History of the Great Lakes
Vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield
Published Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co. 1899
[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ]
[ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ]
[ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ X Y Z ]
Halvor Michelson, a leading vessel owner and prosperous businessman of Chicago, is a native of Norway, born at Mellis Stavanger, in 1838, a son of Gunder and Christiana (Walverg) Michelson, also natives of that country. The father was a sailor, going before the mast at the early age of nine years, and sailed from Norway to all the principal ports of the world, and was a vessel owner and captain for thirty years, and more before coming to the New World, in 1854. He took up his residence in Chicago, and sailed out of that port for some years. During the Civil War he enlisted in the Navy, and was assigned to the vessel Florida, where he served until hostilities ceased. Later in life he became paralyzed and died in Chicago, in 1894, aged eighty-five years, his wife passing away in the same city in 1897, at the age of eighty-nine years.
Mr. Michelson, whose name introduces this sketch, lived in Norway for the first sixteen years of his life, and while quite young sailed with his father, becoming a pilot boy, in 1853, on vessels out of Stavanger, Norway. The following year he accompanied his parents on their emigration to America, and in Chicago learned the trade of sailmaking, starting in that business for himself in 1861, his sail loft being located on South Water Street, and continued in this until it was destroyed in the great fire of October, 1871, with a loss of over $12,000. Undaunted by reverses he began life anew, and became interested in the business with other parties for a few years. In 1864 he became interested in vessel property, his first boats being the schooners Yankee Blade and the Maine, the former of which was lost in Green Bay, the latter off Milwaukee. In 1867 he built the Holmes and Michelson, and one year later the Cecelia, which was lost in White Fish Bay, Lake Michigan. In partnership with William Johnson he built the Lena Johnson, which they sold a few years later. He has owned interests in many other vessels, including the Ebenezer, which was lost in 1892, but which was later reclaimed and is now in commission. At one time he owned an interest in the schooner Barbarian, which he has since sold. His present fleet consists of six good vessels, which sail from the port of Chicago, engaged in the lumber trade. One of these is the scow Four Brothers, built by Charles Reitz, in 1880; another is the E. R. Blake, built in 1868, which he purchased of Mr. Blake, of Port Washington; and the Grace M. Filer, built in Chicago, in 1883, by Mr. Michelson, who also had the C. Michelson, a two-masted schooner built at White Hall, Mich., and brought out in 1868. He bought the George A. March in Chicago, a vessel built in Muskegon, Mich., in 1868, and the A. J. Morey, built at Miller's shipyard, Chicago, and purchased by Mr. Michelson, in 1895. He is a safe, conservative and reliable businessman, who has achieved success entirely through his own efforts, and has the respect and confidence of all with whom he comes in contact, either in business or in social life.
In 1863, in Chicago, Mr. Michelson was united in marriage with Miss Christina Johnson, a native of Norway, and a daughter of Christopher Johnson, one of the early pioneers of Chicago. Of the eleven children born to this union, seven are still living, namely: Gideon, now a shipmaster; Mrs. Ida Torsen, whose husband is an attorney, and was a member of the Board of Education of Chicago, in 1897; Walter, who is engaged in the drug business on the corner of Erie Street and Center Avenue; Herbert, a dentist of Chicago; Victor, an attendant at the Lewis Institute; Anna, a student in the high school; and Norman.
Although a stanch Republican in politics, Mr. Michelson usually votes independent of party ties on local matters. He was president of the Lake Carriers Association for three years, and vice-president for two years; and is connected with Mt. Olivet Scandinavian Cemetery Association, of which he has been president for the past four years. He is also a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
Captain James W. Millen, president of the Lake Carriers Association for 1897, is one of the best known of the active vesselmen in Detroit. His robust form and genial, smooth-shaven face are familiar to the patrons of the Star lines of steamers, as he has been wont to sit under the awnings over the freight shed at the foot of Griswold street, on hot summer afternoons and watch the departure of the steamers for Toledo and Port Huron.
Captain Millen was born at Millen's Bay (called after his father), in the township of Lyme, Jefferson Co., N.Y. In the year 1850, while yet a boy, he began sailing, his first berth being on the schooner Pathfinder. He was on this vessel three years, the last year being as mate, and was then on the Montezuma one year, and on the Sovereign of the Lakes one year. In 1856 he went on the schooner Flying Cloud, where he remained three years-two years as second mate and one year as mate. At the end of that time he went back to his old boat, the Montezuma, and purchasing an interest in the schooner, sailed as her master from 1859 to 1866. In the latter year a new schooner, the Montpelier, built by Sam Johnson, at Clayton, N.Y. made her appearance, and he was master of this vessel three seasons.
Captain Millen purchased a third-interest in the tug Samson in 1869, and for four seasons operated her on a the Detroit river. The new tug Niagara came out in 1873, he owning an interest and commanding her for six seasons. In 1880 he purchased an interest in the Detroit Transportation Company, which company owned a line of boats which operated in the Lake Superior iron ore trade. Captain Millen sailed the Iron Age during the season of 1880, and the Iron Duke in 1881. He retired from the lakes in 1882, and has since been contented to let others do the sailing, while he attends to the business end of the many enterprises in which he has become interested.
To the general public Captain Millen is best known through his connection with the Star lines of steamers, but to vesselmen his interests in freight traffic are probably more important. He is at present general manager of the Red Star line, owning the steamer Greyhound, and of the White Star line, owning the steamer City of Toledo. He is president of the Buffalo and Duluth Transportation Company, director and manager of the Duluth and Atlantic Transportation Company, secretary and general manager of the Hamtramack Transportation Company, and treasurer of the Swain Wrecking Company, besides being a member of the firm of Parker and Millen, vessel and insurance agents. With all these varied interests to keep track of he is necessarily a busy man, yet always finds time to greet an old friend or make a new one. He was elected president of the Lake Carriers Association in 1897. In September 1897, the Captain was appointed a commissioner of the water board, and in January 1898, he was appointed a member of the board of public works, being a commissioner. The former office he resigned in March, 1898. Both appointments were made by the mayor.
Although not personally connected with the lake marine, August H. Miller is well known about the port of Buffalo, being the son of Henry L. Miller, a marine engineer of many years' experience.
Mr. Miller was born August 4, 1860, at Buffalo, and at the schools of that place received his early education. At the age of twelve years he left school and entered the employ of William Nicklis, Jr., a prominent tailor, there acting in the capacity of bundle boy. For this service he received $2.50 per week, but was soon promoted, and finally learned the trade, remaining seventeen years, and leaving this position as manager of the business. During this period he had acquired a thorough knowledge of the tailor business, and accordingly he went into business for himself, opening a shop at No. 35 Main Street.
In January, 1892, he went to New York City and took a position as cutter with James Barrett. After three years in this place he returned to Buffalo and entered into partnership with George W. Patridge, opening a tailor shop at No. 60 Main Street, where he is located at the present time.
On January 31, 1881, Mr. Miller was married to Miss Emma Lorenz, of Buffalo, who died April 25, 1890. Their only child was born April 25, 1890, and is attending school at the present time.
E.C. Miller, under whose watchful care the big engines and the auxiliary equipment of the steamer Kalkaska were placed during the year 1896, has been a lake engineer since 1873. He was born in Lockport, N.Y., in 1854, the son of George and Jane M. (Johnson) Miller, and he has four brothers, all of whom are engineers. Stephen is in the Castalia; George lives in Port Huron; Thomas and James, the last named a locomotive engineer, are living in Valparaiso, Indiana. Mr. Miller went on the lakes in 1872 as oiler on the steamer Dean Richmond, previous to which he had had considerable experience running stationary engines in the oil fields of Pennsylvania and Ohio. The following season he was second engineer of the tug Tawas; in 1874 he was in the engine room of the steam barge Henry Howard until June, then served on the A.A. Packer three weeks, closing the season in the George E. Brockway. He spent all the next season in the Brockway and then for two years was employed in the branch house of the Lake Erie Iron Company, in Detroit. In 1878 he was engineer of the tug William Goodnow; in 1879 he was with the propeller St. Joseph, and in 1880 he went one trip in the old steambarge Mayflower; was in the steambarge Iron Age until August, and finished the season in the side-wheel steamer Kewanee. The following season he was on the tug Brockway until she was sold, after which he was chief of the tug Gladiator to the close of navigation. In 1881 he was chief of the Bob Anderson and the steam tug Iron Age until fall, when he accepted the position of engineer with the East India Brewing Company, in Detroit. In 1884 he was chief of the tug J.W. Bennett, going to the Brush Electric Company's works in Detroit on February 4, 1885, and remaining there as night engineer until February 8, 1887. That season and next he was chief engineer of the Champion, in 1889 running the Edward D. Pease, and in 1890 the Spokane. During the season of 1891 Mr. Miller was connected in turn with the Weston, the C. A. Baldwin, and the John B. Owen, in 1892 with the Kalkaska; in 1893 with the Canisteo and the Mark Hopkins; in 1894 with the Huron City, in 1895 with the Albert P. Wright, and in 1896 with the Kalkaska.
Frank A. Miller, president of the Marine Beneficial Association No. 1, for 1896, is a son of Joseph Miller, who is by trade a coppersmith and tinsmith, and his wife, Melvina (Cook) Miller, a native of Germany. The father, though of German descent, is a native of Buffalo, where he has lived all his life; for twelve years he was an engineer in the employ of the Western Transit Company. He now resides at No. 558 Fourth street.
