Harbor and Marine
Milwaukee County, Wisconsin
The following is a list of marine related persons connected to Milwaukee County, Wisconsin as appears in the History of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, The Western Historical Company, Chicago; A.T. Andreas Proprietor, 1881 pgs. 489-495

CAPT. SAMUEL J.G. ADLAM, 782 Cass street. Born in England, in 1816, descendant from an illustrious line of English military and naval captains, has followed the seas since his eleventh year. Capt. Adlam's grandfather was a captain in the English Army, governor of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and his three sons William, Samuel, and John all served as army officers, the latter two, majors respectively of the Forty-Second and Forty-Ninth Regiments. William, the father of Capt. S.J.G. Adlam, was with Lord Nelson in the battles of Copenhagen, Ushion and Nile, and was in the ship with Nelson when shot at Trafalgar; when the war with Napoleon broke out he served as major under Lords Washington and Napier, was quarantined in the Netherlands until 1816, when he returned to Dover Castle, was made Majr-general in 1820, retired on half pay, and in 1823, died at 73 years of age, leaving a family of sixteen children, of whom Capt. Adlam of this city is the sole survivor. Capt. Adlam was trained for the navy, but refused to enter the service on account of the harsh treatment of apprentices, and was accordingly articled for the merchants service, serving three years with Atkinson & Clapham of New Castle, who failing at that time, his indentures, which had been drawn for five years were returned. Capt. Adlam made several voyages and returned home in 1834, to find his mother's pension had been stopped and that she was left with her large family dependent upon her, upon which he left her all his wages, and shipped for another voyage. Becoming disgusted with the English service Capt. Adler came to American in 1836, and has always sailed American vessels since. Before coming to the United States, Capt. Adlam had circumnavigated the globe three times and after his arrival here made voyages from Boston to New Orleans, thence to Liverpool and return, and on his third voyage to the Gulf came up the river to Chicago, and a year later to this port, where, when twelve months work as a sail manufacturer, he returned to the water and sailed as master until his retirement from active service about eleven years since. The captain has never lost a vessel, the "Oneida Chief" which he commanded when she went ashore in the Sault St. Mary, being in charge of the pilot at the time. Capt. Adlam married Sarah Ledden, of New Brunswick in 1847. They have had nine children, five of whom are living, two are married. Capt. Adlam is a member of the Catholic communion, and for twenty-eighty years has been a resident of the First Ward of this city.

CAPT. JOHN A. ARCHER was born in Manchester, England, in 1853. He is a son of Joseph and Ann Newson, both natives of England. He came to America with his parents when an infant. They located in Toronto, Canada. He first sailed from Cleveland, in 1866, on the "Fessington," in the Revenue service and has sailed on the lakes since. For the last ten years he held the position of captain. He was married in 1873, to Mary E. Kellogg, of St. Louis. They have one daughter, Millie.

CAPT. HENRY BERENSON, No. 401 Orchard street, was born in Norway, in 1847, and came here with his parents in 1849. He commenced sailing in 1862, and has followed the same vocation since. He has gradually worked up to his position of captain, which he has held the past three years, and is now commander of the "John Schuette," in the grain and iron ore trade. His father still lives here, and is a ship carpenter by trade. He was married in the Autumn of 1873, to Miss Clara A. Hochherz. They have three children-James C., Bertha S. and Clara A.

CAPT. GEORGE BUDGE, NO 534 Hanover street. He was born in Scotland, in 1836. He first commenced his career as a sailor in the "Hope," which traded between Scotland and Quebec. He came to this city in 1857, and has sailed on the lakes since. He has been a captain for eighteen years, and has commanded the schooners "Sylph," "Plymouth Rock," "Henry Fitzbugh," and "Planet." In the Fall of 1859 he was wrecked on the "City of Toronto." He was married, in 1862, to Miss Elizabeth A. Jenkins, of Oswego, where she was born. They have four children, William, James, Mary and George.

