History of the Great Lakes
Vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield
Published Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co. 1899
[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ]
[ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ]
[ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ X Y Z ]
Captain Frank Jackman is now the only representative in Toronto, sailing the inland waters, of a family of mariners which has been prominent in Toronto marine circles for over a helf century. He is the owner of the tug Jubilee, and has a controlling interest in the schooner E. A. Fulton, and he is a sailor worthy his famous sire, who was one of the pioneer navigators of the north shore of Lake Ontario.
Capt. Frank Jackman is a native of Toronto, born in 1857, and he received a thorough education in the public schools of that city, proving a very apt pupil, so that when he shipped as an apprentice in his father's schooner, the Paragon, in 1872, he was justly considered a well-informed lad. The following year, 1873, his father exchanged vessels, and Frank became his chief officer in the schooner Eureka, towing between lower lake ports. In 1874, having received his certificate, he brought out the tug Young Lion, and commanded her successfully all through the season. Preparatory to putting the tug into winter quarters at Toronto, Captain Jackman took her over to Port Dalhousie to the dry docks, and on November 18, while running across Lake Ontario, the Young Lion caught fire and was burned in mid-lake. There was a backhead door in the boiler, and it is surmised that the flames worked out there and set fire to the bulkhead. The Captain and his crew of four were compelled to take to the small boat, which accidently, but fortunately, they had on board, and they rowed to Toronto in half a gale of wind, and almost perished with the cold. At that late season of the year the tug could carry no insurance, so that Captain Jackman's loss was total, but undaunted he went to work immediately to accumulate the money for a new outfit, and with that end in view shipped as mate in the steamer Watertown, plying between Toronto and the river Humber. Later he sailed in the steamer Golden City, and then bought the tug Clark, with which he towed in and around Toronto harbor until 1882, when he built the tug Frank Jackman. He ran this tug until he sold her, in the beginning of the season of 1897, to a party in Cornwall, and acquired the tug Jubilee; he also owns a controlling interest in the schooner E. A. Fulton, engaged in the timber trade between Georgian Bay and Collins Inlet, under command of Capt. John Phillips.
In 1878 Captain Jackman married Miss Fulton,daughter of Civic Contractor Fulton, of Toronto, and they have a family of five children.
Captain Charles K. Jackson, an honored and highly esteemed citizen of Algonac, Mich., was born in that place September 27, 1837, son of Michael and Elizabeth (Kimball) Jackson. His father, who was a pioneer of St. Clair county, was born in the West riding of Yorkshire, England, in 1805, and came to the United States with his parents in 1818, locating near Batavia, N. Y. He lived at home until 1830, when he married Miss Elizabeth Kimball, the next year coming to Ann Arbor, Mich., and thence to Point du Chien, on the St. Clair river, where he worked at his trade. In 1837 he finally located in Algonac, following the shoemaking business there until his health failed him. In the meantime he had built for himself a homestead on the site now occupied by the "River View Hotel," and in 1853 he transformed it into a hostelry for travelers, which he conducted successfully for thirty years, the last ten years as a temperance house. During the Presidential campaign of 1828 he supported General Jackson, and he voted the Democratic ticket throughout the balance of his life. He was a cash subscriber to the Detroit Free Press for over forty years. He had no experience as a mariner, but he was the first keeper of the first lighthouse on St. Clair Flats. Although averse to holding political office, he served two successive terms as president of the village council. Mr. Jackson died in Algonac September 27, 1883, full of honors, after an illness of but a few hours, leaving a widow, who is still living at the age of ninety-three years, and four children. He led an upright, consistent life, and bore the character of a generous and honorable man, and his children have inherited his remarkable virtues.
Charles K. Jackson, after attending the public schools until he was fourteen years of age, adopted the life of a sailor, first shipping on the steamer John Owen, of which he served as cabin boy for three months, when he stopped ashore and went to work in a sawmill. In 1852 he again joined the John Owen, this time as deckhand, but after two weeks he was promoted to the berth of wheelsman, holding same all season and following with a season in the same capacity on the lake tug Pilot. He was then promoted to mate's berth on the sidewheel steamer Emerald, afterward sailing as such in the lake tugs Kate Moffat, William B. Castle, George E. Brockway, Red Erie, propellers Allegheny and Salina, lake tugs Quayle, Satellite, Sweepstakes, Champion and I. U. Masters, which was the last tug in which he sailed. In the spring of 1878 Captain Jackson shipped as mate in the steamer Belle Cross, stopping ashore after three months to help rebuild the propeller Montgomery, converting her into a towbarge and sailing her as master for thirteen years. She was sold in the fall of 1891 and the Captain then took command of the schooner Antelope for a season. The next spring he became master of the schooner Bottsford, sailing her three seasons, and during the seasons 1896-97 he sailed the barge G. K. Jackson, owned by his brother, after whom she was named. In the spring of 1898 he was appointed master of the steamer Nellie Torrent, owned by his eldest son, George D. Jackson.
During the war of the Rebellion Captain Jackson enlisted in May, 1864, in Company E, Twenty-second Mich. V. I., and was discharged in June, 1865, serving his country about one year. His regiment had been assigned to the Western army, and was serving under General Thomas when he joined it at Nashville; they wintered in Chattanooga, where his company and Company E, of the Ninth Michigan, were detached and placed on police and camp duty. The Captain was also one of sixteen men detailed from the company as railroad train guards to keep the lines of communication open, and they were later placed on the river transports Kenesaw and Chickamauga, with like duties to perform. After the capture of Atlanta his company was placed as guard over the prisoners confined there, and it was said that the Captain realized much satisfaction in guarding the people against escape who had so recently been on guard in the same place over the prisoners taken from his own side. After he rejoined his regiment and General Thomas had returned to Franklin, Tenn, Captain Jackson was detailed as mail carrier between that city and Nashville, performing that duty satisfactorily for three months.
Captain Jackson was united in marriage to Miss Eleanor M. Pangburn, daughter of Zadoc and Elizabeth (Brown) Pangburn. Zadoc Pangburn was an old-time shipbuilder, and constructed the Sultana, Fashion, America, and Congress, the last-named, built in Algonac to the order of Gurdon and Chester Kimball, uncles of Captain Jackson. Mrs. Pangburn was a daughter of William Brown, one of the first early settlers on the St. Clair river. The following named children were born to Capt. and Mrs. Charles K. Jackson: George D., William P., Charles Curtis, Elizabeth J., Mary Charlotte (wife of Capt. J. W. Randall) and Nellie Anna. The eldest son, George D., born December 16, 1862, went to Bay City when fourteen years of age to work for his uncle at a salary of $8.00 pe month. As the years passed this was increased until he commanded $2,500 per year as lumber inspector and later started in business on his own account; he now owns the steamer Nellie Torrent. He has been elected to fill the office of mayor of Bay City two successive terms. His wife was Miss Imogene Anderson. William P., the second son, married Miss Martha Allen; he died February 19, 1892, at the age of twenty-eight years. The third son, Charles Curtis, is now master of the schooner Celtic; he married Miss Margaret Dubeau. Captain Jackson's grandchildren are Curtis M. Jackson and George Jackson Randall. The family homestead is in Algonac, Mich. Fraternally the Captain is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
Edmund J. Jackson, a member of the well-known firm of Ward & Jackson, shipsmiths, has throughout his entire business life been actively identified with the shipbuilding industry, and is an expert and skillful workman. He was born October 17, 1843, at Ancton Hall, Suffolk Co., England, and is a son of William and Johanna (Mewese) Jackson. His father was a coast guard, and as occasion required was stationed at different ports on the English Channel, with the ostensible purpose of preventing smuggling so extensively carried on at that time. Previous to being appointed to the position he had been a North Sea fisherman, and had become an expert boatman. He had been connected with the ocean marine a number of years. In connection with the duties of the coast guard was that of signaling the authorities in case of war, when an enemy appeared on the coast; and also acted as a life saver, the system being somewhat similar to that which obtains in this country. This was about the time that the English press-gang system was in vogue and his mother's father, Mr. Mewese, being a sailor in the ocean merchant marine of England, and was impressed to serve in the navy on board a man-of-war, which had taken him from his ship.
But to revert to the subject of this sketch, Mr. E. J. Jackson, his primary education was obtained at Lowestoft, Suffolk County, to which place his father removed when he was retired on a pension. Mr. Jackson was then apprenticed to a shipsmith, with whom he learned all the practical parts of the trade, serving seven years. At the expiration of this time, he went on a North Sea fishing voyage, which occupied about fourteen months.
After this digression Mr. Jackson returned to the shop and acted as foreman of the blacksmith department in the yard where he had served his apprenticeship.
In 1873 he came to the United States, first locating in Cleveland, where he was employed by Blatt & Wight, who were at that time doing iron work on the schooner Scotia for Quayle & Martin. He remained with that firm until the senior member withdrew and then formed a partnership with Mr. Wight under the style of Wight & Co. In 1874 William Ward, his present partner, purchased Mr. Wight's interest, and the firm has been Ward & Jackson. From the beginning their trade has constantly increased and soon after starting in business they did the iron work on many of the lake vessels, which gained for them an enviable reputation. They did all the iron work on the Wilson fleet - the Olympia, Yokima, C. W. Lockwood, J. C. Lockwood; and the Republican Iron Company's fleet - Magnetic, Colonial, Smith Moore and Wokoken and many others. Since Mr. Jackson first engaged in the shipsmith business he has secured much vessel property, notably, an interest in the steamer J. H. Outhwaite, which he purchased in 1886; the J. J. Barbour in 1872; the H. A. Barr in 1875; and the Roumania in 1890. Owing to circumstances of traffic he has disposed of all this property and now contents himself without lake tonnage.
Mr. Jackson was united in marriage to Miss Lucretia Betts, whose father was superintendent of the gas works at Lowestoft, and who is a lady of rare business qualities. They have one son, Charles, who is carrying on a machine and black-smith shop in Cleveland.
Socially, Mr. Jackson is a member of Halcyon Lodge, F. & A. M., Thatcher Chapter, Holyrood Commandery, Lake Erie Consistory, and Al Koran Temple of the Mystic Shrine.
Mr. Jackson has a warm feeling for his old home on the other side of the water, and four different occasions he has visited England, and always accompanied by his wife; once in 1878, 1884, 1888, and again in 1895. On the last occasion he was also accompanied by Thomas and George Quayle and Mr. Radcliffe, all shipbuilders. He has also traveled extensively throughout Europe. The family homestead is in Cleveland, at 23 Hazard street.
Captain Joseph Jackson is one of the "oldest heads," as marine men put it, on the Great Lakes, and one of those whose marine tuition began upon salt water. That he is a competent navigator goes without saying, for he has had charge of vessels in some tight places, and has brought his charges through safely. He was born in Cumberland, England, near Newcastle, in 1833, and was brought by his parents to New Brunswick in 1839, when he was barely six years of age. Anthony Jackson, his father, was a farmer, and went on a farm at Miramichi, New Brunswick, where he was quite successful.
Captain Joseph received a good education in the public schools at that place, and then he went to work on board the ships in the harbor, his duties being to help load the vessels and then assist the pilot to get them out to sea, coming back to port on the pilot vessel. This employment he followed until 1852, when he came to Toronto, Canada, and began sailing in earnest on the lakes, at which time he was nineteen years of age. First of all, Captain Jackson went for two months into the steamer Maple Leaf, running between Toronto and Rochester under command of Captain Colquolo, of Hamilton. Then he went into the schooner Almira, belonging to warfinger Gorrie, who at that time owned the Yonge street wharf. Capt. F. Crooks had charge of the Almira, and she traded on Lake Ontario and through the Welland canal to Lake Erie. Captain Jackson remained in the Almira three years, succeeding which he went as mate into the schooner Royal Oak, under the same master. In 1856 Captain Jackson went into the schooner John Potter, as first officer, again with Captain Crooks, and remained in her for nearly two seasons, or until she was sold in 1858. That vessel also traded through the Welland canal to the higher lakes, being employed mostly carrying staves from Lake Erie's north shore to Kingston and Garden Island, where they were rafted for Quebec.
