Milwaukee County Cemeteries
Burials and Interments
Most all of the cemeteries below are incomplete. Many of them contain only a brief history of the cemetery. I have done my best to sort out the information on the cemetery as I find information. Some of the cemeteries listed may have an alternate name that is listed somewhere else. As I piece together the information I will make corrections and additions.
The History of Milwaukee, Wisconsin contains a section on the histories of the larger Milwaukee cemeteries. It has been transcribed here and is also linked to the individual cemeteries.
As I obtain burials for each location, I will add them to the listing. If you have any obituary or cemetery information you would like to contribute, please email me.
When referring to a cemetery please include the number as well as the name as here are a number of the same or similar name cemeteries.
Other Links of Interest
Cemetery X-Those who had residence in Milwaukee County, but the cemetery is not known or is not within the county.
Lost/Abandoned Cemeteries- Cemeteries that have long since disappeared or whose name I am unsure.
Milwaukee Archdioces Catholic Cemetery Database Very good resource for those of the Catholic Denomination
(11) Wisconsin Memorial Park This cemetery is located in the city of Brookfield, Waukesha County. Because of its proximity to Milwaukee County (about 4 blocks west), many Milwaukee residents have been buried here.
(111) Highland Memorial Park This cemetery is located in city of New Berlin, Waukesha County. Because of its proximity to Milwaukee County (about 20 blocks) many Milwaukee residents have been buried here.
See also other Waukesha County Cemeteries
Milwaukee Cemeteries by Location
[ Bayside ] [ Brown Deer Village ] [ Cudahy City ] [ Fox Point Village ] [ Franklin City ] [ Glendale City ] [ Greendale Village ] [ Greenfield City ] [ Hales Corners Village ] [ Milwaukee City ] [ Oak Creek City ] [ River Hills Village ] [ Shorewood Village ] [ St. Francis City ] [ South Milwaukee City ] [ Wauwatosa City ] [ West Allis City ] [ West Milwaukee City ] [ Whitefish Bay Village ]
There are no known cemeteries in Bayside Village
(001) St. Michael's Irish Catholic Cemetery
Location: Section 14 Jct. Calumet Road & N. 43rd St. (Sherman Blvd)
Latitude: 43°09'22" N; Longitude: 87°57'55" W
Other Notes: Catholic Cemetery
Google Map
(002) Agudas Achim Cemetery
Location: Section 35 3690 E. College Ave. (Hwy 32)
Latitude: 42°55'52"N; Longitude: 87°51'27" W
Notes: Jewish Cemetery
Google Map
(003) Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
Location: Section 35; 3800 E. College Ave. (Hwy 32) at S. Lake Dr.
Latitude: 42°55'55" N; Longitude: 87°51'10" W
(004) Bethlehem also known as Fox Point Burying Ground
Location: Section 10 1820 E. Fox Lane, south side of Doctors Park
(006) St. John's Lutheran Cemetery
Location: Section 17 7900 N. Port Washington Road, south of Bradley Road
Notes: Lutheran Cemetery
(007) Franklin Dutch Reformed Cemetery
Location: South of Ryan Road
(008) Old Cemetery
Location: Ryan Road, just west of Franklin Town Hall
(009) St. Martin of Tours
Formerly Sacred Hearts Of Jesus and Mary and Holy Assumption Catholic Cemeteries
Latitude: 42°54'05" N; Longitude: 88°03'39" W
(010) Carmen (Carman) Family/Burrwood Stock Farm
Location: Section 22
9000 S. 68th St., north of W. Ryan Rd., House of Corrections land
(011) Painesville Cemetery
Location: Section 24; Ryan Road at 27th St.
(012) All Souls Cemetery
Location: Section 28; South Side of Ryan Road west of 76th St. Near where Hwy 100 turns on W. Saint Martins.
Notes: Catholic Cemetery; No Interments
(013) Gilead Lodge Cemetery
Location: Section 29; Ryan Road, NW of Franklin Park
Notes: Jewish Cemetery; There are no interments in this cemetery
(014) Milwaukee Township Cemetery (Union)
Location: Section 29; 5900 block of N. Port Washington Road Near Bayshore Shopping Ctr.