CAPT. ROYAL CAMPBELL, son of John and Catharine, Scotch emigrants, who settled in Canada in 1814, was born near London, Ontario, December 3, 1827; went to Buffalo in 1843, from which port he sailed for Chicago the following season, as ordinary seaman, in the brig, "Uncle Tom." In 1845-6 he sailed in the "Sarah Green," and the following season was with Cook & Colvin, of Ontario, his first employers. In 1848, he was with the propeller "Delaware," and also from 1849 to 1852, when he became second officer, a position he held the following season in the "Sandusky." In 1854 he was second mate of the "Bucephalus," the same season that she was sunk at Lexington. Was second mate of the "Iowa," propeller, in 1855, mate in 1856 and the two following seasons sailed the schooner "Undine," as captain. From 1860 to 1866 was successfully mate of the schooners "Oleander," "Traveler," and "Fred Hill" : the bark "Great West," the propeller "Governor Cushman," and the brig "Bay City," and from 1867 to 1870 inclusive, was master of the "Menomonee." IN 1871 sailed as master of the schooner "Three Bells," of which he is joint owner, and has sailed her every season since. Besides his lake service, Capt. Campbell has made voyages to Panama, and to points on the Atlantic coast, the Gulf, the Caribbean Sea, and the Mississippi River. Was shipwrecked twice in one trip, while in the "Menomonee" but saved the crew. Capt. Campbell was married in Buffalo, December 25, 1856, to Catharine McDougal, a Canadian girl of Scotch parentage, who has accompanied him in many of his voyages. They have had six children, four living Katie J., born November 17, 1857; Archibald L., October 29, 1861; Alexander D., May 7, 1864; Isabella A., September 21, 1867. The family are members of the Spring Street Congregational Church, and reside on Twenty seventh street, just south of Clybourn.

CAPT. CHRISTIAN CHRISTIANSON was born in Norway, May 28, 1847. He came to this city with his parents, about thirty years ago. His father still lives here, and is engaged in the coal and wood trade. He commenced his career on the lakes before the mast, in 1861, and has followed the occupation since. He has held the office of captain for ten years, and is now commander of the "Elida." He is part owner of the "Jennie Bell." He was married in January, 1871, to Miss Annie Averson, a native of Port Washington, Wis. They have four children, Clarence Jerome, Annetta Inora, Olive Louisa.

CAPT. JAMES G. CHEYNE was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, January 13, 1826. When about fifteen years of age, went on a whaling and seal hunting voyage, to the Greenland seas, in the bark "Hannibal," during which about 17,000 seals were taken and two whales were captured. After his return from the voyage as above, Mr. Cheyne shipped int eh British merchant service, making three voyages from London to Van Dieman's Land and New South Wales; spent about eighteen months in the coasting trade of New South Wales; next voyaged up to the Mediterranean, then to the Baltic Sea; spent some time sailing in the coal trade, from the north of England to London, and two years on the steamship line on the east coast of Scotland. Came to the United States in 1851. After having sailed on the salt water eleven years, commenced sailing on the lakes. IN 1855 was master of the schooner "Sacramento"; schooner "Wm. H. Stephens", brig "David Ferguson"; schooner "Fred Hill," and the schooner "Shanghai." In 1859, took command of the schooner "Arcturs," and has sailed her twenty seasons. Of the latter he is two-thirds owner. Residence No. 484 Pierce street.

CAPT. JOHN COCHRANE, Master of the steam barge "Colin Campbell." The subject of this sketch was born in Oswego, N.Y., in 1844. Came to Milwaukee in 1890. Began sailing in 1861 was given command of the three-master "A.J. Maury," in 1867; sailed her that season. The next year took command of the brig "Montgomery," which he sailed one season; then engaged as master of the scow schooner "Nellie Church," which he sailed three seasons. The following year he sailed the steam barge "Hilton," and the next season took command of the propeller "Jacob Bertschy," which he sailed three seasons; then passed to the barge "Trader", of which he was master one season. Sailed several others a short time. In 1875 took command of the steam barge "Colin Campbell" of 373 tons, engaged in the lumber trade, of which he owns one-fourth interest. Has sailed her five seasons. Residence No. 450 Greenbush street.

CAPT. EDWARD J. COLE was born in Southampton, England, in 1831. At the age of 11 he was apprenticed for five years to a full-rigged brig; he served nearly four years of time, and came to America and located at Eastport, Maine, and sailed from that port until 27 years of age. During three years of the time he was on a whaling expedition. He then came to Buffalo and embarked on the "Hans Crocker," owned by Mr. Hibbard of this city. Since then he has sailed on the lakes. The first three years on the lakes, he was before the mast; since then has held the positions of mate or master. He located in this city in 1857, remaining three years, when he went to Chicago and sailed from there until 1871, when he returned to Milwaukee. He enlisted for one year in the Navy in 1862, and during the term he was on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, under Admiral Porter, Geo, Burnham. He married in Chicago, in 1865, Miss Bridget Lynch, a native of Ireland, but came to Canada in her infancy. They have eight children.