Frank A. Miller was born April 17, 1858, and received his education in the Public School No. 1 of Buffalo, leaving school when about fourteen years of age. He learned his trade at Pratt's Rolling Mill, and started sailing in 1877 as oiler on the steamer Potomac. After two seasons in that service he was oiler on the Vanderbilt for half a season, during 1879, and then became her second engineer, so continuing on her to the close of the season of 1883. For the seasons of 1884-85-86-87 he was chief engineer of the same vessel, and in the spring of 1888 he was made chief of the propeller Chicago, which position he held steadily until the close of the season of 1896. For the season of 1897 and until August 1, 1898, was engineer of the Boston, when he was then transferred to the position of chief engineer of the Harlem, thus being engaged during his entire experience on the water in the employ of the Western Transit Company. Mr. Miller was a charter member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 1, was elected president thereof in December, 1895, and re-elected in December, 1896. He has been a member of the Parish Lodge No. 292, F. & A. M., for nine years, of Buffalo Chapter No. 71, R. A. M., three years, of the Royal Templars, fourteen years, and was a charter member of the Keystone Lodge No. 50, Stationary Engineers.
On December 25, 1883, Mr. Miller was married at Buffalo, to Elizabeth C. Blair, and they have one daughter, Margaret, born May 6, 1886. He resides at 220 Maryland street, Buffalo, New York.
Frank E. Miller, the subject of this sketch, was born at Chester, Geauga Co., Ohio, in 1858. He is a graduate of the Willoughby public schools, and attended college at that place three years. He is a son of Joel and Polly Miller. His father is living at Willoughby, Ohio, at the advanced age of eighty-four years.
Mr. Miller commenced his steamboat work as fireman on the propeller Cormorant, remaining with that boat three years. In the spring of 1879 he transferred to the steamer Egyptian, and after firing two years was appointed first assistant engineer, remaining in that berth four years, when, in the spring of 1885, he was appointed first assistant on the steamer Wocoken, and the following season on the J.H. Devereux. In 1887 he stopped ashore and entered the employ of the Wellington Milling Company, as engineer, at their mills in Wellington, Ohio, where he remained one year, after which he returned to Cleveland and entered the employ of the Cleveland Ship Building Company, as engineer of hydraulics in the boiler department. In the spring of 1889 Mr. Miller shipped as first assistant engineer on the steamer Northern Queen, with John Smith; transferred to the Caledonia, and finished the season on the Italia. The year following he again entered the employ of the Cleveland Ship Building Company, as engineer of the boiler department, which berth he held for eight years. He is a man of great integrity, and a close student of electricity.
Mr. Miller was a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association while he sailed, but later withdrew. He is a member of the Americus Club, of the Red Cross and of Garfield Commandery, and also of the Knights of Abraham Lincoln. In 1881 Mr. Miller was united in marriage to Miss Alice F. Hubbell, of Willoughby, Ohio.
George A. Miller possesses all the requirements necessary to enable him to take a prominent place among the chief engineers on the lakes. He was born in Lockport, N.Y., May 14, 1850, and is the son of George A. and Jane (Bolstar) Miller, both natives of New York State. His grandparents were natives of Vermont.
Mr. Miller acquired a liberal education, graduating from the high school of Lockport. He learned many of the fundamental principles of the calling he elected to follow by serving an apprenticeship of three years in the shops of the Pound Manufacturing Company, of Lockport, N. Y., after which he went to Titusville, Penn., and entered the employ of F. Ames, with whom he remained two years. In 1870 he came to Port Huron and entered the employ of the New York Coast Wrecking Company. The next season he shipped on the steamer Nelson Mills, as fireman, and in the spring of 1872 took out a marine engineer's license and was appointed first assistant on the steamer Mary Mills. In the spring of 1873 he was appointed chief engineer of the tug C. M. Farrar and ran her until she was sold, finishing the season on the steamer J. L. Beckwith, as first assistant. This boat was sold to the Port Huron & Sarnia Ferry Co., and the next season he went on the lake tug Frank Moffat, which was engaged in wrecking. Here he remained until in the spring of 1877 he was appointed chief engineer of the tug W. B. Castle, transferring to the tug J. L. Hawkins that fall, and the following season coming out as chief of the Beckwith, which berth he held three seasons. In the spring of 1881 Mr. Miller was appointed chief engineer of the steamer City of Concord. He also fitted her out the next season, but afterward joined the Omar D. Conger, plying as ferry between Port Huron and Sarnia, and remained in her until August, 1885, closing that season on the steamer Simon Langell. In the spring of 1886 he was appointed chief engineer of the steamer Kalkaska and has had charge of her machinery eleven consecutive seasons, serving also during the season of 1898. In 1894 the mate of the Kalkaska fell overboard in Cuyahoga river at Cleveland during the great flood, and would have been drowned but for the prompt action of Mr. Miller.
On December 8, 1876, Mr. Miller wedded Miss Mary E., daughter of Charles and Sarah Church, of Port Huron, Mich. One son was born to this union, Charles, who married Miss Sarah McCollam, their children being Florence and George A. Miller. Charles Miller is in business in Port Huron as proprietor of the Empire steam laundry, which his father purchased for him. The family home is at No. 828 Wall street, Port Huron. Socially Mr. Miller is a Master Mason, a member of Royal Arcanum, the Knights of the Maccabees, and the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association.
Henry L. Miller, whose parents were natives of Bavaria, Germany, was born at Buffalo, March 12, 1836. He is one of the pioneer engineers of Buffalo harbor, having thirty-four issues of license, and, like the average German-American, his life and habits have been very steady, so that today, although at the age when most men retire from daily labor, he is still able and hearty enough not to give that question any serious attention.
Mr. Miller obtained all the schooling it was his privilege to enjoy before the age of twelve, for at that time he commenced work for a Dr. Neuman as office boy, remaining there about two years. He then engaged with George W. Rees as a printer's "devil," which employment he tired of after a year, when he went to work running a small engine for a whip manufacturing concern, being so employed about another year. When about seventeen he began his sailing career as porter on the Queen of the Lakes and Mount Vernon, remaining on each a season. He then went into David Bell's machine shop to learn the machinist's trade, continuing in the same place as a journeyman for another year and a half. Next we find him filling the berth of second engineer of the City of Buffalo for the season of 1860, and during one year of the war he was on the supply boat A.C. Steinar as her chief, plying around Virginia and Washington. After this service he again went on the lakes as second of the Neptune for two seasons and the Potomac for three seasons; was then second on the Tonawanda for one season, and the following season became her chief, continuing as such until she was sunk off Sturgeon Point, Lake Erie. His next employment was a service of five seasons as chief of the old Mohawk, which burned while laid up in the Erie basin at Buffalo. He was then chief of the Oneida for two seasons and the Annie Young for the three succeeding seasons, after which he fitted and brought out new the steamer Lycoming, running her three seasons, which (in 1885) closed his experience on the lakes. Having accepted the position of chief engineer of Weyand's brewery, he remained there about four years and then embarked in the tailoring business with his son, a year later engaging with the Case & Bayne Refrigerator Co., for whom he put up the sixty-five-ton ice machine in Lang's brewery. At this time he went to Cleveland and put in three machines, and to Erie, Penn., where he remained a year, running two refrigerating machines. Returning to Buffalo he ran a like machine for the Empire brewery, remaining a year with them, and then engaged with the Arctic Ice & Cold Storage Co. to run an ice machine, continuing in that position six months. At the end of that time he accepted his present position as chief engineer of the Clinton Co-operative Brewing Company, which he has since retained.
Mr. Miller was married in 1860 to Miss Mary Anna Huck, and of the children born to this union the following are living: August H., senior member of the firm of Miller & Patridge, prominent tailors, located at No. 60 Main street, Buffalo; Josephine, wife of F.P. Manhardt, a printer; Harry, Louis, Harriet, Mamie, Elizabeth and Blanche. The family residence is at No. 475 Ellicott street, Buffalo.
John Miller, a son of Capt. Harry and Elizabeth E. (Realey) Miller, was born in the year 1845, at Spring Lake, Mich. His father, who was born in 1806, at Lubeck, Germany, was an old salt-water skipper, who commenced his seafaring life in 1818, at the age of twelve years, continuing on the ocean until 1832, during which period he commanded many excellent ships. He then came to the United States stopping a short time in New York city, but finally locating at Spring Lake, Mich., a short distance above Grand Haven, on the east shore, at that time a great lumber district, where he was numbered among the early pioneers. After reaching the lake region he again commenced his sailing career in the employ of Barber & Mason as master of the schooners Commodore Perry and Porcupine. He also sailed for Oliver Newberry, of Detroit, and Perry & Son, of Grand Haven. He then purchased the schooner Ocean, and sailed her until he retired, which was in 1859, a year after the death of his wife. The children are: Captain David, who died in 1894; George W., a hardware merchant of Grand Haven, Mich.; Capt. Daniel F., of the steamer McVea; Mary I., now the wife of I.H. Sanford, of Grand Haven; Marshall, and John. The father died in 1876 at the age of sixty-nine years.