Latitude: 43°07'32" N; Longitude: 87°54'44" W
(015) St. Paul's Cemetery
Location: Section 2
W. College Ave. (Co. ZZ) east of Hwy 36
Latitude: 42°55'47" N; Longitude: 87°58'34" W
(016) St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery
Location: Section 3
68th St. Just south of Hwy 36 Franklin
Latitude: 42°55'16" N;Longitude: 88°00'00" W
Notes: Lutheran Cemetery
(017) Memorial United Methodist Cemetery/Evangelical Memorial/Zion Kirche
Location: Section 14; South 51st St. & W. Morgan
Latitude: 42.98145; Longitude: -87.979674
(018) LaVies Cemetery Also known as St. Barnabas Cemetery
Location: Section 22; 76th St. just north of Hwy 894
Latitude: 42°57'46" N; Longitude: 88°00'27" W
Notes: sometimes spelled Lavise
(019) Good Hope Cemetery
Location: Section 23; 4101 S 43rd St at Cold Spring
Latitude: 42°58'07" N; Longitude: 87°58'13" W
Notes: Originally Lutheran Cemetery now non-denominational
(020) Arlington Park Cemetery
Location: Section 34
4001 S 27th St Milwaukee, WI
Latitude: 42°58'16" N; Longitude: 87°57'13" W
(021) Polish National Catholic Cemetery/Chapel Hill Cemetery
Location: Section 27
4775 S 60th St
Latitude: 42°57'24" N; Longitude: 87°59'22" W
(022) St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery
Location: Section 29
92nd & Edgerton Ave., off Hwy. 24 near Root River Parkway
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(110) Greenfield Park
Location: Approximately 119th North of Lincoln, south of the Chicago and
Northwestern tracks in Greenfield Park (North of the water)
Latitude: 43°00'34" N; Longitude: 88°03'43" W
Notes: Nothing is known about this cemetery. I found a listing mentioning it's name June 2006
(023) Evangelical Emanuel Cemetery
Location: Section 32; Hwy 24 at Janesville Rd.
(030) Stewart Allis Cemetery; Formerly known as Allis Street Cemetery
Location: Section 4SE; Kinnickinnic Ave.
Notes: This cemetery was moved
(031) Anshai Lebowitz Cemetery
Location: Section 35SW; 326 S Hawley Rd at Adler St. Next to Spring Hill Cemetery
Latitude: 43°01'40" N; Longitude: 87°59'01" W
Notes: This is a Jewish Cemetery.
(032) Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel Cemetery
Location: Section 26SW; 134 S Dana Ct (414) 871-8760
Latitude: 43°01'51" N; Longitude: 87°59'01" W
Notes: This is a Jewish Cemetery
(032b) Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel Cemetery
Location: 5027 W North Ave
(034) Blessed Sacrament Cemetery (Catholic)
Location: Section 15 SW; W. Howard Ave. & S. 61st St.
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(035) Brazelton Cemetery
Notes: This cemetery was moved.
(036) Calvary Cemetery (New)
Also known as Limestone Hill.
Location: Section 26SW; 5503 W. Bluemound Rd. (Hwy 18) & Hawley Rd.
Latitude: 43°02'04" N; Longitude: 87°58'55" W
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
All deaths have been added to the new cemetery. They will be moved to the old cemetery if I find evidence that the remains were indeed buried in the old.
(038) East Granville Cemetery
Location: Section NE; N. 43rd St. & Good Hope Rd
Notes: This cemetery was moved. This listing containes information about original burials/plot owners
(039) Glen Oaks Cemetery
formerly known as Evergreen Cemetery
Location: Section 5-6 EC
4530 N Green Bay Ave
Latitude: 43°05'54" N; Longitude: 87°55'28" W
(040) Temple Menorah Ever Rest Cemetery/Chevre Kedushe
Location: Section 17SW; 9548 W. Beloit Road at 95th St.
Notes: This is a Jewish Cemetery
(041) Fairview Mausoleum
Location: Section 27WC; Fairview Ave.
