History of the Great Lakes
Vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield
Published Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co. 1899
[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ]
[ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ]
[ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ X Y Z ]
A.J. Kahle is of German parentage but born in America, the only child of Wencil and Annie (Spitzner) Kahle, both of whom are now deceased. The father was a cabinet maker by trade.
The subject of this sketch was born at Erie, Penn., February 5, 1861, at which place he also attended school. He learned his trade at the Erie City Iron Works, where he worked about four years, after which he was fireman on the Pennsylvania railroad between Erie and Kean the same length of time. In 1880 Mr. Kahle went to Buffalo, from which port he shipped as oiler with William Erskine as chief engineer on the steamer Gordon Campbell of the Anchor line, for one season, following that employment as oiler on the steamer Winslow for another season. In 1882 he was second engineer of the old steamer Potomac for a couple of months, at the end of which period she sunk at the docks at Buffalo harbor. Mr. Kahle has been variously employed since he left the lakes. He was a year with the Watts Campbell Corliss Engine Works at Newark, N.J., and a year as guaranty engineer for Adams & Richards, builders of oil engines at New Brunswick, N.J. He next ran a stationary engine of five hundred horse power for the Meyers Rubber Company, at Milltown, N.J., for about two and a half years, and then worked for a short time at the Pennsylvania Iron Works, at Philadelphia, Penn. His next employment was with John T. Noyes three months at Buffalo, and from there he went as engineer of the steamer Conemaugh for part of the season, the remainder of which he was employed in the New York Central railroad shops. The following two years he was machinist for the Snow Pump Works, succeeding which he was in the shops of the Lehigh Valley R.R. Co., and during the winter of 1895-96 was employed in the Lake Erie Engine Works.
On April 23, 1896, he was made first assistant engineer of the Mooney building on Main street, Buffalo, which place he still retains. Mr. Kahle has been an interested member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association for seven years.
In 1883 he was married at Buffalo, to Miss Jennie Oliver, by whom he has had four children: Archibald, Anna, Rose and Samuel. They reside at No. 52 Schiller street, Buffalo, New York.
John F. Kalb is one of the popular marine engineers sailing out of the port of Cleveland. He was born in Vermilion, Ohio, in 1867, a son of Joshua and Mary E. Kalb, who removed to Cleveland from Vermilion in 1878. Joshua Kalb is a ship carpenter, and was in the employ of Capt. Alva Bradley as a jobber, doing all the repair work to his vessels for thirty-six years, and since Captain Bradley's death he has worked for the Globe Ship Building Company, and has made all the spars for the steel boats built by that firm. In the spring of 1863 he enlisted in Company G, 67th O.V.I. and served till the close of the war, participating in all the battles in which his regiment was engaged in the Army of the James, and was present at the surrender of General Lee. He is now seventy-three years old, but is still full of vitality.
John F. Kalb found his first experience as a lake-faring man in the employ of Capt. P. Smith. In the spring of 1880 he shipped as fireman on the tug Charles Henry; in 1881, transferred to the tug Maggie Sanborn, remaining two years; followed by like service on the tugs James Amadeus, Patrick Henry, S.S. Stone, Peter Smith, L.P. Smith, and N.B. Gates. In the spring of 1885 he took out a pilot's license, and sailed the tug Starkweather. The next season he took out an engineer's license, and was appointed chief of the tug N.B. Gates. In the spring of 1887 he was appointed engineer of the tug Thomas Monson; in 1888, was appointed first assistant engineer of the steamer Fred Kelley; in 1889, shipped as assistant engineer of the steamer Minneapolis, but finished the season in the same capacity on the Albert Y. Gowan. The year following he stopped ashore and ran the engine for the firm of Likely, McDonald & Rocket. In the spring of 1891 Mr. Kalb shipped as assistant engineer on the steamer A. Everett, remaining until August of the following season, and finishing on the steamer German. In 1893, he engineered the steamer John B. Ketcham. The following year he entered the employ of William Bailey & Sons, wall paper manufacturers, in Cleveland, as engineer, remaining two years. In 1896 he returned to the engine room as first assistant of the steamer Cambrian, laying her up at the close of navigation. He was retained as first assistant of the Andaste for the season of 1897 and 1898. He is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, and of the Order of Eccentrics.
In 1886 Mr. Kalb was wedded to Miss Marcella Fay, of Cleveland. The children born to this union are: Mabel Frances, John F., Michael Leo and Marcella May. The family residence is at No. 162 Liberty Street, Cleveland, Ohio.
Will. M. Kay, secretary of the firm of Samuel F. Hodge & Co., of Detroit, was born at Galt, Ontario, July 1, 1869, and was educated at the Galt Collegiate Institute, where he laid a solid foundation for the business training he has since enjoyed. One of the prime necessities of a large manufacturing concern is a well-organized office force with a competent man at the head, and in this respect Samuel F. Hodge & Co. is especially fortunate, its office work being under the direct supervision of Mr. Kay, whose whole life has been devoted to just this particular work. He came to Detroit in 1885 and soon secured a place in the office of the Fulton Iron & Engine Works, where he applied himself to the task of learning the intricacies of bookkeeping for a manufacturing concern. He remained with this firm three years, and in the autumn of 1888 entered the employ of Samuel F. Hodge & Co. as bookkeeper, continuing in this position until June 1, 1896, when he was elected secretary of the corporation, he being at this time one of its stockholders. It would be difficult to find a man more thoroughly posted in the duties of his position than Mr. Kay. In this case there seems to have been a determination to learn one thing well, and he has been eminently successful in his efforts.
At the outbreak of the Spanish-American war Mr. Kay enlisted in the 31st Michigan Infantry, and with that regiment, holding rank as corporal, is at present (1899) seeing service in Santa Clara Province, Cuba.
C.B. Keeler, a marine engineer of good standing, was born May 20, 1862, in Elk Rapids, on Grand Traverse bay, Mich., and is the son of Charles J. and Laura A. (Frasier) Keeler. Their other children were: David C.; Marietta, who is now the wife of Alfred Kiser; John W., who fitted himself for the berth of a marine engineer and who died of pneumonia in 1884; and Ellen L., now Mrs. William Morgan. The father, who was a veteran of the Civil war, died in 1870, of lingering consumption, contracted while in the army. He enlisted in 1861, in Company F. 14th Mich. V.I., under Captain Nixon, was chosen color bearer later, and finally advanced to the grade of sergeant. His regiment joined General Grant's army at Pittsburg Landing, just after the battle and was present at the siege of Corinth, Miss., and the engagement at Farmington. In October, 1864, the command was assigned to the First Brigade, Second Division (under Jeff C. Davis), Fourteenth Army Corps, and held that assignment until the close of the war. Mr. Keeler took part in the affairs at Lavergne, where his regiment captured a fort, Brentwood and Stone River. On September 6, 1863, the regiment was given horses and converted into mounted infantry until November, during which time it met the enemy in skirmishes at Weams Springs and Lawrenceburg, Tenn. It was then engaged in garrison duty at Franklin and Columbia, Tenn. On January 4, 1864, they re-enlisted, and after the usual veteran furlough of thirty days returned to duty. On June 4, the regiment was withdrawn from garrison duty and joined General Sherman's army of invasion at Dallas, Ga. Mr. Keeler was with his command in the capture of Kenesaw Mountain, in a charge, and capture of Rebel rifle pits at the Chattahoochie river, and assisted in taking two lines of Rebel works, driving the enemy from the field, the regiment taking ninety-two prisoners. He was in the flank movement around Atlanta; in the charge at Jonesboro, capturing four pieces of artillery, a Rebel general with his staff, and the colors of the First Arkansas Regiment with three hundred men; and marched with Sherman to Savannah and through the Carolinas, participating in the engagements at Averysboro, Bentonville and Fayetteville, N.C. He marched in the review of Sherman's army through Washington at the close of the war. At his death Mr. Keeler was buried by the Knights Templar with the honors of Masonry. His wife died in 1880.
Charles B. Keeler attended the public schools at Elk Rapids, and at the age of nineteen went to Bay City, where he finished up a term at an ungraded school. There he also fitted himself for marine engineering, at Mitchell & Boutell's, sailing two seasons in the meantime as mate of the side-wheel steamers Westover and Sea Gull, towing logs on Saginaw Bay. Since then he has worked winters in McKinnon's shop and learned the boiler-making trade at Mr. Like's Michigan Boiler Works. In 1886 he took out marine engineer's license and was appointed to the tug John Nice, operating out of Tawas. In 1887 he was engineer of the tug B.W. Minter, of Au Sable, and looked after the machinery of the sandsucker Ida Burton. The next spring he went to Port Huron and ran the tug George K. Hand, transferring as chief engineer to the lake tug John Martin, which he quit at Detroit, finishing the season as chief of the steamer Nashua. He was subsequently chief of the tug Niagara. In the spring of 1891 Mr. Keeler came out as second engineer of the new steamer City of London, closing the season as chief engineer of the tug Adams, waiting on a dredge of McCullum & Lee, of Bay City, Mich., who had half of the contract for dredging at the mouth of the St. Clair river. He also put a new engine in the tug Robert Emmet, and ran her the balance of the season. In 1893 he again entered the employ of the dredging firm by the year and remained until the fall of 1895, running the Adams and having supervision of the machinery of the dredges and other boats. In the spring of 1896, he engineered the steamer R.G. Stewart, in 1897 served as chief of the steamer T.K. Scott, and in 1898 was placed as chief on the steamer Mark Hopkins.
Mr. Keeler was married to Miss Ella, daughter of William and Laura Hunter, of Port Austin, Mich., on December 11, 1887. Two sons, William C. and Ernest Lloyd, have been born to this union. Socially he is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, the Odd Fellows, Orangemen, Protective Fireside Circle and Independent Order of Foresters.
James Kehoe commenced his marine life when quite young by running away from home and going to New York City, where he shipped in the schooner yacht Idler. He passed three pleasant summers as boy on this vessel, and returning to Chicago with her, has since become a reliable and skillful engineer. He was born in Chicago on March 2, 1864, a son of Moses and Ellen Kehoe, both natives of the "Emerald Isle," who, on coming to the United States, first located in Minnesota, afterward removing to Chicago where James attended school.
It was in 1879 that he again took up his life in Chicago, and that spring found a berth as boy in the schooner James Couch, spending his leisure time in various yachts about Chicago harbor, becoming a skillful yachtsman. In 1881 he entered the employ of the Vessel Owners Tug line, and became fireman on the tugs Rebel, Blackball, Hood and Taylor, remaining with that company several years. He was also fireman in the lighter McCormick. During the winter months he worked in the machine shops of John Mohr & Son, and McCormick's boiler shop, later entering the employ of Capt. J. H. Dunham, remaining about three years as engineer of the tugs Fashion, T. T. Morford and Mosher. In 1892 he was appointed engineer of the tug Dixon, engaged in preparing the grounds for the World's Fair, and the next year was appointed engineer of Alison V. Armour's yacht Gryphon, which, after cruising on Lakes Superior and Michigan, he took to New York harbor and laid up. Returning to Chicago he was appointed second engineer of the steamer Rhoda Emily, and in 1895 he joined the tug Alpha, of the Illinois Dredge Company, as chief. In 1896 he became chief engineer of the steamer E. G. Crosby, of the Lake Michigan Car Ferry Company, running her two years. In 1898 he was transferred to the steamer J. C. Ames, a powerful boat of 557 tons operated by the same company in connection with the Wisconsin Michigan railroad between South Chicago and Peshtigo. During his experience as engineer for these companies he has given the utmost satisfaction.
Socially he is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 4, of Chicago.
On October 3, 1893, Mr. Kehoe was wedded to Miss Ellen Kenny, of Chicago, and they have a pleasant home at No. 90, 22nd street, Chicago, Illinois.