John Miller, the subject of this sketch, attended the public schools of his native town, with the exception of one summer, when he went as fireman on the steamer T. Jones out of Grand Haven, until he reached the age of sixteen years. At the breaking out of the Civil war in 1861 he enlisted in the 3d Michigan Light Artillery, and was assigned to the Sixteenth Corps of the Western Army, and was with General Sherman on his great march to the sea. His battery participated in nineteen battles, among which were Farmington, Corinth, Iuka, Cheraw, Resaca, Lookout Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Decatur, Atlanta, Tuscumbia, Goldsboro, Savannah and Bentonville. He was honorably discharged June 21, 1865, at Detroit, Michigan.
After his return home he went to school a short time, and in 1866 at the age of twenty-one he took out marine engineer's papers and was appointed chief engineer of the steamer tug, Hunter Savidge, holding that berth two seasons. In 1868 he was chief engineer of the steamer T.D. Dole. In the fall of that year he was one of the volunteer lifeboat crew, under the command of Capt. Richard Connell, that rescued the passengers and crew, numbering about sixty persons, of the steamer Milwaukee, wrecked on Lake Michigan, off Grand Haven. In 1869-70, he was chief engineer of the steamer Tempest, and in 1871-72 chief engineer of the steamer Leader. In 1873 he went to Chicago and was placed in charge of a locomotive on the Chicago & West Michigan railroad, with which company he remained four years; after that he passed four years with the Illinois, Midland & Valdalia Railroad Company as locomotive engineer.
In the spring of 1881 he returned to his lakefaring life, serving as engineer on the T.W. Snook for two seasons. In 1883 he shipped on the steamer C. Hickox as chief engineer, retaining that berth four seasons. The seasons of 1887-88 he was chief of the steamer H.L. Worthington; 1889, chief of the steamer M.C. Neff, laying her up January 10, 1890; chief of the steamer A.D. Hayward for the Howell Lumber Company, of Chicago, four seasons; 1895, again chief of the A.D. Hayward. In 1896 he entered the employ of the Barry Brothers, of Chicago, as engineer of the tug Welcome, in the wrecking business, and in the spring of 1897 he shipped as chief engineer on the steamer Siberia with Capt. R.C. Pringle, thus covering a period of thirty-one years as engineer.
He is a member of the beneficial order of Maccabees, of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, and is a Master Mason of good report.
In 1870 Mr. Miller was united in marriage to Miss Mary I. Dixon, daughter of George W. Dixon, of Spring Lake, Mich. Their children are: Lulu F., who is assistant librarian in Hackley library, Muskegon, Mich.; and Daisy M.E., a teacher in the public school at Muskegon, where the family reside.
John B. Miller is an enthusiast in his line, marine engineering. When he was sixteen years old he began his mechanical life on Michigan Southern Railroad, afterward becoming a marine engineer. He was born February 16, 1844, at Philadelphia, Penn., and removed thence with his parents to Two Rivers, Mich., at the age of two years, receiving his education at the public schools of that place. His father, Isaac Miller, was a miller by trade and was born in Harrisburg, Penn. He died in Michigan in 1882.
In 1861, Mr. Miller enlisted in the Civil war, going to the front with the Sixth Michigan Light Artillery, with which he continued throughout his term of service. He was through the Georgia campaigns, and afterward participated in the battle of Nashville. At the close of the war he was honorably discharged, and returning home reentered the employ of the Michigan Southern & Northern railroad. He continued in this employ until 1866, and then shipped on the tug U.S. Grant as fireman. Here he remained only a short time, going as fireman on the M. I. Mills and on the tug Sol S. Rumage as second engineer. After a short period of service on the tug Vulcan he joined the Kate Moffat, and there remained one season. The next two seasons he was engineer of the Iron City, and when she laid up at the close of the season of 1877 he went into the oil regions of Pennsylvania, and later spent three and a half years in St. Louis, Mo. Returning to the lakes, he shipped as engineer Torrence, City of Port Huron, Progress, John N. Glidden and John B. Lyons. Again he remained on shore for awhile in a responsible position, but on returning to the lakes became engineer on the Wilcox, Monteagle and finally, in 1890, on the C. B. Lockwood, of which he was chief engineer until the close of the season of 1897, working that winter in the machine shop of Teare & Thomas in Cleveland. In the spring of 1898 he fitted out the steamer Italia, but after two months accepted a position as engineer of the American Wire Company in Cleveland.
On February 15, 1871, Mr. Miller was married to Miss Margaret Banghart, of Canada. On March 3, 1883, he chose for his second wife Mrs. Jennie Dowling. Socially he is a member of the Masonic order and of the knights of Macabees.
Quincy Miller, one of the most popular and best known engineers who have sailed the lakes, was born March 22, 1845, on a farm near Mayfield, Ohio, and it was at that place that he spent the earlier years of his life and acquired his education. He is a son of Joel and Polly (Van Gorder) Miller, his grandparents being Melanethon and Hannah, and his great-grandparents Samuel and Mary (Conklin) Miller, both of good old families and living to great age, Samuel dying when eighty-one years old, and his wife when ninety. Their family consisted of thirteen children, all of good vitality, their ages ranging from forty-six to ninety-one. In the grandparents’ family were ten children, and in the parents’ there were six, Quincy being the eldest son.
On October 17, 1861, Quincy Miller, the subject of this article, enlisted in Company C, Sixty-seventh O. V. I., reenlisting at Hilton Head, S. C., on December 31, 1863. Before the close of the war he had borne an honorable part in the battles at Blooming Gap, Va.; at Winchester, where he was captured, and after being held prisoner was recaptured by the First Michigan Cavalry at Lauray, a short time after having been paroled. A few days later he was engaged in the affair at Strasburg, Va.; and on the 30th of May, at Front Royal; at Harrison’s Landing, July 11, 1862; at Malvern Hill, August 5; at Franklin, October 3; at Zuni, December 11 and 12; at the siege of Fort Wagner; and while at Charleston was under fire from July 10 to September 16, when on July 18 the regiment lost half of its number. On May 6 and 7, 1864, he was in the engagement at Chester Station, and after two days fighting at Swift Creek, Va., followed by the Drury’s Bluff battle, lasting from the 12th to the 16th of May, he went into the battle at Wier Bottom Church, and Bermuda Hundred, from the 16th to the 30th of June, and at Deep Bottom Run in August, a running fight, lasting four days. On the 13th of October, 1864, he went into the engagement at Darbytown Road, and on the 27th was severely wounded in the head and left unconscious on the field. Recovering, he took part in the battles which led to the fall of Petersburg, April 2, 1865, and the surrender of General Lee, at Appomattox, April 8. He was honorably discharged from the service September 1, 1865, with one of the clearest records.
Upon his return from service of his country, Mr. Miller entered the employ of Pankhurst, Wallace & Sawtell to learn the machinist’s trade, remaining with that firm three years. In 1869 he received his marine engineer’s license, and was appointed first assistant on the steamer Northern Light, this being followed by service of like capacity on the City of Concord, Annie Dobbins, and Lowell, a period covering five years. He then became chief engineer of the steamer J. H. Devereux, Empire, Wocoken, Lawrence, Cormorant, Egyptian and Cumberland, and attained to the position of superintending engineer of the Winslow line of steamers, holding that responsible position eight years.
In 1887, at the time the Cleveland Shipbuilding Company was founded, Mr. Miller was called to take the superintendency of the boiler department of that concern, a position he filled to the entire satisfaction of all, he being also a stockholder up to the time of this writing.
Fraternally he is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, No. 2, of Cleveland, which he has represented in national convention in New York, Philadelphia and Detroit; he is also a Royal Arch Mason and a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. His only son, L. A. Miller, is a lieutenant in the United States Light Artillery, was in the battle of Manila, and is now stationed at San Francisco, having been gunner of the starboard battery of the cruiser Boston, and by good action was raised three numbers. His daughter, Mate C., is the wife of H. A. Norton, a gentleman connected with the Cleveland Window Glass Company.

Stephen H. Miller, chief engineer of the Argo, a boat built by Murphy & Miller at Seattle, Wash., for Alaskan waters, is a devoted follower of the marine life, and is one well known to those of the same calling, having been employed in that line of work for many years. He was born December 31, 1842, at Rockport, N. Y., and is a son of George and Jane (Johnson) Miller, natives of New York State and Canada, respectively, and at that place resided for the first eighteen years of his life. He then went to the oil regions, and there worked on oil machinery for three years, having previously served an apprenticeship to that trade at Rockport. >From this place he went to Oil Springs, Canada, and was there engaged as a contractor two years.
In 1871 he began the marine life by going on the tug Tawas as second engineer, which position he held for one year. After spending a year as second engineer on the tug Prindiville, he went on the ferryboat Sarnia as chief engineer for one season. He then served in the capacity as chief engineer on the Sanilac, Ogemaw, Kalkaska, Kalinga, Marina and Mariposa, coming on the Castalia in 1896. Upon all he was exceedingly fortunate, never having suffered shipwreck nor serious accident of any kind, thus obtaining for himself a reputation and winning the greatest confidence of his employers.
On June 20, 1860, he was married to Miss Jane Davis of Bayfield, Ont., who died February 15, 1881. Their children are Jennie A., who is married to D. C. Reed, and resides at Lakewood, and Daniel W., who is a lumber inspector in Cleveland, Ohio, at the present time.