Captain Jackson, that same year, after the sale of the John Potter, went to Buffalo and sailed out of there before the mast and as mate of the schooner J. F. Tracey, Captain Curtis. The following spring he sailed as chief officer in the schooner Merchant Miller, of St. Catherines, for a time, going about the end of June of 1859 into the employ of Mayor J. G. Beard & Sons as mate in the schooner Australia. During the latter part of that year he was mate in the schooner City of Toronto, one of the largest schooners on the lakes at the time.
Thus arrived the time for Captain Jackson's advancement, and he became captain of the schooner Australia in 1860, and sailed her until 1866, the year of the Fenian raid into Canada. Going out of the Australia in the autumn of 1866, he, with Captain Solomon and David Sylvester, bought the schooner F. R. Tranchemontague in partnership with Mr. Caleb Jiles, Captain Jackson remaining captain and part owner of her until 1871, when they made a deal and exchanged the Tranchemontague for the bark George Thurston. This vessel, under charge of Captain Jackson, sailed in the timber trade all the season of 1872. That winter they sold her and purchased the propeller L. Shickluna, of which Captain Jackson was master until the fall of 1889, when he abdicated in favor of his nephew, Captain Harry Osgood Jackson. Captain Joseph was still part owner of the steamer L. Shickluna when he collided and sunk in Lake Erie in the spring of 1897. After leaving the bridge of the Shickluna, Capt. Jackson sailed the steamer Eurydice off and between Toronto and different summer resorts. On one occasion in 1894 he exhibited his excellent seamanship by going to the rescue of the propeller Ocean, ashore at Frenchman's bay, about fifteen miles east of Toronto, and lightering her with the steamer Eurydice. Whilst the Eurydice was on her way back laboring under a heavy deck-load, a stiff gale sprang up from the west. Inch by inch the Captain fought his way up behind the island. People standing on the wharves watched the ship anxiously, and old sailors shook their heads, "He will have to jettison," they muttered, but he did not. He brought the ship into harbor and landed her safely on the windward side of the Geddes wharf in spite of the terrible broadside wind, only the wale having crushed a little. Never in all his long career has Captain Jackson encountered a serious accident to his vessel or to his men.
No children have been born to Captain and Mrs. Jackson, but they have raised and always treated as their son a nephew, Capt. H. O. Jackson, at the present time one of the best young navigators on the Great Lakes. Mrs. Jackson is a daughter of Mr. Jordon, of Port Robinson, and her mother was one of the halest old ladies in that part of Canada, being aged eighty years and five months at the time of her death.
In politics Capt. Joseph Jackson is liberal. He is a member of the Anglican Church. One of his favorite haunts is the little red office of Sylvester Bros. at the foot of Church street in Toronto, where he often relates interesting yarns to the many habitues of that cosy(sic) nook.
H. Jaenke was born in Namslau, Germany, November 20, 1862, son of William and Caroline (Ossig) Jaenke, the former of whom was an officer in the German army, and soon after the birth of our subject the family removed to Breslau, where the father was stationed. He died in 1876. There were seven children in the family, all of whom are living; two are in America - Charles, who acted as watchman on the Grecian in 1896, and Herman, whose name introduces these lines.
Mr. Jaenke came to America in 1882 and settled first in Buffalo, N. Y., from this port shipping on the Wallula as deck hand, and there remaining one season, also keeping ship at Chicago during the winter. The following season he acted as watchman on the same boat with Captain Morton, afterward serving in the Sitka under the same command and the command of Captain Carlyle. A part of the next season he acted as second mate on the Saxton, which was new, and finished the year on the Roman, also new, with Captain Chapman. Going to Sault Ste. Marie he ran a lighter for some time, and afterward came to the Briton with Captain Gotham, at first holding second mate's berth. With Captain McDonald he then served on the Aurora as second mate, and in 1895 was given the position of mate on the Norman, which was lost on Lake Huron. The remainder of that season he spent on the Charles A. Eddy as mate, and in 1896 came on the Briton in that capacity; this boat being laid up early he finished the season on the W. D. Rees. Mr. Jaenke is a young man who holds a high place in the confidence of his employers, and he has been attended thus far with great success in his marine life. He is unmarried.
Captain William Jagenow, one of the younger lake masters, is gaining a foothold in the marine world which seems to point to a future of success for him in that line of work. He was born April 25, 1865, at Detroit, where he has always made his residence, the son of William and Caroline (Sink) Jagenow, natives of Germany, who are living at Detroit at the present time.
At the early age of fifteen years, Captain Jagenow sailed out of Detroit on the Iron Age, as deckhand, but after a short time was promoted to the position of watchman, which he held throughout the year. The following; year he acted as watchman and wheelsman in the same boat and kept ship in the winter, afterward going on the Iron Duke where he kept ship two winters and acted as wheelsman during the summer season. The next year he went in the Glasgow, owned by D. C. Whitney, running between Duluth and Ogdensburg, on which he acted as second mate. In 1884 he entered the employ of Alger, Smith & Co., as second mate on the Schoolcraft, remaining in that boat for two years and receiving promotion to the position of mate the last season. This boat was then sold and he went, as mate, on the Gettysburg for three months while the Volunteer was being built, shipping on her when she came out; he has since remained with her as mate. On January 11, 1893, the Captain was married to Miss Josephine Sieger, of Detroit, and they have one child, who bears the name of his father and grandfather, William. Captain Jagenow is a member of the A. O. U. W., in Detroit.
Jacob C. Jansen, son of August and Anna (Ebberling) Jansen, was born in Denmark, November 16, 1866, and at the age of twelve years shipped as a boy on the German vessel Shipwarf, from Hamburg to Australia and the East Indies, on which he remained four years and eight months. His next experience was as able seaman aboard an English brig from Newcastle, for six months. The following year and a half he spent on the barks Samanco and Mohican, the latter a Boston vessel, on which he remained four months, and which brought him to New York. There he shipped on the Eva Nell to the West Indies, and afterward on the Martinecki to same place, and also Mexico, then on the Henry Norwel to Mobile, his service on these coasters covering a period of about two years.
In 1887 Mr. Jansen went to Chicago, where he began his lake career, shipping before the mast on the E. P. Beals, and remaining on her all that season. The following one, 1888, he was on the Sunrise, Charles P. Minch, E. P. Rice, and City of Cheboygan; in 1889 he was watchman on the Cayuga, and wheelsman of the Saranac for the seasons of 1890-91. In 1892 he was promoted to the position of second mate on the Harry Packer, and for 1893-94 was on the Tacoma in a like capacity. For the season of 1895, and first half of 1896, he was mate on the Tuscarora, finishing that season on the Seneca, to which he was transferred. Mr. Jansen, like most saltwater men on the lakes, is ambitious and persevering, and, wishing to become more familiar with the waters of lake Superior, accepted the berth of second mate on the A. D. Thompson for the season of 1897, severing his connection with the Lehigh line, with which he had been for nine consecutive seasons, in order to obtain the experience which he desires. He is a member of Local Harbor No. 41, Masters and Pilots Association; also on Niagara Lodge No. 25, I. O. O. F.
On December 8, 1897, Mr. Jansen was united in marriage with Miss C. M. Cotter, of Burlington, Canada. They reside at No. 311 Fulton Street, Buffalo, New York.
Captain R. Janssen was born on the island of Heligoland, in the North Sea, in 1865, son of Captain Reinke and Caterina Janssen, and is perhaps the only native of that island on the lakes. At time of the his(sic) residence there the island was in the possession of Great Britain, but it has since passed under the sway of the German empire. Captain Janssen’s father, after sailing the North Sea for a number of years, was appointed keeper of the life-saving station in Heligoland, and met his death while attempting to rescue the crew of a wrecked schooner. Of his five brothers, all of whom were sailors, three were drowned.
Captain Janssen attended school until he reached the age of fourteen years. In 1879 he shipped on the bark Gaty, plying between Brahma and Rangoon, and remained on her about eighteen months, after which he returned to the island and engaged in study until 1882, when he was granted a pilot's license and went into the fishing business on the North Sea. In 1883 he came to the United States and located in Cleveland, Ohio, the following spring shipping on the schooner Kate Winslow as seaman, and transferring to the schooner Thomas Gawn the same season. In 1885 he was appointed mate of the schooner Ed. Kelly; in 1886 second mate of the John Martin; the following season he was mate of the schooner J. L. Higgie, remaining on her two seasons; in 1889 he went down to salt water as mate of the Monitor No. 110, and returning to the lakes he was appointed mate of the T. P. Sheldon, after three months receiving advancement to the office of master, and sailing her until the close of the season. In the spring of 1890 he took out the schooner Alta, sailing her three seasons, and in 1893 he again went as master of the schooner Thomas P. Sheldon, which he sailed two and a half seasons, finishing the season of 1896 as master of the bark Aurania, which was laid up at South Chicago.
Captain Janssen is a member of the Knights of Pythias. He was married to Miss Rose Missner, of Cleveland, in 1892.
Captain Charles Jarrait, of Detroit, Mich., who has been employed for the last three seasons by Breyman Bros., tug owners and dredge contractors, of Toledo, Ohio, was born in Detroit in the year 1848, and has always resided there. His parents were French-Americans. Captain Jarrait has been on the lakes thirty-five years in all. He began as cook on the scow Lookout, and later sailed before the mast on different schooners for about seven years, when he became mate of the schooner Hattie. He also served in that capacity on the Clara, the Hibbard, the Dolphin, and the Richmond. In 1870, he became master, his first command being the schooner Watchfall, on which he remained two seasons, and he has held the position of master every season since but one, during which he was mate of the Mineral Rock. He sailed the schooners Mary Amelia, Home, and Newell Hubbard two seasons each, and then began tugging at which he has since continued. He has sailed at various times on most of the well-known tugs on the Detroit river and neighboring waters, having had command of the Oneida, Hercules, Baker, Washburn, J.W. Bennett, Park, Blazer, Dexter, Shelby, C.A. Lorman, and Minor.
Captain Jarrait is married and has two sons, both of whom are on the lakes, one as marine engineer and the other as captain of a Cleveland yacht.
Captain John H. Jeffery, prominent owner and master of tugs sailing out of Duluth harbor, has also had large experience in raft towing, and during the many years that he has been engaged in the tugging business has never met with a disaster that involved the loss of life or boat. He is the son of Simon and Elizabeth G. (Williams) Jeffery, and was born in Callington, Devonshire, England, December 21, 1848. His parents removed to the United States in the year 1857, first locating in northwest Michigan, near Keweenaw Point, and five miles back of Eagle harbor. The father also engaged in mining in the Copper Falls, Phoenix, Connecticut, and many other mines in that region. The family passed through the old Sault canal in 1857, - the grandfather, Cullon Williams, being in the party - on the old steamer North Star, Capt. Ben Sweet being in command. The brothers of the family are Captain William, who sails the tug Cupid; Cullon, who is a farmer, his land being located seven miles from Duluth; and Simon, who is sailing the tug J. H. Jeffery, Jr., in which he was interested with his brother John. The father died in August, 1892, but the mother still remains to her children.
Capt. John H. Jeffery went to Duluth in 1869, and took a contract as gang boss on a section of the Lake Superior & Mississippi railroad, then building, now known as the St. Paul & Duluth railroad. He also worked by the month carrying stone for the filling of the breakwater and canal piers at the Superior entrance to St. Louis bay, operating in the construction five scows, which were towed by the tug Amethyst, which he engineered three and a half seasons. He then engaged in wood-cutting and logging, the rate of wood chopping at that time ranging from sixty-five cents to $1.00 per cord, and as the Captain was a strong chopper he was able to put up from two and a half to three cords per day.