Thomas J. Kehoe at the time of this writing is the assistant United States inspector of boilers for the Chicago district, and is well qualified for the position he occupies. Before his appointment to the United States service he was an ardent and popular member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, but was obliged to withdraw from that body. He is the son of Thomas and Bridget (Scott) Kehoe, and was born in Chicago, March 18, 1851. Thomas Kehoe, the father, is a native of County Kildare, Ireland, and emigrated to the United States in 1844, making his home in New York about four years. The mother also came from County Kildare, Ireland, the same year, and they were married in New York City. They removed to Chicago in 1848, where the father opened a tailor shop, he having learned that trade from his father, who carried on the business in Ireland. Richard Scott, the grand-father on the maternal side, carried on a meat market. At the commencement of the Civil war Mr. Scott enlisted in the Twenty-third Ill. Vol. Inf., Colonel Mulligan, one of the regiments composing the Irish brigade, and served until the close of the war. Thomas J. Kehoe was also a patriot of the Civil war, and was three times wounded; he enlisted May 3, 1862, in the Eighty-eighth Illinois Infantry, or as it was locally known in Chicago, the Second Board of Trade Regiment of Volunteers. His regiment served under General Sherman, and Mr. Kehoe was wounded at Stone River and lay in the hospital three weeks, his two subsequent wounds not proving so serious, however. On his recovery he rejoined his regiment, and served with honor throughout that commander's campaigns through Georgia and the Carolinas, and was present at the Grand Review of the great army of Western warriors in Washington. Mr. Kehoe participated with his regiment at the battles of Lookout Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Marietta, Atlanta, Lovejoy and Bentonville, the last great battle of the war, and numerous other smaller engagements. He was honorably discharged in the fall of 1865 at Camp Douglas, Chicago. To Thomas and Bridget (Scott) Kehoe were born seven children, namely: (1) Bridget Adelia, who married James Riley, a volunteer soldier of Chicago Board of Trade battery, and now sergeant of police in Chicago; she died in 1876. (2) Mary, now the wife of John Williams, of Chicago. (3) Richard, who went steam-boating seven years with the purpose of becoming a marine engineer, but is now engaged as a millright in Seattle, Washington. (4) William H., who is in the tailoring business in Chicago. (5) Annie, who became the wife of William Johnson, a livery man in Spokane Falls, Washington. (6) Martha who wedded Charles Smith, a butcher in the employ of P.D. Armour, of Chicago; and (7) Thomas J., the subject of this sketch.
Thomas J. Kehoe acquired his education in the public schools of Chicago, and at the age of thirteen years he entered the employ of William Baganwanth & Son, to learn the machinist's trade, remaining with them two and a half years, after which he worked in the machine shop of Wilson & Burkhart, on the north pier, about six months. He then took charge of a stationary engine for the printing establishment of Jones, Perdue & Small, locating on the corner of Lake and Clark streets, seven months. In the fall of 1866, he decided to take up the life of a sailor and shipped as boy on the schooner George W. Worthington. The next year, with the purpose of becoming a marine engineer, he joined the tug E. Van Dalsen, as fireman, working in J. Murphy's machine shop that winter. In the spring of 1868 he shipped as fireman on the tugs R. Prindiville and Oriole; in 1869, on the tug F.S. Butler; in 1870, on the tug O.B. Green, and in 1871 he entered the employ of the Vessel Owners Towing Company, as fireman on the new tugs Rebel and J.L. Higgie, remaining with that company two seasons and taking out his license as marine engineer in 1872 and was appointed to the tug Ada Allen. He then engineered the tug A.A. Parker two seasons and in the spring of 1875 was appointed engineer of the tug William L. Ewing; in 1876 chief on the steamer George Dunbar, with Capt. James Hogan. The next year he stopped ashore as engineer of the Rock Island B elevator in Chicago, after which he went as engineer on the tug Frank R. Crane, in the employ of the Chicago Dredge and Dock Company, until the fall of 1883, going as master of the tug A.S. Allen part of a season. In the spring of 1884 he entered the employ of the Carsley & East Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, as engineer of their plant, remaining nine years.
In September, 1893, Mr. Kehoe was appointed assistant United States inspector of boilers for the Chicago district and takes pride in fulfilling the duties of that office conscientiously. He has twenty-four issues of marine engineer's license, three of second-class pilot's papers and a Chicago certificate of competency as stationary engineer. He is a member of the National Union Benevolent Association and of the Independent Order of Forresters.
On December 23, 1872, Mr. Kehoe was wedded to Miss Ellen, daughter of Michael and Ann (Reynolds) Martin, of Chicago. The family homestead is situated at No. 360 East Twenty-third street, Chicago, Illinois.
Captain William G. Keith, than whom no one is better known or more widely respected in the marine circles of Chicago, and who is a sailor from the keel to the main truck, is a native of Scotland, having been born in 1826, in Caithness-shire. He is a son of Robert and Christina (Geddes) Keith, both also natives of Scotland, whence they came in 1853 to the United States, settling in Wisconsin, where they died. The father, who by vocation was a salt-water sailor and fisherman, passing away in 1879, the mother in 1891.
In his native country, at Greenock, on the Clude, Captain W. G. Keith learned the shipbuilding trade, after which he commenced the life of a sailor, making his first voyage from Liverpool, England, as carpenter on the ship Oregon, bound for New York, thence to Quebeck, Canada. After eight months he left her and went in the same capacity on the ship Rajahgopaul, sailing from Liverpool on a trading voyage around the Horn, touching at ports on both coasts of the American continent. His next vessel was the DeWitt Clinton, of New York, running between that port and Liverpool, in which trade he remained over two years, and then shipped on the Miles Barton from St. John, New Brunswick, to Liverpool. Subsequently he made a voyage from the last named port to Melbourne, Australia, where, after remaining on shore some time in the gold fields, he shipped on the James Baines for Liverpool, thence sailed to New York on the steamer City of Baltimore. From there he came to Chicago, his second visit. Returning soon afterward to New York, he there shipped on the steamer City of Washington for Liverpool, and there again found a berth on the good ship Tornado, bound for Melbourne. At that port he shipped on the Mountain Wave for Victoria, British Columbia, and then went to San Francisco, thence proceeded to northern California, where he remained three years contracting and building vessels. This brings us to 1863, the year in which he finally located in Chicago.
In 1864 Captain Keith began sailing the lakes out of Chicago, his first vessel being the schooner Collingwood, in the grain, coal and lumber trade, and he remained on her some years, part of the time as mate and later as captain, owning an interest in her. He then built, at Port Huron, Mich. the bark William G. Keith, which was lost in Lake Erie twenty months later, one man being drowned. In 1873 he built the schooner Ida Keith at Saugatuck, Mich., and sailed her some ten or twelve years. He is now interested in the steamer City of London, of Chicago, engaged in the general freight trade. In 1881 he retired from a seafaring life, and has since been interested in vessel property. For the past three years he has ably and efficiently filled the position of inspector of Inland Lloyds Insurance Companies. Socially he is a Freemason, member of Covenant Lodge No. 526, F. & A. M.; of Corinthian Chapter No. 69, R. A. M.; and of St. Bernard's Commandery No. 35, K. T. At one time he was a member of the Vessel Owners Association.
In 1866, Captain Keith was united in marriage, in Chicago, to Miss Christina Bain, a native of Scotland, and by this union he is the father of one child, a daughter named Ida.
Captain Charles F. Keller, well-known to the old navigators of the Great Lakes, was bred a salt-water sailor. He was born in Berlin, Germany, the son of Charles F. and Caroline (Kraus) Keller, the former of whom was originally a farmer, but for thirteen years during the latter part of his life engaged in the cattle business in Germany. One the maternal side they were all sailors, at one time, three of the mother's brothers owning passenger ships which plied between Hamburg, New York and South American ports.
The Captain is the only representative of the family in America. He attended school in his native city and at the port of Dantzig, became apprenticed for seven years on the full-rigged ship Prince Alfred, for service between Hamburg and South American ports. Subsequently he was second mate of the ship King William, four years; mate of the bark Blanch, two and a half years; mate of the ship Jane of Jersey, four and a half years, and mate of the ship Caroline Sandersburg, two years. In 1841 he emigrated to America, locating at Kingston, Ontario, where he attended school three winters. In the spring of 1842 he began sailing the lakes, his first vessel being the schooner Maria Johnson, on which he was mate one season and master three seasons in succession. In 1846 he became master of the schooner Nettie Weaver, and so continued for seventeen consecutive seasons, at the end of which period he took command of the barkentine William Home, retaining that berth for ten seasons. The next four seasons he passed in his native city, Berlin, and returning to the lakes in 1877 took command of the schooner M. I. Wilcox, of which he was both master and owner four years. In 1881 Captain Keller retired permanently from the lakes and has since engaged in business on shore.
The Captain was married at Kingston, Ontario, in 1862, to Miss Nora Collins, by whom he has three children: Nora, wife of William Shriver, a lumber inspector; Annie, wife of James McGraw, who is engaged in the cattle business, and Charles F., second mate of the freight streamer Neosho. Captain Keller resides at North Tonawanda, New York.
Captain Dan Kelley is a typical sailor, having a thorough knowledge of everything pertaining to marine affairs and being possessed of that jovial disposition which is so characteristic of those who direct the course of the craft engaged in our marine commerce. He has sailed the lakes since his eighteenth year and during that time has made a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Captain Kelley was born in Detroit February 3, 1858, son of Daniel and Julia Kelley, natives of Ireland, both of whom are now deceased. He has always resided in his native place, and commenced sailing out of that port, going first on the Kewaunee, running to Lake Superior, on which boat he spent the season as porter. From her he transferred to the Marine City where he served in the same capacity for two years, and after acting as wheelsman and watchman on the Vulcan, William Cowie and Westford, he came, in 1882, to the new Manistique, where he held the position of mate. He afterward served in the same capacity on the D. W. Powers, Sitka, Marina, C. Tower, Jr., and Kalyuga, and he was finally given command of the Sakie Shepard, which berth he held three seasons. After this he sailed the barge John E. Potts one year and during 1896 commanded the T. D. Stimpson. Throughout his entire experience as master Captain Kelley has had no shipwrecks or accidents of a serious nature. He was on the Vulcan, however, when she rescued the passengers from the burning Marine City, and upon his return to Detroit he received a gold medal and watch from the citizens for services rendered. Captain Kelley was married December 3, 1886 to Miss Olive Osborn, of Detroit.
George B. Kelley is a well-known lake engineer of great strength and endurance, wherein he exemplifies the motto of his native land, the Isle of Man, which asserts that "However you throw me I alight on my feet." He was born in Douglass, on February 14, 1851, and received his public school education in that city. His parents were William and Anna (Jones) Kelley.
Our subject left home in 1865, and came to the United States, locating in Milwaukee, where he shipped on a steamboat for a short time, but afterward travelled through Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. In 1869 he again took up steamboat life, shipping on the S. D. Caldwell, plying between Chicago and Sarnia, and during the winter months between Milwaukee and Grand Haven. The next spring he transferred to the city of Freemont as fireman, followed by a season on the passenger steamer City of Madison, of the Peoples line, and the Norman. From 1872 to the close of 1876 he served as fireman on the steamer Annie L. Craig, Buckeye, tug St. Albans, and steamer Inter Ocean.
In the spring of 1877 Mr. Kelley joined the lighthouse tender Warrington as oiler, and remained on her three years, during which period the tender was in service at Stannard Rock, Lake Superior, while the lighthouse was being constructed. He then took out an engineer's license, and was appointed second on the lake tug Vulcan, owned by Alger & Smith, and while on her assisted in rescuing the crew of the steamer Marine City, for which act of heroism the citizens of Detroit gave each member of the crew a handsome medal. In 1882 Mr. Kelley was appointed second engineer of the new steamer Samuel F. Hodge, and the next season he served in the same capacity on the Manistique, transferring to the Schoolcraft in 1884. This was followed by engagements as engineer, in 1885, on the Thomas W. Palmer; 1886, on the passenger steamer Saginaw Valley, plying between Cleveland and Bay City; 1887, on the William H. Stevens, of the Ward line; 1888, on the Frank L. Vance, closing the season on the tug Music; 1889, on the steamer Helena; 1890, on the Schoolcraft; 1891, on the John Harper, and 1892, again on the Schoocraft.
In the spring of 1893 Mr. Kelley served on the E.M. Peck, remaining on her till the close of the season. The next season he joined the George Hadley as second, and in the spring of 1895 was appointed second engineer of the John Pridgeon, in 1896, of the John Craig, in 1897, of the Caledonia, and, in 1898, of the R.J. Hackett, which he laid up in the fall. He has twenty-one issues of chief's license, and is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association.
In December, 1880, Mr. Kelley was united in marriage with Miss Annie, daughter of William Corcoran, of Detroit. The children born to this union are William A., Ada B., George B., Nellie and Ralph. The family homestead is No. 824 Lafayette avenue, Detroit, Michigan.
Thomas B. Kelley, who is one of the most prominent and popular marine engineers sailing on the lakes, was born in 1848, at Cleveland, Ohio, where he acquired his education at the public schools. He learned the machinist's trade at the old Cuyahoga works, remaining three years. During the next three years he acquired more practical experience in the line of his trade at the machine shops of John Ayres and John Holt. In 1867 he shipped as oiler on the passenger steamer Atlantic, of the Cleveland and Buffalo line.