A.J. Millett, of Cleveland, Ohio, chief engineer of the steamer Nahant during the season of 1896, was born at Saginaw, Mich., July 24, 1859, the son of Frank Millett, a well-known stationary and marine engineer. Mr. Millett attended the public schools of Saginaw until he was fifteen years of age, when he took up the work of running a stationary steam engine and followed this occupation for three years, at the end of that time taking the position of fireman on the Michigan Central railroad, which he retained two and one-half years. Then he commenced sailing, being connected first as fireman with the lake tug Nat Stickney, on which craft he remained until the close of the season of 1881. The next year he went out as second engineer of the Stickney, holding this berth for three years, and making many occasional trips in smaller harbor tugs during that time. Then he became second engineer of the propeller Yosemite for one season, following which he was second engineer of the Rube Richard, and served in the same capacity in the Mesaba three seasons. During part of the year of 1895 he was chief in the engine room of the Waverly, the remainder of the season being second engineer in the Matoa. He was chief engineer of the Nahant for the season of 1896 after the close of navigation taking charge of laying up the other vessels in the same fleet.
Mr. Millett was married in 1890, to Miss Estella M. Tenney, of Cleveland.
Captain Donald Milloy, as he is courteously known among the marine fraternity, is a gentleman who has experienced a useful life in the sailing world. He is the only surviving member of a large family of stalwart sons, every one of whom made his career upon the Great Lakes. His brothers numbered nine, and he had two sisters. Milloy's wharf has become a landmark of Toronto, at the foot of Younge street; it has been so long a leasehold of Captain Millory, one of nature's finest men, intellectually and physically.
Capt. Donald Milloy was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, in 1837, and was about six years of age when his parents transplanted him to Canada, and settled in the county of Brant. His education was well looked after in the common schools of that district and in the city of Brantford. When he was eighteen years of age, in 1855, he entered the shipping office of Messrs. M.I. Borst & Co. on Brown's wharf, foot of Church street, in Toronto. The company was at that time one of the principal firms of forwarders and wharfingers in Canada. For two years Captain Millory remained with them, then he sailed as assistant purser on the big passenger steamer Champion of which his brother Capt. Peter Milloy was commander. That vessel plied between Toronto and Oswego. Shortly afterward our subject was advanced to the position of purser on the steamer Zimmerman, sailing in the passenger and freight business between Niagara and Toronto, under charge of Capt. Duncan Milloy, another brother. That position he held for about five years, until 1862, when he conceived the idea of going into the vessel-owning business himself. His first venture as owner was in the sailing vessel Kenosha, which he bought from the late Col. Sheppard, of Chicago. At that time the Kenosha had the largest carrying capacity of any vessel sailing through the Welland canal, being capable of carrying 17,000 bushels of wheat, and Captain Milloy put her on the route between Chicago and Kingston. Finally he sold her to Christie & Kerr, and they ran her in connection with their Severn river lumber mills. Meantime, in the year 1864, Captain Milloy had leased the Yonge street wharf in Toronto, where he has carried on a general wharfinger business ever since, except during the years 1894-95.
When the American war closed Captain Milloy went to Halifax in 1867, and purchased the blockade runner Let-Her-B from Mr. Budd, a Southerner, who lived in Halifax as representative of a Charleston firm of influential merchants, who were winding up their business. The Let-Her-B was the best vessel they had to dispose of, and bringing her to Sorel on the St. Lawrence river, she was wintered there. At Quebec, Captain Milloy, in 1868, had her cut in two and then towed up through the canals to the upper lakes. After having her rebuilt and remodeled as a passenger vessel at Buffalo, he named her the Chicora, and took her to Collingwood in September, 1868, where the following season she was used by the Ontario government to carry the mails between Collingwood and Fort William, Dominion Confederation not having been accomplished at that time. She was chosen by the Sandfield Macdonald government because of her speed, which was rendered possible by the fine quality of her engines, having been particularly constructed to run the blockade. She made a fortune for her American owners on the run between Nassau, Wilmington and Charlotte during the war. The Chicora proved useful also at the time of the Red River rebellion in 1870 by carrying troops and supplies to Fort William. She took General Wolseley and his troops up to the Red river settlement, and later brought them back to Collingwood. In 1872 Captain Milloy sold the Chicora to Sir Frank Smith and the late Noah Barnhard, directors of the Northern railroad, and the former still owns her. Captain Milloy bought the steamer Silver Spray the following year and ran her from Toronto to Niagara and Port Dalhousie. He sold her the following winter to Capt. Tate Robertson, who took her to Georgian Bay. His next vessel was the steamer City of Montreal, which he bought in Chatham from the Merchants Bank. He put her under command of Capt. Thomas Leach, and ran her between Toronto and Oswego for two years, and between Cleveland and Port Stanley for one year, then, in 1877, he sold his interest in her to Hagarty & Grasett, of Toronto. That was practically the end of Captain Milloy's vessel owning, except an interest he retained in the fleet of the Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Company.
After disposing of his vessel, he devoted his attention to the wharf business at Toronto for a number of years, finally buying in 1882 a magnificent farm of 600 acres near Paris, Ontario, which he has appropriately named Oak Park Stock Farm. His attention is now divided between the farm and his wharf interests in Toronto, both of which enterprises are under efficient management. Recently he erected on his farm one of the largest, if not the largest, and most complete barns in Canada and there he also has a delightful and commodious residence.
Captain Milloy is still a bachelor; in politics he is a Liberal; and in religion is a Presbyterian.
Captain H. L. Mills is a comparatively young navigator who has succeeded in demonstrating that he is qualified to handle successfully one of the largest and most valuable steel steamers on the lakes. He was born October 22, 1860, at Smithville, five miles from Sacket's Harbor, N. Y., and is the son of Luther and Annie M. (Potter) Mills. The father died when our subject was but a year old, the mother joining him in the better world in 1880, having continued with the assistance of our subject to manage the old homestead farm near Smithville. Hattie A., a twin sister of the Captain, and the only other child, followed her mother four years later to the realm beyond the clouds. In the meantime Captain Mills acquired a liberal education in the public schools at Smithville, and had adopted for his course in life the career of a mariner.
Sacket's Harbor is the scene of much of the earliest history of the lakes, and from that port came a large number of the most notable mariners whose lives were associated with the history contained in these volumes, and it was out of that port that young Mills chose to ship in the United States steamer Surveyor with Captain Powell. This boat was engaged in a survey of the lakes, and he remained with her one season. He then went to New York and joined the full-rigged ship Thomas M. Reed, on a voyage around the Horn to San Francisco. The ship left New York on January 7, and made a long passage of 147 days, reaching San Francisco on June 3. It seemed that the ship was a veritable Flying Dutchman No. 2, as she lay six weeks in the latitude of the Horn without being able to make any progress on her course. After reaching San Francisco, the Captain left his ship and joined the steamer Vera Cruz, plying in the coasting trade between San Francisco and San Pedro, and later shipping in the steamer Orizaba, Goodale & Perkins being the agents. [Mr. Perkins was some years later elected governor of California.] While on the Pacific coast Captain Mills also shipped on a schooner in the lumber trade between ports on the Columbia river and Portland, Oregon, and in the bark Topgallant in the same trade. Getting word of his mother's last illness he took passage by way of the Isthmus of Panama for home, where he arrived in time to receive the blessings of his dying mother.
In the spring of 1881 Captain Mills shipped as seaman in the lighthouse tender Haze with Capt. James McKenzie, was soon promoted to the office of quartermaster, and remained in her two years. He then joined as wheelsman the Union line steamer Avon, with Captain Phelps. In the spring of 1884 he was appointed second mate in the notable steamer Dean Richmond, with Capt. Frank Provost, holding that office two seasons, transferring to the steamer Portage, of the same line, as mate in 1886. The following spring he became mate of the steamer Cuba with Captain Young, but closed the season on the Kasota as mate with Capt. A. E. White. In 1888 he entered the employ of Capt. James Corrigan as master of the large schooner C. W. Adams, transferring as master to the steamer Raleigh; before the close of the season was promoted to be master of the steamer Caledonia, and in 1890 he got the steamer Bulgaria to sail. In the spring of 1891 Captain Mills was appointed master of the steamer John Harper, owned by the American Transportation Company, and sailed her successfully for six years. It was in 1897 that Captain Mills became master of the steel steamer Crescent City, which has a carrying capacity of over 5,500 gross tons.
Socially, the Captain is a Master Mason of Sacket's Harbor Lodge No. 134; Royal Arch Mason of Chapter 69, and a Knight Templar of Watertown Commandery No. 11.
On January 15, 1890, Capt. H. L. Mills was wedded to Miss Carrie M., daughter of O. M. and Angeline Stanley, of Smithville, N. Y. The family homestead is situated at No. 2 Pleasant street, Watertown, New York.
A.R. Milne was born in the historic old town of Kingston, Ont., in 1842. He attended the public schools of his native place until he began his career as a mechanical engineer, at the age of fourteen years becoming an apprentice in the Kingston Locomotive & Car Works. Here he remained four years, until the different parts of the locomotive engine, and their relations to one another, became as familiar to him as the rising and setting of the sun, and then he went to Montreal and took up marine engineering in the shops of E.E. Gilbert, returning to Kingston after two years' experience in this line. Mr. Milne passed his examination as engineer in 1860, but as he was not yet of age, the inspectors were compelled, by law, to withhold his certificate until he reached his majority. Very shortly afterward he took charge of the engines of the steamers Pierpont and Gazelle, which ran between Kingston and Wolf Island, from these boats transferring to the steamers Montreal and Ottawa, of the Jacques & Tracy line, running between Hamilton and Montreal. Later on he took charge of the engines of the Rochester, afterward called the Hastings, and now familiar to Toronto people as the Eurydice; she at that time ran between Cobourg and Charlotte. Following his service on this boat he took charge of the engines of the Bay of Quinte, a steamer owned by Charles F. Gildersleeve, the present general manager of the Richelieu line.
