, now a resident of Milwaukee. In 1854 Mr. Davis married a second wife, Miss Ann Bond, of Chicago, who passed to the unseen life February 14, 1882. By this union were four sons: Oscar F. and William I., who are mentioned more fully below; Walter R., a resident of Milwaukee, and Russell E., who died in 1895.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Oscar F. Davis, born in 1855, and William I. Davis, born in 1857, attended public and private schools in Milwaukee during boyhood, and when about sixteen years old were taken into their father's shop to learn the business. After he had worked for one year in the shop, Oscar was transferred to the office, but William remained in the manufacturing department, gaining a thorough knowledge of all branches of the work. When the business was sold in 1890 they established their present works at Nos. 576 and 584 Clinton Street, Milwaukee, the plant being in readiness within three months after the sale of the Marine Boiler Works. They began with a force of fifty men, and their business has enlarged so rapidly that they employ at times as many as one hundred hands. They have a large business as general boiler makers, but lately they have given attention to a special line of work to meet the requirements of the breweries. The firm is known as Davis Bros. Manufacturing Company, and the father's reputation, together with the good will of the former customers, has been a potent factor in the enterprise, although the two brothers are just the sort of young men who would make their way to the front even under difficulties. They are both Republicans in politics, but do not take an active share in partisan works. Socially they are prominent, and William is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Oscar F. married Miss Emma Bastian, of Milwaukee, and has two children: Pearl and Ethel. William I. married Miss Emma Krueger, of the same city, and their family consists of the following children: Maud, Richard, Irving, Nora and Oak.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Erastus Day, the genial founder and superintendent of all of the docks in Conneaut, Ohio, has perhaps more appreciative friends and acquaintances than any other man on the lakes. Whoever has had the pleasure of meeting this courteous gentle-man, valiant captain and obliging superintendent, desires to be thought well of by him because he is a man. He is true and sincere, and has a pleasant word for everybody.
In the way of genealogy, the Captain is a descendant of an old Vermont family by both branches of the ancestral tree. His paternal grandvather was Nathaniel Day, a heavy dealer in lumber for shipment to Europe. He had a family of six sons and one daughter. On the maternal side was grandfather Alvin Simons, who was blessed with a good old-fashioned American family of twelve children. Both families removed to Ogdensburg, N.Y., where Samuel Day and Perseus Simons grew up together and were married, and they were the parents of Erastus Day, the subject of this article, who was born in Ogdensburg in 1831. He received his public-school education in that city. His father, Samuel Day, was an accomplished steamboat master, and sailed the William IV, which was a novel craft, carrying four smokestacks, one more than the great steamer North Land can boast of. He also commanded the passenger steamer Transit, which, when the passenger trade did not pay, towed vessels and logs. The old steamer Traveler was another of Captain Day's boats. She was a side-wheeler, and had two walking beams. He sailed her two seasons, after which he retired, removed to Michigan and located thirty miles north of Detroit, where he died. His widow some time after went to live with her son Erastus in Cleveland until 1896, when she passed to a better world.
Captain Erastus Day was quite young when he commenced to make his individual way in the world, as he shipped as cook on the schooner H.M. Kinney, in 1844, with Captain Davidson, and in 1845 he occupied a like berth on the schooner John E. Hunt, with Capt. Wm. F. Simons. The next season he shipped as seaman with Capt. D. Sweetland, on the schooner Josephine, passing the next two years on the schooner Rip Van Winkle as seaman, and the third season he was promoted to the berth of second mate of that schooner. In the spring of 1850, he was appointed mate of the schooner Lavina, retaining that position three seasons, when he assumed command of her. Thus by close attention to his duties which he has since shown in his business life, the Captain in nine years rose from the humble position of cook to that of master of a big boat, which carried all the way to 9,000 bushels of wheat. In those days grain was transshipped from canal-boats to vessels in buckets which were passed from hand to hand along a line of men, and weighed in a hopper aboard the vessel.
In the spring of 1854 Captain Day was appointed to the command of the three-masted schooner W.F. Allen, which had a capacity of 14,000 bushels of grain. The next two seasons he sailed the fore-and-aft schooner Marquette, of equal tonnage. >From 1857 to 1859, inclusive, he had command of the speedy and handsome schooner Cascade, and in 1860 and 1861 the stanch bark B.A. Stanard, a monster capable of carrying 28,000 bushels. There was but one larger vessel on the lakes. In the spring of 1862 he again became master of the Cascade, and paced her decks for three seasons. Having acquired a neat little sum of money, the Captain then purchased the Mayflower, not the historic ship that so many of the American citizens of to-day had ancestors on, but a much better craft, with a carrying capacity of 10,000 bushels. He sold the Mayflower in the fall, retired from active business life on shipboard and entered into business affairs in Cleveland. He took immediate charge of the ore docks of A.B. Stockwell, remaining with him two years. He then leased some dock room and went into the dock and commission business, which he conducted successfully for fifteen consecutive years. In 1872 he was appointed superintendent of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio ore docks in Cleveland, in addition to his individual business, managing both until 1892, when he left Cleveland to inaugurate the building up of the great monument of his life, the construction of the fine system of docks at Conneaut harbor. How he has succeeded in that enterprise is known from one end of the chain lakes to the other, and has made the port of Conneaut popular to all lake men. The fathers of the harbor have named a street in honor of Captain Day.
Captain Day has an inventive mind, and it was his inception that has produced the present system of hoisting and conveying machinery, now in use of all docks, for the handling of ore. The Captain has also simplified the handling of railroad rails by the invention of a hoist for that purpose. By the old system but one rail could be raised at a time, but by this device the number of rails is only limited by the power of the whirley to which it is attached, holding them until they are easily and speedily placed in the hold of a vessel, seven rails being the number first experimented with, the appliance working to perfection. The Captain is also the discoverer of the tug Erastus Day, which bears his name.
Capt. Erastus Day was wedded to Miss Sarah M., daughter of Benjamin Kenyon, of Theresa, Jefferson Co., N.Y., the ceremony being performed in 1854, after which they went aboard the schooner W.F. Allen for a round wedding trip. The children born to this happy union are Charles, now a foreman in the docks at Conneaut; Edward, who occupies a like position; Lula, the wife of G.C. Shepard, of Medina, now a mechanical engineer at Cramp's shipyard; Lillian, the wife of T.R. Gillmore, of Lorain, Ohio (a nephew of Gen. Q.A. Gillmore), now superintendent of docks at Huron, Ohio. The family homestead is handsomely situated on Hilliard avenue, Lakewood, Cleveland, Ohio. Socially, the Captain is a thirty-second-degree Mason, which comprises Bigelow Lodge, Webb Chapter, Cleveland Council, Holywood Commandery and Al-Koran Temple.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Joseph Day was born in Buffalo, August 3, 1839, received his common-school education in the public schools of that city, and his early marine education on the Niagara river. His parents were both natives of France, the father, Peter Day, having been born in Alsace, and the mother, whose maiden name was Ann Barnard, in Lorraine. The father was a fisherman by occupation, and came to this country when he was about sixteen years of age, or in about the year 1825.
After Joseph Day left school he learned the machinist's trade at Pitts Agricultural Works, where he worked three years, and after that was employed in Frank Calligan's Steam Engine Works for about a year. From 1857 he fished more or less for about twenty-five years, and during that period was owner, master or engineer of the following named tugs and steamyachts that plied the waters of Niagara river and Buffalo harbor; Tug William A. Woods, steamyachts Hattie Brown, Eliza Fox, Sarah Day, Blanche Shelby, Mary Anne, Mary Day, George Stauber No. 1, and George Stauber No. 2, and Sprudel. He was master and owner of the latter during the season of 1896, having in tow the barge Fritz, and still owns both barge and yacht. In 1865 Mr. Day was on the tug Eliza Fox, at Saginaw, towing barges and rafts, and he has had pilot's papers for Buffalo harbor and Niagara river for twenty-one years.
Mr. Day was married January 1, 1860, to Sarah Crossley, whose father, Joseph Crossley, and four of her brothers were all blacksmiths by trade. They have the following named children: Charles J. Day, now (1898) aged twenty-three years, who was engineer of the State tug Queen City during the season of 1896; Joseph Day, Jr., aged thirty-three, chief engineer for W. W. Oliver on Niagara street; John Day, aged twenty-one, employed with his father; and Thomas Day, aged nineteen, employed in Pierce's Bicycle Works.
Mr. Day recalled the Franklin as the first screw tug in existence in Buffalo harbor, she having been brought through the Erie canal by horses in 1845, and that the first screw tug was built by T. P. Burton, in 1846. Mr. Day remembers very well when, back in 1857, Kate, the sixteen-year old daughter of Jacob Schaefer, a resident of Grand Island, was wheelsman and engineer of the tug Relief, which plied between there and Buffalo. The tug was so constructed that the engine room and wheel house were combined about midship, and the girl was thus able to manipulate the wheel and handle the throttle while the father acted as fireman.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Joseph Day, Jr., chief engineer for W. W. Oliver on Niagara street, was born in Buffalo, November 20, 1861, and received his education in that city. His steamboat education was obtained on his father's boats, which plied the waters of the Niagara for many years. Beginning with the year 1873 he was fireman and deckhand with his father for about eight years. In 1881-82 he became engineer of the steam-yacht Black Shelby, and he was in the Mary Day from that time until 1886. In 1886 he was on the Geo. Stauber, for a season. During the winter of 1887 he was engineer of the tug Myrick, at Sarnia, and then returned to Buffalo and engineered the Geo. Stauber again for a period of three years. For the season of 1891 he was engineer of the Sprudel, and on May 15, 1892, he was appointed to the position of chief engineer for W. W. Oliver, where he still remains.
Mr. Day was married, April 14, 1886, to Alice Hammond, and they have two children, Augustus, and Lily. Mr. Day's brother Charles was engineer on the State tug Queen City for the season of 1896.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain George Y. Dayton is a typical vessel master, as he had been on the water nearly all his life. He is a sturdily-built man, with all the physical and mental qualifications necessary in one battling with the waves, especially in times of danger. His calling in life came to him naturally, as his father was a sailor also, and for several years master of flatboats on the Mississippi river.
Captain Dayton is a son of John Thomas and Elizabeth (Young) Dayton, and was born at Conneaut, Ohio, July 15, 1849. His paternal grandfather was a Frenchman, and the maternal grandparents were Southern planters. Mrs. Dayton (the mother) died in 1887. There were two children, George Y. and a daughter, Fanny, who died when one year old. Because of the death of his father when he was quite young, our subject left home in his ninth year and located at Toledo, where he was engaged for about five years on fishing, lumber and sand scows in that vicinity and to Port Huron. When thirteen he began his career on the lakes by shipping out of Toledo as boy on the schooner Seabird, under Captain Miner, in the lumber trade to Bay City. In August of that season he left her to go as watchman for the rest of the season in the propeller Neptune. Until the middle of the summer of 1863 he was watchman in the propeller Missouri, when he was promoted to wheelsman, remaining in the berth until the close of the season of 1864. In 1865 he was wheelsman of the propeller Olean; in 1866 he shipped before the mast on the schooner Ashtabula, continuing in that berth until about the middle of the season of 1867, when he was promoted to second mate, finishing the season as such. The Ashtabula was sailed by Capt. Michael Fitzgerald, who was as a father to Captain Dayton. In 1868 our subject went before the mast on the schooner Wyandotte, and in 1869 on the schooner Jane Bell, with Captain Harrison.
In 1870 Captain Dayton entered the government service as able seaman under Capt. George Scott in the lighthouse supply schooner Belle Stevens. He was two seasons on the Stevens, and then transferred to the Warrington, in the same service, for one season, under the same captain and in second mate's berth. In 1874 Captain Dayton began sailing the steamer Seneca, afterward the H. J. Webb, of which he was also owner, remaining with her until December, 1877, when she was burned in the Bloody Run slip in Detroit river, taking fire from sparks from a planing-mill, and becoming a total loss. During the seasons of 1878-79 Captain Dayton was on the tug Mayflower, on the Detroit river, part of the time as wheelsman and the remainder as mate until August of the latter year, when he became master of the tug Gem, in which he closed the season. For the season of 1880 he was master of the tug H. P. Clinton until June, finishing the season as master of the River Queen. The next two seasons he was master on the passenger propeller Northern Belle, between Cheboygan, Indian river, Mullet Lake and Petoskey; in 1883 he was pilot from Windsor, Canada, to Port Arthur, Lake Superior, stopping at Michimicoten River, Herring Bay, Red Sucker Cove, Big Peak Bay, Nipigon River, Silver Island and other intermediate ports on Lake Superior in the steamers Africa, Armenia, Miles, Tilla and Kincardine, Canadian boats in the employ or under charter of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, during its construction. During the seasons of 1884-85-86 he was second respectively, of the passenger steamer Nyack (sailed by Captain Shannon, also a dear friend of Captain Dayton) and mate of the William A. Haskell and Iron Duke. However, he was in the latter berth only until August of 1886, finishing the season as master of the tug Gladiator, a lake tug plying between Buffalo, Chicago and Bay City.
Until the fall of 1889 Captain Dayton was master of the schooner Consueio, and closed the season as mate of the propeller Clyde, of the Lehigh Valley line, sailed by Captain Condon, whom our subject respected as much as he would his own father. In 1888 he was mate of the Oceanica, also under Captain Condon, and master of the Fred Mercur during 1889-90. During the season of 1891 he was master of the propeller Cumberland, owned by J. C. Gilchrist, of Cleveland, and for that of 1892 he acted as mate of the Massaba part of the time, following with one trip as master of the Italia, and closing the season as master of the Wocoken. Lake men will doubtless recall that 1892 was the season when the steamer Western Reserve became a wreck and a total loss on August 27, in a fearful gale on Lake Superior which compelled vessels of all descriptions to turn back and seek shelter. It was during that gale that Captain Dayton was making the trip in the Italia above mentioned; he did not put back, but went on under the lee of the north shore and pursued his course to Duluth, arriving only four hours behind time. In the spring of 1893 he was master of the tug C. E. Benham long enough to take her from Cleveland to Marquette and deliver her to the owners; he finished that season as mate of the propeller John B. Lyon. During the seasons of 1894-95-96 he was mate of the Iron King, D. W. Arnold, and Samuel Marshall, the last two vessels being in the lumber trade. Captain Dayton is a member of the Ship Masters Association and carries Pennant No. 597; is also a member of the Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association.
Our subject was first married in Ottawa, Canada, in 1873, to Miss Mary Dunn, and by her had one daughter, Mary Elizabeth, who is the wife of Ralph C. Blodgett, son of Capt. C. C. Blodgett, a vessel owner of fifty years' standing. Mrs. Dayton died March 12, 1885, after which Captain Dayton placed his daughter in a convent, where she was educated. His second marriage, November 25, 1891, was to Miss Margaret Emma Kale, whom he met in Detroit and wedded in Cleveland, Ohio. They reside at No. 1260 West Avenue, Buffalo.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
A.C. Decatur has during his long experience in the tugging business become thoroughly acquainted with all the different departments of that important branch of the marine industry, for he has been employed in tugs operating on the Great Lakes and their harbors since his seventeenth year. He was born February 3, 1833, in Uniondale Center, Penn., after leaving which place the family located in Rochester and thence removed to Oswego, from which port Mr. Decatur first sailed. He had previously served an apprenticeship to the machinist's trade, and after serving four weeks as fireman on a tug he became engineer. Entering the employ of Smith & Post, of Oswego, he remained with them nineteen years, during which period he was on the Robert Reid, Major Dana, C. P. Mory, E. P. Ross, Ellsworth, Molly Spencer, Blower, George S. Dodd, Fred D. Wheeler, Lady Franklin, Tornado, Charles Ferris, and Crusader. He then transferred to the Amity, a tug owned in Chatham, after a time returning to Oswego, where he continued until 1880, the year of his removal to Cleveland. Here for three years he was in the employ of Patrick Smith, subsequently going as engineer to Bell Hartright and to the United Salt Company, where he also remained three years. After another brief period in Mr. Smith's employ he worked in H. B. Hunt's establishment in Cleveland for two years, later engaging with the National Carbon Works, the Plain Dealer, and the Brown Hoisting & Conveying Works, in the last-named place until December, 1896.
On April 26, 1857, Mr. Decatur was married to Miss Marietta Pearl, of Richland, N. Y., and their children are William, who is in the insurance business and resides near Oswego; Adele, who is married to Clarence Lawton and resides in Cleveland; and Arthur, now residing near Oswego, who has been a marine engineer ten years.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Wilson De Hart is an experienced engineer on river steamers, especially on passenger boats. He was born on a farm near Patriot, Ind., and is a son of Simon and Mary (Graham) De Hart. His father was a farmer and stock dealer. Our subject had seven brothers and three sisters, and attended the district schools until he reached his eighteenth year. He then went to Cincinnati to learn the machinist's trade, entering the employ of the Lane & Bentley Co., on Water street, but owing to ill health he remained with that firm but eighteen months.
Mr. De Hart then shipped on the ferry boat Kenton, plying between Cincinatti and Covington, Ky., as striker, holding that berth about fifteen months. He then joined the side-wheel passenger steamer Bonanza as cub engineer, and after three weeks was advanced to the position of assistant engineer and learned to handle. In 1882 he shipped as striker on the side-wheel passenger steamer City of Madison, running between Cincinnati and Louisville, Ky. His next boat was the Andy Baum, a side-wheel passenger steamer, plying between Cincinnati and Memphis. That spring while she was lying at the foot of Price's Hill, in the west end of Cincinnati, a flood left her on the river bank about fifteen feet above the water. A second flood, which occurred three weeks later, raised her off the bank and she floated as well as if she had never been out of water.
In the spring of 1884 Mr. De Hart joined the side-wheel steamer Ben Franklin, plying between Cincinnati and Louisville, remaining on her six months, when the boat was condemned by the inspectors and laid up. He then visited his home in Patriot, and while engaged in repairing a traction engine of a threshing machine fractured one of his legs, disabling him for about two years. On returning to Cincinnati he shipped on the passenger steamer Fleetwood, and after five months took out his second engineer's license at Louisville. He left his boat at that place and returned to Cincinnati and took the position of second engineer on the steamer J. C. Kerr, plying between Marysville, Ky., and Cincinnati. In the spring of 1887 he transferred to the J. H. Hillman as second engineer. He then joined the Henry De Bus, a towboat running between Cincinnati and New Orleans, and after three months he changed to the passenger steamer Scotia, plying between Cincinnati and Pittsburg. His next boat was the General Pike, on which he remained four months. He then took out a stationary engineer's license and stopped ashore.
In July, 1888, Mr. De Hart went to Toledo, Ohio, and was appointed second engineer of the side-wheel pleasure steamer Pastime, plying between Toledo and Perrysburg, Ohio. At the close of the pleasure season he returned to Cincinnati and joined the passenger steamer Golden Rule, running between that city and New Orleans. After making one round trip on her, she burned at the wharf in Cincinnati. Six lives were lost and all of the effects of the crew. He then shipped on the City of Madison, but after a short time he stopped ashore and put up an asphalt plant on Water street for the Trinidad Asphalt Company, and engineered that until the spring of 1892, when he returned to Toledo and was again engaged as chief engineer of the steamer Pastime. In the fall he again went to his home on the Ohio river and took charge of a heating apparatus in the Frank building. The next five years were passed between Toledo and Cincinnati-in 1892 as chief of the Pastime, and in charge of the heating apparatus in Cincinnati; 1893 as chief of the Pastime and second on the steamer Crown Hill, on the Ohio river; 1894, chief of the Pastime on the Maumee.
His next boat was the stern-wheel steamer Longfellow, and when making his third trip in her she struck the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad bridge, broke in two, and sunk in five minutes. Ten lives were lost in this disaster, including Captain Carter, who had sailed the boat seventeen years, but had just been superseded and was acting as clerk. Mr. De Hart then shipped on the steamer John K. Speed, and in May returned to the Toledo as chief of the Pastime. At the close of the pleasure season he removed to Belleview, Ohio, and ran a harbor boat of that name, after which he transferred to the F. J. O'Connell and Henry De Bus, respectively. In 1896, after the usual season on the Pastime he returned to the Ohio and was made chief engineer of the harbor steamer John Mackey. In 1897 he was again employed as chief engineer of the popular pleasure steamer Pastime. He is a member of the Stationary Engineers Association at Cincinnati.
Mr. De Hart was united in marriage with Miss Bertha Miller, of Toledo, Ohio, in 1893. The family residence is at No. 912 Gest street, Cincinnati, but during the time Mr. De Hart is on the Pastime they reside at No. 214 Oak street, Toledo.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Thomas De Largie, who is in charge of the fuel business of Pickands, Mather & Co., in Cleveland, was born in Thorold, Canada, in 1850. His father, Charles De Largie, removed to Cleveland shortly afterward, and for some time acted as collector for the Cuyahoga Foundry Company.
Thomas De Largie attended school in Cleveland, and commenced sailing in 1863 as boy in the schooner Ellen White. He became a full seaman two months after joining the White, and remained in that vessel under Capt. John Cassidy for four years. He was in the brig Iroquois, Capt. Daniel Becker, for several trips, and in the Gen. Winfield Scott, Capt. John Cassidy, for one season with rank of mate. Then he joined the schooners New London (Captain Lampohl), Kimball, and Saginaw, remaining in the last-named vessel three seasons. He was mate of the schooner Buckingham when she sprung a leak and was lost off Black River island, Lake Huron, in 1871, and after the occurrence he became mate of the scow Butcher Boy. The next two seasons he commanded the Butcher Boy, after which he became master of the schooner Charles Hinkley, sailing her one season. Then he sailed the schooner Eliza Gerlach, for eight years, the schooner Leonard Hanna one year and the schooner Monticello two years. During the seasons of 1890-91 he was master of the steamer Otego; in 1892 commanded the schooner Negaunee; in 1893 had charge of the steamer Fred Kelley; commanded the steamer E. B. Hale during 1894, and the steamer H. B. Tuttle during 1895. The season of 1896 saw him in charge of the fuel boat and business of Pickands, Mather & Co. in Cleveland.
The Captain was married, in 1873, to Miss Annie Dorsey, of Cleveland. Their children are named Harry and Theresia.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Edward Dempsey is a marine engineer well known to all who follow the same calling on the lakes, and especially known to many of the older class whose lives were spent thereon. He was born February 11, 1840, at Woodbury, N.J., and since his fifteenth year his life has been closely connected with this line of work in its several departments. He is a son of James and Ann (DeBender) Dempsey, who are natives of Ireland and Pennsylvania respectively.
James Dempsey came to America at the age of twelve years, and spent nearly his entire life as a railroad engineer, having been in active service over forty years. He died in 1888, his wife surviving him until the spring of 1896. Mrs. Dempsey's father was a ship carpenter by trade, and was employed upon the building of the frigate Pennsylvania, which at the time of its construction was the largest boat in the United States navy.
Edward Dempsey was only one year old when the family moved from New Jersey to Corning, N.Y., whence, after a short residence, they moved to Buffalo, and later to Toledo. From this place they came, in 1845, to Cleveland, where Mr. Dempsey has since had his place of residence. After attending school for some time he entered a boiler shop, and worked during the summers until 1858, when he entered the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad shops, and served an apprenticeship of five and a half years. At this time he formed a partnership with Henry McGann, and opened a shop for the manufacture of telegraph instruments and light machinery. In this business Mr. Dempsey remained but one year, then entered the shop of Thomas Manning where he was employed during the winter season for several years. His first experience in sailing was gained on the Ironsides in 1866, of which boat he acted as oiler for one season, going the next fall on the Michael Groh as second engineer, in which capacity he served until the spring of 1869, when he became chief of her. In 1871 he was on the tug Clematis, and the following year again on the Michael Groh, this time as chief. The next season he went on the Peerless, and remained until the Oscar Townsend came out new, upon which he spent the rest of the season. For one season he served as second on the Fay, and then spent four years as chief on the tug P.L. Johnson, after which he left the lakes and entered the employ of the Cleveland Linseed Oil Works as night foreman. >From this position he went to Leavenworth, Kans. And started a linseed oil manufactory, and remained there but eight months, when he returned to the east and his life on the lakes. The following two years he spent on the Oceanica, and then for a time was engineer of the Cleveland post office. Upon his return to the lakes he went as chief on the Aurora for one season, on the Progress and Norman one season, and in 1891 brought out the steamer Briton, transferring from this boat to the Wanatam in 1892, and remained with her six seasons, after which, in 1898, he became chief on the Castalia.