He then took up the duties of a marine engineer as a second on the Englemann Passenger line, plying between Milwaukee, Grand Haven and Manistee, remaining two years. In 1870 he entered the employ of the Winslow Tug line as chief engineer of the tug Clematis, holding the positions four years, and in 1875 he shipped as chief on the river tug Crusader, remaining on her four years. In 1879 he was appointed chief engineer of the steamer C.J. Kershaw, remaining two seasons. In the spring of 1881 he entered the employ of the Wilson Transit line, and engineered the steamer Hiawatha, Wallula, Spokane, Sitka and Yakima. In the spring of 1889 he transferred his services to the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Company as chief engineer of the line, and brought out the new steel steamers Frontenac and Pontiac, laying the latter steamer up in Cleveland harbor December 17, 1896. In 1898 he bought the new steamer Presque Isle for this same company. He is an active member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association.
Mr. Kelley was untied in marriage to Miss Mary Bergnier, of Cleveland, in 1880. The family residence is on Scovill Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
Captain Andrew Kelly is a good officer and a man of fine physique. He was born in 1849 in County Cork, Ireland, a son of Thomas and Margaret Kelly, the former of whom was a pilot on the coast of England and Ireland. The family removed to the United States when our subject was but eighteen months old, and located at Buffalo, New York.
Andrew Kelly attended school but a few years, while he was very young, commencing work as a ferry boy in 1860 at the age of eleven years. He has evidently improved every opportunity since then to acquire knowledge. In 1862 he shipped as boy on the schooner St. James, of Erie, in the iron ore trade between Erie and Marquette, and remained eight years, the last six receiving seaman's wages. In the spring of 1869 he was appointed mate of the schooner St. Andrews, of Erie, Penn., with Captain Shea, and remained on her until August, 1871, when she was sold. He finished that season on the brig Resolute, as mate with Captain Mullins. They lost the Resolute off Long Point, November 14, in a northwest snowstorm; one sailor and a woman cook were frozen to death on the brig, but the rest of the crew swam ashore. In 1872 he went as mate of the schooner B. Parsons, and in 1873 shipped before the mast on the Jane Bell, which was frozen in at Grand Island and Captain Kelly kept ship that winter. In 1874 he shipped out of Cleveland on the propeller Mineral Rock. Having been eighteen months away from home, he left the ship and went to Buffalo, whence, after a brief visit, he shipped as second mate on the bark Charles K. Nimms, which was sometime afterward lost by collision in Lake Erie. In 1875-76 he went as mate of the schooner Monitor, in 1877 as mate of the schooner Maria Martin, and in 1878 as mate of the bark William H. Vanderbilt, Samuel Watson owner. The Vanderbilt left Chicago April 11 with grain consigned to Buffalo, and on the 13th she was dismasted on Lake Huron in a squall from the west, the foremast, mainmast and jib-boom mizzen going overboard. She was towed down to Buffalo by the river tug Mocking Bird, was refitted and made into a fore-and-aft schooner. In 1879 Captain Kelly sailed the schooner Golden Rule for the same owner. In 1880 he shipped as mate of the Thomas P. Sheldon; 1881, second mate of the steamer H.D. Coffinberry; 1882, mate of the steamer C.H. Starkey; 1883, second mate on the New York, one of the Union Steamboat Company's boats; 1884, master of the barge Stevenson; 1885-86, master of the barge Farwell; 1887-88, mate of the steamer Schoolcraft. In 1889, he superintended the building of the schooner Mary N. Bourke for the Nestor estate of Detroit, and sailed her until the fall of 1893. In the spring of 1894 he was appointed mate of the steamer Wyoming, of the Lackawanna Steamship line, and in 1895-96 sailed the steamer Grand Traverse, owned by the same line. This steamboat was lost October 20, by collision with the steamer Livingston. The season 1897, and also of 1898, he spent in the Wyoming.
Captain Kelly has been concerned in several creditable rescues. While lying in the harbor at Marquette in 1871 he jumped overboard and saved a ten-year old boy from drowning. On another occasion he, with two other men, lowered the yawl boat and took the crew of seven men off a lumber scow which had broken in two on Lake Erie. He has been a member of the Ship Masters Association for five years, and carried Pennant No. 382. He is also a member of Local Harbor No. 41, of the American Association of Masters and Pilots.
In 1876 Captain Kelly was united in marriage with Miss Mary Neville, of Buffalo, and they have had eight chidren, six of whom are now living, namely: Julia M., Ellen M., Andrew J., Mary F., Daniel and Stephen. Robert and Thomas are deceased. The family residence is at No. 137 Kentucky street, Buffalo, New York.
James Kelly was born December 20, 1832, in the Dominion of Canada, near Quebec, the son of Michael and Mary (Barnes) Kelly. He learned the machinist's trade in Quebec, finishing his apprenticeship in 1850, and in 1851 he went on the lakes as oiler of the old Southern Michigan, remaining with her until the close of 1852. He was then made chief engineer of the tug Dart, keeping that position through the seasons of 1853-54-55, and in 1856 he went into the passenger steamer Miner as chief, on which he was retained in the same capacity through that season and those of 1857-58-59. In 1860 Mr. Kelly went to Lake Superior as chief of the Seneca and he remained up there until well into 1864, serving the last three years of that time as chief of the Edith. His next berth was on the Dubuque and he was with her until she was laid up in the fall. In 1865 he was chief of the Concord, of Ward's line, and the next two seasons he passed as chief of the Colin Campbell, of Hackett's line, from that boat going to the Hackett, on which he had charge of the engine room for two years. Following this he was for two years on the Forest City as chief, and for the three succeeding years he was chief of the Minneapolis, of the same line. He next brought out the Farwell and had full control of her engine room for seven years – a substantial proof of the confidence reposed in him by the owners, at the end of this period bringing out the Thomas Adams for the same line, on which he has held the position of chief engineer ever since, now more than eight years.
In 1861, at Ontonagon, Mich., Mr. Kelly married Miss Mary Bressel. They have no children. The Marine Engineers Beneficial Association is the only secret society in which he holds membership.
John Kelly, who at the present time holds the position of second engineer on the ferry Excelsior, of the Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Co., is the son of Patrick and Kate (McGregan) Kelly, both of whom were natives of Ireland. He was born January 11, 1867, at Downpatrick, Ireland, and lived at that place until he reached his sixteenth year, when he came to America, settling in Detroit, Mich., where he has had his home for the most part since. Soon after his arrival in this country he determined to follow the occupation of sailor, and accordingly fitted himself for that life, first shipping on the Sappho, owned by Walker & Son, upon which boat he remained two seasons as fireman. He then served in the T. S. Christy in the same capacity one season, and spent the following season on the John Owen as second engineer, since which time he has been engaged by the ferry company. His first season in their employ was spent as second engineer on the Excelsior, from which he came to the Promise and then returned to the Excelsior in the position which he still holds.
Mr. Kelly was married, January 24, 1888, to Mary A. McArdle, of Windsor, and they have three children: Maggie, Francis and Joseph, the eldest of whom is now in school.
Captain John Kelly, a retired shipmaster, and at one time largely interested in vessel property, is now a prominent and enterprising business man of Saginaw, Mich. He is a self-made man in the true sense of the term, as he commenced his career on the lakes in the capacity of cook on a scow, and steadily advanced by the application of energy, industry and determination to the position of master and owner until he acquired a competence, which has enabled him to retire from active life on shipboard and take his place in the business world. As a heavy stockholder in the American Commercial Savings Bank, of Saginaw, and of which he is also a director, he is esteemed as one of the substantial citizens of that city.
The Captain was born in County Down, Ireland, March 7, 1843, and is a son of John and Mary (Goslin) Kelly, who, in 1849, came to America, locating at York, on the Grand river, in the County of Haldimand, Ont., where our subject received a primary school education, after which he joined his father at work in a sawmill. He was but twelve years of age when he first adopted a seafaring life, his first venture being as cook on a lumber scow, trading on Grand river to Buffalo, followed by a season on the new tug Howard.
In the spring of 1862, when the Civil war threatened to be of long duration, Captain Kelly determined to join the United States navy. He enlisted at Buffalo, and with a number of other lake sailors was sent to Erie, where he was put on board the old gunboat Michigan. After a short time at drill exercise, he was transported to New York, where he joined the receiving ship North Carolina, and in due time was assigned to the United States cruiser Huntsville, Captain Rogers, belonging to Commodore Wilkes' squadron. It was the good fortune of the Huntsville to capture many prizes, among them the iron brig-rigged steamer Adella, of Belfast, with a cargo of arms, ammunition and medicine, and the steamer Reliance, with a cargo of cotton; other prizes were Mississippi river steamers, engaged in running the blockade between New Orleans and the British island of Nassau. The Huntsville had a crew of 130, all told, and lost 34 from yellow fever; but none of the young men from the lakes took it. As the close of his term of enlistment drew near young Kelly was transferred to the old frigate St. Lawrence, which visited each ship of the entire blockading fleet, and took on board all the sick, wounded and invalids, and sailed for Portsmouth, N. H. , where they were received into hospitals, and it was here that Captain Kelly was honorably discharged from the service, receiving his share of prize money. He returned to Buffalo and the spring following he again took up his life on the lakes, shipping before the mast on the schooner Lucy Blossom. He made his last trip on her to Boston with a cargo of walnut lumber, and there left her, while he returned to the lakes and shipped on the Castalia. In 1866 he went to Saginaw, which city he made his home port.
In the spring of 1869 Captain Kelly was appointed mate of the tug Ballentine, with Captain Madden closing the season as master of the tug Ransom, which boat he sailed three successive seasons. It was in 1873 that he first began purchasing vessel property, buying a half interest in the barge Matilda, and after sailing her three seasons sold her, and bought the barge Joseph, of which he was master three years. In 1879 he purchased the tug A.W. Wright, and the barges Sylvia Morton and Norway, going as master on the tug. That fall he sold the Sylvia Morton. The next season he sailed the tug A.W. Wright, and in 1881 assumed command of his barge Norway, and sailed her one season. In the spring of 1884 he purchased the schooner Goshawk, and sailed her five seasons. He then bought a quarter-interest in the J.H. Prentice, put in the machinery, and sailed her until September 1892, and with the Goshawk and A. A. Carpenter, which he had purchased as consorts, engaged in the lumber-carrying trade. He sold the Goshawk in 1892 and bought the Kittie Brainard, which he sold at the end of that year, and added the S.C. Baldwin and Middlesex to his fleet. Later he sold a two-thirds-interest in the A.A. Carpenter and S.C. Baldwin, he still retaining a third-interest in both boats respectively, and bought the schooner Halstead. The next transfers he made were the steamer J. H. Prentice and consorts Middlesex and Halstead, which he sold to the Shores Lumber Company. Since retiring from the lakes, in September, 1892, Captain Kelly has devoted his attention to his financial interests and real estate in and about Saginaw, as well as looking after his farming interests and hardwood timber lands, also situated in the old Lake State.
On January 24, 1876, the Captain was married to Miss Annie, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Holmes, of Saginaw. One daughter, Eva A., is the only child born to this union, and has just finished her education in the convent of the Sacred Heart at Grosse Point, Mich. The family residence is a handsome modern structure, at No. 937 Genesee Avenue, Saginaw, Michigan.

Thomas J. Kelly appeared on the stage of life in 1862, at Kingston, Ontario. His father, William F. Kelly, sailed on the Mississippi river during the war of the Rebellion, and after that on the Royal Mail line of steamers until his death in 1873, from the effects of exposure in a wreck the previous fall. The mother, formerly Miss Mary Cullen, is still living.
Thomas J. Kelly commenced sailing in 1880, on the steamer Nebraska, but was soon offered more pay to aid the tug Gen. Burnsides. Her fire hole having no ventilators, it was so hot there that no man could stay in her more than a few minutes without having to go on deck for a breath of air. Mr. Kelly was not charmed with the life of the next three years, employed in locomotive works, so in 1884, having concluded to try the lakes again, he went out as oiler on the steamer Winslow, of the Anchor line. In 1885 he shipped as engineer on the tug Betsy, but in the fall went as second on the Porter Chamberlain. In 1886 he went on the F. E. Spinner as second engineer, and during the seasons of 1887 and 1888 he served in the same capacity on the Jesse Farwell. During the next season he was made chief engineer of the Spinner, and held that position until the close of 1892. Later that fall he had rather an exciting experience. He overhauled the steamer Oneida, disabled by the blowing out of a cylinder head, and concluded to pick her up. But it was a difficult task, as the spinner had two barges in tow, and it was snowing and blowing very hard; the task was accomplished, however, after a considerable time, much to the relief of all concerned. In 1893 Mr. Kelly was chosen one of four mechanical foremen of the machinery hall at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, and remained in that position until February, 1894, when everything was removed, and then he went to the Michigan Central car ferry Transfer for the balance of the winter. In the following summer he took charge of the engine and machinery of the barge Banner Laundry, in Detroit, which position he still holds.
Mr. Kelly was married in 1897 to Miss Anna Smith, of Detroit, and they have one son, Francis, born in July, 1898 on the day on which the naval battle Santiago was fought.