At the opening of navigation the next season he took out marine engineer's license, and ran the tug Amethyst three seasons. He then took the tug Fred and Will, in which he alternated as captain and engineer, after which he was appointed engineer of the tug Nellie Cotton, holding that berth two and half seasons, then, in 1880, took out a master's license, and sailed her fourteen years in the same employ. He also sailed the tug Hope a short time, towing logs between Namadjt and Duluth, and the tugs Siskiwitt, Kamp, Fred and Will, and Hope, as occasion required. In the spring of 1892 Captain Jeffery was appointed master of the tug J. W. Bennet, and sailed her six consecutive seasons, including that of 1898, towing logs from Cranberry, Iron and Brule rivers to Duluth. He owns a half interest in the tug J. H. Jeffery, Jr., which his brother Simon sails. The Captain has twenty-four issues of engineer's license, and eleven of master's, and has put in about seventeen years in sailing tugs, filling various offices on same; since he began sailing in 1870 he has never missed a season. The fraternal society to which he belongs is the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
On April 6, 1873, Capt. John H. Jeffery was wedded to Miss Emma D., daughter of Justice and Syble Walker, of Gardner, Ill. The children born to this union are William H., now wheelsman on the tug J.W. Bennet; Minnie Lucy, wife of Fred N. Wilbur, of Duluth; Merttie E., a high school pupils (sic), and John H., also attending school. The family homestead is at No. 323 Fourth avenue, East Duluth, Minnesota.
Captain C.H. Jenking, of Walkerville, Ontario, is a shipmaster well-known in Detroit and vicinity, and a greater part of his marine life thus far has been spent on the car ferries, where by the efficient service he has rendered, he has won a high place in the esteem and confidence of his employers. Captain Jenking is the son of Joseph and Susanna (Irving) Jenking, natives of Canada who are still living at Walkerville, Ontario, aged seventy-seven and seventy-three years respectively. The family is closely connected with the marine history of the vicinity, for Joseph Jenking has spent the greater part of his active life as a shipbuilder; Mrs. Jenking is a sister of Capt. George Irving, who is well-known as a pioneer in marine work on the lakes.
Captain Jenking was born June 28, 1848, at Detroit, and attended the public schools of his native place until the age of sixteen years, when he obtained work upon the river tugs at that city, thus commencing the occupation to which he has since devoted his time. He went first on the tug Stranger, and soon after on the Vulcan, I.U. Masters and Sweepstakes, from these tugs transferring to the Dean Richmond, at Winslow, running between Buffalo and Chicago, and later to the Boscobel, on which he served as wheelsman for part of a season until she was burned in the St. Clair river in September, 1869. His next berth was as mate on the Satellite, on which he remained for one year. In 1870 Captain Jenking received serious injuries in Walker's Distillery, at Walkerville, and was obliged to remain on shore one season, but the following year resumed tug work and continued in this employment until 1875. At that time he went on the passenger ferry Victoria, as wheelsman and served as such three years, when he went on the yacht Scotia, owned by Mr. W.K. Muir, general manager of the Canada Southern railroad. In 1879-80 he was master of the Isaac May, a lumber barge running between Georgian Bay and Buffalo, and in 1881 of the tug George H. Parker. The following season taking command of the ferry Ariel, running from Detroit to Walkerville. In 1884 the Captain entered the employ of the Grand Trunk Railway Company, with which he remained in command of car-ferries until 1891, since which time he has been engaged by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company on the Ontario. Captain Jenking is a member of Lodge No. 33, A.O.U.W., at Walkerville.
A man more devoted to his calling could hardly be found than Evans Jenkins, of Cleveland, who holds the position of chief engineer on the Penobscot at the present time. He was born October 14, 1851, at Glasgow, Scotland, and at the age of three years came to America with his parents, the family settling in Ogdensburg, N. Y., where he attended school and lived for some years. He commenced his active career by shipping as boy and cook on the sloop Dolphin, of Alexandria Bay, and he subsequently entered a shop at Bay City, Mich., and worked at the machinist's trade for several months. Upon a harbor tug at East Saginaw he spent some time as fireman and then went to the Fanny White in that capacity, becoming engineer after the first season. The following season he spent upon the tug M. F. Merrick and the A. F. Gay as chief engineer; next season was second on the steamer Antelope; and then, after a year on the Coffinberry as second, spent two seasons on the J. W. Bennett as chief. He spent the succeeding seasons upon the Wellington R. Burt, Bell Cross, Kitty Forbes, Favorite, Robert Rhodes, Neosho, Neshoto, Thomas Cranage and Pioneer, and then, in 1896, transferred to the Penobscot.
On July 13, 1876, Mr. Jenkins married Miss Bridget Maher, of Bay City, a sister of Michael Maher, who was for some time local inspector at Port Huron. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins have five children: Hattie, Evans, Jr., Thomas, Walter, and Mary, of whom Hattie is married to Adelbert Ward, and Evans is at present with his father in the Penobscot as oiler, having previously spent a season on the Pioneer in the same capacity. Fraternally Mr. Jenkins is a member of the Royal Arcanum and the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association. John Jenkins, brother of Evans Jenkins, is master of the W. H. Sawyer; his father, David Jenkins, born in Glasgow, Scotland, spent the greater part of his life as a marine engineer on the Great Lakes, and died in July, 1873.
Wilbur H. Jerome is a well-known and highly qualified marine engineer, and before sailing thoroughly learned the machinist's trade in the Cleveland City Forge, and in the machine shop of the Globe Iron Works Company.
Mr. Jerome is a son of Henry and Harriet S. (Hughson) Jerome, and was born on December 23, 1860, in Trenton, Wayne Co., Mich. His father also sailed some, but in 1861, at the breaking out of the Civil War, he enlisted in the 5th Mich. Vol. Inf. at Fort Wayne, Detroit. His regiment was assigned to the Army of the Potomac, and took an honorable part in the battles of Bull Run, Fair Oaks, the seven days fight in the Wilderness and at Gettysburg. He was wounded in the last named battle, a canister ball from a masked battery passing through both thighs. He was promoted to rank of sergeant. He lay in the hospital many weeks, suffering from his wound, but was ministered to by the loving care of his wife, who was soon at his bedside, and he eventually recovered. Previous to his enlistment he had been in charge of the engines in the Wyandotte Rolling Mills. After his honorable discharge from the army he went to Cleveland, where he entered the employ of the Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co., as engineer, and was soon advanced to the foremanship of the entire plant, giving good satisfaction in the performance of his duties. He died in the summer of 1888, at the age of sixty-two years. The wife and mother is still living in Cleveland.
Wilbur H. Jerome had the advantage of the excellent public school system of Cleveland, and finished his education in the Brooks Military Academy in that city, attending that institution three years. He then went as an apprentice to the machinist's trade in the Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co., where his father was foreman, remaining about two years and a half, after which he put in two years in the shop of Lord & Bowler, brass and iron founders. In 1880 he entered the employ of the Globe Iron Works, remaining with them until 1886, when he took out first assistant marine engineer's license, and shipped in the steamer J.H. Wetmore, but closed the season in the Colonial. The next season he put the machinery in the steamer Specular, and sailed in her as first assistant engineer, with Robert Neil as chief. In the spring of 1888 Mr. Jerome shipped as first assistant in the Charlemagne Tower, but later went as first assistant on the steamer Pasadena. The next spring, while engaged in fitting out the steamer Samoa as second engineer, he was appointed chief in the steamer Araxes, but before the close of the season he assumed charge of the engines of the steel steamer Northern Queen.
In 1890 Mr. Jerome was appointed chief engineer in the steamer Grecian, of the Menominee Transit Company. The next three years were passed in the employ of Henry J. Johnson, of Cleveland, as chief engineer of the steamers Horace A. Tuttle and Henry J. Johnson, remaining one year on the former and two years on the latter. His next berth was in the passenger steamer Atlanta, of the Goodrich Transportation Company, as chief engineer, an office which he has held four successive seasons. He is recognized as a first-class mechanic, and during the winter months has been employed in the Globe Iron Works, at times as night foreman, and assisted in putting up the machinery of the Northern Steamship Company's boats and the passenger steamer Virginia. He is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, and is now financial secretary of the Manitowoc Lodge; he is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Ancient Order of United Workmen, both of Manitowoc.
In February, 1891, Mr. Jerome was wedded, in Cleveland, to Miss Ella, daughter of Charles A. Halsey, of Whiting, Ind. Two children, Wilbur H. and Lulu M., have been born to this union. The family homestead is at No. 4 Goulder Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, although they reside in Muskegon, Mich., on account of his business interests. Mrs. Jerome's father has charge of the boiler works department of the Standard Oil Company at Whiting, Indiana.
William Jewell was born December 25, 1845, in Devonshire, England. After reaching the proper age he was apprenticed at Garrow to the Palmer Ship Building Company, where, it is said, the ore came in at one gate and went out at the other a man-of-war. At times this company employed 10,000 workmen. Mr. Jewell served in their employ seven years, and then shipped on the steamer Woodburn, out of Whitby, serving the first year as assistant engineer and being advanced the next to chief. The Woodburn plied between London and Montreal, Canada, and on the Black and Mediterranean Seas, touching at Odessa and as far down as Sangierock, the Sea of Azov and up the river Danube. He was transferred from her to the passenger steamer York, of the same company, on which he remained three years and six months. The York was engaged in carrying pilgrims between the East Indies and Egyptian ports, touching at Jeddo, Penang and Singapore. Only five of the original crew returned from this voyage, the rest dying from fever, and it was necessary to man the steamer with a crew of coolies. Mr. Jewell next shipped as engineer on the trans-Atlantic steamer Somerset, out of Bristol for New York, with which he remained two years, at the end of that time going on the Helen, of Grimsby, engaged in the Mediterranean trade. In 1870 he shipped in the steamer City of Paris, a blockade runner between Wales and Rouen during the war, but after making six trips on this vessel he concluded to quit her as it was a dangerous post without sufficient recompense for risk of life. He was then appointed engineer of the harbor tug Caledonia, of 500-horse power, towing in the British Channel, and held this berth for eighteen months, after which he took the steamer Sea King to Constantinople, remaining at that port with her six months. Returning to Cardiff, he shipped as engineer in a vessel bound for Alexandria, Egypt, thence to Borneo, Africa, and on the Mediterranean, where she loaded with iron ore for New York, the voyage lasting three months.
On arriving in New York, Mr. Jewell proceeded west and stopped at Akron, Ohio, where he took a position as engineer in the Akron Iron Works, continuing in that employ two years. Going to Cleveland he was placed in charge of the machinery in the rod mill of the Cleveland Rolling Mill Company, with which he remained five years, afterward working for the W. J. Morgan Lithographing Company for a period of six months, and the National Flouring Mill for a short time. His next position was as engineer of one of the Monson tugs, and he then entered the employ of Palmer & DeMuys. For two years he held the position of examiner of stationary engineers, to which he was appointed by the city government of Cleveland, and for another year he was in the employ of Bell, Cartright & Co. In 1891 he was placed in charge of the machinery of the Perry-Payne building, where he has since remained. In 1880, Mr. Jewell was united in marriage to Miss Annie Carley, of London, England, and four children have been born to them: Burt, Rosie, Daisy and Lily. Socially he belongs to the Knights of the Maccabees, Sons of St. George, and the National Association of Steamboat Engineers.
Captain E. Johnson, master and owner of the vessel E. M. Stanton, was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, in 1856, and is a son of Peter and Anna (Jergens) Johnson, also natives of that Province. The father was a seafaring man, sailing for many years on salt water, and after coming to Chicago, in 1859, he engaged in sailing on the Great Lakes, being master of the Robert Campbell and other vessels. In 1876 he purchased the E. M. Stanton, which his son now owns and commands. He was truly a self-made man, having commenced at the very bottom in the marine life, and worked his way steadily upward until he became master and owner of vessel property. His death occurred in Chicago in 1880, and in that city his widow is still living. His son George is now mate of the E. M. Stanton.
Captain Johnson was reared and educated in Chicago, on the North side of the city, and began life for himself as cash boy in the store of Field & Leiter, where he was employed during the years 1870 and 1871, and with this exception his entire business career has been spent upon the lakes. In 1872, at the age of sixteen years, he began sailing before the mast out of Chicago; later spent two seasons in the same capacity on the Robert Campbell; and was then before the mast on the E. M. Stanton until he became mate of her in 1876. In 1880 he was appointed her master and has successfully sailed her since that time. The Stanton is a two-mast schooner, tonnage 144 net, and was built in Detroit, Mich., in 1866, by Detroit parties, and has been in commission continuously since. She is engaged in heavy freighting of all kinds, and has sailed out of Chicago since 1873. This vessel is now owned by our subject, who became financially interested in the same in 1880, and has since sailed her with good success.