On October 24, 1864, Mr. Dempsey was married to Miss Katherine Conlan, of Cleveland, a sister of Father Conlan, who was for many years priest of St. Patrick's parish in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey have six children: Genevieve; J. Edward, now in charge of the office of the Calumet Steamboat Express Company, of Chicago; Violet; Adelaide; Thomas, who inherits his father's love for marine life, acts as oiler on the Castalia, and Joseph, all of whom reside in Cleveland.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
William F. Dempsey was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1851, and is one of five brothers, all of whom were marine engineers and machinists, the father also being a marine and locomotive engineer and machinist of superior ability.
The subject of this sketch attended a private school until he was about sixteen years of age, when he went as an oiler on the steamer Northern Light. He afterward shipped on the steamer Messenger, plying between Cleveland and the islands. He then went as second engineer on the barge Vienna; later going as chief on the tug Champion, then on the Oswego, P.L. Johnson and Hickox; and worked on the machine shops off and on during the winter. He served an apprenticeship of seven years in the Lake Shore boiler and machine shops, and was with the Cleveland Ship Building Company, after which he took a position in the Brush Electric light Works, in order that he might obtain a knowledge of the working of an electric plant. In 1887 he engineered the Annie L. Craig, plying between Buffalo and Duluth, and it was at this time that he noted the fact that the towns Eagle Harbor, Eagle River and Copper Harbor were almost depopulated by the great number of emigrants landing at these places and sent there by a European agent to take the place of the natives working in the mines, the boats on this line carrying from ten to thirty every trip.
At the time of his first trip to Duluth, that city of great possibilities, at the head of Lake Superior, contained no hotels, and stumps were standing in the middle of what were supposed to be streets. After some time spent in this service, he went tugging on the Amadeus and Tuttle out of Cleveland harbor. Shortly after he received his appointment to the fireboat J. L. Weatherly, as assistant, then to the Clevelander as chief, serving on her until she was laid up for some alterations; then he took charge of the machinery of the John H. Farley and brought her out new. When the Clevelander was again ready for duty he was transferred to her where he has been ever since. Mr. Dempsey has been in service on the fireboats ten years and has given good satisfaction. He has been the means of saving lives of several persons from drowning in the river, also from being crushed under the wheels of railroad cars.
On June 2, 1880, Mr. Dempsey was united in marriage to Miss Lucy A. Walker, of Cleveland, and nine children have been born to them: Mary Frances, Lucy Adelaide, Veronica Marie, Frank Leo, Joseph Richard, Sarah Helen, William Ignatius, Jr., Edward James and Eugene Vincent.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain John J. Denstaedt has been sailing the lakes for many years, and is well known to marine men. He has owned nearly all the boats upon which he has labored, and at the present time owns the Newell Hubbard, which he has commanded over twenty years. He was born October 2, 1843, in Germany, son of Andrew and Christina Denstaedt, both natives of Germany, who died in 1885 and 1883, respectively.
At the age of five years our subject came to America and settled in Detroit, where he has since made his residence. When twelve years of age he shipped out of Detroit on the scow Louisa, as cook, and remained one season, going the following year on the same boat, which he purchased and sailed. He then bought the Monitor, and sailed her two seasons; later she was sunk in Lake Erie, after which he bought the Foam, and sailed her two years. At this time he enlisted in the army, joining the First Mich. Vol. Inf. After serving four months he came back to Detroit, bought the scow Ripper, and sailed her three seasons. After he sold this boat he built the scow Speed, and after sailing her one year sold her and built the Gipsey Queen, which he ran in the government employ in the lighthouse work on Lake Superior. He finally sold this vessel and bought the Money's Isle, which he traded after two years for the Venus, which he sailed one season. He then bought the schooner Gen. Mead, and sailed her four years, after which he traded her for the Newell Hubbard, which he still owns.
Captain Denstaedt was married January 9, 1866 to Miss Mary Welkenbach, also a native of Germany. Their children are John, who is master of the yacht Pathfinder, of Chicago; Harry, who is master of the yacht Dawn, of Detroit; Annie and Peter, who died in early childhood; William, who is on the Pathfinder with his brother; Hiram, who died when young; Walter who is a polisher in the Ireland; Matthew, in a manufacturing company, and George, who is attending school in Detroit. Captain Denstaedt is a member of the Masonic fraternity and of the I. O. O. F. He has a large circle of friends in both societies.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
William Dent, son of Robert and Mary Dent, was born in Stockton-upon-Tees, County of Durham, England, in 1850. His education was acquired in the penny schools of his native town and at night schools. In 1866 he entered the employ of the Stockton (Northeast) Railroad Company's shops as apprentice to learn the machinist's trade, serving four years, after which he fired four months and ran a locomotive eighteen months in the same employ.
In the fall of 1872 Mr. Dent took passage for Brazil, South America, where he again railroaded until the spring of 1873, when he came to the United States. Here he commenced his career on the Great Lakes, entering the employ of the Goodrich line, shipping as oiler on the steamer Muskegon for one season. This was followed by a season as second engineer on the same boat. In the spring of 1875 he shipped on the steamer Corona as second engineer, remaining two seasons; his next steamboat was the Cheboyan (sic), of which he was second engineer three seasons, and in the spring of 1880 he took the Queen of the West as chief engineer, continuing on her nine seasons. In 1890 he shipped on the steamer Cheboygan as chief engineer, holding this berth three years, and in 1893 he again took charge of the machinery of the Queen of the West. In 1894 he took the W.H. Harrison, an excursion boat plying between Buffalo and Niagara Falls, and in the spring of 1895 he shipped as second engineer on the steamer Pearl, which carried excursion parties to Crystal Beach, and in 1896 was appointed chief engineer of the steamer H.C. Hall, which he laid up at the close of navigation in Chicago harbor. During the season of 1897 he accepted the position of chief engineer on the steamer Corona, an excursion boat running from Buffalo to Woodland beach, and in the spring of 1898 he again entered the employ of the Goodrich Transportation Company as chief engineer of the passenger steamer Chicago. He has had twenty-three issues of license. The family residence is located at No. 324 Elk street, Buffalo, New York.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Harvey Depuy, a marine engineer of good report, is a son of Reuben and Margaret (Brown) Depuy, and was born July 8, 1860, in Bloomer township, Montcalm Co., Mich., where his parents had located about the year 1855. In 1862 his father enlisted in a Michigan regiment to serve during the Civil war, but he contracted a fever in the South and died the following year, leaving a widow and four children. The eldest, Elias, is now living on a farm in Gratiot county, Mich.; George, the second, was engineer of the steamer Flint and Pere Marquette during the season of 1897; Julia is the wife of Jehial Wood.
Harvey Depuy, the third son, attended the public or district schools of his native place until he reached the age of seventeen years, and assisted in the farm work until 1882, when he shipped as fireman on the steamer Michigan. Following this he served a season on the Flint and Pere Marquette No. 2, and on the steamer Rube Richards as fireman. In the spring of 1855 he went as oiler on the steamer Milwaukee, and the next season, having secured engineer's license, was appointed second engineer of the Roanoke, holding that berth three seasons. In the spring of 1889 he entered the employ of the Lehigh Valley Transportation Company as second engineer of the steel steamer Cayuga, and was in her when she was driven on Horse Shoe reef, broke her wheel, several frames and one or two plates. Before she was released he shipped as second engineer on the Araxes, which went on the rocks at Point aux Barques and was eventually taken to the boneyard at Saginaw. The crew were rescued by the life-savers stationed near the Point. Mr. Depuy then shipped as second in the steamer E. P. Wilbur, closing the season without further mishap. In the spring of 1891 he became second engineer of the steamer Osceola. That winter, in January, the Osceola was run from Port Huron to Frankfort, and on entering that port she struck on a bar, breaking off her steam-pipe and tearing away the stanchions in such a manner that the escaping steam filled the chief engineer's room, scalding him so severely that he died a few hours after. Mr. Depuy had a narrow escape on account of the breaking of the cylinder head. He held the berth of second engineer on the Osceola until the season of 1893, when he was appointed chief. The next season he was appointed second in the steamer Newaygo, and the succeeding season served in the same capacity in the Madagascar. In the spring of 1896 he was appointed chief engineer of the steamer Pawnee, owned by H. McMoran, of Port Huron, which he ran three seasons.
On June 28, 1893, Mr. Depuy wedded Miss Mary A., daughter of John and Julia Connors, of Port Huron. Two children have been born to this union: Julia Ethel and William H. The family home is at No. 319 Butler street, Port Huron, Mich. Mr. Depuy is a prominent member of the M. E. B. A., of which he is now serving as chaplain; previous to his election to that office he was conductor. He also belongs to the C. M. B. A.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
E. Detlefs was born in Hamburg, Germany, July 10, 1868. His father, Richard Detlefs, was an ocean steamship captain for about forty years, and his grandfather was also an ocean captain and vessel owner.
He came to America at the age of thirteen years, and settled at Port Clinton, Ohio. There he received a common-school education, and soon after removed to Cleveland. He then began his marine life by sailing on the schooner Benson as boy. Here he remained two seasons, and then went on the schooner Montgomery. From this boat he sailed on several others as boy, and then went before the mast on the Selkirk, and remained part of the season, finishing on the Thomas L. Parker. The following year he went on the James Pickands as wheelsman, remained one season, and was made second mate the next season. He next joined on the Christy as second mate, and then was on the W.D. Rust and Horace B. Tuttle as mate. He was pilot on the Cleveland firetug for the next nine months, and filled a like position on several lake and river tugs. In 1893 the command of the Horace B. Tuttle was given him, which vessel he sailed for one season. The following year he went on the Nahant and in 1896 on the Andaste.
Mr. Detlefs is a member of the I.O.O.F., and of the Ship Masters Association.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
The history of the ferry business on the Detroit river, from the day of the Indian canoe to the present day of powerful, speedy and commodious steamers, is fairly illustrative of the rise and progress of lake and river navigation throughout the entire chain of inland waterways. Prior to the war of 1812, and, indeed, for several years thereafter, there was little need for any systematic running of boats between the American and Canadian shores; but as this country began to fill up with emigrants and with people from the eastern States the Canadian border also received its quota of newcomers, and hence it was that for some years prior to 1830 Louis Davenport owned and operated as a ferry line a number of large canoes, charging for each passenger carried a shilling, equal to sixteen and two-thirds cents. He employed three men who were afterward connected with the steam ferries, namely: Capt. Thomas Chilvers, Capt. James Clinton and George Irwin. These canoes carried freight as well as passengers, moving the bulky articles in an emigrant's outfit by lashing two canoes together, and even horses were transported in this manner. In winter time, when the river was solidly frozen over, the canoes were placed on runners, the men pushing them along by hand. At length it became apparent that some more comprehensive scheme of transportation must be provided and what was called the "Horse-Ferry" was put into service. This craft was a large scow having paddle-wheels on the sides connected with and geared to an upright shaft in the middle of the boat, the shaft being moved by a horse traveling slowly around in a circle on the deck. A brief announcement in one of the Detroit papers dated May 4, 1831, states that "The Horse-Ferry has been thoroughly overhauled and is again ready to transport freight across the river at reasonable rates."
The contrivance, however, does not seem to have been very long-lived, for about this time Captain Davenport brought out the steam ferry Argo, the first steam vessel to ply regularly between the two shores of the river. The Argo was of the very crudest description, consisting of two large canoes fastened together, forming a catamaran, over which a deck was placed to hold the machinery, which comprised a small boiler and an engine having two six-inch cylinders with ten-inch stroke, connected to a main shaft, turning paddle wheels on either side of the boat. The power was so limited that the boat was unable to make any headway against the current of the river when the wind blew down the stream, and horses and sometimes oxen were employed to tow her along the banks to her dock. Encouraged by the tolerable success of his first steamboat Captain Davenport built the United, a boat 80 feet long with 20 feet breadth of beam. She was also a side-wheeler, and at the rates charged, eighteen cents for each passenger and one dollar for a horse and wagon, he did a large business and made money. The United was in service only four years when she was made into a tow-boat and sold to Capt. John Pridgeon, who changed her name to the Alliance. Later on she was sold to Capt. William P. Campbell, father of Walter E. Campbell, now president of the Ferry Company, and her name again changed, to the Undine, but after two or three years she was abandoned, as having outlived her usefulness.
The ventures of Captain Davenport had attracted the attention of others to the ferry business and Dr. George B. Russell put on the route a more pretentious craft, named the Argo No. 2. This was also a side-wheel boat, 100 feet long, 20 feet beam, and operated by more powerful machinery than either of her predecessors. She was also equipped with side cabins and some effort was made to provide for the comfort of the passengers. With the exception of two white men the entire crew, including the engineer, consisted of negroes. The Argo No. 2 was in service for thirty-two years and was a profitable investment. Dr. Russell soon after built the Windsor, which was subsequently sold to the Detroit & Milwaukee railroad, and which burned at her dock at the time of the depot fire in 1862. He also built the Ottawa, but having too many boats for the traffic she was afterward used for towing.
Next came the Mohawk, owned by Capt. Thomas Chilvers, one of the first three iron boats built on the lakes. Her machinery, like that in the first Argo, was not powerful enough to handle the craft against both wind and current, and landings had frequently to be made with the aid of horses. She was later turned into a lumber barge and ran between Saginaw and Tonawanda, being ultimately wrecked off Point aux Barques.
In 1858 Capt. William P. Campbell brought out the Gem, commanded by Capt. Thomas Chilvers, which ran between Detroit and Amherstburg for a year, when Captain Campbell announced his intention of engaging in the ferry business. Dr. Russell at this time owned the Ottawa, Windsor and Argo No. 2, and in order to keep Captain Campbell off the route he secured control of all the dockage on the river between the Detroit & Milwaukee and Michigan Central depots. Captain Campbell, however, managed to obtain the city dock at the foot of Woodward avenue, which was just large enough to accommodate the Gem, and hanging up a sign reading "One cent fare - no monopoly," he began a lively warfare in the carrying of passengers and freight, eventually getting the cream of the patronage. This was the entrance of the Campbells into the ferry business, and they have been engaged in it, father and son, ever since. Early in 1860 the side-wheel ferry Essex, built by Henry and Shadrach Jenkins at Walkerville, made her appearance, being by far the best boat built up to that time. She was sailed by Capt. George Jenkins until 1877, when she was sold to Port Huron parties and put on the route beween that city and the opposite port of Sarnia, Ont., continuing in that service for several years; she was later sunk on the St. Clair river below Port Huron.
Captain Campbell brought out the Detroit in 1862 under command of Capt. Thomas Chilvers. This was another side-wheeler with the engine on one side of the boat and the boiler on the other, and she was in service until 1875, when she was sent to the boneyard. About this time the attention of everybody engaged in the business was directed to the necessity of some better means of overcoming the obstructions due to ice in winter, and for several seasons the Clara, a screw steamer, was used during the winter months, running the summer between the city and Fort Wayne, and carrying back and forth the troops quartered there. In 1867 the Favorite, a screw steamer owned by John Horn, Jr., and sailed by Captain Lew Horn, made her appearance, but after running for a short time on the ferry route she was used as a tug and river steamer. Another side wheeler, the Hope, was built by the Detroit Dry Dock Company for George N. Brady, in 1870; this boat was subsequently changed to a propeller and was in service a number of years.
Two years later Capt. W. R. Clinton, of Windsor, son of James Clinton, who years before swung a large paddle in one of Davenport's canoe ferries, built the Victoria, a boat constructed on almost entirely new lines and especially well calculated to force her way through the very heaviest ice in winter. Her engines were large and powerful and her performance was equal to the anticipations of the Captain. How well he knew what was needed is tested by the fact that the Victoria is one of the seven ferryboats in service today, equal to any winter demands that are made on her, and with some slight modifications which experience has shown to be necessary, her model has since been followed in the building of new boats. From this time the building of additional boats went on as follows: 1875, the Fortune, owned by the Campbells; 1876, the Excelsior, and 1880, the Garland, owned by the Horns; 1881, the Sappho, owned by Hiram Walker; 1892, the Promise, and 1895, the Pleasure, owned by the present ferry company. Of the last two boats it may be said that the shape of the hull has been changed from former models so as to offer but little obstruction in passing through ice, and also to enable them to crush the ice from the sides as well as the bow of the boats.
For two or three years prior to 1877 there were a number of rival interests in the ferry business, but in that year the more important ones were brought together under a corporation known as the Detroit & Windsor Ferry Association, which controlled the Hope, owned by George N. Brady; the Victoria, owned by Capt. W. R. Clinton; the Fortune, owned by Capt. Walter E. Campbell, and the Excelsior, owned by Capt. John Horn. This arrangement continued for about four years, when, in 1881, in order to satisfy the claims of the Detroit Dry Dock Company, the Excelsior and Garland were sold at marshal's sale, and the Dry Dock Company organized the Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Company, with Frederick Schulenburg as manager. In 1883 Capt. John Pridgeon obtained a controlling interest in the company, which he retained until 1891, when he sold out to the present management. The new owners immediately began extensive improvements and additions to the service, overhauling hulls and machinery, repairing docks and arranging routes so as to best accommodate the public; and their efforts were so well directed that the prejudices against the ferry company which existed a few years ago has disappeareed and the public gives an enormous patronage to the superior line of boats running to Belle Isle Park and to various points along the river front. These steamers are largely used for excursion parties to Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, the St. Clair river, and the many islands above and below the city. The latest addition to the fleet, the Pleasure, is by far the handsomest boat, both in general design and in finish, to be found in similar business on the lakes. She is 140 feet in length, breadth to beam, 39-1/2 feet, at water line 34-1/2 feet; breadth over guards, 52 feet; draught, 14 feet. The Pleasure is provided with a powerful three-cylinder compound engine, the cylinder diameters being 24, 32 and 32 inches, with a 24-inch stroke. The engine is in the hold of the vessel, so that the space usually devoted to the engine room only shows the top of the cylinder heads. The complete fleet of the Ferry Company as at present constituted is as follows: Victoria, Capt. John Foster; Excelsior, Capt. William Carolan; Fortune, Capt George Horn; Sappho, Capt. John Carey; Garland, Capt. Michael McCune; Promise, Capt. John Wilkinson; Pleasure, Capt. George Shanks. The following are the officers of the Company: President and general manager, Walter E. Campbell; vice-president, Darius N. Avery; superintendent, Albert P. Clinton; chief engineer, Nicholas Huff.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain George L. DeWolf, United States local inspector of hulls for the Cleveland district, is an officer who is held in high esteem by all candidates for government licenses and others bearing relation to affairs maritime. He is an officer of great force of character, conscientious and upright in the performance of his duties. He is the son of Otis and Minerva M. (Tyler) DeWolf (who were natives of Oswego, N.Y.), and was born in Conneaut, Ohio, in 1837, where he attended the public schools, finishing his education in the Conneaut Academy. His parents removed from Oswego to Conneaut in 1833, where the father founded a shipyard and built the schooners Mary M. Scott and Indianola, and rebuilt many other vessels. In 1854 he went to Erie, Penn., where he constructed the St. Paul, St. Anthony and Milton Courtright; also doing general rebuilding and repair work. His maternal grandfather, Edward M. Tyler, and his brothers were old sea captains, sailing out of New Bedford, Conn., and other New England ports.
Capt. George L. DeWolf commenced sailing on the lakes in 1853 as boy on the brig H.G. Stambach, with Capt. Andrew Lent, closing the season on the schooner Snowdrop, both built in Conneaut. The next year he shipped with Capt. Charles Blodgett on the steamer Ocean of the Detroit & Cleveland Steamboat line; in 1855 on the propeller Charter, plying between Cleveland and Buffalo; and in 1856 on the schooner Falcon, remaining on her two seasons. His next berth was on the schooner Andrew Scott, transferring to the Potomac in the spring of 1859, and closing the season as second mate of the bark S.B. Pomeroy, staying with her the following season as mate. During 1861 and 1862 he sailed on the Monitor and Kate Darley. During the winter months of the foregoing years the Captain worked in the shipyard with his father and became a practical ship builder, knowledge which is of great utility to him in his present office. In 1863 he was master of the schooner Indianola a part of the season. During the last two years of the war of the Rebellion the Captain was in the employ of the government, building monitors and transports for service on the Mississippi river. He helped to construct the transports that took Gen. A.J. Smith's army from East-port, Miss., to Mobile, Ala., and accompanied the expedition. Three of the Captain's brothers also enlisted, one in the navy and two in the army, one being killed in the battle of Pittsburg Landing. After the Captain's return to the lakes in the fall of 1865 he sailed the steamer B.F. Wade.
In 1866 Captain DeWolf entered the employ of George W. Bissell, of Detroit and soon gained command of the schooner L.H. Cotton, which was destroyed by fire off Cleveland in 1868, as she was starting to Liverpool with a cargo of gasoline, Captain DeWolf being in command. He then transferred to the bark James F. Joy in the same employ, and sailed her two season. During the winter of 1870-71 he superintended the construction of the steamer W.L. Wetmore for the firm, and when completed he took command and sailed her for fifteen years.
It was in 1886 that Captain DeWolf was appointed inspector of hulls for the Cleveland district, an office he is eminently qualified to fill. Socially he is a Royal Arch Mason of Conneaut Chapter, and a Master Mason of good report.
In 1860 Captain DeWolf was wedded to Miss Minerva J. Putney, of Conneaut, Ohio. The family homestead is in Cleveland, Ohio.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
The pen picture of Fire Chief Dickinson, of the Cleveland fire department, is most appropriate in this volume by virtue of his control of the fire boats and pipe lines of the Cuyahoga river, and more especially as it was he who introduced the system at the port of Cleveland. It would be proper to take up his career in chronological sequence.
Mr. Dickinson was born in Saxton's River village, Windham Co., Vt., on December 25, 1836, the son of Charles S. Dickinson, and attended the public schools of Lowell and Springfield, Mass., and Wheeling, W. Va. The school building on the commons in Lowell, Mass., was also occupied by Mazeppa Engine Company, No. 10, and thus, at the early age of eight years, the gallant acts of the fireman aroused his instincts and admiration to such an extent that they shaped and controlled his after life. In 1851 he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, arriving there on the memorable day of the Medical College riot. In 1858 he joined the Cataract Engine Company, No. 5, as a torch boy, and served in that capacity until September 3, 1854, when he was elected a member of the company. Early the next year he was made second assistant foreman, and in 1857 was advanced to the position of first assistant. It is said that when, in 1859, he was elected foreman of that company he was the proudest young man in the volunteer fire department in Cleveland.
Chief Dickinson is a born musician, and in 1861, when the war of the Rebellion broke out, he was among the first to respond to President Lincoln's call for three-months men, joining Leland's band, which was attached to the Nineteenth O.V.I., Col. Samuel Beattie commanding. After receiving an honorable discharge at the end of his term, he re-enlisted and was assigned to the Forty-first O.V.I., under the command of Col. W.B. Hazen, and was present at several of the historic battles in which that regiment engaged. He remained with the Forty-first until all regimental bands were discharged, in the fall of 1862. Upon his return to Cleveland he resumed his position as foreman of the Cataract Engine Company, and agitated the question of a paid city fire department, which, notwithstanding the strong opposition to the project on the part of the volunteer forces, he succeeded in having established. He tendered to the city the services of the Cataract Company, and the authorities gave him the privilege of selecting the men for his company for the paid department, which he did from the members of the volunteer companies, placing four stationary and two minute men to that company. On January 23, 1863, Mr. Dickinson was placed in charge of the J.J. Benton Engine Company No. 2, in which position he remained eleven years. In May, 1864, the patriotic spirit of Chief Dickinson being again aroused, he enlisted in Company E., 150th O.V.I., commanded by Col. W.H. Hayward, and was subsequently detailed for service in the famous Leland band. He was honorably discharged at the end of the one hundred days, for which the regiment had enlisted to hold the forts around Washington. They received special thanks and recognition from President Lincoln and Secretary Stanton.