PATRICK CRUICE-Foreman Milwaukee and St. Paul Elevator A; born in Ireland, February 3, 1846; came with his parents to American, in 1848, and from Hudson, New York, to Milwaukee, 1853; received his education in the Fourth Ward school. He began work in Elevator B, and was connected with that elevator for nineteen years, holding the position of weighman ten years. He was appointed foreman of Elevator A, in June, 1880. In 1876, he married Miss Maggie L. Gorman, of this city.

CAPT. GEORGE EISENHARDT, No. 428 Reed street. He is a son of John and Cecilia Holm. His father followed the seas, and was a captain. They were natives of Denmark, where George was born in 1847. He commenced sailing and learning hte sail-maker's trade when but nine years old. His father, in his early life, was in the Navy as a non-commissioned officer, and participated in the war between Denmark and Prussia. he remained with his father until 15, when he engaged as sail-maker in a bark trading in New York. He left the bark in New York and shipped on the bark, "Julia," engaged in the West India trade. He made three trips, and shipped on the "Ocean Star," of Nova Scotia and afterwards shipped at New York, In the "Old Colony," of Baltimore; left her on the coast of South America, and enlisted in the Peruvian navy, where he remained one year; then shipped at Antwerp, in the "Belgium." He then came to Philadelphia, and from there to Buffalo. He has since been engaged on the lakes. He came to this city in 1874. He has been three years a captain, and commands the schooner, "Oneida," now in the wood and lumber trade. He was married in 1878, to Miss Mary Hanson. They have one daughter, Maggie.

DANIEL K. GREEN-Keeper of the Government light at North Point, Milwaukee, was born in Saratoga, N.Y. He is the grandson of Augustus Green, who was an officer in the Revolutionary War. The subject of this sketch began his business career as a merchant, in Utica, N.Y. He afterwards carried on business in the same line at Jordan, N.Y., and continued in the mercantile business in the State of New York thirty years. In 1866, he moved to Milwaukee County, where he engaged in farming with his son-in-law, Geo. C. Stevens, on the farm known as the "Cream Meadow Farm," situated near Wauwatosa. Mr. Stevens, now deceased, was well known as a United States revenue officer of this port. After spending five years on the farm, Mr. Green was appointed keeper of the North Point light, Milwaukee. His appointment dates from October 5, 1871. Has served in the capacity nearly ten years.

J.S. HARVEY-Superintendent of Milwaukee City Elevator, is a native of Illinois, and was born September 7, 1834. He grew up and attended school in that state; learned the trade of carpenter and joiner and studied architecture. He came to this city in 1858, and helped build the first elevator erected here, and was foreman in charge of the work, since which he has built Angus Smith & Co's elevators, A and B, also the C.M. & St. P. Co's large elevator E. He has been connected with elevators in this city for twenty-two years. Since 1868, has had charge of the elevators in this city, and is the oldest official connected with elevators in Milwaukee. Residence, No. 115 Eighth street.

CAPT. JOHN D. LARSON, born in Norway, April 29, 1843; came to America with his parents in 1845, landed at Milwaukee August 26, of that year, and removed immediately to Manitowoc, on a farm, where his parents have since died. At 13 years of age John D. Larson commenced sailing the lakes as boy, in his brother's vessel, and has followed the water ever since. His first command was the schooner, "Erie," which he sailed in 1861, being but 18 years of age. The vessel being sold shortly after. Captain Larson assumed command, he became master of the "Transit," and has been constantly in command of vessels every season since. In 1873 he commanded a steam-barge, trading in all Lake Michigan ports, and in 1877 became master of the propeller, "City of Madison," of which he was in command at the time she was burned. This accident happened about sixty-five miles north-east of Chicago, at 3 o'clock A.M., and was owing to the incompetency of the engineer placed in charge by her owner. Captain Larson married, May 10, 1873, Cornelia, daughter of Captain Moody, an old sea captain of Buffalo, New York, where Mrs. Larson was born September 1, 1848. Her parents are still residing in this city, to which they removed in 1855; her brother, Charles E., being in command of the Milwaukee Tug Company's wrecking-tug "Welcome." Captain and Mrs. Larson have two children-Mabel C., born March 14, 1874, and Charles B., born July 29, 1875. Their present residence is the Old Moody home, corner of Lapham street and Fifth avenue.