He is one of the best know marine men of Chicago, and owns a fine property at No. 463 Racine Avenue, where he makes his home. Socially, he is a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
In 1884, in Chicago, Captain Johnson was married to Miss Lena Johnson, a native of Kenosha, Wis., a daughter of A. B. Johnson, and honored citizen and well-known business man of that city. Two children have been born of this union: Carrie and Kenneth.
Frank R. Johnson, engineer of the steamyacht Titania. From his boyhood to the present time the subject of this brief notice has been actively identified with marine interests at the eastern extremity of the Great Lakes. He was born at the foot of Breckenridge street, Buffalo, October 14, 1856, and received what schooling he obtained in the public schools of his native city.
In 1875 Mr. Johnson engaged as deckhand for the Buffalo & Grand Island Ferry Co., on the Niagara river, and two years later became engineer of the tug Eagle, acting in that capacity until 1879. He then accepted the position of engineer on the tug Bruce, and in 1881 shipped as engineer on the tug Maud S., of Buffalo harbor. In 1882 he was appointed engineer of the private yacht Lorelei, running from Buffalo to the Oakfield Club House, on Grand Island, and continued thus for two years, in 1884 accepting the position of engineer on Myron P. Bush's steamer Idle Hour, running from Buffalo to the St. Lawrence river. The following year he became engineer of S. S. Jewett's private steamyacht Titania, which position he has filled with ability for some twelve or more years.
Mr. Johnson was married, in 1877, to Miss C. E. Staley, of Grand Island, N. Y., and they have one daughter. He resides at No. 102 Albany street, Buffalo, New York.
Henry Johnson is a native of Canada, born in the County of Bruce, November 17, 1869, the seventh child in the family of nine born to Simon and Agnes (Fletcher) Johnson. He was educated in the schools of his native country, and remained upon his father's farm until about twelve years of age, when he secured employment railroading on the lumber train of Wright & Ketcham, and afterward worked in Michigan timber lands, lumbering; this employment covered, all told, a period of five years.
In 1888 he yielded to his desire for a seafaring life, shipping as fireman on the A. A. Turner, running between Bay City and Tonawanda, for one season, and the following one served in the H. H. Pickands in a like capacity. In 1890, and until July, 1891, he was oiling on the E. C. Pope, owned by Show & Eddy, finishing the latter season on the North Wind. He received his first issue of license in 1892, and was sent as second engineer on the Northern Light for that and the succeeding season. The second season after the North West was brought out, he was appointed her first assistant engineer, and remained in her that season until she was laid up, finishing same as second of the Pueblo. His next berth was that of first assistant engineer on the Chemung, which he has filled for the seasons of 1896-97-98 to the entire satisfaction of his superiors. Mr. Johnson is a member of Local Harbor No. 1, M. E. B. A. He was granted a chief's license in winter of 1898, and had his sixth issue.
Mr. Johnson was married to Miss Nellie Carney, of Buffalo, in January, 1896, and they reside at No. 23 Hoffman place, Buffalo, N. Y. He has been one of the most successful of the younger engineers of the Great Lakes.
Henry Johnson, one of the most prominent and skillful marine engineers sailing out of Milwaukee, was born in Torslov, Denmark, on November 13, 1858, a son of Christian and Bodel Marie Johnson, both natives of Denmark. His father died in 1868, but his mother is yet living at Torslov in the house where she was born, and it was in that city that Henry acquired his public-school education, attending until he was fourteen years of age.
In 1873 Mr. Johnson came to the United States with his older brother, going to Manistee, where he became an apprentice in the machine shop of Wheeler & Johnson, serving four years. In 1880 Mr. Johnson applied for and received engineer's license, and was appointed second engineer on the steamer Norman. The next spring he secured the tug Ida M. Stevens to sail, but before the close of the season joined the steamer Menominee, of the Goodrich line, as second engineer until November, when he was appointed second with Alex Curry as chief, in the steamer Wisconsin, remaining in her all winter. In the spring of 1882 he was appointed chief engineer of the steamer Oconto, of the same line, and ran her until August, 1883, when he returned to Ludington, and went to work in the machine shops of Goodsell & Crawford, going then to Manitowoc to take charge of the tug Gregory. In the spring of 1884 Mr. Johnson again entered the employ of the Goodrich Transportation Company, again as second engineer of the side-wheel passenger steamer Chicago, but in August he was transferred to the steamer Depere as chief, holding that until the close of the season of 1887. The next season after fitting out the Depere, he engaged, with R.P. Fitzgerald & Co., until October, when she became the property of Brown & Smith, of Buffalo. In 1889 Mr. Johnson was appointed chief engineer of the new steamer Marion, Capt. John Cochran, and had run her ten consecutive seasons, and was in her September 5, when she collided with the steamer Armour at Southeast Bend, which collision resulted in the sinking of the latter, but no lives were lost. That fall after laying up the Marion, Mr. Johnson joined the steamer St. Joseph. He has eighteen issues of license, and being a practical machinist and engine builder, has the happy faculty of keeping his machinery in repair without great cost to the owners. Being an industrious man, he works during the winters in the shops of the Sheriffs Manufacturing Company.
On February 4, 1883, Mr. Johnson was united by marriage to Miss Mary E., daughter of Francis and Annie Verhein, of Milwaukee. The children born to this union are Minnie E., Margaret, Edward F., Henry G. and Agnes Rose. The family homestead is pleasantly situated at No. 900 Humbolt avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Fraternally, Mr. Johnson is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, No. 9 of Milwaukee.
Captain Peter Johnson, master of the lumberbarge Isabel Reed, is an old salt-water sailor, as was his father before him. His surname is really Jensen, but when he first hired out for employment after coming to America his employer called him Johnson by mistake, and thus he has since been known. The Captain was born in Denmark in September, 1835. He first sailed in small schooners and brigs along the shore of his native country, as early as 1848, and from that year until his emigration to America he was in various salt-water craft to and from Liverpool, the East Indies, Spain, Newport, Wales, Melbourne, Australia and Bombay. In the spring of 1858 he came to this country and during April shipped before the mast on the brig Buffalo. After a season in this employ he went on the schooner Josephine in the same capacity, and remained with her until November, 1859. During the season of 1860 he was part of the time on salt water, in July returning to the lakes and going before the mast in the schooner M. F. Johnson. The seasons of 1861-62-63 he was with the schooner Josephine again, becoming second mate of her for the season of 1863. He was second mate of the schooner Boody for a couple of seasons, and then, in 1866, became first mate of the bark Clayton, continuing as such until July 4, of that year; on July 5, he was made master, and remained with her to the close of navigation. For the seasons following until 1889, he commanded in turn the following schooners: Despatch, of Detroit, one season; Josephine, eight seasons; Montana, of Detroit, four seasons; and the Mont Blanc, owned by Merrick & Eselstein, eight seasons. In 1889 he became master of the Isabel Reed, and still retained in that position during the season of 1896, living aboard of her as ship-keeper the winter of 1896-97.
Captain Johnson was married in 1861, to Miss Mary W. Strong, of Tonawanda, and they have the following named children living: Emma (1898), thirty-one years of age; Clara, twenty-nine: William, twenty-seven; Gertrude, twenty-three; and Aggie, eleven. The son William has been master of the lumberbarge Ben Hanson seven years in all, and for the last three years consecutively. Captain Johnson has been a Master Mason for over thirty years.
Philander L. Johnson, son of Capt. Levi Johnson, was born in Cleveland June 22, 1823. He attended the primitive public schools possessed by that city in its early days, but which did not insure for him a very extensive education, so he supplemented this learning by attending the Oberlin preparatory school. After leaving school he worked for his father in all of his building enterprises, in fact the lives of both father and son ran so close together that it is but right that this article should give the salient points of both.
Capt. Levi Johnson, the father, was one of the early pioneers of Cleveland. He was a native of Herkimer county, N.Y., and was about twenty-four years of age when he located in the Forest City. His usefulness and skill as a builder could be seen all about the embryo city, both in public and private edifices, some of which are still standing as monuments to his industry and enterprise. He constructed for himself and family a log cabin on what was then called the Euclid road, near the public square. In 1812 he built the old log court house and jail, which were combined, on the north-west quarter of the square. It is interesting to note that he also put up the gallows on which the notorious Indian O'Mic was hung. This Indian killed two trappers, named Wood and Gibb, who had granted him hospitality for the night. During the sleep of the trappers O'Mic arose and tomahawked both in order that he might carry off the wealth of pelts which the trappers had stored away in their cabin. Capt. Levi Johnson built the first frame house in Cleveland, on the site of the present "American House," for Judge John Walworth. In 1811 he built the "Buckeye House" for Adolphus Edwards on Woodland Hills avenue, and soon afterward several other houses and barns in Newburg township.
He then turned his attention to shipbuilding, and in 1813 he built the schooner Ladies Master, near his residence on the Euclid road, and the boat was hauled to the foot of Superior street by ox-teams, and was there launched. Captain Johnson sailed the Ladies Master quite awhile, and it was with her that he transported Commodore Perry's officers, who stopped at the islands off Cleveland previous to that notable victory on Lake Erie, September 10, 1813, which gave the United States control of all the northwestern lakes during the war of 1812. It will be seen that Captain Johnson was the first to constitute Cleveland as a ship-building port, and well has the city maintained that honor to the present day. He next commenced the construction of the schooner Pilot. In order that he might be near his timber base of supplies, he laid the keel in the woods on the Euclid road near the site on which the Ladies Master was built, now occupied by the opera house, and when she was finished he sent for his friends in the country round about and they came with their oxen, twenty-eight yoke. They placed under the schooner a number of rollers, hooked on the oxen, and soon had her at the foot of Superior street, where she was successfully launched in the Cuyahoga river.
In 1817 Captain Johnson built the schooner Neptune on the river near the foot of Eagle street, which was also in the woods at that time. In 1824 he built the first steamboat constructed in Cleveland, just below the foot of St. Clair street. He called her the Enterprise. He sailed this steamer until 1830, doing a fair business. He then stopped ashore and built the old stone lighthouse where the present stone structure now stands, after which he went to Cedar Point and set the buoys marking the channel to and into Sandusky bay. His next contract work was the construction of 1,700 feet of the government east pier at Saginaw, and the stone house on the corner of Lake and Water streets, Cleveland, in 1841. He made this house the family homestead. Then followed the construction of a block on Bank street, opposite the old Academy of Music, and the block known as the Johnson House on Superior street. There are also many other substantial evidences of his enterprise and good judgment in and around the city of Cleveland.
At the time of his death, December 19, 1871, he left three children: Harriet, the late Mrs. Alexander Sackett; Perry W., a vessel master; and Philander L. The last named son inherited the old homestead at the corner of Lake and Water streets, where he lived fifty-three years. He recently moved to Lakewood on Lake avenue, just west of the city of Cleveland, overlooking old Lake Erie. He has been closely identified with the labors of his father since his school days, and is not actively engaged in caring for his real-estate and large vessel interests. He is an honored citizen of Cleveland, a thirty-second-degree Mason, and a member of the Knights of Pythias fraternity. He wedded Miss Sarah M. Clarke, of London, England, in 1865. Five of the seven children born to this union are living, namely: Margaret, now Mrs. Lorimer Porter; Mary, now Mrs. A.K. Spencer; Harriet R., Levi and Clare.
Few if any of the pioneer lake captains and vessel owners have a wider or more extended experience of the Great Lakes than Captain Johnson. From the age of fourteen he has been a sailor or been closely identified with vessel interests. He comes from the northern land in the Old World which has furnished so many of the better class of lake men.
Captain Johnson was born in Norway in 1836, and at the age of fourteen years went as cabin boy at Arendal, Norway, and for five years sailed on the Baltic, the North Sea, and the Mediterranean; also sailing from Christiana, Norway. While thus employed he had many interesting experiences. When he was sixteen years of age, sailing on the Norwegian ship Frey, he nearly met his death by drowning. The good ship was entering the harbor of St. Tubas, Portugal, and the crew were lowering a small boat, in which young Johnson was placed for the purpose of unhooking the tackle from the masthead in order to let the boat hang in the tackle under the yardarm to lower it down to clear the side of the ship. The end of the tackle, not being made well fast in the block, slipped, and the end of the boat dropped down throwing him head foremost into the sea. The tide was running out at the rate of five or six miles an hour carrying Mr. Johnson with it, but being a good swimmer he kept afloat, and kept constantly watching his ship though with little hope of ever reaching it again. His thoughts were on the death that seemed to await him, and of the loved ones at home, who would so grieve at his untimely death; but just as all possible hope of rescue seemed passed, and he was calmly waiting the end, he was rescued by an old Portuguese peddler, by the name of Joseph, who was in a small boat peddling fruit and wine among the vessels.