Edward F. Kemmet, pilot of the tug W. D. Cushing for the season of 1896, was born in Birmingham, England, November 8, 1864, of Irish parentage. In 1865 he removed to the United States with his parents, and settled in Mansfield, Ohio. In 1869 the family removed to Cleveland, where the subject of our sketch was educated, going to the parish school until twelve years of age, when he commenced to work in a nut and bolt shop in that city, remaining there three years. At the age of fifteen Mr. Kemmet commenced firing on the harbor tugs Shoo Fly and Starkweather. In 1880, he shipped on the tug Charles Henry, followed by service on the Maggie Sanborn, Fannie Tuttle and N. B. Gates, of the L. P. & J. A. Smith line. He took out his first papers as pilot in 1883. In 1884 he went with Robert Greenhalgh on the tugs Doan, and Warswick, next sailing the tug Starkweather, now the Dennis Crowley, and for four years sailed for Capt. Robert Greenhalgh on the tugs C. E. Bolton, Doan, and Warswick. He remained on the Warswick two years after Captain Greenhalgh went out of business. In 1889 he came out on the tug W. D. Cushing, and at the close of the season shipped in the fireboat J. H. Weatherly, as pilot. There he remained until August 1, 1890, when he sailed the tug T. M. Moore for Gen. Jack Casement, towing supplies for tunnel and crib work until the tunnel was completed, in 1892. The following season he proceeded to Duluth, and shipped on the tug Stanwood, of the Inman line, until October, 1893, when he returned to Cleveland and took charge of the tug Dreadnaught, on which he remained until November 5, 1895. He then returned to Duluth and sailed the tugs A.C. Adams and J.L. Williams. In the following July he returned to Cleveland and shipped as pilot of the W.D. Cushing, which he laid up December 5, 1896. Mr. Kemmet was united in marriage to Miss Maggie Springer, of Cleveland, who is of German parentage. Socially, he is a charter member of Pearl Tent, Knights of the Maccabees, and a charter member of Pearl Division, U.R.CAPTAIN ED. J. KENDALL
Captain Ed. J. Kendall is one of the busy citizens of Port Huron, Mich., and a widely-known marine reporter. He was born in Algonac, Mich., August 13, 1858, the son of John B. and Alida (Stewart) Kendall, and grandson of Jacob Kendall, who was a marine engineer. Jacob Kendall took an active and honorable part in the Black Hawk war, and had the contract for the construction of Fort Howard, to protect the settlers against the eruption of the Indians during the period of danger. Capt. Kendall's maternal grandfather, John Stewart, sailed the steamer Michigan in the '40s for Oliver Newberry, of Detroit, a prominent vessel owner of that time, and he was also in the steamer Traveler when she was destroyed by fire at Eagle Harbor. A photograph of this fascinating scene is now in the possession of Miss Sarah Stewart, a resident of Algonac. Both the Kendalls and Stewarts were pioneers of Huron and St. Clair counties and Harsons Island. John B. Kendall served as sheriff of St. Clair county for four years.
In 1870 Ed. Kendall removed with his parents to Port Huron, where he continued to attend school for a short time. The following spring he shipped in the tug Kate Moffat, as deckhand, transferring during the season to the steamyacht St. Clair and the tug Prindiville. He passed the seasons of 1872-73 as wheelsman or watchman on as many as twenty different tugs. In the spring of 1874 he shipped as watchman on the steamer D. M. Wilson, remaining two seasons. The next season he joined the Robert Holland as wheelsman, and following this service was watchman on the steamer St. Paul until July, 1878, when he took out pilot's papers and was appointed mate in the lake tug William A. Moore. The next season he sailed as mate of the steamer River Queen, and in 1880 he shipped with Capt. T. Allen in the steamer R. Prindiville as mate. The next two seasons he sailed the barge Shiawassee as master, transferring to the barge Lyman Casey in the spring of 1883, and following with a season as second mate in the steamer Arctic. In the spring of 1885 he joined the steamer Alcona as second mate. His next berth was in the barge M. R. Goff, which he commanded, and part of the season of 1887 he sailed the schooner Genesee Chief. In July he stopped ashore and engaged in business as marine reporter - announcing the vessel passages at Port Huron - of which he has made a success. He established a bureau under the title of the Kendall Marine Reporting Company, at Thompson dock, at the foot of Sarnia street, Port Huron, and since that time he has reported the vessel passages at the port and disseminated marine news of all kinds through the Associated Press. He is also agent for the Lake Marine News Association. In addition he writes marine and fire insurance and deals in real estate, having acquired considerable acreage property which he has divided into lots and put on the market after erecting houses upon same. In 1888 Captain Kendall was appointed deputy collector of customs at Port Huron by Harrison Geer, and held that office four years.
On December 21, 1880, Captain Kendall was united in marriage to Miss Hattie H. Webster, daughter of Lucius and Harriet (Thompson) Webster, of Port Huron, formerly of Romeo, Mich. Two children have been born to this union. The family homestead is at No. 1504 Water street, Port Huron, Mich. Socially the Captain is a Master Mason, a member of the Royal Arcanum and of the Knights of Pythias.
James Kennedy, in the spring of 1895, entered into a contract with the Lake Carriers Association for the handling of all the grain that comes into the port of Buffalo. A contract of this kind became necessary in order that there might be system and economy in the handling of grain. Previous to the making of this contract the grain coming into Buffalo was handled at each elevator by a boss shoveler, which method became unsatis-factory for the reason that each boss shoveler would take care of the grain that came easiest, paying little attention to what was to come afterward, thus sometimes leaving a considerable portion in bad shape. In consequence there was a great deal of fault-finding at the different elevators, and the entire matter was unsatisfactory to most of those concerned.
The Lake Carriers Association represents about four-fifths of the carrying capacity of the lakes, and in attempting to devise means to remedy the difficulties under consideration, conceived the idea of making a contracts for the handling of all the grain coming into the port, with some one man, and holding him responsible for the proper condition of the work. This association advertised for bids. Mr. Kennedy was among those who answered the advertisement, his bid being the lowest responsible one, and, as he was able to furnish satisfactory security for the proper performance of the work, it was accepted. He offered to do the work for $3.50 per 1,000 bushels, and to trim the canal boats for $0.75 per 1,000 bushels. He had handled the grain for two seasons - 1895 and 1896 - in a manner satisfactory to all concerned. He employs from 700 to 1,000 men, and during 1895 handled 121,000,000 bushels of grain, and in 1896 about 162,000,000 bushels.
In January, 1897, after a good deal of the discussion at the meeting of the Lake Carriers Association in Detroit, the contract was again to let Mr. Kennedy, at the old rate of $3.50 per 1,000 bushels; but later in the spring, through a committee of the association, the rates were reduced to $3.35 per 1,000 bushels.
The contract for the handling of grain for the Lake Carriers Association is a renewable contract, and for the season of 1897 Mr. Kennedy was awarded the contract and handled over 200,000,000 bushels of grain of all kinds. For the season of 1898 the contract was awarded to W.J. Conners, but through a mutual arrangement Mr. Kennedy is interested in the execution of the contract, and has the control of the work.
John Kennedy is another one of that popular, though conservative class of marine men who work their way to the front, beginning at the bottom of the ladder of his profession.
He was born at St. John's, Newfoundland, on April 27, 1862, and at the age of sixteen, in 1878, shipped on the schooner Jessie May, a fishing boat, on which he remained two years. He then went on the Resolute, from St. John's to Greenland, on a whaling expedition of five months, and returning shipped on several steamers as able seaman and second mate, coasting around to Brazil and the West Indies. His next berth of any duration was on the vessel J. C. Huntley, on which he remained four years, two of same serving as her mate. After this he was on the brig Dawn, sailing from St. John's to Boston and the West Indies; and from her went onto the Moran, of Boston, as able seaman for six months from Boston to Jamaica and the West Indies in the fruit trade. On her return to Boston, disliking the way the crew was treated, he left and went to New York, where he began his experience on the Great Lakes as lookout on the Lycoming for the season 1889, and wheelsman on her for the seasons of 1890-91. In 1892-93 he was wheelsman on the Japan, and was second mate on her during 1894-95, and for the seasons of 1896-97 was mate of the Juniata, making nine consecutive years in the employ of the Anchor line, on whose boats he has served ever since starting on the lakes.
Mr. Kennedy was married at Buffalo, in December, 1891, to Miss Ellen Ryan, of St. John's, New Foundland, and to them have been born three children; Thomas, Marguerite and Lucy.
He is a member of Local Harbor No. 41, National Pilots Association of Buffalo. The family residence is at 1377 Jefferson street, Buffalo.
William Kennedy was born in London, Ont., in 1844. At the age of two years his family removed to the old country, but three years later they returned to Canada, and settled in the pretty town of Kemptville, Ont., where young Kennedy received his early education. After leaving school he at once began learning the trade of the machinist, serving his time with Messrs. Davis & Doran, marine engineers of Kingston.
In the year 1863 he began his steamboat career as engineer on the side-wheel steamer William Fourth, running between Kingston and Dickinson Landing. This boat was owned by the Dominion Government, and was utilized as a tug. Mr. Kennedy then went on the steamer Boquet, running between Cornwall and Dundee. This boat was afterwards brought up to Toronto to go on the ferry service between the city and the Island. Mr. Kennedy remaining on her as engineer. Citizens of the Queen City who can look back on the Island ferry of thirty years ago, will remember the old side-wheel steamer, and also the famous monkey which Frank Jackman presented to Mr. Saulter, the owner of the boat, and which used to perch on the top of the old side-wheel house. This addition to the Boquet's crew was a source of rare delight to the younger generation. After leaving the Boquet Mr. Kennedy went on the tug Lily Franklin, which plied in Toronto harbor, and remained on her for four years, and then he shipped on the John S. Clark, and also a harbor tug. After three years service on this boat he went on the side-wheel steamer Watertown, which was engaged in the excursion service between Toronto, the Humber, and various other ports on Lake Ontario. Four years he spent on the boat, and then he joined the forces of the Merchants' line, running between Chicago and Montreal, and was on both their boats, the Cuba and Armenia, at different times, being in the service of this line for the lengthy period of nineteen years. Three years ago Mr. Kennedy went on the Persia, one of the most popular boats on the route between Hamilton and Montreal, Capt. J. W. Scott, the bluff and hearty old sailor and ever courteous host, being in command. Here he remained until the spring of 1898, when he again entered the employ of the Merchants' line as chief engineer of the propeller Cuba.
Mr. Kennedy has a family of five, his wife and four children, three girls and a boy, residing at No. 329 Wilton avenue, Toronto, Ont., where he is glad to join them whenever duty will allow.
Captain James T. Kenny is a son of Thomas and Helen (Doyle) Kenny, the former a salt-water sailor. There are four children in the family besides James: Peter J., a lake captain for many years, now deceased, who brought out several steamers among them being the Florida, Wyoming, and Robert Mills; Jane, wife of Felix Haden, a Kansas farmer; Sarah, wife of Patrick Flannigan, a St. Louis police justice; and Ann, wife of Edward Hallihan, a farmer near Port Huron.
The subject of this sketch was born in the Province of Ontario, Canada, May 8, 1845. In 1855 he moved with his parents to Buffalo, where he remained a year in school. During the next three years he attended school at Cleveland, Ohio, and then returned to Buffalo, where he completed his education and began the work of his life, as fireman on a tub. The commencement of his lake career was in 1863, when he shipped as boy on the schooner Empire State. He remained three seasons on that vessel, rising to mate’s berth before leaving her. The next two seasons he was at sea and for three years beginning with 1868 he held the office of deputy sheriff and turnkey for Erie county, N. Y. The year of 1871 he was again at sea, and in 1872 he was part of the time on the Erie canal and the remainder at sea between New York and Mexico. In 1873 he returned to the lakes as second mate of the brig Waucoma. In 1874 he filled mate’s berth on the schooner Frank Morrell, and the following three seasons he occupied the same berth on the bark Vanderbilt. During the winters of the years last mentioned he checked baggage on passenger trains on the New York Central and Lake Shore railways.
For the seasons of 1878-79 Captain Kenny filled master’s berth on the schooner George W. Holt, for those of 1880-81-82 on the schooner Thomas Parsons, and for 1883-84 on the bark City of the Straits. In 1885-86 he was engaged in the grocery and butcher business on the docks at Buffalo. In 1887 he filled mate’s berth on the Anchor line steamer Gordon Campbell, and for the seasons of 1888-89-90 he was master of the steamer John C. Prindle (owned by the Hollister Transportation Company, of Rochester, N. Y.), and the old Araxes. During the latter part of 1889 the Araxes grounded on Point aux Barques and became a total loss; her consorts, the L. W. Blake and American Giant, also went ashore, but were subsequently taken off and rebuilt. Captain Kenny wrecked the barges, first sending their cargoes of lumber to Tonawanda. In 1891 he was master of the steamer Clyde, of the Lehigh Transportation Company; 1892-93 of the steamer William H. Barnum; and 1894-95 of the steamer Samuel Marshall. Since the latter season he has remained on shore engaged in other lines of business, but he still maintains a deep interest in all lake matters. He is a member of the Ship Masters Association, carrying Pennant No. 109, and is also a member of Local Harbor, No. 41, of the American Association of Masters and Pilots.
