The Death of Mr. Herbert Ingram on the Lady Elgin
Founder and Sole Proprietor of ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS
THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWSSaturday, August 11, 1860, Vol. XXXVII ---- No. 1044
-- Page 125, near bottom of Column 2 --
... ".. Mr. Herbert Ingram, M.P., left Liverpool on Thursday last for Canada by the North America, accompanied by his son, Master H. Ingram." ...

Saturday, September 29, 1860, Vol. XXXVII ---- No. 1052
-- Page 285, Column 2 --
"With a trembling hand and sorrowing heart we announce the death of Mr. Herbert Ingram, M. P., the founder and sole proprietor of the ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, who, together with his eldest son, Herbert, perished on Lake Michigan in the lamentable disaster on the 8th inst. Exhausted by the fatigues of business and the labours of a long Parliamentary Session, Mr. Ingram had resolved during the recess to pay a visit to the American continent, and there to seek, in company with his son, a brave and intelligent boy of fifteen, that relaxation he so much needed. He sailed from Liverpool in the North American on the 9th of August, and landed at Quebec in time to witness, after he had traversed the Lower St. Lawrence, the knocking in of the last wedge of the Victoria Bridge at Montreal by the Prince of Wales. It was here Mr. Ingram took leave of the party of friends who, on his landing, had attended him, stating that he wished to be more quiet, and went on to the Falls of Niagara, where he staid [sic] some days, enjoying the grandeur of the scenery around him with the keenest appreciation. In one of the many characteristic letters received from him he says:---Thank God, I have been to see the Falls of Niagara. The contemplation of them seems to exalt while it soothes me; and amidst these wonders of the creation I forget the realities and annoyances of life. From Niagara Mr. Ingram proceeded to Chicago, whence he had first proposed to travel across the Prairies, and to follow the Mississippi to New Orleans, and thence to New York, but more especially to Boston, which old associations of history had determined him to make the conclusion of his sojourn in the United States. In the last letter received from him, and dated Chicago, September 7, he states, however, that he had decided to visit Lake Superior, and to prolong his stay in America, proposing to return to England about the end of October. He left Chicago at midnight on the 7th of September, accompanied by his son;---and our readers know the sad sequel to the story. It should, however, be added that his body was washed ashore about sixteen miles from Chicago, and just at the time that one of his friends, Mr. Hayward, had arrived at the spot. Every effort was used to restore life, but in vain. Mr. Hayward states, in a most feeling letter, that Mr. Ingram's countenance in death was perfectly calm and peaceful."
"Herbert Ingram, who was born in Boston, was in the forty-ninth year of his age.In that town he began an active career, at eleven years of age, as a printer, and both as apprentice and compositor he there did many a good, hard, day's work. He thus endeavored to assist in the support of his family, which, old and highly respected, had enjoyed comparative riches. To the interests of Boston, as his native town, he devoted throughout life much of the labour of his indefatigable nature. The pure water which its citizens drink---the gas which lights them---the railway, recently opened, that connects their town with the mid-districts of England---and many other works which now remain, bear the impress of his fostering hand and kindly care. At Boston, as many of his friends are aware, he had intended to spend the evening of his days, resting from his many labours on his property at Swineshead Abbey. Boston was justly proud of him, and through all the many phases of his eventful life recognised his merits, and undeviatingly gave him its confidence. Three times in succession was he returned as its representative to parliament, and always by majorities most decisive and unmistakable.
"His remains, which are expected to arrive in England in a few days, will be interred at Boston.
"Peace to the ashes of so worthy and so excellent a man---a kind husband, an indulgent parent, a faithful friend, and a good citizen!
"As the founder of this Newspaper he originated another era in the diffusion of knowledge and in the popularisation and promotion of art. He introduced a new means of improved education,---a novel machinery, by which to chronicle, in pictures, as well as by description, just as it passes, the history of the world. This Paper was the object of his utmost care and greatest pride. Only yesterday we found preserved amongst his most valued documents a relic, inscribed by his own hand, apparently but a short while before he left England:---
---H. I.'