In 1855, at the age of nineteen, our subject came to Chicago, and at once entered the employ of George Steel, who owned a number of vessels, among them the St. Lawrence, on which Captain Johnson sailed during the seasons of 1855 and 1856. During the seven success-ive winters, so attached had Mr. Steele become to the young sailor that our subject made his home with his employer, and was regarded as one of the family during the summer months following sailing. An incident which illustrates the bravery of Captain Johnson, as well as his devotion to his friends, is worthy of mention in this sketch. In February, 1857, Chicago was visited by a flood caused by rain and melted snow, which carried away bridges and did much other damage. While the flood was at its greatest height, Mr. Steele and Captain Johnson attempted to cross the river at Healeys slough, now the branch that runs to the stockyards, with a horse and buggy. Thinking the bridge was still in place, but covered with water and floating ice, they drove the horse into the river to their dismay, however, finding the bridge had been carried away, so horse, buggy and men were thrown into the water, and were in great danger of being drowned. Captain Johnson succeeded in getting to the opposite shore, caught the horse by the head and assisted him to get a footing on the river bottom. He then swam out and rescued Mr. Steele, who was a large, heavy man, and brought him ashore in an almost exhausted condition. Mr. Steele ever after, in relating the incident to his friends (as he often did), gave Captain Johnson the credit of having saved his life, and his gratitude was shown in his honest admiration and friend-ship for his noble rescuer.
From the time that he entered the employ of Mr. Steele, in 1855, Captain Johnson's career on the lakes has been a successful one. As stated above, he first sailed on the schooner St. Lawrence, where he remained two seasons, and then became a vessel owner by the purchase of the schooner Fish Hawk, which he sailed from Chicago, and which was engaged in the coasting trade. Two years later he bought the schooners Traveller and Richard Mott, and engaged in the grain trade. During the same season he sold the Mott and purchased the schooner D.O. Dickenson. This vessel he sold in 1860, and the same season bought the schooners Paulina, Magnolia and Rosa Belle. To this fleet he afterward added the schooners Cecilia and Ida, and he was largely engaged in the grain trade, besides doing considerable in lumber. In 1870 he built the schooner Lena Johnson, and later the schooners Clara, Olga, Alice and William O. Goodman. Three of these he still owns. In the early days of Captain Johnson's experiences on the lakes, freights were much higher than now. He once took to Buffalo, in the Magnolia, 9,000 bushels of corn in one cargo, and received for carrying it twenty-seven cents per bushel. It was a large cargo for that time.
While sailing on the lakes years ago many of the disasters which were common came within the personal knowledge of Captain Johnson. He witnessed the burning of the steamer Niagara at Port Washington in 1857, and assisted in the saving of the crew. When the schooner Greyhound, loaded with grain, went ashore at Sheboygan, Captain Johnson helped to shoot a line out, and assisted in rescuing most of the crew; two who tried to swim ashore were drowned. About a month after the loss of the Lady Elgin, he picked up the bodies of two women, who were among the passengers, one of whom was identified by two rings on her finger (one having the letters "W.B.G.L." engraved on it, the other having "B.L." on it), and supposed to belong to Milwaukee. He took the bodies to Racine, where the inquest was held and the bodies buried. The three schooners now owned by Captain Johnson - the Clara, the Olga, and the William O. Goodman - are all engaged in the lumber trade for the Sawyer Goodman Company. They were built by Captain Johnson and have ever since been employed in that trade.
Captain Johnson was married in Chicago, in 1872, to Miss Eline Theodora Shoemaker, who was born in Norway. Of their five children, three are now living - Clara Amelia, Olga Theresa and Alice Eline Theodora. Captain Johnson is a well know resident of Wicker Park, Chicago, and is quite largely interested in real estate in that vicinity. He was one of the early settlers of the Park, and for five years he has been engaged in some large transactions. However, he still retains a deep interest in marine affairs, and is one of the representative vessel owners of the Great Lakes. What he is, and what he has, is due to no inside influence. He landed in America a poor sailor, and by his indomitable energy, and faithful attention to his duty, he has attained an honorable place among his fellow men, and through legitimate channels of business has acquired a high position in the financial world.
In 1878, accompanied by his wife and eldest daughter, the Captain visited the Paris Exposition, and spent five months traveling in Europe.

Captain William H. Johnson is a shipmaster well known to the sailing craft of the Great Lakes, standing high among them as one experienced in and well acquainted with all the different branches of the marine industry. He well merits the high respect in which he has been held by his employers, always having had a career fortunate to himself, and for those for whom he is command. He is the son of J.O. and Mary Ann (Bansey) Johnson, both of whom are deceased; the former having been occupied the greater part of his life as a farmer.
The subject of this sketch was born September 1, 1856, at Annawan, Ill., and at that place spent the first four or five years of his life. From where he moved with his parents to Algonac, and in that place or immediate vicinity he has since made his home. In the public schools he obtained a good common-school education, and in 1872 decided to follow a marine life, to which he has since been an ardent devotee. His first experience was on the Belle Case, of St. Clair, where he remained about two years, then going on different lumber barges until 1877. Upon the Katie Brainard and John W. Hanaford he spent one year before the mast, and then went upon the H.R. Newcomb, in tow with D.W. Rust. After spending on season on the D.K. Clint as able seaman, he came on the John N. Glidden, and served as wheelsman. In the spring of 1882 he served in the same capacity on the E.B. Hale until June, and then shipped as second mate on the steam barge Ohio, of Sandusky, he remaining throughout the season and the next year upon his boat, and then entered P. Minch's employ, going on the A. Everett. There he spent three months as second mate and was then given the position of mate on the same boat, then in command of Capt. Peter Minch, who was lost on the Western Reserve on Lake Superior, while taking a pleasure trip. Upon the William Chisholm Captain Johnson acted as mate part of the season with Captain Minch, and part with Capt. Andrew Greves, after which he returned to the A. Everett, and acted as mate one season, with Captain Gerlach.
In 1888 he was given command of the Margaret Olwill, and sailed her throughout the season, coming the next year again to the John N. Glidden, where he remained on command for the next five years. The seasons of 1894, '95, '96 were spent as mate of the Onoko, when she was laid up for repairs at Buffalo, which Captain Johnson superintended. This boat was the first iron steam barge on the Great Lakes, having been built in 1882 in Cleveland, and brought out by Capt. William Pringle. It was during 1888, and upon the Onoko, that Capt. William Trenter, under whom Captain Johnson acted as wheelsman while on the John N. Glidden, was killed by a deck engine catching his coat when he was making a sail. During the seasons of 1897 and 1898 he was in charge of the steamer I. W. Nicholas, owned by the same company that owned his former boat, the Onoko.
Captain Johnson is a member of the Ship Masters Association No. 4, of Cleveland.
On December 25, 1881, the Captain was married to Miss Alice M. Moore, of Algonac, Mich. They have five children: David W., Orlin H., Russel S., and Donald and Dorothy, twins, who are still infants.
Captain Alex Johnston, a well-known and popular shipmaster, sailing out of West Bay City, formerly of Detroit, is so diffident about speaking of himself that it is difficult to render justice to his hospitable, upright, conscientious traits of character and disposition in an article of this nature. He cannot however, preclude the writer, who has the pleasure of his acquaintance, from saying that he is a courteous, companionable man, of fine physique, warm, sunny temperament, and generous to a fault. He was born December 11, 1856, at Moore, Ont., a hamlet on the St. Clair River, and is of Scotch-Irish descent. He received a liberal education in the public schools of his native place, and the studious habits acquired during his boyhood days are still retained, and it is therefore unnecessary to say that he is an unusually well informed man relative to general history, as well as the current events of the day. He has had no artificial influence to help him to obtain the position he now holds as master of a steamboat, but has secured it by his own merit.
Soon after reaching his majority Captain Johnston began his career on the lakes, his first boat being the Jupiter, on which he remained but a short time. He then held various berths, from that of sailor before the mast to the office of mate, up to the spring of 1894, when he was appointed master of the steamer Isabella J. Boyce, trading between Bay City and Chicago, and from Buffalo to Lake Superior ports. In the spring of 1895 he was appointed master of the steamer Sparta, engaged in trading to all ports on the lakes, which he has sailed with good business success for four seasons, including that of 1898.
Socially, the Captain is an ardent Mason of high degree, having reached the thirty-second, and is a Noble of the Mystic Shrine. He is also a member of the Ship Masters Association, and carries Pennant No. 1081.
In 1897, Capt. Alex Johnston was wedded to Miss Nettie S., the eldest daughter of Capt. William Neal, of West Bay City. The family homestead is pleasantly situated on South Dean Street, West Bay City, Michigan.
Captain John M. Johnston was born on a farm in Eds County, Sweden, in 1851, his father being John Johnston, a farmer. He commenced sailing at the age of fourteen, going as boy in a schooner to Leith, Scotland, and returning to Christiania.
Our subject then joined a full-rigged ship, carrying passengers from Christiania to Quebec, making two trips. Next he went out in a fishing schooner from Tonsberg, with a fleet that sailed on February 22, and returned in mid-summer, after which he joined a full-rigged ship from Norway to Russian ports on the White Sea. He remained two years with this vessel, making voyages to Rio Pernambuco, Cronstadt, London, Shields, Copenhagen and Helsenberg; at the last named place the vessel was frozen in during the entire winter. He joined a brigantine at Helsingor for a voyage to Antwerp, leaving her there to ship in a New Haven schooner which took a cargo of railroad iron to New Orleans. At this point he joined a packet ship bound for Liverpool, getting a cargo of sugar at Havana, and left her there; thence went to Montreal in a Boston bark loaded with sugar. In 1872 he shipped in the propeller East at Montreal for the Great Lakes, spending one season as wheelsman. For two seasons he was second mate of the propeller Dromedary, and also of the Columbia for a like period. He then for one season was master of the steambarge Vanderbilt, master of the steambarge Mary I. Robinson for one year, of the schooner Phebe Catherine for one year, and of the propeller Lake Erie, of the New England Transportation Company, two years. The last named vessel was run into by the Northern Queen on Lake Michigan, in 1881, and was sunk. In 1882 Captain Johnston was master of the propeller Enterprise; 1883, mate and pilot of the river tug Andrew J. Smith on Georgian Bay; 1884, master of the tug Kellogg; 1885 master of the tug William A. Moore; 1886-87-88, master of the tug Balize; 1889-90, he was manager of the Charlton Tug line; in 1891, master of the tug Balize; 1892, master of the Tuscarora; 1893-94, master of the propeller Samson; 1895-96-97-98, master of the propeller William Edwards.
In the fall of 1872 Captain Johnston was married to Miss Matilda McMorris, of Kincardine, Canada. Their children are: Mary Lucinda and Minnie Rosa. Three children, Robert, Jessie and Matilda, are deceased.
R.T. Johnston, mate of the steamer Lakeside, was born in Kingston, Ont., and during his earlier years resided in Toronto, where he attended the public schools for several years. On leaving school he engaged in various occupations on land until the year 1888, when he shipped aboard the steamer J.W. Steinhoff (now the Queen City), at that time commanded by Captain Pollock, and owned by William Barrett, of Toronto. From this boat he went on the propeller Northern King, which ran between Buffalo and Duluth, and remained on her seven months. His next berth was on the schooner Merrill, which carried iron ore and lumber between Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago and other lake ports, and after three months' service on her he transferred to the propeller Jay Gould, which was engaged in the Chicago and Lake Superior trade. In 1890 we find him on the steam-barge Orion, which was owned by the Collins Bay Forwarding Company, and was engaged in the timber trade between Collins Bay - a port about five miles from Kingston - and Lake Superior. Then he shipped on the schooner St. Louis, a lumber trader plying between Georgian Bay ports, Tonawanda, Buffalo and Oswego, on which he remained until 1892 when he changed to the fine new side-wheel steamer Garden City. After one season on this boat he changed to the propeller Nipigon, which carried lumber between Ogdensburg, N. Y., and Lake Superior ports, and was on her until he was offered and accepted the position of first officer on the steamer Lakeside, which runs between Toronto, Port Dalhousie and St. Catharines. She is one of the best managed and most popular boats on Lake Ontario, and is ably commanded by the genial Captain Wigle. Mr. Johnston recalls many interesting experiences in his career on the lakes. He was out in the terrible storm of 1888, when the propeller Georgia was lost in Georgian Bay, all on board, however, being rescued and taken ashore. Six or seven years ago he was out on the Northern King in a bad storm, the same which caused the foundering of the steamer Western Reserve.