Captain Kenny was married, in 1880, to Miss Katherine Darcy, by whom he has four children: Peter J., Edward C., Elizabeth and Helen. The family residence is at No. 854 West avenue, Buffalo, New York.
Frank Kenyon, who is at present chief engineer for John J. Bagley & Co.'s tobacco works in Detroit, Mich., was for many years engineer on the Great Lakes. Mr. Kenyon is a member of the Marine Engineers Lodge in Detroit, and still preserves his acquaintanceship with the vesselmen of that city. He was born near Auburn, N. Y., in the year 1843, and was brought up in Niagara county, N. Y., where his parents moved soon after his birth.
Mr. Kenyon served an apprenticeship as machinist, and later worked at his trade in Saginaw, Mich. He first went on the lakes as second engineer of the old Eighth Ohio. Afterward he spent five years tugging, during which time he was second engineer of the tugs Livingston, Torrent, Champion, Winslow, and one or two others. After leaving the tug boats he sailed part of the season as second engineer of the B. W. Jenness, owned by Christie & Co., of Detroit. Since that time he has been off the lakes, and has held his present position as engineer with John J. Bagley & Co. for some twenty-two years.
Mr. Kenyon has lived in Detroit for twenty-five years. He is married, and has one son, William S. Kenyon, who is at present employed in a machine shop in Chicago.
Captain R.W. Kerr, of Cleveland, was born in that city in 1857, a son of the late Capt. Robert Kerr, who was drowned in Detroit river in 1887, having been knocked overboard from the bark Constitution by the main boom. R. W. Kerr attended the public schools in Cleveland until 1874, when he commenced sailing in the schooner C. J. Magill. He remained with this vessel until 1881 rising from the position of boy to that of mate and commanding her occasionally during the absence of his father, who was her master. During the season of 1881; he was mate of the propeller Pacific in 1882 and 1883, holding a similar position on the bark Sunnyside, and in 1884 on the Constitution. During the next three years he sailed the schooner Delaware; then he commanded the Constitution for two years; remained one year ashore; sailed the propeller Business two years, and then assumed command of the steambarge J. S. Fay. Captain Kerr has been singularly fortunate during his nautical career, having never been on a vessel that went ashore while he was with her. There has been but one season since he was nine months old when he has not taken at least one trip on the lakes either as passenger or sailor.
Captain Robert Kerr, who was for years a well known vessel master on the lakes, was born in Belfast, in the North of Ireland, in 1825, and went to sea at the age of thirteen years. His entire time was spent on salt water until 1850, when he came upon the Great Lakes. At Lockport, N.Y., the Captain married Miss Martha Robinson, and immediately thereafter came to Ohio City (now the west side of Cleveland), where he resided until his death. His first command was the schooner William B. Castle, of which he was master during 1856. In 1857-58-59 he sailed the schooner Grace Murray, and in 1860-61-62 the bark David Morris. In the spring of 1863, in company with the late Capt. S.F. Drake, he built and brought out the topsail schooner C.J. Magill, which he sailed for eighteen years. The Magill is still afloat and is a fine looking vessel yet, and in the thirty-four years of her career she has never been ashore nor had any serious accident. Captain Kerr sold the Magill in the spring of 1881, and shortly afterward bought the bark Sunnyside, which he sailed until she was sunk on Lake Michigan during a very heavy squall in collision with the schooner S.H. Foster, on the night of August 19, 1883. The sinking of the Sunnyside was wholly unavoidable, and was the only loss Captain Kerr ever suffered in his thirty-two years' experience as master. Always partial to square-rigged vessels, he purchased, in the spring of 1884, the bark Constitution, and sailed her until he was accidentally knocked overboard by the jibbing of the mainsail and drowned in Detroit river on the night of October 30, 1887. Thus suddenly terminated the trip which he had fully decided beforehand should be his last on the lakes. Captain Kerr was sixty-two years of age at the time of his death. He left a wife, two sons and two daughters.
Captain Martin Kerwin is the son of Martin and Mary (Hogan) Kerwin, natives of Wexford, Ireland, and was born at Hamilton, Ontario, on May 20, 1860. Martin Kerwin, Sr., followed the occupations of miller and gardener all his life. He died July 18, 1884, and his widow still resides at Sarnia, Ontario. Capts. Patrick, James and Peter Kerwin, and John and Joseph Kerwin, who also follow marine work, are brothers of Capt. Martin Kerwin.
When a small lad Martin Kerwin moved to Sarnia with his parents and there lived about twenty years, but as he began sailing at the age of fourteen he was only at home the winter season. He first shipped on the Minot Mitchell as boy and afterward served on the Annie Vaught in the same capacity. He acted as able seaman upon the I.L. Quimby four months and then finished the season on the bark Mary Jane, going the following year on the same boat as seaman, and later as second mate. Upon the Theman (which schooner was lost at Au Sable, Mich.), Shandon, Azov, Maggie, Otonobee, and Sweepstakes he acted as able seaman, and later was mate on the Pandora, Trade Wind, J.C. Woodruff, Morwood, M.L. Breck, Hercules and China. After taking command he served as master on the Slago, Mary, Carrie Sand, Montcalm, Stanley, Fanny Campbell and Arctic, and subsequently acted as pilot on the G.W. Johnson, running to Georgian Bay. For one season he sailed the Kewaunee, and in 1896 he came to the O.J. Hale as master.
Captain Kerwin was married June 26, 1884, to Mrs. Christina Thompson, of Sarnia, and they have one child, Martin, who was born September 7, 1885, and died April 7, 1895.
David Allen Kiah, one of the foremost navigators of the lakes, was the second of the seven children born to Francis and Louise (Sawyer) Kiah, the former a native of Quebec, Canada, and at one time master and vessel owner, having a schooner and five barges trading between Montreal and Ogdensburg, N. Y. In 1853, on a trip from Hamilton, Ont., to Ogdensburg, the passenger steamer Ocean Wave, with twenty-eight cabin passengers, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kiah, took fire and burned, the only ones rescued being themselves and two others, Mrs. French, of Cornwall, Ontario, the wife of a member of Parliament, and Mrs. Stevenson, the wife of a Canadian banker. To Mr. Kiah's experience as a sailor and to his personal bravery is due the fact that all did not perish.
David Allen Kiah was born at Ogdensburg, August 15, 1837, and his first practical work was as bookkeeper in a butcher shop there for about three years, after which, in 1857, he began his seafaring life before the mast of the brig Mahonig, with Captain Pearsons, trading between Ogdensburg and Toledo, shipping in her September 7, and laying her up. He was subsequently in various craft, among them being the schooner Henry Clay, Oswego to Bay of Quinte; Black Warrior, under Captain Gilmore, when she went ashore near Forty-mile Point, Lake Huron, in a blinding snowstorm, the crew taking refuge in the topsails, and being rescued by a fishing boat the next day, Captain's hair, as well as that of the others, being frozen to the respective coat collars. After this experience he decided to quit sailing, but on December 5, 1858, a few days after his rescue, he chanced on the docks at Cleveland, and found the three-masted schooner G. L. Newman, bound for Ogdensburg, his home, in need of a pilot down the St. Lawrence river. He shipped on her as such and before the mast, arriving at Ogdensburg on December 13, and the following season, his love of the sea being as strong as ever, he shipped on the Charles H. Walker, and after this was second mate of the Gold Hunter three seasons, then mate of the Ketchum, Capt. Joe Sawyer, one season, Mary B. Hale, under the same captain, one season, second mate of the Prairie State, Captain Mellen, Empire, Captain Richardson, and City of New York, Captain Chadwick, all of the N. T. Co., one season each; mate of the Granite State, Capt. Ira Bishop, three seasons, and in 1869, mate of the City of Toledo, under Captain Richardson again. In 1890, Captain Richardson, having highly recommended him, he was appointed master of the Prairie State, sailing her the three seasons of 1870-71-72. In 1873, during the prevailing hard times, salaries were generally reduced, and Captain Kiah left his old employment on this account, to sail the Scotia, a Canadian steamer, for James Norris, at better pay than in the State, and for that season and also 1874 sailed the America for the same owner. He next sailed the Celtic, of Hamilton, for two seasons; the Canada four seasons (two between Montreal and Chicago, and two between Collingwood and Chicago); St. Magnus, of Hamilton, two seasons; Lothaire, in Georgian Bay lumber trade, three seasons; in 1889, Newburgh, of the Ogdensburg Transportation Company; the following two seasons bringing out the new F. H. Price, of the same line, in which he has remained ever since, seven consecutive seasons, making nine years in the employ of the Ogdensburg Transportation Company, which is rated by insurance men as higher than any other line on the lakes. This bespeaks well also for Captain Kiah's services, as a position in this line must naturally be well merited.
In 1865 Captain Kiah was married to Miss McCormack, of Ogdensburg. They have had four children, two of whom are now living, namely, Mary and David Allen, Jr., the latter at present mate of the A. McVittie of the Ogdensburg Transportation Company. Captain Kiah is a member of the Chicago branch of the Ship Masters Association, and carries Pennant No. 409. The family residence is at 46 Franklin street, Ogdensburg, New York.
Captain John J. Killelia is a son of James (a native of County Galway, Ireland) and Elizabeth (Brennen, a native of Kilkenny, Ireland) Killelia. The former was one of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the Civil war in America, his death occurring in Salisbury prison in the year 1865. He was a private in the Second New York Heavy Artillery, Company A.
The subject of this sketch was born in Oswego March 2, 1854. He attended school in that city, and commenced life on the water at the age of ten as a ferry boy on the Oswego river, continuing in that occupation up to the age of fourteen, when he sought employment on the Erie canal as driver, a position which he retained for a continuous period of eight years. In 1878, having concluded to try the lakes, he shipped as boy on the brig Saxon, but after a short time returned to the Erie canal as steersman, and remained steadily until the close of 1879. From that season until 1895 he was owner and master respectively of various canalboats and tugs, and master for the seasons following: Canalboats Fort Sumpter, one season; Killelia, one trip; Olympus, master for three seasons; James H. Rich, master six years; William S. Dego and Read the Judge, one year; Canal tugs John Howell, master one year; Ella B., master part of a season; Charles E. Brady, the remainder. He also purchased the canal tug Deloss Graves, ran her for a while and then placed her machinery in a new hull now known as the James Kennedy, of which he was master seasons of 1895-96. During the winter of 1895-96 Captain Killelia was foreman of the tug Eli Shriver, employed on the canal work. During the season of 1897 he was master and owner of the tug James Kennedy, and for about a month of 1898, when he sold her.
Captain Killelia was married in 1887, at Oswego, to Miss Rosa O'Grady, by whom he has one child, Cora. In social connection he is a member of the Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association and of the Hibernian Order. The Captain has been one of the successful men on the Great Lakes.
Among the able and enterprising men who are now engaged in navigating our great inland seas, the subject of this sketch holds a leading place, his ability and skill being so well known and appreciated that he has never been obliged to apply for a situation. While he is younger than many of our lake captains he has probably seen as long service as any, for he began as a boy of eleven to run a fishing boat of his own, and has always held responsible positions.
The Kilty family is of Irish origin, and Patrick Kilty, the father of Capt. Peter Kilty, was born in Dublin, Ireland, coming to America in 1837. He has been a sailor and fisherman throughout his life, and for many years he was employed in schooners on the lakes; while during the government survey of the lakes he had charge of the boats of the expedition. He is now living at Onekama, Michigan.
Capt. Peter Kilty was born in 1860, at St. James, Mich., where he remained until he reached the age of twenty years, his education being obtained in the local schools. Although the opportunities afforded were not of the best, he made good use of his time, and his subsequent reading and observation have made him a well-informed man. As has been intimated, his business ability became apparent at an early age, the fishing interest at his native place offering him an excellent chance to make a profit, while gaining practical knowledge of navigation. While still a boy he found occasional employment on schooners plying near home, and in all he had had about thirteen years of experience when he took the post of captain of a fishing tug at Lake Onekama for the season of 1889. Later he shipped as mate of the passenger boat Adrian, running between Manistee and Onekama, and he remained with this vessel three years, serving during a portion of the time as acting captain. He next took change of the passenger steamer John D. Doore for one season, and then spent six seasons as mate on the Petoskey, plying between Chicago and Petoskey. On February 12, 1896, he became captain of the Ann Arbor No. 1, the first government ferry to run across the lakes, and under his able management the boat met with marked success, as might have been anticipated by his previous record. On May 20, 1898, he accepted the position of master of the car ferry steamer Pere Marquette, the largest car ferry in the world, and owned by the Flint & Pere Marquette Railway Company.