About this time Mr. Milne (then only twenty-eight years of age) returned to Kingston and built the fine steamer Pierpont. From this boat he went on the Norseman, now the North King, which runs between Port Hope and Charlotte, remaining on her until he was sent for to fit out the steamer Vanderbilt at Lindsay, Ont.,a boat which was designed to ply on the Scugog and Sturgeon Lakes. This work completed, Mr. Milne went to St. Catharines to complete the steamer Lothair, in which the second compound engine on Lake Ontario was placed. The following six years he was engaged on the steamer Alexandria, running between Montreal and Charlotte, which was owned at that time by Mr. Walter Ross, of Picton, and is now the property of Mr. A. W. Hepburn, of the same place. For fourteen years following the last-named engagement Mr. Milne was chief trade instructor of the Kingston Asylum. Always fertile in original, and at the same time practical, ideas, this gentleman became the inventor and designer of the Sanitary Gas Machine, which, both in theory and practice, has proved a brilliant success, and is now in operation in the Kingston Asylum, the town of Brampten, and at other points. For about a year Mr. Milne traveled for Messrs. George Bertram & Sons, the well-known shipbuilders of Toronto, and afterward visited the United States on business connected with his own invention. On his return he again took charge of the Alexandria, and continued on her until the end of the last season, when he accepted his present position, that of first engineer on the Passport, one of the finest steames(sic) in the Richelieu line.
Mr. Milne has a fine family of six sons, all of whom are launched successfully on the sea of life. The eldest, William O., is editor and proprietor of the monthly financial journal, Money and Risks, Toronto; T. J. and Frank E. have a steam laundry in Kingston; Frederick E. is manager of the wholesale house of Fred E. Saul, Syracuse, N.Y.; A.C. is paying teller in the Peterboro branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce; Melville E. is studying medicine at Queen's University, Kingston.
Mr. Milne has done considerable traveling in America, and two years ago visited Scotland with the Independent Order of Foresters, of which organization he is past high chief ranger. He is also a past president of St. Andrews Society. So well is Mr. Milne known and so highly respected in Kingston, he was chosen by the largest and most influential ward in that city to represent her citizens in the municipal council. His career has been successful and highly honorable, and is worthy of more than ordinary notice.
More than sixty years ago, when the profession of marine engineer on the Great Lakes was new and poorly supplied, Alexander Milne came to the United States from his home in Aberdeen, Scotland. He left his native land at the instance of the Royal Mail line, a Canadian steamship company which carried the mails for the subjects of the Queen along the great fresh-water seas. The now varied commerce of the lakes was in its infancy then, and all classes of experienced seamen were difficult to secure, so that many followers of the sea in other lands were attracted to this corner of the world. Among them was Alexander Milne, who founded what is perhaps the most important family of marine engineers on the Great Lakes. He was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in the year 1809, and had followed the profession of marine engineering from the earliest engagement he was able to secure. During the years he was connected with the Royal Mail line he was chief engineer of the fleet, and the important and responsible duties which devolved upon him were ably and conscientiously performed. Among the vessels of this line whose machinery he directed were the Commodore Berry, on which he was sailing when it was lost; the Admiral, Princess Royal, City of Kingston, City of Toronto, Transit and Scotland.
He married Miss Bessie Vair, of Berwickshire, Scotland. Their children were James, who died in infancy; George B., chief engineer of the propeller J.H. Devereux; John, who is deceased; Alexander, chief engineer of the side-wheel steamer Alexandria; William, chief engineer of the propeller Niagara; Thomas, chief engineer of the propeller Melbourne; and Jessie, deceased.
Forty years or more have been spent by George Bannerman Milne, chief engineer of the J.H. Devereux, in the commercial marine of the Great Lakes. He was born in Glenburnie, New York, his mother being in that city on a visit, in 1838. His father was Alexander Milne, a Scotch engineer who came to America a short time after the year 1830 to become chief engineer of the Royal Mail line, and who resided at that time, in Canada. George B. Milne spent his early days in school, afterward becoming time-keeper in the Dry Dock Engine Works of Montreal, which were owned by the firm Milne & Milne, his uncle, John A. Milne, being one of the proprietors. He spent eight years at various times in this establishment, becoming a skillful machinist and engineer. He commenced sailing in 1856, that year placing the engines in the new steamer Tinto, and running them for three months afterward. After the Tinto burned, which occurred while she was on her way up Lake Ontario, seventeen lives being lost at the time, he returned to Oswego where he made his headquarters for some time, and became engineer of the steamer Cincinnati, whose name was afterward changed to the City of Hamilton. He spent five years in this vessel, after which he was engineer successively of the steamers Avon, which later had the Tinto's engines, and the Jacques Cartier. After being with the Cartier for two seasons, he accepted a contract with the firm of Gilbert & Bartley, engine builders, to the lake St. John to place a pair of engines in the steamer Metabetchouen. He remained with this boat two seasons. Her name was later changed to The Pioneer. In 1861 he assumed charge of the engine room of the steamer Nicolet, being made master after he had been in her two months. He spent two years in Vermont and the East as contractor, building docks, piers, etc., and one steamer, after which he went to Quebec and commanded successively the steamers Conqueror No. 1, James G. Ross, Progress and M. Stevenson. For a time he was engineer of the St. Lawrence Steam Navigation Company, which operated thirty-eight vessels. He changed from one vessel to another very often, as his duties required, and thus saw service on nearly all the fleet. Then he went to Oswego again and took the steamer Flora, leaving her at the close of the season, and sailing as chief in the steamer Samuel Marshall for the two seasons following. In 1892 and 1893 he had charge of the engine room of the Viking, and in 1894 he was chief in the Elfin-Mere and the Arundel successively. During a part of the season of 1895 he was in the employ of the Detroit Ferry Company, in the steamer Fortune, being in the steamer Chisholm the remainder of the year. He was chief engineer of the Devereux during the season of 1896 and 1897.
In 1868 Mr. Milne was married to Miss Margaret D. McBean, of Athol Mills, Prescott county, Ontario. Their children are McBean, a Baptist clergyman in Detroit; George M., a marine engineer; Mortimer, Annie, Charles, Russell, Christina, Lorne, William and Inez. A daughter, Addie, is deceased.
One of a race of marine engineers, and with the examples of his father, his father's brothers and his grandfather before him, it was more than natural that George Malcolm Milne should early aspire to holding the throttle on a big lake carrier. His grandfather, Alexander Milne, who was born in Scotland in 1809, came to America in the thirties to become engineer-in-chief of the Royal Mail line, and his father, George B. Milne, has been a marine engineer for forty years, being now chief engineer of the Devereux.
George M. Milne was born in 1871 in Rigaud, Province of Quebec, near the site of the Rigaud Cement Works, which were and are still the property of his father. He was educated in the public schools of Detroit and Oswego, in which cities his parents lived while he was a youth. He spent some time in the locomotive works of the D.L. & W. railroad, in Oswego, and in the year 1890 he began sailing on the Great Lakes. During his first season he was oiler on the propeller Onoko. Then he served in the same capacity on the Philip Minch, later assuming charge of the electric plant of the "Clifton House" in Chicago. He did not hold his position long as he was desirous of returning to the lakes, and the next year he became second engineer of the propeller Elfin-Mere. From this vessel he went to the Arundel, also as second engineer, and thence to the propeller Garland, as chief. The following year, 1895, he was chief engineer of the propeller Germania, during 1896, he was chief engineer of the Devereux, under his father, and in 1898 again chief engineer of the steamer Garland for the Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Company.
Philip J. Minch, one of the earlier vessel men on the lakes, was born in Blankenheim, Hessen-Cassel, Germany, May 14, 1820. In his native country he learned the trade as shoemaker, which he followed for a livelihood until coming to this country in 1840. Landing in New York he came directly to Ohio and located at Vermilion, where he established himself in his trade. Soon after his arrival in Vermilion he married Miss Anna C. Leimbach, by who he had eight children, four of whom died between the ages of one and six years. The others were as follow:(sic) Mrs. Catherine Hassenflue, Charles P., Peter G. and Mrs. Sophia Steinbrenner. Mrs. Hassenflue died at the age of twenty-nine, after eight years of married life, leaving four children, one son and three daughters, who were taken home, some by their grandparents and others by their uncle. The son, John W. Hassenflue, is now a practicing physician at White House, Ohio. The daughters are all married. Charles P. Minch died at the age of twenty years, his death being a severe blow to his parents. Peter G. Minch was drowned when the steamer Western Reserve was lost in 1892. Mrs. Steinbrenner, who lives at No. 90 Kinsman street, Cleveland, Ohio, is the only surviving member of the family.