"The ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS will for the future be conducted on the principles which it has always advocated, and in the manner which its founder adopted and approved. The Journal will continue in the care of those he himself had selected, and in whom he had long place the highest confidence. These will, of course, have the able assistance of the authors and artists who have so far conduced so much to the popularity of the Paper. It will be carried on for the benefit of his family (his widow being sole proprietress); and every endeavour may be relied upon to ensure a continuance of that support for which the late Mr. Ingram laboured so ardently and so successfully. The public has, indeed, already offered some assurance of this in the numerous expressions of condolence and sympathy his mourning family have received both from this county and from America."
Saturday, September 29, 1860,
Vol. XXXVII ---- No. 1052
-- Page 285, Column 3 --
"Late on the evening of Friday, the 7th inst., the Lady Elgin left Chicago with four hundred persons on board, bound on an excursion up Lakes Michigan and Superior. The wind blew hard from the north-east, and a heavy sea was running. But the party was a happy one. There were music and dancing in the saloon, and all went merry as a marriage-bell; when, shortly after two on the morning of the 8th, there came a sudden crash. Thirty miles from Chicago and ten miles from land, off Waukegan, the schooner Augusta, making eleven knots an hour, came down on the doomed ship, struck her on the midships gangway, and then, having her sails set, and the wind blowing freshly, drifted off in the darkness. In half an hour the steamer sank in three hundred feet of water; and of the four hundred persons on board not a hundred were saved. Amongst the drowned are Mr. Herbert Ingram, the proprietor of this Journal, and his eldest son.
"A clerk of the ill-fated vessel states:---
"Instantly after the crash of collision the music and dancing ceased, and the steamer sank half an hour after. Passing through the cabins, I saw the ladies pale, motionless, and silent. There was no cry, no shriek on board---no sound of any kind but that of the escaping steam and surging waves. A boat was lowered for the purpose of examing the leak, which soon made itself known; but there were only two oars to row it with, and, unfortunately, at that moment some one had taken possession of one of them, and the boat was, consequently, useless. We succeeded in reaching the larboard wheel once, wherein the leak was, but were soon driven from it by the fury of the waves, and washed ashore at the village of Winetka. There were only two other boats on the steamer. One of these took thirteen persons from her, all of whom were saved. The other boat took eight persons, but only half that number reached land alive, the other four being drowned on the beach when the boat drifted there. "The rush of water through the leak had extinguished the fires before I left the steamer, and the engines had ceased working in consequence. The wind was blowing so hard and in such a direction as to drift the boats, bodies of the drowned, and fragments of the wreck up the lake, and most of them will probably be washed ashore in the vicinity of Winetka. I fancied I could see, from the beach to which I was drifted, fragments of wreck and human beings struggling with the waters, drifting towards the shore."
"One of the passengers gives the following additional particulars:---
"A short time after this the engine fell through the bottom of the vessel, I should think fifteen minutes after the schooner struck. The hull went down immediately, leaving the hurricane-deck floating. A great portion of the passengers were on the hurricane-deck when the hull went down. Most of them jumped off very soon, thinking that would sink. The hurricane-deck soon separated into five pieces. There were twenty-five on the part on which I was. The captain was on this. There were some military from Milwaukee, and six or seven ladies. The other four pieces went off with a number on each. We held cabin-doors for sails, and came down smoothly as far as Winetka. When within a few rods of the shore the raft capsized; some of us got back on her, among them the captain and myself. The captain got one of the ladies back on it. A big sea came and washed us off The captain was the last man on her. I heard him cheering the passengers. Another sea came, washed him off, and he was drowned. Of the twenty-five who were on her only eight were saved. After the life-boat was launched a yawl, which was aft, was launched. Two boats were launched from the hurricane-deck. I knew only two men on the raft---the captain, and Mr. Wald, the clerk of the National Mine at Ontonagon. When it became light in the morning the four rafts were in sight, and a great many floating on pieces of the wreck."
"The commander, Captain Wilson, who acted throughout in a most gallant manner, as only one hundred feet from the shore when he perished.