CAPTAIN JAMES LEIGH, born near Dublin, Ireland, 29th December, 1829, son of James and Catharine (Murphy) Leigh, has sailed the lakes for twenty-seven consecutive seasons. He emigrated to Maine with his parents in 1837, and when 12 years of age commenced work in a lath(sic) mill where the labor not agreeing with him (sic), he shipped as cook on an American coasting vessel, and was on the Atlantic seaboard until he came to Wisconsin with his father's family in 1850, where they took up two sections of land on the Fox River, where the father died in 1873--the mother having died in Maine some years before. Captain Leigh's first voyage on the lakes was made in 1850, as seaman on the "NEBRASKA." He then sailed as mate of the schooner "EMMA," which he had fitted out of the stocks, and the next season took charge as master. He subsequently became part owner of the "BUENA VISTA," out of which he sold, to purchase a half interest in "CHAPIN," which he sailed for five years. During his entire service he has never had a shipwreck, lost a man overboard, or had one die on board. Captain Leigh was married in this city, September 7, 1853, to Sarah Scott, whose parents emigrated to this country from Ireland when she was a mere child. They have five children: Mary C., born September 7, 1854, now married; Sarah E., born July 20, 1856, married April 15, 1880--both residents of this city; Ida M., born June 19, 1858; James J., born November 1860, and Charles Edward, born January 19, 1866. After one trip made in the season of 1877, Captain Leigh, finding lake traffic unprofitable, sold out, and has not followed the lakes since.

CAPT. LOUIS W. LITTS, NO. 501 Reed street, was born near Albany, N.Y., in 1818, and has been sailing for over forty years. His home was in the State of New York, until 1869. His first experience was aboard the schooner "Independence" as cook, on Lake Ontario. He sailed to Chicago in the schooner "John Beaupre" before there was any harbor. They had to anchor outside and take the freight ashore in small boats. During the past eight years he has commanded the "Bay State," "St. Nicholas," "Young American," and others. In 1869, he made his home in Chicago. There was no Custom House in Chicago when he first visited hte place. The only Custom House was located in Mackinaw, and vessels had to report going each way. He has been very fortunate in his forty years career on the lakes, having never been wrecked or loss a vessel.

CAPT. WILLIAM LUND, Master of the schooner, "Alice B. Norris," was born in Norway, July 28, 1845; came to Milwaukee in 1847. When 16 years of age went sailing on the lakes with Capt. Sanford, on the "Jesse Hoyt." Enlisted April 1, 1862, in Co. D, Eighth U.S. Infantry; served three years; was in all the engagements in which his regiment participated. When 21 years of age, was made master of the scow "Dan Sickles;" sailed her one season; next sailed the schooner "Maple Leaf," of which he and his brother George owned a three-fourth interest; sailed the vessel five or six seasons. She was subsequently lost off Grand Haven (1879). Next sailed the schooner "H.B. Steele," and scow "Crusader." In the Summer of 1878, went to Wilmington, N.C., and took charge of the schooner "John Schuette;" took on a cargo of naval stores, and sailed to Riga, Russia. From there sailed to Portsmouth, England, with a cargo of deals; coasted the east coast of England, and in Spring of 1879, sailed to Cardiff, Walkes, took on a cargo of coals and went to Havana, Cuba; loading with sugar, he sailed to Montreal, taking on a cargo of fine salt at this place, returned to Chicago, arriving in that port September 2, 1879. This sketch of the cruise of the "John Schuette," a Milwaukee vessel, is of interest, showing the distance sailed and amount of business done with her in a little more than a year's time. In 1880, he took command of the "Alice B. Norris." Residence, No. 272 Hanover street.

CAPT. GEORGE LUND, Master of the schooner "Annie O. Hanson," was born in Norway, May 24, 1840. Came to Milwaukee in 1847; enlisted in Co. B, First Wisconsin Volunteers, on the call for three-months men. When the regiment was reorganized, was appointed sergeant. September 20, 1863, at the battle of Chickamauga, was taken prisoner, and held at Richmond, Va., six weeks. Was then transferred to Danville; six weeks afterward made his escape; was recaptured at Salem, and rescued by General Averill's forces the next day; was promoted to first-lieutenant, commanding the company, and served till October 8, 1864; returned to Milwaukee, and began sailing on the lakes in 1866. In 1867, was made master of the schooner "W.H. Hinsdale." Subsequently sailed the schooner "Maple Leaf," scow "Hunter," schooner, "City of Toledo," and "Annie O. Hanson." Residence, No. 272 Hanover street.