In 1873 Mr. Dickinson was chosen to attend the World's Fair at Vienna, Austria, as engineer of the American exhibit of rotary steam fire engines, and on his return in February, 1874, he succeeded John McMahon as second assistant chief. In 1875 he was promoted to the rank of first assistant chief, and on December 22, 1880, was advanced to the top of the fireman's ladder, being appointed chief of the Cleveland department.
As has been said, the point at which the career of Chief Dickinson touches the marine interests consists in the superb and effective system of fire boats he has put upon the Cuyahoga river, the miles of pipe-lines which traverse the streets leading up from the river in diverse directions, and in the protection these fire boats give to the shipping, without which that vast amount of property would be at the mercy of the flames. It may be noted here that vessel owners seek winter mooring, if possible, near fire boats. The first boat placed on the Cuyahoga river was not an experiment with the veteran fire chief of Cleveland, but the idea was evolved by mature thought and observance. It was the purpose of Chief Dickinson to give the destructible property within the river districts all the protection possible, and if he could not do that with the means at hand he determined to multiply those means; the result of this determination was the construction of fireboat J.H. Weatherly, built by the Excelsior Iron Works, and launched in the fall of 1885, after a strong opposition by many influential men of Cleveland who had not yet considered the power and effect of the addition of such a fire extinguisher would have upon the property and insurance premiums of Cleveland citizens. Before the close of the following year the wisdom of the chief's measure was acknowledged, and another boat ordered to be placed upon the river; this, too, was met with the same persistent opposition, and it was not until the 15th of March, 1894, that the Clevelander was launched. This was the work of Thomas Manning, Jr. The effect of these boats became apparent to all, and instead of opposing the wise and protective measures of the fire chief, the city of Cleveland, especially those citizens interested in property along the river front, ordered a third boat, the hull of which, made of steel, was built in Buffalo, and placed at the foot of Seneca street. This boat was put in service January 6, 1895; two boats are now in use on the Cuyahoga river, the Weatherly having been taken out of commission and her boilers and pumps placed in the Farley. These two boats are acknowledged to be equal to any fourteen land fire steamers in service in the city. Had Mr. Dickinson been of a timid nature he would have succumbed to the opposition brought to bear against him by the authorities, and the city in consequence deprived of this effective branch of her fire protective system.
But it is not the purpose of this article to lead the reader to infer that the usefulness of these fire boats is confined to their efficiency in times of conflagration along the river front and about shipping; it should be set forth that during the winter the boats are using to break the ice in the river, so that the launches are not delayed; that boats may be moved to dry docks at any time; that boats can be fitted out at any time and be ready to move; that dams of ice can not form across the mouth of the river, and that since the fire boats have been placed on the river no floods have occurred, which previously destroyed thousands of dollars worth of property during the spring freshets.
It can be truthfully said, that the credit for the conception and laying of the fire pipe-line system in Cleveland November 16, 1891 (which line leads from the river up to the fire centers of the city), is entirely due to the wisdom and forethought of Chief Dickinson, and is being adopted by all the large cities in the United States which have a large water front. The pipes of Cleveland are:
Rise length Up St. Clair street from the river.... 75 ft. 9 in. 2700 ft Up Superior street to the square from the river....................82 " 4 " 2100 " Up Seneca street to Michigan and Michigan to Ontario from the river.............................82 " 2 " 1325 " Up Seneca street, branch on Michigan to Ontario from the river.........93 " 4 " 550 " Up Huron street from the river.........90 " 5 " 750 " Up Center to the foot of South Water street branch.....................10 " 1300 " With branch on Fall and Prince street............................................500 "
All of these are subject to a pressure of three hundred pounds. To quote from a pamphlet issue from the Fire Department of Detroit: "Detroit has thirteen complete lines of pipe from high pressure service, the supply coming from the Detroit river through the fire boat Detroiter. To Chief James W. Dickinson, of the Cleveland Fire Department, is due the credit of causing these first permanent pipes to be laid for fire boat service, as he first conceived and adopted such pipes. They showed the great effectiveness of a fire boat on a fire 4,000 feet from their station on the river." Chief Dickinson now has under consideration a matter which will soon be put to use, that of a union of pipes after the principle of the pumping engines which supply the city with water, by stationing his fire boats so that they may pump into all the pipes simultaneously, thus dispensing water at three hundred pounds pressure in every direction at a distance of 4,000 feet. Our subject is a veritable general when in contest with a large conflagration, and so forms his lines of steamers and men that there is not much chance for the escape, or rather extension, of the enemy. Like most men of good physique, he is big-hearted, good-natured and kind and fatherly to every member of the force. He has the unbounded confidence of Cleveland's business men in his generalship during the progress of a fire in the business centers of the city. During active work at fires he is very careful of the lives of his men, and he is conversant with the structure of the business blocks he knows what risks they may take, and has, therefore, lost but one man during the forty-three years he has been a fireman.
During his connection with the department he has assisted in organizing the Fireman's Relief Association, and he has been a member of all the Firemen's Relief Associations since their formation. It was due mainly to his efforts that the comprehensive pension law now in force in Cleveland was passed for the benefit of the fireman, their widows, orphan children and dependent parents. He was elected vice-president of the association, which under this law pays annually the sum of $24,000 to firemen's widows and orphans and maimed firemen. He was chosen president of the Firemen's Life Insurance Company, which does business under charter of the State of Ohio, and he is also a member of the board of trustees of the Firemens Insurance and Firemens Relief Associations. He is a Master Mason of Bigelow Lodge in Cleveland and a veteran of that body.
Mr. Dickinson was united in marriage on December 12, 1877, to Miss Donna Z. Needham, the talented daughter of William L. Needham, one of the first engineers on the Big Four railroad. Mrs. Dickinson is a public-spirited woman, and takes much interest and satisfaction in the steady advancements of the Chief. Two sons, James Earle and Charles William, have been born to this union. The family homestead is at No. 36 Bridge street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Joseph R. Diebold is the son of Charles and Mary (Doherty) Diebold, and was born April 1, 1872, at Buffalo. Charles Diebold formerly owned a hotel on Ohio street in that city, but at the present time is the proprietor of a store on Main street, and is closely associated and well acquainted with marine men of the Great Lakes, who frequently visit Buffalo.
Until his fifteenth year the subject of this sketch attended the public schools of his native city, at that time entering the employ of E. & B. Holmes, where he served an apprenticeship of three years in the machinist's trade. He then left Buffalo and entered the employ of the Globe Iron Works Company, at Cleveland, where he remained eighteen months, after which he spent the same length of time on the steamer New York, as oiler. From this boat he went on the steamer A.L. Hopkins, as second engineer, and in the same position spent one season on each of the steamers: Montana, Vega, George N. Orr and North Land.
In August, 1896, Mr. Diebold accepted the position of machinist in the Buffalo Waterworks, and there remained until January 1, 1897, when he was appointed engineer of the Police Headquarters building, which position he holds at the present time.
Mr. Diebold has proved himself to be thoroughly competent in all departments of his chosen occupation, and a successful future for him seems certain. His position is one of responsibility, and is highly complimentary to one of his age. He is unmarried, and resides with his parents at No. 91 Eastwood Place. Socially, he is a member of Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 1.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Henry C. Dilgart, who is now holding the important position of engineer of the Cherry street bridge, spanning the broad Maumee river, at Toledo, Ohio, was born in 1850 on a farm in Springfield township, Lucas Co., Ohio, where he attended school the usual number of years allotted to the youth of that day. He is the son of John C. and Adelema (Thompson) Dilgart, the former of whom, now over seventy-five years of age, still lives on the old homestead farm and is one of the pioneers of Lucas county, having located at Springfield township, three and one-half miles west of the present site of Maumee, in the year 1833, when but eleven years old. After reaching Maumee the head of the family, Henry C. Dilgart (for whom the subject of this sketch is named), procured an ox-team and started for their destination, three and a half miles into the woods. By reason of the obstructions offered to the pioneer of that day it took the travelers three and a half days to reach their new home. The woman of the family returned to Maumee at the close of each day to sleep. Mr. Dilgart's mother, who is a daughter of Hon. R. C. Thompson, was also a pioneer, her family going into the depths of the woods and locating in Blissfield county, Mich. The father made the journey with an ox-team, the women of the family going by rail over the old Michigan Southern railroad, which had recently been completed to that point, the rails used being of old-style strap-iron pattern. Both conveyances starting at the same time, the ox-team reached the future home of the pioneers before the railroad train. Some years later Mr. Thompson represented the Blissfield District in the Michigan State Legislature.
Henry C. Dilgart, after finishing his education in the public schools of Toledo, entered the employ of H. C. Moore & Co., to learn the machinist's trade, and remained with that firm five years. In the spring of 1874 he commenced his marine life as second engineer on the tug Satellite, owned by L. B. Gunn, of Detroit, and the following spring he shipped as second engineer on the old Northern Trans-portation line steamer Prairie State; after laying her up he finished the season in the tug Johnnie Stephens. In the spring of 1876 he was appointed chief engineer of the steamer Survey, afterward known as the Julia, owned by Mr. McElroy, of St. Clair, Mich., and on the close of navigation Mr. Dilgart entered the employ of the Smith Bridge Company, in Toledo, later engaging with the Fontaine Engine Works. He also worked two years in the Wabash railroad shops. In 1885 Mr. Dilgart was appointed engineer on the Cherry street bridge, where he remained six years. He then went to Detroit and ran a planer in a shop on Larned street, but was soon appointed engineer of the yacht Foam, on St. Clair Lake, which was then plying in the interest of the old Club House. In the spring of 1892 he became chief of the sand steamer Mulette and after running her four months went to work for the Toledo Metal Wheel Company. In 1895, the city administration of Toledo going his way again, he was appointed to his old berth on Cherry Street bridge, where he has remained up to this time.
Mr. Dilgart was united in marriage on November 22, 1875, to Miss Abbie M. Rogers, daughter of Capt. George F. and Clarissa Rogers, of Marine City, Mich., formerly of Sodus Point, N. Y. The children born to this union are Leo J., Rose A. and Daisie M. The family residence is at No. 420 Manhattan avenue, Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Dilgart is a member of the Engineers Beneficial Association, the Stationary Engineers Association, the Machinists Union, the Knights of Maccabees, Lucas Tent No. 50, and the Scotch Division No. 3, Uniform Bank.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
George A. Dingman, a popular and competent marine engineer, who has made Duluth, Minn., his home for a number of years, was born in Watertown, Jefferson County, N. Y., April 7, 1860. He is a man of fine physique, of good qualities of mind and heart, and genial in his intercourse with his fellow man. His father, Jacob Dingman, was an old time lake captain, and for many years sailed between Ogdensburg and Marquette, and he was also a patriot of the Civil War, from which he was honorably discharged, in 1864, after three years' service, taking an active part with his regiment in many notable engagements. The mother of our subject, who bore the maiden name of Martha Roach, was a woman of rare gifts, and emulated so many other young wives in self-sacrifice during those dark days of the Rebellion. Both were natives of Jefferson County, N. Y. On his return from the army, Capt. Jacob Dingman removed with his family to the Sault, where George acquired a liberal public-school education.
In the spring of 1876 Mr. Dingman, the subject of this sketch, shipped as fireman on the steamer E. M. Peck, of the Trompf line, transferring to the steamer Mary, owned by the same company, three years later. He remained on the Mary two seasons, and in 1881 joined the tug W. D. Cushing, followed by a season on the tug Grace. He then went to Port Arthur and was appointed to the tug Riter, which he ran two years for Mr. Barker. It was in the spring of 1885 that Mr. Dingman went to Duluth, where he took out an American license, and was appointed engineer of the tug Upham, owned by the dredging firm of Williams, Dougherty & Upham. The next season he entered the employ of Capt. B. B. Inman as engineer of the tug Cora B., closing the season on the Walton B. In the spring of 1887 he was appointed engineer of the ferryboat Curry, plying between Duluth and West Superior. This was followed by a season in the employ of Porter Brothers as engineer of the sand pump, and then was in the employ of the Smith-Fee Company until the spring of 1892, when he shipped on the steamer Pillsbury, of the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Buffalo Steamship Company. That fall he assisted in putting the machinery in the new passenger steamer Christopher Columbus, and was appointed first assistant engineer, coming out with her in the spring of 1893. The next season he was appointed engineer of the iron tug Record, followed by two seasons as chief engineer of the steamer Belle Cross. In the spring of 1897 he again joined the monitor Christopher Columbus as first assistant engineer, and in 1898 he entered the employ of the Duluth Dock and Dredge Company as engineer of the tug Effie L.
Socially he is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, and of the Knights of the Maccabees.
On September 13, 1897, Mr. Dingman was united in marriage to Miss Lura Roush, the ceremony being performed on board of the passenger steamer Christopher Columbus, and which was followed by a time-honored marine charivari. Mr. Dingman and his bride have already acquired a pleasant home at No. 902 Lake Avenue, Duluth, Minnesota.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain William Disher, one of the most prominent and highly esteemed lake captains sailing out of Chicago, was born in Canada, in 1853, a son of Charles and Nancy (Stewart) Disher, the former a native of Philadelphia, Penn., and the latter of Scotland. The father engaged in the manufacture of brick in his native city during early life, but after his removal to Canada gave his attention to the shoe business. He was married in that country, and there he died in 1897, at the extreme old age of ninety-six years. The death of his wife also occurred there.
The boyhood and youth of Captain Disher was in passed Canada, and he began his business career as horse boy for ships, and later as driver on the towpath of the Welland canal. He also engaged in tugging on that canal and the Grand river being thus engaged as early as 1864, prior to sailing before the mast. In 1867 he sailed from the Canada shore on the bark Alexander, engaged in the lumber trade, but continued to make his home in Canada until 1872, when he went to Buffalo, N. Y., and shipped on various barks during that season. Coming to Chicago on the Mont Blanc in 1873, he engaged in sailing from that port chiefly in the lumber trade, and in 1881 was made master of a vessel owned by C. R. Kramer. After that he was master of the John Blaver, Jr., of Chicago, for the season of 1884, and then sailed all the vessels owned by Dahle, remaining in his employ for four or five years. His next vessel was the James Mullen, engaged in the lumber trade, but he subsequently returned to the employ of Mr. Dahle for one year. In 1886 Captain Disher purchased the schooner A. J. Morley, which was also engaged in the lumber trade, and on selling her, in 1887, bought a one-fourth interest in the steambarge Fayette, which he sailed for ten years in the lumber, grain, iron ore and general merchandise trade. He sold his interest in that vessel, and in March, 1898, took command of the steamer John Duncan, which he now sails. He has rapidly risen from the lowly position of horse boy on the canal to master of some of the best boats on the lakes, and has always had the entire confidence and respect of his employers, as well as the high regard of all who know him.
Captain Disher is a leading and influential member of the Ship Masters Association No. 3, of Chicago, of which he has been vice-president; is also a charter member of the Masters and Pilots Association No. 33, of the same city; Covenant Lodge No. 526, F. & A. M.; Corinthian Chapter No. 61, R. A. M.; St. Bernard Commandery No. 33, K. T.; Medinah Temple No. 1, and Eastern Star No. 41. He has first-class pilot papers on all the lakes.
Since 1878 the Captain has made his home in Chicago, and there he was married that year to Miss Mary Jane Gamble, a daughter of William Gamble, a sailor and shipmaster, now deceased. Three children have been born of this union, namely: Lillie I., Lottie I., and Hattie I. The family residence is at No. 250 Homer street, Chicago.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Lawrence Distel was born September 18, 1858, at Irving, N.Y., where he attended the public schools until he was fourteen years of age, when he went as an apprentice to learn the carriage-making trade, at which he worked about two years, but his fondness for a life on the water lured him from the shop to the boat. In 1876 young Distel engaged in the finishing business out of Irving for two years, after which he went to Fairport to engage in the same business, remaining two more years. He then shipped on the schooner H.R. Newcomb until fall.
On July 4, 1880, Mr. Distel entered the United States life-saving service at Fairport station as surfman, where he remained two years. During his term of service at Fairport, the life savers rescued the crews of the barges N.M. Standard and Mary Stockton, and the schooners Negaunee and H.A. Lamar, all ashore and flying signals of distress, at varying times, Surfman Distel displaying activity and bravery. On March 20, 1882, he was transferred to the Buffalo life-saving station, but without many episodes to mark the time, there being but two calls for the service of the life-saving crew, one from the schooner Groton, and the other to take of the crew of the P.S. Marsh. At the close of navigation Surfman Distel found employment on the Buffalo & Southwestern railroad, where he remained all winter.
In the spring of 1883, Surfman Distel shipped at the Cleveland station with Capt. C.C. Goodwin, and all went well until May 22, when some of the cribs intended for the construction of the west breakwater were torn away by the violence of the gale, and a tug and the life crew went out to recover them. Mr. Distel, was standing on the crib, in order to avoid the tow line of the tug, stepped on a cross plank which broke, and he was thrown into the pocket of the crib, and the plank following him broke his leg, which laid him up for four months. Soon after he returned to duty the schooner Sophia Minch hoisted signals of distress off the mouth of the river, and went to anchor. Two tugs with Captain Goodwin and part of his crew went to her assistance. The Captain and his crew boarded the Minch, leaving Surman Distel on the tug to handle the lines. After parting the tow line several times the tugs found they could do nothing with the schooner, so great was the violence of the gale, and ran behind the breakwater for shelter. The schooner was scuttled to keep her from drifting on to the rocks, and the crew took to the rigging. Surfman Distel, who had landed from the tug, acted promptly. The beach gear was taken abreast of the sunken vessel. The first shot from the mortar, aimed by Surfman Distel, was successful and the breeches-buoy hauled off. Captain Goodwin was the first man to come ashore to direct operations, followed by all those in the fore-rigging except Surfman Hatch, who remained to assist two men in the mizzen rigging. Another shot from the mortar put a line into the mizzen rigging, and the three men came ashore, sixteen in all. Surfman Hatch being the last. This episode is related to show that by the promptness and courage of Surfman Distel, aided by a volunteer crew, sixteen men were taken off a sunken vessel in the face of a terrific gale.
The other vessels from which the crews were rescued at the Cleveland station were the tug American Eagle, which was on fire, the schooner John B. Merrell and the barge J.T. Johnson, The crew also went to the assistance of the schooners Erastus Corning, Emma C. Hutchinson, Zach Chandler, General Burnsides and David Vance. These vessels were all brought safely into port. During the operations Surfman Distel acted with courage and judgement, as did the entire crew, and at the close of the station each member was presented with a first-class United States gold medal for saving life at extreme hazard.
By diving Mr. Distel has saved five lives from drowning, three boys and tow men. On one occasion he nearly lost his own life. He saw a boy's hat floating, and dived for the person who had occupied the hat, and when he came up he had two boys. One of the little fellows had crawled upon his back and clutched his throat with both hands so that he could not recover himself, and was sinking with both boys when Deloss Hayden, the lighthouse-keeper, who was passing, saw the danger and swam to his assistance. It is for such brave deeds as the foregoing that the United States Government gave Captain Distel his first-class gold life-saving medal.
In 1888 he resigned his position as No. 1 surfman at the Cleveland station to accept a position as special policeman in the Society for Savings Bank, where he remained until the spring of 1893. On April 1, 1893, he was appointed by the government as keeper or captain of the Cleveland life-saving station, vice Capt. C.C. Goodwin, deceased. During the flood which occurred in the Cuyahoga River in the spring of 1893, while the lifeboat crew were going to a rescue, the boat capsized and four of the surfmen were drowned. Captain Distel on this occasion came nearly losing his life, and was in the icy waters two hours almost unconscious before he was rescued. After a long and serious illness which resulted from the above exposure and other permanent injuries received in the life-saving service, in the line of duty, he found that his health had been so impaired that it became necessary the following spring for him to resign his position as keeper of the station.
In 1886, at Cleveland, Ohio, Captain Distel was united in marriage to Miss Mattie H. Goodwin, daughter of Capt. C. C. Goodwin. Mrs. Distel is also a sailor, having been born aboard her father's boat, the brig Commerce. Two children have been born to this union: Irvington W. and Genevieve.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Henry E. Ditzel is one of the best known tug men on Lakes Huron and Superior - a thorough officer and gentleman, well read on current events and companionable in his intercourse with man. He was born in Buffalo, N.Y., November 19, 1863, a son of Ernest H. and Christine (Shepherd) Ditzel. The father, who was a lake captain, engineer and vessel owner, was born in Saxony, Germany, and came to the United States with his mother when he was six years of age, locating in Buffalo. The grandfather, Samuel Ditzel, died on the way from Saxony to the seaboard. The maternal grandfather, Jacob Shepherd, was a native of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, and the great-grandfather was engaged in the manufacture of nails on an extensive scale in that Province, and was also a notable soldier in Napoleon's Russian campaign.
Ernest H. Ditzel, our subject's father, began his life on the lakes by sailing out of Buffalo, and the first passenger steamer he owned and commanded was the Hattie Brown, plying on Lake Ontario and the Niagara River in 1869. He finally took her to Bay City, Mich., and established a passenger route to Banks, and two years later the family joined him. He then built the steamer J.G. Hubbard at Bay City, and operated both boats, the latter from Essexville to Bay City. In the spring of 1881 he sold both steamers and built a larger and finer boat in Buffalo, which he named Cora K.D., in honor of one of his daughters. He took her to Saginaw and put her on the route between Bay City and Banks, later adding the tug Harley, and, assisted by his son Henry, operated both up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1885. His remains were taken to Buffalo for interment. The mother is still living in Bay City. They had a family of six children: Anna M., now the wife of A.C. Fisher, a lumber dealer of Bay City; James W., a marine engineer on the tug M.D. Carrington; John G., who was drowned in Saginaw River, in 1875, when but six years of age; Cora K.D. and Arthur D. both graduates of the Bay City high school.
Capt. Henry E. Ditzel attended the public schools until 1871, when he went to Bay City to join his father, afterward attending school at that place winters, and also secured two courses at the Bay City Business College. It was in 1871 therefore that he first adopted his lake faring life, as wheelsman in his father's steamer Hattie Brown, but had sailed with him during vacations previous to this, however, for when he was thirteen years old he could sail small steamers quite well, his father carrying the license and running the engines. His next experience was in the steamer J.G. Hubbard, of which he was wheelsman until 1880, when he was granted pilot's license and took command of her, sailing her until she was sold. His father then gave him the tug Harley to sail in the vessel-towing business on Saginaw River and bay until April, 1888, when she was sold to Alvin Neil, the Cora K.D. having also been disposed of in the meantime to Gillenham Bro. He was then appointed master of the tug Witch of the West by Captain Sharp.
Captain Ditzel then went to Buffalo and built a tug, which he named Arthur D., in honor on his youngest brother, and sailed her until she was sold in 1890. He sailed the lake tug Waldo Avery for the Michigan Log Towing Company, between Spanish River and Bay City in 1891, closing the season on the tug J.V. O'Brien as master. The next year he took command of Capt. James Davidson's tug Perfection, which was sold to Capt. J.S. Dunham three months later, when our subject was appointed master of the passenger steamer Lora, plying between Bay City and Alpena. In the spring of 1893 the Captain went to Duluth and entered the employ of Capt. B.B. Inman as master of the tug J.L. Williams, sailing her two seasons, and in the spring of 1895 he went to Boston Harbor and took charge of the tug Zenith, which he brought out new for the Singer Towing Company, and has sailed her up to the present time. He considers the Zenith the best tug of her time on the lakes, and with her he does great business for the White Line. Socially, the Captain is a Master Mason, and a member of the Ship Masters Association, carrying Pennant No. 473.
On July 19, 1885, Captain Ditzel wedded Miss Minnie A. Walrath, daughter of Henry and Anna J. Walrath, of Bay City, Mich. The children born to this union are: Edward James, Harley Ernest and Caspar Henry. Although the Captain makes his summer residence on Lake Avenue, Duluth, the family homestead is at No. 1402 Washington Street, West Bay City, Michigan.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Edward T. Dixon, an industrious and competent engineer, has been in the employ of the United States Government during the past two seasons in charge of the machinery of the tug Graham, giving the best satisfaction. Being a good mechanic and industrious, he always finds employment in the shops after laying up his boat.