"Captain Malott, of the schooner Augusta, states:---
"When I first discovered the steamer's lights---both red and bright---I supposed her to be from a quarter to half a mile distant, and steering north-east. It was raining very hard at the time. We kept our vessel on her course east by south, until we saw a collision was probable, when we put the helm hard up. Struck the steamer two or three minute afterwards just abaft the paddle-box, on the port side. The steamer kept on her course, her engine in full motion. Headed the Augusta around north, alongside the steamer, but they got separated in about a minute, when the Augusta fell in the trough of the sea; all the head gear, jibboom, and stanchions were carried away. We took in sail and cleared away anchor, supposing the vessel would fill. After clearing the wreck and getting up foresail, we succeeded in getting before the wind, and stood for land. We lost sight of the steamer in five minutes after the collision."
"John Vorce, first mate on the schooner Augusta, gives the following evidence relative to the collision:---
"At the time of the collision it was the captain's watch on deck. The second mate was on deck when the squall came up. He called the captain, who got on deck as the squall struck her. This was some minutes before the collision. I was called by the man at the wheel, and struck the deck just as the squall struck the vessel. The men were just taking in sail. About one-third of the foresail and one-fourth of the mainsail were up when we struck the steamer. When I saw the steamer's lights I heard the captain sing out, Hard up! I jumped upon the lumber, and saw the steamer crossing our bow. Should I say the squall struck us about north-north-west. The first that I knew of another vessel being near I heard one of the crew say to the captain, There's a light on the lee bow, Sir. After that the captain cried, Hard up! and I jumped on the lumber. We struck the steamer nearly at right angles From eight to twelve o¹clock the wind was north-east. The schooner was showing a white light on the sampson-post during my watch from eight to twelve. Don't know whether it was there or not at the time of the collision. It was not more than a minute after I jumped on the lumber that the schooner struck. The Augusta steers pretty wild---that is, will not answer her helm very readily. She does not steer so bad as some vessels, but is what we call pretty wild. Did not notice any change in her course after the order was given. Heard the helmsman answer the order, 'Hard up, Sir.' It was not more than two minutes at the outside after the order that the vessel struck. Heard nothing said by any one on the steamer. After we got clear of the steamer we dropped off, and I asked the captain if I should not let go an anchor. He said, Yes. I got the small anchor ready, and was waiting for the order to let go, when he sang out, Hold on! He gave no reason for this order. We were at this time out of sight of the steamer. My object in preparing to let go an anchor was to bring the vessel round to the wind, so that if she filled and rolled over we would have a better chance to hang on to her bottom. We were keeping close in shore, because we were expecting the wind from the south-west. We heard no noise whatever from the steamer after the collision."
"The Chicago Journal of September 8 says:---
"Our reporters, who went out on the Milwaukee-road to Winetka, returned to the city in the half-past one train. They traversed the beach for three or four miles. The lake in every direction was filled with fragments of the wreck, to which some fifty or sixty human beings were clinging when our reporters first arrived. Only a few of these reached the shore. The surf ran fearfully in shore, and, in almost every instance, when the rafts came within a few rods of the shore, the heavy rollers would capsize them within sight and hailing distance of those on the shore. Edward Spencer, a student of the Garret Biblical Institute, was especially prominent in his efforts, and plunged into the surf with a rope tied round his body, thus rescuing several from a watery grave. The saving of David Evitson and wife, of Milwaukee, created the greatest excitement. The gallant fellow was seen some distance out, upon the top of the wheelhouse, holding his wife with one arm and clinging with his other to the frail ark. As he reached shore a fearful surf capsized his raft, and its burden was out of sight for several seconds. When they rose the wife was at some distance from the raft. The gallant fellow left it and swam to his wife, seized her, and again regained the wheelhouse. All on shore held their breath while they approached. At one instant they appeared high in the air, and the next were buried out of sight beneath the terrible surges. At last the wheelhouse grounded some distance from the beach, when the man, with his wife in his arms, jumped off and commenced wading to the land. He had proceeded only a short distance when he sank exhausted, but was caught by Spencer, mentioned above---himself half buried in the surges---and drawn ashore."
