Captain, Ship Master and Engineer Biographies
This sections includes references to marine captains and shipmasters. Click on the links to find the names or use the search above to see if your captain is referenced on this site. If you have anything to add, please email me.
Book Transcriptions

Captains of the Great Lakes
History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 1 by J.B. Mansfield - Lists captains with links to biographies of captains
History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield Index of Ship Captains and their biographies
Ship Masters' Association of the Great Lakes Lists of Shipmaster Association Members
Ship Captains sailing on the Great Lakes 1905
Engineers sailing ont he Great Lakes 1905
Captains and Ship Crew

Rules and Regulations
Criteria for getting a Masters, Mates, Pilots or Engineers license.Photographs
Photos of Captains' Certificates Photos of certificates of ship captainsBiographies and Stories
See also the books above.Aitken, George
Anderson, Cornelius
Anderson, Peter
Bartley, Capt. George
Bartley, Capt. Casper
Caswell, Capt. Robert K.
Caswell, William V.
Doherty, Capt. John
Gilson, Capt.
Ingram, Mr. Herbert
Harris, Mr. Robert
Herman, Edward M.
Holland, Nelson
Hunter, Hiram
Irving, Capt. George
Jefferson, Capt
Jefferson, Daisy
Lawrence, Capt. George
Lecus, Harry
Lee, Capt. Seth
Lyons, Daniel
McIntosh, Capt. Charles
Mees, Capt. William
Scott, Frank
Milwaukee County Captain Bios