CAPT. JOHN MCCOY, of the schooner "A.B. Moore," was born in County Antrim, Ireland, March 9, 1840. Commenced sailing in the British merchant service in 1856, spent about six years on the salt water, in the Australia, New York and Liverpool, Mediterranean and North American lumber trade. Made his first acquaintance with the lake sailing of this country in 1860, returning again to the salt water. He made a permanent residence in Milwaukee in 1873. Sailed the bark "Nelson" five seasons, and in the Spring of 1877, took command of the schooner, "A.B. Moore." Has sailed her four seasons. Residence, No. 308 Second avenue.

CAPT. CARL MELGORD, No 399 Orchard street, was born in Norway, in 1837. He commenced sailing in the old country, at the age of 16, and sailed before the mast twelve years. He came direct to this city in 1866, and has followed the same vocation since on the lake. He ahs worked up the position of captain and has commanded a vessel seven years, and is now in command of the "Cuba." He was married, November 27, 1872, to Caroline Ornsen. They have two children living-Charlie Otto and Minnie Annetta.

CAPT. D. O'DRISCOLL was born in Ireland, October 31, 1831; commenced sailing in 1846, in the British merchant service in the Mediterranean trade; was a seaman on the salt water about five years; came to Milwaukee, Wis., in 1851; was master of the schooner, "D.O. Dickinson," about eight years; of the bark, "Sardinia," out of Buffalo two years. In January, 1868, was appointed Harbor Master of Milwaukee; served in that capacity five years; was United States store-keeper one year. Residence, No. 572 Seventh avenue.

CAPT. GABRIEL OLSON, No. 540 Reed street, was born in Norway, in 1829. He was engaged in sailing in a coasting vessel before coming to Milwaukee. He came here in 1849, and has been on the lakes since. He has been a captain for fifteen years, and now commands the steam barge "Wm. Crippin." He has been a very careful and successful seaman and never was wrecked. He was married in 1853, to Miss Margaret Syrerson, a native of Norway. They had ten children, eight of whom are now living.

CAPT. CHARLES PEACOCK, No. 353 Railroad street, was born in New York City, in 1847. He came to Milwaukee with his parents in 1850. He first sailed on the "Fred Hill," commanded by Capt. McGraw, in 1861. After eight months she was wrecked on the North Manitous, the 24th of November. In 1862, he went South in the employ of the Government, where he remained until 1863, when he returned and has been sailing since. He has gradually worked up to the position of captain and has commanded the "Buena Vista" three years, and now is in the command of the "Guide." He enlisted in the navy in January, 1865, and served until the end of the war. Was married in September, 1875, to Miss Mary Best. They have one daughter-Mary Josephine.

CAPT. CHARLES RAYMAN, son of Henry and Louisa (the father a ship carpenter), was born in Prussia, March 17, 1843; became familiar with the inland lakes and rivers as a child; made his first sea voyage at 15 years of age, on a Koenigsberg brig, and before coming to America, in 1862, had sailed under English, Danish, and German masters. His first voyage from an American port was made from New York to Havre, and subsequently he sailed to Florida and Brazil as helmsman, and also as mate. Commenced sailing the lakes in 1866, and made frequent trips down the river to New Orleans, until 1868, since when he has sailed the lakes exclusively. In the Spring of 1873, he became mate of the "Nellie Church," a Lake Michigan schooner; the following September, took charge as master, and has sailed her every season since. Was shipwrecked in 1866, the vessel capsizing, but was taken from the wreck a few hours later, by a passing schooner and landed at Sheboygan. December 8, 1878, he married Clara Waedel, a native-born Milwaukee girl of German parentage, and they have one son, Oscar, born November 13, 1879. Present residence, 328 Sixth street.

THEODORE SAVELAND Lake Captain, No. 309 Scott street. Native of Norway; born in 1842. He is a son of Tennis and Paline Larsen. They came to this city in 1844, and his father followed his vocation as a captain on the lakes. He had for many years been a sea captain. Theodore commenced sailing in 1855. He has filled all the various capacities on a sailing vessel, and for the past twelve years has been a captain. He was commander of the first steamboat fitted out by the Engleman Transportion Company. It was called the "George Barlow." He sailed the "Guido Pfister" five years, and the "Ironsides" three years. He first commanded the "George Barber." He was afterwards commander of the "Messenger," the "Manistee," the "Ironsides," and the "Minneapolis." He was married, in 1862, to Miss Anna Stephenson, of Manistee. They have five children.