"The drummer-boy of the Milwaukee Life Guard was saved by means of his drum:---
"He had presence of mind sufficient to whittle a plug and close the air-vent, then lashing the drum to his shoulders, he trusted himself to the waves. The drum supported him, and also four others who seized hold of it; but these, on after another, dropped off. The drum carried the boy nearly ashore, when by some means one head was burst in, and it filled with water. The boy abandoned it, and, seizing a fragment of the wreck, succeeded in reaching the shore. The drum afterwards came ashore, and was returned to the boy whose life it had saved."
"The jury empannelled at Chicago to inquire into the cause of the recent terrible disaster on Lake Michigan have commenced their labours. Several persons who were on board the ill-fated steamer were examined, and their testimony tends to throw the blame for the occurrence, if any, upon the schooner Augusta, and the testimony of the two mates of the schooner leads to the same conclusion. The steamer's lights, it seems, were discovered at least ten minutes before the collision took place, which was certainly time sufficient to have enabled those on board the Augusta to take every precaution against accident.
"[Engravings of the Lady Elgin and the Augusta, from photographs just received from Chicago, will appear in our next Number.]"
Saturday, October 6, 1860,
Vol. XXXVII ---- No. 1053
-- Page 306 --
[note: on this page, an engraving, from a photograph by John Watkins, of "The late Mr. Herbert Ingram, M.P. for Boston"]
Saturday, October 6, 1860,
Vol. XXXVII ---- No. 1053
-- Page 307 --
"The Lady Elgin was a Canadian-built boat, and was constructed some nine years ago. She was a boat of 300 feet in length, and 1000 tons burden, and had the reputation of swiftness, which made her a favourite with excursionists and travellers generally. Before the completion of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada the Lady Elgin carried the Canadian mails along the northern shores of the lakes, and after its completion she was sold to the Chicago firm of Hubbard and Co., by whom she has since been owned, and who kept her employed in the Lake Superior and Michigan trade of mails, passengers, and freight. Her most western port was Bayfield, on Lake Superior, and the eastern terminus of her voyage was Chicago. Bayfield is about 100 miles east of the head of navigation on Lake Superior. There are copper-mines there and at most of the ports along the shores of that great lake at which the steamer used to call. The Lady Elgin usually made three annual excursions on Lake Superior, starting from Chicago; and it was while she was proceeding on the last of her three excursions for the present year that she met her fate. The captain of the unfortunate steamer was Mr. John Wilson, who had commanded her since she changed ownership and was a most popular and favourite master among passengers and pleasure travellers to whom he was known. He had considerable experience in the navigation of the lakes, having been engaged in it for some ten years. He leaves a family to lament his sudden and unexpected decease.
"The Augusta schooner, the vessel which ran into the Lady Elgin, is owned by Mr. George W. Bissell, of Detroit, and commanded by Captain Malott. She did not escape scathless in the collision, all her head-gear, jibboom, and stanchions being carried away. Indeed, it was supposed the vessel would fill, and sail was taken in and the anchor cleared away under fear of this result. The coroner's inquiry into the loss of the Lady Elgin was still proceeding at the departure of the last mail. Captain Malott had been examined, and his evidence, according to the Chicago journals, left scarcely any room to doubt that the deplorable calamity was one over which he at least had no control.
"According to the best authority, the number of persons on board the Lady Elgin when she left Chicago was 393, including the crew. Of these 114 are reported as saved. This would leave 279 lost, of which the bodies of only 67 had been recovered up to the 14th ult."
[note: at the top of the short article of this page (p.307), an engraving, "from a photograph by S. Alschuler," of "The lake steamer Lady Elgin," as she lay at her wharf on the day before she was lost.]
[note: and below the article, same page (p.307), is an engraving, "from a photograph by S. Alschuler," of "The schooner Augusta" in port at Chicago after her collision with the Lady Elgin.]
Saturday, October 13, 1860,
Vol. XXXVII ---- No. 1054
-- Page 329, near bottom of Column 2 --
[Foreign and Colonial News; United States]
...".. The coroner's jury in the Lady Elgin disaster have returned their verdict. They censure the authorities of the Lady Elgin for having on board too many passengers, but lay the principal blame of the disaster upon the officers of the schooner Augusta, declaring the second mate of that vessel incompetent." ...
