History of the Great Lakes
Vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield
Published Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co. 1899
[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ]
[ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ]
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George L. Quayle, who has been associated with the ship-building industry since his boyhood, was born in Cleveland in 1842, and received his education in the public schools of that city. He learned the carpenter's trade, also shipbuilding, and spent much time in studying ship architecture and construction, perfecting himself in these capacities until he attained a high degree of proficiency.
During the progress of the Civil War Mr. Quayle was a private in the Eighty-fourth O. V. I., and in the Seventh. After his return to Cleveland (in 1873) he entered into partnership with his father (who had been a shipbuilder since 1840) and elder brother, Thomas E. Quayle, the company being known as Thomas Quayle & Sons. After the retirement of his father from the firm, William H. Quayle was admitted to partnership in the company under the firm name of Thomas Quayle's Sons. He remained in the shipbuilding interest until the discontinuance of business, which occurred in 1890, the last vessel built at the yards being the steamer C. B. Lockwood. The firm discontinued business on account of the tendency of owners toward metal vessels, the wooden ships being relegated to the past. His long experience and successful career, together with his mechanical genius designates him as one among the many able shipbuilders of the country. He was tendered and accepted the appointment as manager of the Shipowners Dry Dock Company, in which he is largely interested. It was during his administration that the Shipowners Dry Dock Company was so successful in a financial way, and became famous on all the Great Lakes for its high-class work and moderate charges.
George L. Quayle is highly respected in his native city for sterling worth and business integrity, and it is owing to these essential qualities, and the expert knowledge he possesses of the business in which he has been engaged for so many years, that he has reached a good degree of the prosperity and influence with which he surrounds his charming wife and children in their beautiful home on Euclid avenue, Cleveland. He is a director in the Wilson Transit Company; has been president of the Dry Dock Association of the Great Lakes since 1895; is a director of the Garfield Savings Bank; President of the Board of Trustees of the village of East Cleveland; and a member of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Quayle is a Scottish Rite Mason, and a member of the Mystic Shrine. In 1870 he was united in marriage to Miss Winnifred Johnson, of Pittsburg, Penn., and they have three children: George H., Winnifred and Eleanore. [Since the above was written Mr. Quayle has retired from active participation in business, and is enjoying in a modest way his well-earned competence.]

Thomas Quayle was born in the parish of Kirk Michael, Isle of Man, May 9, 1811. When he was sixteen years of age his parents removed to the United States with other families from the Isle of Man. They selected land in the townships of Newburgh and Warrensville, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, where they made clearings and built log cabins in the forests.
Thomas Quayle had been an apprentice to an English shipbuilder, and shortly after reaching this country he became employed in the shipyards of Cleveland, and being a thorough workman he rapidly advanced. In the year 1847 he formed a partnership with John Cody, the firm continuing for nearly three years, during which time they built a great number of barks, brigs and schooner, which were considered in those days quite large craft, but were very small in comparison of the cargo-carrying vessels of the present. This partnership was dissolved in 1849. Mr. Quayle then entering into partnership with Luther Moses under the firm name of Moses & Quayle. They built the Nile, Milwaukee, Forest Queen, Dunkirk and the schooner Crescent. Then for twenty years Mr. Quayle was in partnership with John Martin, and during this time built a large number of the finest sailing vessels and steamers on the lakes, and it is recorded that in one year this company built thirteen vessels, among others the bark W. T. Graves, at that time the largest cargo carrier on the lakes. In 1873 Mr. Quayle's partner, John Martin, died, and Mr. Quayle then took his two sons, Thomas E. and George L., into business, under the firm name of Thomas Quayle & Sons. It was during the continuance of this company that the stanchest built wooden vessels and steamers were turned out from this yard, among which were the Commodore, then the largest vessel on fresh water, the Buffalo, Chicago, and Milwaukee, for the Western Transit line, and the Delaware and Connestoga, for the Anchor line.