Mr. Johnston is married, and he makes his home on Church Street, in the City of St. Catharines.
Captain Robert H. Johnston was born in New York City in 1851, and removed to Buffalo with his parents in 1854, where he attended school for a short time.
At the age of ten years our subject became a ferry boy on Buffalo creek, at which occupation he earned considerable money for one so young. His first experience on the lakes was on the bark D. P. Dobbins, with Capt. James Todd. He then went tugging out of Buffalo harbor for six years, during which time he held several places on the schooners American Giant and Weaver, and on the tugs Jones, J. C. Harrison, Compound, B. F. Bruce, the barge Ajax and the river tug Gladiator. He was on the J. C. Harrison when she got a line in her wheel and went ashore between Silver Creek and Sturgeon Point, when the crew was taken off by the tug Compound. In the spring of 1879 he shipped on the schooner Sam Flint as seaman for one season, and in 1881 on the schooner L. J. Farwell, of Sandusky, and the next spring, 1882, was appointed mate of the schooner Goodell, holding that position three seasons. In 1885 he stopped ashore and entered the employ of Bousefield & Co. in their woodenware works in Bay City, where he remained six years.
In the spring of 1891 he again took up his lakefaring life as mate of the schooner Sweepstakes; in 1892 he was appointed master of the pleasure boat Maid of the Mist, stationed below Niagara Falls, and held this berth four seasons alternating, however, with the tugs Cascade, Johnson and Dimick before and after the summer seasons at the Falls. He has also served two seasons as master of tugs in the employ of the Buffalo Dredging Company. He is a member of the fraternity of Odd Fellows, and of the Buffalo Harbor Tug Pilots Association, Harbor No. 41.
John C. Joll is closely connected with marine life, although he has never been a sailor, and he is well known by all marine men, having been a ship carpenter all his life, and for many years connected with the lake trade.
Mr. Joll was born in Calstock, England, April 5, 1846, and at that place learned his trade with an uncle, the owner of a shipyard and dry dock. Here he served a seven years' apprenticeship, and then went to Devonport, where he was employed in the government yards three years. The following season he was employed by the Fountain Dry Dock Company, of London. In 1871 he came to America and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where he was employed in the shipyards of Quayle & Martin for one year. He then went to the La Frenier Ship Building Company, as contractor, and remained one year. While there he was in charge of the carpenter work on the S.H. Foster, Cormorant and Holly. He next entered the employ of the Stephens & Presley Dry Dock Co., and in 1881 became foreman of the carpenters in the dry dock. From here he went to the Globe Iron Works, and there worked on the Northern Queen, Northland, North West and North Light, also all of the Menominee Transit line. In 1896 he came to the Cleveland Dry Dock Co., as dry dock foreman. About July 1, 1898, the three dry docks in Cleveland were consolidated into one company known as the Ship Owners Dry Dock Company, and our subject became foreman of the two upper docks, and the yard of this company, Capt. W.W. Brown being manager.
On September 23, 1873, Mr. Joll was married to Miss Elizabeth Pepper, who died June 17, 1876. On August 3, 1880, he married Miss Emma Lane, who died March 14, 1984, and on September 19, 1896, he wedded Miss Louise Harris. He is the father of two children: Mamie and Philip. The daughter is married to Robert Dracket and resides in Cleveland, Philip is learning the machinist's trade at present.
John Jolly, Toronto manager of the Hamilton Steamboat Company has attained a good standing in the marine world through energy and innate business qualifications which make him eminently fitted to occupy such a position of responsibility as he now holds. There is no doubt that his proverbial affability of temper has also had its share in his success, for there is no more popular man connected with a steamboat company on the whole line of the lakes. For the first six years of his career he was a commercial traveller, only abandoning that line of work to take an important situation with the Grand Trunk Railroad of Canada, which he held for seven years, resigning in 1894 to accept a post which the Hamilton Steamboat Company offered him, that of local manager at Toronto.
Mr. Jolly is a native of Canada, and was born in Prince Albert (now Port Perry), Ont., on August 15, 1866. In 1892 he was married to Miss Maud Playter, one of the belles of Woodbridge, Ont., who is as popular among the ladies as Mr. Jolly is among the men. In politics he is a strong Liberal, and is not ashamed to avow his principles.
Albert Leigh Jones was born at Manchester, England, November 20, 1862, and at that place lived the first sixteen years of his life. He then came to America and settled in Detroit, where he has since made his place of residence. He is the son of Peter and Caroline (Fowler) Jones, both natives of England, who are still living in that country, the former being in charge of a cotton-shipping warehouse at Manchester.
At the age of twenty-two years Albert Jones began sailing, and for many years turned his attention to that occupation. He first went out of Detroit on the City of Alpena, formerly known as the City of Cleveland, acting as oiler, and remained three years. >From this boat he went on the propeller Birckhead, and acted as second engineer one year, and spent the following season in the same capacity on the Ossifrage and Idlewild. He then spent five years as second engineer upon the Frank E. Kirby, and, upon leaving her, left the lakes to fill a position in the Public Lighting Commission of Detroit, where he has remained since March, 1895.
On December 9, 1889, he was married to Amanda Fisher, of Detroit. Their only child, Erwin Leigh, was born October 1, 1891. Mr. Jones is a member of the M. E. B. A. No. 3, of Detroit, the A. O. U. W., and of M. E. Cooley Association No. 24, N. A. S. E.
Augustus Jones, one of the pioneer shipbuilders on the lakes, was born in Essex, Conn., in 1782, and belonged to a race of sea captains and ship builders. The early part of his career was passed in New England, and during the war of 1812, when the British burned the ships in the Connecticut river, his vessels were destroyed. As a compensation the government granted him a tract of land at Black River, now Lorain, Ohio, and he started for the Western Reserve with an ox-team and covered wagon. No record is left of the perils and privations of this journey, but he certainly experienced all the hardships which pioneers were forced to endure when traveling to what was then the Far West. After a struggle of two years he had established a shipyard, built a log house, and made a home for his family, who then joined him. Mr. Jones worked at various points on the lakes, but retained his home at Black River until his death in 1841, at the age of fifty-nine years.
Mr. Jones married Saba Murdock, of Saybrook, Conn., a lady of education and refinement, who heroically endured her lot, and died from the effects of hardships incident to life on the frontier. Their children were: William Augustus; Benjamin Buel; George Washington; Frederick Nelson; James Madison; Maria, wife of Captain Whittaker; Fannie, wife of Capt. Joel McQueen; Mehitable, wife of A.C. Jones, clerk on a steamboat; and Marie Antoinette, wife of Sir Francis Drake, a descendant of the celebrated English navigator. For several years the father and sons were associated in shipbuilding, but after his death they established individual shipyards at Lorain, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Buffalo and Detroit. Altogether the Jones family was one of the most noted in the development of the lake marine.
C.R. Jones & Co., of which firm C.R. Jones is a member, commenced business in Cleveland, in 1891, he having for four years previously been connected with J.M. Jones & Co., large vessel owners of Detroit, Mich. In Cleveland this firm began by conducting a vessel agency and insurance business, and since then have owned an interest in and been managers of a large number of vessels of different kinds. They have catered almost exclusively to the lumber, coal and ore shipping trade, and have carried on general insurance and vessel business.
During 1898 C.R. Jones & Co. were interested in the following steamers: Argo, Aragon, W.L. Wetmore, A.G. Lindsay, Argonaut, Preston, Rhoda, Emily, Desmond and M.C. Neff. They were also interested in the following barges and schooners: Charles Wall, John O'Neil, Brunette, Hattie, Delos De Wolf, Canton, J.T. Mott and John Magee. It is proper to note that at the present writing (1898) Mr. Jones is the youngest man in the vessel property in Cleveland, as well as being very largely interested in vessel property elsewhere. The Argo and Aragon were built by the Argo Steamship Company, of which Mr. Jones is the secretary and manager. Both boats are new, having been built in 1895. The Argo cost $65,000 and the Aragon, which has a tonnage of 1,072, and which cost $125,000, carries the largest load through the Welland canal of any vessel afloat, having been built especially for that trade. Her load through this canal is 80,000 bushels of corn, or its equivalent.
C.R. Jones, one of the most active and successful vessel men connected with the Great Lakes, was born August 12, 1867, at Detroit, Mich., and is a son of J.M. and Martha (Robinson) Jones. The father was married twice, Martha Robinson being his second wife, and by her he had five children, three of whom are still living.
As a boy C.R. Jones attended the public schools in Detroit, and also private schools and a business college in that city. At the age of fifteen he entered his father's office in Detroit, the latter being engaged in the vessel agency business. A year and a half later he enlisted in the United States navy as an apprentice, with the view of obtaining practical experience in seamanship. He remained in the navy four and a half years, making a complete circuit of the globe in the United States steamer Juniata. His experience in the navy has since been of great benefit to him in many ways, he coming in contact with all classes of ships in all countries, and in many ocean ports. In 1889 he was honorably discharged and returned to Detroit, and there became a member of the firm of J.M. Jones & Co., with which he was connected until the spring of 1891, when he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, and established the business of C.R. Jones & Co., a brief sketch of which is else-where published in this history. He is also a member of the firm of Parks & Jones, which carries on a large local fire insurance business, and which makes a specialty of insuring vessels and marine property, inside and outside of Cleveland.
Mr. Jones was married April 27, 1891, to Miss Jessie Truscott, who died quite suddenly after a short illness, in March 1898. She was the daughter of W.H. Truscott, one of the pioneer settlers and prominent members and business men of the West side of Cleveland. It was Mr. Truscott who started the first street railroad on that side of the river. To Mr. and Mrs. Jones were born three children: Charles Truscott, who was born in 1892; James Robinson, born in 1895; and Erwin Conger, born in 1897. The family lives at No. 972 E. Madison avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Jones is a member of the Reformed Protestant Episcopal Church, as was also his wife.
Captain Thomas Jones is a man of keen foresight, energy and thrift. He has advanced from humble circumstances to a position of affluence without the power of money or influential friends to assist him. He is a man of domestic tastes, simple in his habits, and devoted to his family. He has been prosperous, and by his industry accumulated a competence. He was born, in 1844, at Everton (near Liverpool), England, and came to the United States in 1854, landing in New York without a cent in his pocket.
All other opportunities failing, Captain Jones commenced his seafaring life on the ship Parthenia as boy, and remained in that capacity for five years, at $5 per month. He then shipped on a vessel bound for Mobile, Ala., thence to Liverpool, remaining on her one year. On his return to Philadelphia he took a berth on the bark Chester, bound for Boston. In 1856 he stopped ashore and went to Newburyport and did chores for his board with the family of Capt. H. Graves, the Captain sending him to the public schools during the year he remained with him. He afterward passed an examination for the high school, having attended night schools three years at Newburyport. In 1857 he joined a fishing expedition to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, remaining two years in the mackerel fishery. In 1859 he went to New York and shipped as seaman on the Oroondatos to Mobile Bay, this service occupying one year. His next voyage was on the same ship from Mobile to Liverpool, thence back to New Orleans, making two round trips, and in 1861 was in New Orleans when Fort Sumter was fired upon. His ship then sailed with a cargo of cotton to Gibraltar for orders, and she was consigned to the Rothchilds, discharging cargo at Barcelona. His next voyage was to Odessa, Russia, via Constantinople, where the ship took on a cargo of flaxseed for Antwerp, and he secured a berth on the full-rigged ship Alarm, for Sunderland, England, leaving the ship on her arrival in order that he might take a vacation and see some of the country contiguous to that port. Returning to Antwerp, he took a berth in the full-rigged ship Ashburton, one of the swallow-tailed packets, for New York. He then transferred to the ship Flora Southard, bound for Havana, Cuba, thence to Ramedios, where she loaded sugar consigned to New York parties. In 1863 he shipped on the Narragansett, New York to Liverpool, the passage occupying twenty-seven days. He then shipped on the Australia, of the Black Star line, Liverpool to New York; then on the Harriet, New York to Antwerp; then on the Dorcas C. Yeaton, Antwerp to Portland, Maine. The same year he made one trip as second mate on the ship Eudoras, Portland to Matanzas and return. He then shipped as second mate on the new bark Norton Stover, after which he served in various capacities on several ships. In 1864, during the Civil War, he enlisted in the Navy of the North, at Portland, Maine, and was assigned to the gunboat Ashculot, of the blockading squadron, with the rank of second gunner of the Long Tom, forward, and captain of the foretop. He remained in the naval service until the close of the war.