Saturday, October 13, 1860,
Vol. XXXVII ---- No. 1054
-- Page 337, Column 3 --
[Country News]
... "ELECTION FOR BOSTON.---Tuesday's Gazette contains a notice from the Speaker of the House of Commons to the effect that the death of Mr. Herbert Ingram, late member for Boston, having been certified to him under the hands of two members of the House of Commons, the right hon. gentleman will, at the end of fourteen days after the insertion of the notice, issue a new writ for the election of a member to serve for the said borough." ...
Saturday, October 13, 1860,
Vol. XXXVII ---- No. 1054
-- Page 345, Columns 1 & 2 --
"The mortal remains of this lamented gentleman were interred yesterday week in the new Cemetery at Boston, Lincolnshire, whose inhabitants testified their deep respect for the deceased by entirely refraining from business during the day, and accompanying the body of their honoured townsman to its final resting-place 'among the people whom he had loved so well.' We copy from the Manchester Examiner and Times the following account of the removal of Mr. Ingram's remains from Chicago to this country, and of their interment in his native place:---
"A fortnight only has passed since the first news reached this country of the terrible accident on Lake Michigan, by which this gentleman and his eldest son, with some hundreds of other persons, lost their lives. At that time, it appears, his remains were already on board the steamer which conveyed them to England, under the charge of Mr. W. D. Stansell, the business agent of the ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. Of that journal it is almost needless to remind our readers Mr. Ingram was the proprietor. Mr. Ingram and his son were travelling on a pleasure trip, and were quite unattended at the time the disaster befell the steamer in which they were passengers. No person at all connected with them was aware that they were then in the neighborhood of Lake Michigan, and their visit to it was a sudden and unexpected divergence from the route Mr. Ingram had previously fixed upon. The first intimation of their loss received by any of Mr. Ingram's friends was contained in the ordinary newspaper telegrams which were published in Toronto on the 10th. Toronto is at a distance of about 700 miles, or a railway ride of twenty-five hours' duration, from Chicago, whence the sad tidings proceeded. Mr. Stansell happened to be in Toronto at the time, and was, in fact, on the point of starting to meet Mr. Ingram at Niagara, by that gentleman's own appointment. He immediately set out on his long journey to ascertain the truth of what he read. He reached Chicago on the Tuesday evening, and any lingering hope that Mr. Ingram or his son might have escaped was at once dispelled. The body of Mr. Ingram was lying at the Briggs House Hotel in Chicago. As soon as possible after the remains had been landed, every care was taken to retain them in a condition to be identified.
"The inhabitants of Chicago had been deeply affected by the dreadful occurrence, through which so great a number of human beings had perished, and were impressed in particular by the melancholy fate of Mr. Ingram and his son, so far away from their home and from all their connections. Among those to whom the friends of the deceased are under special obligation for friendly services we may mention Mr. French, the manager of the Briggs House Hotel; Mr. Wilkins, the British Consul at Chicago; and Mr. Hayward, a resident Englishman."After waiting there three days, in vain hopes that the body of Mr. Ingram's son might be recovered, Mr. Stansell left Chicago with the body on his way to England on the evening of Friday, the 14th of September. Mr. Ingram's remains were escorted from the hotel to the station of the Great Western Railway by a procession of more than 800 of the British residents in the neighborhood, preceded by a band of music playing 'The Dead March in Saul.' The whole of the members of the St. George's Society of Chicago were in attendance, and Mr. Stansell received from them a written message of sympathy to Mr. Ingram's afflicted relatives in England. We have been favoured with a copy of the document, which is as follows:---
"Chicago, Illinois, U.S., Sept. 14, 1860.Dear Sir,---In departing from our city upon your melancholy journey, the members of the St. George's Benevolent Association of Chicago desire that you should carry with you to the bereaved family of our deceased countryman our kindest sympathy for them in the affliction with which it has pleased Almighty God to visit them; and, although it is not in our power either to mitigate their misfortunes in the irreparable loss they have sustained, or to alleviate the grief which must be the inevitable consequence of this great calamity, yet we can and do, earnestly and devoutly, pray the Great Disposer of all events to pour the balm of consolation upon their wounded spirits; and may He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb be to them a husband and a father, until they shall be again united in that upper and better world, where the wicked cease from troubling, and where the weary shall find rest.