Mr. Dixon was born December 21, 1844, at Ottawa, Ontario, and is the son of Thomas and Catherine (Cleary) Dixon, natives of Ireland, who came to Canada about the year 1838. They moved to Harrison Corners in 1846, where the father died soon after, and the mother on July 26, 1894. After the death of his father Edward went to live with his uncle, James Cleary, of Moulinette, Ontario, where he worked on a farm, drove team and attended school. In April, 1863, he came to the United States, stopping at Peshtigo, Wis., and went to work in a sawmill owned by the Peshtigo Lumber Company, and the next spring fired a locomotive on their private road, used for transporting lumber, and worked in the machine shop conducted by the company. In 1865 he was made engineer of the locomotive Copper Clark, the first ever built on American soil, and run in the interest of the Boston & Amboy railroad. During the time he was in their employ he also ran an engine on a pile driver and tug Reindeer, taking out his first license for this privilege in 1867, and it was during this year that he served in the capacity of engineer on the steamer Union, owned by the G. B. & M. T. Co., and run from Green Bay, Wis., to Marinette. That fall he went to Chicago, and secured employment as engineer of a pile driver and steam shovel on the C. B. & Q. R. R.
In the spring of 1876 Mr. Dixon was appointed second engineer of the steamer Trader, Jeremiah Collins, now assistant boiler inspector of Milwaukee district, being chief, closing the season on the side-wheel steamer Huron. The next year he became second engineer of the steamer Norman of the People's line, plying between Duluth and Marquette. That fall he took her to Chicago, and laid her up, the chief being sick. He then entered the employ of the Goodrich Transportation Company as second engineer of the steamer Muskegon, transferring to the steamer Truesdell during the winter of 1878-79, and the next spring as second on the Sheboygan, closing the season on the Amazon. He then went to Milwaukee and was made first assistant engineer in the Kearn flooring-mill.
In the spring of 1881 Mr. Dixon moved his family to Marinette, Wis., to take a position as superintendent of a post and tie mill, remaining there until the firm discontinued business, in March, 1883. He then went to Duluth and took charge of the tug Siskiwitt for Cooley & La Vaque, closing the season on the tug Eliza Williams. The next year he ran a pile driver for the Winston Bros., of Minneapolis, who had the contract for building the bridge across the St. Louis Bay. In the spring of 1885 Mr. Dixon chartered the tug John McKay, and engaged in towing logs from Fon du Lac to the Duluth mills. The next two years he was engineer of the steam road-roller for the city of Duluth, and in 1889 he was appointed engineer of the yacht Picket, that winter serving as assistant engineer in the Imperial mill in Duluth. During the construction of the Emerson school building, in Duluth, he assisted in putting in the machinery, and worked ashore until the spring of 1893, when he was appointed chief engineer of the Sheboygan. Having removed with his family to Milwaukee, he was appointed chief engineer of the yacht chartered by that city to carry supplies, etc., to the waterworks crib, holding that berth two years. In the spring of 1896 he joined the tug Robbie Dunham as engineer, she being engaged on government work; transferring the next year to the tug Graham, and remaining on her as engineer on government work until she was laid up in the fall of 1898.
The only fraternal society of which he is a member is the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association.
Edward T. Dixon was wedded to Miss Margaret Frances Dolan, of Winona, Minn., the ceremony being performed on February 26, 1878. The children born to this union are Agnes M., who is teaching school in Milwaukee; Edward F., a sailor; Mary Julia, and Margaret Clare. The family residence is in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain John Doherty, master of the steamer Japan. As master of this passenger steamship, plying between Buffalo and Duluth, the subject of this notice is well and widely known in marine circles. He was born in Woolwich, England, in 1856, and until he was ten years of age resided with his parents on the Isle of Guernsey, where he attended school. At that time the family came to the United States, settling in Boston. Mass., where young Doherty completed his school life. Until he was fourteen years of age our subject sailed as cabin boy on coasting schooners, and then shipped for two years in the Lady Gordon, of England, also as cabin boy. For three years he was lookout and wheelsman on coasting vessels, also with the Anchor line of steamers, and in 1875 became wheelsman for that line. In 1880 he became second mate on the Alaska, holding that position four years, and for three years thereafter was first mate of the same vessel. In 1886 he was made mate of the steamer Conestoga, and in 1887-88 he served in that capacity on the Clarion, of the Anchor line. In 1889 he became captain of the Alaska, and sailed her as such for three years, when he brought out the new steamer Schuylkill, the first "straight-back" steamer built, which he sailed for three years. In 1896 he was made captain of the Steel steamer Japan, carrying passengers between Buffalo and Duluth, and is still master of that magnificent boat.
Captain Doherty was married, in 1884, to Miss Teresa Jordan, of Buffalo, and they have three sons and two daughters. He resides with his family at No. 204 Vermont street, Buffalo, New York. More about John Doherty
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
George H. Dolan is one of the family of ten children - eight sons and two daughters - of William and Ellen (Carniely) Dolan, who were natives of Ireland. Mr. Dolan was born at Buffalo September 11, 1866, and he attended the public schools of that city until about fourteen years of age, when he started work for Plumb, Burdeet & Barnard, remaining in their nut and bolt works about two years. He then went to work for the Larkin Soap Company, with whom he spent another year, and then when seventeen years old, began learning the machinist's trade at Farrar & Treft's, where he remained four years, for the following year and a half working with E. & B. Holmes. Next he worked a year each at the Lackawanna and West Shore railroad machine shops, leaving the latter place to begin steam boating, at which he started in 1889 as oiler on the Syracuse, where he was for two seasons. He then went on the Arabia as her second engineer, serving seven seasons in the one employ. Leaving the Arabia, he, in May, 1898, took the position of engineer of the City Elevator.
On January 8, 1896, Mr. Dolan was married to Miss Margaret Febrey, of Buffalo, and they reside at No. 177 Jefferson Street, Buffalo, N.Y. Socially, he is a member of Local Harbor No. 1, Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, also of the C.M.B.A., of Buffalo, New York.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain William S. Dolloff is one of the old-time canalboat men. He was born at Utica, N.Y., in 1835, son of Stephen and Almira J. (Rude) Dollof, the former of whom was a native of Frankfort Hill, in the Mohawk Valley, N.Y., the latter of Washington county, same State. Stephen Dolloff was a butcher by occupation. He died in 1841, and his widow married William Burke, well-known to the early citizens of Buffalo as the general passenger agent of the old side-wheel steamers.
Captain Dolloff was educated at a town called Vienna, in the locality of his birthplace, and in 1846 he began to drive on the Erie canal, being engaged at that occupation seven consecutive years for John Traver, of Rochester, N.Y., the oldest canalboat owner in the business. At various times he worked in the same employ in other capacities, the whole period embracing twenty-one years. In 1875 Captain Dolloff purchased the old canalboat Riverside and another of a similar build, and made them over into excursion boats which plied to resorts on the Niagara river with pleasure parties, carrying on that business for about two seasons, during the time when the old central wharf was the center of the forwarding business for Buffalo harbor. He was the first man to construct the device now commonly used for steering three canalboats joined together without the use of a rudder blade. The Captain has not been interested in the canal traffic since 1886, when he embarked in the hotel business at Chicago. He continued same for a period of five years, after which he returned to Buffalo and established a butcher shop at No. 143 Erie street, where he has since remained. He is a member of the Buffalo branch of the Canalboat Owners Association.
Captain Dolloff was married, June 2, 1855, at New London, Oneida Co., N.Y., to Miss Alvira J. Matkins, by whom he has four children: Ida, wife of Oscar Cook, a resident of Lewis county, N.Y.; William, a master and owner of canalboats residing at State Bridge, Oneida Co., N.Y.; Lottie, wife of Charles Selover, a Tonawanda boatman; and Addie, wife of Abel Sickler, a confectioner at No. 594 Broadway, Buffalo, New York.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain John A. Donahue, a young and very successful captain, and whose career on the lakes, while not so great as that of many who have followed a like vocation, gave promise of a bright future, was born in Buffalo in 1867. His father was Capt. Joseph Donahue, now of Cleveland, who is still sailing. The family removed to Cleveland when John A. Donahue was a child, and they have continued to live in that city up to the present time.
Our subject began sailing at an early age, his first position being that of watchman. Previous to this he had been attending school in Cleveland and vicinity. His intelligence and keen desire to excel caused him to be promoted rapidly, and it was not long before he had reached the rank of mate. He held this position successively on the steamers Fay, Kasota, Grover, Onoko, Gladstone and Alva, and in 1894 was made master of the steamer Superior. He ably discharged the duties devolving upon the position, and during the following season commanded the steamer R.P. Ranney. In the early spring of 1896 he was stricken with an attack of typhoid fever, and on April 13, the very day he was to have sailed, he passed away, being but twenty-nine years of age.
On February 14, 1893, Captain Donahue was married to Miss Isabella Cowley, daughter of Edward Cowley, a well-known contractor of Cleveland. They were the parents of two children who died in infancy. The Captain was highly respected by all who knew him, being possessed of a high moral character; was thoughtful and affectionate in his home life. He numbered his friends from the beginning to the end of the chain of the Great Lakes.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Patrick Donahue (deceased) was in his lifetime able to related many odd experienced that befell him during his long career on the Great Lakes, but probably one of the most unique of all was the voyage he made across the ocean in the year of 1859, when he gained his first view of salt water while master of the vessel on which he traveled. Another circumstance that adds interest to this incident was the fact that only one man on board the ship had been permitted to gaze upon the sea before the vessel pushed her nose out over the broad Atlantic. This man was the mate. The vessel was the schooner Valeria, and the cargo consisted of staves, walnut lumber, white wood, hickory and other American woods. The reason for the unusual trip was a dull season in lake shipping, and several fresh water vessels made similar trips that year as an experiment. The cargo was offered for sale in Liverpool, but buyers were scarce for a time, as the Englishmen who were in the lumber business at that port did not like the manner in which the American timber was cut. It was finally sold, however, and the Valeria brought back a cargo of cutlery and soda ash direct to Cleveland, the goods being consigned to George H. Worthington, a prominent merchant.
Captain Donahue was born May 14, 1825, in Canada, and came to the United States at the age of thirteen years. His sailing career began a year previous, when he became cook of the schooner Rob Roy; before the season closed she drifted on the beach at Saguenay river, Canada, and went to pieces, and the cook's salary remained forever unpaid. Then he shipped in the schooner Elizabeth, sailing on her before he removed to the United States. The first vessel of which he was master was the brig Concord. Other vessels he commanded were the schooners William, Watts Sherman and the brig William Treat, George Worthington, the schooner Correspondent, the schooner S. Robinson and the schooner William G. Grant. He was part owner of the last named vessel and after sailing her for eight seasons he rebuilt her at a cost of $10,000. Then he purchased the schooner A.W. Lucky, which he sailed for seven years. The schooner Charles Wall, the four-master Richard Winslow and the schooner Pelican were the last vessels with which he was connected, and in the year 1892 he retired to private life.
While on the Pelican, Captain Donahue started with a cargo of ore from Two Harbors, on Lake Superior, for Cleveland. A terrific gale so disabled the schooner that it was feared they would never reach land. Inspired by the Captain's unflinching courage the men renewed their efforts, and the vessel found shelter on Caribou island. For a week the vessel and crew were given up for lost, but were discovered by chance and taken to Cleveland. This experience was too much for the aged Captain, and from that time his health began to fail. On October 3, 1897, he was stricken with paralysis and on December 18, following, passed to the unknown shore.
On January 14, 1850, the Captain was married to Miss Jane Fitch, of Cleveland, and they had eight children, of whom James, William and Mrs. Nellie Swayer are dead, -James dying in infancy, Nellie at the age of forty years, and William at the age of twenty-seven years; the others are Mrs. Jennie Fenney, Charles, Edward, Daisy and John. Charles is captain of the tug Chamberlain, and John is engineer of the steamer Ranney.
David Donaldson, youngest son of the late Capt. David Donaldson, was born in Cleveland in 1870. Like all his brothers, with one exception, he joined the lake marine at an early age, and has continued to follow the water. His first sailing was in 1885, when he became fireman of the tug Florence, on which he remained an entire season, after which he found employment on other harbor tugs in Cleveland, serving in turn on the Doan, Bolton, Mary Virginia, Cushing, Alva B. and Gregory; thence going to Fairport, where he was employed on the tugs Anna, Page, Dixon and others.He gave up the tug business in 1894 to accept the position of oiler on the passenger steamer State of Ohio, and during 1896 he was second engineer on her sister ship, State of New York.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain David Donaldson was a lake navigator who passed through the hardships incident to a sailing life forty years ago, and left four sons who followed in his footsteps. He was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1832, and came alone to the United States eight years later. He made his way to Cleveland, and finding employment in the shipyards of that city, in time learned the trade of ship carpenter, which he followed until 1859, when, having amassed a little pile of savings, he went to Fremont, Ohio, and there constructed a schooner which he named N. C. West. Taking the vessel to Cleveland he found an opportunity to sell her before she was fitted out, and so disposed of her and purchased the scow Mona, which he sailed three years, when she went ashore at the piers forming the entrance to Cleveland harbor, where her bones lie to this day. After this he purchased the scow Bailey, and sailed her until shortly before his death, which occurred in 1876.
Captain Donaldson married Miss Kate Faragher, of Cleveland, who was a sister of Capt. William Faragher and a sister-in-law to Captain Mallory, now of the Minnesota Steamship Company's fleet. They had six children: William, deceased; Walter, who developed remarkable propensities for travel and is now in South Africa; Belle, who is the wife of Mr. Randall, of the passenger steamer City of Buffalo; Edward, who is chief engineer of the steamer German; and David, who is second engineer of the passenger steamer State of New York.
After the death of Captain Donaldson, the eldest son, William, who was born in 1860, took his father's place and sailed the Bailey a number of years. Then he sold her and bought the scow Sassacus, which he sailed four years, and after disposing of her he became owner of the schooner Barney Avery, and sailed her until she went ashore and was lost on Point Pelee island in 1886. During this same year, and but a short time after the loss of the Avery, Captain Donaldson returned to his home in Cleveland, and before he had completed arrangement for securing another vessel he died, from the effects of an internal hemorrhage.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Grant Donaldson, the young and efficient chief engineer of the Cambria and other boats, is a son of the late Capt. David and Kate (Faragher) Donaldson, and was born in Cleveland, April 14, 1868. He commenced sailing at the early age of twelve years, and for many years thereafter he sailed during the summers, and attended school during the winter months. His first experience was gained in the schooner Bailey, of which his brother, Capt. William Donaldson, was master. Later he spent some time on the schooner Barney Avery, Capt. John Law, and after this began firing on the harbor tugs in Cleveland, and during the time he was employed on the tug lines he served on nearly every boat of that class in Cleveland. Then he sailed for a time on the steamers Helvetia and Niaagara, becoming second engineer of the steamer Vienna in 1888. He remained on the Vienna two seasons, and then became second engineer of the Iron Chief. After a season on this vessel, he served on the Tuttle one season, on the Joliet two seasons, and also on the Corsica two seasons, becoming engineer of the Cambria in 1896. After laying up the Cambria he ran the steamer German late in the fall.
The nearest Mr. Donaldson ever came to losing his life while on the water occurred several years ago when he was experimenting with winter navigation. During the month of January he was on a scow loaded with wood which a tug was towing toward Cleveland. The scow was top-heavy and rolled over, precipitating everybody on board into the water and giving them a thorough wetting, as well as something of a fright. Happily no one was injured, and the tug picked up all the members of the crew without difficulty.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
John Donaldson was born in County Armagh in North Ireland, June 3, 1826, of Scotch-Irish descent, and in his native place lived until his seventeenth year. At that time he came to America and located at Detroit, where he entered Blair's shipsmithy and served one year's apprenticeship to the trade. The following season was spent in the Michigan Central railroad shops at Detroit, after which he came to Buffalo, where he has since resided. The first eighteen months in that city were spent in the employ of Malden Wright, a smithship, after which he worked two years at the same business with C. T. Rand. Following this he was employed in the boatyards of Van Vleek & Norter two years.
In 1850, with his brothers, William and David Donaldson, he then opened a shop, and continued in the business thirty-seven years. About 1865 a boiler and machine shop was added to the smithy, and for several years following a brisk trade was carried on. Many engines were built and sent to the oil regions, and twelve tugs were built, among the number being the Brothers, Old Jack and Eustaphieve. In 1866 the schooner Donaldson was built and put into commission. Donaldson Bros. et al. then bought the steamer Colorado, and later the steamer Cuba. In connection with Mills & Co. they built the propeller Wyoming, which they still own; the steamer Robert Mills, and built the steamer Florida, which was lost on Lake Huron May 20, 1897, by a collision with the steamer Roby. Operating these boats, Donaldson Bros. carry on an extensive freight and grain business, and at the port of Buffalo they are known as a prominent and enterprising firm. The partnership which was commenced in 1850 by three brothers, John, William and David, continued during the life of David, who died in 1888. The two brothers, John and William, are still interested together in many vessels on the lake, though the shop interests have been closed. This is a long partnership, and the Donaldson brothers, as a whole, had a long and successful career and were among the self-made men of Buffalo Harbor.
On November 14, 1850, John Donaldson was married to Miss Susan Summerville, a native of Ireland, To them four children have been born: Robert S., who is secretary and treasurer of the Erie County Savings Bank at the present time, was married to Miss Carrie Dodsworth, of Buffalo; John A., who is in the insurance and real-estate business, was married to Miss Belle Brett, of Cleveland; George S., a grain broker at Buffalo, was married to Miss Effie Udell, of New York City; and William E., unmarried, who is in the Erie County Savings Bank. Mr. John Donaldson is a member of Buffalo Chapter and DeMolay Lodge No. 498, F. & A. M. His family residence is located in Buffalo, and there in the "jingle of household operations" he finds rest from the cares of the day.
Mr. Donaldson is member of a family of ten children born to William and Susan (Hendren) Donaldson. His parents came to America three years after he arrived in this country, and are both deceased, the father having died three days after his arrival, while Mrs. Donaldson died in 1851.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
In the marine history of Detroit, the name of Robert Donaldson stands prominent among those who have been instrumental in promoting the growth of the larger commercial interests of that port. In many ways his life offers a good example. By him opportunities were improved at their best, and with care and system in his work, financially and otherwise, he has reached the position where he may retire from active business and enjoy the fruits of earlier days of industry. Mr. Donaldson was born in 1817 in Perthshire, Scotland. He entered a shop when he was fifteen years of age, and remained five years at the machinist's trade after which he went to Belfast, Ireland. Here he worked at his trade two years, and then went to Liverpool and remained the same length of time. He then came to America and settled in Detroit, first entering the employ of the Michigan Central Railroad Company. Here he remained only short time, however, and then went to the locomotive works of Kendrick & DeGraff. From this employ he took charge of the Michigan Foundry for William Barkley, after which he went to the Bridge & Iron Works, where he remained in charge of the machine shop two years.
With E.D. Jones and William Cowie he then formed a joint-stock company known as the Dry Dock Engine Works. This company built a plant, and engaged in building engines on the site now occupied by the firm by the same name. Mr. Donaldson acted as a superintendent, and under his direction they built the first compound and the first triple expansion engine used on the lakes. They continued in business until November 3, 1888, when the plant was sold, the company at the same time employing about three hundred men. At this time Mr. Donaldson retired, and has not been engaged in any particular industry. He feels a keen interest, however, in marine affairs, and has advanced with developments of the latest machinery, so that he still has a full knowledge of the latest works.
In 1861 Mr. Donaldson was married, and he now resides with his family at the corner of McDougall and Champlain streets, Detroit, Michigan.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
William R. Donaldson is a native of Detroit, having been born there December 9, 1864, son of Robert and Anna (Rutson) Donaldson, the former of whom was superintendent of and a stockholder in the Detroit Dry Dock & Engine Works, but is now retired. There were nine children in the family - three daughters, Tina, Anna and Maude, and six sons, William R., David, Charles, George, Robert and Raymond. William R. learned the trade of machinist and draughtsman at the Detroit Dry Dock & Engine Works, finishing his apprenticeship in 1889, and in 1890 he went on the lakes as oiler on the City of Alpena. During the season of 1891 he was oiler on the W. H. Gilcher, and the next season he was promoted to second engineer of the William H. Gilbert, having assisted in putting in her engines during the spring at Wheeler's shipyard, West Bay City. The season of 1893 he spent as second engineer of the Gettysburg, towing logs for Alger, Smith & Co., and he was retained in this position through 1894 and 1895. In 1896 being promoted to chief engineer on the Briton, of the Menominee line, by which he was reemployed for 1897. Socially Mr. Donaldson is a member of the M. E. B. A. No. 3 and of Detroit Lodge, F & A.M. He is unmarried.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Both in the line of experience and efficiency, Mr. Donnelly must be accorded a prominent place in the engineering department of the navigation of the Great Lakes. He is devoted to his work and to the cause in which he is engaged. He is a leading and energetic member of the Chicago Lodge No. 4, of the M.E.B.A., was one of its charter members, and for fourteen consecutive years, from 1884 to 1898, he served as its treasurer.
Mr. Donnelly was born at Niagara Falls, N.Y., in 1847, the son of James and Bridget (Donnelly) Donnelly, natives of Ireland, and early settlers of Niagara county, N.Y., where they engaged in farming through the remainder of their lives. Their son James was reared and educated at Niagara Falls, and it was on the Niagara river, between Niagara Falls and Buffalo, that he received his first training in the line of navigation, which became his life work. At the age of sixteen years he engaged in river traffic, and there learned engineering. On April 5, 1864, he came to Chicago, and in 1865 began sailing out of that port as engineer on the lakes. For more than twenty years he was engaged in engineering, serving on various kinds of boats. He was for a time in the tug service, and then on the Goodrich line of boats, and later on was for some time in the employ of the Leopold and Austrian line of boats; then for one year sailed from this port on the steamer Lothair, in the Canadian service. He then went to Galveston, Texas, as a member of a surveying party under Lieutenant Davis, but in 1887 returned to Chicago and became engineer for the well-known house of Selz, Schwab & Co., corner of Superior and Larrabee streets, a position which he still holds.
In 1881, at Chicago, Mr. Donnelly was married to Miss Lenora Barnett, a native of Niagara Falls. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly: Mabel and James. Mr. Donnelly is a member of the Order of Foresters, and in marine circles holds an honored place, and is one of the well-known marine engineers of the port of Chicago.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
James B. Donnelly, the head of one of the heaviest contracting companies on the lakes, is known as one of the busiest men in the whole lake system, and the company's operations have been such that activity is the great essential next to financial ability.
Mr. Donnelly was born in Oswego, N. Y., April 22, 1847, and took his first contract in that city. Since that time he has extended the operations of the firm and subsequent company all the way to the Sault. The firm name was originally Donnelly Brothers, the junior member being William P. Donnelly. After operating under that name from about 1877 they were incorporated in 1891 under the name of the Donnelly Contracting Company, with James B. Donnelly, president; E. B. Mott, vice-president; and William P. Donnelly, secretary and treasurer. Possessed of ample capital, the company has sought and obtained many of the largest State and Government contracts in the lake and canal district. They have built about 1,600 feet of the Buffalo breakwater, having one contract in 1891 and another in 1893. One of the notable pieces of work that the company has performed was the building in 1896 of half a mile of piers and approaches to the new lock at the Sault. They were given till May, 1898, to finish the work, but it was found that this length of time would incur a great risk of seriously delaying navigation by an accident to the old lock, which besides was sometimes too small for daily transportation of traffic; so the company finished the work eight months ahead of time, obtaining therefore a bonus of $12,000.