Latitude: 43°01'54" N; Longitude: 87°59'30" W
Notes: No longer in existence (torn down)
(042) First Ward
Notes: removed See Calvary Cemetery #36
(043) Forest Home Cemetery
Location: Section 7SE; 2405 W Forest Home Ave
Latitude: 42°59'52" N; Longitude: 87°56'37" W
Brief History and some burials w/links to obituaries
Lot Owners, 1871--Alphabetical
Lot Owners, 1871--By Section
People born in Maine cremated at Forest Home
(044) Graceland Cemetery (Lutheran)
Location: Section 23NW; 6401 N 43rd St
Latitude: 43°08'17" N; Longitude: 87°58'15" W
Notes: Lutheran Cemetery
(045) Green Tree Meadows Cemetery
Location: Section 23NW; Green Tree Rd. next to Graceland Cemetery
(046) Greenwood Jewish Cemetery
Location: Section 7SE; 2615 W Cleveland Ave
Latitude: 42°59'42" N; Longitude: 87°56'50" W
Notes: Jewish Cemetery; First Known burial 1929
(047) Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery & Mausoleum
Location: Sect. 10WC; 7132 W. Lisbon
Latitude: 43°04'49" N; Longitude: 88°00'01" W
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(048) Holy Trinity Catholic Cemetery
Location: Section 17SE; Eden Place & 13th Str.
Latitude: 42°58'44" N; Longitude: 87°55'35" W
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
Records kept at St. Adalberts
(049) Hopkins Street Jewish Cemetery/Schaarei Tzedek AKA Jew's Cemetery
Location: Section 18EC
1615 W. Chambers St.
Notes: Jewish Cemetery
(050) Lincoln Memorial Cemetery (formerly Wanderers Rest)
Location: Section 10WC; 6400 W Burleigh St
Latitude: 43°04'40" N; Longitude: 87°59'30" W
Notes: Called Wanderers Rest before 1988
(051) Milwaukee Cemetery/Elizabeth Street
Location: Section EC; National Ave., east of Hwy 241
Notes: remains moved to Forest Home
(052) Mount Olivet Catholic Cemetery and Mausoleum
Location: Section 13SW; 3801 W Morgan Ave
Latitude: 42°58'43" N; Longitude: 87°57'43" W
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(053) Pilgrim's Rest Lutheran Cemetery
Location: Section 12SW; near 3110 W Forest Home Ave
Latitude: 42°59'56" N; Longitude: 87°57'17" W
Notes: Records kept at Good Hope Cemetery (019)
(054) Potter's Field East Side
Location: Sect EC; Near St. Mary's Hospital
Notes: Remains moved
(055) Resthaven Cemetery
Location: Section 30NW; North of Mill Road and 114th
Latitude: 43°07'70" N; Longitude: 88°03'13" W
Notes: There are no stones left at this cemetery.
(056) St Adalbert's Cemetery & Mausoleum/Polish Union
Location: Section 17SE; 3801 S 6th St
Latitude: 42°58'35" N; Longitude: 87°55'27" W
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(057) St. Catherine of Alexandria Catholic Cemetery
Location: Section 10NW; 8861 N. 76th Place
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(058) St. Johannes Lutheran Cemetery
Location: Section 18EC
Notes: Lutheran Cemetery
Now Part of Union Cemetery
(059) St. John's Evangelical Lutheran (0ld)
AKA Good Hope
Location: Section 13NW; Good Hope Road & 43rd St.
Notes: Lutheran Cemetery
(060) St. John's Evangelical Lutheran
Location: Section 22SW; 68th St. & Hwy 24 (Forest Home Ave)
Notes: Lutheran Cemetery
(061) St. John's Evangelical Lutheran
Location: Section 32SE; S. Howell Ave.
Latitude: 42°56'33" N; Longitude: 87°54'37" W
Notes: (moved to Forest Hill for expansion of Mitchell Airport)
(062) St. Martin's Catholic Cemetery
Location: Section 33NW; 9000 W. Appleton Ave. & 89th St. Near Valhalla Mem. Park
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(063) St. Matthias Cemetery
Location: Section 17SW; 9306 W. Beloit Rd. near Ever Rest Cemetery
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(064) St. Peter Emanuel (Lutheran)
Location: Section 23NW; W. Mill Rd. between 54th and 56th
Latitude: 431125N; Longitude: 0875712W
Notes: Lutheran Cemetery
(065) St. Stanislaus Cemetery
Location: 1681 S. Fifth St.