On behalf of the St. George's Benevolent Association,
Francis Hudson, President.""Mr. Ingram's remains were taken to Detroit by the Great Western Railway, and thence by the Grand Trunk line to Toronto. They reached Quebec on the 20th, and were conveyed on board the steamer for England on the following day.
"The Bohemian steamer, containing the body, arrived at Liverpool on the night of the 2nd instant. The body was landed and delivered to the friends of the deceased, who were in waiting at Liverpool, at half-past two o¹clock a.m. on Wednesday week. Among the gentlemen who were there to receive it were Mr. Nathaniel Wedd, of Boston, an uncle of Mr. Ingram; Mr. E. Watkin, of Manchester, an old and confidential friend; Mr. J. Parry, of Sleaford; and Mr. G. C. Leighton (manager), Mr. S. Read (artist), Mr. Plummer, and Mr. Clapham, of the ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. The body, having been identified, was finally placed in the coffin for interment, and on Thursday morning was removed to Boston. It was conveyed in a hearse-carriage, attached in the first instance to the train of the Great Northern and Sheffield Companies, leaving the Lime-street station at 8.45 a.m. for Manchester, and thence formed part of a special train which left London-road station at ten o¹clock, and arrived at Boston at 1.50 p.m., the precise time specified in the arrangements. The route was by the Sheffield line to Retford, thence by the Great Northern to Barkstone Junction, and from that place over the Boston and Sleaford Railway, of which undertaking Mr. Ingram was the largest proprietor, and had been the chairman from its commencement.
"Besides the gentlemen who accompanied the funeral-carriage from Liverpool to Boston, it was met at Manchester by Mr. George Wilson, Mr. S. P. Robinson, and Mr. Bradford, of Newall's-buildings; and for a part of the distance the escort also included Mr. S. Lees and Mr. T. Roberts, of Manchester. The Sleaford station was hung with mourning, and the train was met there by a large concourse of people, including the Vicar (the Rev. J. Yarburgh) and many influential inhabitants of that place. At the Boston station many hundreds of persons were assembled, who accompanied through the streets of the town the mourning-carriage which conveyed the body to the residence of Mr. Wedd. Amongst all classes of the population of Boston, and without any distinction arising from opposition of political views, there has been an unequivocal acknowledgment of a serious public loss sustained in the death of Mr. Ingram. His fellow-townsman and constituents were therefore desirous to share to the utmost in paying the last mournful honours to a gentleman whose benevolence of disposition and attachment to the place of his birth they have had repeated occasions to appreciate. Without attempting to enumerate the important benefits conferred on it by Mr. Ingram, we may mention that the town owes to his enterprise and generosity the present abundant supply of water, and also the establishment of gasworks. So general was the local feeling of pride in the possession of Mr. Ingram as a representative man that it almost sufficed of itself to secure his return to Parliament, when at length he solicited the honour; and it was mainly this sentiment of personal regard and esteem for him which rendered all opposition to his election abortive.
"A meeting of the town council of Boston was held on Monday, at which Mr. J. C. Little, the Mayor, presided, when a resolution to the following effect was unanimously adopted, on the motion of Mr. Clegg, seconded by Mr. Alderman Gask:---
"That this meeting, as representatives and on behalf of the members of the Town Council, and in order to testify their respect to the memory of their late representative, Herbert Ingram, Esq., M.P., would wish to attend his funeral, which is expected to take place at the Cemetery in Skirbeck on Thursday next; and the clerk is directed to forward a copy of the resolution to Mr. Nathaniel Wedd."
"It is, perhaps, needless to say that the natural feelings of the people of Boston, as set forth by the members of its Corporation, could meet with no discouraging recognition from those most nearly connected with the deceased; and the ceremony of interment was, therefore, attended with circumstances appropriately expressive of the public sympathy.
"A very imposing and lengthy procession was organized to accompany the remains of Mr. Ingram to their final resting-place, which is a vault in the new cemetery at Skirbeck. This is about a mile from the centre of the town, whence the procession started in the following order:---
1st Lincolnshire Artillery Volunteers.