Philip J. Minch continued in the shoemaking business until he had so far prospered as to be able to engage in shipbuilding. The first boat he built was the scow Linden, which was capable of carrying about fourteen cords of stone, and Mr. Minch went on board of her as captain, and continued to manager her about two years. He built other boats, among them the schooners C.J. Roeder, I.W. Nicholas, Burton Parsons, H.J. Webb, Charles P. Minch, Fred A. Morse, Samuel Mather, George H. Warmington and Sophia Minch, all of which were constructed at Vermilion. After living thirty-five years at that place, he removed to Cleveland, where he died June 20, 1887, aged sixty-seven years, one month and six days. After coming to Cleveland he began to build steamboats, among these being the John N. Glidden and the A. Everett, the latter of which was lost in the spring of 1895, on Lake Huron. Mr. Minch was interested in the building of the Onoko, and was made managing owner, which position he help up to the time of his death.
Peter G. Minch, mentioned above as lost when the steamer Western Reserve went down, took charge of his father's business when the latter died. He was born January 9, 1842, at Vermilion, where he received his early education, and began sailing on the lakes when he was but fourteen years of age, being engaged thus in the summer season and attending Oberlin College in the winter season for three or four years. At the age of twenty-one he was in command of the schooner Burton Parsons, and afterwards of the schooners H.J. Webb and George H. Warmington. In 1880 he was made master of the A. Everett, the first steamer he commanded, and he continued on her until the steamer William Chisholm was built, in 1884, when he transferred to her, sailing her up to the last illness of his father. He was called home about a month before his father died, and took charge of his affairs. Soon afterward he build the steamer Philip Minch, which came out in 1888, and is a fine, large boat; her length is 275 feet, beam 40 feet, 8 inches; depth of hold is 22 feet; her gross tonnage is 1,988. He next built the steamer Western Reserve, which was constructed by the Cleveland Ship Building Company, and was at the time the largest of her class on the lakes. Her keel was 300 feet long. She sank August 30, 1892, the crew taking to the lifeboat, which remained afloat until the next morning, when it capsized in the breakers, and all were drowned but one man, Henry Stewart, who lived to tell the tale. Among the lost were Peter G. Minch, wife, son and daughter, and Mrs. Minch's youngest sister, Mrs. Jacob Englebry, and her twelve-year-old daughter. Mr. Englebry is a merchant at Vermilion at the present time.
Peter G. Minch was married December 20, 1866, to Miss Anna A. Delker, daughter of Henry Delker, of Vermilion, Ohio, and they had seven children, as follows: One that died in infancy, Philip J., Anna E., Hattie S., George H., Charles H. and Florence E., the two last named being the ones drowned as above mentioned. Mr. Minch was a member of the Lake Carriers Association. He was uniformly successful in his business, and at the time of his death he was managing owner of the following vessels: Steamers Onoko, William Chisholm, J.H. Devereux, J.N. Glidden and A. Everett, and the schooners Sophia Minch, H.J. Webb, Fred A. Morse and George H. Warmington. Since then the Fred A. Morse was lost in a collision.
The Minch Transit Company was organized in August, 1893, for the purpose of managing the steamer I.W. Nicholas, the members of the company being Philip Minch, J.B. Guthrie, William Gerlach, Robert Wallace, and H.D. Coffinberry, the latter of whom is president of the company, and Philip J. Minch, secretary and treasurer. The Nicholas Transit Company manages all the rest of the vessels above named.
Captain Charles R. Miner, another ocean navigator who speedily came to the front on lake craft, was born at Stolpe, Germany, in 1848. His education was obtained in the public schools of his native place. His first experience as a sailor was as cabin boy on the passenger and freight steamer Johanna Happer, out of Dantzig, from which he transferred to the Peter Rolt, owned by the same company. Both vessels were engaged in trade betwen ports in England and Sweden. After serving his apprenticeship, Mr. Miner shipped as seaman on the Barosse from which he ran away at Antwerp to take a berth in the American packet Industry, bound for New York. On arriving in the United States he shipped on the barque Excelsior, which traded between New York and South American ports, touching at Bordeaux and Montevideo, thence to San Francisco and return to New York.
In the spring of 1869, Captain Miner came out to the lakes, locating at Buffalo, and there entering the employ of John Kelderhouse, with whom he remained sixteen years. He shipped as seaman on the schooner Thomas Sheldon, was later employed in the same capacity on the schooner W. S. Crosthwaite, and was promoted to the position of mate in 1873, when he shipped on the schooner B.F. Bruce. This berth he held for six years, at the end of that time transferring to the Queen of the West, also as mate, and remaining on her two years. In the spring of 1882 he was appointed master of the steamboat Oregon, which he sailed two years, following this service with a season on the steamer Nevada. Captain Miner then removed to Cleveland and accepted an appointment as master of the steamer Queen of the West, which he retained two years, after which he went as master of the steamer H. J. Johnson three years, the George Presley ten years, and again in the spring of 1894 took command of the H. J. Johnson, which berth he held three years, laying her up at the close of navigation in 1896, Captain Miner has never lost a boat, has never been shipwrecked and has never lost a man, all of which helps to prove that he has been competent to hold the positions to which he has attained without the assistance of money, influence or favoritism. He is a member of the Ship Masters Association and carries Pennant No. 504.
Captain Miner was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Jessman, of Buffalo, N. Y., in 1873, and four sons have been born to them: Charles A., George, Frank and William. The family residence is in Cleveland, and is provided with all the luxuries and comforts of a modern home.
Captain Frank Miner, of Detroit, Mich., whose father, Capt. John Miner, is a well-known Detroit vesselman, was born in Detroit in the year 1862. He received his education in the schools of that city, before going on the lakes.
Captain Miner spent about sixteen years on the Great Lakes, during the last seven of which he held master's papers. He first began as watchman on tug boats and after several seasons rose to the position of mate. Captain Miner was mate of the propeller Benton and Mills, and then took command of the barge Worthington, which he sailed during two seasons. He was master of the steam barge Empire, the season after he left the Worthington, and then took command of the Annabell Wilson, on which he remained four seasons. He then left the lakes, and went into the electrical supply business in Detroit, in which he has continued for the past five years.
Captain Miner is one of the charter members of the Ship Masters Association, and belongs to the Detroit branch.
Captain John Miner, one of Detroit's best known masters and vessel owners has been sailing on the lakes over fifty years, forty-two years of which he continuously owned and commanded vessels.
Captain Miner was born in Montreal in the year 1831, and removed with his parents to Detroit, Mich., in 1834. At the age of fourteen he went on the lakes, and at the age twenty he built the sloop Sweeper. He thereafter, in succession, built, owned and commanded the Michigan Flower, Storm, Whittlesey, J.B. Chapin, schooner Kate Hinchman, bark John Miner; beside these he built three for others, owned with others the Victory, Star and brig Concord.
After the schooner John Miner, he purchased and commanded the large and powerful tug William Goodnow, with which for a number of years he was engaged in towing, through the rivers and lakes, vessels and rafts, some of which were record breakers for large and heavy tows. He subsequently owned and was master of the following named steamers and schooners: The Magnet, steamers Benton, Mary Mills, schooner George Worthington, steamer Henry Howard, schooner Morton, steamer Empire, schooner John S. Richards. He then designed and built the fast passenger propeller Skater, which after commanding two seasons he sold.
In all these years he has not lost a man by accident, nor any of the twenty-two boats commanded by him. His reminiscences of the early days of sailing, and his exper-ience on the lakes are most interesting. It can be said for the Captain that he has never been addicted to the use of tobacco or liquors of any kind, and in his business dealings he has always been most conscientious and honest. With just pride he has always been much interested in the art of fancy ice skating, in which his ability has been excelled by none in his days as is testified by many prizes, such as medals and other trophies won by him in contests. In this he has earned a high reputation through-out all the principal cities of the United States and Canada, and though well advanced in years he practices every winter, and is so surprisingly skillful as to be always an attraction to the public.
He is now interested in a patented skate, capable of the most efficient speed. He was also the inventor of the balance rudder, so extensively used on steamers, besides several other patented improvements.
In 1851 Captain Miner was married to Miss Julia Busha, of Grosse Isle, Mich., and they have living three children, now all married (the younger son John, then twenty years old, died in 1891); Capt. Frank J. Miner, who was on the lakes for a number of years, is at present in business in Detroit; the daughters are Mrs. Jennie Parker and Mrs. Ida Seidler, all residing in Detroit.
Dell E. Miney, who has sailed out of Buffalo harbor for many years as engineer and master, is a son of Anthony Miney, a lighter captain in New York harbor. Our subject had four brothers, two of whom were also engineers.
Mr. Miney was born May 25, 1858, at Clyde, Wayne Co., N. Y., at which place he obtained his common-school education. At the age of fourteen he went to New York City, and there obtained employment as fireman on the tug Eleanor A. Kent, on which he remained two years, subsequently acting as fireman on the tug C. H. Starbuck for about six months. For the succeeding fourteen months he was greaser on the steamers that plied between New York and Tampa, Fla., in the fruit trade, and then, in 1883, removed to Buffalo to fill various positions on harbor tugs for four consecutive seasons. Beginning with 1886 Mr. Miney was engineer of the yacht Clara A. McIntire, two seasons, in Buffalo harbor. During the season of 1888 he was engineer of the Leo Lennox and James Ash, respectively, and during 1889 was engineer of the firetug City of Buffalo until May 26, when he became engineer of the Leo Lennox, remaining as such until the close of navigation. In 1890 and 1891 he was employed ashore; in 1892-93-94 he was captain of the Post Boy, and in 1895-96-97 was captain of the Adam Homer, now known as the Harlem, of which he was captain during the season of 1898. For eleven years Mr. Miney has been with the White Star Tug line and has eleven issues of engineer's papers and nine of master's papers. In the winter of 1896-97 he was engineer of the tug H. J. Warren for the Buffalo Dredge Company. Mr. Miney has been a member of the Buffalo Harbor Tug Pilots Association since 1893, and carries Pennant No. 93; and has been member of the American Association of Masters and Pilots of Steam vessels since March, 1896.