The Captain is popular socially, and belongs to a number of marine associations as well as to the order of Foresters, at Frankfort. He was married in 1882 to Miss Mary Elizabeth Nackerman, of Marquette, Mich., and his pleasant home at Ludington, Mich., is brightened by three children: Alfred John, Claude P., and Mary Elizabeth.
Charles O. King, a prominent marine engineer sailing out of Bay City, is the third son of Capt. G. W. and Julia (Causley) King, and was born in Banks, formerly Bangor, Mich., May 28, 1856. The father was born near London, Ontario, in 1830, and in 1843 went to Detroit, where he was employed as bell boy in hotels for some years. His first experience as sailor was in the passenger boat Fashion as cabin boy. The next season he shipped in the steamer Hendrick Hudson, followed by four or five seasons in different vessels. In 1850 he met and married Miss Julia Causley, of Mooretown, Ontario, and the same year commenced to run a ferry between that town and St. Clair, Mich. Two years later he built the small steamer Traffic, which he took to the Saginaw and used as a ferry for nineteen years. In the meantime he purchased the Canada, John Lathrop, Tiger, Hercules, Haight, George B. Dickson and T. M. Moore. Captain King was the father of sixteen children.
Engineer Charles O. King attended the public schools of Bay City, passing through the highest grades. It was in the spring of 1877 that he determined to become a lake engineer, preliminary to which he shipped as fireman in the tug A. W. Wright, then owned by Eddy & Avery, and engaged in raft towing on the Saginaw. In 1878 he secured engineer's papers and was appointed to the tug Haight, followed by a season in the Sol Rummage. In 1880 he was second engineer and fireman on the tug Asa Robinson, closing the season in the Edwin Eddy. The next spring he was appointed engineer on the tug Haight, and ran her five seasons, followed by a berth in the tugs George B. Dickson and James Hay. In the spring of 1887 he came out in the James Hay, transferring to the steamer Yosemite, as chief, until August, 1888, when he went as chief of the steamer Mary Pringle, which position he held until the close of 1889. The next season he went to Chicago, and brought out the Ida M. Torrent, and ran her until August, when he went as second engineer on the steamer Columbia. In the spring of 1891 he was appointed chief engineer of the passenger steamer Laura, plying between St. Joseph and Milwaukee, until June, when he met with an accident and was compelled to go home. On recovery, he shipped as second engineer of the steamer City of Venice, but after ten days the old wound again caused him to retire. His next boat was the J. E. Owen, in which he was chief, but he closed the season as chief of the tug W. A. Avery. The next year he was second engineer of the steamer City of Naples three months. He then took the tug Avery, and ran her until the close of 1895, followed by three months the next year in the tug Howard. He was then appointed chief engineer of the steamer Manistique, and has held that berth until the present writing. He has eighteen issues of engineer's license.
On September 15, 1883, Mr. King was united by marriage to Miss Anna McDonald, daughter of Angus and Louise (Warner) McDonald, of Glengarry, Ont. The children born to them are: Lydia A., George W., Howard W., Elva E. A. and Cornelia Ruth. The Beneficial Order of Home Forum is the only fraternal society of which Mr. King is a member.
Captain George E. King is the son of Capt. George W. and Julia (Causley) King, and was born at Courtright, Ontario, April 3, 1851. The father was a well-known tug and vessel owner, as well as master on the Saginaw river and bay many years. His first experience as a sailor was the placing of a ferry boat on the St. Clair river between the villages of Courtright and St. Clair. He built the Traffic, which he afterward took to Bay City and put in the machinery, making a side-wheel steamer of her, and used her in towing on the Saginaw river and bay. He also owned and operated the tug John Lathrop.
After sailing these boats he purchased the side-wheel steamer Canada, which he used for towing purposes on the Saginaw. He established the first steam ferry on the Saginaw river between Bay City and West Bay City, at the place now spanned by the Third street bridge. This steam craft consisted of two scows lashed together and planked over, a paddle-wheel running in the water between the two scows, and made quite a novel ferry boat for transportation of teams and passengers, but answered the purpose at the time to a charm.
Captain King, in partnership with Edward Parks, also owned the tug Tiger, which was used in towing. After she was destroyed by fire, he sold his vessel property and purchased a farm in the suburbs of West Bay City, which he worked for ten years. Upon his return to marine business he bought the tug Hercules, which he sailed four years, and then traded her for the tug Dickson in company with John Powell, thus forming the nucleus of a tug line, consisting of the two just mentioned, the O.W. Cheney, Thomas Maytham, T.M. Moore, Fanny Tuthill, and Hunter, of which line he was superintendent about two years. After this combination was dissolved he and Capt. Thomas Lester operated the tug T.M. Moore, George B. Dickson and E. Haight two years, after which he became manager and owner of the Dickson, then sold her to J.R. Irwin, of Fairport; he purchased the barge Roscoe and Montmorency, sailing the latter up to the time of his death, which occurred November 18, 1896, when he was aged sixty-seven years.
Capt. George E. King, his son and the subject of this sketch, acquired his public-school education in the schools of West Bay City, and his first lesson as a sailor was with his father at the age of fifteen years, on the side-wheel steamer Kennedy, as deckhand. The next season he shipped on the tug Tiger, followed by a term before the mast on the schooner Melvina and other schooners out of Chicago, and then put in some time on the tug Hercules. After securing his license he shipped as mate with Capt. J. Pringle on the tug Sol. S. Rumage, following this with an appointment as master of the tug E. Haight, and sailed her four seasons, followed by one in the George B. Dickson, and five years as master of the O.W. Cheney. After the Cheney was sold he went on her as mate, with Capt. Harvey Kendall, on the St. Clair river. In the spring of 1884 he went to Cleveland and entered the employ of Capt. Patrick Smith as master of the tug Maggie Sanborn, and during the three seasons he was with that line sailed the tugs S.S. Stone and James Amadeus. He was also master of the sandsucker Alice Strong at Cleveland. He then went to work for the Creach Tug Company and sailed the tugs W.D. Cushing, Allie May and others. In the spring of 1891 he was appointed master of the passenger steamer Ossifrage, which he took to Bay City and then to Detroit, when he put her on a route between that city and the island of Descreshaska in the excursion business. The next season he joined as mate the passenger steamer Laura, plying between St. Joseph and Milwaukee. The Captain passed the next four seasons as master on the tug Argyle, raft towing on the Georgian Bay and Saginaw river. In the spring of 1898 he entered the employ of the Reed Wrecking and Towing Company as master of the steamer Protector.
Socially, he is a member of the American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam Vessels, and a Knight of the Macabees.
Captain King was wedded to Miss Sarah A., daughter of Isaac and Hannah Preston, of West Bay City. Their children are Ettie, the wife of Noble Oram, of Cleveland; and Cora, the wife of Clyde Mann, of West Bay City. The Captain's grandchildren are George Oram and Sarah A. Mann. The family residence is at No. 301 North Center street, West Bay City, Michigan.
Henry M. King was born at Buffalo October 31, 1854, and received his education in Public School No. 4 of that city. He is a son of Mitchell and Catherine (Willberry) King, the former of Canadian and the latter of English parentage. Mitchell King was twenty-five years a marine engineer on the Great Lakes. He was chief of the propeller Nile in 1864, when she was blown up at the dock at Detroit, the accident taking place on the second engineer's watch, while Mr. King was asleep.
In 1871, at the age of seventeen years, Henry M. King began to learn the machinist's trade at the King Iron Works. In August, 1876, after five years in their employ, he shipped as second engineer on the steamer Wissahickon, and remained in that service until June, 1877, when he was compelled to leave and return home on account of sickness. On August 20 of that year he went as second engineer on the Badger State, finishing that season on her, and the following season, 1878, he continued to fill the same position until August 14, when he was made chief of the Empire State, holding that berth continuously until the spring of 1883. At that time he was made chief of the Buffalo, remaining with her five years steadily, and in 1888 was made chief of the Milwaukee, in which berth he remained three years. During the years 1891-92 Mr. King was chief engineer of the Philadelphia & Reading Cold Storage plant at Cheektowaga. On November 30, 1893, he became a partner in the firm of Greenough & King (formerly Greenough & Tumeltry), in engineers' supplies, which is the principal firm in that line in the city of Buffalo, and enjoyed this business relation for a year, when the firm changed to King & Walker, which partnership continued until about June, 1897.
Mr. King has been a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 1 since 1879, and was its treasurer for about five or six years. He is also a member of the National Stationary Engineers Association, Keystone No. 50, which he joined during the latter part of November, 1896.
Mr. King was married at Buffalo, December 21, 1879, to Harriet Bernard, and they have two children: Jennette C., now (1898) aged fifteen years; and George N., aged ten years.
Captain Joseph H. King, is descended from a line of lake mariners, having been born in Bay City, Mich., March 31, 1871, son of Charles and Margaret (Cavern) King, the former of whom was master and owner of vessels, and sailed the schooner C.J. King, the steamer Mayflower, the barque America, and many other boats of that class in the earlier days. Charles King was born in Bay City in 1832, and died in Port Austin, at the age of fifty-six years.
The fact that Captain King obtained mate’s and pilot’s berth so soon after beginning his life on the lakes would seem to indicate that he inherited many of the qualities of a sailor with his desire to put them into practice. He was very young, but seven years of age, when he became what might be termed self-supporting, his occupation at that time being gill-net making and mending at which he worked five years, becoming very proficient. It was in the spring of 1883 that he began sailing as pantry boy in the passenger steamer Favorite. In 1884 he shipped as watch in the steamer Passaic, holding that berth two seasons, and during the season of 1886 he held a like berth in the steamer J.P. Donaldson, following with a season as wheelsman in the tug Traveler. In the spring of 1888 he shipped as wheelsman in the passenger steamer Soo City, plying between Cheboygan and Sault Ste. Marie, remaining in her two seasons and transferring to the steamer Manistique in the same capacity. In the spring of 1891 Captain King received his first issue of pilot’s papers and was appointed mate of the lake tug Mocking Bird, holding that berth two seasons. In 1893 he entered the employ of Capt. B. Boutell as master of the tug Annie Moiles, in the logging trade. The next season he sailed the Waldo Avery, for the Michigan Log Towing Company, and in 1893 he brought out the tug Perfection, for Capt. James Davidson, closing that season as mate in the Ella Smith, which he sailed the next season as pilot. In the spring of 1897 he was appointed master of the passenger steamer Sailor Boy, plying between Bay City and Alpena. Captain King was instrumental, while mate of the Ella Smith in rescuing a party of six women, and one man, who had been overtaken by a squall in Saginaw Bay; he took them off with the yawlboat. He is a member of the American Association of Masters & Pilots of Steam Vessels, and has eight issues of license.
On January 7, 1891, Captain King wedded Miss Annie Whalen, daughter of Alva and Rosella Whalen, of Hampton township, Bay Co., Mich., and one daughter, Harriet Elizabeth, has been born to them. The family homestead is in West Bay City, Mich., but at present they reside at No. 3313 North Water street, Bay City. They have a small farm, to which Mrs. King devotes her attention during the summer months.
Captain Lewis E. King, who has been principally identified with the lake marine as master of tugs during the past eighteen years, numbers among his ancestors many master mariners. His parents were Capt. George W. and Phelemon King. The father, whose marine life extended over many years, was eminently successful, he acquiring many vessels during the time when the ordinary schooner could pay for herself in freights in a short time, lumber carrying at that time being paid for at the rate of from $7 to $9 per 1,000 feet. His first investment was in the Traffic, a small ferryboat which he built and operated on the Saginaw River, and the first steam ferry ever in use in that locality. Among other vessels of which he was owner were the tugs Tiger, Hercules, Haight, T.M. Moore, George B. Dickson, the steamer Bradbury, and towbarges Saginaw, Globe, Roscius and Montmorency. He retired from active business life in 1894, and two years later passed to the harbor of eternity, his death occurring at the old homestead, which was erected in 1860, in West Bay City, Michigan.
The subject of this article, Lewis E. King, was born on the old homestead August 20, 1862, the town being then known as Winona, and here he attended the public schools until he reached the age of eighteen, completing his education by graduating at the high school. He sailed with his father in different vessels during vacations and readily learned the business. In the spring of 1880 he was placed in charge of the tug Haight, owned by his father, and sailed her two seasons, when he was transferred to the tug T.M. Moore as master. In the spring of 1883 he was appointed master of the tug Dickson, the largest in the line, and sailed her five years. Captain King then went to Detroit and entered the employ of Capt. S. B. Grummond as master of the lake tug Oswego. In 1889 his father purchased the steambarge Mary Pringle, and the Captain succeeded to that vessel, sailing her until she was sold. In 1891 he went to Duluth, Minn., and was engaged by Captain Inman as master of the tug J.L. Williams, on which he remained until August, when he was transferred to the iron tug Record, and sailed her until the spring of 1892, using her as an ice breaker in the bay. He also looked after a part of Capt. Alex McDougall's whaleback fleet in winter quarters at Duluth.