4th Lincolnshire Rifle Volunteers.
The Mayor, Magistrates, and Corporation.
The Artisans of Boston and the Neighborhood.
The Clergy and Other Ministers of Religion.
"The Artillery and Rifle Volunteers formed in the market-place at twelve o'clock, followed by the Freemasons, Oddfellows, Foresters, and Artisans. In this order the procession marched four abreast over the bridge, down Bridge-street, round Liquorpond-street, and headed the funeral from the house of Mr. Nathaniel Webb [sic]. At the Assembly Rooms the Artillery and Rifles opened out to admit the Town Council and Magistrates between them and the rest of the procession. Other friends of Mr. Ingram, and those who wished to pay this mark of respect to his memory, followed the mourners. On arrival at the Cemetery Chapel the procession halted and opened its ranks in order to allow the mourners, the clergy and ministers of religion, the Town Council and Magistrates, to enter the chapel, after which the rest of the procession, under the direction of the Artillery and Rifle Corps, formed in three sides of a hollow square around the grave."During the progress of the funeral all the shops and places of business were closed, some of them (including the extensive ironworks of Mr. Tuxford) for the entire day. The streets were lined with thousands of people, who followed the procession up to the gates of the Cemetery. The carriages in the procession were seventeen in number. About fifty of the staff of the ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS were present. Among the clergymen were the Rev. Mr. Blenkin, Vicar of Boston, who officiated at the Cemetery; the Rev. Mr. Oldrid, the Rev. Mr. Pettedden, and the Rev. Mr. Barker, of Rickmansworth.
"At the conclusion of the service at the Cemetery the procession formed again for return in the same order as it came, except that the carriages now took the lead. The remainder of the cortege accompanied them back to Mr. Wedd's residence, after which it marched round Liquorpond-street, up West-street and Bridge-street, to the Market-place, where it dispersed."It is calculated that there were upwards of ten thousand persons in the streets to witness the procession and funeral, and that more than two thousand persons marched in procession. All the vessels in port, including a French ship, kept their colours half-mast high from the time Mr. Ingram's remains arrived in Boston until the funeral was over."
Saturday, November 3, 1860,
Vol. XXXVII ---- No. 1058
-- Page 416, Column 3 --
[Country News; Election Intelligence]
...".. At the nomination at Boston, on Monday, for the election of a member in place of the late Mr. Herbert Ingram, the show of hands was in favour of Mr. Tuxford, the Liberal candidate; but the polling on the following day resulted in the election of Mr. Malcolm, the Conservative candidate, by a large majority, the numbers at the close of the poll being---Malcolm, 533; Tuxford, 313.--... " ...
Saturday, November 10, 1860,
Vol. XXXVII ---- No. 1059
-- Page 441, Column 3 --
"Anecdote of the Late Mr. Herbert Ingram M.P.----The Quebec correspondent of the Montreal Gazette says:---"I heard, the other day, that Mr. Ingram, the lamented late proprietor of the ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, was in the Crown Lands Office here-- (poor fellow, he was inquiring about half a township which he proposed buying for his son)-- when, on looking through one of the collections of wood, he espied a bit of whitethorn.
'What' he exclaimed, 'is there whitethorn of that size in Canada? I would buy almost as much as could be furnished me, for box in England is getting scarce, and whitethorn is the best of substitutes for wood engravers.' This just illustrates the way in which mines of riches exist among us, or whose very existence we hardly dream until we find we have destroyed them. Bass wood, button wood, white (or tulip-tree) wood, curly birch, and other kinds of timber, which used to be thought valueless, are now beginning to form articles of considerable consumption and export."
Saturday, December 15, 1860,
Vol. XXXVII ---- No. 1064
-- Page 553, Column 2 --
[Country News]
... "The memorial of the late Mr. Herbert Ingram at Boston, it is decided, will consist of a white marble stature ten feet high (from the studio of Mr. Munro), on a pedestal of polished granite, at the base of which will be a fountain composed of a bronze female figure pouring water from a vase. The estimated cost is £2000." ...