To give some idea of the magnitude of the company's operations it need merely be noted that in 1893 it had breakwater contracts in Buffalo, Dunkirk, Erie and Fairport, all under way at the same time. It has done government work on about every harbor on Lake Ontario; but finding that district too far to one side for a base of operation the headquarters were moved to Buffalo in 1890, since which time they have been maintained there. The company does no dredging, but sublets that work when any is to be done in connection with the general contract. They were the lowest bidders on the timber crib section of the Buffalo breakwater that was let in the fall of 1896, but the government, after some consideration, concluded to let the whole in a single contract, and therefore gave the work to the lowest bidder on the whole. The Donnelly Company, has in addition to the ports already mentioned, done considerable breakwater work in Cleveland, thus making its operations well and favorably known all over the lakes, for the work has been carried on with such uniform promptness and excellence that the government has always placed the greatest confidence in them. When there was a question over the payment for the construction of the Buffalo breakwater extension of 1893, which, with one or two other sections, was destroyed in the great storm of October 14 of that year, Mr. Donnelly had only to go to Washington and lay the matter before the proper authorities to obtain prompt settlement.
The company in the winter of 1896-97 carried on the most extensive contracting operations on the western end of Erie canal in Buffalo ever undertaken there, especially if the time allowed is taken into account. The contract calls for the deepening of the canal two feet from the western end at Commercial slip, Buffalo, to Ferry street in that city. The improvement is part of the appropriation of $9,000,000 for this work, and the Donnelly contract is for over $400,000, and will probably reach $430,000, the exact amount being fixed by contingent circumstances. Though the work could easily have been extended to a second season, as boats could find another route, the company thought it best to have the work completed early in the spring of 1897, and in order to do this it was necessary to erect a great plant; pumps with a capacity of 90,000 gallons a minute, derricks, cars and steam engines were constantly in use, and an army of men, sometimes as many as 1,500, were employed, together with 150 teams for removing the canal bottom up inclines built along its sides. Mr. James Donnelly is also extensively engaged in the coal trade, under the firm name of Donnelly, Dunham & Company.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
William Doran has not confined his attention strictly to marine engineering, but has distinguished himself in places of responsibility. He is outspoken and frank to a marked degree, holding his rights to independence of opinion is sacred, and has no hesitation in declaring his views in so decided a manner as to leave no chance for misapprehension. He was born in Donegal, County Donegal, Ireland, May 1, 1856, a son of Hugh and Mary (Brodbane) Doran. His early school-days were passed to good profit in his native town, and after the family removed to the United States (the father having preceded them by about a year), he further added to his education by attending business college in Port Huron, Mich., during 1892. During this period between 1871 and 1878 Mr. Doran worked in the shipyards of Port Huron as caulker, first in Mr. Muir's yards, then in Fitzgerald's, Dunford & Leighton's, and Dunford & Alverson's.
In 1878 he entered the employ of the Grand Trunk Railroad Company as fireman on a locomotive, and on February 8, 1880, he was promoted to the position of engineer, holding that place three years, when he again went into the shipyard as caulker, remaining until October, 1883, when he accepted a position as engineer on the Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad, which he retained until February, 1886. He then entered the employ of the Port Huron Gas Light Company, doing the outside work of pipe fitting, etc. for two years. The following two years were passed in plumbing, and steam and gas fitting for the firm of Doran & Gibson.
In 1890 Mr. Doran shipped as fireman on the steamer Manistique. He later entered the employ of the St. Clair Tunnel Company, working under the direction of the mechanical superintendent, J. T. Eames, and had charge of all the hydraulic work pertaining to the shield of the tunnel, which the company was building under the St. Clair river, to connect the cities of Port Huron and Sarnia. His duties included supervision over all boilers, pumps and air compressors. In 1892 he went to Calcasieu parish, Louisiana, where he had charge, under the direction of Superintendent H. H. Hall, of the hydraulic pumps and machinery for sinking a shaft and mine for the American Sulphur Company. On his return to Port Huron, after an absence of six months, he again went to work as caulker in Dunford & Alverson's shipyard for a time, closing the year by laying mains for the Port Huron water works. In the spring of 1893 Mr. Doran shipped in the steamer S. L. Doty as oiler, remaining until August, when he stopped ashore at Milwaukee, and went to work in the shipyard as caulker for a time. Under the direction of Thomas Murphy, who had the contract, he took charge of the work of setting up and running the machinery of a new crib for the Milwaukee water works. The work was completed without a mishap, and gave great satisfaction. This enterprise had been abandoned by a previous contractor, after ten men had been drowned, during a severe gale which occurred while the men were at work, a heavy sea carrying away their house, which had been built over the top of the shaft, together with the machinery and boilers, and the men in the house; the other men in the shaft were drowned by the carelessness of one of their number, who at this time opened the airlocks, thus letting in water. The man who caused this loss of life was the only man on the work that was saved, he being supported by the hoisting cable to which he clung.
In 1894 Mr. Doran was made foreman of the St. Clair Light and Fuel Company, and attended to all the outside work, and about August, 1895, he engaged with Richardson & Gibson as steamfitter. In the spring of 1896 he shipped as oiler on the new steamer E. W. Oglebay, and during that season secured his license and was appointed second engineer. The next spring he again joined the Oglebay as second engineer, and transferred to the steamer Garden City, then to the Arizona, and closed the season as second on the steamer Business, after which he again took up railroading, entering the employment of the G. T. R. B. R. Co., with headquarters at London, Ontario.
He is a member of the Marine Engineers Association, and still holds his membership in the M. E. B. A. No. 43, of Port Huron, Michigan.
In 1887 Mr. Doran was united in marriage to Miss Alice J., daughter of Peter and Ellen Mullen. Although a railroad man, he still retains a deep interest in the lake craft, with which he was associated in his early life.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Thomas C. Dorey, a reliable and experienced engineer sailing out of Manitowoc, Wis., is a descendant of a line of sailors, both branches of the family having followed the lakes. He was born in Cornwall, Canada, January 1, 1861, a son of Leon and Catherine (Smith) Dorey. The father was a St. Lawrence river pilot of considerable note, and was in the employ of Hiram A. Calvin a number of years, during which time he was master of the steamer Hiram A. Calvin, America, Young Traveler, Gildersleeve and numerous other vessels hailing from Garden Island. His uncle, Thomas, is still in Captain Calvin's employ as engineer of the steamer D. D. Calvin, as are also two other uncles, John and James Smith, the former being chief engineer of the Denver, the latter first assistant of the Hiram A. Calvin.
In the spring of 1879, after acquiring a liberal public-school education, Mr. Dorey shipped as fireman in the steamer Hiram A. Calvin. The next spring he fired in the mail steamer Algerian, plying between Hamilton and Montreal, but held that berth only four weeks, and closed the season on the tug Jessie Hall. In 1881 he went to Chicago and shipped in the passenger steamer Sheboygan as fireman, followed by a season in the F. & P. M steamer No. 2. In January, 1883, he received an engineer's license, and was appointed second in the side-wheel passenger steamer Corona, remaining in her three seasons. He then transferred to the steamer Sheboygan as second engineer, holding that berth two seasons. The next year he joined the steamer Muskegon in the same capacity. In 1890, after running the tug Arctic about a month, he was appointed chief engineer of the passenger steamer Muskegon, which office he held seven consecutive years, or until September, 1896. He then assumed charge of the tug Arctic as engineer, and ran her until May 28, 1898, when he was made chief in the side-wheel steamer Chicago. He has been in the employ of the Goodrich Transportation Company fifteen consecutive years, without mishap of a serious nature occurring to the machinery under his charge. He is an honored member of the Marine Engineer's Beneficial Association at Manitowoc, having held the office of vice-president and treasurer of the lodge.
In November, 1885, Mr. Dorey was united in marriage with Miss Margaret, daughter of James and Catherine (Kelley) Barry, of Manitowoc, and the children born to this union are, John Leo, Catherine Naomi, Loretta May, James T. and Charles Earl. The family residence is at No. 505 Chicago street, Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain F. A. Dority master of the steamer F. and P. M. No. 3, belonging to the F. & P. M. R. R. Co., his home being in Milwaukee, Wis., is a native of New York State, having been born February 6, 1861, at Hammond, St. Lawrence county.
Capt. Thomas Dority, father of our subject, was of the same nativity, born in 1826, of Irish descent. He was employed on the Welland canal vessels sailing out of Oswego, N. Y., was with Morgan Wheeler for several years, on the schooner Cheeny Ames, and on the Finns, of Chicago, his last vessel being the schooner Oliver Mitchell. He was a lake captain for many years, and one of the most successful.
Our subject received a common-school education in his native town, laying aside his books at about the age of sixteen, and as he has been a keen observer of men and things generally he is one of the most intelligent, judicious and able of the younger captains on the Great Lakes. He began sailing in 1876, when in his sixteenth year, going on the steamer Cheeny Ames with his father, and remaining on the vessel four years, at first in the capacity of mess-boy, later going before the mast. He then went with Captain Duddleson on the T. W. Palmer (now the Samoa) as second mate, one and one-half seasons; from the Palmer he shipped, season of 1880, on the Lem Ellsworth, under his father as captain. During the seasons of 1881-82 he was again with Captain Duddleson on the Palmer, as second mate, and next year he went on the schooner Reuben Bond. He then shipped on the steamer Oscar Townsend (Captain William Humphrey) as second mate, for balance of the season of 1883. In the fall of that year he went on Lake Michigan in the employ of the F. and P. M. No. 2, under Captain Duddleson, for two seasons, then went to the Goodrich line with Captain Rossman, as first mate of the Menominee, one and one-half seasons. The Roanoke was his next vessel, and with her he remained until 1889, also as first mate running in connection with F. and P. M. line in winter, and on Lake Superior in summer. During the time he was with the Goodrich Transportation Company he was on the Roanoke in the winter time. In the spring of 1889 he was made master of the schooner Osceola in connection with the F. & P. M. line in winter, and running up Lake Superior in the summers. After one season on the Osceola as master, he went on the Colorado, belonging to the same line, and was master of her two seasons. In 1892 he was appointed captain of the Ann Arbor No. 2, car ferry between Frankfort and Keewanee, and was captain thereof during 1892-93-94; then returned to the F. & P. M. No. 5, remaining with her until July, 1895, at which time he identified himself with the United States-Ontario Navigation Company and brought out Shenango No. 1 and 2, after about two months running the Shenango No. 2 until the spring of 1897. He was then appointed master of the Perre Marquette, and captained her until April 15, 1897, when, at his own request, he transferred to the F. & P. M. No. 3, of which vessel he has since been master. He has brought out some of the car ferries of the Great Lakes, and sailed them all.
The Captain has been very successful in his experience as a mariner, has worked himself up by industry and indefatigable energy, and is fully recognized as one of the most successful self-made captains on the Great Lakes. Socially he is a member of the Excelsior Benevolent Association of Milwaukee, of the F. & P. M., of the K. of P. and of the K. O. T. M. He married Miss Maud E. Lee, of Frankfort, Michigan.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Charles Dovey, engineer of the tug E.E. Frost, of the Owens line, for the season of 1897, has been tugging around the Buffalo harbor for the past twenty years. He was born in that city January 12, 1863, attended Public Schools No. 2, and during the summer, when just old enough to handle an oar, used to run a ferry on Evans slip, and afterwards from Williams coal docks, during which time many interesting things were continually witnessed by him, such as the blowing up of the old tug Compound, and various other similar occurrences.
When about fourteen years old he began his first practical work of his life, decking and firing, which he continued at until the year 1891, among the various lines and tugs, among them being the old Post Boy, Holloway, Robert Bruce, Griffin, Orient, T.M. Moore, Goodman, S.W. Gee, James Beyers, E.C. Maytham, James Adams, Alpha, Annie P. Door and others. While on the Door, she and the Adams started to run up to Dunkirk, but before reaching there such a terrific storm arose that they were unable to enter the harbor when reaching there, being compelled to lay out in the lake all night. During that time the Door sprung a leak, and all their efforts to save her were of no avail, as the continued rolling caused the coal bunkers to fall down and plug up both her siphons. The master then blew four whistles as a signal to the Adams, asking her to stand by, and shortly after blew again asking her to run alongside and take off the crew, which she did, when the Door almost immediately sunk from sight.
In 1891 Mr. Dovey received his first issue of license, as engineer, and bought an interest in the tug Grace, running her engines all the season until sold. The following season he was engineer of the Ingram, Lone Star, Alpha and Kelderhouse, and, in 1893, of the Trenton, which he brought out new, and was on until the close of 1896. For the season of 1897 he was on the E.E. Frost, mentioned heretofore, until July, when he went onto the Francis A. Bird for balance of season and for season of 1898. Mr. Dovey during the winters devotes his time to fishing and working in machine shops, and spent one winter as engineer of the German insurance building. He was married to Miss Annie Henry, of England, in January, 1887, and they have had five children, two of whom, Mamie and Charles, Jr., are now living. Mr. Dovey is a member of the Buffalo Harbor Tug Pilots Association.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain David F. Doville was born at Sodus Point, N.Y., July 7, 1854, a son of Henry and Mary Lucile (St. Peter) Doville. His father was a lake captain and ship-builder, and just as he had got the timber out for the construction of a new schooner he died (March 12, 1863), and his five sons, all of whom are lake captains, finished the vessel. It was named the William Hunter, and on this boat David F., after attending the public schools of his native town, commenced his lakefaring life. He remained on her until September, and in the spring of 1865 shipped on her again. In 1866 he sailed with his brother, Henry on the scow Morgan, and the following year began in the schooner Alma with his brother Henry, but closed the season in the Sylph with his brother Charles. In the spring of 1868 he again shipped in the schooner Sylph with his brother Egbert, remaining until September, when he joined the F.T. Barney, and was with her at the time she sank. The crew took to the yawl boat, and was sighted and picked up by the schooner Clayton Belle. During the winter he went to school at Vermilion, Ohio, and in 1869 he joined the schooner J.F. Card, of which his brother Egbert was master, and that winter attended school at Berea, Ohio. In the spring of 1870 Captain Doville was appointed mate of the schooner Sherwood, and at the close of navigation he went to Springfield, Mass. The next season he made one trip on the schooner Wanette, and was then made mate in the schooner Algeria. He was in the Chicago harbor at the time that city was destroyed by fire. In the spring of 1872 he joined the schooner Ben Franklin with his brother Joseph, transferring as mate of the schooner Bailey, second mate of the Winslow, mate of the Gibson, and closing the season on the Ben Franklin. The next season he shipped on the schooner Comanche, but was sent home sick from Chicago. In 1873 he joined the William Hunter as mate, and the next season he opened a boat livery at Sodus Point, N.Y., sailing in different boats in the fall months until the spring of 1879, when he was appointed mate in the schooner Young America.
During the years 1880-81 Captain Doville sailed the schooner Volunteer. The next two years he sailed as mate in the schooner Barney Avery; 1884, mate in the schooner St. Lawrence, and in 1885 he stopped ashore at Sodus Point and kept a meat market. He then purchased an interest in the A.J. McBrier, and sailed her for four years. In the spring of 1890 he was appointed master of the schooner Anna P. Grover, and sailed her two years. In 1892 he entered the employ of his brother, Capt. Egbert Doville, of Toledo, as master of the steam sand-sucker Nicolette, transferring in 1893 to the steamer Commerce, in which he has sailed successfully for five years, being in her at this writing. The fraternal orders of which he is a member are the Maccabees, Royal Templars, and Independent Order of Good Templars. He has a life insurance in the latter society.
In December, 1893, Captain Doville was united by marriage to Miss Frances Scott, of Sodus Point, N.Y. Four children, Robert LeRoy, Edna, Glenn, and Nina, have been born to this union. The family homestead is at Sodus Point, New York.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Egbert Doville, now a prominent citizen of Toledo, Ohio, and at the head of the Toledo and Lake Erie Sand Company, was an old-time captain of sailing craft on the lakes. He was born at Sodus Point, Wayne Co., N.Y., November 23, 1836. He is a son of Henry and Mary Lucille Doville, and his brothers are Henry, Joseph, Charles, Frederick and Eugene, all lake captains except Eugene, who was drowned while on the Charger, on Lake Erie. His father was a well-known shipbuilder at Sodus Point and other ports. Young Egbert, the subject of this sketch, attended the public schools of his native town until he reached the age of fifteen years.
In the summer of 1849 he sailed on a pleasure trip on the schooner Isabella with his father, which, apparently settled his career in after life, for he is found in the spring as boy on the lighthouse tender, a little schooner called Enterprise, with Capt. Horace Morley, and the following year in the schooner Hornet; also as cook in the schooner J.E. Rogers. He left her on account of ague. He soon recovered, and shipped on the schooner Henry Doville, Captain Petit, which went to Toledo after a load of staves for Oswego, but after this trip he again took his berth on the schooner J.E. Rogers, with Captain Bates. In 1852 he joined the schooner Free Trader, Capt. William Morley and the following season he shipped as cook on the propeller Oswego, of the Doolittle line. It is evident that Captain Doville was not a conspicuous success as a cook, for he soon shipped with Capt. George Stone on the schooner New Haven till August, then on the bark Sturgis till September, closing the season on the brig Clark, with Capt. Wiley M. Eagan. That winter he went to Oswego and attended the academy. In the spring of 1854 he shipped on the schooner Gazelle, closing the season on the schooner Enterprise, then engaged on the light-house tender contract.
In the spring of 1855 Captain Doville purchased a half-interest in the schooner Charles Walton, a thousand-bushel vessel, which he sailed in the fruit trade, buying fruit along the south shore ports on Lake Ontario and taking it to Kingston for sale, which proved fairly remunerative. He sold his interest in the vessel in 1856, and went to work in the shipyard with his father, as he had done prior to his sailor life, keeping the time of the men, and also keeping the books. The schooner A.A. Cornwall was being built by his father at this time, and on her completion he shipped as second mate on the brig Roscius; while making the harbor at Chicago in the fall gale she passed a fleet of about sixty vessels flying distress signals, but being lumber laden, the Roscius passed over the bar and entered the river in safety. In 1857 he again went into the shipyard to help his father build the schooner Catchpole, which when completed his brother Henry sailed and our subject went as mate. The next year the brothers bought the interest the father owned, and he held the same berth, but later sold his interest to his brother and went as second mate of the Henry B. Mussey. In the spring of 1859 he shipped before the mast with Capt. Frank Morley, on the schooner B.R. Loomis, closing the season as mate of the schooner Winslow, and in 1860 he went as mate of the B.R. Loomis for the season.
In the spring of 1861 Captain Doville was appointed master of the schooner Wanderer, which he brought out new and sailed two years, and cleared $2,900. In the winter of 1862 he helped to plank the schooner A.H. Moss, at Vermilion, Ohio. In 1863 he went to Sodus Point to help build a vessel. They got out the timber, but at this time his father died, and it was a question among the brothers whether they could go on with the work. It was finally determined to make the venture. The boys got together all the funds they possessed and, with E. Doville having charge as builder, laid her down and finished her at a cost of $8,300. She was named William Hunter, and Captain Doville, the subject of this sketch, sailed her. At the end of two years she had paid for herself and paid a dividend. She was then sold for $8,500. In the winter of 1866 he went to Vermilion and built a tug, which he named Cyclone. He took her to Cleveland, where he took a job of wrecking, and cleared $750 in five days. He then took her to Toledo and put her in the towing business. The same year he took her to Saginaw, and finally to Chicago, where he sold her for $8,500.
In the spring of 1867 Captain Doville went to Mystic, Conn., and bought the tug Balize, paying $8,000. He took her to the lakes and sailed her some months. He then sold a three-quarter interest, and went as master of the schooner F.T. Barney, holding that berth until October, 1868, when she was sunk by collision with the Tracy J. Bronson. He then took the schooner A.H. Moss to Cleveland on her last trip that fall, and in 1869 he sailed the schooner J.F. Card, laying her up at the close of navigation.
In 1870 Captain Doville retired from active life on the lakes, and established a vessel brokerage business in Cleveland, with Capt. Henry Miller, and continued in that trade until 1872, when he joined Capt. W.B. Scott in the insurance business, until fall. This partnership was then dissolved, and he went to Toledo and again established himself in the ship-brokerage business, continuing until the fall of 1875. He then returned to Cleveland and traded his farm for the propeller Rocket, but he soon lost the boat. In 1876 he returned to Toledo and sold his interest in a tug for $900, took the money to Kingston, Ont., and bought the Arabia and Robert Gaskin. He dismantled the Gaskin and made a schooner of the Arabia. He traded the Gaskin for the schooner Brooklyn, operating her until 1882, when he went to Milwaukee and bought the steam scow Commerce, which he took to Toledo and went into the sand and gravel business. In 1888 he built the steam sand scow Companion, and put into her steeple compound engines, with Scotch boilers, and with this addition to his working facilities he has carried on the sand trade with good business success, under the firm name of the Toledo & Lake Erie Sand Co. His son Raymond is in the partnership, and is secretary and treasurer of the company.
Captain Doville is a Knight Templar Mason, a member of the Patriotic Sons of America, of the Junior Order of American Mechanics, and an ardent patriot. He was united by marriage to Miss Gertrude M. Bonesteel, of Oswego, N.Y., in 1873. Their children are: Raymond Ermine and Ruby Margaret. The family homestead is at No. 731 Huron street, Toledo, Ohio.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Joseph Doville, of Cleveland, was born in Big Sodus, Wayne county, N.Y., in 1842, and acquired his education there. He was one of a large family, having seven brothers and three sisters, all of whom were born and reared in Big Sodus. The brothers all became sailors, masters and vessel owners.
At the age of thirteen Captain Doville, of this sketch, commenced his career on the Great Lakes, and worked his way steadily upward. In 1859 he was second mate on the schooner S.B. Pomeroy, and the following year was promoted to the position of chief mate, and served in that capacity until the outbreak of the Civil war, when he joined the Union forces as a member of Company G, Eighth Illinois Cavalry, at Chicago. He re-enlisted in 1863 and served throughout the war. He was transferred to the United States navy November 15, 1864, and continued in that department, serving on the Mississippi river until honorably discharged in 1865.
Returning to Ohio, Captain Doville resumed his labors on the lakes. He built a tug at Vermilion named the Ceylon, on which he himself worked daily, and also bought an interest in the schooner Hunter, built by his father and brother in 1863. In 1866 he purchased a small schooner which he sailed for some time, when he sold her to other parties. From this time on Captain Doville was master and owner of several vessels and continued to sail on the lakes until 1889, when he entered the vessel brokerage business, opening an office in Cleveland, and later on retired from business to settle on a farm which he purchased at Jefferson, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, where he expects to end his days.
In the year 1866 the Captain was united in marriage to Miss Lucy Miles, of Vermilion, Ohio, and to them have been born three children, two sons and a daughter: Henry C., Mary Lucille and Francis J. The family reside at No. 248 Waverly avenue, Cleveland, and attend the Congregational Church.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Henry S. Downer, of Cleveland, as engineer, pilot, captain and wrecker, has won a name for faithfulness and ability in many lines of usefulness in the lake marine. He has sailed the Great Lakes for thirty-five years, but has yet to experience the sensation of going ashore shipwrecked, as well as of being in serious accident.
Captain Downer was born in Westville, N. Y., in 1847, a son of Henry L. Downer, who was a carpenter by tade, and served as a musician in the United States army during the war with Mexico. The Captain's grandfather, Grafton Downer, was a musician in the war of 1812, and the fife that was used by him was played by his son in the later conflict. The instrument is now in possession of the grandson. Captain Downer's parents removed to Milford, Ohio, in 1853, and eight years later to Cleveland, taking up their residence in that part of the city now known as Whisky island, and at the old homestead another son, Capt. Rosel Downer, has lived for some time.