During the winter of 1893 Captain King opened a ship broker's office in the Polladis building, Duluth, associating with him J.H. Norton, and were known under the firm name of King & Norton. This company purchased the steamer Otego, and the Captain sailed her until August, when he became a member of the firm of Smith, Fee & Co., who established a tug line in opposition to Capt. B.B. Inman, and operated the tugs Pathfinder, A.C. Adams, Ed Fiske, Jr., and J.W. Eviston, the Captain acting as manager of the line. These tugs passed into the hands of Captain Inman by purchase after three months, and Captain King again assumed command of the steamer Otego. In the spring of 1894 he went to Cleveland, and sailed the tug Joe Harris for the Vessel Owners Towing Company; the next year acting as night or day dispatcher at the dock. In the spring of 1896 he returned to Duluth, and again entered the employ of the B.B. Inman Tug line as master of the tug J.L. Williams, being transferred to the L.L. Lyon, and sailing her until the close of the season of 1897. During the winter he again went into the vessel brokerage business with J.H. Norton, their office being at Nos. 504 and 505 Torrey building, Duluth, and devoted their time to the purchase and sale of vessel property. This partnership, under the name of J.H. Norton & Co., still exists, and they now own the tugs Minnie Karl and McRey, which have been furnished with new engines and boilers, and used in the log-towing business. In the spring of 1898 Captain King was appointed master of the lake tug Bob Anderson, in which he is still engaged.
Socially, he is a member of the Ship Masters Association, and carries Pennant No. 415, and is a member of the Knights of the Maccabees.
On August 20, 1882, Captain King was united in marriage to Miss Margarette, daughter of John and Annie Prebster, of Bay City, Mich., and they have one daughter, Marie, who is a pupil in the Lakeview public schools. Captain King and family reside in Lakeview, Minn. Mrs. King's father is a millwright by trade, and with his family still occupy the homestead in Bay City, Mich., which he built in 1862, when he settled at that place.
Ralph B. King was born in West Bay City, Mich., in 1870. He is a son of Capt. George W. King, who owned and sailed the first tug on the Saginaw river, and, at a later date, other tugs, among which was the Dixon, Moore and Haight. The father died November 14, 1896, at the age of sixty-six years.
Mr. King attended the public schools of West Bay City until 1886, when he shipped on one of his father's tugs as fireman, afterward becoming assistant engineer. In 1887 he took out engineer's papers, and for three years engineered tugs out of West Bay City, at the end of that time removing to Cleveland, where he entered the employ of the Independent Tug line, shipping as engineer on the Allie May, where he remained one season. He then entered the employ of the Vessel Owners Towing line, and received an appointment as engineer of the tug Maytham, continuing on her two and a half seasons, when he was transferred to the tug H.L. Chamberlain, where he continued a year and a half. In 1896 he fitted out the tug Alva B., and ran her the entire season, and also the seasons of 1897-98, laying her up at the close of navigation. In 1890 Mr. King was wedded to Miss Mary Cunningham, of West Bay City.
J.D. Kirby is a marine engineer who served his apprenticeship in the old Cuyahoga Steam Furnace Company's works, in Cleveland, entering the establishment about thirty-five years ago. He was born in Cleveland on February 29, 1844, a son of James and Jane (Cole) Kirby, the former of whom was a moulder. After spending three years at his apprenticeship Mr. Kirby entered the employ of the Globe Iron Works, and in that establishment and in the shops of the Cleveland Ship Building Company he has been employed, off and on, for over thirty years. His first sailing was done in 1873, when he went out as second engineer of the Selah Chamberlin, and following this he was second of the D.W. Rust one season and chief of her for six seasons. Then he was engineer of the E.B. Hale one year and fitted her out the next, leaving her in the spring of the second year to assume charge of the machinery of the propeller Robert Wallace, on which he remained two seasons and fitted her out for the third. On leaving her he became chief engineer of the Superior street viaduct in Cleveland, and after having engaged thus for two years he served as foreman in the shops of the Cleveland Ship Building Company four years. He then became interested in the Chase Machine Company, where, however, he remained but one summer, returning to the Cleveland Ship Building Company, and later becoming superintendent of the Ohio Brass & Iron Manufacturing Company; he retained this position for one year, when the works were burned, and he again entered the employ of the Cleveland Ship Building Company, where he has remained since.
In 1868 Mr. Kirby was married to Miss Mahrina H. Lamb, of Cleveland, who died in March, 1873, leaving one child. In 1877 he married Miss Sylvia A. Bigelow, of Cleveland, and they have two children living, James Blaine and Walter. Three children died in infancy, Vina Maud, Frank J. and Hattie.
John N. Kirby is the son of Capt. John and Mary Kirby, and was born December 10, 1867, at Cleveland, Ohio. He attended the public schools of Cleveland, also going through the high school.
In 1885 he entered the employ of the Globe Iron Works Company to learn the machinist's trade, and remained full four years - thoroughly learning that handicraft, as will be noted by his rapid advancement. In the spring of 1889 he shipped as oiler on the steamer Northern Queen, when she came out new, finishing the season on the Caledonia. In 1890 he came out with the new steamer LaSalle, of the Lake Superior Iron Company line, and in June obtained his first license as first assistant engineer, and shipped on the steamer Niko in that berth, finishing the season on the Charlemagne Tower. In 1891 he shipped as second engineer of the steamer Sitka, finishing the season on the Vulcan. In 1892 he went as first assistant on the steamer William Chisholm, remaining one season. In the spring of 1893 he entered the employ of the Bradley line, and came out first assistant on the new steel steamer Alva, remaining the full season. In 1894 he received an appointment as chief engineer of the Gladstone, of the same line, remaining in charge of her machinery two seasons. He was then appointed chief of the Alva, which steamer he had laid up at the close of navigation in 1897, at Buffalo.
In the winter of 1890, Mr. Kirby joined the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association at Cleveland, and in 1891 he was elected corresponding secretary, holding the position three years, when he was elected vice president. In 1895 he was chosen president of the association, which office he has held for three years. He is a Royal Arch Mason and member of the Royal Arcanum.
In January, 1898, Mr. Kirby was married to Miss Jeannette Poole, of Gambier, Ohio, and lives at 206 Franklin avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
William Klein, second engineer of the passenger steamer Spokane, was born at Detroit, Mich., October 20, 1869. He attended the public schools of his native city, and subsequently, when about seventeen years of age, started the first practical work of his life as catcher for six months in a rolling mill.
In 1889 Mr. Klein commenced steamboating as oiler on the Fayette Brown, remaining on her two seasons, and for two months of the next season went into the Nyack, finishing same on the Japan. During the season of 1892 he was on the India, and in 1893 he was promoted to the berth of second engineer on the same vessel, remaining until 1894, and in 1895 held that berth on the Northern Queen, of the Northern Steamship Company. The succeeding season he went back to the Anchor line as second of the India, one of the three passenger boats of that line, where he remained during the season of 1897. In 1898 he transferred to the Spokane. Mr. Klein is a quiet, conscientious workman, and believes that in order to attain a position among the leaders of his profession a thoroughly practical and theoretical experience is essential, and it is safe to say that he has attained, by close study and attention, an unusual degree of proficiency. He has six issues of license, and is a member of Local Harbor No. 1, Marine Engineers Beneficiary Association. Mr. Klein is a single man, and resides with his mother at No. 171 Austin Street, Buffalo, New York.
Captain John Klepser, who for the past twenty-five seasons has been in the employ of the Falcon Wood Club as master of their yacht Falcon, is a son of Frederick and Regina (Sterely) Klepser, who were natives of Wurtemburg, Germany. They emigrated to America in 1836, and settled in Tonawanda, N. Y., where our subject was born October 15, 1842. The father was a farmer in the Fatherland, and also followed that occupation for a time in this country.
After receiving a very ordinary education in his native place John Klepser, the subject of this sketch, worked on a farm until about the twentieth year of his age, and then, in the year 1862, began his sea-faring life as a deckhand on the Jennie-Bell, owned by John Nice, of Grand Island, at the end of the third season finding himself in the position of mate. In 1865 he was master of the tug Buffalo, of Port Day, near Niagra Falls, upon which he remained three seasons consecutively, the tug being sold at the end of the last season. The following seasons, 1868-69, he was made master of the harbor tugs Addie and Robert Cooper, and after two seasons in this employ, or in 1871, became master of the old steamyacht Falcon, owned by the Falcon Wood Club. In 1887 this tug was sold and replaced by a new one of the same name. Captain Klepser was made master of the new Falcon, and was in control of her in that capacity at the close of the season of 1896; thus he is serving his twenty-seventh season in one employ.
Captain Klepser was married on April 30, 1869, to Barbara Leib, and they have the following named children: Lydia now (1898) twenty-five years old; Frederick, twenty-three; Regina, twenty; Frank, eighteen; Florence, thirteen; Harold, ten; and Lillian and Luella, each six years of age. The son Frank is in the employ of the North Buffalo Planing Mill at Tonawanda, New York.
Joseph P. Kohlbrenner, a son of Joseph and Barbara (Smith) Kohlbrenner, was born on April 13, 1860, at Buffalo, in which city he finished his education at the age of sixteen years. The father of our subject was a carpenter by trade. His family consisted of three sons and one daughter, of whom Jacob was oiler of the Northern Light for the season of 1896; John is a plumber; the daughter, by name Lena, is now the wife of Edward Slout, a car conductor in the employ of the Buffalo Street Railway Company.
The subject of this sketch began at the bottom round of the ladder when starting his life on the lakes, acting as fireman on the propeller Roanoke, of the old Commercial line, for the season of 1879. The next three seasons he was in the same capacity on the steamer St. Louis and Avon, and for the season of 1883 he was oiler on the steamer H.J. Jewett, all of the Union Steamboat Company. In 1884-85 he was in Chicago harbor as fireman of the tug Union, of the Vessel Owners Towing Association; in 1886 was second engineer of the steamer Michael Grauh (both these boats being owned by S.K. Martin, of Chicago), and in 1887 of the Fred Mercur, of the Lehigh Valley line. In 1888 Mr. Kohlbrenner entered the service of the Lake Erie Transportation Co., becoming second engineer of the steamer Russell Sage, on which he remained the two seasons of 1888-89, when he was transferred to chief's berth in the A.L. Hopkins, of the same company. He remained on the Hopkins three seasons, of 1890-91-92 to middle of season of 1893, at the expiration of which time he was transferred to the same berth in the Russell Sage, continuing steadily on her until the close for the seasons of 1896-97-98.
Mr. Kohlbrenner was married at Buffalo, in 1890, to Miss Carrie Keller, and they reside at No. 397 Elm street. Socially he is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 1, and of the Royal Arcanum.
Joseph J. Krach, who has had a varied experience as engineer on the lakes and rivers, nominally retired from the engine room in May, 1891, to take charge of the mechanical department of the Meisenheimer Printing Company, doing business at No. 330 Clinton street, Milwaukee, Wis., in which he is a stockholder. It was not his purpose, however, in retiring from active service on the lakes to sever his connection with his shipmates, as he remains an ardent member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association. He is a strong advocate of the principles of the order and has upheld them on all occasions, and has ever been active and earnest in performing any duties that devolved upon him. He joined the association in 1883, and since that date has been three times elected to the office of president of Milwaukee Lodge No 9. He has also been chosen as delegate to represent his lodge in the national conventions at Milwaukee and Chicago; also at Charleston, S. C., but press of business at the printing office prevented his attendance. He has generally had charge of the publication of the Engineers' Directory.
Joseph J. Krach was born on July 17, 1853, at St. Louis, Mo., and the son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Tingey) Krach, the father being a native of Ellingen, Bavaria, and the mother of Barnet, England. They were married in England and came to the United States in 1851, locating at St. Louis, Mo., which city they reached by way of the St. Lawrence river, the lakes, Illinois canal and the Mississippi. After reaching his new home the father started in the shoemaking business, doing a large share of custom work. He died in 1887 at the age of seventy-five; the mother, being in her seventy-sixth year, is tenderly cared for by her son Joseph.
Joseph J. acquired a liberal public-school education in St. Louis, and during vacations was always around the water, making voyages on the Mississippi, between St. Paul and New Orleans, and on the Missouri, Red and Tennessee rivers to various points. After leaving school he learned the printer's trade, and in 1874 went to Milwaukee. The next year he shipped as fireman on the tug F. C. Maxon, followed by a season in each of the tugs Ed L. Anthony, J. B. Merrill and W. K. Muir in the same capacity.