Mr. Quayle retired from business in 1879 after a continuous and active life as a shipbuilder for thirty-two years. His sons continuing the business admitted into the company a third son, William H. Quayle. During his career as a shipbuilder Mr. Quayle was numbered among the most respected citizens of Cleveland, and was honored by being chosen to several civic offices under the municipal government. It was largely due to such men as Mr. Quayle that our country is indebted for its manufacturing enterprises and development. He was a member of the Second Presbyterian Church and of the Oriental Commandery, and was a Scottish Rite Mason of the thirty-second degree.
Mr. Quayle was united in marriage to Miss Eleanor Cannon, of the Isle of Man, to whom were born eleven children, four of whom are now living: George L.; Matilda, the wife of Charles Gill, of Cleveland; Kate, wife of L. H. Malone; and Mary Helen, now Mrs. Barrett. Mrs. Quayle died in 1860, and in 1895 Mr. Quayle passed over to the silent majority in the eighty-fourth year of his life.
Captain Thomas Edward Quayle (deceased) was the eldest son of Thomas and Eleanor (Cannon) Quayle. He was born at Newburg, Ohio, in 1836, and received his education in the public schools, after graduation going to work in his father's shipyard. In 1858, the year so many lake vessels crossed the ocean, he sailed for England as supercargo on the bark D. C. Pierce, built by his father. She was loaded with oak staves and was one of a large fleet of lake vessels consigned to ports in England. The venture proved fairly profitable, and after attaining to the command of the vessel Captain Quayle made several trips up the Mediterranean, through the Dardanelles, into the Black sea, and up the river Danube in the grain trade. In 1861, about the time of the breaking out of the Civil war, he sailed from Cuba as master of the bark D. C. Pierce, with a cargo of sugar consigned to England, but encountered terrific storms his boat was dismantled and he was obliged to put in at Norfolk, Va., for repairs, as she was so worm-eaten as to be almost unseaworthy. At this time Capt. Charles Gale, a pioneer lake master and a navigator who had made voyages to English and Continental ports, joined Mr. Quayle at Norfolk to assist by his experience in rehabilitating the bark, taking his daughter Anna with him. This was a romantic episode in the life of Miss Anna, and she became the wife of Mr. Quayle at the close of the war.
After spending about $4,000 for repairs on the D. C. Pierce she was released from dry dock and ready to sail, when Fort Sumter was fired upon and the war of the Rebellion opened in earnest. Before the bark could clear a force of Confederates boarded and scuttled her, and Capts. Thomas Quayle and Charles Gale, together with the crew, were arrested and confined in the courthouse on the charge of being Northern sympathizers. Through the influence of friends Captain Gale was released, and some days later Captain Quayle and his ship's company succeeded in making their escape and went on board the frigate Minnesota, which was then lying at anchor in Hampton Roads. All enlisted, and the Captain was assigned to the gunboat Whitehead, in the capacity of master's mate, where he served until the close of the war. The Whitehead was one of the blockading fleet and in service for the most part on the Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds. At the close of the war Captain Quayle returned to Cleveland and employed himself as manager of his father's shipyard, until 1873, when John Martin, of the shipbuilding firm of Quayle & Martin, died. His father then re-organized the company by taking into partnership two of his sons, Thomas E. and George L., the firm name being Thomas Quayle & Sons until 1879, when the father retired from active business, thus making room for another son, William H. The firm then adopted the style of Thomas Quayles Sons, which continued in force until 1890, when work was discontinued at the shipyard and Thomas E. Quayle retired from active business.