The subject of this sketch commenced sailing in 1862 as fireman on the Niagara, the first tug on the Cuyahoga river. Later in the year he joined the tug P.S. Bemis, and during the remainder of that season was employed on various crafts. In 1863 he became engineer of the Bemis, retaining that position for several seasons. In 1865 he was fireman on the tug Natter, which was the first out of the harbor of Buffalo that season, towing the brig Paragon. Later he was employed as engineer of the tug Ajax, the steamscow General Sherman, the tug Belle King and the Levi Johnson; in 1868 taking the brig Angela from Philadelphia to Bermuda, and back to Salem, Mass. Then he returned to the lakes, and was master of the Levi Johnson two seasons, of the tug W. B. Scott one season, and of the tug D. S. Coe, which he took to Milwaukee, for six years. He sailed the tug Starke Brothers two seasons, and the tug E. D. Holton until 1887, when he built the scow Alma at Milwaukee, and sailed her one season. Disposing of the Alma, he assumed command of the tug J. B. Merrill, and then he brought out new the tug Simpson at Milwaukee, sailing her two years. After this he brought out the new steamer John Duncan, as engineer, and remained with her the greater part of the season, sailing out of Green Bay. During 1891 he was pilot of the fireboat Cataract at Milwaukee and the following season he was engineer of the steamer E. A. Shores. He served as second engineer on the steamer Mesaba, and as engineer on the tug C. D. Thompson during 1893, and as second engineer on the George F. Williams and the M. B. Grover during the following season. Then he was chief of the Grover for a season, and during 1896 was chief engineer of the J. W. Averill's fleet of fishing boats.
Captain Downer had the unique experience of reading his obituary in a daily newspaper. While he was sailing the scow Alma, he made two trips past the port of Milwaukee without going in, and his absence in some manner, gave rise to the rumor that the Alma had been lost. No denial being forthcoming, the rumor was accepted as truth, and one newspaper published an extensive obituary notice of Captain Downer's career, a copy of which he has carefully preserved. When the Alma next sailed into Milwaukee, with everybody well on board, her appearnce caused the upmost astonishment, and her master was greeted as one returned from the dead. Captain Downer has spent some time in the business of wrecking with unqualified success, and on more than one occasion he has saved a human life from drowning.
In 1873 he was married to Miss Mary Hafner, of Cleveland. Their children are: John R., Merritt J., Henry G., Alma and Walter.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Rosel Downer, who has had an adventurous life as a mariner, is best known, perhaps, by his work beneath the surface of the water on the northern lakes and rivers. He is equally proficient as master or engineer of steam vessels, and few know the character of the channels from one end of the lakes to the other better than he. During his sailing career he has commanded many tug boats, has been engineer of a much greater number, and as wrecker and diver has had to do with hundreds of vessels. He has the reputation of having been the most fearless deep-water diver on the lakes, but the demands of such an arduous life have been too severe for his health, which is now in a greatly impaired condition.
Captain Downer was born in Franklin county, N. Y., January 5, 1849, a son of Henry L. Downer, who has been mentioned elsewhere. His first sailing was as fireman on the rivertug Niagara, out of Cleveland, in 1863, after which he served in a similar capacity on the tug Levi Johnson and the excursion steamer J. K. White. He spent the seasons of 1872-73-74-75 in the employ of the Northern Transportation line as second engineer on the City of Toledo and the Maine. About this time he commenced following the occupation of diver, going to the Mississippi river each winter to take charge of submarine work of various descriptions, and he worked on many of the river boats, picking up anchors, wrecking, etc. During the sailing season on the lakes he was usually connected with tug boats, and he has commanded the tugs D. F. Edwards, Shoo Fly, Fannie Tuttle, Maggie Sanborn, James Amadeus and Satisfaction (of Chicago), the excursion steamers Charm and Favorite, the schooner Island Maid and others, and has been engineer of the tugs E.P. Dorr, Shoo Fly, Peter Smith, Black Ball, S.S. Coe, W.B. Scott, Levi Johnson, J.L. Miner, H.N. Martin, Old Jack, P.S. Bemis, Monitor, Ewing, D.L. Babcock, O.B. Green, Rebel, Union and Texan.
Captain Downer has been a diver for eighteen years, and during this period he has taken some very important contracts. He did the submarine work on the bridge across the Yazoo river near Vicksburg, in 1882, this being one of the largest undertakings with which he has been connected. He laid mains under the water for the waterworks system of Aurora, Ill., and Beloit, Wis., sinking a well thirty-five feet across and forty feet deep at each of these places; he also sunk a well of the same size at Taylorville, Ill. He took the tug Protection off the beach at Saugatuck, Mich., when she had been given up: raised the tugs Peter Smith and Patrick Henry, of Vermilion; raised the barge Imperial, off Chicago; raised a government survey boat, the steamer Patrol, which was sunk in the Mississippi river forty miles below Memphis; raised the tug Dime, which was buried in the sand in the Mississippi river; and raised the steamer Favorite, at Chicago. He has also raised a number of lighters and coal barges, and he spent three weeks in 1895 searching on Lake Michigan for the lost steamer Chicora, using two tugs and a sweep a mile long. In his work on the Mississippi river he built a number of inclines for railway companies at the levees. Captain Downer has been the proprietor of several sailing and steam craft, among them the schooner Hero, the schooner Island Maid, the tug Kittie O' Neil, and the excursion steamer Favorite. The last named vessel plied between Erie street and Edgewater Park during the summer of 1896.
Captain Downer has been twice married. His first wife was Mary Jane Buskirk, whom he wedded in Cleveland in 1877, and to this union were born five children, all of whom have passed away. In 1892 the Captain married Miss Ada May Canfield, of St. Joseph, Mich., and they have one child, Edwin Willie.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Bernard Doyle was born in April, 1843, in New York City, and acquired his education in the common schools of that metropolis. Soon after leaving school he went down to Philadelphia and entered the employ of Nepie & Levy to learn the machinist's trade, remaining with them five years. In the spring of 1880, after a number of years passed in working at his trade, he went to California, and on arriving at San Francisco entered the employ of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, plying between San Francisco, the Sandwich Islands, New Zealand, and Sydney, N.S. Wales, as first assistant engineer. Later he shipped in the steamer City of Sydney. In 1886 he took passage on a steamer bound for New York, and the following year he entered the employ of the Mallory line, as first assistant on a steamer operating between that port and the Rio Grande. In 1888 he shipped as first assistant in the steamship New Orleans, of the Crombie line, plying between New York and New Orleans. In the spring of 1889 Mr. Doyle, as chief engineer, took the steamyacht Hindoo from New York City to Detroit for Messrs. Gilchrist & Fletcher, of Alpena, Mich. He next shipped on the steamer Chemung, of the Union line, and in the spring of 1891 went to Cleveland and shipped as chief engineer on the steamer Fred Kelley. In 1892 he was appointed chief engineer of Hawgood & Avery's steamer, the Waldo Avery. At the opening of the World's Fair, in Chicago, Mr. Doyle was appointed Chief Engineer of Machinery Hall, giving entire satisfaction to the management in that incumbency. In 1894 he went to New York City and engaged as first assistant engineer on the steamer Progressive, plying between New York and New Orleans. On reaching the latter port he left the boat and went as chief engineer on the steamer Rover, plying between New Orleans and Nicaragua, until she was laid up, after which he began work for the Thomas Pickands Ferry Company, on the steamer Chicago, continuing in their employ until March, when he again shipped on the Rover to Nicaragua and returned to New York. In 1895 he ran a tug on the North river, between New York and Poughkeepsie. In 1896 he worked for the mercantile exchange until April, when he went to Buffalo, out of which port he made two trips as chief engineer of the steamer Reynolds. During his marine life Mr. Doyle has visited many ports, and, as enumeration is interesting to some, it will be in order to name Yokohama, Tokio(sic) (the capital of Japan), Hong Kong and Foo Chow, China, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Barheim, Santanzas, Kingston, Santa Marta, Carthagena (on the Spanish main), Cologne, ports in British Columbia, Honolulu and many others. He is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association. In March, 1897, Mr. Doyle went to Cleveland and was united in marriage with Mrs. Ellen Woodworth. They reside at No. 892 Independence street, Cleveland.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
P.H. Doyle may be considered one of the most competent of engineers on board ship and an efficient and skillful mechanic in his line. He has the entire confidence of his employers, and may always be found in charge of the machinery of the better class of steamers. Mr. Doyle was born in County Carlow, Ireland, November 11, 1845, and came with his parents to the United States in 1849, the family settling at Rockport, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio. He is a son of Daniel and Anastasia Doyle, the former of whom was a blacksmith by occupation and up to his fifteenth year Patrick spent his time working with his father in the shop and in attendance at the common schools of Rockport. The father then bought a farm in Middlebury township, to which the family removed.
A few years afterward Mr. Doyle went to Fort Wayne, Ind., where he learned the machinist's trade, serving three years in the shops of the Wabash Railway Company. In 1867 he came to Cleveland and took out an engineer's license, which was granted by S.R. De Forest, local inspector at that port. He was appointed engineer of the harbor tug Belle King, finishing the season on the H.P. Smith, engaged in towing on the Saginaw river, and was next given the position of engineer on the tug Relief, engaged in raft towing between Au Sable, Tawas, Mich., and Tonawanda, N.Y., remaining in that employ three years, until the fall of 1870. The following year, he engineered the steamer Lake Breeze, plying on the mail route between Marquette, Houghton and Hancock, Mich. During the season of 1872 he entered the employ of the Northern Transportation line as engineer of the Granite State, and was transferred to the steamer Maine the following season. For the next three seasons he engaged with Ballentine & Co., of Bay City, as engineer of the steambarge Antelope, which carried timber and towed barges to Lake Erie ports, transferring in 1877 to the steamer Elmira, of Bay City, which was engaged in the same line of business. In 1879, the Antelope having been sold to W.T. Baker and Co., he returned to her and served two years for that firm. Subsequently for part of a season, he took charge of the machinery of the tug Goodnow, towing between Lakes Erie and Huron, finishing in the steam barge Luella Worthington.
In 1881 Mr. Doyle entered the Alva Bradley employ, and fitted out the steamer Chamberlain, but before sailing he was transferred to the steamer Henry Chisholm, in which he remained three seasons. He then served in other steamers of that fleet, two seasons on the City of Cleveland and one season on the Maurice B. Grover. In the spring of 1888 he embarked in business for himself, engaging in steam-fitting and dealing in engineers' supplies on Main street, near Center, in Cleveland, Ohio. The following season he brought out the steel steamer North Star, of the Northern Steamship Company's line, which, on June 26, sank the C.J. Sheffield in a dense fog. In 1890 he brought out new the Nimick, built to the order of the American Transportation Company, of Fairport, Ohio, with whom he remained three years. In 1894 he entered the employ of M.A. Bradley as engineer of the steamer Henry Chisholm, serving one season on her and the following season on the Hesper, which he laid up at Sandusky at the close of navigation.
In 1878 Mr. Doyle was united in marriage to Miss Maria Kennelly, of Rocky River, and five children have been born to them: Frank D. (who was a student at the Edmiston Business College), James H., Agnes B., Eugene B. and Gertrude A. Doyle.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Daniel C. Drackett, who has been closely identified with his father, John Drackett, in dry-dock and shipbuilding work for the last twelve years in Cleveland and other ports, is a young man of fine physique and of great promise in his chosen profession. As a general contractor and purchasing agent he well deserves mention in this volume. After severing his connection with the Cleveland dry dock, when it changed management, he engaged in a general contracting business, building breakwaters and doing repair work. In October, 1896, he went to Detroit to superintend work being carried forward by Wayne county, which was completed to the satisfaction of the commissioners. He then superintended the work on the channel at Grosse Point and Rouge river, which was completed in 1898, Mr. Drackett then returning to Cleveland, the place of his birth, to follow up other lines of usefulness.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
John Drackett is well known among lake fraternity as a shipbuilder of considerable note. He was born in 1832, at St. Albans, England, a son of Phillip and Elizabeth Drackett, and there received his education at the hands of paid tutors, as was the custom in some parts of England, the expenses being one penny per week. The father was a contractor, and John worked with him a number of years.
In 1851 our subject removed to the United States, locating at Cleveland, Ohio, where he went to work in the shipyard of Roderick Calkins, on Whiskey Island, serving his apprenticeship there and remaining until 1857. In that year he built the sloop Trial for trawl fishing, which was so much in practice in the English Channel. He then went to work for Tinsdale & Johnson, remaining two years; in 1860 went to Pigeon River under contract with M.R. Calkins, and superintended the building of the schooner Frank Crawford; in June, 1861, he returned to Cleveland and entered the employ of Stephen & Presley, afterward going to the yard of Peck & Masters to superintend the construction of the schooner Golden Fleece and tug I.U. Masters, the steamers Toledo, Arctic and Pacific, and tug Matamora. He then took jobbing work on the Cuyahoga river for Stephens & Presley, Quayle & Martin and Alva Bradley, in the meantime building the tug Winslow. In 1867-68 he worked in Gibraltar for R. Calkins, and built the schooner Jane Ralston; in 1869 went to work for the Lafrienier Bros., as foreman on the propeller Roanoke and schooner William Grandy. In 1870 he united with Church, Eaton & Co., and bought a dry dock at the foot of St. Paul street, but that fall sold out his interest, and in the spring of 1871 he went to Black River to work on the schooner Thomas Gawn, and the steamer Sarah E. Sheldon; in 1872 he again went to work for Lewis Lafrienier, this time on the schooner S.H. Foster and steamer Cormorant; in 1873 went to Saginaw and built the steamer J. Davidson. In 1874 he removed to Detroit, and entered the employ of Clark, building the J. Pridgeon, Jr., and, in 1875, the passenger steamer Pearl. In 1876 he entered the employ for A. Bradley on contract work, on which he was engaged four years; in 1880 built the steamer Henry Chisholm, which at that time was the largest on the lakes. In 1881 he went to Toledo and built the big schooner David Dows, the only five-masted schooner on the lakes, and the schooner Marvin for the Bailey Bros. In 1882 he went to work for the Globe Dry Dock Company, on the Continental and magnetic, and after working two years as foreman for William Radcliffe, he returned to the employ of the Globe Dry Dock Company, and worked on the steamer H.J. Johnson, and George Presley, two ferry boats, Superior and Duluth, the steamer Atlanta, also some scows, and superintended the construction and sinking of the first water works cribs for the city of Cleveland. He also assisted very materially in the rebuilding of the Cleveland Dry Docks. In 1896 he was called to Toronto, Canada, to superintend the launching of two large steel steamers. He was virtually retired from active work, but is often called on surveys. He is a member of the I.O.O.F.
In 1854 Mr. Drackett was united in marriage with Miss Mary Lewis, and their children are: Philip W., John R., Daniel C. (a sketch of whom follows), William B., Miranda M., Helen E., and Effie M. Mr. Drackett's mother died in 1897 at the age of ninety years. The family residence is at No. 492 Franklin avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
In the respect that is accorded by the world to men who have made their way to success through their own efforts, we find an unconscious recognition of the intrinsic worth of a character which can endure the rough discipline of life, and gain new strength from the faithful discharge of difficult duties. Among the self-made men whose histories lend interest to this volume, none stand higher in public esteem than does this well-known resident of Buffalo, New York, whose sound judgment and fine executive ability enabled him to reach at an early age the foremost rank in his chosen calling of seaman, and who, after a long and successful career as a captain, is now filling acceptably the responsible post of chief inspector for the Inland Lloyd's Vessel Register.
In Captain Drake's veins flows the blood of two maritime nations, his father, the late John Drake, being of English descent, while his mother, whose maiden name was Jemima Guest, traced her ancestry to Holland. John Drake was born in New Jersey, and throughout his life was engaged in agricultural pursuits. His death occurred in 188--. Our subject was the youngest in a family of eight children, the others being Mary A., Alexander M., Irene, Jacob G., Elizabeth N., Marcus M. and Francis W. The Captain first saw the light September 2, 1840, at Sheridan, New York, and his education was begun in the common schools of that locality. Later he attended the academy at Fredonia, N.Y. for three winters, and as he has always been fond of reading he is unusually well informed upon the topics which engage the attention of intelligent people. In 1858 he began his life as a sailor, taking a position as watchman on the propeller Olean, belonging to the Erie railroad line of steamers. With the boat he remained in that capacity two years, making trips between Dunkirk and Toledo, and was then promoted to the post of wheelsman which he held during one season and a part of another under Capt. George Blackman. His next change was a promotion to the position of second mate on the propeller Genesee Chief, of the same line, where he spent the remainder of that season, and in the following spring he shipped as second mate on the propeller Owego, running between Dunkirk and Cleveland. After two seasons with the Owego he spent a summer as mate of the New York, running between Dunkirk and Toledo, and one as mate of the Tioga, plying between Dunkirk and Cleveland, but in the following season he returned to the New York as mate, the boat being then engaged in traffic between Dunkirk, Toledo and Buffalo. In the following year (1867), at the age of twenty-six, he was appointed master of the Owego, plying between Dunkirk, Toledo, and other points on Lake Erie; but after a successful season the boat was driven ashore in the midst of the terrific snowstorm of November 29, 1867, five of the crew being lost. Our subject then left the employ of the Erie line, and shipped as second mate on the propeller Colorado, of the Commercial line, under Capt. John Brett, their route lying between Buffalo and Chicago. On June 15 of the same year he was appointed mate of the propeller Arctic, of the Pease line, under Captain Pope, and October 1 he returned to the Tioga, of the Erie line, as mate, serving the remainder of that season under Captain Thorn. During the following winter he and his brother Marcus M. purchased an interest in the City of Port Huron, a steam lumber barge, which he ran for seven years, the greater portion of the time being spent in trading between Tonawanda, Buffalo and Bay City, although for one year he ran between points in Georgian Bay and Lake Erie ports , and during another was engaged in the iron-ore trade between points on Lake Superior and Lake Erie. In the winter of 1875 a syndicate purchased the propeller Jarvis Lord and the schooner F. A. Georgia, and Captain Drake took charge of the former in the following spring. For seven years he remained with this vessel, taking her all over the Great Lakes, and after her sale by the syndicate he purchased an interest in the excursion boat Periwinkle, which had been rebuilt from the revenue cutter Commodore Perry for passenger traffic on the Niagara river and ports on lower end of Lake Erie. After five years with the Periwinkle the Captain took charge of the propeller Russia, of the Lackawanna line, plying between Buffalo and Chicago and during the following season (1889) he was master of the Lackawanna, of the same line. In the spring of 1890 he bought out the new steel propeller Brazil, belonging to the Kelderhouse syndicate, and this boat he ran for three seasons, trading all around the Lakes. In November 1892 he took out the steamer Thomas Maytham, of the same line, and during the seasons of 1893 and 1894 he remained in charge. In the spring of 1895 he bought out the steel steamer Chili, owned by M. M. Drake and others, and for two seasons he ran the vessel between various points on the lakes. Early in 1897 he went to Cleveland to take charge of the offices of Drake, Bates & Co., dealers in iron ores, and in January 1898 he was appointed chief inspector of the Inland Lloyd's Vessel Register, office located in Buffalo. He is well prepared for this position, having served as outside inspector for the company during each winter since 1887, and his efficient work in his present post is entirely satisfactory to all concerned. Naturally the Captain takes much interest in all marine matters, and he is an active member of the Ship Master's Association, of Buffalo. Captain Drake married Miss Flora D. Bowyer, daughter of Edward Bowyer, and his wife, Hulda (Cooley), a native of Chautauqua county, N.Y. Three sons have blessed our subject's home: Albert B., Jr., Raymond R. and Archibald E.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain James Drake is a descendant of a long-lived family, and is also one of the oldest masters on the Great Lakes. His father, Alexander Drake, who died in 1866, was a native of Ireland, and a carpenter and joiner by trade. His mother, Martha (Martin) Drake, died in 1870 at the advanced age of eighty-five years. There were nine children in the family - five sons and four daughters as follows: Jane, Mary Ann, Elizabeth, Martha, Alexander, John, Thomas, James and Samuel. Three sons, Thomas, John and James, became sailors. Thomas dying in the West Indies, and John at Toronto Bay, Ontario. Of the daughters, Elizabeth died at the age of forty, Martha at seventy-six, Jane at ninety and Mary Ann also at ninety.
Captain Drake was born November 27, 1825, at Donaghadee, Ireland, at which place he received his education. At an early age he began a seafaring life by serving an apprenticeship for a term of four years on the ocean bark Agitator, upon which he was also second mate two years and mate four years. In 1851 he came to Buffalo and in July of that year shipped on the propeller Ohio for the rest of the season. For the season of 1852 he was second mate of the propeller Saginaw, 1853 of the Mayflower, 1854-55-56 of the propeller Plymouth, brought out new in 1854. The following season he was given master's berth in the steamer Illinois, and in 1860 he was mate of the Missouri. During the latter season he was master of the tug Dragon which he took to New York City and sold to the United States Government. The following season he was master of the propeller Saginaw; 1862-63 of the Concord; 1864 of the Mayflower; 1865 of the Plymouth; 1866 master of the old propeller Buffalo part of the season. The following season, 1867, he was given master's berth in the propeller Oneida, in the passenger trade between Buffalo and Chicago, which he held eleven consecutive seasons and without any accidents of mishaps. The boats which he sailed or sailed upon were all the property of the Western Transportation Company.
In 1878 he was given command of the new propeller Buffalo, of [the] same line, which position he held for ten seasons. While on his steamer, in the year 1880, he rendered valuable service to the steamer John McGlidden, owned by Philip Minch. The Glidden took fire in her boiler room on her way down Lake Huron. It was discovered about 5:45 o'clock in the morning, and Captain Drake, who was on the up trip in the Buffalo, went to her, and with the aid of the hose and pumps of his boat succeeded in quenching the fire in about an hour. The timely assistance thus rendered saved the Glidden, as she was helpless at the time. Captain Trinter, of the Glidden, wrote the owners of the Buffalo on December 17, following, enquiring if they claimed damages for Captain Drake's aid, to which Captain Drake was directed to reply that they did not. But on the following Christmas Captain Drake received the sum of one hundred dollars from Captain Trinter as reward for the meritorious service rendered. His last service with the Western Transit Company, formerly the Western Transportation Company, by which he was employed for thirty-seven years, was during the season of 1888, when he was master of the steamer Wyoming. Captain Drake was one of the original stockholders of the Western Transit Company, and was the last to sell his stock when the New York Central Railroad Company became the purchaser. Since that time he has retired permanently from a long and successful career upon the Great Lakes. Captain Drake was a charter member of the Ship Masters Association, and still retains his membership.
In 1858 the Captain was married at Buffalo to Elizabeth Maybury, a daughter of George Maybury, of English descent, a Buffalo boat-builder, who came to Buffalo in 1845. They have had six children, five of whom are still living: Elizabeth, wife of Walter Voss, clerk of the Board of Trade; Martha M., wife of John W. Livers, a druggist doing business at Kaslo, British Columbia; Frank M., second mate of the propeller Chili with Captain Alexander Drake for the season of 1896; Spencer A., clerk in the drug store of his brother-in-law at Kaslo, British Columbia; and Kate D., at home. The family residence is at No. 305 Auburn avenue, Buffalo, New York.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Charles W. Draper, Sr., was born in Detroit, Mich., February 22, 1850. He commenced his sailing career at the age of twelve, acting as cook on different sand scows for two seasons. In 1864 he shipped as fireman on the small barge Nevada. She was a small scow, with a 10 x 12 engine, plying between Mount Clemens and Detroit, and was capable of carrying forty cords of wood, Captain Tucker commanding her. He worked as fireman on her until 1866, during the winter doing carpenter work. For the next two seasons he worked before the mast on the wood scow Rosa, plying between Detroit and Swan Creek. In the spring of 1869 he shipped on the propeller City of Detroit, which was trading between Buffalo and Chicago, remaining one trip as deckhand and then went firing her, putting in the season on her, and reshipped the next season, remaining, however, but half the season. James Rocket was her chief, under the command of Captain Austin. The second season she ran between Duluth and Chicago, hauling all the rails and equipments for the Duluth & St. Paul railroad. At that time there were no docks in Duluth, so she had to lay-to out in the lake and unload by lighters. He left her in June, 1870, and shipped as fireman on the Brockway, then under the command of Capt. Rankin Rools. On November 26, she and her consort, the schooner Montpelier, in charge of Capt. James Mellin, were wrecked on a reef in Lake Huron, seven miles from Point Edwards on the Canadian shore. They were on the reef two weeks, when they were pulled off, and stayed in Sarnia harbor two days, when they were brought to Detroit, where they were repaired. They did not go out again that season, Mr. Draper keeping ship on the tug all winter.