(066) St. Stephen's Catholic Cemetery
Location: Section 33 SE; Howell Ave. North of College Ave.
Latitude: 42°56'02" N; Longitude: 87°54'33" W
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(067) Second Home Cemetery
[ A-B ] [ C-G ] [ H-M ] [ N-R ] [ S-Z]
Location: Section 14SW; 3655 S. 43rd St. north of Howard Ave.
Latitude: 42°58'39" N; Longitude: 87°58'10" W
Notes: Jewish Cemetery
(068) Gruenhagen's Cemetery/Second Ward
German Protestant Cemetery
Location: at the "end of Chestnut Street" bounded by Chestnut, Thirteeth, Poplar, and Summer (Fourteenth) streets
Location: Between King Park and Hwy 43
Notes: Cemetery moved
(069) Spring Hill Cemetery
Location: Section 35SW; 166 S Hawley Ct
near Bluemound
Latitude: 43°01'47" N; Longitude: 87°59'01" W
Notes: Jewish Cemetery
(070) Union (Lutheran) Cemetery
Location: Section 7EC; 3175 N. Teutonia Ave. (Burleigh & Teutonia)
Latitude: 430443N; Longitude 0875605W
Notes: Lutheran Cemetery. Records kept at Graceland Cemetery
(071) Valhalla Memorial Park
Location: Section 33NC; 5402 N 91st St
Latitude: 43°07'03" N; Longitude: 88°01'05" W
(072) Wood National Cemetery
Wood National Cemetery Map
Location: Section 35WC; 5000 W. National Ave.
Total records over 36,000
U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs Database
Records of burials were provided to this website by the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs. These records may not represent the complete burials, only those on file with the VA. Reports of any errors should be directed to them.
(Vet) Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery
Racine County
Wood National Cemetery (above) has no room for additional burials. The Southern Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Cemetery was established to bury additional veterans.
(073) Woodlawn Cemetery
Location: Section 16SE; 614 E Howard Ave
Latitude: 42°58'31" N; Longitude: 87°54'04" W
(074) West Granville
Location: 6800 block of N. 107th St.
Latitude: 43°08'30" N; Longitude: 88°02'47" W
(075) St. James Episcopal Cemetery
Location: Vicinity of 9th and Wisconsin or Grand
(080) St. Joseph's Cemetery
Location: Section 4; Hwy 38 (Howell Ave) 1 block south of College Ave.
Latitude: 425541N; Longitude: 0875432W
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(081) St. James Catholic Cemetery
Location: Section 7; 27th St. (Hwy 241 south of Rawson Ave.)
Latitude: 42°54'51" N; Longitude: 87°56'57" W
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(082) Oak Creek Community United Methodist Church Cemetery
formerly Salem Evangelical United Brethren Church Cemetery
Location: Section 8; 13th St. (Cty V) & Drexel Ave.
Latitude: 42°54'07" N; Longitude: 87°55'51" W
(083) Oak Creek Memorial Cemetery
Location: Section 9; Howell Ave.
(084) Forest Hill Memorial Park
Location: Section 14; 3301 E. Forest Hill Ave. Oak Creek
(085) St. Matthew's Catholic Cemetery
Location: Section 23; Hwy. 32 north of Ryan Rd.
Latitude: 42°52'30" N; Longitude: 87°51'50" W
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(086) Oakwood Rest Cemetery
Location: Section 29; Howell Ave & Oakwood Rd.
(087) Independent
Location: Section 31; Oakwood Rd. east of Hwy 241 (Oak Creek), adjacent to St. John's Lutheran Cemetery
Latitude: 42°51'29" N; Longitude: 87°56'54" W
(088) St. John's Lutheran Cemetery
Location: Section 31; Oakwood Rd. east of Hwy 241 (Oak Creek), adjacent to Independent Cemetery
(089) Oakwood Cemetery
Location: Section 31; Oakwood Rd. east of Hwy 241 (next to Independent Cem)
(090) Evangelical Lutheran Emmanuel Church Cemetery
Location: Section 36; Hwy 32 1/4 mi north of Racine Co.