In 1866 Captain Jones went to Cleveland and shipped on the schooner Wavetree, transformed into an American vessel as a precaution against seizure. He shipped before the mast, and laid up the schooner in the fall. On the 7th of December he arrived in Cleveland, and on the 13th shipped as second mate on the bark J. E. Ward, of New York, for a voyage to Havana, taking on sugar for Philadelphia. He returned to the lakes in 1867, and shipped on the brig Commerce for four trips, and then transferred to the schooner Wavetree, which went ashore on Lake Huron and was abandoned. He worked in a rig loft until the following spring, when he went as second mate of the Plover, afterward being appointed mate of her. His next boat was the John L. Grosse, which he laid up in ordinary, and went as second mate on the schooner Ironsides. In the spring of 1869, he shipped as mate of the topsail scow S. B. Conklin, with which he remained the full season; in 1870 he shipped as second mate of the schooner J. F. Card one season, then mate of her three seasons, until August 4, 1873; followed by a season as second mate on the schooner John Martin. He then purchased an interest in the schooner Wake Up, which was subsequently lost, after which he went as second mate on the schooner John Martin, on which he sailed two seasons. This was the turning of the tide in his favor, and it began to grow in the confidence of vessel owners. His next boat was the schooner J. F. Card as master, remaining two years, and was then appointed to the Escanaba, on which he sailed as master for three seasons, followed in 1879 on the schooner Alva Bradley one season; 1880 on the schooner John Martin five seasons; 1886 on the steamer Sarah E. Sheldon two seasons; 1889 on the steamer Nahant three seasons; 1892 on the steamer Iroquois, four seasons, laying her up December 20, 1896, thus rounding out a period of forty-two years from boy to master.
He is a Knight Templar Mason and a member of the Ship Masters Association, carrying Pennant No. 168, and has been treasurer of the association since 1892.
Captain Jones was united in marriage with Miss Nancy E. Smith, of Marengo, McHenry Co. Ill., in 1884, and one daughter, Ruth F., has been born to them. The family residence is at No. 256 Franklin Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
George Washington Jones, one of the best known of the earlier lake shipbuilders, was the third son of Augustus Jones, and inherited his father's skill, possessing great ingenuity in the science of vessel construction. He invented and used many of the era-marking improvements which contributed so largely to the development of the lake marine. At the age of ten he accompanied his maternal uncle, Enoch Murdock, to the Western Reserve of Ohio, joining his father at Black River, now Lorain, Ohio, where the latter had established a shipyard. On reaching the Hudson river it was found to be frozen, and in order to cross the ice they sold the ox-team and rigged a sleigh with sails, which was propelled by wind. The remainder of the journey was made by horse and wagon, and the travelers at length reached their new home in the forest of Ohio, two months after their departure from New England. For several winters following, Mr. Jones attended a country school, walking three miles through the woods, morning and night. The educational advantages offered by the schools of those early days were very limited, but he made the most of them, and largely through his own efforts became a well-informed man of sound judgment.
When his school life was ended Mr. Jones was placed in charge of the home farm, as his father and brothers were engaged in ship building at various places on the lakes. It was intended that he should remain a farmer, not only because it was necessary that one of the family should be with the mother, but because the father felt that one of his sons should follow some other occupation. Washington secretly resented the idea that he was less fit than his brothers for shipbuilding, and entreated his father to give him the desired instruction, but to no purpose. About this time a traveling draughtsman came to Black River, and the determined young man went promptly to see him. In return for instruction he offered the gentleman the little money he had and a pair of new boots - his most precious possession. Arrangements were made, and for several months following all his leisure hours were spent in acquiring a knowledge of planning and draughting vessels. Not long afterward a boat was to be built at Conneaut. The father and sons were busy, and there seemed to be no one to care for the new enterprise. Washington regarded this as his opportunity, and asked to be allowed to superintend the work. His father's astonishment knew no bounds, and he was asked what he knew about shipbuilding. He replied that he could build the boat and, no other course being open, a reluctant consent was given. The amateur shipbuilder started for the scene of his first effort full of hope and determination. Many predicted a failure, as his methods were new and often original. The result was a success, the steamer North America came together in fine shape, and Washington Jones was acknowledged a master builder at the age of twenty-one.
After the death of the father the sons separated, each choosing a lake city as his home. The exact number of vessels built by George Washington Jones is not known. Among them were the following: Steamer North America, built at Conneaut in 1833; steamer Constitution, 1837; schooner John Jacob Astor, 112 tons, 1835; brig Ramsey Crooks, 1836; schooner Algonquin; George Watson, 1841; steamer Empire, 1844; propeller Phoenix, 1845; steamer Hendrick Hudson, 1846; steamer Buckeye State, 1852; schooner W.F. Allen, 1853; Jersey City, 1854 or '55; schooners Tracy J. Brunson, Belle Walbridge, Gertrude and Kyle Spangler, dates unknown; schooner Wing of the Morning and propeller Dick Tinto, 1854; schooner Drake, 1855; L.J. Farwell, G.D. Norris and W.S. Scott, 1856; Levi Rawson, 1861; William Jones and bark Franz Sigel, 1862; schooner P.S. Marsh, 1867; and steam barge Nahant, 1873. Several of these were built at Black River under the firm name of William Jones & Co. The bark Phoenix, a pioneer packet between Chicago and Buffalo, was built and commanded by Capt. George Washington Jones. The John Jacob Astor was built for the Hudson Bay Fur Company, and was the first American vessel on Lake Superior, taking the place of the Indian bateaux in carrying supplies to the traders. The frames for this boat were made at Black River, and carried by boat to Sault Ste. Marie, whence they were portaged over to the shores of Lake Superior, where she was completed and launched. On her first voyage Stannard rock was discovered by the captain and named in his honor. A great lighthouse now stands on that rock. The steamer Empire was built in Cleveland in 1844, and was the first steamer in the United States to carry over 1,000 tons, being 200 tons larger than any on salt or fresh water. Her exact measurement was 1,136 tons and she made the trip from Buffalo to Cleveland in twelve hours and twenty-five minutes. She was magnificently equipped and was veritably a floating palace. She was the first boat ever launched sidewise, and to her was first applied the arch (the invention of the builder) and afterward universally adopted. The Eureka was fitted out by Mr. Jones in 1848 to take the famous "forty-niners" around the Horn to California in search of gold. The barge Nahant was the last built by him in 1873, and soon afterward he transferred his marine property from sail to steam vessels. To Captain Jones is given the credit as instigator of the steamer Onoko, the forerunner of the great fleets of steel steamers which now ply the lakes.
Captain Jones married Miss Sarah R. Tenney, of Orwell, Vermont, and all of the five children born to them are living. He passed to his rest October 9, 1894, at the age of eighty-two years, after a well-spent life. Mrs. Jones, with other members of the family, still resides at the old home-stead, No. 326 Pearl street, Cleveland, Ohio.
The credit of establishing the first exclusively marine newspapers of the Great Lakes is accorded to the gentleman whose name introduces this article, it being the Detroit Marine News, which began publication in 1880, and he continued its editor for some time. He was born in Lorain, Ohio in 1840, a son of George Washington Jones a well known and prominent shipbuilder.
During his childhood our subject was taken by his parents to Cleveland, and throughout his life has been greatly interested in lake marine. For a time he temporarily filled the place of marine editor of the Detroit Free Press, and this led to his establishing a distinctively marine paper. He was deeply interested in commercial questions relating to the water ways connecting the east and the west, and was especially devoted to the opposition of the free ship bill, feeling that American ships should be built American material by Americans. Ill health prevented Mr. Jones from continuing the publication of the Marine News, but the idea thus inaugurated was taken up by others, there now being a number of distinctively marine publications along the lakes.
Captain William G. Jones is a shipmaster who has been well known along the chain of lakes for many years, having been master of vessels over thirty-five years, and sailed considerably over forty years, before he retired to engage in the grocery business, in which he is still interested. He is the son of Gardner and Eunice (Thompson) Jones, natives of Massachusetts and New Hampshire respectively. He was born May 15, 1828, at Orleans, Jefferson Co., N. Y., and there spent his childhood days, obtaining the education afforded by the common schools of that place.
His first sailing was done on the schooner Superior, of Clayton, operating on Lake Ontario in the lumber and timber trade. This boat is one well known to marine men, as the one sunk at Clayton during the war, and afterward raised and put into service. He, then acting as seaman, came on the E. G. Merrick, a boat famous for the fact that it was the first to enter Milwaukee harbor, going upon the same to Chicago when it was a small place with only one hotel. In 1847 he was given command of the Powhatan, and sailed her one season, coming on the William the following year, and then to the Ramsey Crooks, where he remained two years. He then spent a short time on the schooner Whitney and the brig McBride, soon coming on the steamer Diamond, in the same employ. The following season he came on the Grace Greenwood, but remaining only a short time came on the brig General Worth, and later on the bark Vanguard, and schooners George Worthington, S. G. Andrews, Wild Rover and C. H. Johnson.
In 1846 Captain Jones was married to Miss Chloe Gore, of Cape Vincent, N. Y., who died in June, 1889. They had one child, Isabel, who is married to J. P. Winter and resides in Glenville at the present time. Captain Jones has been a member of the town council six years, acted as mayor two years, and is a charter member of Mayflower Lodge No. 679, I. O. O. F.
Chaplain John David Jones, who is a strong and earnest worker for the cause of Christianity among the sailers who reach the port of Cleveland, was born April 30, 1845, at Cleveland. His father was a local Methodist preacher, and one of the owners of the first rolling-mill built at that port.
Our subject commenced sailing in 1852 with Capt. Solon Rumage on the schooner Wings of the Morning, and remained in various capacities on the vessels of Captain Rumage, and with other lake masters for twelve years. He then sought salt water, and took service on merchant vessels. In 1861 he enlisted in the Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, but after serving one year he joined the navy and was appointed carpenter on the gunboat Yantic, on which he remained two years. While fighting at Fort Fisher a one-hundred-pound pivot swivel gun burst, killing the gunner and the officer of the division, the two men standing nearest to the Chaplain. This was the first attack under General Butler. At the second attack under General Terry, volunteers were called to go wtih Lieut. W. B. Cushing, the hero who destroyed the Rebel ram Albemarle. The purpose of the expedition was to storm Fort Fisher. Chaplain Jones was one of the sailors who accompanied him. He stood by the side of Lieutenant Porter when he was shot. A squad of seven or eight men who were with him were all killed or wounded. "This," the Chaplain said, "was the most trying moment of my life, and I thank God for his great mercy."
After his service he returned to the lakes, and went as watchman on the propeller Winslow with Capt. Robert Anderson, who was considered in those days one of the most skillful and able navigators on the lakes. He had previously sailed on the bark Pomeroy, which he laid up in Chicago at the end of the season. After his service with Captain Anderson, he went as mate on the schooner N. C. Winslow. The Chaplain also sailed on the following vessels: T. P. Handy, William Case, Champion, C. C. Cooper, the bark Bridge, and many others. Chaplain Jones asserts that he never had command of a vessel for the reason that he was a victim of drink. His conversion from one of the wildest of sailor men to Christianity and right living took place in 1868, soon after his return to the lakes, after his thrilling experience on salt water, and his good work in the Floating Bethel dates from that time.