In 1879 Mr. Krach took out an engineer's license, and after coming out on the tug F. C. Maxon, he was appointed engineer of the Levi Johnson, and took her to Kenosha, Wis., where he was engaged waiting on a dredge. The next year he came out on the tug S. S. Coe, but closed the season on the F. C. Maxon. That winter he went fishing out of Racine with Capt. Frank Lovell in the tug R. Wetzell. In 1881 he entered the employ of Parker & Maxon, and ran the tugs S. S. Coe and F. C. Maxon alternately until September, 1883, when he was appointed to the tug Arctic, of the Goodrich Transportation Company, operating at Grand Haven, and ran her until July of the next season, when he was appointed engineer of the tug Welcome, commanded by Capt. Charles Moody. In the spring of 1885, he came out in the tug Uncle Sam, closing the season on the Robbie Dunham, after which he joined the steamer Hilton, and in 1887 the steamer New Era, leaving her to help fit out the new steamer William H. Wolf, to which he had been appointed second engineer. In the summer of 1888 he also assisted in fitting out the new steamer Helena, and was appointed second engineer, Scott Pratt being chief. The following spring he joined the steamer New Era as chief, and in 1890 the St. Joseph in the same capacity, running her until May, 1891, when he resigned to go into business as above stated. He installed the entire steam plant of the Meisenheimer Printing Company, assumed charge of all the mechanical appliances, and fills the office of foreman of the composing rooms. During the winter months he was generally employed in the machine shops of Thomas Sheriffs, of Milwaukee, on repair work of steamboats.
The following facts are witnesses of his bravery: While engaged in tugging he assisted in saving the lives of part of the crew of the bark Tanner, the captain and cook being drowned; and also, with the assistance of the crew, while acting as engineer of the tug F. C. Maxon (1881) rescued a prominent grocer and son from drowning in the West Menominee river, their horse having backed over the dock. It was during the year of 1885 when on the tug Uncle Sam, having in tow a lumber schooner, that he observed the main boom to jibe and knock a sailor overboard. Quick as a flash the tow line was cast off and Capt. Steve Green notified, and the vessel put to full speed toward the drowning man, who was rescued just as he was disappearing. He has twenty-one issues of engineer's license.
Mr. Krach was wedded to Miss Loretta, daughter of Matthew and Mary (Barry) Dunn, of Queenstown, Ireland, on December 7, 1886. The children born to this union are Edward T., a graduate from the Milwaukee high schools; Myra L., Ruby A., Viola E. and Beulah. The family homestead is in Town Lake, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Almon C. Krogman, a young engineer, who, by close attention to the duties of his profession, and his many natural qualifications, has rapidly come forward in the lines of his calling. He is a son of Henry and Sophia (Ede) Krogman, and was born in Geneva, Mich., March 23, 1867. His father, who is a carpenter by trade, now resides in Chicago.
The subject of this sketch learned the machinist's trade in the shop of Capt. J.S. Dunham, located on Franklin Street, Chicago, serving an apprenticeship of three years. It was in the spring of 1893 that he determined to become a marine engineer, and shipped as oiler on the steamer City of Kalamazoo, plying in the passenger and fruit trade between South Haven and Chicago. The next spring he applied for and was granted a license as second engineer, and was appointed to the City of Kalamazoo, holding that berth two seasons, when, in the spring of 1896, he transferred to the steamer H.W. Williams, operated by the same company, and also served as second on that vessel, and in 1897 we find him filling the position of chief engineer on the same vessel; in 1898 he was transferred to the City of Kalamazoo as chief, which position he still holds. He has two brothers on the lakes - William F., who is acting as second engineer on the steamer Kalamazoo, and John, a fireman on one of the tugs of the Barry Tug line, operating out of Chicago.
Mr. Krogman is an ardent member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 102, of South Haven, Mich., and at its last election was chosen president of that body. He is also a Knight of the Maccabees.
On December 23, 1891, he was united in marriage with Miss Lina, daughter of Henry and Harriet Eisenlohr, of Bangor, Mich., and they have two sons, Albert and Ralph. The family homestead is situated on Green street, South Haven, Michigan.
William R. Kuehle, the efficient and popular manager of the Western Sand Company, dealers in pumped lake sand and gravel, with yards at the North avenue bridge, has been identified with the lake marine since 1877 and has held his present position since 1897. He was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in May 1855, a son of Ludwig and Margaret (Retting) Kuehle, who were natives of Germany, and on emigrating from that country to American, in 1849, located in Cleveland. The father, who was a dyer by trade, had charge of the Northern Ohio Woolen Mills at that place, up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1895. The mother died in the same city.
William R. Kuehle grew to manhood in Cleveland, acquiring a fair education in the schools of that city. After coming to Chicago, in 1877, he commenced sailing on the steamer Charmer, engaged in the excursion and towing business, and on her remained as engineer for three years. He was then engineer on the tug Pearl, and as such made an extended trip to New Orleans. During 1884 and 1885 he was master of the Pearl, after which he joined J. W. Palmer as engineer, engaged in the tugging and excursion business. He next purchased a half-interest in the tug E. E. Rice, which he still owns, in connection with which he now owns a half-interest in the steamer Cyclone, both being engaged in the excursion business and sailing from the foot of Van Buren street, and at one time owned a half-interest in another tug, which he later sold. He now devotes his entire time and attention to the sand business and is meeting with a well-deserved success.
He obtained his first license as engineer in 1878, and for several seasons was manager of the Van Buren Street line of excursion boats. In his present postion he has from ten to twelve men under him.
Captain John Kuhn has been unusually successful in his maritime life, having succeeded by good business qualifications, practical seamanship and industry, in acquiring an interest in several profitable cargo carriers. He was born in Detroit, Mich., April 19, 1843, a son of Christopher and Abbie (Nobledt) Kuhn, both of Alsace, France, now a province of Germany.
As Alsace has from time immemorial been a bone of contention between France and Germany, and has been ceded back and forth by these powers several times, it was incumbent upon the inhabitants to learn both the German and French languages. Thus it transpired that Captain Kuhn's parents were masters of both, though they preferred to owe allegiance to France, and to use that vivacious tongue. They came to the United States in 1835, locating Detroit, Mich. Here they met for the first time in the old "Michigan Exchange Hotel," and soon afterward, were married. The father was a shoemaker by trade, and it was not long after their marriage that they removed to Newport, now Marine City, Mich., as pioneers, and where he started in business, conducting the same with fair success until his death, which occurred in 1873. The mother, who is still living in Marine City, makes her home with her son-in-law, Capt. M. Sicken, a large vessel owner, who married her daughter, Mary Louisa. The other children of the family were George M., a well-known lake master who died in 1883; Charles, a merchant tailor, doing business in Cheboygan, Mich., and Augusta, who married John Drawe, also a merchant tailor of Marine City.
Capt. John Kuhn, the subject of this sketch, was about eight months old when his parents removed to Marine City, and it was there that he acquired his rudimentary education. It was in the spring of 1858 that he first took to the lakes, going as cabin boy on the passenger steamer Comet, on which he met a companion of about his own age named Howard Towl. Towl, for some misdemeanor, was put on the dock at Chicago, and, boy-like, young Kuhn quit and joined him. They both got passes from Capt. P. Clark, of the Marquette,and were taken to Detroit. This was Captain Kuhn's first visit to that city, and here he shipped on the side-wheel steamer Planet as third porter, and the next season became first porter on the propeller Montgomery. The next eight years were passed on various vessels, beginning as cabin boy on the steamer Dart, plying on the St. Clair river; then rising to watchman on the Ruby; and later on acting as wheelsman on the tugs Dart, Kate Williams, and Michigan, which was afterward converted into a man-of-war; and was on the steamer Reindeer on the St. Clair river. At the time of the uprising between the North and South he entered the navy, where he remained thirteen months and five days, serving on the gunboat Tomah, then on the Cincinnati, which he laid up at Algiers, a port opposite New Orleans; then brought the schooner Kitty Tince to New York and laid her up at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and was discharged. In the spring of 1867 he became wheelsman on the steamer Salina, and the next year filled the same office on the Sanilac with Captain Fish. In the spring of 1869 he shipped as watchman on the passenger steamer Lac la Belle, plying between Cleveland and Lake Superior ports, and was at the wheel when she was sunk in a collision with the steamer Milwaukee at South East Bend, St. Clair Flats, three lives being lost.
In the spring of 1870 Captain Kuhn was appointed mate of the steamer Trader, holding that position two seasons, being promoted to first mate the next year. That winter he worked in Langall's shipyard in Marine City. In the spring of 1873 he came out as mate of the steamer D. F. Rose. The next year he purchased an interest in the schooner C. L. Young, assumed command and sailed her ten seasons with good business success, and then sold her to Capt. Joseph Shackett. During the winter of 1883-84 he superintended the construction of the steamer M. Sicken, in which he owned an interest, brought her out new in the spring, and sailed her for fourteen consecutive seasons. In the meantime he purchased interests in the towbarges Charles Spademan, E. J. McVeigh, and the schooners Melvina and Levi Rawson, selling his share in the last named, however. With the M. Sicken he tows the two barges in the lumber trade and is doing a fair business. During his experience as master he has been instrumental in saving the crews of the Norman and Jack, sunk during a collision in Lake Huron. Socially, he is a member of the C. M. B. A. and Arbiters.
In January, 1879, Captain Kuhn wedded Miss Mary A. Kobel, daughter of Henry Kobel, of Marine City, Mich. The children born to this union are: John, who died young; Henry, now wheelsman in the steamer M. Sicken; Gertrude, Frank and Fred, who are attending school. Captain Kuhn and his family make their home in Marine City, Michigan.
Mrs. Kuhn's father was also a lake master, his last boats being the Gardner and William Brake; the other members of her family were Susan, who became the wife of Captain Moneghan, hull inspector of the Duluth district; Charles, mate on the steamer M. Sicken; James, master of the schooner Levi Rawson; and George, who has sailed as master of tugs in St. Louis bay, but is now conducting a meat market.
Captain William Kynaston, who has been lighthouse keeper at Milwaukee for the past twenty-seven years, is the oldest lighthouse keeper on the lakes, and, though he has reached the ripe old age of four score years, is one of the most faithful and capable men in service. He has had a wide experience on the seas, and his long and active career has been full of stirring incident and shifting fortune. He was born in Liverpool, England, in 1818, and began his seafaring life at the age of twelve years as an apprentice aboard a vessel. In the winter of 1835-36 he came to the United States, and in 1837 he entered the United States navy, and for three years cruised in the Mediterranean and elsewhere, and in 1840 he was paid off at the Charleston Navy Yard, Boston. For two years he was engaged in the American merchant service on the seaboard, coasting in winter and sailing to Europe in the summer.
Captain Kynaston first visited the lake regions in 1842, shipping May 1, before the mast in the brig Hoosier. In the winter he went to Quebec and thence to sea. Returning to the lakes, he was in 1843 cast away in the ship Superior, the last full rigged ship on the lakes. That year he entered the employment of Mr. Reed, of Erie, and was with him until 1847, spending the winters on the seaboard. In June, 1847, he removed with his family to Milwaukee. He followed the lakes for three years, and in 1849 was captain of the schooner Henderson. He became an Argonaut, in 1850, reaching California overland. His stay on the Pacific coast was brief, for in 1851 he returned to the East, via the Isthmus of Panama, reaching New Orleans in March of that year. The trip was full of perils, and Captain Kynaston narrowly escaped death. Returning to the lakes, he, in 1851 became master of the Baltic for Anson Eldred, and in the following years commanded several other vessels. In 1866 he began a service as pilot of the Johnson, which continued five years, and until his appointment, in February, 1871, as keeper of the lighthouse in Milwaukee. During his long and continuous service in the capacity the lights of the lakes have from time to time been greatly improved. The Captain has been instrumental in saving the lives of many people, and has received the official recognition of the government for his gallant services. He is regarded as one of the best informed and most efficient keepers on the lakes.
In politics he was formerly a Whig and since a Republican. He has been twice married. In 1846, he was married in Erie to Miss Irene Merwin, by whom he had four children as follows: John B., a land agent at Milwaukee; William A., a fisherman; Irene, deceased; and Charles T., deceased. The mother of these died June 7, 1860. Captain Kynaston's second wife was Miss Emma Howder, of Lockport, N.Y., by whom he has three children: Nellie; Frances, who died in 1870; and Raymond Moss, who was drowned off the pier, September 25, 1880. The Captain is one of the hale old men, and at the age of eighty can write like print. He is well known to the lake men, by whom he is universally esteemed.