10870 S. Chicago Road, Oak Creek
(095) St. Peter's Cemetery
Location: Section 1; 9400 Upper River Rd
Latitude: 43°11'25" N; Longitude: 87°57'12" W
Notes: Lutheran Cemetery
No Known cemeteries
Formerly in the Town of Lake
(096) Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Cemetery
Location: Section 15; west of the intersection of S. Kinnickinnic Ave. (STH 32) and E. St. Francis Ave.
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(097) St. Francis Seminary Woods Cemetery
Location: Section 15; St. Francis Seminary
Notes: Catholic Cemetery
(098) Lake Protestant Cemetery/ Thompson Ave. Cemetery
Location: Section 22; Jct. Thompson Ave. & Barland Ave.
(099) Armenian Cemetery/St. Haroutun
Location: Section 2; Rawson Ave.
(100) St. Mark's Episcopal Cemetery
AKA Episcopal Cemetery
Location: Section 2; Rawson Ave.
(101) First Congregational UCC Cemetery
Location: Section 2; Pine Ave., east of Hwy 32
(102) Wauwatosa Cemetery (old)
Location: Wauwatosa Ave. Wauwatosa Cemetery Assn 7603 W State St
Notes: (removed See Cemetery 106) This cemetery was a distance south of the current Wauwatosa Cemetery. Near the River.
(103) Pauper's Cemetery/Co. Cem/Poor Farm
Location: Next to Froedert Memorial Lutheran Hospital
Notes: This cemetery was moved
(104) Pinelawn Memorial Park
Location: Section 5-6; 10700 W Capitol Dr
Latitude: 43°05'40" N; Longitude: 88°02'42" W
(105) Oak Hill Cemetery
Location: Section 7; North of W. Capitol Dr. & East of Hwy. 894-45
(106) Wauwatosa Cemetery
Location: Section 16; Hwy 181 (Wauwatosa Ave.) & Wright St.
Notes: Includes a Paupers' section
(103) Potter's Field, Alms House; Paupers Cemetery
Notes: The Milwaukee "County Farm" Cemetery (a.k.a. Potter's Field) was used during the years 1872-1929. This cemetery was used for the poorhouse inmates and also for burial of other indigent people and transients for whom no funds were available for burial. (The cemetery may have been in use prior to 1872. However, there is no documentation of burials occurring before 1872.) Due to the fact that there are nearly 6,400 names in the burial register book this site is far from complete. It is a work-in-progress.
History and Articles on Milw. Almshouse
The Wisconsin Old Cemetery Association claims the poor house cemetery was in use as early as 1862.
(104) Potter's Field, Paupers Cemetery
Notes: 1929-1974
(107) Honey Creek Cemetery
Location: Section 4; 8405 W. National Ave. Behind West Allis Historical Society
Latitude: 43°00'31" N; Longitude: 88°01'02" W
Notes: Info can be obtained from West Allis Historical Society 8405 W. National Avenue West Allis, WI. 53227
No Known cemeteries
No Known cemeteries
(112) Spring Street Catholic Cemetery
Later called Grand Avenue Catholic
Location: Spring Street Road (Grand Avenue) at the former 22nd street, South side
Interments moved to Calvary
(108) Private Cemetery 1
Location: NW of Milw. Approx. corner Mequon Rd. & Cedarburg Rd., Milw. Hwy. 167 east of Mequon
Notes: 2 tall grave stones
(109) Private Cemetery 2
Location: Lake Shore Rd. between Bonniewell and County Trunk C. N. of Milw.
Notes: 3 Burials
(202) Trinity Evangelical Lutheran
Location: Mequon Ozaukee County (see page) about 8 blocks north of the county line
(203) Resurrection Catholic Cemetery & Mausoleum
Location: Mequon Ozaukee County (see page)