On January 10, 1871, Mr. Draper was married, and in the spring re-shipped as fireman on the Brockway and stayed on her the whole season, in the winter working for the Detroit Ship Yards. In 1872 he went to work for Chandler Bros, doing joiner work, and stayed in their employ five years, and while there put in some work on the Chauncey Hulbert. In the spring of 1877 he fired on the steambarge Annie Smith and the tug Quail, and in the winter worked at his old trade as carpenter. On April 13, 1878, he was appointed patrolman on the Metropolitan Police Force of Detroit, where he remained three years and nine months and did excellent work, being liked by everybody, but in the spring of 1882 he got the lake fever, and went as engineer on the John Owens, under the command of Capt. Phil Young, where he stayed one season. In 1883 he shipped as engineer of the steambarge James Davidson, and in October she was wrecked on Thunder Bay island. The life-saving crew got the Davidson's crew safely to the station, where they remained three days and were brought home by the tug Winslow. He then went engineering for the P.H. Kling Brewing Company, of Detroit, and in 1884 went engineering on the tug Seawing, remaining on her the entire season. In 1885 he was engineer for Peter Henkle at his wholesale grocery house, and in the spring ran Edwards Henkle's pleasure yacht Lucille. In the spring of 1886 he shipped as engineer on the steambarge Escanaba; 1887, engineer of the Chauncey Hulbert; 1888, of the passenger steamer Remora, plying between Detroit and Sandusky; on the tug Bennett, which was owned by J. & T. Hurley, and was sold to the Craneberry Lumber Company, of Wisconsin, and he had charge of the work rebuilding her, after which he took her up north to her owners, where he remained one season. In 1890 he was engineer of the wrecking tug Henry W. Johnson, working there one season; 1891, engineer of the barge Henry Houghton, remaining three months, and then went to work again for Peter Henkle, where he remained until 1893, then going as engineer for the Detroit Electric Light & Power Co. Remaining in this employ one year, he went to work for the Detroit railway, starting with them when the first brick was laid for the power house, where he has remained as first assistant engineer ever since.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Charles W. Draper, Jr., was born at Detroit, November 3, 1873. His father, Charles W. Draper, has followed the lakes for thirty-five or forty years.
Our subject, after having learned the machinist's trade, went on the lakes as fireman on the tug James W. Bennett, of Saginaw, on which he remained two seasons. The Bennett was commanded by Captain John Hunt who was killed a few years later in the collision between the steamers Albany and Philadelphia. The first season Mr. Draper towed rafts between Ashland and Cranberry river, a distance of about sixty miles. In the fall of 1889, the owners having decided to rebuild the tug, she was sent to Detroit, arriving from Duluth on December 17, 1889. Mr. Draper remained on the tug all winter and left for Duluth on April 27, 1890, arriving at Detour on the 29th. The tug laid up there two days, and started up the river on the morning of the second of May. It broke ice all the way, and arrived at the "Soo" that night, being the first boat through that season. It was followed the next morning by the Livingston and Emily P. Weed. In order named, the tugs left for the Cranberry river during the latter part of the month, and made their way through slush ice until within a few miles of the river when the Bennett struck an iceberg and laid there all night; she was then pulled off in the morning by the tug Goodman, of Duluth. In the middle of June the crew of the Bennett, having gone into Duluth harbor for shelter, saw a barge in tow of a tug laboring in the seas a few miles off. A huge sea struck the barge amidship and broke her in two. The tug Bennett did all in her power to rescue the crew but succeeding in saving only one out of seven, reaching the harbor an hour later. In the fall the boat, which was considered the most powerful on Lake Superior at the time, was laid up, and Mr. Draper came home to Detroit.
The following season he shipped on the steambarge Henry Houghton, remaining on her about two months. He completed the season on the tug Washburn.
During the season of 1892 he shipped as fireman on the tug Henry W. Johnson, which was fitted out as a wrecking tug and was commanded by Capt. David Shepard, who was drowned that season on the steambarge Nashua, sunk in Lake Huron with all hands on board, including Mrs. Captain Shepard and Mrs. Captain Millen. The same season Mr. Draper helped to raise the steamer Progress, which was sunk in thirty-five feet of water in a collision with the steamer Briton. They also raised the steamer Ogemaw, that had been sunk in Green Bay a few miles off Burnt Bluff. While stopping at St. Ignace in June of the same season, they witnessed the burning of the steamer Remora. The crew having been discharged, there was no one on the boat except the captain and watchman. The latter, who was an intimate friend of Mr. Draper's, was scarred and disfigured for life.
In 1893 Mr. Draper received his first issue of marine engineer's license, and shipped on the steamyacht Wanda, owned and sailed by Capt. A. G. Phillips, of Detroit, remaining on her that season. In the fall of that year they barely escaped being burned to the water's edge; they had been on a fishing excursion, and had tied up to the bank of the Johnson channel of the St. Clair River. When it became dark Mr. Draper lit a small lantern and hung it up in the engine room. About 7:30 in the evening all were seated playing cards, when the captain chanced to go on deck, and saw the forward end of the yacht in a blaze. The small lamp had exploded. The captain jumped into the engine room, seized the burning lamp in his hands and threw it overboard. Meanwhile, Dr. Draper had connected the fire hose to the plug and started the pump, soon extinguishing the fire. That being the last trip, the yacht was laid up, ending the most pleasant years of Mr. Draper's experience on the lakes. In 1894 he shipped on the steam yacht Contaluta, owned by Mr. D.W. Smith, of the firm of Huyett & Smith, of Detroit, which he left and returned as second engineer of the tug Henry W. Johnson, which went to Lake Erie to raise the steamer Wocoken, sunk off Long Point in fifty feet of water. Eleven lives were lost out of a crew of seventeen, the remaining men being picked up by the fishermen from Clear Creek the next morning. The diver's examination disclosed the fact that the hull was in a very poor condition and not worth raising. It was then decided to take out all the machinery and coal. They raised the boilers and engine, and six hundred tons of coal, and came to Detroit, where the boat laid up. Mr. Draper then went on the steam yacht Countess, and took her from Detroit to Buffalo. That fall he secured a position on shore, and has remained there ever since.
In April, 1896, Captain Draper was married to Miss Alice Pickell, of Detroit. They have one child, Oneita, and live No. 14 St. Clair Place, Detroit.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Frank Dresbach, chief engineer for the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company, located on Market and Huron, Sedgewick and Superior streets, Chicago, is a native of Minnesota, born September 15, 1863, in Dodge county. He is a son of M.R. and Louise (Fulton) Dresbach, the former born in Pennsylvania, and the latter in New York. They are well-to-do farming people, and early settlers in Dodge county, having a fine farm there, whereon they are still living.
Our subject was reared and educated in Dodge country, Minn., thence removing to Minneapolis where he learned the trade of machinist, which he followed for a time in that city. In 1886 he came to Chicago, and for a time worked on West 12th street for Greenlee Bros., going from there in 1888 on the lakes. He first began sailing from Chicago on the old steamer Peerless as oiler, and then filled a similar position on the Tuscarora, after which he was third engineer on the steamer Seneca. On this vessel he remained part of the season, then became second engineer on the steamer Jay Gould, finishing the season on her. During a portion of the next year he was second engineer on the steamer Fred Mercur, of the Lehigh Valley line, finishing that season as second engineer on the Parks Foster, being with that vessel until June 20, 1893, when he left the lakes, and became night engineer in the New York Life building, Chicago. From there he went to the "Wellington Hotel," same city, as night engineer; later returned to the New York Life building, and remained there until his appointment to his present position with the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company.
On June 18, 1895, at Rockford, Ill., Mr. Dresbach was married to Miss Lena Spencer, and to them has been born one daughter, Florence Elizabeth. Mr. Dresbach is a member of the M.E.B.A. No. 4, and of the Progressive Engineers Association. In politics he is a Democrat.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
John C. Drexler was born in Buffalo, September 5, 1851, and obtained his education in Public School No. 20. He is of German descent, his father, John Drexler, having been born at Frankfort-on-the-Rhine, while his mother, Margaret (Selbert) Drexler, was a native of Bavaria. John Drexler was a mason and well-digger by occupation; he died in 1876, his wife in 1887. There was another son in the family, Henry, a tinsmith by trade, now at Port Huron; the only daughter, Margaret, is the wife of Rudolph Berkhousen, a tinsmith residing in Buffalo.
Our subject learned his trade in Goodell’s machine shops at Pentwater, Mich., and when seventeen years of age sailed from Buffalo, first as engineer on tug boats, and on the Niagara river from Chippewa up stream. He took the Ellen M. O’Brien from Buffalo to Pentwater, and sailed her in that harbor. The greater part of his life has been passed as engineer of harbor tugs nearly all over the lower lakes, particularly in Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland and, latterly, in Buffalo. As tug engineer he has spent most of his time in Buffalo and Pentwater. The season of 1896 he was part of the time in the steamyacht Echo that ran down Niagara river.
Mr. Drexler has been a Freemason for about fifteen years, and a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows about twenty years. He was married in Buffalo, in 1872, to Miss Caroline Klein, by whom he had three children: Henry C., now (1898) twenty-three years of age, who is a machinist at the Snow Pump Works; and two daughters, both now deceased. Mrs. Drexler died very suddenly of heart disease while in her kitchen, on the evening of the 15th of November, 1896.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain D. Driscoll, who has for over fifteen years been continuously in the employ of the Lehigh Valley Transportation Company, is a son of Cornelius and Nellie Driscoll, both now deceased, who were formerly residents of Buffalo. He was born in that city February 3, 1851, and there attended school. His first occupation in life was that of ferry boy on Buffalo creek, and after six years of that work he began sailing the lakes in the schooner Almeda, remaining on her the full season of 1867. From that time until 1883 he was continuously employed on sailing vessels, meanwhile rising to the position of mate. He began steamboating in the employ of the Lehigh Valley Transportation Company as second mate of the steamer Oceanica, which berth he filled during the two seasons of 1883-84, in 1885 becoming mate. In 1886 he was transferred to mate's berth in the R.A. Packer, on which he continued for two seasons. For the season of 1888 he was respectively mate of the Fred Mercur, master of the R.A. Packer until August 11, and master of the H.E. Packer, being transferred from the last named boat to the Cayuga, also as master, closing the season on her and remaining throughout 1890. The succeeding season he was master of the Clyde until August 5, when he was placed on the Seneca to the close of navigation. In 1892 he became master of the Oceanica, serving on her until September 3, and he then took command of the Tacoma for the remainder of the season. Beginning with the season of 1893 Captain Driscoll has been steadily in command of the steamer Seneca, thus finishing an eventful but successful period of over fifteen seasons in one employ. He is an interested member of the Ship Masters Association.
In 1886 the Captain was married, at Buffalo, to Miss Alice Rogers, by whom he has had six children, named as follows: John, Joseph, Dennis, Jr., Frank, Mary and Ann. The family residence is at No. 285 Jefferson street, Buffalo.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Thomas Drysdale was born in 1844 in Alloa, Scotland, where his father was engaged in the grocery business, but as he had no inclination for same he served his time as machinist in his native town. Mr. Drysdale's first sailing was done in 1868 in the Ravenscraig, a whaler from Dundee to the Davis straits, and he followed this life until 1873, when he came to the United States and settled in Detroit, Mich., going to work in the Dry Docks Engine Works. He remained there until 1875, when he went out as second engineer of the Kenemaugh, of the Ward line. In 1876 he was sent to Marshall, Mich., to take charge of the railroad shops, and there he remained two years, subsequently shipping as second engineer of the City of Detroit, on which he continued two years. The following year he spent visiting and traveling in Scotland, on his return engaging again at the Dry Docks Engine Works, where he was employed putting engines in steamboats until 1884, when he became second engineer of the steamer North West. In 1885 he occupied the position of chief engineer on the J.W. Averill, of the Ogdensburg line, and held that berth for two years, the next year working again at the Dry Docks Engine Works. In 1888 the T.W. Palmer came out and he went as chief engineer of her. In 1889 he was chief of the G.W. Moore and in 1890 he shipped as chief of the steamer Gilcher, staying on her until the fall, when he went as chief of the steamer Cambria. He served on her through the fall and the year of 1891, when he returned to shop work, which he has since followed. For the last couple of years he has held the position he now occupies, that of chief engineer for the Detroit Electric Light & Power Co.
Mr. Drysdale was married in Scotland, in 1872, to Miss Elizabeth Ingram, whose brother James is on the ocean. They have five children - John W., George, Margaret B., Mary and Thomas. Mr. Drysdale was made a Mason in Dundee in 1872 and he is also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workman.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain John Wesley Duddleson has demonstrated by many years' experience to be one of the most accomplished steamboat masters on the lakes, and possesses the happy faculty of keeping his steamer out of all kinds of trouble. He is a man of sterling integrity and good business methods, and has held many responsible positions. He is the son of George and Lucretia (Curtis) Duddleson. His father was born in Perry county, Ohio, and his mother in Medina, Medina county, N.Y. They met at Upper Sandusky, Wyandotte county, Ohio, their parents being pioneers of that place, and they were united by marriage, and it was there that John W. was born in 1848. The father's brothers, who followed the lakes, were: Jefferson, at one time mate of the steamer Dart, with Captain Dustin, master of the schooner Dan Sickles and master of the scow Ino, which he built after purchase; and William, who became mate of vessels. The family eventually removed to Indian Mill, Ohio, and it was there that John W. acquired the rudiments of his education. The mother died in 1859, but the father is still living, his age being seventy-five. After remaining on the farm until 1860, John W. became an apprentice to the machinist's trade, serving until the winter of 1863, and gaining much practical knowledge which has proved valuable to him in his steamboat experience.
Although quite young, Captain Duddleson became a volunteer soldier of the war of the Rebellion, enlisting in Company F. Capt. Joseph McCutcheon, 9th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, on December 2, 1863, serving nearly two years at the front, participating with his regiment in the engagement of April 13, 1864, at Florence, Ala.; May 16, at Center Star; July 11 to 22 on the Rosseau raid into Alabama and Georgia; August 30, at East River, Ga. He also had the honor of marching with Gen. W. T. Sherman to the sea, and took part in the battle of December 4, at Waynesboro, Ga.; February 2, 1865, in the fighting about Savannah; February 11, at Aiken, S. C.; February 22, at Winsborough, S. C.; March 10, at Monroe Cross Roads, N. C.; March 16, at Averysboro and Bentonville and at Raleigh, N. C., on April 13. On June 30, 1865, he was promoted to corporal, and was mustered out of the service in September, 1865, at the close of the war. He then went to Upper Sandusky and worked at blacksmithing for a short time.
It was in the summer of 1867 that Captain Duddleston commenced sailing. He paid a visit to his uncle Jefferson, and shipped with him in the scow Ino, remaining until the spring of 1869, when he joined the steamer Jay Cooke as wheelsman, Capt. John Edwards being in command. The next spring he was appointed mate of the steamer Mary Pringle, and in 1872 mate of the steamer Michigan, with Captain William, plying between Toledo and Ogdensburg. The next spring he became mate of the steamer Young America. On October 16, the engine became disabled and the steamer drifted ashore at Yates' Pier, Lake Ontario, Capt. Lyman H. Waterbury being in command. In 1874 he was appointed mate of the steamer Marine City, Capt. Angus Keith, transferred to the steamer Pearl and closed the season in the steamer Buckeye, which was his first command. The next season (1875) he came out as master of the Maine of the old Northern Transportation line. In the spring of 1876 he transferred to the steamer Oswegatchie as master, and then sailed the Nashua two seasons.
In the spring of 1879 Captain Duddleson was appointed master of the side-wheel steamer Grace McMillan (now the Idlewild), plying between Toledo and the Islands, and sailed her until September, 1881, when he took command of the new steamer Thomas W. Palmer. In September 1882 he entered the employ of the Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad Company as master of the new steamer No. 2, sailing until 1887, when he brought out new F. & P. M. No. 3, superintending her construction during the winter. The next spring he transferred to the steamer F. & P. M. No. 4. That winter he entered the employ of the George W. Roby, and brought her out new in the spring of 1889, was presented with a working interest in and sailing her until the fall of 1895, when she was sold to F. W. Wheeler. That winter Captain Duddleson again went into the shipyard and superintended the construction of the steamer L. C. Waldo. He brought her out new in the spring of 1896 and has sailed her successfully to this writing. She is a well constructed ship of 4,244 tons, and the Captain also holds a working interest in her, which under his command she is in a fair way of realizing. He has twenty-seven issues of master's papers of the first class.
Socially he is a Knight Templar, the different Masonic bodies of which he is a member being located in Ludington, Michigan.
Captain Duddleson was wedded in 1895 to Miss Ina M. Cross, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. The Captain's children by a previous marriage are: Ellen Maud, now the wife of W. K. Fifield, with Lyons, Geary & Co., bankers of Chicago; John Marshall and William Van, both pupils of the public schools of Sault Ste. Marie, where the family homestead is situated.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Ed. R. Dungan was born in Prescott, Ontario, January 30, 1865, the son of James F. Dungan, who was for over fifteen years construction engineer of the Novelty Iron Works, in New York, where a large amount of work was done for the United States navy. His mother's maiden name was Katherine O'Connor. There are six of the children living besides Edmund R. - James, William, George, David, Albert and Mary.
Mr. Dungan served his time at the machinist's trade in the shops of D. McEwan & Son, Kingston, Ontario, in 1882, removing with his parents to New York, where he worked a year in Delamater's machine shops. The next year he spent in different shops in New York and Pennsylvania, and in 1884 he shipped as oiler in the William A. Haskell, holding that position through the season of 1885. During 1886 he was engineer at Scotten's tobacco works and in 1887 he took charge of Henry McGraw's machine shop, continuing thus for four years and giving excellent satisfaction. In 1891 he went on the lakes again as second engineer of the steamer Raleigh, and in 1892 he became chief of the tug Wilcox. In the spring of 1893 he fitted out the Wilcox and then went out as chief of the H. S. Pickands, retaining that berth until August 22, 1896, when he accepted the position of chief engineer at St. Joseph's Retreat, in Dearborn, just out of Detroit, where he still remains.
Mr. Dungan was married, in Detroit, on November 23, 1887, to Miss Margaret Lane, and they have two daughters, Katherine and Marie. He is an enthusiastic member of the M. E. B. A., and has been recording secretary of No. 3 for five years. He was also a delegate to the National meeting in Washington in 1896 and 1897.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain James S. Dunham is widely known as one of the most enterprising and influential business men in the region of the Great American Lakes, and particularly of the city of Chicago. He first became a resident of that city in 1854, when it still was in embryo, and since that time he has attained marked prominence in many of the measures having for their object the growth and prosperity of the city. He is a man of quick comprehension, decision of character and self reliance, and has steadily worked his way to the front by the right employment of those qualities and system of good business methods.
Captain Dunham is a son of James and Rebecca (Sears) Dunham, and was born at Balston Spa, Saratoga Co., N.Y., January 31, 1837. After attending school until he reached the age of fourteen years, he began his marine career in the humble capacity of cook on a Hudson river sloop, for which services he received the modest compensation of three dollars per month, and during the next three years he gained further experience in the mysteries of marine life in various capacities on different vessels.
In the year 1854 Captain Dunham decided to go west, locating in Chicago. The succeeding three years he engaged in the towing business, and before he reached the age of twenty was considered fully confident to take master's berth on steam tugs. In the spring of 1857 he was part owner and master of the tug A.C. Gunnison, and he took that boat and the tug G. Mosher from Chicago to New Orleans, La., by way of the Illinois and Michigan canal and Illinois river, and down the Mississippi, these being the first craft of that kind which had ever made the passage from lake to gulf. He operated the two tugs in the vicinity of New Orleans until 1861. When the war of the Rebellion became an assured fact the Confederates confiscated the tug G. Mosher, which afterward was instrumental in causing the man-of-war Hartford, Admiral Farragut's flagship, considerable trouble by towing a fire raft up to that ship and setting her on fire shortly after she had passed the forts below New Orleans. Soon after the confiscation of the Mosher, Capt. Dunham left New Orleans with the tug A.C. Gunnison, for Mobile, Ala., where he was constrained to transport a battery of Confederate artillery to Fort Morgan, at the entrance of Mobile bay, to occupy that fortification. Thence he went to Pensecola (sic), Fla., and was there arrested under the charge of being a Northern man (notwithstanding the aid and comfort he had been forced to render to the Southern cause), and his remaining tug was confiscated. He was sent north and arrived in Troy, N.Y., in May, 1861, after an absence of four years.
Sometime after Captain Dunham took passage for Philadelphia, and during the winter of 1851-62 he built a tug boat, which he named the Little Giant (after Stephen A. Douglas), and sailed her to Chicago by way of Delaware and Raritan canal to New York harbor, thence by the Hudson river and New York and Erie canal to Buffalo, and by the lakes to his port of destination, thus encircling a course that to our knowledge has not yet been repeated. Arriving at Chicago, he again took up the lines of his marine life, and from that time commenced to acquire the large property interests of which he is now possessed. His business broadened rapidly, and, besides the steamboats, schooners and lighters in which he is interested, he owns twenty tugs, sixteen of which are stationed at Chicago and four at South Chicago. Several of these tugs are operated in connection with the Dunham Towing and Wrecking Company, of which he has been president since its organization. He is also president and general manager of the Chicago Steamship Company, and of the Chicago Transit Company. He has always taken an active part in the municipal affairs of Chicago, and while he was alderman made it his special care to look after the marine interests as necessity demanded. He was instrumental in introducing and bringing to its passage the harbor ordinance, whereby the powers of the harbor masters were increased and the bridges put under the direct supervision of the vessel dispatcher. It was also through his wisdom and foresight that the fire-tug system was conceived and adopted for service on the Chicago river (and it may be said that this was the first introduction of the fire-tug service at any harbor on the lakes). The value of the assistance rendered by these boats was soon apparent, and the system was adopted by all of the larger lake ports.
As president of the Chicago River Improvement Association Captain Dunham has been unremitting in his efforts to secure the deepening and the widening of the channel of the Chicago river in order that it may become adequate to the commercial requirements demanded of it. He has persistently worked with the object in view of securing a uniform depth of twenty feet of water and the removal of obstructions to navigation. It is due to his incessant labor and representation that the general government consented to assume jurisdiction over the Chicago river in the matter of dredging and other improvements, and the city and the commerce in general are now enjoying some of the good results accruing from an appropriation of $750,000 made by Congress to be applied to dredging the river. Not content with the action on the part of the government, he is endeavoring to prevail upon the municipality of further sinking the crown of the tunnels under the river, as there is now but sixteen feet of water over them.
Captain Dunham does not limit his business qualifications to the interests of his own city, but applies them to the good of commerce generally. He has been an active member of the International Deep Waterways Association, and performs the duties of treasurer. He has always been prominently identified with the Lake Carriers Association since its inception under the present constitution, and was honored by that body at its last annual convention by being chosen its president for the term of 1898, doubtless in recognition of his activity and success in obtaining concessions from the government in forwarding necessary aids to navigation.
Although not an ardent secret society man, the Captain is a veteran Master Mason. He is also a member of the Union League Club, the Union Club and the Marquette Club.
Captain Dunham was wedded to Miss Mary Ellen Brown, of Ashtabule, Ohio, on January 8, 1867. The children born to this union are: Robert J., and Ella M., Anna M., and Walter (now deceased). The family homestead is situated in Chicago at No. 29 Bellevue Place.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain J. Dunn, a retired lake master living at No. 7 Cemetery street, Cleveland, Ohio, was born in Leicestershire, England, in 1821, and came to the United States with the rest of the family, locating in Cleveland, in 1834. The father being a stone mason Joseph was apprenticed to that trade, but at the age of sixteen he commenced sailing as cabin boy on a lake vessel, and was rapidly promoted until he became master, commanding a number of vessels well known in the early days. He retired from the water in 1830 and has since spent his time on shore.
In 1847 Captain Dunn was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth A. Downs, of Cleveland, and they have two sons — Theodore Joseph and Albert James. During the early part of the Civil war, the Captain was a member of Company A. Cleveland Light Artillery and during his service had a finger short(sic) off and was otherwise injured. He belongs to Memorial Post, G.A.R.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain John Dunseith has by industry and thrift acquired considerable tug property, and is one of the most popular masters in the tug business operating at Toledo harbor. He was born at Newmarket, Ontario, in the year 1854, a son of James and Anna (Newbeon) Dunseith. After attending school in his native town until he was nine years of age, his parents removed to the United States and located at Toledo, Ohio.