Captain Quayle was a Royal Arch Mason and high priest of Thatcher Chapter at the time of his death, which occurred August 15, 1896. In his business life he was honorable and upright in all dealings, and in the shipyard he exhibited many of the qualifications of a good general, securing from the men in his employ ready and willing support and general good-will. Socially he was most genial and true, and highly honored by all who knew him. He was a devoted husband and kind, indulgent father. At the time of his death the following lines were presented to Thatcher Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, by his wife:
IN MEMORIAM, THOMAS EDWARD QUAYLE, HIGH PRIEST OF THATCHER CHAPTER, NO. 101, R. A. M. July 26, 1836 August 15, 1896 The flag floats half way down the good ship’s mast, For he who gave her each strong attribute And shared with her his own esteemed repute Lies in the silence which is termed “the last.” The wave is dark; the sky is overcast; We bow our drooping heads in last salute; We speak our broken words, but he is mute; His ship has weighed her anchor and is passed. _________________ But hark! from distant shores there cries “A sail!” And greetings of a joyful company Cry “Welcome”! that he comes through calm and gale To that fair harbor. Surely if this be It shall be said of none of us that we Deplore thy last voyage, Thomas Edward Quayle. Presented to Thatcher Chapter by ANNA L. QUAYLE
On July 20, 1865, Captain Quayle was united in marriage to Miss Anna Gale, the talented daughter of Capt. Chas. Gale, a pioneer lake master, to which union one son Charles Edward, and two daughters, Frances Estelle and Jessie Mabel, were born, whom the father and mother loved as the chiefest ornaments of their home. On January 3, 1897, the home circle was again broken by the death of Mabel, at their summer home in Mobile, Ala, when she was aged eighteen years.
Captain J.J. Quinn, of the steamer Greyhound, is perhaps one of the youngest commanders sailing out of Toronto, on the Oakville run. He was born August 3, 1861, in Toronto, where he received a good education in the public schools. When sixteen years of age he began sailing in the small coasting schooners Brothers and Betsy, and the following season, 1879, he went into the schooner Parthenon, under Capt. Harry Jackman, uncle of Capt. Frank Jackman, of the tug Jubilee. During the seasons of 1881 and 1882 Captain Quinn had charge of the schooner Mary Grover, trading on the lower lakes, and he was afterward captain of the island ferry steamer Arlington, in 1885 taking charge of the steamer Gypsy, which ran to Victoria Park. For the seasons of 1892-93, he went into the steamer C. H. Merritt; in 1894 he was on the Tymon, belonging to the Polson Company, and running out of Toronto to Victoria Park and Lorne Park; in 1895 and 1896 he was first officer on the steamer Greyhound, under Captain Boyd, the government marine marshal, and in 1897 he was promoted to the post of commander of the Greyhound, Captain Boyd having resigned. No accidents have ever happened under his hand. He has always been a careful and studious navigator, and being yet a young man he has every promise of a successful career.
In March, 1892, just before the opening of navigation, Captain Quinn married Miss Mary Murphy, of Toronto.
Captain James Quinn, master and half-owner of the staunch little schooner White Oak, was well known on Lake Ontario, is a bluff and hearty skipper, with a jovial breeze in every word of his speech. From early manhood he has tracked the fresh waters of the inland seas, and there are few navigators better acquainted with their calling than he is. The Captain was born May 18, 1856, at Oakville county of Halton, Ont., where he grew up, receiving his education in the public schools. His desire for the life of a sailor was always strong, but his parents were opposed to it, and not willing to displease them, he became apprenticed to the carriage blacksmithing trade, at which he serveed four years with Mr. Jeremiah Hagaman, of Oakville. Having become a thorough journeyman, young Quinn sought to strike the anvil in a wider field, and obtained a position with Mr. John Dixon, a carriage manufacturer of Toronto, but the trade was too humdrum, and moneymaking in that line was too slow for a young man of Captain Quinn's ability, so he abandoned it after two months and shipped before the mast in the schooner Minnie Blakely. Thus, in 1875, began his career on the lakes. After one month in the Minnie Blakely, he received a better offer and shipped in the schooner Homeward Bound, remaining in her for two seasons, the second year as mate.