He has now been engaged in Bethel work thirty-one years. It can be truthfully said of the Floating Bethel, of which he is the founder, that to the poor the Gospel is preached, the sick are visited, and the wayward reclaimed.
Quoting the words of Rev. J. S. Reager, "Chaplain Jones knows their sorrows, knows their sick fathers and mothers, knows the calamities that have come into their homes; everything connected with their lives seems to have come to the knowledge of this man."
Chaplain Jones quells the unruly in his meetings with the same vigor and earnestness that is a marked feature in his discourses to the unfortunate and erring. On the dock front in the Floating Bethel there is a commodious reading room for the unemployed. It is generally well filled, and the good order kept there is something to marvel at. In a book lately published on the charities of Cleveland, speaking of this Bethel, an old captain says: "There is no work equal to it on fresh water." W. H. Doan, the philanthropist, at one of the Floating Bethel board of directors' meetings, said: "I know of no work where more is accomplished with the amount of money it costs, or where God's blessing is to be more seen than at the Floating Bethel."
The Floating Bethel has become an necessary institution, and Chaplain Jones a necessary instructor, at the port of Cleveland, and this is testified to by the generous manner in which this work is recognized by all classes of citizens. In 1895 he received a handsome present, amounting to $6,183.75 for the purpose of lifting a mortgage from his home, which his generosity to the poor of the city had caused him to negotiate. Two years ago he conceived the idea that with a boat nicely fitted up and mounted on wheels he could reach many people who were not in the habit of going to church. He went to Detroit and visited the different boat houses until he found a boat suitable for the purpose. He paid $50 for one and brought it to Cleveland, mounted it on wheels and the boat was soon in commission. He then cruised in the different parts of the city with a crew of singers, and did much good in spreading the Gospel in this novel manner. The officers of the Floating Bethel are Capt. Thomas Wilson, president; Capt. George Stone, first vice-president; Stiles H. Curtiss, second vice-president; C. O. Scott, treasurer; H. F. Lyman, secretary; J. D. Jones, chaplain and superintendent.
Chaplain Jones is a man of striking physique, having a very expressive face and of commanding appearance. His armless sleeve is caused by his losing an arm in a railroad accident, during his railroad career. He was married, in 1868, to Miss Lydia Pepperday, organist of the old Bethel at that time. Eight children have been born to them, four of which are living: Loren P., John D., Jr., Lida and Ella.

Captain Robert Jones, who comes of a family of sailors, is a son of Richard and Elizabeth (McKay) Jones, the former of whom (now deceased) was a salt-water sailor in his younger days, and later, until he arrived at the age of fifty, was an officer in the employ of the English Government. He had a family of eleven children, those now living being Robert; Mary A., wife of Capt. William Dickson, a well-known resident of Buffalo, and a lake navigator; Margaret, wife of George Boland, a machinist of Buffalo; Ellen, wife of Edward Hurtley, a farmer of near Geneva, Ohio; Sarah, wife of Philip Kelley, a clerk for the New York Central Railroad Company; Stephen, a lake captain; and Emily, wife of Walter Milson, a stock man at East Buffalo. Captain Valentine Jones, one of the oldest captains on the lakes and a resident of Buffalo, is a brother of Richard Jones.
The subject of this sketch was born in England October 7, 1849, attended school in his native land, and at the age of twelve years began sailing on salt water. After three years in that service he landed at Quebec in 1862, and from there went to Buffalo, where he shipped as porter on the propeller Saginaw for two seasons. For the succeeding season, 1865, he was watchman on the Dunkirk with Capt. William Dickson, and also served on her for part of 1866, the remainder of which he was wheelsman of the Kentucky. Next he was wheelsman of the Mayflower, Plymouth and Orontes, respectively, and then second mate on the propeller Winslow and mate on the propeller Sun with his uncle Capt. Robert Jones. He now became mate with Captains Perkins, Wright, Penny and Jones, respectively, in the Empire State, of the New York Central line, for five seasons in succession. Then he went as mate of the Idaho with Captain Pinney for a season, succeeding that as master of the Oneida, on which he continued for three seasons. For a time he was commodore of the New York Central line, and was in their employ altogether a period of twenty years. He was subsequently master of the Vanderbilt, Syracuse, Chicago, Idaho, Buffalo and Hudson, and also superintended the construction of several of the company's steamers at Detroit.
At one time Captain Jones owned an interest with Capt. James Davidson, of Bay City, in the steamer Panther, a freight boat, which he sailed, and which was later sold to Hubbard & Sullivan, of Toledo, Ohio, after which he sailed the City of London for the latter part of that season. He then became master of the steamer Niko, in which boat he owned an interest, resigning her after a period of four seasons as her master. During the season of 1896 he was master of the whaleback E.B. Bartlett (owned by the American Steel Barge Company, but under the management of Pickands, Mather & Co., of Cleveland, Ohio), except for the time that it took him to take the whaleback Joseph S. Colby from Ogdensburgh to Cleveland and from there to Duluth. During all his career on the lakes Captain Jones never lost a dollar of insurance, and never had occasion to enter a protest, which can be said of very few lake captains. He was appointed assistant inspector of hulls in April, 1898, the appointment coming direct from Washington. He is a member of the Shipmasters Association, and in fraternal affiliation is a Free Mason, being a member of DeMolay Lodge No. 498. Captain Jones has been one of the most successful of lake men, and is one of the self-made men.
The Captain was married at Buffalo, in 1877, to Miss Selina E. Latimer, by whom he has two children: William R., a clerk for George E. Latimer, a contractor, and Arthur V., at school. The family residence is at No. 99 Northampton street, Buffalo, New York.
Captain Stephen R. Jones, who has been in the employ of the Western Transit Company from the time he began sailing, is a son of Stephen and Jemima Jones, the former of whom was also a lake captain, and lost his life in 1880 by the unfortunate capsizing of a sail-boat outside of Buffalo harbor. The particulars of the accident were never known.
The subject of this sketch was born March 9, 1863, at Buffalo, where he attended school. At the age of sixteen he began sailing as watchman on the steamer Oneida, of the Western Transit Company, in which berth he remained two seasons. In the fall of 1881 he was lookout on the steamer Fountain City, and in 1882 was lookout on the Boston, the next season and that of 1884 serving as wheelman of the Boston. In September 1884, he went on the Buffalo, finishing the season as her wheelsman. During 1885 he was second mate of the Idaho, except the last trip of the season, which he made in the Milwaukee; he was also second mate of the Milwaukee during 1886, and in 1887 filled that berth in the Montana until September, when he was transferred to mate's berth on the Chicago, in which he remained until the close of the season of 1889. For the seasons of 1890-91-92 he was mate of the Albany, which was sunk in the collision with the Philadelphia off Point aux Barques, in 1893. In 1893 Captain Jones was given master's berth on the steamer Montana, which he filled to the satisfaction of his employers for the seasons of 1893-94-95-96 and '97. For the season of 1898 he was made master of the Milwaukee. During his career the Captain has had no collision or accident.
Fraternally Captain Jones is a Mason, a member of DeMolay Lodge. He was married in 1892 to Miss Jennie Dallas, by whom he has one child, Valentine. The family residence is at No. 708 Prospect avenue, Buffalo. The Captain is a self-made man, having to depend entirely upon his own merits for advancement. He had been with the Western Transit Company some nineteen years, and it is the only employ he has ever been in.
J.E. Jordan, who for the past twenty-four years has been in the employ of the Anchor line, is one of the six children of Thomas and Bridget (O'Day) Jordan, and was born at Buffalo, September 24, 1852. His father was one of the prominent engineers of his day, having spent forty years of his life sailing, principally on the Great Lakes.
Our subject attended the public schools of his native city in his early days. After having served his apprenticeship in the Bay State Iron Works, of Erie, Penn, he shipped on the U. S. revenue cutter Commodore Perry, as oiler, remaining on her about three months of the season of 1872. The next season he entered the employ of the Anchor line as oiler on the Gordon Campbell, for three months, finishing the season as her second engineer. In 1874 he started as second on the Juniata, and finished that season on the Gordon Campbell, again as her second engineer. The following season he went on the Conestoga as her second, and subsequently was promoted to chief of the Annie Young, and, when she was laid up, going as second on the Wissahickon for the balance of the season. The next season he was again chief on the Annie Young until she was laid up, and finished the season as second on the Gordon Campbell, on which he served also a part of the next. Returning to the Annie Young again as chief, he remained on her a time, and the latter part of the season was given the Alaska, which he ran until the Schuylkill was completed, in 1893. He fitted her and brought her out new, and was her chief for four seasons, including that of 1897.
In January, 1889, Mr. Jordan was married, at Erie, Penn., to Miss Mary Crowley, whose people are prominent and extensive real-estate holders in Erie, Penn. Five children have blessed this union, namely: Thomas, Joseph, Edward and Marie (twins), and Raymond. The family residence is at No. 221 East Third street, Erie, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Jordan is a member of the Catholic Knights of America No. 98, of Erie; the Catholic Legion, Branch No. 392, of Erie; and was one of the founders of Local Harbor No. 39, Erie, M. E. B. A., which through neglect is now practically extinct.
John R. Judge, chief engineer of the Eber Ward, of the Union Transit line, has through his own efficiency gained the reputation of being one of the best and most careful engineers in that line.
Mr. Judge is the elder of two sons of John R. and Sarah (Craven) Judge, the former of whom was born in New England and the latter in Canada. They came to Detroit, where the subject of this sketch was born June 2, 1867. He received his schooling there, and started work in Flower Brothers machine shops, where he remained two years. In 1885 he commenced steamboating, firing on the tug Hercules, of the Mills line, Detroit, all that season, and during that of 1886 he was on the tugs Parks and Ballentine. During the seasons of 1887-88 he was engineer on the Canadian tug Gordon Gauthier, on Georgian Bay, and the next one (1889) on the tug Crusader. He was second engineer of the City of Cleveland one season (1890), and then chief of the barge John E. Hall, one season (1891). For the season of 1892 he was second of the Lindsay until September, and then went as chief of the S.F. Hodge for the balance of the season of 1892, and for the seasons of 1893-94 until September when he was appointed chief of the Eber Ward, which berth he has retained up to and including the present season of 1898. Mr. Judge has ten issues of chief's license.
In June, 1888, our subject was united in marriage with Miss Mary Poole, of Detroit, Mich., and their union has been blessed with four children, viz: Florence, now (1898) aged nine years; John, aged seven; Robert aged five; and Edward, aged two. The family residence is at No. 205 Chester Street, Buffalo, N.Y. Mr. Judge is a member of Enterprise Lodge No. 65, A.O.U.W.; also a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 1, of Buffalo, New York.
Captain Thomas Judge was born in Cleveland, Ohio, September 2, 1852, and acquired his education in the public schools of his native city. In 1874, at the age of twenty-two years, he shipped on the Galena, remaining on her one season as seaman, and the following year served on the W.R. Clinton. In 1876 he shipped on the steamer Keweenaw, on which he remained four seasons. In the spring of 1880 he was made second mate of the steamer Pacific, holding that berth over two seasons; in 1882 he transferred to the steamer Arctic, and in 1883 he was second mate of the Japan. In 1884-85 he sailed as second mate of the Badger State, and in 1886 of the Empire State, finishing the season as mate. In 1887-88 he was mate on the steamer Nyack, and in 1889 he became captain of the Avon. In 1890 Captain Judge was appointed to the office of master of the steamer Nyack, which he sailed two seasons. In 1892 he sailed the steamyacht Whisper, owned by the Birge Brothers, of Buffalo, and the following season shipped on the Thomas Wilson, but finished the season on the monitor barge No. 117. In 1894 he went as mate of the steamer Owego; in 1895 as mate of the E. C. Pope, and in 1896-97-98 as mate of the steamer Northern Queen, laying up with his boat at the close of navigation in Buffalo creek. He has seventeen issues of license.
Captain Judge was married in 1891 to Miss Mary E. Todd, of Buffalo, and they have two children, Josephine and Walter. The family residence is at 256 Cedar street, Buffalo, N. Y. Captain Judge is a member of the C. M. B. A. of Buffalo.