In the spring of 1865 Captain Dunseith commenced tugging as fireman on the Gallaher, and advanced rapidly. After five years, during which he sailed on different tugs in various capacities, he was promoted to the position of chief of the tug G.W. Wilson. This tug was owned by William Richardson, of Buffalo, afterward taken to Toledo, and Captain Dunseith remained captain of her nine years. In 1879 he was appointed master of the tug Dudley, owned by Davis Brothers, and sailed her four years.
In the fall of 1883 Captain Dunseith purchased the tug Joseph S. Spinney, which he owned and sailed with great success; and was enabled in 1894 to purchase the tug Fannie L. Baker, which is sailed by Capt. James Skeldon, and the pleasure steamer Grandon, which he bought in the spring of 1897. He is a careful and successful lake captain, and the only mishap that enters into his record, and for which he was in no way at fault, was a collision with the steamer Reindeer, at the mouth of the Maumee river, while he was sailing the tug G.W. Wilson. The Wilson was sunk, and the captain of the tug Oscar Folsom rescued the crew.
Captain Dunseith is starboard quartermaster of Harbor No. 43 of the American Association of Masters and Pilots, and a Master Mason of Yondota Lodge, Toledo. His father, James Dunseith, died May 16, 1868, from which date our subject lived with his mother until the time of her death, February 12, 1894. He now makes his home with his sister, at No. 921 Erie street, Toledo, Ohio.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain George Lyman Durand has advanced steadily in his chosen profession, and has been successful in the various offices he has held on shipboard. He is a good addition to the list of lake masters who have done honor to Vermilion, Ohio, where he was born January 8, 1857, a son of Ira Edson and Rachel (Tisdale) Durand. The father was a native of Ohio, and the mother of Syracuse, N.Y.; they met and were married in Vermilion, and are now united in the better work, the father passing over the dark river October 9, 1869, and the mother following, in November, 1876.
Captain Durand was but twelve years old when his father's death occurred, which made it necessary for him to earn his own livelihood. Up to this time he had attended the public schools, and made a good record as a student. His first work was on the scow S.B. Conklin, where for the two seasons he served as cook. In the spring of 1872 he shipped as boy on the steamer Samuel Mather with Capt. Lucius Edson, who became a warm friend of young Durand, and at the end of two seasons promoted him to the office of second mate, which he filled acceptably during the season of 1874. The next spring he joined the steamer W.R. Stafford, with Captain Cummings. This was followed by four seasons in various capacities on the H.J. Webb, Sophia Minch, Samuel Mather and C.P. Minch, he being second mate on the last named vessel.
In the spring of 1879 Captain Durand was appointed mate of the schooner Anna P. Grover, of which his uncle, Homer Durand, was managing owner, and held that office two seasons, when he was promoted to be master of the same. This was followed by a season as mate on the schooner G.H. Warmington. After engaging in business ashore two years, the Captain again came out as mate of the Anna P. Grover, and in the spring of 1887 assumed command of her and sailed her with good business success five consecutive seasons. After passing the seasons of 1889-90 as master of the schooner Scotia, he was again appointed to the Anna P. Grover, and sailed her two seasons. In the spring of 1893 Captain Durand turned his attention to steam, going as second mate of the William Edwards, followed by a season in the Emily P. Weed, transferring in 1895 to the J.C. Gilchrist, as mate. In 1896 he entered the employ of the Bessemer Steamship Company, as mate of the new monitor Alfred Krupp, transferring to the Sidney G. Thomas as master the next year, during the time her captain was ill. Later on, there being no vacancy in the Bessemer Steamship Company, the Captain served as first mate on the new barge Amazon for a short time; at that time the Amazon was considered the largest freighter on the lakes, and in July, 1897, he was appointed master of Sir W. Le Baron Jenny, of the Bessemer line, which he laid up in the fall. In the spring of 1898 he was appointed master of the monitor Alexander Holley, which he considers one of the stanchest and most seaworthy craft on fresh water.
Socially, the Captain is a Master Mason of Gibson Lodge No. 301, Birmingham, Ohio.
On January 25, 1882, Captain Duran was wedded to Georgianna Babcock, of Florence, Ohio. The children born to this union are Perry Burgess, Mary, Genevieve and Clara Lucille, all pupils of the public school of Florence, Ohio.
Perry Burgess, a bright boy of fifteen, and a pupil of the high school for the past four winters, may rightly be called one of the youngest second mates on the lakes, he having very acceptably filled this position on the Holley under his father during the season of 1898.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Oliver E. Durrant, a marine engineer residing in Port Huron, Mich., is a veteran of the Civil War, having served at the front during the entire period of his enlistment, three years, in the cavalry brigade commanded by General Custer. He was born in Battle Creek, Mich., on May 22, 1845, son of Samuel and Harriet (Wonsey) Durrant, who were natives of the State of New York and pioneer settlers of Battle Creek, Michigan.
Mr. Durrant acquired his education in the public schools of Marine City, leaving to enter the army. On September 11, 1862, he enlisted in the Sixth Michigan Calvary, and participated with honor in all the numerous battles in which his regiment was engaged, the following list of encounters, carried upon its banners, fully testifying to their activity. The engagements in which they took part in 1863, given in chronological sequence, were at Hanover, Va.; Hunterstown; the brilliant cavalry charges at Gettysburg, which turned the tide of that decisive battle favorably to the Union cause; the affairs in the border State of Maryland, at Cavetown, Smithtown, Boonesborough, Hagerstown, Williamsport, and Falling Water; those occurring on the sacred soil of Virginia, at Snickers' Gap, Kelleys' Ford, Culpeper Courthouse, Racoon Ford, Whites Ford, Jacks Shop, James City, Brandy Station, Bucklands' Mills, Stevensburg and Norton's Ford. In 1864 they were at Richmond during the cavalry raid, the Wilderness (two days), Dam Station, Yellow Tavern, Meadow Bridge, Mulford, Hawkes Shop, Travillian Station, Cold Harbor, Winchester, Front Royal, Leetown, Shepardstown, Smithfield, Berryville, Summit, Oppequan, Winchester, Luray, Port Republic, Mt. Crawford, Woodstock, Cedar Creek, Madison Courthouse; in 1865 at Louisa Courthouse, Five Forks (three days), Southside Railroad, Duck Pond Mills, Sailors' Creek and Appomatox Courthouse. At the close of the war the regiment was illegally sent out West, across the plains to Willow Springs, Dak., where they met the Indians in battle on August 12, 1865. It was on account of this uprising among several Indian tribes that the command was kept in service three months and twenty days over their term of enlistment by the arbitrary action of officials of the War Department, and Mr. Durrant did not receive his honorable discharge, at Jackson, Mich., until November 22, 1865, although he was mustered out of service at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., after the engage-ment with the Indians.
After his return home, Mr. Durrant went to work in the sawmill until the spring of 1867, when he shipped on the steamer East Saginaw as fireman, remaining one season. The next five years he engaged as fireman on the steamers Estabrook, Sanilac, and Belle of Oshkosh, a passenger boat. In 1874 he entered the employ of Mr. Barlow as engineer in a sawmill at Alpena, Mich., retaining that position two years. From 1876 to 1886 he was engaged in running stationary engines in Bay City and Marine City, and working in the shipyards. In the spring of 1886 he took out engineer's papers and shipped as second on the steamer Birckhead, holding that berth two seasons, and following with a season on the Sanilac. The next year he shipped in different steamers, and in 1890 went as second of the new steamer Newago. In 1891 he was chief engineer of the Port Huron & Sarnia ferry steamers O. D. Conger, James Beard and Grace Dormer, respectively. The next spring he was appointed engineer of the tug Dan Reynolds. In the spring of 1893 he joined the tug W. L. Jenks, which he engineered five seasons, laying her up at the close of navigation in 1897. He is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association and the Grand Army of the Republic.
Mr. Durant was married on December 6, 1866, to Miss Harriet, daughter of Hiram Lamphere, of Baltimore Station, and three children were born to this union: Grace J. (now the wife of George Montgomery), Henry C. and Oliver E. The family homestead is at No. 1503 Howard street, Port Huron, Michigan.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain Sylvanus Dusenberry, an old lake captain and engineer, was born November 17, 1825, on the Atlantic Ocean, about 1,300 miles from New York, on the ship Glennandale. He is a son of Alfred and Caroline (Jones) Dusenberry, who were then emigrating to the United States from Cardiff, Wales, whither they had removed some twenty years previous from Holland. When they left Wales they had three children. Margaret, Mary Ann and Hannah Maria. Sylvanus, the fourth child, was named after his paternal grandfather. After arriving in this country they had born to them the following children: Lorenzo M., in 1827; Lydia M., in 1828; Phoebe E., in 1829; George H., in 1831; Susan, in 1833; and two that died in infancy. Alfred Dusenberry, the father, learned the trade of a millwright in Wales, and followed it there and also in the United States for a few years, after which he became a contractor. He was engaged for many years on the Erie Canal building locks, abutments, etc., and he continued in this line of work as long as he lived in New York. In 1856 he removed to Warren County, Ill., where he purchased a section of land, and erecting a sawmill thereon conducted same in connection with his farm until his death in 1863. His wife died October 21, 1837, while they were living at Halfmoon, New York.
Sylvanus Dusenberry, the grandfather, was born in Holland, emigrated with his son Alfred to Wales, and thence in 1825 to the United States. He married Margaret Vincent, and they had following named children: John, Levi, Betsey, Maria, Hiram, Sarah and Alfred. Some of these came to this country prior to 1825, and it was through them that the rest followed, all eventually settling in the United States. Sylvanus Dusenberry located in Halfmoon, Saratoga Co., N.Y., living there until 1848, when he removed to Skaneateles, N.Y., and after a residence of eight years in that place settled in Wolcott, Wayne county, same State, dying there in 1859. He followed farming both in his native country and in Wales. His wife survived until 1876, passing away at the advanced age of one hundred and three years.
Sylvanus Dusenberry attended the district schools until he was thirteen years of age, when he became an employee in the Schenectady Locomotive Works, remaining there until he was nineteen. By this time he had mastered his trade as a machinist and engineer, and he followed locomotive engineering until he was nearly twenty-one. For twenty-two years after he attained his majority he was in the employ of the Michigan Central Railway Company, as foreman of the roundhouse, locomotive engineer and conductor, and was also for a time assistant engineer on one of the large boats belonging to this company. In 1849, in company with about 300 others, he rounded Cape Horn on the way to California, in the ship Brother Jonathan. In 1851 he returned to the "States," and again entered the employ of the Michigan Central Railway Company, but in 1853 he returned to California, where he remained two years. On again coming east he returned to the Michigan Central for a time, and then made a contract with a Mr. Robinson, of New York State, to take round Cape Horn the first fourteen locomo-tives that ever went to the Pacific coast, landing them at San Francisco. These locomotives he set up and started to work on the Sacramento & San Francisco and Sacramento & Nevada railways. Later he went to Marysville, Cal., bought a ranch, and engaged in mining. Returning to Detroit, he went to work again for the Michigan Central Railway Company as locomotive engineer and as extra engineer on their boats, the Western World, Mississippi and Plymouth, running between Detroit and Buffalo, at that time the largest vessels on the lakes. Following this, until about 1860, he was engineer on different lake boats, but when the war of the Rebellion broke out he enlisted in the First Michigan Volunteer Regiment, and he remained in the service of his country until mustered out in June, 1865. During this time he rose from the ranks to the position of captain, later was made lieutenant-colonel and finally colonel. He was with Sherman on the march to the sea, and was present at Lee's surrender.
Returning north at the close of the war, Captain Dusenberry settled in Cleveland, Ohio, and has since made that city his home. He was engaged alternately on salt and fresh water until within the last few years, either as engineer or master of a vessel. About 1879 he built the machinery for five steam canalboats, at Lockport, N. Y., and he is at present a stationary engineer when he chooses to work.
On December 23, 1846, Captain Dusenberry was married to Miss Sylvia Hall, of Wayne county, Mich., who was then principal of a ladies seminary at Ann Arbor. They had two children: Alfred, born in 1848, died at three years of age; and Sylvia, who died at the age of eighteen. Mrs. Dusenberry died in 1853, and in 1875 he married Mrs. Mary E. (Butler) Sullivan. To this marriage was born three children, one of whom died at birth and one at the age of thirteen; the other is living. The mother of these died in 1886. The Captain now lives at No. 1416 Lorain street, Cleveland.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
During his lifetime Capt. Selah Dustin was perhaps as well known a figure as any man in the city of Detroit, where he made his home, when not sailing on the lakes, for a period of more than fifty years. He was born in Claremont, N. H., in 1817, and when nineteen years of age he left home making his way to Detroit.
He soon found employment with Captain Atwood as wheelsman, and at the end of three seasons was promoted to the captaincy of the steamer Swan. This vessel he left in 1847, having purchased an interest in the John Owen, a boat running between Detroit and Toledo, touching at Monroe. There being no railroad competition at this time the boat did a prosperous business, and a good deal of money was made out of it. A few years later Captain Dustin secured a controlling interest in the Dart, a really excellent boat, which he placed on the Toledo route and kept there until the building of the Detroit, Monroe & Toledo railroad, when, in 1854, she was placed on the up-river route, making trips between Detroit and Port Huron and stopping, as do the steamers of today, at all way ports. For two years the Dart had no opposition, and literally coined money for her owners; but in 1856 Capt. E. B. Ward, seeing how profitable the business was, put a boat on the route and, therefore, began a steamboat war of rates that is still remembered by the older heads along the river. The rates of fare to Port Huron was reduced to twenty-five cents by Captain Dustin. Ward met the cut and provided a band for amusement of his patrons. Dustin then made the rate twenty-five cents for the round trip and hired a band, too. And thus the fight was kept up until the fare was cut on both boats to ten cents for the round trip and meals thrown in. Captain Dustin made a gamy fight, but Captain Ward had the longest purse, although Dustin was said to be worth $50,000 when the fight opened. His resources were eventually so badly crippled that with a hope of arresting the impending failure he organized a stock company among the merchants of the small towns along the St. Clair river. This turned out to be only a temporary relief, and he finally retired from the contest with only a small portion of his original fortune left. This money he invested, in 1873, in a small vessel which he operated in the peach trade between St. Joseph and Chicago for one season, the boat being burned in midlake early in the second season. Her loss completed Captain Dustin's financial ruin, and his connection with the lakes ceased. He died in St. Mary's Hospital in Detroit August 13, 1888 at the age of seventy-one, after an illness of about four weeks.
Captain Dustin was married, in 1858, at Claremont, N. H. to Miss Frances R. Ashley, by whom he had four children: Edward A., of the firm of Ashley & Dustin; Oliver S., a member of the same firm; and Katherine A. and Rosamond L., who are teachers in the Detroit Public Schools.
ASHLEY & DUSTINSource: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Of the many delightful trips by lake and river which are provided for the pleasure of the Detroiters, none is more popular than that afforded by the flyer of the lakes, the Frank E. Kirby, in her daily trips to Put-in-Bay and Sandusky. The history of the development of this route is both interesting and instructive as showing what pluck and enterprise can do, as well as affording a contrast between travel by water and rail.
Fifty years ago the only communication between Detroit and Sandusky was by means of boats sailing from Buffalo that touched at the various ports on the southern shore of Lake Erie on their way to Detroit. About this time, however, the Mad River and Lake Erie railroad was completed, forming a direct line between Sandusky and Cincinnati. Neither Cleveland nor Toledo had railroad communication with the outside world at this time. In order to take advantage of the outlet afforded the South, the late John Owen, of Detroit, built a side-wheel steamer called the Arrow, and ran her between Sandusky and Detroit. She was, for those days, an excellent boat, made good time, and became quite popular with both passengers and shippers. The Arrow was succeeded by the Bay City, but this boat was withdrawn when the Detroit, Monroe & Toledo railroad was opened, as the railroad proved too serious a competitor to lake travel. Subsequently a wheezing old rattle trap called the T. Whitney made weekly trips to Sandusky, but as her speed was not more than six miles an hour, she was not patronized to a great extent. She had two high-pressure engines, one for each wheel, and could not turn in her own length, but the puffing and snorting of the engine when she was performing this evolution were enough to frighten the timid and alarm the stout hearted.
In 1863 the Philo Parsons, owned by Peter, Simon and H. G. Fox, W. O. Ashley, and George L. Caldwell, began making daily trips to Sandusky, Mr. Ashley acting as clerk, and occasionally being in command, as he was on September 19, 1864, when the boat was captured by a gang of Confederates, refugees from Windsor. The Parsons ran two or three seasons and was then sold to Chicago parties.
The City of Sandusky went on the route in 1865 for a part of a season, and was succeeded by the small steamer Island Queen, which Mr. Ashley operated under charter. About this time Put-in-Bay began to attract attention as a summer resort, and believing that there were good prospects ahead for a regular boat to the island, Mr. Ashley succeeded in interesting the late John P. Clark in the matter, with the result that the Jay Cooke was built at Clark's dry dock and went into service on July 4, 1868. The Cooke was a fast boat with comfortable accommodations for passengers, and the Wednesday and Saturday excursions to the Island, which has since become popular, were inaugurated and have been continued to this day, the line continuing from that time to this winter under practically the same management. This boat continued in the service for thirteen years, when she was sold to Andrew Wehrle, Eugene McFall and others of Middle Bass island, and put on the route between Put-in-Bay and Sandusky.
In 1892 the Alaska, also built by John P. Clark, succeeded the Jay Cooke, after running one or two seasons between Buffalo and the island. She ran until May, 1889, when she caught fire while lying at the Michigan Central wharf in Detroit, and was burned to the water's edge. The season was finished by the Pearl and Gazelle, two of Clark's boats, one or the other of them running until June 1899, when the Frank E. Kirby, built by the Detroit Dry Dock Company and named after the designer, began the daily trips which have been so successful and so pleasing to the patrons of the line. The Kirby is a very fast boat, and in August, 1894 made the trip from Twelfth street, Detroit, to Put-in-Bay, a distance of about sixty miles, in two hours, fifty-four and three-quarter minutes. W. O. Ashley, of the firm of Ashley & Dustin, is the managing owner of the Kirby, and the business of the line is attended to in the offices of the above firm at the foot of First street, Detroit.
In 1876, John P. Clark, owner of Sugar island at the mouth of the Detroit river, put one of his boats, the Riverside, on the route between Detroit, Wyandotte, Sugar island and Amherstburg, the office and business management being also placed with Ashley & Dustin. The Riverside continued in this business until June, 1893, when the Wyandotte, a much larger and finer boat took her place. The Wyandotte was designed by Frank E. Kirby especially for the river line, and is of sufficient size to carry large excursion parties to the island, making two or three trips each day according to the demands of the traffic. This has become one of the favorite short trips on the Detroit river. Both the Kirby and the Wyandotte do a large freight business, the former handling her proportion of the fruit trade from Put-in-Bay, Kelley and Middle Bass islands in the seasons. The Kirby is commanded by Capt. A. J. Fox, an old and experienced officer.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Captain William J. Dwyer was born in Cleveland, Ohio, November 1, 1859, son of Capt. J.W. and Elizabeth Dwyer, the former of whom will be remembered by older lake masters. He attended the public schools until he reached the age of fourteen, when he went with his uncle, Capt. Samuel Dwyer (or "Sam Patch," as he was designated), on the tug Old Jack, as fireman. In 1874 he passed the season as fireman on the tug L. Starkweather. He sailed with his father as boy one season on the schooner William Grandy, and during the next three years was with him on the Lucerne, afterward sailing on several tugs in the Smith line in various capacities until the spring of 1879, when he received his master's papers. He was retained in his first command, the tug Ida Sims, for two seasons, and in 1881 was appointed master of the tug Fanny Tuttle, remaining on her three seasons, when he was transferred to the tug Peter Smith, resigning her to bring out new the tug S.S. Stone, which he sailed until the fall of 1887. The following season he shipped as master of the tug James Amadeus, which he sailed until July, 1892. He then went to Chicago, where he was appointed master of the tug Rob Dunham, transferring to the Chicago after two months, after laying the latter tug up at the close of the season. In 1893 he returned to Cleveland and assumed command of the tug John Gregory, holding that berth two seasons. In 1895 he stopped ashore and embarked in business at the corner of Front and River streets, continuing thus until September, 1896, when he went to Ashtabula harbor and sailed the tug Sunol for the Ashtabula Tug Company, until the close of navigation.
In 1883 Captain Dwyer was united in marriage to Miss Helen Regan, and six children have been born to them, four of whom are living, namely: Herbert, Annie, Nellie, and Hyacinth; Willie and Gordon died while young. The family residence is at No. 99 Carroll street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
E. Dyble was born May 5, 1866, at Gravesend, England, and at the age of five years was brought to Canada by his parents, who settled in Sarnia. There he received his education and at the age of fourteen left school and began working with his father at the shipbuilding trade, continuing thus for four years. He then served as lookout two seasons on the United Empire with Captain Robinson, later shipping as wheelsman on the Ontario for a season and transferring in the same capacity to the Dean Richmond, on which he became second mate late in the fall and ran all winter on Lake Michigan. During this time he experienced many hardships, the boat being frozen in the ice at different times, but they always managed to get free with little or no damage. The following year he spent as second mate on the Osceola, on which boat he passed the Straits of Mackinaw January 3, and made the first trip to Duluth April 15, 1889. His next berth was that of second mate on the Susan E. Peck with Captain Young, and the season following he was employed in the same capacity and with the same captain on the Fred Pabst, becoming mate at the close of the year. During the season of 1894 he served on the Choctaw as second mate and in 1895 and 1896 acted as mate on that vessel.
Mr. Dyble was married May 29, 1890, to Miss Isabella McLeod, of Bruce Mines, Canada, and they have two children, Henry E. and George. Mr. Dyble is a member of the Masters & Pilots Association, of Cleveland.
John Dyble, the father of Edward Dyble, was a native of England, and a shipbuilder by trade, devoting the greater part of his life to that vocation. He was employed in the yards on the Thames river for several years and was engaged in the construction of the Great Eastern. He was married in England to Miss Mary Hudd, and they had eleven children, all of whom are living except two sons. When Mr. Dyble came to America he settled in Canada and soon after formed a partnership in Sarnia in the shipbuilding business with John Perry. They built the tug Wales, and the passenger steamer United Empire, and then dissolved, Mr. Dyble continuing the business alone; he built the Monarch and several tugs, many of which are still in existence. One of his sons, Harry, is a sailor, and in 1896 served as lookout on the Wawatam. John and William are ship carpenters and follow their trade in Sarnia.
Source: History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield
Patrick Dyer, a trusted and capable employe of the Chicago Street Railway Company, now chief engineer at the Illinois street power house, was born in Summit county, Ohio, in 1857, a son of Patrick and Bridget (Gibbons) Dyer, natives of Ireland, and honored pioneers of the Buckeye State. For some time the father was employed on the construction of the Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati railroad. He was an early settler of Cleveland, where he died in 1876, at the age of seventy-nine years, and the death of his wife occurred in the same city in 1871.
The subject of this sketch is indebted to the public schools of Cleveland for his educational privileges, and there he grew to manhood and learned engineering. He commenced sailing out of that place in 1877 as a fireman on a tug; during the same year came to Chicago, and in the fall went as fireman on the tug Protection. He continued to serve in that capacity on different tugs for some time, but in 1881 was granted a license and accepted the position of engineer on the tug Van Schaick, sailing out of Chicago one season. He then went to Milwaukee, from which port he sailed for a short period. After a period of fifteen years on the lakes, he retired to land in 1892 and accepted his present responsible position, that of chief engineer at the Illinois street power house. During his career on the water he was in two explosions, the tug Parker being blown up twice; the first time five men were killed, and in the second two.
Socially, Mr. Dyer is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 4, of Chicago.
In that city, in 1882, he was married to Miss Lizzie Dean, a native of Toronto, Canada, and to them have been born five children, four of whom are still living: Kate, Harry, Thomas and Edward. Anna, the second child, is deceased.