Great Lakes Ships and Shipwrecks
Steamer and Propeller Lines
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Steamboat and Propeller LinesShipwrecks

Manitowoc County, Wisconsin related shipwrecks
Milwaukee, Wisconsin related shipwrecks and disasters

Ships built in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin and what happened to them
Milwaukee, Wisconsin built ships and what happened to them
Vessels enrolled in the village of Milwaukee 1854
Steamboat and Shiplines Navigating on the Great Lakes 1905
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Ships of the Great Lakes, 1905
RAND, (H., S.H., Sally) Known by various names
The Butte Weekly Miner, (Butte, MT)
Friday, November 13, 1896; pg. 5; Issue 45; col G
Crew and Ship Go down Schooner Waukesha Failed to Ride Cut a Gale at Anchor
Muskegon, Mich., Nov. 8-The schooner Waukesha broke up while trying to ride out the gale at anchor near here last night and only one survivor of the crew of seven has been rescued. He is still too weak to talk. The vessel had a load of salt and apples which was taken on at Manistee Saturday morning. At 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon she was sighted running with gale under a torn mail sail. Attempt was made to enter Muskegon harbor but the schooner drifted a mile south of the piers and then the anchor was dropped. She was riding three quarters of a mile off shore at dark. The engineer and fireman of the city pumping station watched the lights until 9 o'clock last night, when they disappeared. Shortly afterwards wreckage began coming in and to-day nothing can be seen of the lost boat above the water where she anchored.
All night long the wreckage continued to come up on the beach and five bodies have been recovered. The names of the dead cannot be learned as nothing about the clothing will identify them. The surviving sailor was washed ashore unconscious and nothing can be learned from him.
The Waukesha as one of the oldest of the fleet of canalers and true to all tradition she has taken almost her entire crew down with her in her last disaster. She was owned by H.H. Head of Chicago, and was formerly known as the Nabob. She was built in Manitomoc [sic] in 1864 and rated at 295 tons.