In 1887 Mr. Miney was married to Miss Lena M. Kohn, by whom he has three children -Willis Adelbert, at this writing, aged eight; Leona M., aged six; and Earl H., aged two years. The family reside at No. 87 Wadsworth street, Buffalo, New York.
Captain Daniel Mitchell, one of the most prominent and venerable citizens of Ashtabula, and perhaps one of the oldest retired lake captains and mariners now living, is a son of Philip and Polly (Warner) Mitchell, and was born in Wooster, Schoharie Co, N. Y., October 5, 1814. The father was born in New York State, and mother in Connecticut.
The grandfather of our subject, on his mother's side, was a patriot of the Revolutionary war, and served with distinction in a cavalry organization for seven years, or until the close of the conflict, participating in many of the fierce struggles which wrought out the independence of the colonies. Both families, the Mitchells and the Warners, were early pioneers of northern Ohio, and became possessed of large tracts of land by industry and theft. Mr. Warner, a hero of the Revolutionary war, lies at rest in the cemetery in Ashtabula, and his grandson, the subject of this sketch, now eighty-four years of age, has had engraved an appropriate tablet to his memory on a monument over his remains, the legend of which reads: "Noah Warner, a soldier of the Revolution, who served his country honorably in the cavalry service seven years. His warfare is over."
Capt. Daniel Mitchell removed with his parents to Westfield, Ohio, where his father died April 8, 1826. The mother soon after her bereavement went to Wooster, Schoharie Co., N. Y.., where her relatives lived, but later returned to Ashtabula, where she resided until 1863, when she, too, passed away. The family consisted of Emanuel, Aurline, Daniel, Betsey, Harman, Mary and Fannie, all of whom are deceased except Daniel and Betsey. Harman was wheelsman on the steamer Washington at the time of the disaster to the vessel, and lost his life; Emanuel also followed the life of a sailor, and ran a packet boat on the Ohio canal at the time of his death, which occurred in Cleveland, Ohio.
Captain Daniel Mitchell to whom this sketch is devoted, attended the district schools for a short time and finished his education as a pupil of William Hubbard, of Ashtabula, at that time a noted teacher in private paid schools. In the spring of 1930 he shipped as cook on the schooner John Q. Adams, with Capt. Ben Stanard. It is said he did not make a brilliant success in that department, and he is soon found in another capacity, However, the Adams capsized soon after leaving port, and the crew were rescued by the schooner Bolivar; young Mitchell soon after shipped before the mast on the schooner Constitution with Capt. E. Perkins. The next season he came out in the steamer New York, and after two months' experience with steam he shipped before the mast on the schooner Bolivar. The next spring he came out as mate, with Capt. C. Thayer, on the schooner Atlas, but in July the following year he stopped ashore and assisted in raising the schooner G. S. Willis, which had been wrecked. He then went into the shipyard and superintended the fitting out of the schooner Adelaide, owned by E. Harman, and made two trips in the fall, bringing her out as master in the spring of 1832, and sailed her seven years, she changing owners in the meantime.
In the spring of 1839 Captain Mitchell was appointed master of the schooner Dahlia, and in 1840 he succeeded to the command of the schooner Argyle, sailing her two years; that winter he superintended the construction of the schooner Ontonagon, at Madison Docks, and sailed her three seasons. In the spring of 1845 he became captain of the schooner Pilot, which berth he held two years, and then took command of the brig Oleander, remaining on her four seasons. In 1851 he came out in the schooner Aldebaron. The next year he took a quarter-interest and superintended the construction of the schooner Bonnie Doon, Gillott and Frazer being the owners. He brought the new schooner out and sailed her five years, making good profits and cargoes. The Bonnie Doon was considered a smart vessel. She was 255 net tons burden, and made the passage between Chicago and Buffalo in three hours less than five days, the Captain winning a new hat on the performance. It is still said, when a schooner is credited with a quick trip that "it is not come up to the Bonnie Doon record."
With the close of the season of 1860 ended the active marine life of Captain Mitchell, the Bonnie Doon being his last vessel. During the thirty years he was sailing he never lost a man or vessel, and had but one casualty, which was occasioned by the stranding on Racine reef in thick weather. He jettisoned 800 bushels of wheat, and the vessel floated. Since his retirement Captain Mitchell has devoted the greater part of his time to the management of his large farm in Ashabula count; has been elected constable, deputy sheriff, marshal, and street commissioner at various times. He was a man of great strength and endurance in his younger days, and now, at the advanced age of eighty-four years, carries himself with an erect and soldierly bearing, and is in full possession of all his faculties. He is a man of courteous sociability and generous hospitalty. Fraternally he is a veteran Royal Arch Mason and a member of the order of Odd Fellows, serving as treasurer of the last named order seven years.
In October, 1851, Captain Mitchell was united in marriage to Miss Araminta, daughter of Charles Chadwick, Newark, Wayne county, N.Y. After thirty-seven years of married life Mrs. Mitchell passed away, leaving the Captain alone with an adopted child, Frances, daughter of Capt. Mitchell Jackson, who came into the family when she was three years of age.
Captain James B. Mitchell, master of the schooner Nellie Mason during the season of 1898, and residing at Starrville, St. Clair county, Mich., is a native of that State, having been born in 1847, in Jackson. He is a son of Elisha and Elizabeth Mitchell, highly respected farming people, the father a native of New York State, and the mother of Yorkshire, England.
Captain Mitchell was reared on the farm, and received his education in the public schools of his native state. Entertaining a preference, however, for the life of a sailor, at the age of eighteen years he commenced his lake career on the schooner Challenge, on which vessel he remained some ten years, in various capacities. For the past quarter of a century he has been captain of many vessels.
In 1870 Captain Mitchell was married to Miss Sarah Jane Walkerdine, and seven children have been born to them, their names and dates of birth being as follows: Burton, 1871; Dana, 1873; Ione, 1876; George, 1877; Richard, 1879; Belle, 1881; and Iva, 1887. Captain and Mrs. Mitchell are members of the Methodist Church, and in politics he is a Democrat.
James D. Mitchell, who holds the position of engineer on the City of Genoa, is the son of John and Harriet (Brown) Mitchell, and was born March 20, 1860. The father was born in Canada, and died in Marine City, in April, 1887, having spent most of his life as a farmer and live-stock dealer. He was employed by the government during the war as an agent for the purpose of purchasing horses. Mrs. Mitchell, a native of Marine City, is still living.
The subject of this sketch is a member of a family of eight children, all of whom are living: Martha, the eldest, is married to George Arnold, and resides in Cleveland, Ohio; John is a sailor, having held the position of mate on the George Spencer during the season of 1896; Henry officiated as second engineer on the City of Genoa, during the season of 1898; and Hattie, Susie and Millie are still single.
James D. Mitchell attended school at his native place until his eighteenth year, when he chose the marine life to which he has devoted himself since that time. His first experience was upon the D.F. Rose, acting as deckhand. Here he remained only part of a season, however, and then finished the year as fireman on the D.W. Powers. The following season was spent on the Burlington as fireman, from which vessel he went on to the V.H. Ketcham, and remained one year. He then went to Chicago, and after acting as fireman on the tug Robert Tarrant for part of a season, he obtained a license and came on the Belle Cross as second engineer, after which he transferred to the Cleveland, and where he acted as second engineer for one season, and the following year remained on shore, being employed as engineer by Roberts & Lester, of Marine City. The position of chief engineer was then given him on the C.H. Wells, and he there remained one season, coming the following year on the Temple Emery as second engineer. Upon the John C. Pringle and Siberia he acted as second engineer, and then as chief on the Nashua; next season as second engineer on the J.C. Gilchrist, and afterward was chief on the John Craig for two years. In 1892 he came to the City of Genoa, holding this position six consecutive seasons.
On December 20, 1882, Mr. Mitchell was married to Miss Eliza J. Boshaw, of Marine City. They have two children: Vernice L. and Hazel C., both of whom are in school. Mr. Mitchell is a charter member of the M.E.B.A. at Marine City, and is well known to a large number of lake faring men, having filled several positions requiring experience and a thorough knowledge of marine work, always to the satisfaction of his employers, by whom he is held in high esteem.
Captain John Mitchell, one of the most prominent, as well as one of the most highly respected business men of Cleveland, has, throughout most of his life, been more or less intimately connected with transportation on the Great Lakes. A brief review of his life shows that there are many opportunities for young men of character and industry to succeed if they will but take advantage of them.
Captain Mitchell was born October 8, 1850, in Franklin, Lower Canada (now Province of Quebec), of American parents. His Father, Daniel Mitchell, while of German ancestry, was a native of Pennsylvania, and his mother, who bore the maiden name of Calista Roseberry, was of French descent and a native of New York. In their family were nine children, but two of whom are living - our subject and Capt. Alfred Mitchell. The father, who was a carpenter by trade, was residing but temporarily in Canada when the subject of this memoir was born, and he later removed to New York State, thence to Milwaukee, Wis., and in 1865 to Fair Haven Mich., where his death occurred in August, 1866. His widow is still living, at the age of sixty-seven years, and makes her home in Marine City, Mich. The two surviving brothers have for the most of their active lives been associated together in business on the lakes, and in other enterprises not so closely related to the water.