CAPTAIN EDWARD STAMFORD, Keeper of the Spring-street bridge, is a native of Sussex, England, where his father is still living at the age of 91 years. The captain first went to sea in 1840, and served four years' apprenticeship in the coal trade on the cost of England. He sailed for a number of years from London and Liverpool, in merchant vessels. He also sailed on the Mediterranean and Black seas, the West Indies, and to the coast of South America, where he went as mate of a ship. He then shipped for New Orleans, and returned to Liverpool in July, 1850. He then came to America in the same year, and commenced sailing on the lakes from the port of Racine, and soon after became mate of the schooner "Lewis C. Irwin." In 1853, he came to Milwaukee, from which port he sailed as mate of the brig "Helfenstein." The following season he was master of the "Juniata Patton," and commanded the "Helfenstein" in 1855. For the next six seasons he sailed the "Jesse Hoyt," and in 1862 fitted out the "News Boy," belonging to Jesse Hoyt, which he commanded until the close of season in 1863, when he left the lakes and settled on the farm, four miles from this city, where he resided for sixteen years. In 1879, Captain Stamford sold his farm, and moved into the city. On May 1, 1880, he was appointed to his present position as bridge tender. The captain married, July 10, 1850, and buried his wife and infant child in Racine, May 22, 1852. May 22, 1855, he married Miss Barbara, daughter of Captain James Stewart, of this city. She was born August 11, 1833, and came to America with her parents, from Scotland, in 1839. They lived in Erie, Pa, until 1844, when the moved to Chicago, coming to Milwaukee in 1847, where she has since lived. They have two sons and two daughters: James E., born February 26, 1856; Martha A., born September 23, 1857; Hattie A., born November 16, 1861, and Stewart A., born January 10, 1872. George A., born September 6, 1859; died September 28, 1878.

DANIEL SWINBURN Lake Captain. Residence N. 446 Pierce street. He was born in Sunland, Durham Co., England in 1837. He is a son of Danile and Anna Wilson. At the age of 9 he shipped as an apprentice on board the brig "Tersha." He sailed four years in the Mediterranean service and six years out of New York. During a few months of that time he was aboard an ocean side steel steamship "Washington" and aftewards sailed on year out of Buffalo. He then came to this city and followed the same vocation. He served in every capacity from cabin boy to captain, and for ten years has commanded a vessel. He is a part owner of the "James Garratt." He was married in January, 1875, to Elizabeth MIller, who was born in the State of New York, but came to this city with their parents when an infant, they being among the early settlers. They have three children, Edward D., the oldest, Annie E. and Julia M.

CAPT. PETER THORP, No. 355 Reed street, was born in Denmark in 1847. He commenced his career as a cabin boy at the age of 12 years, in the brig "Flora." In 1861 he sailed out of London in a vessel called the "Atlantic," engaged in the China trade. Hew as five years on the coast of China, and came to this city in 1871. He commenced sailing on the lakes before the mast, and was promoted to captain in 1875. He is now commander of the "J.T. Becker," and engaged in the lumber trade. He was married in March 1880, to Miss Mary Meinhardt, a native of Milwaukee.