Resolved to become his own master, the Captain in 1877 purchased the stonehooker brig Rover, which he owned and sailed for a season and a half, when he sold her and bought another coasting schooner, the Pinta, so called after the historic boat belonging to Christopher Columbus' fleet. Retaining that boat for about two seasons, Captain Quinn disposed of her and went into the schooner Eureka as mate and pilot, trading for three seasons principally on Lake Ontario, but sometimes going through the Welland canal to the higher waters when remunerative cargos offered. After leaving the Eureka, he went into the schooner Dauntless as captain for a season, and in 1883 bought the schooner Highland Beauty, which he sailed for five seasons as master and owner. Succeeding that, he purchased the schooner Mary Everett, and handled her one season in the Georgian Bay trade, bringing lumber and other freight from there to Kingston and Quebec. Next season he sold the Mary Everett and bought the schooner W. T. Greenwood, which vessel he commanded successfully for two years, finally, in the year 1892, disposing of her and buying the schooner White Oak, of which he was sole owner until the spring of 1897, when he admitted Capt. James Wilson to a half-ownership, that gentleman again desiring to follow the water, which he had thought to abandon without considering the strong sailing instincts acquired during a long experience in that calling. Captains Quinn and Wilson still own the White Oak, and sail her as master and mate, respectively, proud to tread the planks of so sturdy and swift a little craft.
On December 23, 1884, Captain Quinn was united in marriage with Miss Mullins, of Kingston, the ladies of which town are noted for their beauty and intellectual accomplishments. Four children have blessed this union, two sons and two daughters, namely. William, Annie, Nellie and James Albert, the two oldest attending school.
John F. Quinn is one of the most promising of the young marine engineers sailing out of Cleveland, industrious and of excellent principles. He is a son of John and Ellen E. (Shields) Quinn, and was born in Cleveland on September 30, 1869. His father, a son of Patrick and Julia Quinn, was born June 4, 1846, in Ardfinnan, County Tipperary, Ireland, and was brought to the United States the year of his birth, his parents locating in Cleveland, where he attended the public schools and learned the machinist's trade at the old Cuyahoga furnace. His first experience in a maritime way was on the old tug Niagara, as fireman with Capt. Joseph Greenhalgh, who was also an able engineer. After two seasons he was appointed engineer of the tug Ellen, Capt. George Stevens, a berth which he did not hold long but transferred to the tug D.P. Rhodes. His next position was on the lake tug William B. Castle, where he remained one season, after which he retired from the lakes and went to work for J.B. Gates, who carried on a steam wood-sawing and splitting business, Mr. Quinn running the engine. At the close of this engagement, he went to learn the mason's trade, serving about three years, and was then appointed captain of the Main street swing bridge, being recommended by John Martin, the shipbuilder. On May 16, 1871, Mr. Quinn was appointed patrolman on the Cleveland police force, an office he has filled with eminent satisfaction for twenty-eight years, and still has the confidence of the city authorities. He married Miss Ellen E. Shields, of Cleveland, on November 16, 1868, and five children were born to them, viz.: John F., Patrick J., Charles, Rose and Emma. The family homestead is at 425 West River street, Cleveland.
John F. Quinn received a liberal education in the public schools of Cleveland, graduating at West High School, after which he learned the machinist's trade at the Globe Iron Works. He then worked in the shops of the Walker Manufacturing Company, Kilby Manufacturing Company, the Brown Hoisting and Conveying Machine Company, the Rogers Typograph Machine Company and other shops. Being desirous of becoming a marine engineer he began his lakefaring life as oiler on the steamer Geo. F. Williams, transferring to the Republic, Griffin and North West, and in 1897 applied and was granted marine engineer's license, and was appointed first assistant on the passenger steamer Flora, closing the season on the steel steamer Manola, and in the spring of 1898 he became second engineer of the fine steamer Castalia, Capt. C.C. Allen. During the winter months Mr. Quinn always finds shop work chiefly at the Globe Iron Works, and was one winter foreman of the Forest City Nail Works at Rockport, Ohio. During the winter of 1897-98, while the Wilson avenue bridge was being rebuilt, he was engineer, and holds a stationary engineer's license.
Fraternally he is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 2, of Cleveland.
On October 28, 1896, Mr. Quinn was wedded to Miss Clara Schroeder, of Cleveland, and they reside at No. 300 Tod street, Cleveland Ohio.