In 1865 Capt. John Mitchell left the stavemill, in which his father had placed him, to take the position of cook on the old steamboat J. B. Smith, and since that time has been actively and energetically engaged in the transportation business, in the building of lake crafts and in the insurance business. In 1893 he became a member of the board of directors, and is now general manager of the Hopkins Steamship Company, of which James Corrigan is president; F. W. Wheeler, vice-president; L. C. Recor, secretary; and Mark Hopkins, treasurer. On the 14th of October, 1893, the Captain's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meswald, were drowned by the foundering of the steamer Wocoken.
On the organization of the Gratwick Steamship Company, in 1894, Captain Mitchell was made vice-president. This company built the steamer John J. McWilliams, which at the time of its construction was the largest on the lakes. In 1895 Captain Mitchell was made secretary and general manager of the Etna Steamship Company, of which W. H. Gratwick was president, Frederick Smith, vice-president, and Alfred Mitchell, treasurer. He is also president of the Marine City Salt and Brick Works, the Lake View Land Company, and the Lancastershire Syndicate; and has an interest in the Shaker Heights Land Company; is a director and a member of the executive committee of the Cuyahoga Building and Loan Association.
The prominent position which Captain Mitchell occupies has been attained by an active, energetic life, by his genial and pleasant manners, and by a straightforward, honorable career. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, and a member of the Mystic Shrine; and belongs to the Tippecanoe and Union clubs of Cleveland. Politically, he has always been a Republican, and is well known as a liberal contributor to its cause, and is a strong supporter of its principles.
In 1873 Captain Mitchell was married to Miss Mary A. Rouvel, of Fair Haven, Mich., and to them have been born nine children, seven of whom are living: Herbert W., Ralph D., Mabel A., Ismay, John P., Calista Irene, and Harold. Since 1890 the Captain and his family have lived in their beautiful home, at No. 2170 Euclid avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
Captain John M. Mitchell, who served in the United States navy during the war of the Rebellion, and has for many years been a courteous and popular master of passenger steamers plying on Lake Michigan, was born in Rochester, N. Y., October 1, 1846, a son of William and Rose (Conway) Mitchell, the former a native of Queen's county, Ireland, the latter of the city of Armagh, of that country. Their respective families came to the United States about the same time, one locating in Rochester and the other in Lewiston, N. Y., the paternal grandmother dying at Rochester, N. Y., at the extreme old age of one hundred and six years.
When our subject was a lad of seven years the family removed to Buffalo, N. Y. In June, 1857, he began his career on the lakes as cabin boy on the schooner Cairo with Capt. W. P. Bryan, his brother-in-law. The next season he shipped with the same captain on the schooner Vernon, remaining on her two seasons, with the exception of the short time he was on the Racer. On September 9, 1862, Captain Mitchell enlisted in the United States navy, went to Boston, and was received on the old guard ship Ohio, then used by the government as a receiving ship, and after the necessary gun practice was transferred to the full-rigged frigate Sabine. During the time he was on the Sabine she was engaged in cruising for Confederate privateers and blockade runners, and visited the waters of the Azores, Canaries, Cape de Verde - the localities made historic thirty-five years later by the operations of the American and Spanish fleets - also St. Helena and Cape Town. While in the navy Captain Mitchell served under Commodore Cadwallader, Ringgold and Lieutenant Kelley, the last named officer being killed during the naval engagement at Mobile, Ala. On one occasion, while on a stern chase after a suspicious looking vessel, the Sabine fired forty-four shots, all of which fell short of the mark but the last, which passed across the decks of the stranger, and she hove to. She proved to be the bark Leo, hailing from Bath, England. On discovering her nationality the commander of the Sabine advised her skipper to proceed on her voyage, telling him that he was only doing some target practice. Captain Mitchell was honorably discharged from the navy September 9, 1862, at Provincetown, Cape Cod, where he with others reported that their enlistment had expired, as was customary. He then returned to the lakes, two of his shipmates - Andrew J. Kirk and Adolph Vincent-going with him, and again took up his line of duty on the Racer.
In the spring of 1864 Captain Mitchell was appointed master of the schooner Pacific of Erie, owned by E. F. Freer, who had also been in the navy. That fall she broke away from the pier and drifted on the beach. The next season he shipped as mate on the brig David Ferguson, and remained on her until October, when he was appointed sailing master of the schooner R. N. Brown. She took a cargo of black walnut lumber from Toledo to Boston by way of the St. Lawrence canals. On November 27, while off Nova Scotia, a living gale sprang up, which lasted four days, blowing the schooner out of her course, but she finally made her port of destination. The Captain passed the winter months up to this period on the Mississippi river. He sailed as mate on the schooner Eliza Logan in 1886, and the next season went to South Haven, Mich., in the employ of Captain Bryan, who had purchased some vessel property. In April he transferred the Rose Douseman's rigging to the George L. Seaver, at Chicago. In the spring of 1868 he went to Detroit and took command of the schooner Caledonia, and later on transferred from one schooner to another until 1874, when he was appointed master of the Harmonia, which was sold under him in July. He then turned his attention to steam vessels, shipping as second mate on the Huron with Capt. Robert Jones, of St. Joseph. The next season he was mate of the same boat with Captain Elton, plying between Holland, Saugatuck, South Haven, and Chicago. In the spring of 1876 he was appointed master of the Huron, and sailed her until she was taken out of commission, after which he was master of the steamer Riverside on the same route. In 1878 he sailed the steamer Metropolis; 1879 the Grace Grummond, and then stopped ashore the next season for a well-earned rest.
In 1883 Captain Mitchell went to Buffalo and purchased the passenger steamer Huntress and sailed her; then became master of the steamer Grace Grummond, which he held to the close of the season. In 1885 he chartered the steamers A.J. Wright, Cyclone, City of St. Joseph, and Gazelle, for passenger traffic during the World's Pastime Exposition at Chicago, having contracted to furnish transportation to that city. During the season of 1886 he sailed the side-wheel steamer Saginaw in the excursion business out of Chicago. The next season he took the same steamer to Toledo, and plied her between that port and Presque Isle. In 1888 he was elected superintendent of Presque Isle Park, a pleasant summer resort, which he conducted with good business success for four seasons, meanwhile, during the winter months, traveling for a firm which manufactured alabastine.
In 1892 he built the stern-wheel steamer Valley City, to ply on Grand river between Grand Haven and Grand Rapids, and sailed her, going the next year as master of the steamer Wilson on the route between Sheboygan and Mackinaw; in 1894 he sailed the steamer Grand Island, and in 1895 the Harvey Watson. During the seasons of 1896-97 the Captain sailed the passenger steamer Music out of Holland, Mich., to various summer resorts. In the spring of 1898 he was appointed master of the passenger steamer City of Holland, plying between Holland and Chicago, and it is interesting to mention here that it was Captain Mitchell who first suggested and carried out on the steamer Riverside the advisability of placing names of minor ports before that of Chicago on the various passenger steamers, in order that travelers might then more readily find the steamer they wanted to take passage on. This departure has now been generally adopted by the transportation lines out of Chicago. Socially, the Captain is a member of Zach Chandler Post No. 35, G.A.R., Department of Michigan, and a charter member of the Calumet Council No. 24, Royal League of Chicago.
Captain Mitchell married Miss Bertha S., the daughter of Samuel A. and Harriet N. (Faunce) Bagnell, of Buffalo, N.Y., formerly of Plymouth, Mass. The family residence is in Holland, Michigan.
Mitchell & Co. is the name of a well-known and reliable firm of Cleveland, which was organized in January, 1890, and at that time was composed of John Mitchell, John F. Wedow, of Marine City, Mich., and John C. Fitzpatrick. The last name soon retired, and the same year Alfred Mitchell became connected with it. In January, 1897, H. W. Mitchell also became a member of the firm, but through its various changes it has ever retained the name of Mitchell & Co.
As vessel owners and brokers the firm does a large business each year, and has continued to add new steamboats to their list. They organized the Mitchell Steamship Company in 1892, and built the wooden steamer William F. Sauber and the steel steamer W. H. Gratwick No. 2. They also organized the Etna Steamship Company, and built the steel steamer Lagonda, which is a very large and powerful ship, 386 feet over all. 45 1/2 feet beam, and 27 feet depth of hold. Her engines are triple expansion, cylinders 23, 37 and 63 x 44, and her three boilers are 12 1/2 x 12 feet. Their steamer H. S. Holden is 430 feet long, 50 feet beam, capacity 6,000 tons.
Besides these new vessels the firm has large interests in the steamers Robert L. Fryer, John Mitchell, W. H. Gratwick No. 1, Ed Smith No. 1, Ed Smith No. 2 and George T. Hope, and also the barges J. C. Fitzpatrick, Camden, Joseph Paige, Troy, S. E. Marion, R. L. Fryer, C. J. Fillmore and Angus Smith.
The firm has its office in the Perry Payne building, Superior street, Cleveland, does a general brokerage and marine insurance business, and Mr. Wedow is also a member of the Board of Underwriters, representing several strong companies.