CAPT. JAMES F. TROWELL, was born at Castleon, on the Hudson River, seven miles below Albany, State of New York, in the year 1828, on the 29th of July. His parents were Scotch and English. His father was one of the contractors ont he Erie Canal, and removed to the State of Ohio, Wood County, in the year 1837, and located on a farm. His father died the same year, when James F. Trowell commenced sailing on a small schooner, called the "Caroline," as a boy, in 1842, and has been in active service on various vessels and steamers ever since. In 1844 on steamer "Com. O.H. Perry," between Buffalo and Toledo; in 1845 on steamer "Superior," between Buffalo and Chicago, until 1851. In 1852was master of the steamer "John Holister," plying between Detroit and Toledo, and between Cleveland and Sandusky. In 1853 took command of propeller "Michigan," plying between Ogdensburg and Chicago, and intermediate ports. In 1854 was mate and sailing master of steamer "St. Lawrence," plying between Buffalo and Sandusky in connection with the Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad; in 1855, master of propeller ""Ogentry," plying between Chicago and Ontonagon, and intermediate ports on Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. In 1856 was first officer of propeller "Orontes," plying between Buffalo and Toledo in connection with the New York Central Railroad and Michigan Southern Railroad at Toledo. In 1857 on the propeller "Equinox," plying between Buffalo and Sandusky City. In 1858 was transportation agent for the New York Central line of steamers, plying between Buffalo and Toledo, at Buffalo; in 1859 on the propeller "Euphrates" of New York Central line, plying between Buffalo and Toledo. IN 1860 was first officer of steamship "Detroit," between Milwaukee and Grand Haven in connection with Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad; in 1861, do; in 1862 was appointed master of steamship "Milwaukee" of the above line, and was master of the steamship "Milwaukee" six years. (For the Winter service of the above six years was on the propellers "Pittsburg," " Caldwell," "Cushman.") On the 9th of October, 1868, the "Milwaukee" was wrecked at Grand Haven, with 85 passengers and 31 of the crew; all were safely landed in life boats. In 1869 was master of the steamship "Detroit" of same line until the 6th of July, when he was placed in command of propeller "Ironsides," and remained on "Ironsides" until the Winter of 1870-71, when he was placed in command of the propeller "Lac la Belle" of the same line untl the 6th of march, when he was placed in command of the steamer "Saginaw," owned by the North-Western Railroad and plying between Green Bay and Escanaba, connecting the mail line of the above Railroad with their Peninsula Division from Escanaba to Negaunee and Ishpeming, Lake Superior, and remained on the above route until the Fall of 1872, when the North-Western Railroad extended their railroad through from Chicago to Lake Superior. 1873 to 1876, was engaged as mining agent, superintendent and explorer of various iron interests on Lake Superior; then returned to the lake marine and took command of steamer "Flora" in 1877-79, for the North-Western Transportation Co. (So endeth the lesson.)

CAPTAIN LOUIS R. VANCE, Master and part owner of the schooner "David Vance," is a native of New York, born at Sackett's Harbor, May 12, 1845, and in 1855, came to Milwaukee with his parents, now deceased. At 13 years of age, he shipped as a boy on the lakes; in 1861, he entered the United States navy, at New York, as seaman on the "Jackson"; was with Farragut in taking of New Orleans; was promoted to acting ensign, and subsequently commanded the United States steamers "Selma" and "Morgan." Captain Vance was with teh "Phillippi," in the United States fleet passing the forts at Mobile, when she received a shot in her boilers, and becoming unmanageable, drifted ashore under the rebel batteries, the officers and crew making their escape in the boats. In this engagement, Captain Vance was severely wounded in the thigh, by a fragment of shell. Resigning his command in the United States navy in 1865, the captain became master of the steamer "Baltic, " and that and the following season was engaged in the bay trade at New Orleans. In the Fall of 1866, he returned to Milwaukee, and has had command on the lakes ever since, assuming charge of his present vessel in 1873, after building and fitting her for service. Captain Vance was married, in the fall of 1873, to Miss Clara E. Dicksenson, of this city, and their only child, Mary B., is now five years of age.

CAPT. WM. R. WILLIAMS, of the schooner "Joseph Page," was born in Carnarvonshire, North Wales, March 12, 1835; came to the United States in 1845, with his parents; spent nearly a year in Cincinnati; the family then moved ot Wisconsin, locating in Waukesha County. After one year they returned to Cincinnati. A year and a half later they returned to Wisconsin. Mr. Williams was first employed on the old steamer "Traveler," lying between Chicago, Milwaukee and Sheboygan, in 1851; in 1852 sailed before the mast on the little schooner of the same name ("Traveler"0 in the lumber trade, being mate of the schooners "Republic," "Falcon," and "Arcturus;" was made master of the "Racine" in August 1864; sailed her tow seasons. In the Spring of 1867 he took command of the bark "Glenbeula;" sailed her till she was destroyed in the Chicago fire of October, 1871. Capt. Williams was a resident of Chicago at the time, and his home was burned, the family escaping with only the clothes they had on. The balance of the season the captain spent as master of the bark "St. Lawrence"; after the fire, moved to Milwaukee. The season of 1872 sailed the bark "Parana;" then engaged as master of the schooner "Joseph Page," capacity 625 tons; has sailed her eight years. Residence No. 216 Huron street.